• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 21,594 Views, 1,888 Comments

Villainous - CrypticMetaphor

A human takes a path that many in his situation have never taken before.

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Chapter 4: Turn On The Dark

The day was fairly quiet. Barely anypony was outside, the reason? It was because a mass of guards had been deployed. Celestia was scheduled to appear that following afternoon to deliver an explanation and as per usual, when guards of such magnitude showed up nopony wanted to be in the way. Six mares sat in Sugarcube Corner chatting about the current situation mostly because Twilight was informed before the guard’s arrival. Twilight on the other hoof was barely contributing due to the fact that she was both curious and worried for their human friend. Ever since last night after inviting him on the camping trip he had not come up for breakfast or responded to her calls. She chopped it up to him being caught up in his work; she could sympathize on that front and left him to it. She just hoped he was alright. She didn't want to say anything to the girls because she thought it was nothing. But for a while she was noticing more of her books had been slightly moved or relocated and she had not left them like that at all. Why would Jasper even want to read those history books as well as the arcane lore ones?


As this was going on, Jasper was sitting on the main library floor with his project in front of him as well as several books. He stood up from his chair and began to scan the shelves muttering mildly.


Jasper whipped around and saw Spike gazing with awe at the gold metal gauntlet that sat upon the white cloth on the table, “It’s not finished,” his tone became cold, “don’t touch it.”

Spike backed up, “Okay, chill out.”

Jasper rubbed the bridge of his nose, “Sorry, it’s just.”

Spike waved a claw, “Nah its cool. I understand,” he glanced at the slightly troubled human, “something wrong?”

Jasper nodded, “You know that I've kept track of all of your adventures up to date right?”

Spike nodded, “Yeah, Twilight told me all about you. Well at least all she knew.”

“Well if that’s the case,” he pointed his thumb at the shelves, “could you find me that book that had the information on the Alicorn Amulet?”

Spike nodded with a confident smirk, “That’s an easy one,” he stopped mid-stride, “just out of curiosity, why do you want it?”

Jasper smiled, “Research.”

Spike shrugged and began to look. He found the book immediately but he began to debate whether or not he SHOULD give the book to Jasper. In truth, Spike never really trusted Jasper. Deep down something unsettled him about the human, ever since he first laid eyes on him. He also noticed that almost behind every smile that Jasper ever gave, there seemed to be a flicker behind it, a subtle little thing at most. The flicker could only best be described with one word…wicked. Spike also noticed something in the human’s eyes whenever their eye met. Usually with the ponies he knew around town he could see love and compassion as well as companionship. But behind Jasper's eyes, he saw…could it be called darkness? Or perhaps it was the calculating mind of something much worse. Spike had seen that only one other time, when he was descending toward Sombra to grab the falling Crystal heart, he glimpsed almost the same thing in the dark unicorn’s eyes. Spike jumped when Jasper's hand shot out and plucked the book from the shelf.

“Thank you for finding it for me. You’re quite useful; man I wish I had a dragon.”


Hours passed by after the event in the library before Twilight and the girls arrived. Twilight opened the door and soon all six mares entered to find Jasper sitting in an armchair reading a small paperback book. When he heard them enter he glanced over the top of the book and nodded his acknowledgement at their collective presence. All of the mares trotted past him and seated themselves. Jasper sighed having realized that he wouldn't get peace and shut his book.

“So girls,” the mares glanced at him, “What’s the word?”

Twilight ushered him over to which he complied, “Well while you were here…speaking of which have you eaten anything?”

Jasper nodded and she continued, “As I was saying, while you were here at the library the princess sent me an urgent message this morning. I really wished to tell you about this at breakfast but you wouldn't answer me.”

“Sorry, I was busy finishing my project,” he mused, “It’s just missing one last thing. But that’s not important right now, continue,” he sat down nearby in a chair.

Twilight smiled and nodded, “Well you’re familiar with Sombra correct?” Jasper nodded as she inhaled, “Well the letter I received informed me that not only has he returned, but he’s on his way here. The princess has made it clear that I only tell the girls and you but rest assured that the information will be made public this afternoon.”

Jasper scratched his chin, “So Sombra’s coming here. Do we have a plan of attack?”

Rainbow smirked, “Hay yeah we do! I didn't get a chance to clobber him back at the Crystal Empire so I call dibs on the first shot.”

Rarity rolled her eyes, “By all means Dash do whatever brutish desire that crosses your mind,” her look then became slightly angered, “as long as I get a crack at him for trying to hurt Spikey!”

Applejack exhaled, “Now cmon yall we have ta keep a level head about this.”

Jasper nodded which caused the mares to glance at him, “Applejack's right. If we lose our heads the enemy can take advantage of the confusion and swoop in for the proverbial kill.”

Twilight nodded at the words of wisdom, “True, so very true,” she then became slightly saddened, “In light of these events girls, I’m afraid the camping trip is going to be called off until further notice.”

Rainbow Dash groaned in anguish, “Oh come on Twilight, we've been planning this for months! Why can’t we go?!”

Fluttershy raised her hoof, “Well Dash I think it’s because it’s more dangerous than before. Sombra could come out of nowhere,” she shivered, “even when we sleep.”

Jasper in the other hand was listening half-heartedly as his mind formulated something, “Say Twilight.”

The alicorn glanced at him, “Yes Jasper?”

“Isn’t the crystal heart needed to defeat Sombra?”

Twilight contemplated it, “Well no, it’s one method that was used once before. In truth, the Elements of Harmony are more than enough.”

Jasper stood up, “Well if that’s the case,” he walked across the room, “you all attend the meeting I have a few…things I have to sort out.”

Rarity stared curiously at the retreating human, “Are you positive? Aren't you curious as to what the Princess has to say?”

Jasper smiled over his shoulder at Rarity, “Well you’re the resident power ladies, so I think you all have everything in you capable hooves.”

The mares smiled at the compliments as Jasper shut the door.


Jasper leaned against the shut door and glanced at the desk in front of him. Atop the desk was the finished gauntlet. He approached his project, the gauntlets hand almost appeared like it was reaching for the heavens. The hole on the back of the hand was now carved into a specific shape. He grasped the object and donned it with a metallic clacking sound, first he rotated the wrist and readjusted he tightness accordingly until it fit like a glove. The gold glinted in the dim light as he flexed his arm. Now that it was completed, it covered his arm all the way to the elbow. He glanced at his fist and clenched it tightly. The smile that appeared on his face was one of joy…and a much darker ambition. He then grabbed his coat and threw it on making sure that his sleeve covered the gauntlet to the wrist. He then waited until the sound of the girls leaving the library met his ears. He then grabbed a series of paper clipped papers with notes scribbled atop them and disembarked immediately.


Spike on the other hoof was watching Jasper slink out the door with his notes clutched tightly under his arms. The second the door shut Spike bolted down the stairs and entered Jasper's work room. He immediately sifted through the papers that were left and saw scribbled prototypes for a gauntlet that was far too big for him but seemed to be made for a creature like him. What caught his eyes was a small scrap piece of paper that had cliff notes written on them, cliff notes of information he had been told by the girls and from…the books he had been lent?

“What are you planning Jasper?”


Outside the girls were heading toward the town square as the Princess was preforming her preparations for the afternoons events. However the ponies were unaware of two things, one being a coated figure with his hood up slinking into the Everfree forest. The other and more pressing matter was a dark unicorn with a red horn glaring down at the town with malicious intent evident in his glare.