• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 21,590 Views, 1,888 Comments

Villainous - CrypticMetaphor

A human takes a path that many in his situation have never taken before.

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Chapter 14: Changes

Jasper sat in silence, the silence gave him peace and a moment to think. True the statues were gone and Sunset Shimmer had escaped, but all was going according to plan. He couldn’t move against the girls or anypony unless he got solid evidence first. If he stepped out of line to much, the empire he had made under false pretenses would crumble around him. Then there would be the threat of war, all those kingdoms against Equestria. Ironically though, where he was at the moment could offer a reprieve from the humdrum of his rule. The “human world” beyond the mirror, though a flawed copy of his Earth gave him a semblance of peace.

“Jasper,” he looked down at the red eyed black puppy beside him, “What exactly are you planning.”

Jasper sighed as he looked at the ground below him from the high school roof, “Sometimes I wonder that myself,” he gave a small smile, “But then I remember how far I’ve gotten.”

Ignatius nodded, “Makes sense,” he sighed, “one thing I’m curious about…why.”

Jasper glanced at the dog as some of the students below cast fear filled glances up at him as they trudged along, “Why what?”

Ignatius looked to the side, “Why did you do all of this, just, why bother?”

Jasper chuckled, “It’s simple really. We humans talk about peace and love, but deep down in the backs of all our minds we crave destruction and chaos. Some claim that we don’t, but we’re lying to ourselves. Humanity as a whole are naturally destructive and chaotic, call it the human condition or mindset, but it’s a present factor,” he glanced at Iggy with a serious expression, “But when I saw this world and all the dreck it spouted, I thought it was just *gag*. Whenever villains showed up to disturb the social norm, they were beaten by sunshine and friendship.”

He stood up as Iggy looked on in awe, “So the fact that I was brought here was like divine providence,” he gazed at the gauntlet as the gem gave a soft glow, “This world is overdue for a good villain, so as a wise man once said.”

Jasper dropped off the roof and touched down as red energy slowed his decent. He gazed at the pony statue atop the podium.

He smirked as he raised his hand and crushed the pony statue into dust…then a sharp pain coursed through his brain, “Wait till they get a load of me.”

Ignatius leapt off the roof and was caught by Jasper’s magic as he stepped through the portal.


Upon exiting into the throne room, Captain Flash Sentry opened the doors looking distressed, “Your highness!”

Jasper put Ignatius down, “What?”

Flash pointed with a hoof to the door he had just came through, “Changelings, they’re in the court yard! I have the palace forces converging on them as we speak.”

Jasper put on his coat, “That won’t be necessary, I was expecting them.”

Captain Sentry was dumbfounded, “What?”

Jasper glanced at the black dragon at his side, “You did send out the memo didn’t you?”

Ignatius shrugged which Jasper rolled his eyes at.

Jasper raised his hand, “Call off the troops. I’ve scheduled a meeting with their queen.”

Captain Sentry blinked a few times and nodded before flying off.

Jasper shook his head as he slammed the door shut, “Idiot ponies.”


Jasper walked into the courtyard and gazed at the darkened sky and the ground filled with changelings.

Jasper raised an undaunted eyebrow, “Good afternoon,” the changelings became slightly confused as to why this life form was not fearful of their numbers, “Now that the greetings are out of the way, might I speak with Queen Chrysalis?”

Some odd chattering reached Jasper’s ears as the changelings discussed amongst themselves of their collective answer. Jasper tapped his foot in annoyance as the changelings continued their conversations, his eyes narrowed as his patience began to wear thin.

“You’ll have to excuse them,” a two tone voice echoed from behind him, “They are merely protective of their queen.”

Jasper smiled, “Queen Chrysalis, I see you got my letter. Was your trip long?”

Jasper turned to behold the bemused Chrysalis, “Long and boring, I never thought I would ever darken these halls again after the last time I was here.”

Jasper smiled, “Well I assume my promise of a life changing offer piqued your interest then? Why else would you have showed, to invade?”

Chrysalis pursed her lips as she gazed at the castle, “The thought crossed my mind.”

Jasper turned his head and stared at her subject, “What about them? Did you feel it necessary to bring your entire kingdom with you?”

“Oh heavens no,” Chrysalis chuckled, “That’s just my honor guard.”

Jasper went bug eyed when they entered the castle.


Twilight was staring in shock through her telescope as the princesses and the girls followed her gaze.

“The changelings now?!” Twilight was on the verge of hyperventilating, “What! Why!”

Sunset glanced at the elements, “Is she always like this under pressure?”

Spike nodded, “Yep.”

Celestia gazed through the telescope, “This isn’t good.”


Jasper sat calmly across from Chrysalis who was absently stirring her tea with a black stir stick, “So Chrysalis,” Jasper broke the ice, “you’re looking well.”

Chrysalis sipped her tea and grimaced as she added more sugar, “As well as I can be,” she added a ton of sugar after a brief pause and sipped it with a content smile, “Did you know after that shield blasted me, it was a wonder in itself that I survived? I crashed in a bucking rock quarry at mac 10!”

Jasper winced, “Ouch.”

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes, “Ouch is an understatement. Now why don’t we get down to business then, why have you called me here exactly?”

Jasper leaned back, “Simple,” he folded his hands, “I’ve called you here to propose to you.”

Chrysalis spat out a flurry of tea as a guard dramatically leapt in front of it, “What?!”

Jasper turned to the soaked guard, “Thank you Wingkins,” the guard trotted off as Jasper continued, “Just as I said, you strike me not as a heartless monster, but more of a Queen who wishes to preserve her people. You merely went about it wrong.”

Chrysalis’s left eye twitched, “B-but what do you mean propose?!”

Jasper smiled, “Just as I said,” he produced a silver wedding band and placed it on the table, “If we marry, our kingdoms become one. Plus if you accept, you will have all the love,” he snapped his fingers as the Crystal Heart was wheeled in, “To last you a lifetime.”

Chrysalis gazed at the band, the human, and then the heart multiple times. She set her jaw and inhaled.


The courtyard doors burst open as a changeling ran outside, “THE KING WILL MARRY OUR QUEEN!”

The changelings gasped then cheered.

Author's Note:

Short update, but it's integral to the plot, now onto the next update. Enjoy :3