• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 2,711 Views, 103 Comments

Rain of Fire - LessThanHuman

After Princess Luna was banished to the the Moon her beloved bat ponies died off to the point of extinction. So how did one manage to survive for almost thousand years, and given their violent nature, what are his intentions?

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Chapter 10 - Wait, What?

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack didn’t know what to think of what they had just witnessed, for all they knew, Firestorm had just obliterated two royal guards. Firestorm folded his wings in at his sides.

“They're not dead,” he said calmly.

“What?” Twilight asked.

“That was a transferred teleportation spell, I just sent them home.”

“What did you do last night that got the royal guard called on you?”

“Nothing. Filthy Rich summoned them because I apparently bruised his ego harder than his body the other night at the restaurant.”

“You assaulted him?” Twilight yelled.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack exchanged a quick look before giving each other a hoof bump. Twilight heard the familiar sound and whipped around to face her friends, “What was that? What did you two just do?” Twilight asked, panic and anger mixed in her voice.

“We didn’t do anything,” Rainbow Dash answered coolly.

Twilight turned to Applejack and simply stared at her. Applejack glanced away but every time she looked back at Twilight she felt the truth aching inside her to be set free. Her legs began to tremble and sweat began to bead on her forehead. Twilight smiled inwardly and began a silent countdown in her head, “3…2…1!”

“Filthy Rich is a stuck up snob of a pony who deserved whatever Firestorm did to him the other night, Rainbow and Ah just gave each other a hoof bump because we all know it!” Applejack blurted out.

Rainbow Dash shook her head, “Applejacks’ right Twilight, everypony knows he lives here because if he lived someplace like Manehattan or Canterlot, he’d be just like every other rich pony there. Here he can look down on everypony else because he has money!”

“He lives here because he wants to be close to the business he does at Sweet Apple Acres, he doesn’t look down on everypony else. Even if he did, Firestorm can’t just go and assault him like that without facing the consequences!” Twilight tried to reason.

“Well I feel I handled those so called consequences justifiably,” Firestorm said as he moved towards the mares, “had he kept a tighter leash on his brat of a daughter I wouldn’t have had to defend the Cutie Mark Crusaders, his daughter wouldn’t have lied to him, he wouldn’t have confronted me, I wouldn’t have set him straight, he wouldn’t have summoned the guard, Rainbow Dash wouldn’t have almost died, and now I wouldn’t have to kill him,” Firestorm concluded as he stood right in front of Twilight.

Twilight stared at Firestorm for a minute before taking a deep breath, “You’re not going to kill Filthy Rich.”

A smile slowly crept across Firestorms’ face, “You’re right, I’m not going to kill him…”

Twilight let out a heavy sigh.

“But there is one more thing I have to do,” Firestorm finished. He reared up on his hind legs, pushed off the ground with his wings, and twisted his body as he performed a half turn, kicking out his right hind leg before teleporting away from Twilight and her friends. On the other side of Ponyville Filthy Rich ran as fast and as hard as he could. Being a business pony, he did not possess the stamina and endurance to run this far, but he feared what would happen if he stopped. As he rounded another corner a flash of light made him stop just one split second before something collided with the left side of his face. Filthy Rich rolled over several times before finally coming to a stop. He looked around to find what he ran into but he quickly found what ran into him. Firestorm stood perfectly balanced on his hind legs glaring down at Filthy Rich, “This ends right here, right now. Call two guards, call two hundred guards, it won’t matter to me, they cannot help you. I will let you live so long as you do not press this matter any further…”

Filthy Rich nodded in agreement. Firestorm turned and vanished in a flash of light as he teleported away. Filthy Rich was so shocked by the rage in Firestorms’ draconic eyes he hadn’t noticed the small shape shift his body had undergone. Filthy Rich proceeded to pick himself up off the ground and finish returning home. He was thankful nopony had the pleasure of seeing him so greatly humiliated.

Firestorm rematerialized in front of Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. The three had rearranged themselves to talk during the stallions’ absence and they were slightly surprised at his abrupt return. Firestorms’ talons and claws reverted back to hooves as he lost his balance from standing on his hind legs. He looked at the three mares who all bore identical expressions of concern.

“He’s not dead, I didn’t kill him, I just told him to give up, and he did,” Firestorm said.

“Yeah, like he had a choice!” Rainbow Dash said sarcastically as she flew over and punched Firestorms’ shoulder playfully.

“Firestorm we need to have a talk and I need you to prove to me you didn’t kill those guards,” Twilight said assertively.

Firestorm closed his eyes and raised his wings, soon the blue light they had seen before began to illuminate. Firestorm took a deep breath as the light washed over everypony. As the light faded they noticed they were in the Golden Oaks Library. Firestorm looked at Twilight, “Well?”

Twilight nodded, “Yes that was definitely the same spell you used on the guards. I’m satisfied.”

“Awwww yeah, Firestorm’s going camping!” Rainbow Dash cried out happily.

“Wait, WHAT!?” Firestorm asked bewildered.

“Twi said that if you could prove ya didn’t hurt the guards, she’d be content with you comin’ campin’ with us,” Applejack stated.

“When did that happen?”

“While you were gone kickin’ Filthys’ flank,” said Rainbow Dash.

“What! How long was I gone?”

“About twelve and a half minutes by my count,” Twilight said factually.

“What! How is that possible?”

“I think that if your changeling magic activated during your teleportation it could have distorted the time lapse augmentation part of the spell during your return…” Twilight suggested.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at each other as they shared the same look of confusion.

“Yeah, that makes sense,” Firestorm replied after a second of thought.

Rainbow Dash’ and Applejacks’ expressions of confusion intensified as they silently asked each other, “Did he actually understand that!?”

“So where did the part come in where I’m involuntarily going camping with you guys?” Firestorm asked.

“Well, we had a couple of reasons, the first is that Rainbow Dash really wants you to come along. The second is you and I could practice with some of your magic somewhere safe and away from a populated area. The third is just for protection, I figured that as it is the everfree forest you would be the suited for personal defense,” Twilight explained.

“You’re a worse liar than Applejack…” Firestorm deadpanned.

“Okay fine, I really want to go camping, Celestia instructed me to keep a close watch on you, and I’m not about to leave you here alone, especially after what I’ve just seen what could happen.”

“……. I don’t have a choice, do I?”

“Nope, but you’re gonna love camping with us!” Rainbow Dash exploded.

Firestorm looked at her, “That is optional,” he said with a playful grin.

“Whether or not ya have fun is up to you, but Ah intend to have a good time and Ah want the little ones to as well,” Applejack stated.

Firestorm quickly turned his attention to Applejack, “Little ones?”

“Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle,” Twilight clarified.

Firestorm looked down at the ground and then back up at Twilight. When their eyes met Twilight immediately noticed they had changed into vertical slits. Before she could even think she heard his voice in her head say, “I don’t think that is such a good idea.

Twilight was startled when she heard Firestorms’ voice but saw that his mouth not even opening. She soon noticed the gentle red glow of his wings indicating he was using a spell, possibly a telepathy spell she concluded.

Somewhat, more of an isolated changeling hive mind…” she heard Firestorm think.

What?” Twilight thought.

The spell I’m using, it’s a mix between a telepathy spell and a changeling hive mind spell I created to bond with the changeling hive I was living with. I can hear your thoughts and you can hear mine, in an advanced state we can even share memories and feelings. But for now, I think it would be a bad idea to have me along on this camping trip,” Firestorm thought.

Firestorm heard everything Twilight truly felt about him camping with herself and her friends, and while some of the thoughts were negative, they were outweighed in Twilights’ mind by the good. Before Twilight had a chance to gather said thoughts Firestorm blinked his eyes, his pupils returned to their normal round shape and said aloud, “So be it…”

Twilight was stunned by the brief use of Firestorms’ magic and mental conversation, which in her opinion was very one sided, and couldn’t think of anything to say. Luckily for Twilight, the ever energetic pegasus beside her did. Leaping into the air with a few powerful beats of her wings she yelled out, “Awww yeah, we’re going camping!”

Firestorm couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. As Rainbow Dash settled back down Firestorm looked at Twilight, “When do we leave?”

“Oh, well, we had actually planned a while back to leave tomorrow, but now with Fluttershy and you I was thinking that maybe we should reschedule…” Twilight explained.

“Just make sure Fluttershy is alright, I’ll be good to go by then.”

Twilight nodded, “I’ll check with Fluttershy and if she says she’ll be alright for us to go I’ll get some maps for us to go over to find the optimal locations to camp. I’ll start a checklist of all the supplies we’ll need to bring. Ooh and –”

“Uh, Twilight,” Applejack interrupted, “How ‘bout you just go check on Fluttershy first?”

“Oh, right, I’ll just go do that,” Twilight said sheepishly as she made her way to the door.

Rainbow Dash flew into the air, "Great, now I’m too excited about going camping, I’ll see you guys later I gotta find something to distract myself with and tire me out so I can get some sleep tonight. Bye!"

Rainbow Dash flew straight out of an open window leaving Applejack and Firestorm in the library. Applejack scraped the floor with her hoof before the awkward silence became too much for her, “Listen, I’m sorry but Ah gotta get back to the farm, I’ll see ya later okay?”

Firestorm smiled softly and nodded moving aside for her to leave. Applejack trotted past him, opened the door, went out, and as she went to close it, she noticed Firestorm had disappeared. She shrugged her shoulder, guessing he left the same way Rainbow Dash had, and shut the door. A moment later Spike poked his head through the doorway into the main room of the library, “Hello, anypony there?” With nopony in sight and no response, Spiked shrugged his shoulders and went back to bed.

Firestorm soared through the air as he flew higher and higher in the noon sky. He looked over his shoulder at Ponyville behind him. He knew he wasn’t about to leave when he was finally so close to the answers he had questions for his entire life and he wasn’t about to let them slip away, even if it meant camping in the everfree forest with three mares and three fillies. He knew that he would never do anything to hurt any of his new friends but he his instincts were something else entirely. While he was in complete control of his sex drive, even during heat season, Firestorm knew his instincts were not to mate, they were to destroy.

He thought back to when he woke up that morning when he woke up in the forest, how everything had been burned, with him in the exact center of it. Firestorm flew harder and faster, trying to physically get himself away from the memory of what he had destroyed. Soon he was tired and out of breath and landed harshly on a cloud to rest. Firestorm was angry with himself, furious that he lacked control over his temper and the destructive power which was unleashed along with it. He looked down at his hooves which had once again shifted into claws and talons, he felt his teeth growing sharper as he clenched his jaw. Before long he was panting heavily, his emotions threatening to tear him apart between aggression and sadness.

“You need to slow your breathing down,” a voice said behind him, “just take slow deep breaths.”

Firestorm looked over his shoulder at the mare who jumped out of fright when his draconic eyes fell on her. She was an ash grey pegasus with a scruffy blonde mane and tail like Rainbow Dash’. Firestorm looked away from her and tried to slow his breathing down. The mare cautiously approached Firestorm and let a hoof rest on his back, “There you go, slow deep breaths,” she cooed.

Firestorm looked over his shoulder at her face, this time he noticed her skewed eyes. Taking a final long breath he asked, “What’s wrong with your eyes?”

A wave of sadness immediately befell the mare, showing in her facial features as she briefly broke eye contact. Firestorm was about to apologize for asking such a personal, and obviously, painful question, one she was probably asked several times a day when she suddenly looked back at him with a perplexed look on her face and said, “I could ask you the same thing…”

Firestorm realized that with how many changes his body had gone through during his momentary rage shift his eyes would have been one of the first. He blinked dumbly, “This is what my eyes look like naturally,” he stated.

“Really!?” the mare asked noticeably excited, “That’s so cool!”

Firestorm gave the mare a smile which she found difficult to understand given the display of his fangs and draconic amber eyes. “So, um, what about the rest of you? Were you in some kind of lab explosion with a dragon or something and you two got fused into… this?” the mare asked surprisingly serious.

Firestorm laughed at the bizarre notion, “No, I was just born this way, but most of the time you can’t tell…”

The pegasus looked at her hooves, “I was born this way too. My eyes, I mean…”

Firestorm sensed an awkward silence creeping in as he didn’t know how to proceed from that point on. Luckily though, his last statement had sparked a new question in the mares’ mind, “What do you mean you can’t tell most of the time?”

“What?” Firestorm asked slightly confused by the question.

“What do you mean I wouldn’t be able you were born the way you are most of the time? You kinda stand out…” The mare clarified.

Firestorm smiled at her statement, “I’ll show you.” Taking long breath, Firestorm let his changeling magic flow over his body, reverting his features to his most naturalistic bat pony form.

“Wow…” the mare said simply, “I only know of one other creature that can change their shape like that but I can’t remember what they’re called…” the pegasus said while scratching her head with a hoof.

“Changelings?” Firestorm suggested.

“Yes, changelings, that’s what they’re called!” she exclaimed happily before her demeanor fell, “Are you a changeling? I thought they were all bad…”

Firestorm smiled, “No, I’m only part changeling.”

“Oh… so what’s the rest of you?”

“Probably a little of everything else…”

The pegasus laughed and then looked up at the sun, “Ooh, I’m gonna be late. I’m sorry I have to go pick up my daughter from school!”

“Alright then, nice talking to you Mrs.…”

“Oh, it’s Miss, actually, but you can call me Derpy, everypony else does.”

“Is that your real name or a nickname?”

“It’s my real name, Derpy Hooves. Umm, what did you say your name was again?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, my name is Firestorm.”

“Cool, Firestorm. Well, see ya!” Derpy said before she dove off the cloud they were sanding on.

Firestorm watched as she flew away, only one thought was going thought his mind…

Twilight had gotten the all clear from Fluttershy to go camping and was in the library, much to Spikes’ annoyance, was composing a checklist of everything she needed to bring. She was about to go over the checklist again when a flash of light announced the arrival of Firestorm. He quickly located the alicorn he was searching for, and approached her before she had time to recover from the shock of his arrival.

“What do you know about Derpy Hooves?” he asked.

“Oh, Derpy? Well, Ummm…” Twilight stuttered as certain memories of falling objects resurfaced.

“Specifically her eyes…” Firestorm clarified.

“Oh, well she approached me to apologize for an accident related to her poor vision which is caused by, well the medical term for it is…”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t care what it is, all I need to know is how to fix it for her.”

Twilight was taken aback, “Wait, when did this all start?”

“She calmed me down from a rage shift and after that we talked. I asked about her eyes and I saw how it hurt her so I want to know if you have any suggestions on how to fix them. Money is not an issue.”

“Well Derpy asked me if I knew any way to fix her eyes and I told her that, because such few ponies suffer from it, it’s not a thoroughly studied topic. I did find one mare who was able to do it perfectly, but that was near the end of her career ten years ago. She actually retired here to Ponyville and when I asked her if she thought she could help she said Derpys’ condition was too advanced for her, especially in her state. She said she could do it, but she doesn't have the strength to perform the spell with the amount needed to help Derpy.”

“Well did you ask her if she could teach it to you?”

“Yes, she explained the spell is very delicate, one mistake could have very serious consequences.”

Firestorm thought for a second before an idea hit him, “What if I supplied the energy for the spell while she performed it?”

“An energy transference spell, like the one you used with your teleportation spell to send the guards back to Canterlot?”

“Yes, she performs the spell while I amplify it.”

Twilight nodded, “That just might work!”

“Great, let’s go ask her what she thinks of the idea, and if she’s okay with it, I’ll tell Derpy, and we can perform the spell tonight!”

“Tonight, why at night?” Twilight asked.

Firestorm was already headed out the door when she asked the question. He slowly looked over his shoulder as he willingly changed the pupil shape of his eye to a slit as he said, “Because that’s when I’m at my strongest…”

Author's Note:

There ya go, a new chapter! I wanted to show some of the conflict Firestorm has about being evil in nature and wanting to be good. The next chapter will be with Derpy, Twilight, Iris, and an nocturnally altered Firestorm working to fix Derpys' eyes before they go camping in the following chapter. Let me know what you think, the camping trip is going to be about 3 chapters long and then we go to Canterlot to meet the Princess and things get..... interesting.....