• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 1,097 Views, 58 Comments

Day of the Moon - Next Gen Wonderbolt

Luna goes on a journey of self discovery after finding out from Celestia that she was adopted.

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Chapter 5

Luna, Crescent, and Philomena all left the train and stepped onto the platform at Canterlot station. Luna took in a breath of summer air, the humidity was suffocating, and the heat was evident as it blasted the two as they stepped onto the platform. Crescent doing the same, and exhaling rather quickly. Philomena took off behind the two and went skywards, her excited chatter sending the pair on the ground a message that she was glad to be free. Luna and Crescent both giggled a bit, finding Philomena's display to be amusing. Their amusement was cut short as the two heard grumblings from down below. They both looked down at their stomachs, they both heard another roar and the laughter was unleashed.

"I suppose we should go and find something to eat." Luna said to Crescent after she had gotten her laughter under control.

"Yep! Sooooo let's go!"

Crescent started galloping into town, leaving her mother behind at the platform. Luna chuckled at the unicorn's excitement, it was refreshing to say the least. Luna trotted off after her, marveling at the city before her. The city itself was magnificent, but the ponies that lived in it were a bunch of the snobbiest ponies Luna had ever met. Crescent hadn't been exposed to this back in Manehatten. How could she have been, quite frankly she was living in the ghetto's which was even worse.

Crescent ran ahead of Luna and Philomena into the bustling streets. Today though not any ponies were out and about, Luna was puzzled at first but considered it a blessing. Now she and Crescent could walk the streets without being interrupted. The matter at hand though was in fact the thought of getting food. Crescent was looking into a store with her face plastered against window, her eyes were gazing around wildly at the various items in the window. She stopped only when she heard her stomach grumble. Feeling a hoof on her shoulder, she turned at see Luna smiling at her. She looked as though she was expecting her to hear her tummy rumble. Crescent had a blush staining her cheeks, Luna was trying her hardest not to break out. In the end it ultimately failed and Luna burst out laughing, Crescent starting to join in on the fun.

Luna stopped laughing when it was her stomach's turn to grumble, which in turn made Crescent laugh even harder. Luna smiled and rolled her eyes at the filly on the ground laughing.

"Alright, fun's over. Now where would you like to eat?"

Crescent stopped her giggling and looked around at the restaurants available, one catching her eye fairly quick.

"I want to go to that one! The Squi-ree." Luna looked over to where Crescent was pointing.

"You mean the Squire?"

"Yeah! Please mommy."

Crescent looked at Luna with big eyes, like the ones the cutie mark crusaders used on their sisters to get their way. Luna thought she was an iron wall when filly's did this, but Crescent wasn't an ordinary filly. So Luna was easily swayed by her. Damn her and her cuteness! Luna sighed and nodded, watching as her daughter leaped for joy.


The excited unicorn galloped off towards the eatery, Luna lagging a bit behind her. She loved how the excitement and happiness exerting off the filly was enormous. It made her smile to the point where it started to hurt. Philomena landed on her back and she trotted off towards Crescent who was now waiting by the podium near the entrance. A white stallion with a brown mane was manning it, seeing the alicorn approaching he quickly bowed and greeted her.

"Ah, Princess Luna! How can I help you today?" Luna smiled politely and gave her answer.

"Table for two please." The waiter looked around with a confused look. Luna was wondering why and was about to question him when he said it all.

"But Princess, who else are you sitting with?" Luna motioned down with her head signaling the waiter to look down at the unicorn filly hiding behind Luna's leg. The waiter smiled and nodded in understanding.

"Right this way."

Luna motioned with her foreleg for Crescent to follow the waiter, he had set them up at an outdoor table and gave them their menus.

"Here you are ladies. And here's a menu for the little one." He smiled at Crescent, who in turn smiled back and took her seat. She hopped up onto the chair and picked up her menu, laying it flat on the table and browsing it's contents intensely.

Luna took her seat as well and thanked the waiter for his service.

"And I will be right back for you orders."

And with that, he sped out of sight. Luna looked over at Crescent who seemed to have found something and was happy with her choice. Luna hadn't even opened the menus yet, but decided to play it safe and just order something simple. The stereotypical salad seemed simple enough. Luna had read enough novels to know that when the pony didn't know what to order, they ordered a salad. It was just past noon, the face clock hanging on the pole said that the time was approximately 12:05.

Luna didn't know what to do, there was only enough time for her to do one of two things. She could either take Crescent to see her aunt, Celestia, or head to the post office and discover what the letter meant. Luna was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The pros of going to see her sister. Crescent would be happy to met her aunt, and that alone was good enough to send her off. Unable to think of anymore pros, she went to cons. Her discovery would be delayed another day, and no doubt Celestia would question her motives for taking in Crescent.

Now looking towards the path towards the post office. Pros, she would come closer to finding her parents and it would rid her of the painful questions of her abandonment. Cons, Crescent would no doubt be tired from the trek, the letter could be a dead end and leave her with even more questions. Luna was at war, and didn't even notice when the waiter had showed up to serve them.

"Uh, Princess? I'm here to take your orders." Luna shook her head and looked at the waiter then the menu, back and forth back and forth.

"Ah, yes um...I'll have a..." On second thought, the shrimp de fleur looks delcious. And I can share it with Crescent.

"The shrimp de la fleur please. Crescent, dear we can share that one. How does that sound?" Crescent nodded and smiled big.

"Delicious!" Luna giggled and turned towards the waiter again.

"And for the drinks?" Luna turned back towards her menu. None of the drinks seemed good, except for the raspberry tea. She had that at Fluttershy's once when she was visiting and it was amazing.

"I'll have the raspberry tea please. What about you, Crescent?"

"Hmmmm, I guess I'll have what she's having too please." The waiter nodded.

"I'll be right back with your drinks mares." The waiter left in a hurry, Luna knew that their order wouldn't be long because of how there weren't any ponies around.

Luna gazed around a bit, she never really got to admire the city itself with all the snobs ruining her day. She saw Philomena perched up above the face clock. She was apparently sleeping, Luna rolled her eyes and turned back to Crescent.

"Crescent, we have two choices. We could either go see my sister, or we can head to the post office and see who sent this letter."

Crescent looked at her mother for a minute, thinking hard about her choice. She really wanted to see Celestia, but at the same time she wanted her mother to have closure. Now she was the one stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"I really don't know. I guess whatever you want to do is fine with me."

Crescent then smiled and Luna smiled back. She thought herself lucky to have such a wonderful filly as her daughter. Just as Luna opened her mouth to speak, the waiter returned with their food. The steam emitting from the shrimp was intense. The scent of the seafood was intoxicating, it floated through the air towards the pair's open noses.

Luna closed her eyes in bliss, starting to feel her mouth water from the scent alone. Crescent was eagerly awaiting the waiter to put it down, eyeing the food like a hungry lion eyeing a wildebeest. At one point Luna thought the indigo filly would leap onto the waiter and take the food herself! The waiter had finished placing everything down on the table and was just now setting down their drinks, he was also kind enough to leave some bird seed for Philomena.

Well now, isn't he the gentlecolt.

Luna knew that this waiter would be getting a nice tip for his services. The waiter bowed to Luna out of respect.

"Enjoy your meal."

"Thank you."

The waiter nodded and took another bow and hurried out of sight. The two ponies stared at their meal hungrily, the scent was inviting them to try it. Luna went for the kill, picking up a piece and opening her mouth. She closed her eyes and bit down, on her own hoof! Her eyes shot open and she withdrew her swollen hoof from her mouth. Her eyes shifted wildly around looking for the piece that had eluded her, only to see Crescent wave the same piece in front of her and eat the whole thing in one bite. Luna's mouth hung open, while Crescent tried suppressing her laughter.

That little sneak! She stole my shrimp!

Crescent couldn't hold it in anymore as she burst out laughing, Luna shot a glare, then eased up and started laughing too. It was rather funny, and ridiculous at that.

"Alright, fun's over, let's eat!"

Crescent managed to stop the giggles and picked up her drink. She put it to her lips and took a sip. Right as the liquid hit her taste buds, her eyes shot open. The sensation pulsing through her mouth was amazing! The tea tasted so good and was making her tongue dance in her mouth, begging for more. It held a sweet taste with a savory aftertaste. Luna loved the reaction Crescent gave when she drank her tea. She was practically downing the whole cup! Luna shifted her gaze to the item in her hoof, she opened her mouth and kept her eyes open this time to protect her food. She brought it up and bit down.

The shrimp had a mildly spicy taste, it was rejuvenating to Luna. Like all her troubles were gone after eating this one shrimp. She reached for more and stuffed her mouth full of the seafood. The two sat there eating like ravenous creatures. Philomena was watching from a distance and put a wing over her beak in embarrassment. She then let out a caw and proceeded to eat her food.

The sun was starting to set on the day, clouds rolling in to mask it's shining glory. It was peaking out at the streets of Canterlot, a lone glimmer of light settling on two ponies walking home. Luna looked over at Crescent, she truly was a special filly. She was her own star, her own lunar beauty. She was both excited and dreading telling Celestia about the recent adoption. She knew that Celestia would either be peeved at her for doing so, or take it well. She was about to find out because they had reached the castle doors. Luna was a little worried, and she was even more worried when she saw Crescent shaking in her hooves.

Luna put her hoof on Crescent's back, calming her as she looked into her mother's eyes. There was a moment of trust within each other, and that gave them both the final push they needed to open the door into the chamber. Luna used her magic to place Crescent on her back, and proceeded down the large hall. Crescent gazed in awe at the windows gracing the room. She saw one that intrigued her, it was of a purple unicorn, a white unicorn, a cyan pegasus, an orange earth pony, a pink earth pony, and a yellow pegasus. They were all shooting beams at a figure at the top.

"Mommy who's that?" Luna looked to where Crescent was pointing.

"That's Twilight Sparkle Crescent, the white one is Rarity, the yellow one is Fluttershy, the pink one is Pinkie Pie, the orange one is Applejack, and the blue one is Rainbow Dash."

"Oh, what are they doing?" As Luna opened her mouth to answer, she heard a familiar voice approach and answer the filly's question for her.

"They are defeating Discord little one."

Crescent jumped a bit, obviously startled by the sudden voice change. She looked over timidly to see Celestia standing there smiling at her. Luna rolled her eyes and lowered her back so Crescent could get off. Philomena had perched herself on Celestia's back. Luna walked forward and gave her sister a hug. The two broke apart and Celestia looked back at the filly who had hidden behind Luna's hind leg. Luna glanced back at Crescent and giggled, lifting the unicorn onto her back.

"Well now, Luna, who is this young little filly?" Luna looked back at Crescent and nodded at her.

"Go on, tell her your name." Crescent peeked her head around her mother's head and glanced downward.

"M-my name's...Crescent."

Crescent looked a little frightened and Celestia was a little shocked as to why her sister had brought a filly back with her.

"So, Luna, care to explain?" Luna sighed and nodded.

"Well you see, Tia, while I was in Manehatten I had found the house, and inside was little Crescent here. She didn't know her name and had no parents to raise her. So I decided to raise her myself. It's not official yet, but I plan to adopt her."

Celestia was utterly dumbstuck, this was certainly unexpected.

"Luna, how do you plan on raising a filly when you are a princess and have royal duties? And quite frankly, the schools around here aren't exactly, marvelous, when it comes to ponies who are out of town."

"I plan on giving up my royal duties, and moving to Ponyville. That town has a fantastic atmosphere for a youngling like herself. I know you don't want this, Tia, but I will not change my mind."

Celestia just gawked at her sister. She could not believe what she had just heard! Her sister, princess of the night, co ruler of Equestria, was giving up her royal duties and moving out of Canterlot! It was overwhelming. Neither sister had noticed that it had gotten dark outside fairly quick. Luna was the first to notice and motioned for Crescent to follow her.

"Tia, if you don't mind I would love to tell you everything, but I need to get Crescent ready for bed. She picked up Crescent and trotted off towards her room. Celestia was still standing there, a million thoughts going through her head, but one stood out in particular.

She's a mother now...

Author's Note:

Back from the dead! Now I'm sorry if this was a little late, I was taking a break and didn't have time to update this story as much as I wanted to. Now I want to know. Based on how the story will go, would you guys like an alternate ending to this story? Comment down below, and I hope you enjoyed!

MPulse :3