• Published 26th May 2013
  • 7,465 Views, 250 Comments

Friendship and Mysteries - The Cake Devil

Dipper thought he was prepared for any thing , or at least he thought he did until an encounter with a magical horse and her patch job partner. Now Dipper is in a race against time and the fate of two worlds may rest in his hands.

  • ...

Nightmare or Reality? (Now Edited thanks to Neko Majin C)

Chapter 1

“But, Wendy I…” Dipper reached out his hand to touch Wendy, only for to be smacked it down.

“You really thought that I could ever love a twerp like you?” Asked Wendy. Disgust made itself evident on her face,“I never want to see you again, Dipper Pines!”

Her words echoed in his head as Dipper stood there unable to speak, unable to move his legs. He stood there as the one girl who he had hid his true feelings from for so long, shattered his heart into a million pieces. Dipper looked down as the tears began to pour down his face.

Dipper felt a hand be gently placed upon his shoulder.


He raised his head to meet Wendy's eyes, as small shimmer of hope was suddenly rekindled inside of him.

But what he saw wasn't Wendy.

Towering over him was a creature like nothing he had ever seen. As Dipper stood horrified at what had manifested in front of him, the creature stared right back at him with its crimson eyes. A crooked smile began to form on the creature's muzzle, giving Dipper a good view of a tooth protruding from its upper jaw.

The creature then bent its neck downwards, reaching eye level with Dipper. He looked back at the creature, unable to close his eyes or look away for a single moment.Then...it began to laugh. A deep laugh that echoed in his mind and only got louder, and louder, and louder and-

“AH!” Dipper shot up in his bed drenched in a cold sweat, gasping for air. “It was only a dream.” He told himself as he wiped the sweat from his brow and gave an exhausted smile.

It was still dark outside the cabin window, yet birds could be heard chirping outside.

He gave an irritated groan as he plopped back onto his bed. “Well, no use trying to get back to sleep now.”

Dipper glanced over to the other side of the room to his twin sister Mabel. Realizing how much noise he had been making, he hoped that she hadn't been woken in the process.

Luckily, it looked like his outburst hadn't hindered his sisters's sleep. She lay face down on her bed, her mouth wide open, showing off her braces. Her arm was clenched around her beloved pig, Waddles. Somehow the pig had managed to sneak his way under the covers of his sister's bed and was sleeping soundly next to her (with the exception of the occasional kick).

Dipper gave a smile at the sight of the two and turned his head to the ceiling as he tried to recollect his dream.

“I never want to see you again, Dipper Pines!”

Dipper continued to replay the sentence in his head. He knew it had only been a dream, but it hurt nonetheless. It had only been a few weeks since Wendy had started going out with Robbie.

Dipper sneered at the very thought of him, how Wendy could fall for such a looser was beyond him. But the fact was Wendy had chosen to be with Robbie, and Dipper was left with a broken heart.

Dipper violently shook his head back and forth. Attempting to dismiss the thought from his mind. Instead he tried to recall more factors of his strange dream.

He faintly remembered something else. Squinting his eyes, he tried to bring back the dream, as he did, fuzzy images began to come back into focus. Slowly, the thing that had entered his dream started to take form.

The creature was indeed a mismatch of different parts: Its tail was covered in red scales. At the very tip sprouted a tuft of white fur. It stood on two different legs, one that was hoofed, and another that was clawed and covered with green scales. The creature was sporting a lion paw and an eagle's claw for front legs. Two different wings rested on it's back, one that was transparent and looked like it had been torn from a bat and the other was covered in a layer of blue feathers. There was what looked like two different protrusions coming out of its head-one that looked like a deer antler, and the other a blue goat horn.

Dipper paused in his thought process as he recollected what had truly scared him awake.

Its eyes.

Dipper shuttered at the very thought of them. There was just something about them that made him feel…uneasy. Not that the rest of the creature was pretty to look at either. But it was the eyes that had a touch of utter delight and pure insanity, that represented the cherry on top of a creature who's appearance was beyond belief to begin with.

Dipper flipped on his light and grabbed a book from under his pillow.

He stared at it momentarily, the book that he had found by chance in a secret compartment in the woods, had helped him many times during his strange adventures. Perhaps it could be of assistance once more.

He cracked open the book and started flipping through the pages.

“Ghost, no. Gremlin, no. Lawn gnome, no. Rainicorn, no.”

Dipper gave a frustrated groan. “Come on, there's gotta be something in here.”

As he franticlly searched through the book, Dipper felt something lightly brush the top of his head. He reached up and grabbed the mysterious item. To his dismay, it was a page from the book. It had the same texture and worn out look as the other pages in the book, but looked like it had been torn out. Being that the side Dipper had turned to him was blank, he flipped the page over.

Doing so caused his eyes to widened in a mixture of satisfaction and fear at the sight of what lie on the opposite side.

On the page was the very creature that had haunted his dreams. The picture depicted the monster with a very small grin whilst his arms rested behind his head and his legs crossed. He seemed to be relaxing on a pink cloud that was raining some sort a brown liquid upon some very distraught citizens.

“You know, I must say that picture really does capture my essence quite well, if I do say so myself.”


Dipper screamed. Flying out of his bed, the young boy found the wall and pressed his back to it. His heart raced as he scanned the room frantically, looking for the source of the voice. But finding nothing but the room itself.

“Ughhhhhh, Dipper? What's going on?”

Dipper looked over to see a very groggy Mable sit up in bed and rub her eyes.

“Sorry Mable, I… saw a mouse and it really surprised me is all. Just go back to sleep, okay?”

Mabel yawned, lied back down, and wrapped her arms around Waddles.“Okay. But please try to keep it down.”

Dipper gave a sigh of relief, being a terrible liar Dipper felt lucky Mabel was in such a state to not ask questions.

Slowly,he made his way back to bed. He picked up the book slid it back under his pillow, and crawled back under the sheets. He was about to turn off his light when something caught his attention once more.

The page.

He slowly reached for it and put it to his face once more. He looked to the picture and above the image was a single word.

“Discord?” He said to himself in a hushed tone.

As he predicted, Dipper failed in his attempts to go back to sleep that night. His exhaustion was announced most prominently when, at breakfast, he enjoyed a hearty bowl of pig feed and milk. Compliments of Grunkle Stan and Mabel, who snickered to one another and snickered in anticipation of his reaction. Unfortunately for the two tricksters, Dipper consumed his peculiar breakfast none the wiser. Frustrated at Dippers response (or lack of one), Stan got up from the table, grabbed his paper and headed to the bathroom. While Mabel on the other hand, looked to her brother with increased concern.

“Dipper, are you feeling okay?”

Dipper continued to eat his breakfast.

“Dipper, hey Dipper, earth to mister groggy froggy.” This time Mabel placed a hand on Dipper's shoulder and lightly shook him.


Dipper shot up at the sudden sensation of his sister's touch, causing his breakfast to spill onto the floor, much to the delight of a patient Waddles. The pig eagerly gorged himself on the fallen mess as Dipper stared blankly at the pig. His knees were drawn up to his chest with his arms wrapped around his legs; his eyes were deathly bloodshot with bags hanging just under them.

“Alright bro-bro, what's going on with you?” Mabel asked. “What happened last night that's got your brains all smooshed up?”

Dipper looked over to Mabel and gave an exhausted sigh. “I'm fine Mabel; I thought I told you I just saw a mouse and got scared.”

Mabel shook her head. “Uh-uh, Dipper, my twin telepathy is going bonkers up in here.” Mabel put a finger on her forehead. “And it's tellin' me that there's something else making you act like this, and it isn't some silly mouse.”

Dipper remained unphased.

Mabel frowned. Once again, she reached out to her brother and placed her hand back on his back.

“Dipper, whatever's bugging you I'm sure we can fix it together.” She said as she cracked a smile. “We are the Mystery Twins, after all.”

Dipper gave a small smile. He knew that his sister was right, and if there was one person that could give him the help he needed, it was Mabel.

He turned his head to look at Mabel, only to see the grotesque sight of the creature's head stapled to his sister's body. Dipper quickly rubbed his eyes hoping to rid himself of the sight.

He opened his eyes, this time greeted by the very worried face of his sister. Dipper breathed a sigh of relief as he excused himself from the table.

“I’m going to take a walk in the woods. I think I just need to clear my head, alright?”

Mabel frowned as she gave a heavy sigh. “Alright, just be careful.”

Dipper nodded and made his way out the door. He stopped for a moment and turned around to face his sister.

“Hey, Mabel,”he said.

Mabel turned to look at him.“Yeah?”


Mabel gave a big smile and waved a dismissive hand at him. “Any time, dipping sauce.”

It was still a little chilly out when Dipper left the Mystery Shack. He didn't know where he was going, but he just knew he had to get out of the house.

He hadn't walked far when he saw Wendy from a distance. His mouth became an instant smile as he waved and called out to her.

“Hey, Wendy!” He shouted.

Wendy seemed to wave back, which caused Dippers heart to jump a little. He proceeded to walk over only to stop in his tracks. Unbeknownst to Dipper, Robbie had been leaning against the other side of the cabin out of Dippers direct line of sight. Robbie walked up to Wendy and they greeted each other with a quick hug as Wendy continued her way to the gift shop entrance with her hand holding Robbie's.

Dipper's smile faded and his gaze wandered to the ground. He continued on his way, with disappointment and heart break as his traveling companions.

“ Dipper. Hey, Dipper!”

He looked up to see Wendy smiling down at him, Robbie was still holding her hand but trying as much as possible to avert eye contact with Dipper while he gave an annoyed look.

“Oh, hey Wendy, what's up?” Dipper asked with a weak smile.

“Eh, you know, same old same old. Dang, did you not get enough sleep last night or something? You're looking pretty messed up.”

Dipper gave her an awkward smile and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Yeah, last night I thought I saw a mouse run across my bed, and it kinda freaked me out a little, is all.”

Robbie snickered,“Pfft figures a twerp like you would get scared because of a little mouse.”

Wendy scowled at him and gave a quick elbow jab to his side. “Cut it out Robbie.” She said.

“Oof.” Robbie grabbed his side.

Wendy turned her attention back to Dipper, a comforting smile on her face. “ Hey don't sweat it Dipper, its nothing to be ashamed of. Tell you what, I'll have Soos set out some traps today, sound good?”

Dipper smiled. “I would say yes, but I think all we would catch is Soos.”

The two of them share a laugh.

“Alright, little dude, I’ll see you a later.”

“Yeah, see you later.”

Dipper stood there for a little longer and watched the two make their way through the front entrance. Before the two completely disappeared into the shack, Robbie turned his head and gave Dipper a menacing-death stare.

Dipper returned the stare as they finally disappeared behind the door. Dipper gave a small sigh and was about to make his way back into the house when he heard a hushed voice call out.


Dipper froze in his tracks.

He gave a nervous laugh and attempted to blow it off as nothing. “It’s all in your head Dipper, you're tired and you're hearing things because of it.” He assured himself.

“Discord!?” He heard again.

He swallowed hard. “Okay, so not just hearing things.”

He contemplated running as fast as he could to the back door, but his curious nature got the better of him and he cautiously made his way towards the voice.

“Come on Dipper you can do this, you can do this.”

The voice seemed to be coming near the bottomless pit.As he edged closer the voice sounded feminine and started to have an irritated tone to it.

“Uhh, come on, we don't have time for this. Princess Celestia gave us a deadline and the longer we stay here the more likely we are to be discovered by the locals.”

Dipper creped ever closer, the only thing separating the source of the voice and himself was a small shrub. He lowered himself onto his stomach and tentatively parted the shrubs.

Standing next to the bottomless pit was what appeared to be a horse? Dipper gave a sigh of relief.

“Okay, odd, but not exactly bad.” He whispered.

Dipper watched the odd little horse scurry around, looking as if it had lost something. The more he watched the little horse, the less and less it looked like a regular horse.

The first thing he noticed about it was the color of its coat. A soft tone of purple fur covered its entire body. Its mane was a dark shade of purple with a violet stripe going through it, and on its rear was some sort of...star tattoo? He continued to scan the horse and noticed that neatly tucked into its side were two feathery wings. “Okay, so its a purple Pegasus.” he muttered. As the little horse came closer to where Dipper was hiding, he saw something sticking from its forehead:a horn. “Alright so scratch that, a purple, Pegasus, Unicorn? A Pegicorn. Mabel would love this.”

“Ah, crab apples!” The little horse muttered.

"Did that horse just talk?" He thought to himself as his jaw fully dropped; his eyes were glued in a state of shock and amazement. Feeling satisfied with his findings ,and a little uneasy, he slowly rose and turned to make his way back from where he came.

He turned around and started walking. He'd only taken two steps, when an unknown force caused him to trip, landing flat on his face. He looked around to see what had caused his sudden reintroduction to the ground.

“A pineapple?” Dipper muttered. He picked up the fruit and inspected it, spinning the object around in his hands.

“How in the world-” Dipper was suddenly cut off by a sharp “Shhhh.”

Dipper jumped, he looked around to find the origin of sound only to find empty forest.

“Would you keep it down, for Celestias sake, you're going to give us away.”

Dipper reluctantly looked back to the fruit and found that it was now glaring at him with two frustrated eyes looking back at him.

Dipper screamed and fumbled the fruit.

“Aha, found you!”

Dipper found himself surrounded by a purple aura as his feet were slowly lifted off the ground. He was being pulled into the clearing and brought in front of the horse-like creature.

“Alright, now that your silly game is over, we can finally get down to busi-”

The horse's eyes widened and its jaw dropped as it suddenly became aware of Dippers presence. The two were in a mutual state of shock and terror as they looked at one another.

“Oh no..”

Author's Note:

Alright people this is my first fan fiction ever. Let me know what you guys think I need the input.

A Huuuge thanks to Neko Majin C for his mad editing chops. I had no idea just how bad my earlier writing sucked.:twilightoops: