• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 1,097 Views, 58 Comments

Day of the Moon - Next Gen Wonderbolt

Luna goes on a journey of self discovery after finding out from Celestia that she was adopted.

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Chapter 6

Luna opened the door to her old room, it was just as she left it. The room was shrouded in darkness and the bed was still made. The closet was a mess though, items were scattered everywhere around the room. Luna's gaze wasn't on the mess or the room itself for that matter. The one thing that managed to stare her down was the abandoned tiara still sitting on the nightstand. It seemed to be glaring at her, like it was furious.

I need to be rid of it. It will only be a reminder of what I left behind.

Luna proceeded to the nightstand, Crescent peering around her head to see what she was doing. When she saw the tiara, she didn't know what to say. It looked rather pretty, and she thought that it would be nice to wear at times. Her thought was shaken when she saw Luna pick it up and walk towards the window. The moon was out in and it's clarity was stunning, the moonlight hit her and she felt like she could take on the world. It was revitalizing, like she was a new pony. She looked to where the tiara was held in the blue aura and watched as it was flung from the balcony. Crescent was shocked for a moment, why would her mother throw such a lovely thing away?!

"Mommy, why did you throw the tiara? Didn't you like it?" Luna stared the filly in the eyes.

"Crescent, that tiara is a reminder of who I was, and what I'm going to leave behind. You are a reminder of who I am now, and who I need to be to take care of you."

Crescent stared at her mother for a while longer, taking in everything before she leaped and enveloped her mom in a hug. She considered herself lucky to have a mother like Luna to take care of her. She had a family, one that would stick with her through thick and thin. Luna was a bit caught off guard by the sudden leap, but quickly recovered and returned the hug.

"I love you mommy." Luna smiled big.

"I love you too, Crescent." Crescent smiled bigger. The two stayed there until Crescent let out a loud yawn.

Luna let out a giggle and lifted Crescent off of her. Crescent yawned again, sending up a red flag for Luna that she was tired. Luna smiled again and carried the filly to bed. She laid her down and pulled the blanket over her. She went over to her closet and pulled out a pegasus. She put it next to Crescent on the bed and grinned when she saw her clutch it tight. It was absolutely heartwarming, Luna carefully shuffled to the door and left the room. She peered inside one last time to make sure she was asleep. Luna closed the door as quietly as she could, but couldn't suppress a creak emanating from the door. She let out a sigh and turned around just in time to nearly have a collision with her sister.

"You ready to explain?" Luna sighed again and lowered her head.

Well, I knew she would want an explanation. Didn't think it would be so soon though.

"Yes sister, but do you mind if I have a drink?" Celestia nodded and Luna called over one of the workers.

"Could I have a raspberry tea please?" The worker nodded and raced off for the requested drink.

"So, Luna, how did the trip go? Any clue as to the whereabouts of your parents?" Luna nodded.

"Yes, Tia, the trip went well. Manehatten was a bit of trouble but nothing too bad. Also, I only have this envelope that I found in the trash." Luna revealed the envelope and Celestia took it in her magic. She opened it to reveal the papers inside.

"Well, Lulu, these papers have your name on them, and that's it. Why is it important?" Luna facehoofed.

"Sister! I told you not to call me that! As for the papers, look at them closely. They are divorce papers but someone has taken custody of me. And I have yet another revelation, I used the memory spell you use on those ponies with amnesia. I was able to uncover more of my adoption."

Celestia looked at Luna with interested eyes now. Her pupils dilated and they were fixated on Luna specifically.

"Please explain."

"Well, I was in the gardens and I saw a hooded figure leap over the wall. She placed a basket near the koi pond in the back. The moon wasn't very bright so I couldn't see a face. What I did see though was a filly in the basket that resembled me. I did not think it was me until I got a better look. It was me in the basket as a filly. I was shocked at first, then realized that the hooded pony was my mother. After she leaped away into the gardens I tried to follow but after that everything fell apart."

Celestia went through 3 emotions, surprise, amazement, and confusion. She had never known that a pony could use a memory spell on themselves to discover hidden memories. She focused back on her sister though, she still had a question unanswered.

"But why did you take the letter back here to Canterlot?" Luna's drink finally arrived and she took a sip before continuing.

"The return address was smudged to the point of it being illegible and I could only make out the word Canterlot. So I came back here, hoping to get to the post office today and see who sent it."

Celestia smiled. She knew that the post office records were in her study. She had always recorded who sent what letter and judging by it's appearance, Celestia could use a restoration spell to recover the smudged writing. Celestia's horn lit up as Luna went to take another sip. She brought the letter in front of her and concentrated. Slowly but surely, the words started to form. Along with the parchment inside. It was to the point where the papers and the envelope's contents would be clear. Celestia took out the papers and looked at them. Everything was accounted for except for a word that not only was smudged, but crossed out as well.

She could make out a name of the pony who had custody of her. Sunny Day? Hm, I know I've seen that name before...but where? Then it hit her, Sunny Day was Luna's mother! Then that must mean that the father was...

"Luna-" Luna looked up from her drink "- I know who your parents are."

Celestia winced from the sound of glass shattering. One glance told her that Luna had dropped her cup and the drink was spreading across the floor. Luna's mouth was open wide and she stared at her sister wide eyed.

"Tia, you'd better not be lying." Luna gave Celestia the most intense glare she had ever seen.

"No, Luna, I am not. Your mother's name was Sunny Day and your father's name was Swift. I assure that's all I know."

Luna stared at her sister, it had finally been revealed! But the question as to the whereabouts of the two ponies was still a mystery. Luna gazed downward in thought. What if Celestia was still hiding something? What if she knew where they were but neglected to tell her.

"Tia, do you know where they are? And don't lie to me! I can see you are trying to hide something."

Celestia looked down, mentally cursing her sister for her detective skills.

Damn! How could she tell?!

While Luna's thoughts were a bit different.

I hope she buys my bluff.

Celestia sighed and opened her mouth to speak.

"Yes, Luna, I do know where, but you may not want to know."

Luna pumped her hoof in success that her sister had bought her lie. Then Celestia's statement kicked in, fear surged through her mind. What did Celestia mean when she said that she didn't want to know where they were?! What had happened to them?!

"Tia, please. Where are my parents? What happened to them?!" Celestia just looked down and didn't answer. Tears were forming in her eyes, but they got blurred out as Luna felt tears rush to her eyes too.

"Dammit, Celestia, where are they! Please...." Luna had now broken down, the strength inside being depleted from the revelation. But the strength returned along with denial.

:"Well you're, you're, you're wrong! I'll prove it!" With adrenaline and fear coursing through her veins, Luna leapt into the air and flew towards one of the windows lining the corridor. She smashed through it and headed off into the town.

Celestia shook herself from her state of shock when she heard the window shatter. She looked around wildly when her eyes rested on a piece of the window. It was of Nightmare Moon, obviously from the window from when her student and the other elements of harmony defeated the evil deity. Celestia looked out the window one last time and looked back at the piece. She lifted her hoof, and stomped on the picture, shattering it on impact.

"Left in the past."

Luna felt the wind whistling in her ears as she zoomed towards the landmark of choice. She was driven by fear, the fear that her parents were...dead. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. It just couldn't be true! No, no way! She came closer and closer to the truth until she landed right in front of the cemetery. She leaped over the locked gate and started searching graves. She kept looking and looking, knowing that any one of them could be her parents. She looked and looked and with each grave Luna's hope grew. Then all that hope was shattered into a million pieces that could not be scavenged. The two grave stones in front of her were the ones that she dreaded.

Sunny Day


Luna's mental stability was gone, thrown into an empty void. She broke down into a million tears, the grass being soaked by her tears. A million emotions ran through her mind. Anger, sadness, grief, acceptance, and sorrow. Luna kept crying until she felt a soft hoof on her shoulder. It was soft alright, but it was too small to be a regular pony. Luna turned her head to see a dark blue unicorn filly with a violet mane. The same filly that brought her joy and reflected the moon's beauty.

Crescent was looking at Luna and jumped onto her back and climbed up he neck onto her head. Words needn't be spoken for Crescent smiled and Luna smiled in return. Luna then realized the truth. Her parents may be dead, but she still has a family. She always did, now it's just growing. She only had Celestia before but now that she thought about it, she had Discord of all people, Philomena, and Cadence, along with Shining Armor and Twilight, and let's not forget the newest addition, Crescent! Luna smiled happily, she got her answers, she discovered the truth, found out her heritage, raising a daughter of her own and has a family. Crescent looked at her mother.

"Mommy, what do we do now?" Luna looked at her daughter and smiled.

"Now, Crescent, we go home."

Author's Note:

And done! That is the final chapter of Luna's journey. Now don't worry there will be an epilogue so don't worry your pretty little heads about that. I will leave a better author's note after I finish the epilogue. Hope you enjoyed my little tale!

MPulse :3