• Published 26th May 2013
  • 7,463 Views, 250 Comments

Friendship and Mysteries - The Cake Devil

Dipper thought he was prepared for any thing , or at least he thought he did until an encounter with a magical horse and her patch job partner. Now Dipper is in a race against time and the fate of two worlds may rest in his hands.

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Something Black, Something Borrowod, and Something Blue. (Now Edited thanks to Neko Majin C)

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

“One thousand years of waiting, and this is my fate.” Sombra pondered while he faced his defeat as he and a blast of energy edged closer and closer to each other. As he neared his demise, time seemed to slow down inside the head of the dark lord. “To be overthrown within a few days of my release by my miserable crystal slaves, a lowly Alicorn, and a dragon?!”

King Sombra winced his eyes as the light from the blast became brighter.

“No, this will not be my fate. No matter how long it takes, somehow I will return, and take my revenge on all those who rose against me this day. Then, I will take my place as King Sombra: Emperor Supreme of all!”

As Sombra realized that the blast was mere moments upon him, he felt a strange sensation, an electrical tingle that started at his back legs and moved up his body.

“Wh-what is this?!” he thought to himself as his body was broke down into millions upon millions of pieces all at once, every last one of them moving in the same direction.

King Sombra lie motionless as he slowly regained consciousness. As his vision came into focus, he could see that he was in the middle of a darkened room surrounded by a circle of candles emanating a purple flame. He paused his investigation when he suddenly became aware of a small robed being standing before him.

“Ehehe it worked, it worked, my very own demon servant to do my bidding.” It said as it happily danced back and forth.

“I am servant to nopony!” Sombra hissed.

He steadily lifted himself from the ground and aimed his horn at the figure with the intention of setting the little creature ablaze with fire and watch it burn to his amusement. Sombra gave a small sinister smirk as he concentrated on the image of fire and the little pest screaming in agony. But nothing happened.

“M-my magic, it’s gone! What have you done?!” Sombra roared as he attempted to gore the being with his horn, only to hit his head against an unknown force and be knocked onto his flank.

“What is the meaning of this, and who are you to dare claim yourself master of the Crystal Emperor?”

The small figure turned to face Sombra, allowing his cloak to drop to the ground.

What stood before Sombra was a small, chubby, ape-like creature. On its head was a snow white mane that made up most of its height, on its face was a prominently upturned nose and three freckles dotted each cheek. All of this was wrapped up in in a cyan suit and brown shoes.

"I'm Gideon Charles Gleeful," it announced. "Or Li’l Gideon for short, and I have brought you to this world for one purpose, and one purpose alone-"

“Son, are you almost done down there? I need to check to see if the laundry is done.”


“Alright then take your time.”

Gideon cleared his throat and continued. “Perhaps I should start from the beginning, you see, Mr. Demon, I’m a humble young man with simple goals in this small town. Win over the love of my life, destroy her brother, and crush their family business into the ground. But no matter how hard I try victory is constantly swept away from my reach. So one day after another failed courtship with my beloved Mabel, I was reading through a certain book, trying to find something that could aid me in my endeavor.

“Then, one day, the book seemed to come to life right before my eyes. The pages started turning on their own and came to rest on one of its empty pages, a bright flash of purple light came from the book, blinding me momentarily. When I looked back, this was on the page.”

Gideon opened a tattered book and flipped to a marked page before placing it in front of Sombra’s face.

The picture depicted a circle made of unrecognized symbols on the outer edge with a star in the middle, on the outer wall of the circle were five candles each aligned with the points of the star.

“These here are instructions to a summoning circle, by replicating this image to a larger scale, the book tells of bringing forth a creature whose heart could black out the sun, and whose evil knows no bounds.

“Now, the way I see it, since I’m the one who brought you into this world and freed you from the fiery underworld, you owe me a life of loyal servitude as my loyal minion,” Gideon said with a face of smug satisfaction.

King Sombra had been nearing a new level of rage at this point. The very thought that this “Li’l Gideon” had possibly saved his life was one thing, but now said creature was claiming to be his master! This was far from anything he could even imagine tolerating.

As Sombra was about to launch into a blind rage in an attempt to destroy the little parasite, it spoke.

“Yes, I reckon a dark and evil creature like yourself will do a far better job at eliminating that low down, dirty Pines Family. Hehe, no magic crystals or fancy powers this time, just a malevolent demonic creature eliminating every last one of my enemies at once. Oh, Gideon, you have outdone yourself this time, mmm-mm.”

“Magic crystals?” Sombra asked, pausing his rage as to make sure his ears hadn’t deceived him in any way.

“Hm? Oh yeah, that was my most recent failed plan, it’s nothing to be concerned about.” Gideon said.

“No, no, you fool, I demand you tell me about the crystals!”

Gideon turned to Sombra with a face of rage and disgust. “You will demand nothing from me! I own you, you worthless piece of demonic trash, do you understand me!?”

Sombra opened his mouth to unleash a barrage of insults when the reality of his situation truly struck him. He had no idea where he was, his magic was gone, and he was trapped within an energy field with no known way out.

Every fiber of his being wanted nothing more but to obliterate the insolent little fool in front of him. But if Sombra was ever going to have any chance of regaining his powers, he needed its help. Sombra swallowed his pride and forced himself to bow as he attempted a sincere smile.

“My apologies… Master Gideon. I momentarily forgot my place; I do hope you will… forgive me.”

The words burned his mouth as they came out.

Gideon gave an approving nod, regaining his composure. “Well I suppose I can forgive ya’ll just this once, just don't let it happen again. Now, why is it you're so interested in those crystals?”

“Well, my lord, if you truly want me to succeed in the destruction of your enemies, would it not be best to know of all failed attempts so I myself don't find myself in the same positions?”

Gideon scratched his chin and narrowed his eyes. “Hmm, I reckon you've got a point there. Alright, listen up, because I'm going to tell ya’ll once, and only once.”

“So, the crystal was taken from you.” Sombra gave an irritated sigh. After two painful hours of listening to the creature yammer on, Sombra’s hopes had been crushed.

“Well yes, and no,” Gideon said.

“What do you mean?” Sombra said, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, while the main crystal was taken away, I must have knocked it against something, because while I was looking around in my pockets, I found this.”

Gideon pulled out a crystal shard no bigger than a pebble.

“For one reason or another, though, it seemed to have lost its powers. I was gonna throw the useless trinket away after today.”

Sombras eyes were fixed on the crystal shard as his plans of vengeance were rekindled once again. “Master Gideon, what if I told you I could retrieve you another crystal? In fact, what if I led you to the source of the crystals?”

“Hmm, I’m not one for repeating plans, but I suppose if I did get my hands on another one of those crystals, things would go much differently indeed.” Gideon said as he sinisterly rubbed his hands together.

“Indeed, all I need is to touch that crystal shard and I will lead you to its origin.” Sombra said in a low hiss, as a devious smile formed on his face. “You would have the upper hand this time around, you would have an unlimited supply of magic crystals at your disposal and with me by your side, we could once and for all lay waste to the Pines Family.”

Gideon grinned ear to ear as he approached Sombra. “Ooh, you sure do have a way with words don't cha? Alright, Mr. Demon, I'll give the crystals another shot, after all, second time's the charm, right?”

Gideon held out the crystal shard in his outstretched hand to Sombra.

“Alright minion, do your stuff!”

Sombra cleared his throat as he raised a hoof to touch the invisible barrier separating the two of them.

“Hehe, oh right, silly me.” Gideon said as he used his foot to scoot one of the candles off to the side, causing the barrier to instantly dispel.

Sombra rolled his eyes and stepped forward. Lowering his head, his horn made contact with the crystal. Within moments, he could feel the magic of the crystal trickle into him. At the same time, the once lovely multi-colored crystal, had turned to an ominous black.

Sombra grinned as the tip of his horn began to pulsate with a dark aura.

“It's not much, but it will do for now,” Sombra said.

He then turned his head until his horn was glowing a solid black.

“The crystals are in this direction. We have to move now whilst I still have a charge.”

“Well, what are we waiting for? Onward to our inevitable victory!” Gideon said jumping onto Sombras back.

Sombra winced, feeling the sudden weight of Gideon on himself, he looked back and gave Gideon a fake smile. Turning his head forward, he sneered and ground his teeth together out of frustration.

“Just a little longer,” he thought to himself. “Just find the crystals, and we can deal with this pest properly.”

“Are we almost there?” Gideon moaned. “We've been out here for well over an hour and my li’l tummy is starting to grumble.”

“It shouldn't be too far now.” Sombra said.

As the two rounded a corner, there it was. Surrounded by trees, was a small clearing riddled with crystals of all sizes, and nestled in the center was the father of all crystals. An enormous spectacle, bigger than any of the others, a specimen so grand it could have made any jeweler sink to his knees and weep tears of joy.

The both of them stared at the quarry in amazement before Gideon leapt to the ground his eyes filled with awe and wonder.

“Why, there must be thousands of ‘em. Thousands of pristine beauties ready to be plucked and be used for my evil ambitions. With these at my disposal, after destroying the Pines Family, I could just as well take over the town. But why stop there? I can take over more than just some silly tri-state area, the entire state, the country, the world! All will bow down to me, Gideon Gleeful!"

Gideon caught himself and cleared his throat.

“Oh my it seems I went and gotten ahead of myself.” Gideon said as he turned around. “One step at a time. Now, let’s get some of these crystals and-WHAT IN BLUE BLAZES ARE YOU DOING!?”

While Gideon had been talking, Sombra had begun converting the surrounding crystals. Altering them into his own power source. By the time Gideon had turned around, Sombra had surrounded himself with the dark crystals, which were producing a dark substance that flowed into Sombra.

“M-my crystals!” Gideon reached out to touch one of the converted crystals only to be greeted with a sharp shock.

His face burned with rage as he ran up to Sombra.

“Stop this, stop right this instant! As your master, I order you to cease this at once and turn my crystals back to normal. Do you hear m-”

Gideon was cut off as Sombra smacked him into a nearby tree.

Sombra grinned with sheer delight while he walked over to where Gideon had landed. He reached down, picked him up by the collar, and pressed him against the tree.

“No, no, this isn't how it works! I summoned you, I brought you into this world. You're here to serve me!”

“ENOUGH!” Sombra Bellowed. “I don’t know how or why I am here, or how a little whelp like you was able to bring me into this world. But now that I can feel my magic begin to replenish, I will no longer deal with your insolence for another moment! These crystals belong to me now and I shall do with them as I wish, and furthermore,” Sombra narrowed his gaze and gave a wicked smile. “You serve me now.”


“Yes, as much as I would love to simply finish you here and now, relieving myself and the world of your measly existence, I am unfamiliar with this new world and require information on it.”

Sombra dropped Gideon to the ground with a loud thud.

“It's going to be some time before I have reached a sufficient power level, so in the meantime, I might as well read up on this miserable place. Who knows, after I have had my revenge, perhaps I will come back and take over this world as well. ‘King Sombra Lord and Master of two Worlds.’"

Sombra grinned and narrowed his eyes as he rubbed his hoof under his chin.

“Yes I rather like the sound of that.”

“Well that's all fine and dandy," Gideon said standing to his feet. "But what if I refuse to help, hmm? What are ya’ll gonna do then?”

Sombra turned his head, and with a flash of his horn, shot a ball of fire through Gideons hair leaving a smoldering hole and penetrating through the tree he was forced against along with several others behind it.

“U-u-understood, master.”

“Good. Now run and fetch me some books on this world.”

“Yes, sir.” Gideon stood up and began to frantically run in the opposite direction.

“Oh, and do hurry back, I'm not one to be kept waiting.” Sombra grinned as he took a few shots at Gideons feet, cackling in sheer, unholy delight.

A few months had passed and Sombra had grown in wisdom and knowledge of this world.

He learned quickly that the inhabitants of this world were not to be taken lightly. In their existence, countless wars had been waged, and technology here was far superior to that of Equestria.

But to these “humans”, magic is something of myth and legends. Nothing that is taken seriously in modern society. This was a fact that Sombra felt was an advantage on his part.

Gideon had become a loyal servant in the past few months, primarily out of fear. He would come in all hours of the night to assist King Sombra, no questions asked and without a twinge of resistance.

He had planned a few attempts on Sombras life in the past. But as Gideon slept Sombra would enter his dreams and dispel any further plans of the manner. Giving him unspeakable nightmares while he slept as punishment for treasonous thoughts.

One night, Sombra was partaking in a particularly engrossing piece of literature, when his reading was interrupted by the sound of a snapping twig.

“Who's there? Show yourself!” He demanded.

Sombra stood up as his horn glowed with a dark aura, ready to strike down whoever was there.

“Well, somepony is in a grumpy mood.”

Sombra quickly looked up to find none other than Discord floating above him.

“King Sombra, I presume? Ugh, I could smell the stench of dark magic a mile away phew,” Discord said as he pinched his nostrils shut. “So, this is what you've been doing all this time. I must say, I do love what you've done with the place.”

Sombra merely glared at the trickster his horn still ready to fire. “What are you doing here, abomination?!” Sombra snarled.

Discord ignored the insult and proceeded to land in front of him.

“Well, to put it frankly, I want to help you.”

Sombra’s eyes widened in shock.“Explain yourself.”

Discord smiled as he paced back and forth with his paw and claw behind his back.

“The whole world thinks that you died, my friend. Yet here you are today so very much alive and livid as ever. I was in your position once, released after a thousand year nap only to be stopped by a bunch of fillies. The same fillies actually. You know, it's quite odd, now that I think about how they always seem to be the ones to stop us rather than- sorry went off track there. Like you, I was given a second chance. And with said second chance, I was able to find the true magic of friendship. And now King Sombra, I would like to help you see the magic of friendship as well. Come back with me, I can talk to the Princesses. You can start a whole new life, and this time for the better.”

“Y-you're lying!” Sombra snarled, as he stomped the earth beneath his hooves and ground his teeth. “I know all about you and your tricks. You're nothing more than a common fool endowed with powers he doesn't deserve. This is all to your amusement isn't it? Yes, I bet you'd just love for me to take you up on your so called offer, just so you can have the satisfaction of imprisoning me yourself!”

“No,” Discord said bluntly. “I can understand why you would think that. All by yourself for all that time, and not a single pony to trust except for yourself. I can't imagine just how alone you must have felt. I was lucky enough to be placed in the royal garden. Sure I was unable to move or talk to anypony but at least I had a small sense of company from the ponies that would visit, even if they weren't there to see yours truly. But you, you had nopony, all by yourself for all that time. Just festering in that cold dark prison, with only yourself and your dreams of vengeance to ward off the intense loneliness and boredom of it all.”

Discord began to calmly walk toward Sombra as he spoke.

“My offer is sincere, a new life, one where you don't ever have to be alone again. Granted, it won't be easy. But I know a few fillies I could persuade and one painfully clever draconequus that would be willing to help in your new life.”

The glow on Sombras horn dimmed and his gaze lightened from a death stare into a look of confusion.“What use could that new world possibly have for me?”

“Oh I’m sure we could think of something. There's bound to be a few things that the scholars got wrong, and I know there is a certain egghead who would just love to pick your brain, metaphorically speaking of course. It’s a bright, new, shiny world out there, my friend. Where even an old soul like me can find a place. And I'm sure you can find one, too, with a little help that is.”

He flashed Sombra a classic Discord smile and outstretched his lion paw to him.

“So what do you say, pal?”

“It’s a trick,” Sombra thought to himself. “He's lying, he has to be. This is some sort of game to him and you would be playing right into his little plan. But what if it's not a trick? What if for the first time in so long, there is a way out? Yes, yes this is it, isn't it? An escape from the never ending torment of the relentless cold and the empty darkness. I could have friends, a family perhaps? I would never have to be alone again!”

“Oh, but, your Majesty, you have never been alone.” Sombra cringed as the familiar voice echoed in his head. “Don’t you remember Sombra, the day that you found me? I promised I would always protect you and be by your side no matter what.”

“You did, but-.”

“And who was the one who stayed by your side on the day of your parents funeral?”

“You were,” Sombra said as he looked to his hooves.

“And when you were surrounded by nothing but filthy crystal ponies who wanted nothing more than to take your crown, who was the only one you could turn to? Who was the only one you could trust? Who was the one who opened your eyes to what those crystal fools were planning, Sombra? Who was it, Sombra? Who?!”

“It was you,” Sombra gave a small sigh. “But things are different now. I've been gone for one thousand years, who knows what else is waiting for me beyond the Crystal Empire, perhaps I could find some peace in a new life.”
Sombra gasped as he felt the impact of a disembodied hoof against his lower jaw.

“You selfish, ungrateful, pile of filth! After everything I've done for you? After centuries of looking out for you and keeping you safe for all this time, you would let all that be for nothing just so you can have some absurd false sense of happiness? Listen to me, Sombra, there can be no happiness or peace of mind until our vengeance has been brought upon those retched sisters who so cruelly imprisoned us in the first place! Am I understood?!”

Sombra swallowed hard and slowly nodded his head. “Your right, please forgive me. I…wasn't thinking correctly.”

“Yes. There, there, Sombra, all is forgiven. But don't you see, you don't need anypony else, and why on earth would you want to start over? You were a king, Sombra, a king! Why would you want to throw all that away just for some inferior ponies? All our work would be for nothing if you give up now. You wouldn’t want all those centuries of waiting to go to waste, now, would you?”

“I suppose not.”

“There's a smart colt, Sombra. Now get rid of this pest.”

“Yes, sir, thank you for your kindness.”

“Just make sure you don't forget all that I've done for you.”

Sombra glared at Discord who still had his paw out stretched and was smiling brighter than ever.

“Leave now.” Sombra said, reigniting his horn to its full glow.

“I beg your pardon?”

“I believe I was very clear, I'm not interested in your offer. Now leave!”

“Sombra, please, I must ask you to reconsider. We can help you-”

Discord was suddenly interrupted by a boulder crashing at his feet.

“You pathetic old fool, you have the power to rule that world, yet you choose to work with them!? I don’t want your petty friendship and I don’t want to start a new life. Friends weigh you down, make you weak and vulnerable. You are the perfect example of this, a once god of chaos turned servant of the throne.”

Discord frowned as he gave a disappointed sigh. “Very well, Sombra, then I leave you with this warning. Stop this now… or I will.”

Sombra laughed. “Ha, you fool; you couldn't possibly dream of matching my powers. My strength now surpasses anything even I could have ever imagined! And after taking over Equestria, I will return here and take my rightful place as the ruler of this realm as well! Now get out of my sight,” Sombra said as he fired a barrage of lightning at Discord.

The Draconequus managed to dodge the bolts with ease as he quickly flew off into the night.

“Oh, and Sombra,” The voice echoed once more.


“You're never alone, I'll always be with you. No matter what.”

“Well that could have gone better.” Discord muttered to himself. Discord gave a long and troubled sigh as he opened his paw and gazed down at the dark crystal.

“Now what to do with you?”

As Discord flew back to the N.T. entrance, he spotted a group of locals standing around and dumping their trash into it.

As he watched the group, an idea struck him. Acting on the opportunity, he quickly turned himself invisible, slid behind the older one of the group, and slid the Dark crystal into his pocket.

Then, using a weather manipulation trick that he picked up from a certain rainbow maned Pegasus, he conjured up a small storm with a fierce wind, forcing the elderly one (and to Discords dismay, the other three) into the pit. Discord gave a small smile and crossed his arms.

“Let the games begin.”

Author's Note:

The pieces have been set, the players ready, let the game begin indeed. In chapter four.

Please recall what I said about chapter four it may be a tad late I was able to work on it a little this week but I spent most of two weeks working on this chapter and making it just so. I just want to give a special thanks To Wasabi-Beans, KuteKitKatKatie and Darkmatterbutterflies for all the help they gave me. This fic might just be a humble jumbled mess if it weren't for you three.

Yours Truly Thecakedevil

Now Edited thanks to Neko Majin C