• Published 26th May 2013
  • 7,465 Views, 250 Comments

Friendship and Mysteries - The Cake Devil

Dipper thought he was prepared for any thing , or at least he thought he did until an encounter with a magical horse and her patch job partner. Now Dipper is in a race against time and the fate of two worlds may rest in his hands.

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Show Time!

Chapter 15

(Now edited by Neko Majn C)

“I can’t believe her,” Mabel yelled, walking alongside her brother. “She’s seriously pulling this ‘it’s too dangerous’ malarkey now,” she huffed. “Just who does she think she is—”

“Mabel,” Dipper said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Relax, okay,” he said with a small grin. “I got us covered.”

“What you talkin’ ‘bout, bro-bro?” Mabel said, tilting her head in response.

“Well,” he said, letting go of his sister. “I think we’re far enough away to not be heard from, right guys?”

With that, out of the forest emerged the Summerween Trickster, Chutzpar the manotaur, and Jeff the gnome.

“Wow,” Mabel said. “How long have you guys been following us?”

“For the past couple minutes,” the Trickster said.

“And I didn’t even notice, you guys must be uber stealth!” She said, not noticing the obvious path of pushed over bushes and broken branches from where the three had been walking.

Dipper and the other three shared a confused look before shrugging and brushing it off.

“Wait, why are you guys here anyway?”

“Because,” Jeff said. “We want to help you guys fight.”

Mabel didn’t respond with words, but when her face burst into a huge grin, Chutzpar continued.

“When Destructor here told us that Princess Purple Pants probably wouldn’t let you guys help get your family back, we couldn’t just sit back and let you guys miss a fight like this.”

“So,” the Trickster continued. “Dipper asked us to acquire a few…trinkets to assist you in the oncoming battle, as well as accompany the two of you as well.”

“Anyways,” Dipper said. “You guys got the stuff I asked for?”

Chutzpar nodded with a smile.

“Right here, Destructor,” he said reaching behind his back. In each hand rested a small set of metal armor, consisting of a chest and back plate, a helmet, leggings, and arm guards. “Forged with some of the finest metals we could take from the dwarves.”

“Thanks,” Dipper said, taking one of the suits. “But did you really have to steal from dwarves?”

“Only if you want good stuff with little effort,” Chutzpar said, handing the second set of armor to Mabel and crossing his arms. “Alright, gnome, you’re up.”

“Sweet,” Jeff said, clearing his throat before pulling out two glowing green gems from his pockets. “Behold, the talismans of Leaflebum! Two priceless treasures from one of gnomekind’s greatest warriors. Forged in the fiery pits of Huggle Sniffle and blessed from a powerful snail mage, these gems helped Leaflebum too—”

“They make you stronger and faster when you wear them.” Chutzpar interrupted, earning him a nasty look from the gnome. “Look, it was either that, or I use you as a hacky sack because there is no way I was listening to that again.”

“But I rehearsed and everything,” Jeff said. “I even had Shmebulock waiting with a fog machine.”

“Shmebulock?” A cheerful gnome said popping out from behind the bushes.

“No, no, abort mission. We’ll save it for the after party.”

“Shmebuloooock,” Shmebulock said, bowing his head in disappointment before disappearing back into the bushes.

“Anyways, yeah,” Jeff said returning his attention to the twins. “Like ruddy M.C. Rude Pecks said, if you wear one of these puppies around your neck, you get a pretty decent speed and strength boost.”

Dipper nodded and took both gems from the gnome. Stuffing one into his vest and handing the other to Mabel.

“And then there was one,” the Trickster said. “For you, children, I bear your mode of offence, your means of defending yourselves, and the tools to which you smite your foes.” The Trickster paused as he extended his bone-thin arms out to the twins and splayed his open hands in front of them. The two watched as a weapon was slowly spat out of each of the Tricksters hands. In his left hand, rested a silver sword, bearing a blade that just about went the length of Dippers arm, and ending in a hilt that was sculpted to resemble an eagle in flight. In his right hand sat a stunningly black morning star. A small group of black chains connected a long white bone, to a small skull with protruding metal spikes.

“For you Dipper, the ‘spatula’ of Quinton Trimbley. Used when he couldn’t find a woodpecker, this tool was said to have accidently aided him in his battle against a hoard of posssesed apple trees and the evil apple wizard, Johnny.” The Trickster slid the weapon into its sheath before handing it to Dipper.

“As for you Mabel,” the Trickster said, turning to the giddy child who, with widened eyes, was bouncing up and down in place. “A…uh, well it’s a morning star,” he said, scratching his head while looking at the instrument. “It’s got a spiked skull instead of the regular spiked ball, and it’s got a bone instead of handle…that’s all I got.” He said, handing the weapon to the frowning child.

“Hey wait, how come I didn’t get a cool history?” Mabel asked.

“And how come he got to deliver a back story,” Jeff asked in a resentful hushed tone to Chutzpar.

“Do you really want to be the one to interrupt him?” The manatour asked in a hushed tone of his own. “I hear that guy eats peop—”


The two jumped, turning to see the cold eyes of the Tricksters mask cast upon them.

“S-sorry about that,” Jeff stuttered.

“Yeah, sorry about that, bro,” Chutzpar said, a bead of sweat dripping from his brow.

The Trickster nodded before turning back to the disappointed Twin.

“Well,” he started. “As we are crunched for time, and in need of arms, I ‘acquired’ your weapons from a place that doesn’t really take too much thought into investigating the background of their possessions. Dipper’s being one of the few with a scrap of documentation attached to it.”

“Where exactly did you get these again?” Dipper asked.

Meanwhile, within a secret room located at the Gravity Falls Police station, two officers of the law pondered the whereabouts of two artifacts.

“Ya know,” Deputy Durland said. “I don’t recall der bein’ two perfectly empty spots in the ‘weird stuff’ vault.” He said while he and his higher up stared at the two empty spots in question.

“An awfully peculiar event to be sure.” Sheriff Blubs said, stroking his silver mustache while nodding.

“Do ya think we should report it?” Durland asked.

“Well we could,” Blubs said, turning to his Deputy. “Or we could use the space to hold our commemorative plates with pictures of us on our vacation!” The officer said as he pulled out two plates from behind his back.

“Oh I can’t believe it,” Durland squealed, bouncing up and down as he shook his hands. “When did they get here?”

“Eh-he-he, just this morning, I wanted to surprise you.”

“Let me see, let me see.” Durland said as he gently took the plate from the sheriff. “Oh I love it!”

“The perfect mementos, to remind us of a perfect vacation.” Blubs said, placing a hand on Durland’s shoulder.


“It’s irrelevant,” the Trickster said. “Moving on, we need to go over the battle plan now that the two of you are involved.”

“And ya may not like it,” Jeff added.

“What, why?” Dipper asked.

“Once again, irrelevant,” the Trickster said, momentarily casting his gaze to the gnome before turning back to the twins. “For safety’s sake, we’ve decided it’s best that each of you be divided among each of us. Mabel will be with myself and Jeff, while Chutzpar and the multi-bear will fight with Dipper,” he said gesturing to the manataur.

“Wait,” Dipper said. “So you’re splitting us up?” he asked, adorning a look of concern.

“Essentially, yes.”

Dipper and Mabel turned to each other, Dipper sporting a look of concern on his face while Mabel bore one of confusion.

“Is something wrong?” The Trickster asked.

“See,” Jeff said. “Told ya they wouldn’t like it.”

“Hush,” the Trickster hissed, turning to the gnome who almost lost his balance as he jumped back.

“It’s not that we don’t like it,” Mabel said. “It’s just—”

“Do we really need to split up?” Dipper said.

“Well,” the Trickster started. “It would create an equal power distribution. Spreading your skills equally amongst the battlefield. Aside from that, the eyes watching you would be distributed as well, but it’d also minimize the gaps in the defences that’d arrive with the two of you in play.”

“Soooo,” Mabel said, confusion evident on her face. “Is that a yes, or—”

“It’s a yes and a no,” the Trickster stated flatly.

“Well then, how come he didn’t just say that?” Mabel half whispered to Dipper.

“Look,” Dipper said, seemingly ignoring Mabel. “I think I speak for both of of us when I say we’d rather not split up.” Dipper took in a deep breath as he cast his gaze to the Trickster. “It’s just, if something were to happen to Mabel—” Dipper paused as he felt a sudden smack on his shoulder, looking over, he stared with confusion (and a teensy bit of pain) at a smiling Mabel.

“You big worry wort, that’s what you’re worried about?”

“Well, yeah,” he said, still clutching his arm.”Mabel, if something were to happen to you, I don’t—”

“Dipper,” Mabel said placing a hand on his shoulder. “I’m covered with armor, wearing weird gnome magic stuff—”

“Oh,” Jeff said, crossing his arms. “Well if you think it’s weird you can just—squeak” he managed to say before Chutzpar wrapped his hand around the small creatures frame. Silencing him, but producing a small squeak when pressure was applied. The manotaur gave a small nod to Mabel and she continued.

“Both of us have sweet mystical weapons, and to top it off, I have an army of gnomes and a shape shifting monster guarding my back!”

“But what if—”

“Dipper, look at me,” she said as her eyes took on a serious tone.

Dipper complied and lifted his gaze to his sister’s eyes.

“Are you looking?”

“Mabel, you can see me—”

“Answer the question!”

“Yes, I’m looking.”

“I. Will. Be. Fine.” She said flatly. “If there’s anyone who’s going to need your help today, it’s going to be Twilight. She may not act like it, but she’s holding onto some serious fears right now.”

Dipper opened his mouth his mouth to say something, only to close it a moment later and give his sister a solemn nod.

“That’s the spirit,” Mabel said, releasing her grip and giving her brother a firm punch on the shoulder. “Now get out there and go be the knight in shining armor I know you can be!”

Dipper placed his armor and other apparel on the ground, returning his gaze to Mabel, a soft smile on his lips.

“Just promise me one thing,” Dipper said.

“Anything, bro-bro.”

“After this is all over with, we all get together and get something to eat at Greasey’s.”

“It’s a deal.”

“Awkward twin hug?”


Dipper proceeded to wrap his arms around his sister in a warm embrace, Mabel smiled and returned the gesture immediately. The hug lasted only a few moments before the two broke the silence, both patting the others back while saying “pat-pat”, matching their words to their actions and finally breaking the hug.

“Sheesh, finally,” Chutzpar said, dropping a partially blue Jeff to the ground. “Now that that’s over, come on, Destructor, we got some stuff to go over, especially if you’re gonna be fightin’ with me and the guys again.”

Dipper nodded.

“Right, so I guess I’ll see you later then.”

“Of course you will,” Mabel said. “ See you later, alligator.”

“After awhile, crocodile,” he replied before retrieving his things and making his way toward the manotaur. “So, how is everyone?” Dipper asked as the two began to leave. “It’s been what, two weeks now? How’s Ragetaur doing, has he gotten any better?”

“Yeah, actually. Last time he had an outburst, Beardy only lost a few teeth.”

“Ah, good for him.”

“You surprise me, Pines girl,” the Trickster said. “You manage to put your own fears aside for the benefit of others.”

“Pffft,” Mabel said waving a dismissive hand. “Scared, who’s scared? I’m not scared.”

The Trickster merely responded by slightly tilting his head to the left.

“Okay, I’m a little scared,” she said shrugging her shoulders. “But you’d have to be crazy to not be a little scared. Besides,” Mabel turned her gaze to her brother, as he walked along side the manataur. “I think a certain somepony needs Dipper a lot more than either of them realize.” She finished and smiled up at the Trickster. “So you know what, I think I can manage without my bro-bro, at least for a little while.”

The Trickster gazed at the girl, stroking his chin before giving an audible “hmph”.

“Perhaps there’s yet more to be learned from humanity. Maybe—”

“Oh man,” a voice said, followed by a small series of coughs.”What happened?”

The Trickster and Mabel cast their gaze on a now conscious Jeff, clutching his head with half lidded eyes.

“Wow, you okay there?” Mabel asked. “You were out for a pretty long time.”

“Oh yeah, yeah I’ll be fine.” Jeff said giving a dismissive wave. “It’ll take a lot more than a few minutes without air to keep me down, but thanks for asking, archduke porcupine.”


Meanwhile, back at the crystal gardens, Sombra slumbered still within the confines of his crystalline casing. Dark essence flickering about the king, growing ever larger with each passing minute.

While at the same time, two sets of eyes looked on, safely perched and hidden within a nearby tree.

“Alrighty then,” Discord said, clapping his paw and claw together. “I think we’re close enough for this to work.”

“If you say so,” Stan said. “Look, I don’t know about this, patch job. You never did say what was gonna happen once we were in there.”

“Not to worry my, wrinkled accomplice,” Discord said, turning back to Stan. “My master plan is safely hidden away within the lock box that is my mind.” He said giving his skull a small tap.

“More like jack-in-the box,” Stan muttered. “So, are we doing this or not?”

“Quite,” Discord said. “Let’s wake up our friend and get to it.”

Stan nodded and proceeded to rub the golden lamp. As he did, Bill quickly emerged from the spout, leading a stream of white smoke behind him.

“Oh, oh, ooooooh,” he groaned, as he popped his back. “I’ve met dryers that have given me a better ride than that.” Bill said, returning his gaze to Stan, a glare held in his single eye.

“You can complain about that later,” Discord said, gaining the entities attention. “We've arrived at our target,” he explained pointing an eagle claw at the slumbering king.

“Easy peasy, lemon squeezy, Dissy,” Bill said. “Now, are you two sure you’re safe up here? Bodies themselves don’t really do too well without someone behind the reigns, they kinda just flop around. Kinda like a sack full of potatoes and kittens.”

“Yes, yes, we’ll be fine,” Discord said in an irritable tone. “Please, will you hurry up, we haven’t much time as it is.”

“Sheesh, keep your pants on,” Bill said giving a small huff. “If you two die, I’ll have to leave empty handed. Well, actually, more if you die Dissy-po, if prune face here croaks, I’m pretty sure you can still get me what I want.”

“Hey!” Stan said. “I partially resent that!”

“Anyways,” Bill said. “ Let’s get this show on the road, huh?”

With that, Bill stuck his hands through Discord’s and Stan’s heads, causing each to shudder for a moment before falling limp and slumping against the tree. With one quick tug, Bill pulled from their bodies two translucent forms of the entities.

“Iiiiiit’s showtime!” Bill exclaimed, clutching the two forms as they plunged through the crystal casing, into Sombra’s head.

Author's Note:

Dear Dahlings.

Meeeery Christmas e'ry one! Once again, a jolly great thanks to Insula sol for the prompt and through editing. Holiday wishes and all the best.

Sincerely Yours, The Cake Devil.