• Published 10th Mar 2012
  • 6,221 Views, 168 Comments

Shisno Chronicles: Friendship is Magic - nightelf37

Basically, it's a 'retelling' of the popular "Friendship is Magic" TV series with an OC.

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May The Best Pet Win!

May The Best Pet Win!


Chronicle was inside a cloud house. It was quaint, minimalist, with only three rooms; a kitchen, a bedroom, and a living room, which also held the door to the outside, not that he could go there; this was a dream, after all.

It was also Blue Diary's home, or at least a dream version of it. To be fair, he was a bit jealous his brother could afford his own house, although he stated it was thanks to that money from the Royal Emergency Management Ministry that he was able to afford it; given his new 'relationship', he felt sleeping with Ditzy and Dinky would result in complications. While he accepted his relationship long before Chronicle did, Blue wasn't advancing as fast whereas their sister was advancing rather steadily. They both kinda feel it's wrong somehow.

Speaking of which, the white pegasus emerged from the kitchen with a tray on his back, which held two glasses, one with juniper berry juice, and one with gin (which was made with the former). Chronicle levitated the tray, set it down on the low table in the middle of the room, then took the juice; he only drank liquor when he suffered a great personal failure. Even so, it was impossible to get drunk in the dreamscape anyway.

"So, Chronicle," Blue said as he sat down opposite his brother and took the cup of gin. "What brings you here? Don't tell me it's just so you can check out my house."

"Actually, there are two things I wanted to ask. First, I wanted to try out something, and it has something to do with our dreamscapes. My Twilight's been experimenting on dream-visiting spells and I suspect she'll eventually find her way into mine, and then there'll be complications when she finds me while a relative is visiting. Still pretty darn lucky Princess Luna hasn't found out yet."

"Well, mine already has, but thankfully neither Lyra nor Trixie have any spells that are dream-related and Pokey's more on horn-sharpening so I won't worry about him." Blue took a gulp of his gin, and seemed none the worse for wear. Even if this wasn't the dreamscape, the pegasus could hold his liquor quite well. Weird that the youngest can take it while the older can't, right? Well, their eldest brother (casually) downed a keg's worth of hard cider during their last family reunion and was sober all the way back to his assigned world. That could've easily been thanks to a spell he learned, though. "What do you want to try, anyway?"

"…Hnnh…I was hoping that in the event of…umm…I was considering finding a way to uhh…I can't remember. It's at the tip of my tongue."

"Ask me the second thing."

"Okay. The second thing I wanted to ask is…if I were to get a pet, what would be advisable for somepony like me?"

The pegasus frowned at his older brother. "Getting a pet is no joke, Chronicle. It's a huge responsibility. In addition to all the usual needs, you'd need a pet that can fit your style, and I don't think a conventional 'attack dog' is what you're looking for."

The unicorn fumed a bit. "I know that. It's just that I have this nagging feeling of being…left out, since most of my friends have pets."

"I don't think I can understand that feeling. Of all of my friends, only Cheerilee has pets. Even then, it's merely an aquarium with lots of fish. And I didn't get Syrena from Fluttershy L-δ, but from some other pony. Not gonna go on any specifics though, only that I took pity in her, and that I always wanted a swan." Chronicle picked up his glass and proceeded to drink. "Especially when it was black." He promptly did a spit take, spilling juniper berry juice in his brother's face. The pegasus raised a hoof and said, "I know what you're gonna say, and my reply is 'you never asked'."

"…You're right." The older brother rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof as he placed his glass down. "Strange that you're being the mature one here, given that your friends are themselves more mature than mine."

The younger brother took a sip from his gin before setting it down. "Well, I did basically state before that your friends are more battle-suited than mine and that Cheerilee and I had been getting them into shape after the Tambelon incident. Thankfully, that's over with. And guess what, Twilight Sparkle L-δ is here in Ponyville, living in the same treehouse library just like Prime, and near where I happen to have my house placed."

Chronicle didn't comment on Twilight L-δ's condition, finally remembering what Twilight (Prime) had suggested during the aftermath of the Antithesis Incident. He did have something else to ask, though. "Are you sure it's okay to have your house placed there? I don't know much of pegasus homes aside from a few off-hoof snippets from Rainbow Dash (Prime), but—"

"Relax, I'm doing just fine. Things are going swimmingly, or at least as swimmingly as it can get for Ponyville. Despite all the disasters, we've had no cultist encounters."

"Lucky you. A few weeks after Discord's release here, his cultists have risen again. And I thought I got rid of the last of them. Celestia (Prime) herself told me as much."

"Well, it is difficult to destroy a creed. Even if you take out all of its adherents, destroy all of its writings – these are a reprieve at best. Someone, someday, will rediscover it."

Chronicle stifled a chuckle as he finished his drink. "Quoting from the AC-Prime Codex, huh? No wonder you decided to take up their work and some of their garb."

"Ha-ha, very funny." Blue finished his gin, then asked, "Do you remember the first thing you wanted to ask me?"

"Hm? Oh yeah. If I end up having to start seeing my friends in the dreamscape without them being part of my dream, I'd like to try out some stuff with you and any of them. And I don't mean it that way."

The pegasus gave a sigh. "Please stop with the innuendos. I'm younger than you, dammit."


"As for that, I think it's a nice idea. Your Princess Luna will find this out eventually, so you better come up with an adequate explanation."

"All right, I will. It'd be nice to see you and Rainbow Dash spar."

Blue raised an eyebrow. "Again? I distinctly remember doing that some time between our waking after defeating Antithesis and having to return to Luna Equestria. And I distinctly remember you and Pinkie Pie making bets during the entirety of that. And I distinctly remember winning. And without my swords either."


"And you want us to do it again."

"With additional obstacles that can only come up in the dreamscape."

"…Fair enough. Let's talk another time for the details, okay?"



Now Playing: My Little Pony Theme Song (Lunaverse Version)

{scene opens to reveal the Friendship Express in front of the twilit sky as it pulls into a town, with Trixie Lulamoon sticking her head out of one of its windows as 'camera' slowly pans right. Blue Diary is looking out another window.}

Trixie Lulamoon: My Little Pony, My Little Pony

{Both of them look bored as steam from the train obscures the screen}

Other singers: Ahh ahh ahh ahhh…

{The train's steam clears, revealing Ponyville as the 'camera' pans faster to the right}

Other singers: (My Little Pony)

{'Camera' zooms in and enters tunnel vision, and exits it to show the train station}

Trixie Lulamoon: Friendship never meant that much to me

{Trixie gets off the train from the right and trots forward to the left of the screen as it then pans left. Blue flies after her, still looking stoic.}

Other singers: (My Little Pony)

{Close up of Trixie's face as she gives a faint smile. Snap to Blue's face as he does the same}

Trixie Lulamoon: But you're all here and now I can see

{Camera turns around to show her friends ahead: (bottom to top, left to right) Carrot Top gives a generous grin, Lyra Heartstrings hops in place once before standing upright and 'summoning' her lyre, Cheerilee gives a cheerful smile, Raindrops giving a general scowl as she hovers upright, and Ditzy Doo making a goofy grin as she stares ahead as best as she could with her crossed-eyes}

Raindrops: Stormy weather

{In a sky backdrop, she hovers beside a dark storm cloud, which she then bucks; the cloud begins to rain and there is a flash from the lightning that obscures the screen and serves as a screen transition}

Carrot Top: Lots to share

{Just in front of her farm, she pulls out a carrot from her garden and tosses it to a large cart she has on the right of the screen; carrots rain from above, and serve as the transition}

Lyra Heartstrings: A musical bond

{Inside BonBon's house, she 'rocks out' on her lyre, her marefriend watching in awe; a wavy version of sheet music come out from the left, serving as the transition}

Ditzy Doo: With love and care

{In the post office, she—in her mailmare uniform—gives Dinky a big hug as they spin around, and letters fly from above as they are scattered and serve as the transition}

Cheerilee: Teaching laughter

{In the schoolhouse, she points a hoof to a blackboard with diagrams; a white sheet flaps and obscures the screen, serving as the transition}

Blue Diary: It's an easy feat

{In the sky, in his Angel of Doom persona, he flourishes his robes; twin horizontal slashes from his swords serve as the transition}

{As the swords pass, it reveals Trixie's house a distance behind, with Trixie herself facing the camera with a smile}

Trixie Lulamoon: And magic makes it all complete

{'camera' zooms out to reveal the rest of the gang; to the right are Cheerilee, Lyra, BonBon, above them is Raindrops with Snails on her back, to the left is Carrot, and above her is Ditzy with Dinky on her back; Blue, without his robes, then descends from above and stops next to Raindrops and Pokey Pierce runs to Trixie's side from behind them before a camera flash obscures the screen}

Trixie Lulamoon: You have…

All: …my little ponies

{screen returns to normal and reveals Pokey putting a photo in a scroll inside Trixie's hat; pan to the far-off Canterlot}

Trixie Lulamoon: How'd I ever make so many true…

All: …friends?

{cut to Princess Luna on her throne when a closed scroll suddenly pops up from above her horn; she catches it, opens it and gives a warm smile; cut to the photo, which shows the group with the following expressions; Ditzy and Dinky with loving smiles, Snails with a goofy simper, Raindrops with a neutral expression, Blue with a wan smile, Cheerilee with a more sincere one, Carrot with a happy grin, Lyra and BonBon beaming together, Pokey with a winning smile, and Trixie with a somewhat-forced smile that still conveyed sincerity in it}

{cut to the show's title, which has an added blue box below reading "Lunaverse version", then switches to the text "Made for Fanfiction by RainbowDoubleDash", then switches to a small photo of Blue with the words "'copyright' of nightelf37", then fade to black}

End Song


"Wait a second! Why did you write the Lunaverse version of our show's opening theme, but plus Blue Diary?"

Because I can't place it anywhere else, Pinkie. I'm not a Lunaverse writer, and to implement him with his current role would change everything and go against their rules.

"Whose rules?"

Both RainbowDoubleDash's and the Story Crew's. I was going to place this in the Mare Do Well chapter, but I forgot and later deemed it unnecessary to add after publishing the chapter.

"And why the dreamscape conversation? I don't think the readers even like it if it won't be related to the chapter."

Sorry about that, just saying that things happen even if it's not plot-relevant. Now, time for the real story.


A few days after that talk…

Rainbow Dash awoke from her morning nap thanks to a strange nightmare. She was atop a tree branch, a pillow placed behind her. It also turned out that Rarity's cat Opalescence was atop the same branch, yowling at something below. That something turned out to be Applejack's dog Winona, who was accompanied by Pinkie Pie's alligator Gummy, and Fluttershy's bunny Angel. Twilight Sparkle's owl Owlowiscious then hovered just above them with a hoot.

The pegasus wiped her forehead and sighed in relief. And then something else happened. Over the hill came a rolling object, and it had gained enough speed to get air time…and it was headed right for her. She caught the object in time, which uncurled itself and she identified it as—

"An armadillo?"

Indeed it was an armadillo, a three-banded armadillo to be exact (Fluttershy had talked a lot about them once). But its exterior was generally a brighter shade of yellow, its legs were a bit longer, and its head was more like that of a nine-banded armadillo. Its eyes were a bit larger too, showing green irises and white scleroses.

"Rock?" a voice familiar to her came. Emerging from the crest of the hill the armadillo came from was Chronicle. He looked at her general position before saying, "Oh, there you are. Nice catch."

Before the pegasus could say more, the rest of their friends crested the hill and were on their way down to meet with their pets, laughing and talking as they went. Owlowiscious perched on Twilight’s back, Gummy nipped bits of Pinkie, Winona retrieved a thrown stick and brought it to Applejack, and Fluttershy chased Angel across the grass. Opal climbed down from the tree and jumped onto Rarity’s back as Rainbow flew down as well.

As the fluffy cat began to lick herself, Rock, the armadillo, rolled down the trunk and onto Chronicle's awaiting tail. It—no, he—rolled down it, across his back, and up his neck, catching some more air time before the unicorn caught him with a tether spell connected to the tail and was caught there. Both animal and bodyguard smiled.

"Sincerest apologies, Rainbow, if our pets were bothering you," Rarity said to the pegasus. She then proceeded to baby talk hers. "Say you’re sorry, Opal." Opal just turned around and hissed. "She’s sorry."

"What are you all doing out here?" Rainbow asked.

Applejack ran across, throwing the stick with her tail. "Why, we always round up our critters for a regular ol’ pony pet play date in this park." The stick went past the pegasus and the collie chased the object.

"Uh, you do?"

"Same time every week," the farmpony said as she galloped past her.

"I thought you knew," Fluttershy said, Angel now on her back. "You didn’t know?" She turned to the others. "She didn’t know?" She then scuffed the ground nervously.

"Well, we had initially planned on inviting Rainbow, of course, except—" before Twilight could finish her sentence, Pinkie popped up, with Gummy suctioned to her head.

"We were totally gonna invite you, Rainbow." She zipped by Twilight, scaring Owlowiscious off. "Then Twilight remembered that you don’t even have a pet—" She zipped to the fashionista. "—and Rarity remembered that you really like to take naps in the afternoon." And then to the farmpony. "So Applejack figured you wouldn’t be missing out on anything anyway. And Fluttershy and I nodded our heads in agreement like this." During the last two sentences, Rainbow was left slightly bemused as Pinkie rushed to Fluttershy and pushes her head up and down in a nodding motion. The yellow pegasus continued to do so during the last sentence, her entire body rocking as well.

"And there's the fact that I had to be 'initiated' in this weekly ritual," Chronicle added. "Not quite a grueling process, but serious enough." He turned to the armadillo. "Isn't that right, Rock?" Rock nodded his head vigorously in staunch affirmation.

"Oh, please don’t be mad at us," pleaded Fluttershy.

After a pause, Rainbow smiled after a moment. "Oh, I’m not mad. You all are right. Not much point of a pony pet play date for me if I’m a pony without a pet, right?"

"Exactly!" said Applejack as she tossed the stick off her nose and Winona leaped after it. "So if’n you’ll excuse us…"

And so all the pets and owners proceeded to enjoying their day. The farmpony continued to play fetch, the party pony was bouncing her alligator, the animal caretaker watched her lagomorph run back and forth, the fashion designer lured her feline with a toy mouse, the librarian let her owl perch on a raised leg, and her bodyguard attempted to catch his new armadillo, who was rolling in circles around him.

A few seconds later however, their pet-less friend touched down from the tree, having failed to resume her nap. "Hey! Now wait a minute! Just because I don’t have a pet now doesn’t mean I never want a pet."

"Ooh, I said those very words," Chronicle chuckled as he allowed Rock to roll onto his back and uncurl himself.

His marefriend's eyes then shone with excitement as she turned around to face Rainbow. "Ooh! Oh, really?" She then flew over, with Angel on her tail. "You really want a pet? Really? ’Cause I’ve got so many wonderful choices at my house!" She dove to grab her fellow pegasus and was shortly in flight, lifting Rainbow’s forelegs in her own. "Oh, and I know you’ll just love them!" They were just a couple of off the ground and a slightly vexed Rainbow was having her rear hooves getting dragged in the dirt. "And they’ll love you! Oh! And you’ll be best friends forever and ever!"

As she voiced an ecstatic little moan, Rainbow got her own wings going to provide enough extra lift to get herself clear of the ground. Chronicle followed them, obviously amused with this.

Without much to do, Rainbow asked, "So, Chronicle. When did you decide to adopt Rock?"

"Well, it certainly wasn't easy. I wanted an animal that could help me in you-know-what, but two things got in the way. One, neither a canine nor a bird of prey suited my tastes, and those are common choices for one like me. Two, I had to endure a frightening talk from her…" He did not need to specify who; he sure wasn't talking about his mother, though she can do those too. "…about intending to take my pet into danger."


"That's why I'm hard-pressed to find a choice! Because I knew when I gave you my reasons for getting a pet you would say that."

"Why would you want to want a pet if you're only going to put them at risk?!"

"Okay! I get it! It's stupid!" He didn't like it that for the first time he and Fluttershy were shouting at each other. "I wasn't thinking that clearly when I asked you. It was an illogical notion, and I'm ashamed I even acted up on it. I'm sorry. I won't ask anymore."

Just then, there was a crash, and then the bottom flap of the front door—which the two ponies were standing by—opened, which was caused by Angel, who had been sent flying for some reason, and landed at the bridge.

That reason was soon revealed when an armadillo rolled out after him. The bunny quickly evaded the living ball as he got up. When the armadillo came back around for another go, Angel got down on fours, turned away from the roller, and made to buck him with his hind paws.

The 'attack' connected, and it sent the armadillo flying into the stream. The animal shortly surfaced, keeping himself buoyant by holding his breath and paddling to shore.

This 'fight' halted the two ponies 'argument' and Chronicle asked, "Fluttershy, since when did you have an armadillo in your care?"

"A small circus troupe visited Ponyville and wanted to let him go, I can't remember why. Pinkie Pie brought them over here and I took him in." She saw the armadillo reach shore, shake the water off, and walked back to dry grass before rolling again, en route to the backyard. An irate Angel made his way back to the cottage. "But he's been proving restless, and he's often rolling a lot, disturbing the other animals. And when you last visited, he was missing and I had Angel look for him. I didn't want anybody else to worry, but now I I don't know what to do anymore."

The unicorn pondered the situation, and something in his mind clicked. He turned to face his marefriend. "Why don't I adopt him?"

She was confused at this offer. "What?"

"Why don't I adopt him? Now that I see him in action, I realize that he's the type of pet I want to have."

"Really?" Fluttershy was still wary. While it would take the burden of taking care of the armadillo off of her, the burden would now go to him, and given his reasons for getting a pet, the animal would be…


"To further assure her, I even Pinkie Promised to not get my pet hurt to the best of my ability. And we all know the consequences of breaking it, now do we?"

"To my surprise, Rock got along with Chronicle really well. He's always eager to test his rolling skills, to make his shell tougher by training, and that his new master helps him achieve that."

"Wow." Although Rainbow wasn't entirely impressed; she just wanted to get this over with.


(A/N: And here comes another TF2 song, this time by 24railwaycuttings. I'm gonna do this at least once per season.)

Now Playing: Find a Gun by 24railwaycuttings

The circumstances behind it was unknown, but the BLU Team decided to have a short play enacted, featuring the Scout looking for a nice weapon, and the Medic being a weapons dealer of sorts.

In the scene, Medic was escorting Scout to his 'humble' store, which was filled with various weapons. The doctor was uncharacteristically happy doing this.

Medic: Now then, Scout, mein freund, I cannot express my delight

For it's abundantly clear that somewhere in here is a weapon to suit you just right
Scout: I can’t wait to get started, but first let me set a few rules

It’s of utmost importance the weapon I get

Simply has to be awesome and cool

Medic counted the criteria Scout provided. "Awesome, cool. Got it!"

Medic: There are so many wonderful choices, just wait and see

Scout made running motions as he circled Medic, who was making his way to a table with weapons.

Scout: I need to stay fast so those dummies can't keep up with me

Medic picked up Heavy's Warrior's Spirit.

Medic: Jawohl! How 'bout some bear claws? They’re big and furry and swift as can be

"Big, an' furry? Have you even met me?" As he said that, Scout numbered up to two, then pointed those fingers at Medic before thumbing to himself.

Medic: Scout, have faith! You see, I will bet you

Somewhere in here is the gun that will get you

After putting down the claws, he then urged the speedster towards something covered in a blue cloth sheet. Scout walked after him. "Come on! The sky's the limit!"

"Sky is good. I’d like it to match me when I jump."

"Really?" The dcotor unfurled the cloth to reveal one of Engineer's Level 1 inventions. "'Cause I think this Sentry has your name written all over it." Scout looked real skeptical as Medic rubbed the Sentry's top, even as it beeped in sentience and aimed its turret head at him. "Yes, he does. Ohoho, I think he likes you!"

"Um, pass."

Medic went back to the table.

Medic: I have so many wonderful choices for you to decide

He came back with a futuristic-looking weapon.

Medic: There's a Cow Mangler here to strike in the fear

"Why would I have this, just why?" Scout asked.

"Well, I saw a Soldier soar twenty feet through the air when he used it."

The music stopped again as the two BLUs blinked at each other.

"That’s it. I’m outta here." Scout began to walk away, passing a terminal.

Medic immediately stopped him in his tracks as he typed on the terminal, putting down the Cow Mangler.

Medic: Wait! There must be a gun here! Let's see on the computer

Two photos showed on the screen, showing a sniper rifle and a shotgun.

Medic: How 'bout a Machina or Reserve Shooter

"Make it better, and cooler!," Scout demanded.

"Better, cooler. Right." Medic went over to the back of a vehicle and made to unlock the compartment while Scout followed him.

Medic: I've got just the thing in the car, Scout

He opened the compartment to reveal one of Heavy's precious weapons, but not Sasha. It was propped on a raised and lighted platform and set against a backdrop of glittering blue drapery.

Medic: Meet your awesome new gun, Natascha

The music stopped again.

"It's a freaking minigun."

Medic picked it up. "Not just any minigun, it slows down your enemies!" But the weight proved too much and he fell down. "OOF! Ugh... Was ist los?"

Scout was totally unimpressed. "…Yeah. So, like I was saying…"

The stage went to black, then a spotlight flicked on to pick him out and follow his walk across the screen.

Scout: Medic, ol' pal, this just won’t cut it, 'cause those dummies shouldn't keep up with me

I need something swifter, something fast, to shoot them down while I defy gravity!

At the last line, fireworks burst from where he stopped as the stage is lit up again. Medic was now next to Scout's left and Natascha was gone.

"I'm guessing you want something to match your speed and agility," Medic figured out.

"Oh yeah, you're real smart, poindexter!" Scout snarked as he turned away from him and folded his arms.

"Schweinehunde…" The doctor swore under his breath. "Ahem…"

Medic threw an arm over the speedster's shoulders and led him to another table, which had two shotguns.

Medic: I have so many wonderful weapons to make you an ace!

Like a Force-of-Nature or a Blaster owned by Baby Face!

Scout started to show hints of a smile. "Better. Any more?"

Medic smiled as he showed three more weapons on the table, leading him leftwards.

Medic: Ja. How 'bout a Pistol, Scattergun, or a Winger?

There's so many wonderful weapons the likes of that

He then picked up two different wooden baseball bats on one hand each, showing off each of them.

Medic: Sandman, or Boston Basher! They are both good thrashers!

He then put them down and picked up a simple aluminum one with a dent on both hands.

Medic: Maybe you want to go simple and just use this bat?

"Now you're talking!" Scout lighted up, then backed off to think, putting a finger to his chin. "But instead of one standout, now that's too many." He took a look at all the suggested weapons, as well as a few others.

Scout: So many choices, and such riches aplenty

"Not a bad thing to have, if you ask me," replied Medic.

Scout: Scattergun would be awesome, but the Blaster I like too
Scout: Is there anything worth more than a stripey hat?

"No," Medic answered, then pulled out another shotgun.

Medic: But I've got a Soda Popper, which might just suit you
Scout: What to do, what to do?

An idea came to him, and he snapped upright as he stared Medic in the face.

Scout: A prize! That's it! There's really just one way

To find out which weapon is best

He picked up the weapons and put them down again one by one, including the Soda Popper that Medic was holding.

Scout: Try 'em out with speed, agility, and guts

That will put each one to the test

Medic zipped up to Scout.

Medic: Don't forget style, that should be considered
Scout: Then we'll know for sure what's best in the litter
Medic: The one who is awesome and cool
Scout: Just like me

Can't settle for less, 'cause I'm the best

Both of them raised the arm not on each other's shoulders as they continued to sing.

Both: So a contest we will see
Scout: Who's the number one, greatest, perfect-est gun
Both: In the world for me
Medic: Let the games
Both: Begin

The two of them ended the scene together. "And may the best gun win!"


Eyecatch (video-type)

[A/N: Due to the video not being available, please look for (and envision) Digimon Adventure's first eyecatch.]

{Seven cards fly in from the right and pile up on one another, depicting the following in the following order: a trio of butterflies, a trio of apples, a trio of balloons, three rhombus-shaped blue gems, a six-pointed pink star, an orange circle depicting an open book inside, and a red-yellow-blue striped lightning bolt coming from a white cloud.}

{The seven cards then shine into white and form together into something else: A picture depicting six animals and a nondescript silhouette. The top depicts (from left to right) Gummy with balloons tied to his body, the silhouette, and Owlowiscious. The bottom row depicts Winona, Angel, Rock, and Opalescence. The show's logo shows up on the bottom right.}


"Can we please get back to the main story?"

Already on it, Pinkie.


A whistle was heard from where Rainbow's friends stood at the Town Hall. In the presence of the presently petless pegasus, who has donned a baseball cap, were the following animals, who were now standing/hovering to attention: a wasp, a duck, an eagle, a flamingo, a bat, a ladybug, a toucan, a falcon, a monarch butterfly, a goose, an owl, and a hummingbird. These were the ones she selected amongst the many Fluttershy had shown when they reached the cottage.

The lively cheers (one was merely for humor) from the spectators came to an end at another blast from the whistle, after which its user paced down the line.

"This'll be fun. Won't it, Rock?" Chronicle said with a trace of sarcasm. The armadillo nodded and smiled in agreement, failing to catch the sarcasm.

"So, you all think you’ve got what it takes to be my pet, do you?" Rainbow said before leaning into the flamingo’s face. "Well, we’ll just see about that." Her lunge had pushed the vivid pink head back hard enough to put several kinks in the long neck. When the bird swallowed hard, the lump followed every new zig-zag bend down to its gullet. "If any of you don’t think you can handle it, bow out now before you humiliate yourself in front of your peers." The end of this line took her past the ladybug, which sank to the ground. "This competition isn’t for the weak." She then addressed the butterfly. "You’d better be prepared to step up your game!" The butterfly was visibly unnerved as its possible owner leaned into its face.

"You call that flapping?!" the pegasus yelled, then backed off as it flapped harder as she continued. "That’s better." She continued to pace. "There’s only room on Team Dash for one of you, and my future pet needs to be able to take it to the extreme." She zipped upward without warning and stopped several yards above the animals. "Any questions?"

"I got one," Applejack said to Twilight. "Does she understand what a pet really needs?"

"Yeah, like care and attention." Winona popped up in front of the owl owner. "Love and affection." The dog then licked her face. "Ugh! And breath mints!"

Both ponies turned their attention to the contenders as Rainbow swooped back down. However, there was one new contender to be added. Chronicle saw it during the 'Musical Number' phenomenon that occurred in the cottage.

Fluttershy was talking to the shelled reptile as she pushed him up to her friend. "Now you just pay attention and try your best, and—"

"Seriously, Fluttershy! The turtle?" Rainbow interrupted. "What did you bring that thing here for?"

Fluttershy licked a hankie and polisheed the shell. "Technically, he’s a tortoise, and he’s always dreamed of being somepony’s pet. He just wants a chance to compete. He won’t get in the way. You won’t even know he’s here."

The blue pegasus’s questioning look was met by a molasses-slow blink from the wrinkled face. "No!"

"Oh, just let him try."

She speedster gave a disgusted sigh. "But there’s no way he can possibly keep up!" The hard shell got a push that sent him rolling toward Fluttershy. "Look at him!" His center of gravity caused the roll to reverse itself so that he stopped upright before her.

Fluttershy held up the tortoise. "It won’t hurt to let him try."


She pushed him in her face. "Just let him try." Fluttershy then unleashed a beseeching grin that sent Rainbow into a short paroxysm before she can speak.

The blue pegasus let off a groan. "Fine!" Fluttershy set the tortoise down and Rainbow got in his face. "But don’t say I didn’t warn you. This isn’t a game, you know!"

"Did you sing about the games beginning earlier?" Chronicle called out from where he stood. "I was there, you know."

"Semantic, schemantics," Rainbow brushed him off.

The stallion shook his head, a smile in his face, and said to Rock, "Now this is fun." The armadillo did not even share his master's surface expression and instead was merely confused. Fluttershy in the meantime returned to the pavilion with the others.

The pegasus turned to address the entire group. "All right. Now these games will determine which one of you has the most important qualities I’m looking for in a pet."

"Hypocrite!" Chronicle called out, but without any malice. Rainbow ignored him as she went off to the peak of a nearby hill, sprinting fast enough to leave a trail of multicolored flames and flip the tortoise upside down. Ooh. Burning rubber.

"Speed!" As the pegasus jumped on the hill, Chronicle wondered how she was able to carry her voice all the way to where all the pets were with the same volume without seemingly stressing herself.

Or am I looking into this too much?

She flashed back through the group, this time leaving a rainbow contrail that marked her hairpin turns among them. "Agility!" She then skidded in front of the pets, stood on her hind legs, flexed her muscles. "Guts!" Next, she took off and flew a tight spiral around a cloud to sculpt it into a likeness of herself. "Style!" She returned to ground level and pulled off various poses. "Coolness! Awesomeness!" She then put on a pair of sunglasses, turned her cap backward, stood up, and crossed her forelegs. "And radicalness!"

Twilight walked over from the pavilion. "Aren’t those all the same thing?" she asked.

Rainbow peeked over her shades, then through them. "You would think that, Twilight." She then patted her head. "And that’s why you would never qualify to be my pet." And off she went, leaving one irked unicorn in her wake.

Back at the pavilion, Chronicle was pounding his forehead with Rock, who had rolled himself up to protect himself. Stop. Thinking. Perverted. Thoughts.

"Fluttershy, aren't ya gonna ask 'im to stop hurtin' his own pet?" asked Applejack.

"And himself?" added Pinkie.

The animal caretaker sighed as she went over to stop her coltfriend from doing any more self-inflicted injuries. And injuring his pet, however minimal it would be.


The competing pets were at the starting line of an oval running track in the park. Rainbow stood by the inside lane, while the other ponies watched from the outfield on the far side. The coach had ditched her shades and turned her cap around again. The ladybug was also missing, having dropped out.

"Speed! On your marks… Get set…" After a hard squint at them all, she blew her whistle and the flyers were off in a cloud of dust. They rocketed around the track and lapped the tortoise even as he was slowly lifting one leg to take his first step. Each of Rainbow’s following comments was aimed at one particular animal as it passed her.

The bat: "Sorta speedy."

The butterfly: "Not speedy."

The duck: "Pretty speedy."

The owl: "Could be more speedy."

The falcon caught up with a shrill cry and blasted ahead, its wake stripping the owl clean before it crossed the finish line and stopped. "Yeah! That’s speed!"

There were cheers from the other ponies as the other winged racers came in; the owl’s feathers were back on. Only now did the tortoise complete his first step, the foot barely coming down past the edge of the starting line. Rainbow walked over and clicked her tongue disparagingly. "That’s just sad."


At an elevated obstacle course in the park…

The next 'game' was in session, the spectators looking on.


The butterfly went through a hoop and a set of uprights. "Sorta agile."

The flamingo slipped off a seesaw. "Not agile."

The toucan went through a crazily bent pipe. "Pretty agile."

The tortoise watched forlornly from the ground as the bat went through the uprights. "Could be more agile."

The hard-shelled critter tensed for a jump, but had done no more than stretch up to his tiptoes, the weight shift causing him to topple forward. Rainbow flew slowly past him. "Want to know the opposite of agility? That."

Now the hummingbird got into the game, darting around the contours of an arrow, a crosspiece on which the toucan had perched, and around the interior of the hoop that now held the tangled-up flamingo. Out to the clear air, across to a finish-line banner, and down safely. Meanwhile, the butterfly smacked into the banner and fell down, and the spectators cheered the victory. As always, one was merely for humor.

Rainbow did a loop-the-loop. "Yeah, baby! Now that’s what I call agility!" She held up one front hoof for a high hoof, but the little avian just kept hovering. "Don’t leave me hanging." It delivered with one wing, only to drop due to not using that wing for lift, then rose sheepishly back to her level. "I’m gonna have to shave a point off your score for that." She produced a clipboard and made a note with a pencil in her teeth as the hummingbird slunk away.


The next 'game' involved Opal in a pet carrier cage, and a toy mouse.

"Okay! Which of you has the guts to try and get Opal’s favorite toy away from her?" Rainbow dared as she set down the toy mouse in front of the opening of the carrier, then lifted the door in front of the 'candidates'.

Two glaring yellow eyes flared in the darkness and were followed by the emergence of one rather hacked-off white cat. As soon as Opal extended one set of claws, every single contender—including the birds of prey, no less—was locked up with fear and total panic. Every one, that is, except the butterfly, which flitted intrepidly across the grass to stop in front of Opal’s face. As she brought up one paw to slash it apart, it spreads its wings and swiftly hypnotized her with the patterns of orange and black. The toy mouse was hoisted away and carried back to an impressed Rainbow.

"Ha! Now that takes guts!"

The other ponies smiled at the achievement, but Opal let off a startled yowl once the hypnosis wore off. As it turns out, her carrier was being tipped forward by the tortoise in an attempt to trap her inside. Leaping clear, Opal got on top of the tough shell and tried in vain to claw it apart. The tortoise had pulled his head and legs in, and Rainbow grimaced a bit before turning away.

Chronicle admired the tortoise also had the guts to go in as well; he was merely too slow. Or was that trust in his tough shell?


Yet another 'game' was set up before the "Style" one; Instinct. Rock, Chronicle's armadillo, will roll around the competitors in a set area, which also has ramps so as to reach those who would naturally take to the sky (i.e. all except the tortoise). He would then try to knock them down, and they would try not to get knocked down.

At least that's what would've happened if Chronicle was confident enough in giving Rock commands. Unfortunately, it was only a few days since he first had the armadillo, and he can't trust him yet to hold back, not to mention the scolding from Fluttershy. So she went straight to "Style".

"If you weren't going to do this, why put it in in the first place?"

Just trollin'.

"That's not how trolling works, Author."

Don't care.


Some time after the entire event…

Rarity looked through a portfolio containing the pictures of Rainbow Dash with her prospective pets, and the one she finally chose for herself. She was the one who had taken the pictures.

The photo with the bat showed both of them wearing sunglasses and tensed for action.

The photo with the falcon showed it perched on a leather gauntlet laced around one of her forelegs and standing against a mountain backdrop, the other foreleg on a stool.

The photo with the hummingbird had the two doing a little fencing.

The next photo had, with her mane neatly combed for once, Rainbow standing alongside the owl in a classroom, both wearing sweaters and bow ties, and the bird was atop a stack of books.

The photo with the eagle had both of them in a curling match, sweeping the ice ahead of a stone on its way to the scoring area.

The photo with the butterfly had them on a small stage with a curtain backdrop, the pet-owner wearing a scarf and four sandals.

And the photo with the tortoise had him, on a stool, retracted into the shell, which had a red ribbon on top, and her, cringing away.

If one asked her just how did one of them ended up as her pet, she'd likely sock them for asking.


Back to the event…

The "coolness" game was underway, which seemed to translate to 'awesome cry'.

A hoot. "Sorta cool."

A quack. "Not cool."

A bat shriek. "Pretty cool."

A toucan's squawk. "Could be cooler."

A buzz from the wasp. "Not what I had in mind."

Silence from the butterfly. "I can’t hear you!"

A few hoarse, strangled grunts from the tortoise. Rainbow glared down and made a sound of revulsion.

Then the eagle made its cry. "Now that’s a cool sound!"


The "Awesomeness" game…

The bat hung upside down from a tree branch and its ears flicked in various directions as it used its natural sonar. "Sorta awesome."

The toucan flicked out its tongue. "Not awesome."

A squawk from the flamingo as it balanced on one leg. "Could be more awesome."

The owl turned its head 360 degrees. "Yeah! That is awesome!"

The tortoise got her attention and smiled pleadingly before pulling his head in. "Uh, you did that already. That’s pretty much all you can do, huh?" The head emerged partway with a look of embarrassment.


The "Radicalness" game…

On a stage, the duck tap-danced into view with a straw hat and cane, but Rainbow was not thrilled.

Next was the eagle, who knit a sweater decorated with Rainbow’s likeness. She was still far from impressed at the effort.

Up next was the falcon, wearing a black top hat and standing behind a deck of cards. It brought up the ace of diamonds in its beak, but she flipped over the five of clubs in her teeth—a card trick gone slightly bad.

The wasp hovered by a switched-on flashlight lying on the stage. In the spot of light thrown on the curtain, it produced a series of shadow puppets—duck, rabbit, sailing ship. However, the display only served to put the pegasus judge to sleep.

Suspended upside down, the bat played the first two five-note phrases of a certain familiar jingle on a row of crystal goblets, then cut loose with a high-pitched shriek that shattered every last one of them. "Whoa! That was truly awesome! But I’m afraid this is the radicalness competition, so I’m gonna have to take some points off."

The tortoise's attempt at "radicalness" was an utter embarrassment. In front of him was a series of obstacles starting with (backward from a finish line) a safety net, flaming hoop, loop-the-loop track, guillotine, shark tank, and springboard. The tortoise stood on a platform at the start of this run, tensed for a leap, but only managed to fall off and land upside down without even reaching the springboard. The curtain fell behind him, and Rainbow sighed heavily and approached the stage.

"Listen, turtle."

Fluttershy put her head out from backstage. "Tortoise."

"Whatever!" Her friend backed off. "You’ve had your fun, but I think you and I both know who made the cut and who didn’t." There came another of those maddeningly slow blinks, followed by a sad little croak, and a long pause. "You didn’t." She pointed at him. Her next gesture was aimed toward the sky, where the owl, eagle, falcon, and bat winged it as cheers floated up from below.

The spectators watched, Pinkie jumping in place as she cheered, and Rainbow turned back to the capsized tortoise. "I mean, A for effort and everything. You gave it your best shot." She looked uneasily away, lifting him up to peek beneath. "Maybe I’ve got a gold-star sticker around here somewhere you can have." She set him upright. "But seriously, go home. You’re starting to creep me out."

Her reassuring smile gave way to worried confusion as the beady black eyes just stared pleadingly up at her. Finally, she did a very slow turn away from the stage. "So…aaaanyway…" She faced the four flyers, now landed before her. "You’re all outstanding competitors. But there can only be one of you who is number one. So the final, tie-breaking contest is going to be…" The last word got held out, after which the turned away to… "Pause for dramatic effect." …then back with a grin. "…a race against…" She zipped up to them. "…me!"


A while later…

Everybody was now at a narrow, craggy ravine, Rainbow at the interior, and without her cap and whistle. "Through Ghastly Gorge! Dun-dun-dunnnn!" The gorge snaked away toward the horizon, and mist wafted up from far below as an eagle’s cry rent the air. she flew over to said eagle, an offered a hankie. "Gesundheit."

The other six ponies, their pets, and Spike watched from one edge. Rainbow plunged past them and landed at the bottom, where the falcon, owl, bat, and tortoise have gathered. The insects and the other birds have since been eliminated from the running towards becoming Rainbow Dash's pet. Somewhere, somebody is playing "Ride of the Valkyries". Chronicle recognized the classic, and wondered just where was it being played.

Rainbow gave a contented sigh as the eagle joined them. "Actually, Ghastly Gorge isn’t scary. It’s fun. Heh. I’ve flown through it a million times myself, so, uh…" The five remaining animals looked at the possible future owner nervously. "…obviously I’ll be at the front of the pack." Rainbow started to limber up. "But whichever of you make it across the finish line with me will have proven you can keep up with me, and will have earned the honor and glory of getting to be my pet." She moved to the edge of the crag on which they were all standing. "Ready?" The flyers lined up. "Set, go!"

All of them went airborne, leaving the tortoise to creep up to the drop-off and helplessly watch them go, dropping his head. Meanwhile, Rainbow was having a ball, laughing and whooping as she barreled along a straightaway. "Try to keep up!" She sped ahead through a series of hairpin turns and the four pursuers pushed furiously to stay after her. Through a gap between some trees and the wall, into a curve, around an outcropping and another tree, and on to a dark tunnel she went. In here, the wind gusts were so strong that she fought to keep her forward momentum going, but she soon broke through to daylight and stopped to dust off her front hooves. The tunnel run had left her mane and tail noticeably disheveled, was otherwise perfectly fine. A quick wipe put the striped hair back in order.

Rainbow took off once more and gave off a laugh. "Can’t catch me!"

As the four racers entered the windy passage, the bat got blown backward and out the entrance as the others muscled through. It came up with an angry little chitter and charged back in. Much further back, the tortoise was sweaty of face and short of breath, but doing his best to move ahead on the course. While that was happening, Twilight and Chronicle were performing a series of mid-range teleports to bring everybody else to the finish line ahead of Rainbow and her competitors, warping from safe point to safe point atop the gorge's edges.

Back in the race, Rainbow whistled a few notes that were coincidentally in time with the music, then zoomed out quickly to frame a dense tangle of thorny vines blocking her path. She stopped to run a calculating eye over the mess, then addressed herself toward the approaching quartet.

"Come on, slowpokes!" she taunted. "You want to win, don’t you?"

Off she went, steering with masterful precision through the overgrowth and even doing a quick twirl around one vine just to rub it in. Once she reached the far end, she used the vines to catapult herself around the tangle and then ahead. The eagle charged in only to get quickly bogged down in the thorns. The owl could see no way through the scramble. The falcon struggled to push through a knotted area and got knocked spinning by the passing bat. The combination of sonar and small size allowed this one to navigate a safe course through the vines, and it blew a raspberry once it got clear. In short order, the eagle, owl, and falcon came out flapping, the last dragging a piece of vine with it on one wing.


Farther along the gorge, Twilight's and Chronicle's companions were feeling the effects of multiple consecutive teleports. The ponies and baby dragon shook off any woozy feelings, but Opal and Angel were getting green faces, Rock was feeling a bit light-headed and so was Owlowiscious, and Gummy and Winona looked fine on the outside, inside too for the latter.

And then the stallion began to feel something at his sides; it was his Harmony Link in action, and it was telling him that their friend was in potential danger. His pause brought the others to a stop as well.

"What's the matter, Chronicle?" asked Twilight.

"I suspect Rainbow has reached the quarray eel nests," he said. He had been in the gorge before during a Request Board 'mission'. "And they're not happy to see her or the others behind her."

"I hope they all make it through," said Fluttershy.

"I can't say for sure for the others, but if Rainbow's life turns out to be at risk, I'll be the first to know. But surely she's fast enough to escape danger. She simply shouldn't cut it too close. Let's continue teleporting, we're almost at where we should set up the finish line. Leave our friend to me."

And the group proceeded to resume teleporting.



The blue pegasus took a breather and hovered above the group as they closed in. "Oh, I forgot to tell you! Watch out for the quarray eels! They don’t like it when you get too close to their nests—like this!" On the end of this, she gestured toward a narrow defile between two high walls, one of which was pocked by several large craters. As she headed in, the eels in question—huge, red hide, purple underbellies and head fins, light pink spots—lashed out of the holes and do their best to snag an appetizer of pony tartare. No luck, though. She veered around every strike and got herself in the clear. As the four unnerved chasers watched, the eels retreated out of sight as if daring them to venture into the danger zone.

The bat was first to risk it; one eel quickly snapped it up, but it punched its way around inside the mouth and emerged from one nostril. Another eel slammed its jaws down too close for the eagle's comfort, and the bird backed off with its head seemingly having been bitten off. However, the missing cranium quickly popped back up—the eagle pulled it in just in time. The owl was caught in a third eel’s jaws and had spread its wings wide to keep them from snapping shut. It eventually pulled loose and remained uneaten. A lashing eel retracted with the falcon caught by a tail feather in those fearsome teeth. After a brief struggle however, the bird of prey yanked itself loose.

Somewhere up ahead, Rainbow was taking her sweet time. "Easy-peasy, one-two-threesy." She flipped onto her back. "Right, you guys?" She then smacked into a rock wall, which stunned her and sent cracks snaking all the way up to the gorge’s lip. One large slab slid free and tumbled down as the music reached its climax. The cocky pegasus looked up just in time to get a really good view of the massive stone, then bugged out as it and other rocks plummeted toward her. "AVALANCHE!!" Plastering herself into a cranny, she watched the winged racers flash by and started after them. "Hey!"

Whatever words she might have used next instead turned into a yell as another hunk came down right on top of her and thick gray dust clouds boiled up.


At the mouth of the gorge, Rainbow's friends waited for the competitors to reach the finish line. Chronicle decided to backtrack in case anything happened, and was teleporting towards the racers.

He was about to perform another teleport when the Harmony Link began to act up once more, and Chronicle could feel phantom wings beginning to hurt. And then he felt something strong strike him on his back and head, as if it fell on top of him. The 'blow' knocked him to the ground and nearly rendered him unconscious but instead just gave him a pounding headache and temporarily rendered him immobile; a pegasus might be able to shrug it off, but a unicorn had less durability without a barrier, even one as tough as him.

Oh no. Disaster has befallen Rainbow Dash, he thought, helpless for the moment as he lay somewhere in the gorge between the finish line, and the presumed disaster area. Rock, whom he had taken with him, was trying to shake him awake.


Eyecatch (picture-type) - On the left side, Rainbow Dash is escaping an avalanche. On the right side, Chronicle has been knocked down by his Harmony Link. The show's logo is seen on the bottom left.


It took a while before Chronicle's head was was well enough for him to try and get moving again, but as he attempted to get up, he found himself unable to. Something was keeping him down, and from the 'looks' of it, something was pinning down one of his 'phantom wings', which he attributes to the Harmony Link telling him Rainbow Dash is in danger. He waited for a couple of seconds for the 'effect' to wear off so he can go rescue Rainbow, but after trying to 'pull away', he still found himself pinned.

What?! Why can't I move? Twilight's petrification 'wore off' after a while. Darn, I should've read more on the Harmony Link.

Before he could muse any further on his situation, he saw the eagle, falcon, owl, and bat fly past him. Must be the competitors. Either they just abandoned their future mistress or they're hurrying so they can call my friends. In any case, I have to find a way to get out of here so I can help Rainbow.

He tried 'pulling' himself out again, but it was no good. Dammit, if only I could just destroy whatever rock is keeping her pinned down. Oh wait! My magical clones! Of course! Flaring his horn, he was about to summon a clone when he felt something. Well, more like something leaving him. Curious, he attempted to stand up straight…and found that he can. Whatever was pinning down Rainbow no longer was, and he began to wonder why.

He did not need to wait long. In the distance, he could see the tortoise walking towards (or intending to go past) him. But what made him react was what, or who, was on top of him. It was Rainbow Dash! And there were bandages wrapped around her midsection. His Harmony Link was right; one of her wings had been pinned down, presumably by one of the rocks from the rockslide. He still has difficulty attributing "avalanche" to any 'mass falling' that isn't snow. The tortoise probably managed to get the rock out somehow.

He approached her on the way, then began to walk together, Rock walking with them; there was no need to roll about. Well, they and the tortoise did. No words were exchanged; he knew what happened, she knew he knew, and they didn't want to let the others worry any more than they already probably are.


Back at the finish line…

The others left waiting let off a round of cheers as they heard the falcon make a shrill cry as it passed the finish line first, followed by the eagle, bat, and owl. As the flyers came in though, the cheering steadily died off and gave way to confused murmurs.

With Rainbow nowhere in sight, Twilight tossed a puzzled glance back up the course. "Hmmm…something’s not right here." She levitated a pair of binoculars into view and peered through them, but Fluttershy promptly shoved her aside for a look of her own.

"Where’s Rainbow Dash?"

The binocs backed away from her just far enough to make room for Applejack to zip in front and get her eyes to the lenses. "Great galloping galoshes!" From what she saw… "There’s been an avalanche in there!"

"Rainbow!" Spike cried out as he ran forward for a bit.

There were reactions of shock and fear from the others as the dragon and faarmpony kept a lookout.

Pinkie was the first to break out of the group, jumping happily toward the line and pointing. "Wait! Look!"

Through the binoculars, Fluttershy saw the tortoise stumping slowly out of the dust clouds and a pair of sky-blue legs perched on his shell. A different pair of legs could be seen walking alongside. "It’s the turtle!"

"Tortoise!" the others corrected.


Whoever was presently looking through the binocs tilted them up to see Rainbow’s scuffed, smiling face. She was sitting on the shell, with bandages wrapped around her midsection.

"And he’s…carrying something on his back!" Twilight noted. It took a moment for her to register just what was on it.

"Oh, it’s Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie answered and she jumped excitedly. "It’s her! It’s Rainbow! And Chronicle's there too!" She didn't need to mention Rock, as it was obvious he would be with him.

There were cheers all around as the three made their way toward the line—very, very slowly. So slowly, in fact, that the group’s collective patience started to wear thin.

"Maybe we’d better go meet him halfway." Fluttershy suggested to Twilight.

The owl-owner trotted over, levitating the line’s posts and the checkered-flag banner strung between them, and planted the lot inches ahead of Rainbow and the tortoise, Chronicle having decided to stop walking. She got the white line itself in place on the ground just in time for the stumpy feet to touch and move on past, to the sound of a fresh round of cheers.

While the ponies and pets gathered around the late arrivals, Spike walked up and petted the bald green head. "Huh! Way to go, little guy!"

Twilight gave a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness you’re not hurt, Rainbow."

"Just my pride." The soon-to-be-no-longer-petless pegasus started to dust herself off.

"I…certainly hope… all of this dreadful dust was worth it." Rarity said before letting out a loud sneeze.

"It sure was if’n it means Rainbow gets to have her own little critter just like the rest of us from now on," Applejack said as she petted Winona.

The tortoise looked up at Rainbow with a questioning little grunt. "Uh…thanks," she said to him as she climbsed off and hunched down to his level. "What you did…I owe you one." They tapped a foot and hoof together.

"Rainbow…" Fluttershy said as she gestured ahead. "…your new pet is over here waiting for you."

The falcon stood proudly on the ground, then spread its wings and soared above the tableau with a cry, bringing murmurs of awe and appreciation before it landed on Rainbow’s back. Up came a sad little noise and look from the tortoise, instantly throwing the blue pegasus for a loop. "Oh…right…yeah. That."

"Well, what’s the matter?" asked Spike.

Pinkie zipped up and propped a foreleg on his head. "You got your perfect pet, right?"

"The best of the best like you wanted, remember?" Fluttershy added as she trotted up alongside Applejack and Winona as Angel jumped on her back. Chronicle joined the two shortly, Rock somehow standing upright on his back. "It can fly and it’s not a squirrel! Should we sing about it again?"

"Let's not," her coltfriend told her.

"A falcon sure looks good on you, Rainbow," said Applejack.

Rarity’s camera tripod was then planted in front of the two flyers. When she snapped a picture, the flash spooked the tortoise so badly that he yanked his head and legs in, and Rainbow leaned down to pet him, the falcon allowing the two a little space. "Easy, fella. Nothing to be afraid of." She then stood up as the bird of prey hopped on once more on her back. "A falcon sure does look cool. He’s absolutely everything I wanted in a pet." She then chewed her lower lip indecisively for a moment before letting off a sigh.

There came a "Yay?" from Fluttershy.

Rainbow then smiled. "But I said, whoever crosses the finish line with me gets to be my pet."

Pinkie zipped up to her. "You did! You did say that!" The earth pony began to jump/zip about, increasing in volume. "She did say that! That was the rule!"

"And the only racer who crossed the finish line with me…was the one who stopped to save me when I needed help." Her last few words deflated the falcon's pride in a hurry as she lifted… "The tortoise!"

The reptile had extended his head and legs and gave her a grateful smile. Meanwhile, the falcon let off a dejected squawk and jumped off Rainbow’s back.

"But…" Twilight said. "…what about the…"

Rainbow set the tortoise down in front of the falcon, which extended its wing gravely to congratulate the surprise winner. The tortoise put out a foreleg, the two shake, and the bird of prey walked away with a bowed head. Rainbow patted the shell, and the tortoise grunted softly as he let his smile widen a few notches, just as quickly as he blinks—that is, not very.

"Would you look at that?" commented Applejack. "He even smiles slow." Laughter followed from the ponies and the armadillo, the other pets either busy with other things or just plain not joining.

"Spike, take a letter," Rainbow said. As he whipped out the quill and scroll, she began to relay her message. As she did, Opal began to chase its toy mouse and worry it vigorously.

“Dear Princess Celestia: I used to think that the most important traits to look for in a pet—”

Opal dropped the mouse and eyed it warily before attacking it with her claws.

“—or any best friend—were all physical competitive abilities.”

The tortoise walked over to Opal, who was now chewing on the mouse.

“But now I can see how short-sighted and shallow that was.”

Seeing him come over, she immediately let the toy go and tried to scratch her way through his shell with little success, even as he pulled his head and legs in.

“Today I learned what the most important quality really is.”
The tortoise peeked out, snagged the mouse in his beak, and pulled it in.

“A certain kind of spirit. A stick-to-it-iveness.”

Opal noticed with surprise that her mouse was gone, and skulked away.

“A never-give-up, can-do attitude that’s the mark of a real winner. And this tortoise has it.”

"Tenacity," Twilight supplied.

"Gesundheit." The pegasus then walked toward the tortoise. "You just can’t stop that little guy. He’s like a…like a…" She tapped its shell. "…tank!" Out popped the wizened green face to smile up at her.

Chronicle showed extreme confusion, not knowing what exactly a tank was in Equestria, the one he was familiar with being an armored war vehicle. Pinkie seemed to see his confusion and quickly explained in hushed tones what "tank" Rainbow was referring to, also showing a picture. He then understood.

"But, Rainbow, you didn’t want a pet that couldn’t fly because it would keep you grounded and hold you back, remember?" Fluttershy reminded her.

On the end of this, the blue daredevil's face fell severely, with the tortoise similarly unhappy tortoise by her side. She started thinking hard, trying to come up with a compromise. "Hmmm…"


The next day, or a few days later, I don't know…

At the park, the Spirits of Harmony and Chronicle crested the hill, their pets accompanying them amongst the happy chatter. Rock rolled down the hill after a running Winona, Opal simply walked, Owlowiscious was in the air, Gummy was hanging on by biting Pinkie's tail, and Angel rode atop Fluttershy's head. For perhaps the first time ever, Rainbow was bringing up the rear.

The new pet-owner stopped briefly, calling behind herself. "Heh. Come on, Tank! We’re gonna be late for our very first pony pet play date!" as she flew off, the tortoise crested the hill as well—by air rather than on foot for what must surely be the first time in his life. A helicopter propeller had been strapped to his shell, and he wore a pair of aviator goggles. Tank went after the others, ready to join his new friends.

Author's Note:

Thankfully, you will have footnotes here because the only thing that would be at the top is the disclaimer, which is already applied in almost every chapter anyway.

1. I was going to introduce Rock to Chronicle after the song instead of doing a case of "Remember the New Guy", but I changed my mind and set the timing differently. I still managed to properly explain Rock's origin although we still don't know how the others got their pets (read: Angel, Winona, Gummy, Opalescence) in the first place.

2. Wanna be on top?

See ya on Third!

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