• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 2,711 Views, 103 Comments

Rain of Fire - LessThanHuman

After Princess Luna was banished to the the Moon her beloved bat ponies died off to the point of extinction. So how did one manage to survive for almost thousand years, and given their violent nature, what are his intentions?

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Chapter 18 - Chaos Y Casa

Firestorm had no idea how long he held onto Scootaloo, but he planned to hold her in the hug for as long as she wanted. Her crying had died down and eventually she pulled out of the hug and looked up at Firestorm, “I… I don’t know what to say.”

Firestorm leaned in and kissed Scootaloos forehead, “You don’t have to say anything sweetie.”

A sudden burst of light disturbed the touching scene. As the light faded everypony couldn’t help but notice the being standing amongst them.

“Discord,” Twilight said with annoyance and a hint of disgust in her voice, “what do you want?”

“It’s not what I want, Twilight Sparkle, it’s what I need.”

“And just what is it that you need, huh?” Rainbow Dash said pressing her nose to his in a threatening manner. A tap on her flank drew her attention to Discords tail, seeing it had her attention, the tuft of fur at the tip of said tail became a hand pointing in front of Rainbow Dash. Rainbow turned around just in time to see the ground before she collided with it. He shook it off and glared a Discord.

“I need all of your help. You see, Rarity was called away to some big city for some big party planning seminar at the same time Pinkie Pie was offered an important role in some big fashion something-or-other,” Discord explained as he circled the group while moonwalking.

“Ah think you’ve got your story somewhat twisted like a pretzel there Discord, Pinkie’s the party planner, ‘n Rarity’s the fasion…”

“Yes, yes, yes, meaningless details, Applejack. My point is, Fluttershy is all alone and has no one to comfort her. I’ve tried my best, but being new to this hole “having friends” thing.”

“Discord, hole starts with a “w”, and what’s with the caption anyway?” Twilight said rereading her own words floating before her.

Discord snapped his fingers and the words vanished, “Just a little something I wanted to try for next opportunity arises for me to tell somepony to eat their own words. I just need to come up with an appropriate flavor for them, I was thinking something bitter so that…”

“DISCORD! You’re off topic, what were you saying about Fluttershy?”

“Oh, right, apparently she needs some of her closest friends with her while dealing with the death of her hamster, Andrew.”

“It was a rabbit and his name was Angel,” Firestorm corrected.

“Never mind, Fluttershy needs your help, isn’t friendship something about putting your friends before yourself in their times of need?”

“That’s… surprisingly accurate Discord,” Twilight said when she overcame her initial shock. She turned to her friends, “I’m sorry, but we have to cut the trip short, Fluttershy needs us.”

Before anypony could object, support, or even regard Twilights statement they were all at once wrapped tightly within Discords elongated body and released from his grip near the entrance to Fluttershy’s cottage. Discord appeared in front of the door and smiled at his having successfully teleported everypony to his friend’s house without having been granted permission or consent before having done so. He pointed to the door with his claw, “Let’s get in there and cheer up our friend!” he cheered.

Twilight looked around at her friends and the fillies and noticed a crucial detail. She glared at Discord to express her displeasure and mask her concern as she asked him, “Where is Firestorm and Scootaloo?”

Discords eyes shot open, he twisted around trying to locate the two missing ponies. When he failed to find any sign of them he untwisted his body and shrugged his shoulders. Before he could offer an explanation or Twilight could lash out at his carelessness a sound similar to air rushing between a canyon drew their attention to a portal opening. Firestorm and Scootaloo crossed through, both maintaining a stoic stance as they stopped in front of their friends while the portal closed.

“Do you think it’s funny leaving them alone like that!?” Twilight snapped at Discord.

Discord threw up his arms, “I swear to Celestia, Luna, and any other goddess you can think of, I didn’t mean to leave them behind, honest!”

“He’s not lying,” Firestorm said approaching Twilight with Scootaloo in tow.

“Ha! You see? I wasn’t lying!” Discord said crossing his arms triumphantly, “Wait, I wasn’t lying?”

“Correct, in fact, you have absolutely no idea why your magic didn’t affect us,” Firestorm said with a hint of smugness.

Discord's eyes shifted rapidly from one pony to another, “Alright fine, I’m clueless! Can Fluttershy’s other friends just get in there and make her stop crying?” he asked pointing to the door.

Firestorm smiled, “Fine by me, but I’m going to spend some personal time with my daughter,” he looked at Scootaloo as he spread his wings, “Sound good?”

Scootaloo nodded and spread her wings ready to follow Firestorm. Firestorm turned to Twilight, just send Rainbow Dash if you need us.” Not waiting for a reply, Firestorm took off into the sky with Scootaloo directly behind him. Discord watched them take off and noticed the abnormal gray coloration of Scootaloo right leg, “Hold on a second…” he said as his took his eagle talon in his lion paw and swung it like a lasso and roped in Scootaloo by her leg.

Scootaloo shrieked when she felt herself get pulled back towards the earth. Firestorm’s attention was immediately drawn to Scootaloo at her outcry. Discord held Scootaloo by her midsection, “What in Luna’s name happened to your leg?”

Scootaloo attempted to squirm out of Discord’s grasp for only a moment before a wicked grin spread across her face. Her hind legs came up propelling her to do a backflip kicking Discord in the nose in the process. Discord recoiled from the impact while dropping Scootaloo in the process. Scootaloo landed softly on the grass with a few flaps of her wings. Discord was still off balance when something collided with, what anypony else could only assume was his chest, and forced him backwards where he vanished instantly.

Discord tumbled across the darkness of an unseen floor. As quickly as possible he was upright and searching his dark environment for his attacker. Wherever he was, it was dark. Despite the seemingly insignificant light of what appeared to be stars, he could not see the surface he was standing on. He glanced around once more before calling out, “Hello?”

“Hello…” replied a voice from seemingly everywhere.

Discord searched for the source of the voice but he recognized who it belonged to, “Firestorm, where are we?”

Firestorm seemed to materialize a short distance from where discord was, “Just somewhere we can talk without anypony disturbing us…”

Discord looked over Firestorm. He was standing upright on talons, his height close to that of Discord’s own. His wings were spread proudly as his arms rested at his sides. Firestorm glared at Discord through glowing amber draconic eyes.

“Talk…talk about what?” Discord stuttered

Firestorm rushed Discord and punched him square in the nose. Discord fell back and rubbed his tender muzzle before wiping the blood away. Wait, blood? Discord looked at his paw, there was definitely blood on it. Discord felt his heart beat start to race as he looked up at Firestorm.

Firestorm smiled at him, “How long has it been since you’ve bled? I’m guessing a long time judging by the look on your face.”

“That… How… I am the spirit of chaos, no mortal being can cause physical harm to me!”

“Really?” Firestorm thrust his wing out so hit Discord in his exact center. As his wing was withdrawn, Discord noticed a bruise already starting to form. All bets were off, Discord summoned the most sinister chaotic magic he could. Goddesses be damned, Firestorm would pay for his actions by being teleported into space!

………Nothing happened.

Discord looked at Firestorm who smiled with an unsettling smugness, “Your magic cannot affect me, Discord, but you submit to my power!” Firestorm held up his right hand as if he were trying to crush an invisible cup in his hand. Discord felt himself beginning to choke as he was levitated into the air and brought in front of Firestorm.

“This is a warning, for you and anypony else who threatens Shadow Light, keep your talon, paws, claw, and hooves off my daughter!” Firestorm yelled as he cast Discord through a portal where he landed face first on the grass mere inches away from Twilight’s hooves.

Discord looked up into Twilight’s eyes, “I can’t believe I’m saying this but, are you alright?” Twilight asked with genuine concern.

Firestorm crossed through the portal, having reverted back to his pony form. Discord looked at him and then back to Twilight, “I sneezed and accidentally teleported myself and Firestorm to parts unknown.”

“You seem to have sneezed so hard you also gave yourself a nosebleed…” Twilight deadpanned.

Discord’s eyes quickly shifted before he regained his usual composure, “Do not worry about me Twilight Sparkle, worry about our friend, Fluttershy,” Discord said before leaping through Fluttershy’s front door, which was closed.

Firestorm looked at Scootaloo, “Ready to go find a house?”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo cheered as her wings buzzed.

Firestorm took off and Scootaloo followed.

Twilight looked to her friends, “That was weird…”

“With Discord, when isn’t it weird?” Rainbow Dash asked rhetorically as she made her way inside.

Applejack turned to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, “How ‘bout you two run along ‘n keep outta trouble?”

“And here, why don’t you get yourself some treats?” Twilight added while offering them each a few bits. The fillies accepted her offer, took the bits, thanked Twilight, and then scampered off towards town. As the fillies ran off Applejack and Twilight entered the cottage, eager to comfort Fluttershy.

Firestorm flew beside Scootaloo as they flew through the cool sky above Ponyville. He watched her out of the corner and couldn’t help but smile as he watched her fly. Her eyes were closed and she seemed perfectly content with simply feel the air wash over her as she flew. Firestorm was about to compliment her on her powerful down strokes when he hear another pegasus approaching them. He looked in the direction the approaching wing beats were coming from and saw Derpy flying towards them as fast as she possibly could. Firestorm and Scootaloo began to hover while Derpy made her way to them. “Hey Firestorm, hey Scootaloo, I’m so glad I found you guys!”

“Glad we were easy to find, what’s up?” Firestorm asked giving her a pleasant smile.

“Well, Haven bumped into me in town and asked if I could look for you guys when I got done with my delivery route. Since I was already done I decided to find you but I didn’t have to look very far,” Derpy explained concluding with a wink of her eye.

“You’re done with your route already!?” Scootaloo burst out, “Dinky once told me you usually take all day to finish your route!”

Derpy smiled, “Yeah, I used to, but since Firestorm helped fix my eyes it only takes me a few hours, which reminds me…” Derpy quickly moved in and kissed Firestorm on his cheek, “That’s for fixing my eyes,” she said as a blush colored her cheeks.

Firestorm, “You’re welcome” he said with a kind smile, “So, um, why did Haven need you to find us?”

“Hmm? Oh, right! She says she found you and Scootaloo a home, kudos by the way!”

“Thank you, and WHAT, she already found us a house? I only saw her like half an hour ago, if even that!”

Derpy giggled, “You obviously don’t know Haven very well, finding homes for others is her special talent. Why do you think she runs the Bed and Breakfast and an orphanage?”

Firestorm shrugged his shoulders, “Fair enough, where can I find her?”

“She said to meet her at the bed and breakfast.”

“Alright, thanks Derpy, we’ll see you around,” Firestorm said as he flew off towards the Ponyville Bed and Breakfast with Scootaloo hot on his trail.

Derpy waved goodbye then made her way back home, she had a filly of her own after all.

Scootaloo held tightly around Firestorm’s neck and kept her eyes shut. When they had arrived at the Ponyville Bed and Breakfast, Firestorm told her to go find her friends and play with them while he took care of the paperwork with Haven. Scootaloo obliged and spent the entire day with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle until ten minutes ago when Firestorm came to retrieve her. He immediately told her to climb on his back and close her eyes. She obeyed and didn’t peek even once during their flight. Soon enough Scootaloo felt Firestorm touch down and told her she could open her eyes.

The first thing Scootaloo looked at when she opened her eyes was the cloud Firestorm was standing on. She leapt off his back and landed on the soft yet supportive clouds. She looked up and noticed something which pulled at her heart and threatened to make her cry. Not far from where she was standing was a beautiful two story cloud house. Scootaloo looked at Firestorm with wide eyes. Firestorm approached the front door, unlocked it, and then opened it before turning back to Scootaloo, “Would you like the grand tour of our new home?”

Scootaloo followed Firestorm inside and looked around. Upon entering through the front door was the ceiling high living room. A five pony cloud sectional occupied the front right corner with a three pony sofa parallel to the hallway which led towards the rear of the house. To the left was the dining room with a table and chairs to comfortably seat eight. Firestorm guided Scootaloo through the kitchen pointing out the appliances and where the specific dishes, cups, and eating utensils were located.

Beyond the kitchen was a den and a staircase leading to the second story. By the time they had ascended the stairs, Scootaloo was breathing heavily from the emotions she felt as she toured the new home, her home. Firestorm opened a door and showed her a generously sized office. He pointed out a guest bathroom and bedroom which had a dresser and two nightstands on either side of a queen sized cloud bed centered in front of the window. Opening another door he showed Scootaloo his room which had a large king sized, again with two nightstands on either side of it, a dresser, and a large doublewide window. Scootaloo thought the walk-in closet was her room until Firestorm assured her that was the last thing he was going to show her.

Despite the vastness of the closet, Firestorm still felt hurt that Scootaloo would even assume such a comparably small space would be her bedroom, especially considering it had no furnishings, a bed, or even a window. Pushing those feelings aside, Firestorm next showed Scootaloo the master bathroom. Inside was a glass enclosed standalone shower, a his and her sink, and the biggest bathtub Scootaloo had ever seen in her life. The fact it was a jacuzzi tub meant she had never seen one that big. Firestorm chuckled at her astonishment, “Your room has a bathroom too, but not as big as this one. If ever you want to take a bath, or a swim, in here, just let me know and I’ll clear out for you.”

“Clear out? Look at this thing, you could fit three ponies in here with room to spare!”

Firestorm broke out into a laughing fit, Scootaloo had a valid yet amusing point, “I know that sweetie, but I meant for your privacy.”

Scootaloo blushed as the crucial detail was brought to her attention, “Oh, yeah, right…”

“Are you ready to see your room now? I saved the best for last.”

Scootaloo shook her head then followed Firestorm out of the bathroom, through the bedroom, and into the hallway where they stopped at a door which had a plaque with Scootaloo’s name on it. Firestorm stepped aside and allowed her to open the door. Her heart skipped several beats when she saw her room for the first time. The majority of her roof was transparent allowing her to fall asleep under the night sky. The walls were decorated with Wonderbolt posters and other merchandise. A bunk bed was positioned at the far end of the room. A single cloud mattress was positioned lengthwise above the upper half of a twin cloud bed on an elevated frame. On the opposite wall was the closet and full sized bathroom. Scootaloo looked at Firestorm who smiled at her, “What do you think?”

Scootaloo threw herself into his chest locking him in a powerful hug as her body shook from the flood of emotions and gratitude for what she had been given. Instead of a simple bedroom with a small chest to put her few belongings and a bed like she had imagined she would get if she were ever adopted, she had been given her own house by comparison. Tears fell and matted Firestorm’s fur as Scootaloo continued the hug. He leaned down and kissed her head, “I’m glad you like it.”

Scootaloo was just pulling out of the embrace when her stomach growled. She looked up at Firestorm with just as much surprise in her eyes as he had in his. Firestorm cracked another smile, “Tell ya what, how about you take a look around your room, maybe take a nice shower or a bath, whichever you prefer, and I’ll call you down when dinner is ready, okay?”

Scootaloo was still too choked up to speak so she settled with simply nodding her head. Firestorm leaned in and kissed her cheek and before trotting back downstairs whispered, “I love you.”

After dinner was done, Scootaloo, being worn out from the events of the entire day got herself ready for bed as was her custom from living in an orphanage her entire life. When her hooves were clean, her teeth were brushed, and her mane and tail were brushed she emerged from her bathroom. Firestorm was lying on the lower bed waiting for her, “All ready for bed?” he asked.

Scootaloo nodded, approached the bed, and hopped in beside him. Firestorm’s wings emitted a gentle blue glow as a Daring Do book floated up beside him. Still holding the book in his magic, Firestorm began to read the first chapter. Before long, Scootaloo was curled up beside him and shortly afterwards half asleep. Firestorm marked his place and closed the book, Scootaloo’s eyes floated open, “Awww, come on, one more chapter,” she protested.

Firestorm pulled the covers over her body and kissed her cheek, “I didn’t even finish the first chapter. Get some sleep, we’ll finish the first chapter tomorrow.”

Scootaloo groaned but fell asleep before she could agree or protest.

Firestorm shook his head and smiled, “Goodnight Shadow Light, I love you,” he said before kissing her cheek once more before leaving her room and shutting the door.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out, I kinda forced myself into a corner and didn't know where to go after the previous chapter. Next chapter, things really start to pick up...

Hope you enjoy, let me know what you'd like to see in later chapters and tell me any changes you think I should make and I'll see what I can do.