• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 2,711 Views, 103 Comments

Rain of Fire - LessThanHuman

After Princess Luna was banished to the the Moon her beloved bat ponies died off to the point of extinction. So how did one manage to survive for almost thousand years, and given their violent nature, what are his intentions?

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Chapter 24 - As Read By...

This will be my final entry, the final piece on the board has been set in motion. The magic has stabilized and is ready to be fused to a suitable host, I already have the perfect couple in mind, Midnight Storm and his mate, Charm. Both are perfect as Midnight Storm is the bat pony commander of my lunar guard and his mate, and personal friend of mine, Charm, a beautiful and powerful unicorn mare. I suppose this could be classified as a win win situation. I will not deny my sorrow for them when they admitted to me their eagerness and difficulty to conceive a foal. Though I already knew such a possibility was, well, there was no possibility at all, not without my help that is.

Charm sadly suffered a miscarriage. I remember holding her that entire night, as she wept, exhausted herself, slept, suffered nausea and vomiting, and then repeated the process all over again. Midnight Storm seemed to take it better than she, that is, however, until I saw the training grounds the next morning and my guard passed out and covered in blood and tears. I digress, they would not be able to conceive without my help, being the princess of the night after all has its benefits. By fusing the magic with Charm’s egg as it becomes fertilized, as I have carefully calculated and planned, the magic will bond properly and alter the fetus to ensure its survival.

I will then instruct Charm to wear the Alicorn Amulet to ensure her survival during the pregnancy and birth, gently siphoning off magic from the fetus so it will not grow beyond the mother’s limits and tolerance. I have assured their foal to be male, as it will be able to breed and produce offspring with any healthy mare of proper breeding age once the male itself is fully developed. On that note, I have ensured the chances of successful impregnation to be extremely low, to reduce the risk of over population of the new hybrid species. This is a trait all later generations will, admittedly, suffer from.

I am truly pleased with the results which have exceeded not only my expectations but the promises of my numerous research teams as well. Combining so much magical potential, physical capabilities, and biological matter into one being is no easy task. Yet their persistence and good communication yielded marvelous results. Charm will begin her heat cycle in summer, as all mares do, and I have instructed Midnight Storm inform me when she begins and then lay with her, wearing the Alicorn Amulet throughout the duration and thereafter to ensure conception. The signs Charm is pregnant should come quickly and will be undeniable.

Charm will carry for a standard term of one year and will birth a hybrid, unique in the sense it will carry the physical traits of the father and some natural magical abilities of the mother. I will let them have their foal, but when he comes of age or should Celestia find out, I will restore his power through the Alicorn Amulet and use his strength to swiftly overthrow my sister and bring about eternal night. I have calculated such a failure from every possible angle, even if I am defeated, Midnight Storm has orders to destroy all evidence and flee with his mate and the others. I will use Celestia’s weakness against her, knowing she will not pursue my army, as they’ll have no leader, the foal will be able to grow in every way possible safely in secret.

As I dwell on this I must be honest, it truly saddens me what precautions needed to be taken to ensure the hybrid would not turn on me. Once the Amulet restores his power, he will not survive without my aid. If he attempts to turn on me, I will simply have to wait until the power kills him, how long that will take, I am not sure of, but no more than five years at most, and that’s assuming excellent conditions in his favor, otherwise it will be significantly less. If he proves himself my loyal servant, as should be the case, I will simply apply the final spell to the Alicorn Amulet, and then transfer it to him, ensuring a long and prosperous life under my guidance. Psychological issues may be present or later become present and should be observed closely at all times.

I cannot begin to describe my joy and pleasure regarding all of this, so many problems solved, so much pain soothed away. I feel like a foalish schoolfilly with a new doll. Celestia and her army will be no match for the hybrid’s offensive and defensive magic and skills. Diamond shield defense spell, ghosting abilities, portal generation, oh, and my personal favorite, the firestorm attack spell. Less than a year of planning and everything has come together better than I could have possibly dreamed. Who knows, perhaps the hybrid will one day dominate and rule the anoptryx dragon species he was based off of…

It will not be long now, Nightmare Moon

Luna suddenly jumped when she felt a hoof come to rest on her shoulder. She looked at the hoof’s owner to see Twilight giving her a noticeably concerned smile. “Luna, are you alright? You’ve barely touched your lunch…”

Luna dismissed her book and looked across the table to see the other bearers of the elements as well as Spike and Scootaloo making lively conversation, having finished their meals some time ago.

“All is well, Twilight Sparkle, just…” Luna stopped.

“Just what?”

Luna looked up to make sure only that Twilight was the only one paying her any attention before she spoke in a somewhat hushed tone, “This is all so sudden, Firestorm returning, adopting the filly, forming unique attachments with you and your friends, and even now he is joining the ranks of my sister’s army!”

“Luna, Celestia asked Firestorm to sit in with her so she could keep a close watch on him.”

“Actually no, initially that was her motive, but now she wants to use him as the weapon he is to defeat the griffon army.”

“I… would she really do that? I’ve never known Celestia to use violence to resolve an issue.”

“Only when the situation cannot be resolved by any other means, you may recall the event concerning King Sombra?”

“Not in great detail, but yes, I understand you both led an assault on the Crystal Empire in order to overthrow him?”

“Indeed, however our efforts and victory were quite costly…”

“Yes, I remember,” A silence fell upon the two mares until Twilight remembered something, “Luna, can I ask you a question?”

“Of course.”

“That book you read, the one you used to regain control of Firestorm when he regained his full power, what is it?”

Luna lit her horn and pushed her lunch bearing flatware away before the book materialized on the table. She slid it over to Twilight who looked at the title with confusion, “Luna, I can’t read this, what dialect was it written in?”

Luna looked down at the book, “Oh! Apologies, that is a dialect used by an ancient Zebra tribe which I learned and taught my staff in order to keep this work secret from Celestia,” Luna explained as a blush crept across her face, “Here, I will translate it for you…”

Luna took the book and after touching her horn to the title, returned it to Twilight, “There, every page has been translated into modern Equestrian, to the best of my abilities anyway…”

Twilight took the book and read the title, Project: Excalibur. She looked up at Luna, this is the user manual you referred to earlier, isn’t it?”

“More than that, there are also research reports regarding his physical abilities and prediction models from before he was complete. I-” Luna fell silent, her memory drifting back to the last page she had read before Twilight approached her, “learn well Twilight Sparkle, there is much you must know…”

Author's Note:

Okay, I know what I said about what this chapter was supposed to be about, and I know this was a really short chapter (the shortest in this entire story, actually) but I came up with it while driving around doing my job, which is typically really dangerous for me to do. Not the driving around part, the part where I'm alone with my thoughts...

Anyhoo! A more "realistic chapter should be out soon, sorry to tease my loyal readers with this, but I figured it might be a good way to ease up the haters. Oh, another thing, I'm gonna go back and do some restructuring of the story entirely (not sure if it will make a difference but here's hoping) and I'll post in the comment box when what chapters have been updated. I'm done saying: "coming up in the next chapter" and then doing something like this.

Suggestions and, well you know all of that already too.....