• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 21,567 Views, 1,888 Comments

Villainous - CrypticMetaphor

A human takes a path that many in his situation have never taken before.

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Chapter 13: The Usual Suspects

Twilight Sparkle and her friends were relatively calm, for the most part. Though they walked toward Golden Oaks Library with smiles, deep down they were deeply unsettled. Though they knew Jasper was most likely planning his next move, they remained vigilant and aware.

“Ah don’t know what Jasper is tryin to accomplish,” spoke Applejack after a prolonged period of silence, “But knowin him, it’s gonna be downright dastardly.”

Twilight sighed as they stopped at her front door, “That’s the thing; his plan is already in motion. By taking the Crystal Heart and causing the Crystal Empire to become the way it is now, he cemented this little alliance of his from the beginning.”

Rainbow Dash landed, “Wait a minute, your telling me he PLANNED all of this before it even happened?”

Rarity gasped, “It’s like he can see two moves ahead of everypony else.”

As they opened the door to head inside they froze at a familiar voice.

“No, it’s more that I can read this world like a book.”

Everypony cast there gaze upon Jasper, who was wearing the same clothing he arrived in, only difference was that the gauntlet was securely fastened to his right arm as usual.

“Hello everypony,” he gave a small smile, “How have you all been doing?”

Twilight narrowed her eyes as her friends slowly entered the room. Spike hopping off Twilight’s back and running forward.

“YOU!,” the small dragon pointed with anger, “You turned me into a lawn ornament!”

Jasper nodded, “Hey Iggy,” the small black dragon walked out from Twilight’s kitchen holding some gems, “play with Spike here while the big ponies talk okay?”

Ignatius exhaled ruby red smoke from his nostrils as Spike gulped and ran away upstairs with Ignatius giving chase. The ponies all reluctantly took their seats at Jasper’s gesturing.

“Now that the children are out of the room, let’s talk business shall we,” he leaned back and folded his hands on his lap, “You see, last night I arrived back at the castle and found out something disheartening,” he rose from his seat and walked around behind the mane six who became slightly unsettled, “You see, I was in a rather good mood after the success of my unification of the Equestrian nobles and wanted to muse a little in the statue garden. But when I arrived at where my favorite sculpture was,” he stopped behind Twilight who tensed up, “I not only found it missing, but this was brought to my attention this morning at breakfast.”

He produced a piece of paper that showed one half of both the sun and moon merged into one symbol with words below it which Jasper read out as he walked around to the front of them, “Equestria shall rise again, interesting slogan,” he nodded as the paper burned to a crisp in his right fist, “You know, I wouldn’t care as much if I didn’t see something like this before in history books.”

He stood near the reading table visibly getting agitated as the ponies remained silent, “So I’ve come here to ask one simple question,” he inhaled calmly.

He then drove his right fist through the table and reeled on them with a yell of fury, “WHERE ARE THE STATUES?!”

Twilight merely gazed at him, “I don’t know, and even if I did, I would never tell you.”

Jasper’s eyes widened in rage as he inhaled sharply through his nostrils, “Tell me what you know Sparkle.”

Twilight shook her head, “Like I said, I don’t know anything.”

Rainbow Dash smirked, “What’s the matter Jas, ticked that you don’t have EVERYTHING just so?”

Jasper glared at her, his right hand flew through the air as the back of his hand smashed into Rainbow’s muzzle. He threw her chair aside as he advanced on the stunned pegasus, raising his hand which became engulfed in raw red energy. He stopped when he heard the hum of two horns behind him, he glanced over his shoulder and saw Twilight and Rarity glaring to make a move while the others prepared to intervene. Rainbow clutched a hoof to her bleeding nose and throbbing muzzle. Jasper blinked and shook his head.

“IGGY,” the black dragon appeared with Spike suspended by a rope behind him, “we’re leaving.”

Ignatius dropped Spike as he joined his surrogate fathers side as Jasper put a hand to his head and pointed warningly at the mares, “Consider that a warning, rest assured, I will find the ring leaders of whatever this is. When I do, I intend to make them an example of them. I know you all know something, how can you not,” he rolled his eyes, “after all you’re the six main characters, so you have your hooves in everything.”

The door slammed shut behind him.

The mares exhaled as Fluttershy placed a tissue to Dash’s nose, “You alright Dashie?”

Dash nodded and puffed out her chest as she checked her jaw, “Yeah I’m fine. He hit like a filly.”

Twilight walked to her table as Spike was untied, staring at the hole with focused curiosity, “Hm.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow, “What is it Sugarcube?”

Twilight looked to her friends, “Did Jasper look…different to you?”

Rarity snorted, “I’ll say he did,” she checked on Spike, “he looked he looked positively shaken.”

Pinkie nodded, “I think he might be going loco in the coco.”

Twilight nodded, “It’s a possibility, the sudden bouts of aggression, the slight mood swing he had, and the fact he looks like he’s had trouble sleeping.”

Rainbow spoke with a muffled voice as two tissues were stuck up her nostrils, “So what? The plothole just backhanded me and I also think he was going to vaporize me.”

Twilight shook her head, “Though it looked like it, Jasper hasn’t killed anypony yet. Though…that makes me even more unsettled, we have no idea what he might do to lure out these so called ring leaders.”

Rarity patted her friend, “You didn’t crack under him darling, you held firm,” Rarity gagged slightly, “But ring leaders sound so garish, I like to think of ourselves as…what’s the term?”

Fluttershy raised a shaky hoof, “Freedom Fighters?”

Rarity pointed, “YES, exactly that!”

Rainbow exhaled, “I’m just glad he didn’t bother to search the library,” she chuckled, “I’m still surprised as all heck when you came to us that day and told us everything.”


(A few minutes after Chapter 11)

Twilight sat in the chair at Rarity’s Boutique as the girls sat in silence, “And then I heard some sort of piercing sound. It hurt me on such a level that it was unbearable, but when I focused on it, I found it was actually a scream for help.”

Rarity leaned forward, “Who was the one screaming?”

“Luna,” everypony gasped, “She sounded like she was in agony. I couldn’t bear to hear it anymore.”

Rainbow stood up and flared her wings, “ALRIGHT THAT CLINCHES IT!”

Everypony looked at Rainbow as she slammed her hoof down, “It’s time that we fight back!”

Twilight stood as The Envoy waited patiently outside, “Rainbow we can’t! Jasper has my element and the Gem. We don’t stand a chance against him in a fight.”

Rainbow got a devious smirk, “We don’t have to fight him, we just have to undermine him.”

Applejack looked at her friend, “Are ya talking about starting a revolution?”

Before Rainbow could finish, a flash of light and a heavy clunk turned their attention to Sunset Shimmer who was panting on the ground. The royal sisters were behind her still frozen.

Twilight rushed to her, “Sunset? What are you doing here with that?!”

“Well I regained consciousness a while back and waited until some of my strength returned to me before I escaped,” The mare shakily stood on her hooves, “I put the guards to sleep then I tracked your aura here before teleporting.”

Rainbow looked at Twilight, “Well there’s no turning back now eh?”

Twilight sighed as The Envoy knocked again, she looked at Sunset, “Take that the Ponyville library and started working on a counter spell to-“

“Thaw them out,” Sunset leaned against the statue, “you’re talking to her first student here remember? I got this covered.”


The girls walked down into the basement as Sunset sat in a chair drinking some water. Luna’s right eye and ear, as well as her mouth were unfrozen as she fixed Twilight with a welcoming glance. Celestia’s head and…rear were unfrozen as she craned her neck to smile at Twilight.

“Twilight, it’s so great to see you,” she looked at Sunset and nodded which she returned; “you have no idea how grateful I am.”

Luna glanced at her sister, “Explain to me why I’m only partially unfrozen?”

Sunset rolled her eyes, “Hey, I said I was tired.”

Twilight hugged her mentor’s neck, “I’m so happy that I can speak to you again.”

Luna growled in annoyance as her ear twitched madly, “Curse this confounded itch!”

Twilight walked over, “Here you go,” she scratched Luna’s ear which she smiled at.

Celestia sighed, “Dare I ask what has transpired during our imprisonment?”

Twilight looked to the side, “It’s a long story.”

Celestia chuckled slightly, “Well I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, so by all means,” she flinched slightly, “though before you do, might I ask you a favor Twilight?”

“Anything Princess.”

Celestia sighed with a slight blush, “There’s an itch on my…,” her rear fidgeted slightly, “could you please?”

Twilight looked and blushed; “Uh…sure,” she glanced at her friends who became slightly uneasy as Rainbow snickered.

“Go on Twilight,” Rainbow gestured stifling a laugh, “scratch the sun.”

Twilight growled slightly but slowly trotted over to Celestia.

Author's Note:

Just a little update to fill in some blanks and to bring a little funny. Now rest assured, more updates are coming for my other stories now that i'm back into the swing of things. And yes, your plot would be itchy if you were thawed out after a long time of being frozen.