• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 1,095 Views, 58 Comments

Day of the Moon - Next Gen Wonderbolt

Luna goes on a journey of self discovery after finding out from Celestia that she was adopted.

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Every pony knows of the Alicorn sisters Celestia and Luna, they rule over Equestria and protect it's citizens. Celestia has always treated Luna with respect and guided her like a big sister should. Luna has always looked up to Celestia as her big sister and role model, she learned everything from her. They held a bond that wouldn't be shattered, but it was.

It was bright and sunny out, most ponies were outside playing or were just outside because of how nice it was. There were few clouds in the sky and the light shone on a lone dark blue alicorn sitting in the royal gardens. The pony had a crescent as her cutie mark and stars decorated her mane and tail. Her name was Luna, princess of the night. Luna was sitting and enjoying the sunlight when a certain mischievous phoenix landed on her head and tickled her nose with a feather. Luna felt either a sneeze or laughter coming on but didn't know which. She soon found out as she started laughing uncontrollably, then sneezed right after. Luna looked up at the phoenix who now resided on a tree branch a few paces away.

Luna wanted to have a little fun and lunged for Philomena trying to catch her. The phoenix leaped from her perch and flew circles around Luna teasingly before heading off further into the garden. Luna gave way to a pursuit of the fiery bird and tried to catch her.

"Philomena! You shall be caught!"

Philomena gave a 'caw' out to the princess and continued to fly around, trying to avoid being tagged by Luna. The two continued to run around and chase each other for what seemed like hours. Eventually the duo stopped and rested underneath the willow tree in the center, the leaves swaying in the summer breeze. Luna took a seat on her haunches and leaned her back up against the tree. Philomena flying to a branch just above her and perching on it. Luna let her body go limp and she closed her eyes in an attempt to relax and rest up for the job of raising the moon. She was just about to dose off when the sound of two ponies arguing reached her ears.

Sitting up and perking her ears to get a better listen to the conversation, Luna was curious as to what the problem was. Luna decided to go and investigate, running a hoof through her mane to shake any of the leaves that landed in it. She glance up at Philomena and gently calling to her.

"Come Philomena. Let us go and investigate."

The phoenix simply obeyed and glided over from it's branch to it's new perch on Luna's back. The two proceeded out of the gardens passing the carious plants along the way. Their path was lined with roses and orchids on one side and dahlias and lilies on the other. Most of the flowers were in bloom and Luna stopped more than once to admire their beauty. After reaching the door back inside the castle, Luna stepped into a huge hall way stretching out both left and right. Closing her eyes to heighten her hearing again, Luna tried to deduce where the sound was coming from.

The sound was coming from the left hall so Luna started her walk down the hall, the sunlight from outside mixing with the colors of the glass in the window. The various shades of red, blue, violet, and green lighting the alicorn's path down the hall. She stopped just outside of a room with a White heart on the front, and orange light coming from the crack. She made out the voices of her own sister and Discord. Curiosity getting the better of her, Luna peeked inside the room to see Discord holding some papers in his hand talking to Celestia who was on the other side of the room staring down at the floor.

"You know you can't keep this from her forever. She deserves to know."

"Yes, Discord, I know. But what if she hates me after for lying to her? How do you think she will react when she finds out she's adopted?!"

Luna's eyes widened a bit then she put her hoof to her chin in thought.

Who's adopted? Who is Tia talking about?

Luna was drawn out of her thoughts by Discord, who had made his way across the room to the alicorn on the other side and rested a claw on her shoulder.

"Celestia, my dear, Luna needs to know the truth. I've seen her snooping around. It's better she hears it from you than from a document."

Luna backed away from the door, her eyes dilating.

I'm...adopted? No! It, it can't be true! Please Tia, don't let it be true!

Celestia turned around to look at Discord before turning her head away from his gaze. She closed her eyes shut, and Luna could just make out a lone tear that fell from her face.

"Perhaps you are right. It would be for the best that I tell her. Thank you, Discord."

The Draconequus nodded his head and replied in sincere tone.

"Anytime princess."

Celestia nodded and went back to looking through the papers. Luna noticed that Discord was making his way towards the door. Luna quickly shot up and galloped as fast as she could away from the room and from the pony who had lied to her all her life. She heard the echo of a door open and she continued to gallop, Philomena close behind keeping up with her. She didn't dare to look back, she just wanted to seal herself in her room. She had made it to her room and dove in, slamming the door shut as soon as Philomena was safe inside with her.

Luna still had her hooves on the door as she felt tears coming to her eyes. The only family she ever had, and ever known wasn't even related to her! She had never felt more alone, the reality of her adoption had left her with more questions than ever.

Who am I? Where are my parents? And why did they leave me?

Luna's strength gave out as she collasped face first onto the stone floor of her bedroom still lying in front of the door. She struggled to get up and made her way to her bed. She dove into it and let the tears flow freely. Her sobs could be heard and she didn't know that until she heard a knock on her door and a familiar voice call out to her.

"Luna? Are you alright? Look, Luna...we need to talk."

Luna reluctantly got up and opened the door to reveal her mother or sister or...she didn't even know what to call her! Celestia opened the door further revealing the puffy eyes and tear stains on the nocturnal princess. She looked horrible and noticed that she wasn't alone in the room. Philomena was sitting atop the bed post watching the two like a hawk. Trying to focus on the matter at hand, Celestia tried to embrace Luna attempting to console her but Luna pulled away and took a couple steps back increasing the distance between the two and asked a question that made Celestia stop cold.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you try to hide my adoption from me? WHY?!"

Luna felt fresh tears coming to her eyes, but these were tears of betrayal and confusion. The question had caught the princess off guard with how much force that was put into it. Celestia seemed to freeze up and didn't know how to respond, for fear of saying the wrong thing and ruining her relationship with the alicorn. She formed a response right away and replied to Luna in her calmest tone.

"I was afraid of how you would react, and if you would hate me after I had told you."

Luna's eyes softened at how crestfallen Celestia had looked, it was heartbreaking. She couldn't stand to see her like this, even if she wasn't even related to her.

"Tia, I would never hate you, but I need to know one thing. Please tell me you'll answer this honestly."

Celestia was now the one to bear the look of confusion before nodding to her daughter or sister...still can't make up my mind!

" You have my word Luna. Shoot."

Luna looked at Celestia intensely, staring right into the alicorn's eyes. They seemed to pierce her soul and see deep into her mind scanning for any hint of a lie. The silence plaguing the room was deafening only adding to the tension in the room. After several long moments Luna finally spoke.

"Where are my parents?"

Author's Note:

So yeah, Luna's adopted! Never thought that would happen didja? Any who I did have trouble finding out what to call the two because Rainbow and Scootalo are like adopted sisters but with Luna and Celestia, it could go either way. There is still more to come and hopefully it will turn out as well as I want it to be. Depending on how well this part does, will determine whether or not I will continue the story. Support FTW :D