• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 21,590 Views, 1,888 Comments

Villainous - CrypticMetaphor

A human takes a path that many in his situation have never taken before.

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Chapter 2: Meet The Ponies

Jasper sat on the train in absolute silence as it pulled away from Canterlot. The steady rhythm of the wheel upon the metal tracks did nothing for his nerves but cleared his head. The thought process began almost immediately as he glanced at the smiling Alicorn across from him. Surely this couldn’t be possible, it had to be some sort of hallucination or vivid fantasy that his mind concocted. But even though he wished this to be so it was not the reality of the situation. He sighed in defeat and glanced out the window and watched the mountain ranges pass him by.

Twilight took notice of his expression and tapped her chin, “Sooo Jasper,” the human turned at the sound of his name, “What do you….read back where you come from?”

Jasper raised an eyebrow as Twilight coughed awkwardly.

The human merely sighed, “This and that.”

“That’s…interesting I suppose,” Twilight was a little disappointed he wouldn’t talk to her and became slightly hurt.

Jasper took notice and glanced to the side, “I read novels, manga, and mostly classic comic books.”

Twilight looked up, “You have comics where you come from?”

“You all have comic books too?” Jasper was greatly surprised at this, “Well that’s something new.”

Twilight beamed at having made legitimate contact, “Yes we do. In fact, Equestria has several comic companies around the kingdom. My assistant Spike reads several from time to time.”

Jasper now fully faced the Alicorn, “You don’t say.”

Twilight nodded, “Yep,” the alicorn then thought of something, “Hmm, if you have comic books where you’re from do you think we may have titles here that you have? Maybe even your favorite one?” Twilight wanted nothing more than to make the human feel that he was in a friendly environment and not a hostile one.

Jasper casually added, “Do you have Mirage comics, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?”

Twilight was very confused at the statement, “Can’t say that we do…to my knowledge.”

Jasper looked away from her, “Then our worlds aren’t as similar as you think.”

Twilight pursed her lips at the remark but did her breathing, “You might be surprised,” she then whispered to herself, “I won’t give up on you Jasper, no matter what.”


Soon the time arrived for the train to pull into Ponyville station and both human and pony disembarked. Immediately upon exiting the train car they were all met with stares of fear and curiosity. It was like someone just fixed a massive neon sign upon Jasper’s head that pretty much advertised him as a freak. Several ponies bowed in respect to a slightly reluctant princess who told them it was not necessary while others gave the human a wide berth. Jasper glanced around with an annoyed scowl, inwardly he laughed at the irony of how they all we’re accepting in the show yet in reality they feared even him. Guess that friendship lesson with the zebra was a flop in the long run.

Jasper was shaken from his thoughts as he glanced down at a curious Twilight, “Huh?”

“I said we’re here,” she gestured to her familiar tree home, “welcome to Golden Oaks library!”

Jasper blinked and inwardly noted the name as he entered.

Jasper’s eyes widened as he saw the stocked shelves seem to rise up around him. The familiar aroma of news print filled his nostrils as his eyes skimmed the shelves, fiction, non-fiction, history, everything was there and well organized. Jasper walked over to a nearby shelf and began scanning the spines as Twilight hung up her things and took notice.

“Find anything you like?” Jasper glanced over his shoulder and shrugged as he continued to inspect the tomes.

Jasper muttered to no one in particular, “How many books of history and lore are here…”

Twilight picked up on that and was more than happy to answer, “Well there are several. In fact, there is even some dating back to when Equestria was founded and ruled over by Princess Platinum.”

Jasper raised an eyebrow as he turned away, “Interesting.”

A frightened gasp caused both parties to turn and reveal a small purple dragon against the wall in fright, “What the?! Twilight there’s a mutant ape standing beside you!”

Jasper narrowed his eyes, “Twilight, there’s a purple gecko yelling at me.”

Spike’s fear vanished, “HEY! I’m NOT a GECKO!”

Twilight stood between the two, “Cool it you two! Spike this is Jasper, you know, the one the letter told us about?”

Spike blinked a few times as he looked Jasper up and down, “Oh…so this is a hoomen. Weird, thought they would look different.”

Jasper was about to retort when Twilight yawned. Jasper gazed out the window and took notice that it was nighttime. Time had sure passed them by fast much to his utter confusion.

“Well it’s been a long and somewhat hectic day so I think it would be best if we turned in for the night,” Twilight then led Jasper to a section of the floor that had a bed laid out, “I had Spike make this when I left to get you so I hope that you feel at home. Have a good sleep Jasper.”

As the alicorn and dragon ventured upstairs Jasper glanced at the shelf he had been inspecting and plucked a history book with the date depicting the age of Equestria’s founding. The lights we’re extinguished but Jasper cracked open the book and began to read.


Twilight had awoken at a reasonable time and ventured downstairs to find Jasper sprawled out in an uncomfortable position snoring away. She gently nudged him only to get an incoherent mumble as a response. She shook her head and went to take more direct methods when she noticed something was amiss. She glanced at her organized shelf and narrowed her eyes, one of the four massive Equestrian history books was moved a fraction to the left when it was supposed to be to the right.

She glanced over to Jasper, “Did he read all of it? No Twilight, don’t be silly. One of these books alone took me at least three weeks to finish.”

Jasper sat up and rubbed his eyes as Twilight moved the book back to its rightful position, “Morning, sleep well?”

Jasper nodded slowly as he stood up. Twilight led him into the kitchen and began to prepare some breakfast. Jasper drummed his fingers on the table top as he began to silently muse to himself on a private matter.

“So Jasper I was thinking that today,” she levitated the food onto the table as she took a seat, “I would take you to meet my friends. I told them you were coming and what my assignment entailed. All of them are more than willing to help in any way they can.”

Jasper glanced up at her as he nibbled some toast, “Why exactly are they so willing?”

Twilight smiled, “That’s what friends do. They help each other out.”

Jasper blinked a couple of times and went back to his nibbling.


Jasper glanced around at the frightened ponies who either scampered away or refused to look at him, “What’s the point of all this? They fear me, plain and simple; nothing’s going to change that.”

Twilight chuckled nervously, “Well the town can be a little,” she saw Roseluck board up her windows and doors causing a less than amused Jasper to look at her, “nervous. But deep down they really want to get to know you."

Jasper noticed a metal shutter of all things slam down on a shop entrance, “I doubt that.”

Twilight glanced at the human who seemed to be gazing around and taking in his surroundings almost stiffly like a living doll. The alicorn was saddened about how little faith the human possessed toward others, whatever had occurred to cause this must have truly been horrid. Her spirits lifted when they approached Carousel Boutique, she had made sure this was their first stop. Not only was Rarity an ideal candidate to make first contact, but the thrill of having to make Jasper clothes excited her immensely. The front doors bell rang as both individuals entered the establishment, Jasper glanced around the interior with mild interest as Twilight smiled at the sound of approaching hoof steps.

Rarity rounded the corner and noticed Jasper, “Is this him?”

Twilight nodded, “Jasper, allow me to introduce you to my friend Rarity.”

Jasper gave a half wave, “Hi.”

Rarity gave a kind smile in return, “Hello.”

Twilight glanced from Jasper to Rarity and smiled, “Well I can see this is getting off to a good start,” she looked to Rarity, “I’m going to step out for a bit, you wouldn’t mind?”

Rarity waved the comment off, “Of course not Twilight. I said I would help in anyway I can and I mean it. Jasper, darling, you MUST let me take your measurements!”

“Uh…,” Jasper backed up slightly as Rarity’s smiled became a much softer one.

She spoke in a calming tone, “Don’t worry I’ll be gentle.”

Twilight stifled a snicker as Jasper slowly responded, “O-okay I guess.”

He was immediately dragged away by Rarity.


Jasper was staring unamused at the white unicorn before him as she magically held his arms in place so she could get better measurements. Even though she was depicted a certain way in the show, she was WAY pushier than he thought. She had told him to remain still which he complied to with some difficulty, standing straight on a pedestal for prolonged periods of time tends to get old very fast. Rarity had taken notice of this and decided to employ her magic to restrict his movements. Now Jasper had to stand as well as mentally sit while Rarity worked. He would have spoken up sooner but decided against it under fear of magical retaliation, but in truth that was just his paranoid mind mentally slapping him.

His eyes wandered around the room in an effort to keep himself occupied during his immobilization. He began to take in all the finery and expensive air the room gave off. He mentally chuckled at how even though Rarity lived as a town pony it was almost like she had her own little slice of paradise around her. Jasper shook his head as Rarity faced him.

She raised a skeptical eyebrow, “Is something the matter?”

“No,” he glanced around once more, “It’s just that I’ve noticed that even though you live in a common town you somehow have your own little slice of royal splendor here. It’s actually quite astounding.”

Rarity gave beamed with pride, “Well as the old saying goes, ‘A mares home IS her castle.’”

Jasper felt the magical hold leave him as he rotated his shoulders. He glanced over to Rarity’s work table but was met with a quick white sheet covering the item atop it.

“Ah ah ah,” she tutted the human, “no peeking until it’s ready.”

Jasper pursed his lips but then turned his attention to an odd metal sculpture atop her dresser, “What’s that?”

Rarity trotted over with a light grin, “I see you have a good eye for modern art,” she levitated the sculpture in front of Jasper and he took notice that it resembled a pony made of bronze metal, “this little sculpture was a gift from my dear friend Spike. I believe it’s called ‘The Brazen Pony’, if memory serves.”

Jasper crossed his arms, “You pony’s actually do metal work here?”

Rarity shook her head frantically, “No no no! I mean yes we do, but I would NEVER attempt such a thing,” she glanced at her foreleg, “I could cut myself or chip a hoof. Many ponies here and there do it either as a pastime or their profession,” she then locked eyes with him, “But out of curiosity why do you ask?”

Jasper looked at his reflection in a mirror on the adjacent wall, “Back in my old school I got top marks in metal shop,” he thought for a moment, “If memory serves I think my last major project was that we had to build a piece of armor.”

Rarity was now VERY interested, “And did you?”

Jasper nodded with a slight smirk, “Yeah. I made a plate helm with a folding visor. Granted it consumed every moment of free time I had but the grade I got was well worth it.”

“Well if you’re going to stay here with all of us, why not take it up as a hobby,” her eyes twinkled with wonder, “I dare say, if I saw the kind of armor that your kind wears it would be simply astounding!”

Jasper heard the door open below and the familiar voice of a certain Alicorn as Rarity became all business, “Well Jasper it was nice seeing you, I sure hope you enjoy your stay here. Don’t be a stranger!”

Jasper nodded as he headed downstairs and soon out the door with his companion to their next destination.


Jasper was glancing around the trail they walked and took in the fresh smell of apples. He took note of the slight hill they had to trek up and the MASSIVE orchard that spanned almost to the horizon. Jasper then stood entirely still as Twilight trotted toward the farmhouse, his mind was working overtime as he mentally prepared himself for what was to come. He reached into his pocket and produced a folded piece of paper as well as a pencil from Earth. He laid the paper down upon a fence post and began to scribble on it silently muttering to himself.

“Whatcha drawin there?”

Jasper spun around and fell over the fence clutching the paper. Before him was a small filly with a pink bow in her hair who he recognized as the youngest Apple sibling known aptly as Applebloom. He quickly stowed the paper away and got to his feet.

Applebloom was frantic, “Ahm so sorry about that! Ah shoulda said somethin earlier!”

Jasper dusted himself off, “No worries. Nothings broken.”

Applebloom tilted her head and curiously circled the man, “Are ya that hooman ah’ve heard about?”

Jasper rolled his eyes, “Yes.”

Applebloom almost hopped up to eye level with him, “WOW!”

Jasper backed up slightly as a look of excitement plastered itself upon the fillies face, “Ah never thought that you would be so tall, where’s your fur? Do you have a cutie mark? Can you count to infinity? Can ya-“


Both Jasper and Applebloom turned their heads to behold Applejack and Twilight approaching. The orange cowpony wore an apologetic smile.

“Sorry about that,” Applejack gave Applebloom a look which caused her to run off and play elsewhere, “She gets excited easily around new ponies.”

Jasper raised his hand, “It’s fine.”

Applejack then took on a genuine welcoming smile, “Well Twilight’s told me all about ya, names Applejack, and it’s a pleasure to meet ya!”

Jasper this time shook a hoof when it was offered to him, “Jasper, the feeling is likewise.”

Applejack was about to speak when the sound of a yell interrupted them. Jasper turned around just in time to be body slammed to the ground by a rainbow and cyan blur. Jasper grunted in mild annoyance and pain as his arm was pinned to his back. His glare fell upon none other than Rainbow Dash.

“Run and get help girls, I got this thing!”

Twilight yanked Rainbow Dash off of Jasper, “Rainbow Dash what in Equestria are you doing?!”

Rainbow Dash struggled in the magic that held her, “I was saving you two from this monster!”

“Rainbow this is Jasper, the hooman I told you about in my letter,” Twilight dropped the pegasus, “remember?”

Rainbow Dash glanced at Jasper, “Oh. Sorry about that dude.”

Jasper growled in mild anger and dusted himself off, “Yeah…no problem.”

Rainbow Dash approached the human rubbing the back of her head, “Let’s start over. Name’s Rainbow Dash. Best flyer in Equestria and the most awesome mare around!”

Jasper nodded as his gaze travelled around the farm, “I’m curious Applejack,” the cowpony glanced at the human, “does your family supply most of the apples to Ponyville and the surrounding places?”

Applejack scratched the back of her head, “Well we don’t mean ta brag about it, but we supply a great amount to Equestria.”

Jasper nodded, “I see.”

Rainbow Dash flew in front of Jasper who turned to leave, “Hey where’s the fire dude?”

Jasper gave an even smile, “Aren’t we going to meet Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy next?”

Twilight blinked but then smiled, “Oh yeah!”

Jasper and the mares then trotted toward the town.


The meeting with the last two went as well as one would expect. Pinkie Pie was more than ecstatic to meet Jasper and informed him of a party that was going to be held in his honor the following day. Fluttershy was very reluctant to talk to Jasper and would hide in fear whenever he would utter one word. Soon the sun was setting and the mares all bid Jasper farewell until tomorrow. Jasper and Twilight soon arrived back at the library and asked the oddest request.

“Come again?”

Jasper smiled lightly, “I want to take up a metal working as a hobby here. You know just to make small pieces of metal art. Do you know where I can buy the supplies?”

Twilight nodded, “Yes I do, I can take you to the hobby store tomorrow if you’d like.”

“Thanks,” Jaspers eyes gleamed, “I’d like that.”

Soon Twilight and Spike were asleep once more and Jasper plucked another book off the shelf.