• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 2,711 Views, 103 Comments

Rain of Fire - LessThanHuman

After Princess Luna was banished to the the Moon her beloved bat ponies died off to the point of extinction. So how did one manage to survive for almost thousand years, and given their violent nature, what are his intentions?

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Chapter 2 - Playing With Fire

Rainbow Dash flew to Firestorms’ side and gently felt his wings in her hooves, “Wow! They’re so soft and no feathers so you don’t have to preen, that’s so awesome!” she said while continuing to stroke the leathery surface.

“Rainbow, get away from him, he could hurt you!” Twilight yelled.

“Awww, lighten up Twilight, I’m sure he wouldn’t hurt anypony, would you?”

Firestorm glanced at Rainbow Dash out of the side of his eye, then the Cutie Mark Crusaders before looking directly ahead to Twilight and answering with a simple, “No.”

Rainbow grinned, “See? He’s friendly. So what’s it like to have bat wings? Can you fly really fast? Do you…”

“Rainbow Dash, get over here, take the girls home, and meet up with me at the library with the rest of our friends! I need to send Princess Celestia a letter,” Twilight instructed.

“Geez Twilight, seriously, lighten up, I’ll take the girls home but why do you need to send Princess Celestia a letter? So you met a bat pony who isn’t knock-turtle, what’s the big deal?” Rainbow asked as she walked away from Firestorm.

“The big deal is, he’s not a bat pony, not entirely, and he has a lot more magic than a pony like him should have,” Twilight said never breaking eye contact with Firestorm.

“Whatever, I’ll be back in a flash,” Rainbow said before picking up the three fillies in her hooves and flying away with them.

“Bye Firestorm,” yelled Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, as they flew off towards town with Rainbow Dash.

Firestorm gave a slight smile, “Cute kids.”

Twilight glared and said, “Let’s go to the library, you lead the way, and I’ll guide you.”

Firestorm nodded, tucked his wings back under his cloak, and began trotting towards Ponyville with Twilight following closely behind him, her horn still glowing.

As they walked Twilight took notice of the way Firestorm walked, his steps were extremely coordinated and smooth which led her to ask, “Are you in The Guard?”

“No, my father was,” Firestorm answered bluntly.

“Who is your father?” Twilight asked.


“Who is your mother?”


“That doesn’t tell me who they are, but I’m sorry just the same.”

“Don’t be, it was a very long time ago and I’m used to losing the ones I love.”

“So can you tell me who they were?”

“How about we just focus on getting to the library, writing your little letter to the Princess, and letting me get on with my miserable life,” Firestorm suggested.

Twilight resisted the urge to zap him for his harsh tone and bit her tongue as well, the last thing she wanted to do was aggravate the pony or whatever the creature in front of her was. Ponies cleared a path for Firestorm and Twilight as they made their way through town. Twilight ignored the hushed whispers of the ponies around them but Firestorms’ sensitive and accurate hearing allowed him to listen in briefly on what other ponies were saying. Some expressed concern that Twilight had gone off the deep end again, others inquired as to whom he was, but when he heard one couple express their concern that he might be a changeling he decided to take action. Firestorm, much to Twilights’ annoyance, stopped walking.

“This is NOT the library,” she pointed out.

“I know. It’s just getting a little too warm for me,” Firestorm said before removing his cloak, stretching his wings for everypony to see, and cracking the bones in his neck, “Much better.”

Twilight looked around at the residents, all of whom were staring at Firestorm with wide eyes. Firestorm looked over his shoulder with a smug grin, “Shall we continue?” he asked before resuming his journey to the library leaving his cloak behind. Twilight looked around and chuckled nervously, “nothing to see here, he’s not a changeling he’s one of Princess Luna’s Night Guards, nothing to worry about,” Twilight chuckled again, “Accept for me possibly killing him,” she muttered to herself.

The rest of the journey was, for the most part, uneventful. With Firestorm showing off his bat wings nopony asked any questions. Finally, they reached their destination, the library. Twilight opened the door and instructed Firestorm to go in first. Once they were inside Twilight called for Spike. Firestorm heard the pitter patter of tiny feet rushing down the stairs, he was only mildly surprised to see a purple dragon appear at the bottom of the stairs. Spike looked at Firestorm and then to Twilight, “I’ll be over at Rarity’s…”

“Spike, this is serious! We need to send Princess Celestia a letter about him!”

“Um Twilight, is everything alright?” Spike asked beginning to understand to severity of the situation.

“No,” Firestorm said earning their attention, “She is concerned about what I am, and she has good reason to be…”

“Right, lets get started,” Twilight said after a moment brief of thought.

“Where should we begin?”

“Well, you can start by telling me who your parents are.”

“I honestly don’t remember.”

“Do you have any siblings?”

“I’m an only child.”

“Do you have any relatives?”

“They’re all dead. Now please, quit staling, what do you really want from me?”

Twilight nodded her head, “Fair enough, how did you put out the fire? Ponyville doesn’t have any water accept for the reserves for crops.”

Fire Storm smiled, “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Try me.”

“Very well, I told the fire to calm down and stop before it hurt those fillies.”

“That’s impossible,” Spike scoffed, “ponies can’t control fire.”

Firestorm looked at spike, “Can you breathe fire?”

“Of course I can breathe fire; I’m a dragon after all.”

“Excellent,” Fire Storm said moving to the opposite end of the library, “show me.”

Spike took a breath and exhaled a small flame which quickly burned itself out.

“How long can you sustain the flame?” Firestorm asked sincerely.

“Umm, only about a second or two,” Spike replied.

“Try again please,” Firestorm requested.

Spike nodded, took a breath, and exhaled another small flame. He sustained the small fire for three seconds before running out of breath. After a moment of gasping for air Spike looked up to see his flame still burning, beyond his control.

Twilight and Spike looked over at Firestorm who had his wings flared and his right hoof aimed at the flame. Firestorm smiled as the flame moved toward his hoof. As the fire made contact with his hoof it tenderly wrapped around his wrist, moving up his leg, crossing over his shoulders, traveling down his left front leg, and finally disappeared under his left hoof as it was burned out. He looked up at Twilight, “Well?”

“That’s impossible, I sensed magic but it wasn’t unicorn magic. In fact, it was magic I’ve never sensed before,” Twilight stammered.

“Write your letter,” was all Firestorm said calmly.

Twilight grabbed a quill and some parchment and began writing her letter.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I write you today with a deep concern for the well being of the residents of Ponyville as well as all of Equestria. As you may recall from my previous letters, Ponyville has very limited water available due to the drought we are experiencing. On that note the three little fillies I have mentioned on occasion, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, started a fire in the Everfree Forest to extinguish in an attempt to earn their cutie marks in firefighting. However, the fire grew out of their control. I am happy to report they are alive and unharmed and the fire was extinguished, but how the fire was extinguished is the reason I’m writing to you.

A Stallion by the name of Firestorm extinguished the fire using a form of magic like I have never sensed before. He also demonstrated pyrokinesis in the library despite being a pegasus. What’s more, he appears to be a bat pony; however, the only physical characteristics to suggest this are his wings. He is not hostile or aggressive, though I eagerly await your reply.

Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight levitated the letter over to Spike who took it in his claws, took a deep breath, and then exhaled a magical flame which consumed the letter and carried it away to Canterlot. No sooner had the letter been sent off there was a knock on the front door of the library. Immediately following the knock the door flew open and a pink earth pony with an unreasonably curly pink mane and tail bounded through the door, followed by four other ponies including Rainbow Dash whom Firestorm remembered from earlier. While he didn’t know the others, he had an feeling he soon would.

Twilight closed the door of the now slightly cramped library, “Thank you all for coming, this is Firestorm. Firestorm, this is Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity,” Twilight said gesturing to each corresponding pony, “You already know Rainbow Dash.”

“Sup hot shot, Egghead drive you crazy yet?” Rainbow Dash asked offering a hoof bump which Firestorm happily returned.

His amber eyes met her magenta eyes in a form of unspoken understanding as he shook his head and smirked, “You have no idea.”

“Anyway, I…” Twilight began only to be interrupted by Pinkie Pie who began questioning Fire Storm in her usual manner.

“Wow! So you’re a bat pony? What’s it like? Can you see in the dark? Why is your cutie mark a phoenix? Mine’s balloons because I like to party! Do you like you party? What am I saying, who doesn’t like to party?” Pinkie rambled. The entire time she spoke Pinkie never stopped moving. She bounced, ran, and jumped over and in between her friends. What surprised Twilight was Firestorm’s response to the random outburst of questions, statements, and maneuvering that was Pinkie Pie. What did surprise her was his actions when Pinkie passed by his right side.

As Pinkie grazed his left wing it immediately stretched out and stopped her forward motion while he quickly reached his front right leg around to her chest while his left front leg rested on her lower back. In one swift motion, Firestorm reared up on his hind legs, uncrossed his front legs so Pinkie performed an assisted back flip, and ended with them landing on their hooves face to face.

“You move really fast,” Firestorm said calmly, “I bet moving around like that makes you really tired.”

“Nope!” Pinkie said energetically, “thanks to all the sweets I get at the bakery, I…”

“Oh yeah,” Firestorm interrupted, “Moving around that much must really exhaust your legs. And being an earth pony, that must make the rest of you tired as well. Your legs get tired and heavy, everything seems to get hazy. Like your falling asleep, because that’s what happens when you get tired, you want to sleep.”

The entire time Firestorm spoke Pinkie became noticeably exhausted, she became unbalanced and her head began to bob as she attempted to stay awake.

“You just want to sleep,” Firestorm whispered slowly as Pinkie collapsed, falling asleep when a moment earlier, not even the most gifted unicorn would have dared to challenge her energy. Yet here she was, sleeping soundly on the library floor.

Firestorm looked up to the other ponies occupying the room, “Now that the child is asleep, the adults can talk,” he said with a smile

“Wow, you have got to teach me how to do that!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“How did you make her fall asleep?” Twilight asked, “I know it wasn’t magic.”

“No, it wasn’t magic,” Firestorm answered with a gentle smile, “It was suggestion. If you were paying attention I told her she was feeling tired and wanted to sleep. Now then, please allow me to say it is an honor to meet you all, Twilight has told me nothing about any of you,” he said with a bow.

As Firestorm rose from his bow Rainbow flew over to the sleeping element of laughter, Pinkie Pie, “Seriously, you have gotta teach me how to do that!”

A loud belch startled everypony's attention to spike who was holding a scroll in his claw. He smiled bashfully and handed the letter Twilight and read the letter.

Dear Twilight

First of all, I appreciate your concerns for the citizens of Ponyville. However, I am currently in the griffin kingdom and will not be returning for another week. I am very interested in the pony you told me about. During my absence I ask you and your friends to treat Firestorm as a friend, make him feel welcome. When I return to Canterlot I will arrange for you, your friends, and Firestorm to visit me there. Please make him feel welcome until my return and if he allows it, find out what other forms of magic he is familiar with. I have heard of some unicorns being capable of pyrokinesis but not a pegasus. From what it sounds like, he is a Hybrid, most likely a bat pony/unicorn mix. While I investigate this matter further please treat him with the respect and dignity he rightly deserves.

Your friend, Princess Celestia

Author's Note:

A shorter chapter yes, but I mostly published it to see the reactions concerning Firestorms' pyrokinesis so let me explain. I'm sure by this point you're all starting to hate me for creating an OC who is powerful. Bear with me though, I'm sure you will love the story and the way it ends. The tags for this story are "Dark", "Commedy", and "Slice of Life" I couldn't add "Sad" and "Tragedy" which will apply in later chapters. Again, please, kindly let me know what mistakes I've made and if you'd like to make a suggestion for the story, send me a message, and if I use it I'll give you a shout out in my notes at the end of the chapter.