• Published 10th Mar 2012
  • 6,226 Views, 168 Comments

Shisno Chronicles: Friendship is Magic - nightelf37

Basically, it's a 'retelling' of the popular "Friendship is Magic" TV series with an OC.

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Chapter 26: The Best Night Ever

(WCDDtEo) Chapter 26: The Best Night Ever

In Chronicle's dreamscape…

He and his siblings save their eldest brother Mystic Wand were gathered together, talking about their plans for tomorrow night.

"The Grand Galloping Gala is tonight! I'm so excited!"

Timerity was bounding around like a certain pink pony they all knew, though in her world, their gender was different.

"We all know all our Galas coincides with one another," Chronicle stated. "What of it?"

"I'm going to see the Wonderbolts with Rainbow Blitz! What about you, Chronicle?"

"Me? I'm just glad I get the chance to meet again some ponies I acquainted myself with back at Canterlot. One of them a fortuneteller named Moonbow Peek."

"You met a fortuneteller too? So have I! His name's Moonbow Watch, though."

"It's strange that even our friends outside the Elements of Harmony are the same apart from gender as well." In Solaris Equestria, Timerity found out an undercover Wonderbolt by the name of Skyler, who was essentially the male counterpart of Skyla.

"If it makes any difference, I know a Moonbow Peek as well," Blue Diary finally said. "However, she serves as a neutral informant for who's who in the Night Court. Speaking of which, unlike the two of you. I won't be having the time of my life."

Both unicorns turned to him. "Why not?"

"Because, as of right now, Ponyville is just recovering from the aftermath of a magic accident between Trixie and Zecora, who I have to remind you is a villain in my world. A bottle of bourbon was involved too."

Timerity was a bit confused. "A bottle of bourbon?"

"The end result was akin to a zombie apocalypse, except replace zombies with perpetual drunkards who wish to spread the alcohol. I was spared thanks to my strict more code in drinking."

"How were you able to stop it?"

"Not me. The credit goes to Dinky Doo, Snails, Twist, Diamond Tiara, Bee Bop, and Scootaloo."

"Bee Bop?" Now Chronicle didn't get it. "Who's Bee Bop?"

"A pegasus filly with a tendency for loudness and DJ music. We also had the assistance of Applebloom—one word—and a reluctant and shrunken Zecora, who became that way thanks to Poison Joke. She escaped unfortunately after all was said and done."

Timerity put a hoof to her chin. "Let me guess. All that partying, not to mention the possible damage I assume was done while the townsfolk tried their best to 'infect' you all, did a serious blow to Ponyville's economy?"

"That's…rather spot on. Despite that, for some reason, Canterlot, or at least the Royal Emergency Management Ministry, which is supposed to help towns like Ponyville in such a crisis, refused to help."

This was shocking news to the two unicorns. "WHAT?!" they both gasped.

"As it was, Night Light, Twilight Sparkle's father, is the head of the REMM. And given the Ursa Minor incident that was inadvertently her fault and resulted her in being a fugitive… well…"

They came to the conclusion rather quickly; Night Light blamed Trixie and was making the town suffer for it. "That can't be," Timerity said. "Surely the entire Night Court can't be entirely corrupt. Can it?"

Blue lowered his head as if not wanting to contradict her statement. "As much as it pains me to say it, it can, and it is." This delivered another blow to the two of them. "And it served as a very serious blow to Trixie, who had dreams of taking a high position there. Princess Luna long since knew this, and has repeatedly stamped them out over the centuries, but to no avail. It was also led to Celestia's descent to madness. Thanks to Luna, we managed to get the money needed to rebuild the town, but there was still the Night Court to deal with, which has been messing with my friends for too damn long."

"So no time to relax at the Gala?" Chronicle guessed.

"No. Because it's at the Gala where me and my friends will begin our mission; expose their true colors to all. With the use of a truth serum."

"A truth serum?!" the unicorn stallion gasped. "Aren't those…"

"Yes, me and my friends are going to have to stoop down to their level to bring them down. This particular truth serum is different from other kinds we're familiar with; this one not only makes the imbiber speak their mind, they can't keep silent." He sunk his head lower. "I didn't want them to do this, and I was hoping we could stop them while being true to ourselves, just like heroes. But…sometimes, you have to do what needs to be done, no matter the methods. After all, it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission." He looked up again, seeing the worried looks in his siblings' faces. "I'm sorry to have made you worry on something you can't do anything about."

"It's okay, Blue," Timerity said as she placed a hoof on his shoulder. "You should let out your emotions. Keeping them bottled up won't do you any good."

He turned to face his sister. "Thanks, Time. I needed that."

"We're here for you," said Chronicle as he placed a hoof on their younger brother's other shoulder. "If not physically, at least in spirit, and to keep you from going insane from isolating your thoughts."

Blue turned to the unicorn stallion and gave a weak smile. "You're right, brother."


Somewhere near Carousel Boutique…

"I…can’t…believe…the Grand…Galloping…Gala…is…tonight!" Pinkie gasped as she jumped on a trampoline.

A short distance away, Twilight Sparkle was sitting on her haunches with an open book in front of her. Chronicle was nearby as well, having taken out Surveillance and was reviewing it. As he checked that everyone's cameras were accounted for (the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, Spike, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders), he noticed something else, then remembered; Surveillance also has a 'camera' on himself. Silly me.

"Pinkie, please stop shouting!" his charge said. "I’m trying to concentrate!"

Rarity stepped out of her boutique, then made her way to the trampoline. "Pinkie Pie! Stop that right now! It’s time to prepare for the Gala, and I refuse to let you put on your new dress if you’re all sweaty."

The jumper skid to a midair stop, hooves barely touching the trampoline, and hopped down with a dirty look. Spike joined the group shortly, while Twilight now levitated the book.

"What’s Twilight doing?" Pinkie asked the dragon.

"She’s got an awesome magic spell she’s been working on for the Gala."

"Where are the others?" Rarity wondered. "It’s getting late."

Before Chronicle could tell them that they would arrive in a second, Applejack and Fluttershy walked up to them, with Rainbow Dash flying overhead.

"Hold your horses, girl," said the farmpony. "We’re here."

Twilight suddenly closed the book and let it drop. "Perfect. I’m ready."

"For what?" asked Rainbow as Spike brought in an apple.

"All right, Spike."

Once he set it on the grass, Pinkie asked, "An apple! Are we having pie?"

"Shh! Watch."

The versatile violet unicorn directed her glowing horn at the fruit, which began to bulge and swell and finally turn into a carriage ready for a team of…well… Chronicle didn't want to think of that, memories of Appleloosa already surfacing. It retained its apple shape, and an appropriately decorated pennant was attached to the stem on top. Five of the ponies expressed their admiration, and one began to feel nostalgic.

"Thanks. But that’s just the start," Twilight said. "Fluttershy, did you bring your friends?"

"Yes." Four small white mice peeked out from the pink mane, then scampered to the grass when she put her head down. "Will they be safe, Twilight?"

"You have my word." She then hit them with a new spell that transformed them into a quartet of white stallions in full livery, with curly yellow manes and tails. However, their heads and faces retained a distinctly mouse-like character, complete with long whiskers. "Ta-da!"

The rest of the gang did their best to be amazed, but the effort quickly fell flat. Chronicle on the other hoof was completely boggled and his jaw was wide open in shock. This was getting more and more familiar.

"Neat, huh?"

"Yeah, if a bit uncanny, given what we are," Chronicle answered.

"And don’t worry. They’ll be mice again at midnight."

"Midnight?" Another moment of nostalgia. "This is reminding me of a fairy tale my mother used to read when I was a colt."

At a nearby bush, Rarity’s cat Opal emerged and lets her eyes go wide at the sight of the mice-turned-horses. She then pounced.

"Opalescence, no!" Fluttershy gasped, but it was too late. Opal has obeyed instinct and launched herself at what she regarded as lunch. Her leap dropped her neatly on the rump of one mouse/horse, throwing the entire team into a panic and sending them galloping over the hill, one of them going a separate direction. Opal get dumped back onto the grass as a result.

"Wait! Come back!" Twilight called out, to no avail. She then turned to the others. "Those horses were supposed to pull our carriage! How will we get to the Gala?"

Rarity entered "drama mode" putting a hoof to her forehead. "Whatever shall we do?" She tosses the hint of a calculating smile to her friends and approached four earth pony stallions at a fence, Opal now sitting among them, grooming herself. Chronicle recognized three of them to be Caramel, Noteworthy, and Lucky Clover. Lucky had a bluish gray coat, dark gray hair styled like Doctor Whooves, light blue eyes, and a cutie mark of three four-leaf clovers. Caramel had a light brown coat with darker brown hair cleanly brushed, cerulean eyes, and a cutie mark of three horseshoes.

Rarity cleared her throat, catching their attention. "Uh, excuse me. Uh, would you boys mind pulling our carriage to the Gala?"

She got a round of eager smiles in response from Caramel and Lucky. And in short order, the two steeds went and took the carriage for a short test pull. Once they were done…

"Oh, yeah. Right," Twilight said, managing an embarrassed little smile at having overlooked this obvious solution.



Chronicle and Spike found themselves outside a large changing room in Carousel Boutique, waiting for their female companions inside. While the stallion was respective of their privacy and patient (partly from old instincts that aren't normal for a pony), Spike was banging the door to try and get them to let them in.

Outside, Spike pounds on the closed door with a groan.

"Come on, you guys!" he was saying. "Let me in!"

"Sure thing, Spike!" Rainbow said from the other side.

"Heavens, no! We’re getting dressed!" Rarity replied.

"Come on, Spike," Chronicle told him. "Let's give the girls their privacy."

"Dressed? Uh, beg pardon, Rarity, but, uh, we don’t normally wear clothes," Applejack pointed out.

"Wouldn't want to be perverts by—" He caught himself upon realizing something. "Wait a second…" I've seen them without a stitch in their body for a long time now. He smacked himself on the face with a hoof. "Nothing wrong with seeing mares wearing nothing."

The door was soon 'opened' by Rarity, who said, "I’m sorry, Spike. Some of us do have standards."

"And I respect them," said the stallion as he and Spike followed her in. "Most high-end Canterlot mares don't want to be peeked at by any males—stallion or no—while dressing up. I should know, having been charges to some of them." He noticed that Rainbow had her mane wrapped in towels, and the others had their heads in salon-style hair dryers lowered over their heads, Fluttershy reading a magazine.

"I still can’t believe we’re going to be in Canterlot tonight!" Spike said as he reached Twilight. "Our hometown, Twilight! And the best part is that we all get to hang out together all night long!"

Across the way, Rainbow now sat on a couch. "Uh—I don’t know, Spike."

Rarity began to put on false eyelashes, which turn out to be what she wore all the time. "We’ll just have to see."

Applejack, her mane wrapped up now, did a bit of spit-shining on one of Fluttershy’s front hooves, the latter recoiling a bit at the “spit” part. "We’re gonna be a mite busy."

Pinkie lifted the dryer hood over her head, exposing a mane that had been completely straightened out. "Busy having fun!" The magenta hair instantly fluffed back up to its usual style, surprising her a bit.

"I do have other plans now that I get to go to the Gala on my own," Chronicle admitted. "See ponies I once acquainted myself with. Ponies I miss, ponies I'm better off not seeing again, maybe even some non-ponies I used to know."

Spike sulked at this. "Oh. Okay."

Twilight levitates a brush to apply some makeup. "Don’t worry, Spike. We’ll all get to spend some time together."



Later that night…

He and Chronicle sat side-by-side in the driver's seat of the carriage, the former in a black tuxedo with ruffled shirt and red bow tie, with reins in hand, and the latter in his Gala suit.

"’Cause I’ve planned out my insider’s tour of Canterlot!" the dragonling was saying.

Inside the moving carriage, the mares’ muffled, excited chatter could be heard from within. As for Lucky and Caramel, they were tricked out in white shirt collars and black bow ties.

"I’ve gotta show Rarity the crown jewels—" Chronicle's ears perked upward suddenly on hearing that. Naughty, naughty… "—and Applejack the Princess’s golden apple tree!" He turned to the window behind him. "And Pinkie, we gotta go to my favorite donut shop!" He turned back to the reins. "Then let’s get moving! Hyah!"

He snapped the reins, only for Caramel to turn angrily to him. "Excuse me?"


"If you weren’t friends with our neighbor Rarity…hmph!" grunted Lucky.

Still a bit miffed, the two stallions began pulling as Spike wiped nervous sweat from his brow. Chronicle tsked at him, saying, "Be careful with those reins. I would've smacked you upside if you did that on me."


Just outside the city…

Their carriage was just one of many to drop off their passengers. As they got closer to the resplendent white-and-gold city, Spike and Chronicle could see that all the trees were outfitted with lights, and many more ponies have gathered on the grass and made their way toward a drawbridge that led over a waterfall and into the heart of the action. Once they were at the road leading to the city, the two of them jumped down from their seat and Spike opened the door with a bow.

The first hoof to step out was Rarity’s, clad in a sparkling glass slipper. As Spike held his bow in the line of passing shadows, he popped one eye open for a peek, then suddenly snapped up to balance on his tail. "Whoa!"

"Whoa indeed," agreed Chronicle as he adjusted his cowl.

All of them were now wearing their Gala dresses, their manes styled to fit as well. There were two minor changes though. Rarity has added a deep magenta cape atop her outfit, and the glass slippers adorned only her front hooves.

"You all look…amazing!"

(A/N: I originally planned on creating my own stanza for Chronicle and putting it somewhere in the "At the Gala" song, but I decided to mix things up and switch over to Timerity's version. Also, the one I made sounded rather lame compared to theirs. You can see the draft here.)


Solaris Equestria…

[screen mode]

Now Playing: At the Gala (Colt Version) by philsterman10

Lush, bright orchestral setting, moderate 4 (B major)
All crowd/ensemble lyrics are in square brackets

Zoom out to put the six stallions and one mare in the foreground, Butterscotch and Rainbow Blitz hover above the other four, and Timerity in the middle, who was clad in a simple light blue dress and matching shoes on her hooves.

Dusk Shine: I can’t believe we’re finally here! {Cut to the drawbridge and pan around the city; he continues o.s.} With all that we’ve imagined, the reality of this night is sure to make this… {Fireworks explode overhead.} …the best night ever!

Dusk: At the Gala [at the Gala]♪
{Butterscotch flies through a double line of mares.}

Butterscotch: At the Gala, in the garden, I’m going to see them all
All the creatures, I’ll befriend them at the Gala
{A wavering dissolve puts him in the gardens of Solaris’s palace, among assorted friendly critters and seen in soft focus.}
[At the Gala]♪
{A squirrel perches on his foreleg.}
All the birdies and the critters, they will love me, big and small
{He sets it down and flies up among the butterflies.}
We’ll become good friends forever, right here at the Gala
{Wavering dissolve (WD) back to him, now marching ahead with a line of Gala guests.}
[All our dreams will come true, right here at the Gala♪
At the Gala]♪

{Applejack moves front and center. WD to a softly focused pan along a line of customers waiting their turn at his apple cart.}

Applejack: At the Gala [it’s amazing] I will sell them [better hurry]♪
All my apple-tastic treats [yummy, yummy]♪
Hungry ponies [they’ll be snacking] they will buy them [bring your money]♪
Caramel apples, apple sweets [gimme some]♪
{Cut to a huge pile of coins and tilt up to frame him atop it.}
And I’ll earn a lot of money for the Apple family
{WD back to him; half a dozen unicorn stallions circle and form a double line as they sing.}
[All our dreams and our hopes from now until hereafter♪
All that we’ve been wishing for will happen at the Gala♪
At the Gala]♪

Gentle string/harpsichord melody
(A flat minor, then back to B major by the end of the next verse)

{Their lowered heads form a barrier of horns, but they lift these away to let Elusive promenade through the line. On the next line, a WD takes the action to a set of closed doors, which open so he can enter a magnificent hall within the palace. Soft focus again.}

Elusive: At the Gala, all the royals, great Elusive's who'll they'll see
{He walks through the crowd, prompting surprised stares.}
They will see I’m just as regal at the Gala [at the Gala]♪
{The camera pans from him to a dark-blond unicorn mare looking like a high-ranking noble.}
I will meet her, my fair princess, and a beauty she will be
{They touch horns lovingly. Dissolve to a long shot of the hall and tilt up toward the floor-to-ceiling stained-glass windows.}
And I'll treat her like a lady
{WD back to him; zoom out to frame the onlookers, who proceed toward the city.}
Tonight at the Gala
[This is what we’ve waited for, to have the best night ever♪
Each of us will live our dreams, tonight at the Gala♪
At the Gala]♪

Brass fanfare, then rock with strings; drums/electric guitar in
(A flat minor, then back to B major by the end of the next verse)

{The Wonderbolts soar over Rainbow and Timerity. WD to him on the next line, suited up and flying with two of them. Soft focus.}

Rainbow: Been dreamin’, I’ve been waitin’ to fly with those brave ponies
Timerity: The Wonderbolts, their daring tricks, spinning ’round and having kicks
{They buzz past a packed grandstand, leaving disheveled and amazed spectators in their wake. Tilt down from a rain of diamonds to the trio; he stands with the other two in his Gala suit and with Timerity by his side.}
Rainbow: Perform for crowds of thousands, they’ll shower us with diamonds
{WD back to them.}
Timerity: The Wonderbolts will see him
Timerity, Rainbow: Right here at the Gala

Drums/electric guitar out

{Six Wonderbolts gain altitude overhead and sail through the fireworks.}

[All we’ve hoped for, all we’ve dreamed, our happy ever after♪
Finally will all come true right here at the Grand Gala♪
At the Gala]♪

Drums in; double-time feel

{Berry Bubble hops along toward the palace, bouncing well over the other attendees.}

Berry: I am here at the Grand Gala, for it is the best party
But the one thing it was missing was a pony named Berry
{WD; he hops along past banners and cheerful ponies as confetti rains down on the softly focused grounds.}
For I am the best at parties, all the ponies will agree
{Quick pan to each attraction he names, with him taking part in each, then WD back to the excited pink pony.}
Ponies playing, ponies dancing with me at the Grand Gala
Drums out
[Happiness and laughter at the Gala, at the Gala]♪

Majestic feel (C major)

{Prince Solaris flies through the night sky, the camera zooming out to frame the arc he describes between two clouds above the palace. Quick pan to Dusk.}

Dusk: At the Gala [at the Gala] with Solaris [with Solaris]♪
Is where I’m going to be [he will be]♪
{WD to a huge hanging light fixture in the palace, then tilt down to Dusk and Solaris in the expansive, softly focused hall.}
We will talk all about magic and what I’ve learned and seen [he will see]♪
{Solaris and the background fade away to leave him standing in a red spotlight against a black field.}
It is going to be so special, as he takes time just for me
{The crowd fades into view around him.}
[This will be the best night ever]♪

D flat major

{WD back to him, marching ahead and followed by rank on rank of ponies.}

[Into the Gala we must go, we’re ready now, we’re all aglow♪
Into the Gala, let’s go in and have the best night ever♪
Into the Gala, now’s the time, we’re ready and we look divine]♪
{Dusk and Butterscotch move to the fore; zoom out in steps to frame all seven, Timerity at the far left side of the line.}
Butterscotch: [Into the Gala] Meet new friends
Applejack: [Into the Gala] Sell some apples
Elusive: [Into the Gala] Find my princess
Timerity: Show the Wonderbolts
Rainbow: All my greatness
{Cut to each singer in turn, framed against an appropriate background; Berry is upside down, and Timerity is with Rainbow.}
Butterscotch: To meet
Applejack: To sell
Elusive: To find
Timerity, Rainbow: To prove
Berry: To whoop
Dusk: To talk
{Cut to all seven and zoom out to frame the lines of guests behind them.}
[Into the Gala, into the Gala]♪
{Tilt up to the sky above Canterlot as two rockets sail up, their paths intertwining.}
[And we’ll have the best night ever]♪
{Long shot of the city, the rockets bursting in one last brilliant display, then zoom in quickly to the seven at the drawbridge.}
[At the Gala]♪

End Song

[end screen mode]

{Snap to black.}


Back at Equestria Prime…

At the end of the epic musical number, Chronicle was feeling giddy from having his own stanza in the song as he sang. It represented his dream to see old acquaintances, which was more certain than dreams to make friends at the garden, selling apples, finding a dream prince, having a blast, or even talking with the (most likely busy) Princess.

Spike then slid over to the group on his knees, "Yeah! This is gonna be the best night ever! You know why? ’Cause we’re all gonna spend time at the Gala to—" He was cut off when the mares bugged out in six different directions, setting him spinning and yelling from their wake. He ended up sitting on the red carpet by himself. "—gether," he finished in a dejected manner "Or not."

"Why not stick with me?" said Chronicle, who didn't leave. "You know, spend some boy time."

"No thanks. I'll just head to Joe's. Have fun." He began to walk away, leaving Chronicle on his own.

The stallion gave a sigh. "Why do I have a feeling that this will end badly?"


Eyecatch (picture-type) - A scene split into six, depicting each of the mares fulfilling their dreams. Chronicle and Spike stand in a circle in the center of the picture. The show's logo appears on the top.


Finally making his way to the Gala's venue, Chronicle took a look around, recognizing a few familiar faces, but none of them recognizing him; the cowl really must work too well.

However, one pony seemed to identify him, and she began making her way towards him. She was clad in a sienna cloak that made it hard to identify her race, but it seemed to be…silkier than he remembered it. She also wore shoes suited for the Gala. Her eyes were silver-pink, her coat was green, her mane purple with an orange headband, and her tail long and alternating between those two colors.

"Moonbow Peek? Is that you?" he said. Moonbow was a fortuneteller Chronicle had the pleasure of meeting a few times during his time in Canterlot. He even once tried taking Twilight Sparkle to meet her and read her fortune, but she called it worthless hoodoo. Unlike most of her 'customers', he knows Moonbow's race and the reason why she's concealing it; she's an earth pony, and she hides her race because not only is her type of cutie mark—a crystal ball with diagonal stripes in three colors (red-yellow-blue)—not common for her race, she fears she won't be seen as 'believable' a fortuneteller as unicorn ones.

"I'm glad you still remember me."

"Well, now that I look back, one of the fortunes you told me long ago came true."


Three weeks before the Summer Sun Celebration, while Twilight Sparkle and Spike were waiting just at the exit of a tent where Moonbow conducted her fortune telling, Chronicle sat at the opposite end of a table with the fortuneteller herself, who was waving her hooves at her crystal ball in the center.

"Chronicle. You're in luck," Moonbow said. "There's no dark fortune for you today, at least nt a much as my usual." Moonhow was known for telling fortunes that are always negative, but also always have a light at the end of the tunnel. She bent closer to her crystal ball, which seemed to actually glow with some magic. "I can see that you will take part in a great prophecy. In some great event, something sealed for longer than many lifetimes will be released, and the balance of life will be threatened. Two ponies inside this tent will have an important role in stopping this threat."

"Wait, you mean she's involved in this fortune too?", asked Chronicle as he glanced at Twilight, who paused in her reading.

"Maybe. She, you, and five others will be the key to salvation, but for that to happen, she must accept the one thing she has been constantly shoving away."

The bodyguard pondered this for a few seconds before lighting up in realization. "I see. Thank you, Moonbow Peek."


"Aside from the prophecy, you're the only pony I know who predicted Nightmare Moon's escape."

The fortuneteller took this with a little bit of pride as the two of them now walked together, the garden to their side and making their way to the lawn. She then asked, "How's your charge?"

"She now has friends, and is learning its magic as we speak, sending letters to Princess Celestia every week."

The fortuneteller raised her eyebrows. "So that was Twilight Sparkle you were with that time?"


"Wow. I didn't expect to see her around a fortuneteller like me, given her practical mind."

"Actually, she was just there because I decided to take a stop. Besides, that wasn't my first time with you, just my first 'session'."

"Right." She has seen him a few times before when his charges went to her to have their fortune read.

They shortly reached the lawn, where not only there were many other Gala guests around, but—much to his surprise—a couple of familiar Ponyvillian faces. One of them was Doctor Whooves—who was wearing a classic tuxedo—and with him was Derpy Hooves, who was surprisingly not wearing anything silly like maybe a muffin-themed dress. Instead, her Gala dress was an elegant dark gray color with chiffon yellow accents, her hair was tied into a short ponytail, and her ensemble had a bubble motif. He had to admit that she cleans up rather nicely.

"Derpy! Doctor!" he greeted.

The two turned to face him and while they didn't recognize him at first, they seemed to after a few seconds of looking; there weren't many mare-faced stallions like him.

"Oh, hello there!" greeted the Doctor. "We meet again!"

Derpy turned to face him. "Again?"

"Come now, he's a Ponyville citizen. Of course I'm bound to encounter him sometime." He then noticed Chronicle's companion and turned to face her. "Oh, who's this? Certainly not a Ponyvillian." He turned back to the masked stallion. "I was expecting you to be with one of your friends."

"No sir," said Moonbow. "I'm just an acquaintance of his from Canterlot."

"I see."

"Doctor, could we get something to eat?" Derpy interrupted. "And not any of those 'English muffins', please."

Chronicle took a glance around, and then noticed something. It was Applejack, who was pushing a wheeled, apple-decorated cart with her head through the knots of guests on the lawn. She stopped for a look around, and then delivered a solid buck to the cart. The top instantly folded outward to display an apple sign and expose rows of fruit inside, while both sides expanded to show off bins and trays of other goodies. Each side was topped with an apple pennant.

"Why not over there?" the unicorn said, pointing at his friend's stall.

Derpy seemed to lighten up a bit on seeing a familiar face, while the Doctor seemed to be a bit nervous. "Might I ask, is Applejack's little sister there too?" asked the earth pony stallion.


"Okay." He turned to his companion. "Shall we?" The pegasus mare nodded as they walked off to Applejack's stand, where a Wonderbolt was just finished ordering an apple pie. "We'll tell here that you recommended her stand, okay?" he called back. "And we'll tell everypony we see as well."


Chronicle gave a little smile, then Moonbow turned to face him and said, "So, that's one of Twilight's…"


"I see." The two resumed walking aimlessly. "By the way, I've seen a stain glass window depicting your friends defeating Nightmare Moon in the castle. At least that's what I can assume from seeing Twilight Sparkle there. For some reason, you weren't in the picture."

For a moment, he felt indignant from being excluded from such an important event, but then recalled said event; all he did was stall for time until Twilight was able to realize the Elements of Harmony and as she and their then-new friends 'activated' them he just made sure Nightmare didn't get away or attack. While that was an important part, it wasn't exactly hero-worthy as he didn't even acquire anything as a result, except for new friends, a new contract from the Princess, and a permanent residence in Ponyville.

Moonbow noticed her companion's silence. "Is something wrong?"

Chronicle started upon hearing her. "Oh, nothing. Nothing for you to be concerned about."

"Okay. I won't impose."


Some time later…

Chronicle and Moonbow entered one of the many ballrooms the Gala was taking place in via one of the outer doors. As they stopped at one of the tables, Moonbow had a question.

"So…any reason you decided to dispatch a number of copies all around the Gala?"

"I wanted to see how my other friends are doing, see if there are other familiar faces, and advertize Applejack's stall, although I think only Ponyvillians would bother to buy. I wonder how a fair number of them made it here?"

"Why do you say that?"

He explained to her the entire 'ticket fiasco'.


Just then, somepony familiar entered the room with a hop; Pinkie Pie. "The shiny dance floor…the pretty party ponies…ooh, the fancy band!" she said.

At "band", Chronicle turned to see who the band was. They were a classical quartet, playing the piano (how was that possible?), cello (or was that a double bass?), tuba, and harp, all earth ponies. The cellist immediately caught his attention since he recognized her.

She bore a light gray coat, elegant dark gray hair, light purple eyes, a white collar with a pink bow, and a purple treble clef cutie mark. It was Octavia Melody. And there was a rumor that she has an affair with some Ponyvillian, and that that somepony was also adept in music, though of a different type from Octavia's.

"Shiny!…Pretty!…Fancy!" Pinkie continued as her teeth chattered and was very psyched-up. "Gotta dance!"

With that, she zipped further in, hopping and capering around the guests, singing a song, and taking absolutely no notice of their horrified stares.

"Another bearers of the Elements?" asked Moonbow.

Chronicle gave a sigh. "Yes. Pinkie Pie, Spirit of Laughter."

In the middle of her song, Pinkie startled the band, though Octavia seemed to only slump, almost as if she knows Pinkie or is familiar with her sort. At the end of the song, she has ended with two guests in a headlock, and the ire of everypony else in the room. Finally, she realized the economy-size faux pas she committed and let go of the two guests, who joined all the others in indignantly walking away from her.

Chronicle also caught sight of Twinkle, Amethyst Star, Parasol, Daisy, and Goldengrape. "I wonder how the they got their tickets?" he asked himself again.




"Anytime." Chronicle (one of the clones anyway) waved at Lyra and Bon Bon as they were soon en route to Applejack's stall. Wow, I can't believe they made it to the Gala too. and they seem to be awfully close. They wore very elegant dresses. Bon Bon's was colored mostly in navy with pink accents, and Lyra's was white with gold accents and with her mane tied back in a short ponytail. However, what was most notable about their attire was that they each had items related to the other pony; Bon Bon had lyre-shaped earrings, and Lyra had a gold choker with a wrapped candy in place of a bow.


Immediately, he was on the defensive as he readied to cast a spell. Upon seeing who it was, it was a light gray earth pony stallion, with darker gray hair, his mane tied back in a braid and hidden under a round red/brown cap with no brim, and light brown eyes behind pince-nez spectacles. He also wore a red scarf, a brown shirt with rolled-up sleeves over a long-sleeved white sweater, and a darker brown smock over his hindquarters, its pockets stuffed with small items and secured by a belt.

"What do you want?" the unicorn cautiously asked. "If you're selling something…" He glared at the mysterious stallion. "Let's hear it."

"Oh, for a moment, I thought you wouldn't be interested."

"That might be the case for most morally good ponies, but I'm willing to listen. But be quick about it."

"Thank you. Here's a list of my wares." He procured a slip of paper from his pocket. "As well as my address should you wish to visit."

Chronicle 'took' the paper and began to peruse its contents. "Hmm…interesting. Hold on." He then seemed to recognize the pony. "I remember you. I bought the flank stickers from your shop."

"Nice to see that I've acquainted myself with a previous customer."

"Yeah." Something on the list then piqued the unicorn's interest. "Hmm. What are these… crystals?"

"Oh, those?" He bent in closer. "They're special artifacts that enable a pony—not just a unicorn—to manipulate certain classical elements. Water, earth, fire, air, lightning…"

"Are you sure you're not pulling my leg here?"

"Oh, no, no, no. As a matter of fact, I have them with me right now. But we need to be someplace discreet. I'm sure you could already tell that given the nature of my store, this isn't exactly legal."

"Where do you think we should head to?"

"I suggest the garden."

"I don't think that's a good idea." Fluttershy came to mind. "One of my friends is there right now, attempting to make friends with the local fauna. Don't ask why."

"The garden's a big place, I'm sure we can avoid her," assured the earth pony


"Do you want me to prove the crystals' capabilities or not?"

Now that got him thinking. Hnnh…if he's telling the truth, these crystals can be very useful. Most of my friends aren't good enough fighters like I am. Who knows what other threats we may have to face? What if friendship isn't enough? What if I'm not enough? With that in mind, he made his decision. "All right. But I'm afraid I don't think I have the bits to pay for it. Could you reserve some of them for me?"

"We'll see."


Back inside the ballroom…

Moonbow has taken out her crystal ball and was about to read Chronicle's fortune. At another neaby table, Pinkie Pie was sitting by herself, totally bummed out, and not really noticing them. The green earth pony began to wave her hooves at the ball and it seemed to emit a faint glow as she did so.

"Are you sure you want me to read your fortune, Chronicle?" she asked one last time. "You know how dark they can be." She peered closer at her orb and was disturbed at what she apparently predicted. "And from what I can see here, we're all in danger."

Chronicle gave a short gasp. "If that's so, I need to hear it all the more."

Moonbow gave a sigh, took a deep breath, then began her fortunetelling. Before she could do so, Pinkie interrupted her.

"No!" she said. "I’ve waited all my life for this moment, and I’m not going to let it slip by. If it’s the last thing I do, I’m gonna make this…the best night ever!" Both her friend and the fortuneteller started to look worried as she began to enter a thinking pose. "Now, what to do…"

"Should I continue?" asked Moonbow.

"Yes, let's," answered Chronicle.

"Okay." Composing herself, she pulled her hood further in, then began. "There is a storm coming. And it will come in…" She raised one eyebrow at this. "…delicious flavors."

The unicorn had no idea how to respond. "…What?"


Eyecatch (picture-type) - A scene split into six, depicting each of the mares not being able to fulfill their dreams. Chronicle and Moonbow Peek sit in opposite ends of a table, the latter waving her hooves over a crystal ball. The show's logo appears on the bottom.



Another Chronicle clone managed to enter the VIP area where the Wonderbolts (and Rainbow Dash) were when he noticed Rarity walking with somepony familiar. Somepony that riled his nerves and made his blood boil.

It was a white unicorn stallion who had a somewhat larger build than the average pony, almost Big Macintosh's size, although he knew it was built just for appearance's sake. He wore black tuxedo lapels with a boutonniere and a blue bow tie over his dress shirt front. His hair was dark blond, his eyes were the palest blue, and his cutie mark was an eight-point compass rose.

"Prince Blueblood," he spat to himself as he saw the two stop in front of a spilt drink and conversing with one another on what to do. His blood boiled further when he used Rarity's cape to cover it up. As the two walked on (Rarity retrieving her now-wet accessory), he decided to walk up to them.

Blueblood seemed to be miffed at this. "Who dares stand in my way?"

Raarity wasn't, and was in fact happy to see him. "Chronicle?"

The prince seemed to recognize the name. "What?! You?!"

Chronicle gave a smirk. "Yes. Me. Your bodyguard before your auntie Princess decided to hire me out of you. I'll have to thank you for that."

Now this seemed to throw Blueblood—as well as Rarity—off guard. "Thank me?"

"Yes. She wouldn't have even known of me until I entered your 'service'. And she wouldn't have assigned me to Twilight Sparkle." He then faced Rarity with an expression that said, While it was a terrible experience, I do not regret having taken it. "I haven't regretted it since." He turned to face Blueblood again and said, "You don't mind if I borrow her for a while, do you?"

"By all means," Blueblood answered haughtily. "I shall be at the table—" He pointed to a long one with a punch bowl and other fine food items. "—Getting drinks."

Once he was off, Rarity turned to Chronicle and said, "What do you think you're doing?"

"During your ticket fantasy last summer, I was going to tell you that Princess Celestia's nephew is no Prince Charming."

"I'm pretty sure I already know that by now."

"Then why are you still accompanying him?" She was about to answer when he stopped her with a raised hoof. "No, don't tell me. You're trying to make him eventually show his nice side, right?" Rarity gave a nod. "Well, good luck with that. Don't go crying over my shoulder when I'm proven right."

"Why would I ever do that?"

"Just a figure of speech. What I mean to say is…don't come for me complaining about him, okay?"

"I'm pretty sure I won't. You never told me of your involvement with him until now, anyway." With that, she made her way back to Prince Blueblood, and looked a bit miffed that he didn't get a drink for her.


Erstwhile, back at the ballroom…

Moonbow began to tell Chronicle's future. In the 'background' Pinkie Pie was whispering to the band, probably suggesting a song. In spite of that, in spite of Chronicle advising her they move somewhere else, in spite of her gut feeling that things are about to go south very shortly, she was determined to see this through.

"The natural order of things will be turned on its head," she said. "Reversals will abound, and its head is an immortal evil sealed long ago, only to be released by an accident. Bonds will break, personas will be inverted, ponies will be broken, true feelings will be realized, and colors will fade in all the wrong places."

Chronicle raised an eyebrow as Pinkie began to sing her song, contrasting the set mood. "That doesn't make any sense."

Moonbow looked back at Chronicle with her silver-pink eyes. "This evil revels in not making sense. Towards him will be not only despisal, but laughter in the wrong times. And about you and your friends…"

"What else do you know about them?"

"Only what is depicted in the castle's stained glass, nothing more. Now, this is what I can see of their fates." The crystal ball seemed to emit specific colors as she spoke, starting with orange. "One will be easily deceived by something blatant." Then cyan. "One will turn serious by redirection." Violet. "A new 'friend' will impede your travels." Green. "One will learn to sting others, at one's heart most of all." The fortuneteller pointed at Chronicle's at this statement as the crystal ball's interior then glowed red. "One shall take wing, and they and another will abandon the team."


"It is not clear—very few fortunes are—but there's also something concerning what you shall endure…" The inside of the crystal ball then glowed a deep blue.


"You possess something that shields you from this evil, but it will only make your suffering worse." Chronicle seemed to be a bit surprised at this, mostly the 'protect' bit, and then confused on the 'worse; bit. "After hope turns into despair, your duty will turn into a vendetta. Even after victory, its scars shall remain for a long time, with you most of all."

"Hold on. Victory?"

"Yes. As with all evils, this one will still lose in the end."

"Again with the dark futures with an absolute hope, huh, Moonbow?"

Moonbow gave a sigh. "It's my specialty, sadly."


"Yes. In spite of the guaranteed light I grant at the end of my fortunetelling, it scares a bit of my potential customers."

Suddenly, Chronicle felt a little headache he usually feels whenever one of his magical clones dissipate and got not only the fact that Rarity is with Prince Blueblood, Lemon Hearts (who also made it to the Gala) was a cameramare. An image of Fluttershy also flashed in his mind for some reason, and that began to worry him.

"Anyway, I feel like it's best that I leave now." Moonbow took her crystal ball, stowed it in the folds of her cloak, and made to leave.

"Huh. Why?"

A cup flew out of nowhere and headed straight for Moonbow's head. Before he could warn her, she ducked her head as it sailed right over. "The future of others isn't the only thing I can read. I also have a limited amount of foresight, which is helpful for dodging. I suggest you leave while you still can. Things are about to go south very soon." With that, she left through the door they used to enter the ballroom just as Pinkie Pie finished her song.

Go south? What does that—

He was cut off when somepony (he recognized her as a previous charge of his named Lyrica Lilac) call out to Pinkie. "Young lady, this is not that kind of party!" she said.

Pinkie was shocked at this. "Ohhhhh! They don’t want a party…" She suddenly beamed. "…these ponies want a par-tay!"

Celestia help us all, Chronicle groaned as he buried his head under his hooves. This isn't what I was expecting at all. He began to recollect the memories he got from his dissipated clones. Applejack's not getting any sales apart from the other Ponyvillians who made it here, Rainbow Dash is faking a hero to get the Wonderbolts' attention, and Rarity's hopelessly trying to reach out to that snob Prince Blueblood. Hopefully, Twilight isn't doing anything too drastic, and I haven't heard from Fluttershy, or at least anything concerning her. I wonder if I should head out to the garden and look for her?

By the time he was finished pondering, the classical quartet seems to have (wisely) evacuated the ballroom stage as Pinkie began spinning tunes at a DJ turntable.

"Come on, everypony!" she said as she jumped down to the floor. "You wanted a par-tay? Now let’s par-tay!" Another leap drove her up against a party-goer's rump. "Yeah! Uh!" She got two guests in a headlock. "Now that’s a beat! Yeah!" And she soon got into bouncing ponies into the air. "Uh! Come on, dance! Yeah! Woo-hoo!"

Next, a set of closed doors opened to admit Applejack and an eight-layer apple cake she was wheeling in on her folded-up cart. "Okay, all you high-class ponies," she said. "Here’s a highfalutin apple cake for all your hoity-toity taste buds!"

"STAGE DIVE!!" Pinkie suddenly called back on the stage and she flung herself out into space, missing all the guests who scooted out of her way, but nailing the edge of Applejack’s cart. That impact catapulted the cake across the ballroom.

Elsewhere, a resentful Rarity was holding the door so Blueblood can enter. Both cried out in fear as the huge dessert arced down toward them on a collision course, and Rarity founds herself being used as an equine shield. The masterpiece dress she designed, and that her friends worked so hard to finish, became a bedraggled ruin in one terrible instant. The turntables wound to a stop, and Rarity rounded on her companion with a feral snarl as her face went crimson.

"You, sir, are the most un-charming prince I have ever met!" she said as she backed Blueblood up to a wall. "In fact, the only thing royal about you is that you are a royal pain!"

Blueblood cowered, but not from her outburst apparently. "Ewww! Stay back! I just had myself groomed!"

"Afraid to get DIRTY?!?" A good full-body shake threw fragments of cake and frosting all over the unlikable royal heir, who fell back and knocked himself out against a pedestal. Not just any pedestal however, but the one holding a winged unicorn statue. As the sculpture began to topple, it turns out that Rainbow and the Wonderbolts were in the ballroom as well.

"This is my chance!" said the polychromatic-maned mare as she then rocketed past the Wonderbolts — "Wananananana~" — just in time to catch the statue and hold it off the ground. "Yes!" However, she began to lose her balance. "Whoa!" The weight shift sent her tottering crazily to and fro, with the result that the statue thumped against the column at one end of a semicircle behind the pedestal.

It went over, the topmost section falling loose, and banged into the next one in line as the crowd watched aghast. One by one, all the columns crashed down like dominoes and kicked up a good amount of dust from their impact. Once it cleared, it showed Rainbow in the center of the surrounding rubble and spectators. The statue was still intact on her back, but it too quickly fell apart around her.

Now, and only now, did Twilight enter the ballroom with Celestia. About damn time, thought Chronicle as he saw both their eyes go wide and mouths go slack at the sight of all this chaos, and their disheveled and discombobulated friends.

"Well, it can’t get any worse," he heard her say.

A tremor then shook the entire room, scaring every guest with hooves to feel it. "Dammit, Twilight!" Chronicle called out to her. Another set of doors—the one Moonbow just used to exit the ballroom—burst open. The cause was a stampede of animals big and small, on the run from something that scared the unicorn stallion so much he could've taken a dump on the spot; a certain scuffed-up, panting yellow pegasus who has quite obviously completely lost her mind.

"You’re…going to LOVE ME!!" Fluttershy bellowed from the top of her lungs.

Not only did this set the guests into a full-scale stampede, it scared Chronicle so much that he shrieked like a filly—to the shock of everypony who can hear it—and fell over fainting on the spot as Rarity would sometimes do, overwhelmed with fright as his still focused friends gasped at this sight.

Twilight had no words to describe this. "Um, um, uh…" She gave a strangled little gasp.

Celestia whispered to her a quick bit of advice. "Run!"

Having had enough of both greeter duty and this general silliness, Twilight whistled to her friends and waved them toward the door. There followed a general retreat, Fluttershy dropping a squirrel in her teeth, and Applejack pulling out a lasso and grabbing their unconscious stallion friend with it. As they shuffled down a staircase, his head bumped on the stairs enough times for him to wake up.

"I'm up, I'm up, I'M UP!" he screeched as he got the lasso off of him. Luckily, Fluttershy was already further ahead so he didn't see her and therefore get scared again.

Just then, one of Rarity’s glass slippers fell loose on the stairs next to him. Pinkie stopped next to it as well and said, Ooh! Rarity, your glass slipper! Now your prince is sure to find you!"

The thought of the old "Cinderella story" having any validity to it scared the bejesus out of Rarity as she raced up the stairs with a panicked shriek and brought her hooves down on the slipper, "Let's go!" she said. Pinkie eyed the remains with some puzzlement for a moment before Rarity yanked her bodily down the rest of the stairs. Chronicle shortly followed uneasily, though was still scared from what caused him to faint. More memories began to flood his mind as the chaos behind them dissipated his remaining clones back at the Gala.

"I could've scooped it up," the stallion grumbled.


Somewhere outside the Gala's venue…

Spike—out of his tux and in the depths of sullen self-pity—was drowning his sorrows in cocoa and donuts in the donut shop he was talking about.

"Hey, Pony Joe. Another donut," he said as he sat at the counter. No doubt this was the one he mentioned en route to the Gala. Behind the counter was a light tan and slightly chubby unicorn stallion with brown hair, dark green eyes, a frosted donut cutie mark, and he donned a white shirt, apron, and paper cap.

"Don’t you think you’ve had enough?" Joe said to him.

Spike just slammed his mug, splashing cocoa. "Another donut! Extra sprinkles!" Joe regarded him with great concern as he rested his head in his hands, elbows on the counter. The jingling of the door’s bell perked them both up.

"Twilight Sparkle! Chronicle!" Joe called, then gave a chuckle, seeing her and her friends come in with trashed dresses and downcast faces. In spite of everything, Chronicle was less messed up than the others, though he has taken off his cowl and gave a very wary glance at Fluttershy, who had herself under control again. "Long time no see!"

"Good evening, Joe," Chronicle managed to say as Spike ran to them.

"Hey, how was the Gala? How was your best night ever?" asked the dragon.


A few minutes after, the group was now gathered around a table set with a plate of donuts. Twilight’s mood was improving now.

"That sounds like the worst night ever!" Spike said after hearing all that had happened.

"It was!" said the mares all at the same time, then there was raucous laughter all around when they realized that they had talked at the same time.

"And thanks to them," snarked Chronicle as he gestured to his friends. "The same thing applies to everypony else still at the Gala. I still had a better time though." In spite of that disturbing fortune…

"I just hope Princess Celestia isn’t upset with us for ruining the Gala," Twilight said in a sad tone.

"That was the best Grand Galloping Gala ever!" a familiar voice came.

Popping eyes were soon joined by a round of smiles, the Princess herself was now inside.

"Princess Celestia!" everypony and Spike gasped as she joined them.

"Pardon me, Princess, but tonight was just…awful!" Twilight said.

Celestia just chuckled a bit before saying, "Oh, Twilight, the Grand Galloping Gala is always awful."

"It is?"

"You never been to the Gala?" gasped Chronicle. "I assumed that as her student, you would be there, unless you were all 'study time' back then and couldn't bother with it."

"I was."


"That is why I was thrilled you were all attending," Celestia then said. "I was hoping you could liven things up a bit. And while the evening may not have gone as you planned, I’m sure you’ll agree that in the end, it didn’t turn out so bad for this group of friends."

"You’re right, Princess," Twilight agreed as their pegasus friends smiled. "Friends have a way of making even the worst of times into something pretty great."

"Yeah! Hanging out with friends!" Rainbow said.

"Talking!" Fluttershy.

"Laughing!" Pinkie.

"You mean doing exactly what I wanted to do the whole time?" asked Spike.

"Yes, Spike," Twilight agreed "You were right."

"As horrible as our night was…" Applejack.

"…being together here has made it all better." Rarity.

"In fact, it’s made it…" Pinkie.

"…the best night ever!" everypony finished with Spike, then laughed along with Celestia.

Chronicle suddenly realized something, stopped laughing, and said, "Hold on. Princess, what did you mean by 'the best Grand Galloping Gala ever'? I mean, they totally wrecked the event. I know I certainly didn't. And where was Princess Luna? I was hoping to see her."

As the laughing stopped, Celestia gave a smirk, then said, "The truth is, it's actually something of a tradition for the Gala to end up being ruined somehow. You should actually feel honored to be a part of it. Not many get to say they were a part of one of the most elaborate and high-profile pranks of the year."

"Hear that Pinkie?" Rainbow said, grinning as she looked across the table at the pink party pony. "We were prankin' and didn't even know it!"

"Imagine what we could do next year at the Gala when we're pranking and do know about it," Pinkie replied, grinning from ear to ear.

"Assumin' we get invited again, that is," Applejack told them, killing their buzz a bit. "I reckon the kinda folks that go to the Gala might not cotton to seein' the likes of us again."

"And even if we do, I'll thank you to leave me out of your machinations," Rarity added. "Though I admit it does shed a whole new light on why I always end up with so many repair jobs on Gala dresses immediately after the event."

"And as for Princess Luna not coming, she didn't feel ready to face the ponies, and frankly she's still behind in current times," Celestia finished. "Not to mention she still has lingering guilt from her time as Nightmare Moon."

"I see. I never saw what disaster happened last Gala when I was under Prince Blueblood's service though, where you then hired me and assigned me to Twilight."

"For that one, the prank for the Gala was…no prank. Just to throw off those guests who have become prepared for it."

"Oh. Well, I still think we all deserve some compensation for the mess we did, not to mention losses." He glanced at Applejack upon saying this.

"Chronicle does have a point." Celestia gave a smile as she then 'summoned' a large pouch of bits, then 'passed' it to the farmpony. "Take it."

Feeling that it would be rude to refuse the Princess, Applejack accepted the gift and thanked her.

"I'm kinda surprised they even let her set up shop," Chronicle then said. "I would've expected an official to evict her, gently or with force." He turned to the pony he had least expected to get a scare out of. "Fluttershy, from what I can deduce from what my clones have seen, I think the animals ran away from you because it was nighttime and you weren't letting them get any sleep, they didn't know you unlike the ones in Ponyville, and maybe you were—for all I know—in heat, hence your…" He gave a shudder. "…crankiness."

There were a few seconds of awkwardness from the mention of 'in heat', and when somepony spoke, it was Fluttershy herself. "I guess you do have a point, now that I look back at…what I did. I wasn't in heat, though."

"Oh." He turned back to Celestia. "By the way, your Highness, did you already know the Gala would be boring and merely failed to realize those who didn't know that would be so eager to go? Oh wait, you already answered that question."

"She did indeed," said Pinkie. "We were invited as a prank."

"Right. Princess Celestia, if we're ever invited to the Gala again, will you be able to…tweak things a bit so that all of us will be able to enjoy it?" He glanced at Pinkie on saying 'enjoy'.

Celestia just gave a smile that could mean anything. "We'll see."

Chronicle then turned to face his friends. "Now that we know what the Gala is like, I'm sure we can all behave ourselves next time, right?" There were general murmurs of agreement from all six of them, Spike not having attended the Gala at all. "All right."

Author's Note:

Thankfully, you will have footnotes here because the only thing that would be at the top is the disclaimer, which is already applied in almost every chapter anyway.

1. More Lunaverse shout-outs.

2. About that "black market" merchant, he will return soon. Also, he's from the Season 3 Episode Magic Duel, I think you know where. As for what happened between him and the Chronicle clone, I'll cover that in my "sequel". Sorry if I left that thread hanging.

3. I think it's obvious from Moonbow's fortune that it's covering "The Return of Harmony". While we all know how it ends, and I will keep the ending the same (he's imprisoned again), I also gave a hint to what Chronicle will experience there.

4. I think I laughed a bit when, after putting a link to Team Fortress 2's Scout's sound effect, I realized that Rainbow Dash—in the episode this chapter's based on—has made another shout-out to The Six Million Dollar Man.

Yeah, I could've done better, especially the ending, but this is from Chronicle's POV, and he doesn't keep tagging along with his friends to react to their actions; he has his own life, and it's not always story-worthy. Anyway, here're Moonbow's VAs.

Moonbow Peek:
JAP: Sakurai Harumi (Lisanna Strauss in Fairy Tail)
ENG: Jen Taylor (Zoey in Left 4 Dead)

Finally! The last chapter for Season 1! There'll be another after this. After that, I'm gonna cover "The Return of Harmony".

See ya on Third!

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