• Published 26th May 2013
  • 7,463 Views, 250 Comments

Friendship and Mysteries - The Cake Devil

Dipper thought he was prepared for any thing , or at least he thought he did until an encounter with a magical horse and her patch job partner. Now Dipper is in a race against time and the fate of two worlds may rest in his hands.

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A Call to Arms.

Chapter 13

(Now edited by Neko Majn C)

Shouts rang out in the center of a clearing deep within the forest. In it stood various creatures of all shapes and sizes, bickering at one another.

“Everyone, please, if I could get your attention,” Dipper yelled, trying to gain control over the crowd.

“Look, Destructor,” Chutzpar the Manotaur began, rising up amongst his brethren. “The only reason we’re not pounding in the faces of you and every other nerd here, is because we were promised a year supply of beef jerky! That and some lotion for Clarks growth, seriously it’s been weeks since he got it and at this point, it’s just getting hard to look at,” he said as his fellow Manotaurs roared in agreement.

“Please, gentlemen, try to show some patience,” a large multi-headed bear said, stepping into the clearing. “I’m sure Dipper has a perfectly logical exp—”

“Oh no, no, no, no, no, no! Destructor I knew you were lame, but to invite this…loser, is just sinking to a whole new level!”

“Chutzpar, come on man,” Dipper pleaded. “We need all the help we can get, now, if we could just put aside our—”

“Hey! Quit your complaining!” a brown haired gnome yelled. “This isn’t exactly a ‘Women Looking for Short Men’ pageant that we were promised. In fact, this looks more like a— what do you call it, it has something to do with hot dogs or sausages. Do you have any idea, Shmebulock?”


“Yeah, that’s it, a baseball game!”

As the arguing grew louder, Dipper gave a heavy sigh and turned to face Mabel and Twilight.

“Gah, this isn’t working!” he groaned. “Twilight, is there any way you can get their attention?”

“Well, there is one,” Twilight said. “But for a crowd this big, not to mention noisy, it’s going to take some concentration.”

“Whatever it is, just do it. We’re kind of on a tight schedule here.”

Twilight nodded and made her way to the front of the crowd. Taking a deep breath in, Twilight’s horn ignited with its raspberry aura, pulsating and building in mass with every beat. As she was about to release the spell onto the oblivious crowd, a shrill scream rang out from an unknown location. Shouts of anger transformed into screams of agony as the screeching forced the group to their knees. After what seemed like an eternity, the screeching finally let up, leaving the crowd in a bewildered state of silence.

“Yikes,” Dipper said. “When I asked to get their attention, I didn’t mean make their eardrums bleed.”

“I hate to disappoint,” Twilight said. “But that wasn’t me.”

“Then who—”

“That would be me.”

Dipper and Mabel shuddered as the familiar voice cut through their very souls. Looking up to confirm their nightmares, they were met with a lanky figure, with twig-like arms and legs. A patchwork suit covered his dark purple skin, while a dime store smiley mask eyed them both. Standing directly above them, was the Summerween Trickster. “Hello children,” he said. “It’s been too long.”

“Mabel, get back!” Dipper said as he grabbed his sister and forced her behind him. “What are you doing here, man?!”

“Yeah?!” Mabel said. “And aren’t you suppose to be dead, we saw Soos eat you and stuff!”

Twilight quickly slid in between the twins and the lurching creature, her horn at the ready. “Dipper, what are we dealing with here?”

“He’s the Summerween Trickster and he’s—”

“Here to help,” the Trickster said.

“What?!” the three screamed.

Silver calmly made his way down the halls of the crystal castle, stopping every so often to rub his eyes in an attempt to ward off the seduction of sleep. Rest had eluded the King due to the events the night prior.

“I did the right thing,” he mentally repeated to himself.

As he pushed the doors to the dining room open, his eyes immediately fell upon the lone soul sitting alongside his chair: Diamond. Having had his meals delivered to his lab for so long, his presence was something of a shock. And taking into account the night before, only adds suspicion to the king’s mix of feelings.

“Good morning, your majesty!” the old stallion said, smiling and waving to an increasingly confused Silver. “Did you have a good night’s rest?”

“I did,” the king lied. Making his way to the head of the table, his eyes never leaving the aged stallion. “And yourself?”

“Oh, like you’d never believe. It was like sleeping on the softest of clouds. Huh, almost gave me a little Pegasus envy, it did,” he said, following a short burst of laughter.

“I see,” Silver said, as he took his seat. “Well, I’m glad to hear that. D…Diamond, there’s something—”

“Hold that thought, Silver,” Diamond said, rubbing his hooves together. “I do believe I see breakfast coming our way.

Sure enough, breakfast was making its way to the dining hall.

Silver watched as Diamond eagerly eyed his food as it was slid in front of him and thanked the young maid who brought it to him.

“Is everything alright, Master Silver?”

Snapping his head to the voice, Silver smiled and nodded to the elderly butler.

“Ye-yes, everything is fine. Thank you, Wise Heart, that will be all.”

The butler nodded and made his way back to the kitchen.

“Come along, Calm Fire.”

“Coming, Grandfather,” the young mare said, disappearing into the kitchen.

“Well,” Diamond said. “No use in letting this get cold, let’s dig in, shall we?”

“Indeed,” Silver said, giving a small nod.

As the two ate, Silver’s eyes would dart back and forth from his meal, to Diamond, then back again. Puzzled as to what could have happened to change the raging stallion he left the night before into an almost mirror image of his former self.

“Is there something on your mind, Silver?”

Once again, Silver was brought back to reality. He turned his head to see Diamond gazing at him, with a smile upon his lips.

“No… well… yes, actually.” Silver said. “About last night—”

“Let me stop you right there,” Diamond interrupted. “You were right.”

For a brief moment, Silver’s eyebrows raised in sheer and utter bewilderment at what he was hearing. Questions raced through the king’s head, begging to be asked. Taking a deep breath, Silver dismissed all other thoughts and calmly replied, “Go on.”

“After you left last night, I had a long hard think with myself,” Diamond sighed. “And what I had come to realize was, I had lost control. Over the years, I slowly convinced myself that finishing my work was the only thing that mattered, and that mind set was leading me down a dark path, as you saw last night. What happened was the shock that I needed to stop myself from going any further down the road I was taking.”

“I see,” Silver said, exhaling a deep breath. “Diamond… I just want you to understand, I was only doing what I thought was best. It was evident long before the paper, that was just the breaking point. All your meals were delivered to you, you never left the lab, and when you did it was under the cover of night to gather more materials for your experiments. Gone was the stallion that had always been with me throughout my life, and in his place was a ghost. I…I just wanted the things back the way they were. I need you, Diamond, you’re my friend, you’re my most trusted advisor, and you’re the closest thing that I have to a father.”

Diamond reached over and lightly patted Silver’s hoof, and bearing a warming smile. “There, there, Silver, everything is going to be alright. I’m back, and I’m here to stay.”

Stan leaned against a tree, gasping for air as sweat stained his clothes and drenched his forehead. The lamp rested on the ground at his feet.

“By the nine realms,” a minuscule Discord groaned from upon Stan’s shoulder. “I’ve met rocks who’ve moved faster than this, granted I put wings on them, but rocks nonetheless!”

“Back….off…franken-mutan—oh boy I just can’t do it. It’s too much effort. Tell ya what, think of an insult and I’ll let you know if I’d call you it.”

Rolling his eyes, Discord snapped his claws and grew to normal size. He then proceeded to slap Stan’s cheeks and spray his face with a bottle of water before slinking behind the wheezing grunkle and placing his claws on his shoulders.

“Come on, old timer, I know you have some fight in those old decrepit bones of yours. We’re almost there, I can just feel it.”

“I think you’re mistaking ‘fight’ for exhaustion, and don’t touch me,” Stan said, swatting away the Draconequus’ hold. “Remind me again why I’m the one busting my hump when you have six perfectly yet to be broken limbs?” He asked in an exhausted rage filled huff.

“Tut, tut now, Stanly,” Discord said, waving a talon at him. “One does not question the brains of the operation, lest he be wanting to get anywhere.” Snapping his claws once more, he returned to his former size and rested back on Stan’s shoulder. “Besides, we’ve been over this, dark magic is messing with my naturally chaotic powers. Break’s over, less talk, more walk!”

“Fine.” Stan groaned, picking up the lamp before bursting into a small jog.

“You’re plus size load doesn’t help the situation either.”

“I heard that! For your information I happen to be quite appealing to the ladies.”

“Oh, is that so? I had no idea the blind and deaf were so prominent in this area. But on another note, I am quite surprised you heard me. If it’s not the mass amounts of hair it’s the faulty hearing aid. At this point, I’m wondering how the world doesn’t just sound like one big muffled sound.”

Stan rolled his eyes and glared at the mini-trickster. “You do know where we’re going, right?”

“Oh, no need to worry about that, Stan-my-boy. That dark magic gives off a horrid aura that only gets stronger the closer we get, almost like someone’s painful halitosis.”

“Do you have any idea what they’re charging for toothpaste these days? Besides, peppermint candy is just as good as brushing.”

“Mmm, sure, I think your teeth would have something to say about that.”

“Look, freak show,” Stan said, stopping dead in his tracks, causing Discord to fall flat on his face. “You’re about three nerves away from landing yourself a knuckle sandwich! Now either pipe down and show some respect, or your face is going to be the next thing I take a step on, got it?!”

Discord’s eyes sunk back into his head as the initial shock of the outburst wore off. He nodded and gave a motion of zipping his lips.

“Good, glad that’s out of the way,” Stan said, continuing his jog. “Man, that felt good!”

“Dipper,” Twilight exclaimed. “Who, or what, in Celestia’s name is a Summerween Trickster?!”

“Long story short, a monster made out of candy who threatened to eat us but ended up getting eaten himself!” Dipper said, his gaze still focused on the creature. “Which begs another question, how are you here?!”

“Yeah,” Mabel chimed in. “We watched Soos eat you alive, which means you should either be a ghost or Soos’—”

“Ah-ba-ba-ba, Mabel, Mabel, that’s enough,” Dipper said, frantically cutting her off.

“Hmm,” the Trickster said. “Perhaps I do have some explaining to do. Very well, children, you shall have your answers.”

“Although the great Soos did consume most of my candy flesh, the truth of the matter is that a good portion of me slipped away from his warm grasp. These spare pieces found their way back to the dump, where I was able to piece myself back together, and reclaim my past form. Albeit with a few more…advantages, that is. And with this form came new purpose, and a debt to be repaid.”

“Look, that’s great and all,” Dipper said. “But that still doesn’t explain why exactly you want to help us.”

“Oh, but it does, dear boy,” the Trickster said.

Keeping his legs straight, the Trickster bent his upper half downward, and locked his dark, abysmal eyes onto Dipper’s.

“For today is the day that I repay the debt to the man who gave me not only peace, but a new purpose. Today, I fight not for revenge, but for honor, and for the glory of Soos!”

“Ahem,” Said a mass of collective voices.

The three turned around to see the crowd staring angrily at them.

“Blah, blah, blah,” Chutzpar mocked. “I think we’ve seen enough, come on, guys, we got stuff to punch,” He said, motioning for his comrades to leave.

“I can’t believe I wasted a perfectly good squirrel bath for this,” Jeff muttered.

“FOOLS!” the Trickster shouted, causing all to stop and turn once more to the figure. “If you leave now, you forsake not only your own lives, but the lives of every living being on the face of the planet.”

“Pfft, as if,” Chutzpar said. “The manotaurs can handle anything that comes our way!” The group roared in agreement.

“Yeah,” Jeff chimed in. “And us gnomes are masters of stealth and evasion, show ‘em guys!” He said as he turned around to see nothing but forest, except for a singular red hat poking out from a bush. “Great work everyone, except for that guy, yeah you behind the bush, is that you Marcus? Ya gotta up your game, man, we’ve talked about this, it’s all about—”

“Look,” Twilight said, cutting in. “It doesn’t matter how strong, or fast, or sneaky you are. This evil will infect everything from a single blade of grass, to the tallest mountain. It’ll feed, and feed, and feed until there is nothing left of this world but a twisted wasteland of crystals. And when it’s done with this world, it will be coming after mine…and by that point, I don’t think there’s anypony, or anyone who can do anything to stop it.” Twilight looked back to Dipper, who was wearing a face of concern. “So I ask you now,” she said turning back with a face of pure determination. “Who among you is brave enough to look sheer destruction in the face, and push it right back? Who among you, will rise out of the shadows and fight for a noble cause? Citizens of the forest, will you help save not just your own lives, but the lives of countless others, in countless worlds? So, I ask once again, Manotaurs, Gnomes, and everyone else, will you put aside your differences in the fight to defend everything that you hold dear? What say you?!”

A wave of enthused battle cries rushed over the Princess in response.

Dipper gave a small punch to Twilight’s shoulder, causing the princess to jump.

“I have to say,” Dipper said, “I’ve heard some pretty impressive speeches in my day, and that’s gotta be at least an eight and a half.”

“Oh really,” Twilight said, giving him a playful sneer. “And what would be a ten, Mr. Critic?”

“That title belongs to Stan talking his way out of our parents pressing charges, after getting the three of us in county jail for counterfeiting,” Dipper smiled. “But cheer up, you hold a spot in between Mabel trying to convince Mom and Dad to get a chinchilla, and Soos’ job application speech.”

Twilight smiled “Hey, speaking of Mabel, where did she go?”

“When I say Mabel you say Pines, Mabel!”



“Guys, you so gotta try this,” Mabel said, turning from the crowd. “I think these guys will say anything!”

Author's Note:

Dear Readers.

Hello my dahlings, and welcome back! School is in full swing once again and I am sorry it took so long to give you this chapter. Things are going to be heating up soon so stay tuned.

Yours Truly, The Cake Devil.

P.S. Anyone spot my little easter egg yet?