• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 1,095 Views, 58 Comments

Day of the Moon - Next Gen Wonderbolt

Luna goes on a journey of self discovery after finding out from Celestia that she was adopted.

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Chapter 1

Celestia sighed heavily, she knew this would happen. Truth be told she had no idea where Luna's original parents where, they had only left a note with her when the guard had shown up with her, saying that she was out in the castle gardens. At the time Luna was too young to remember the whole thing, so the memory of her orphaning was vague. Celestia looked at Luna and gave her the answer.

"I don't know Luna. When the guard found you in the gardens, you only had a note hidden under your wing." Celestia then got up and reached underneath her own wing to reveal the parchment. She then enveloped it in a yellow aura, giving it to Luna.

"I haven't opened it since the day I found you."

Luna took the parchment in her grasp now enveloping it in a blue aura, unfolding it as she brought it closer. She then proceeded to read it, hopefully giving some clue as to the whereabouts of her biological parents. There was nothing on it except for an address.

4432, Sungrove Dr. Manehatten.

Luna was confused to the max, wondering why in the land of Equestria, was there an address on here?! Unless it was the address of her parents house! That must be it! Luna's smile was growing now into a dopey grin. Celestia noticed this and was wondering what had gotten her so happy.

"Luna, what is it? What did the note say?"

Luna just continued smiling and didn't take notice of Celestia at all, lost in her own thoughts.

Mother and Father must be here! I have to go, I need to know why, and who I really am.

Luna was shaken out of her thoughts by Celestia's constant urging plaguing her ears. She had almost forgotten to answer her! Truth be told Luna didn't want to deal with this right now and really wanted to get on the road to Manehatten.

" It gave an address."

"Where to exactly?"

Luna looked up at Celestia with hope filled eyes.


After the location of Luna's parents was revealed, the two sister's decided it was for the best that Luna go alone. She was an alicorn after all and could certainly hold her own against most creatures in this world. Luna had her saddlebag packed, it's contents consisting of a bag of 500 bits, a journal and quill, and the address. Celestia was now giving Luna the details.

"Go down to the train station, and board the train to Manehatten. The road ahead is a treacherous one, be careful. Do you understand?"

Luna gave a quick nod of her head, the eagerness and enthusiasm showing on her face.

"Yes, Tia, everything is in order. Can I go now?"

Celestia was a little saddened to see her go, the two had forged a bond that was stronger than any others. Celestia wanted Luna to have a traveling companion, but who? Celestia looked around the room and caught just the bird. Philomena was still perched on the bed post, she was glancing around the room.

Perfect. A smile managed to sneak onto Celestia's face as she waltzed on over to Philomena. The pheonix looked at her and tilted it's head, wondering what it's owner could want? Her questioned was answered as the alicorn spoke again.

"Luna, would you mind if Philomena accompanied you on this trip? The company would be nice..."

Luna put her head down in thought for a moment, before deciding that it would be nice to have some pony, or in this case some bird, to talk to. Luna nodded in agreement at her sister, still smiling. The two sister's looked outside and saw that the sun was now starting to set. Unfortunately for Luna, her journey would have to wait until tomorrow, as flying at night was dangerous and no services would dare fly at night.

Celestia ended the note saying that she would take over Luna's moon duties for tonight, saying that she needed to rest for the travel ahead would be a long and tiring one. After Luna had gotten ready for bed and climbed in, Celestia turned and began exiting the room. She was stopped though by a soft voice calling out to her, thanking her.

"Thank you, Tia, for everything." Luna had her back to Celestia, but was happy and eager to start as soon as possible. She was oblivious to the snowy alicorn still standing in the door way, a tears making their way down her face.

"Goodnight, Luna."


Luna gave a rather loud yawn and started to doze off into her own dreams. Celestia walked out and gently closed the door. She walked over to the window and began the procedure of raising the moon. It was difficult but she had done it, now the princess walked back to her study. She opened the drawer and pulled out a document, the document that had started it all. It was Luna's adoption papers.

The fire in the room flickered and danced in the fire place, casting a shadow of Celestia on the wall. Celestia remembered the day it happened, the day Luna legally became her sister.

It was a cool autumn day, the leaves had turned to their shaded of brown, orange, yellow, and red. Falling to the ground. Celestia was at one of the local orphanages in Canterlot, filling out the necessary papers so she could adopt the alicorn. She was currently sitting in the lobby with the filly, patiently awaiting the caretaker to return. The two had been sitting for what felt like hours, Luna was clinging to Celestia's foreleg not wanting to let go. Celestia smiled warmly, knowing that after this she would add to the family. A tan earth pony walked out of the back door, her mane was a sky blue and her cutie mark was a heart with a pony in the middle. She causally walked over to the two and began talking to Celestia

"Well ,Princess, the paper work is all filled out so you two are good to go!"

Celestia smiled happily and gave a polite thank you and lifted Luna onto her back, walking out of the orphanage. She looked back towards where Luna was sitting and laughed a bit at the filly's amazement of the huge city. Her eyes were wide and she was glancing around at the various buildings and ponies bustling and going about their day.

"Welcome to the family, little one."

Luna stopped her gazing and looked at Celestia confused for a moment then smiling happily and leaping forward hugging the alicorn. Celestia nuzzled her and smiled, making her way back to the castle.

Celestia felt the tears rolling of her eyes now and onto the paper. The tear stains dampening the parchment, and making the ink run. She lifted a hoof to wipe her tears away and sat there in her study, reminiscing in the memories. Waiting for the next day to come, and for the journey to begin.

The night seemed to fly by, as Luna awoke to sunlight blinding her. She pushed the covers off and rolled out of bed, going about her daily routine. She took a shower first, using the warm water to release the tension built up in her muscles. She then proceeded to brushing her mane and getting dressed. Although today, she did not wear her tiara, no she left that behind. She grabbed her saddle bags and was about to head out to breakfast when she felt something , or someone, perch on her back. She looked back to see Philomena, waiting for her just as eager to start off as she was. She acknowledged the phoenix with joy.

"Well ,Philomena, shall we head to the dining hall for breakfast?"

The bird cawed again in response and the duo made their way to the dining hall for breakfast. Luna took one last look at her room. She would miss the castle dearly as well as her friends and Celestia, cause she was her sister, right? Luna shook her head narrowly avoiding running into the door to the dining hall. She opened it to reveal Celestia taking her seat and motioning for Luna to do the same. Luna smiled and trotted over to the princess, taking her seat and surveying her choices. Laid out before her, were and assortment of delicious foods that made her mouth water. There were pancakes, waffles, apples, toast, french toast, syrup, oranges, orange juice, milk, and scrambled eggs! If she didn't know any better Luna would think that Celestia was trying to fatten her up! Celestia giggled at Luna's reaction to the buffet laid out before her.

"Yes Luna, this is real. Eat up! Your have a long journey ahead."

Luna nodded hastily and began shoving the various items in her mouth, obviously trying to speed eat, and end breakfast early. The two had finished their breakfast and cleaned up their mess. The trio made their way out of the dining hall and towards the castle doors, heading for the train station. They reached the castle door rather quickly and took a chariot down to the train station. Luna was looking out the window, marveling at her home, wondering when she'll ever see it again.
They sat in an uncomfortable silence and patiently awaited for their arrival. Luna saw the carious clouds obscuring her vision but she could still make out the ponies down below.

She saw Fancypants and Fleur de Lis down below entering a clothes store, she noticed Soarin and Spitfire of the wonderbolts, sitting at a resturaunt. The two were talking and then they shared a kiss. Luna pulled back surprised for a moment, she was never aware that Spitfire and Soarin were dating! Oh well, she returned back to the window and saw the same orphanage where she was adopted. A magenta pegasus was walking out with a red colt, the colt was a unicorn and was hugging his new mother, happy to finally have a family. Luna felt a tear come to her eye, it was heartwarming and she continued to watch as the two made their way down the street.

The chariot had halted in front of the train station, a train had pulled in and ponies were getting off onto the platform. The trio exited their ride and made their way up the steps and to the ticket booth. Ponies were staring at them, wondering why the royal sisters were at the train station. Luna walked up to the ticket booth and put down 10 bits.

"One ticket to Manehatten please"

The pony operating it was a little stunned to be in the presence of royalty, but hastily gave her her ticket. The train had departed and sped off into the distance with a hiss. The next train of course was the train for Manehatten. Luna and Celestia looked at each other and prepared to say goodbye.

"Luna, I just wanted to say how proud I am of you. You've come so far, and you've grown up so much. I'm going to miss you, and I hope that you find your parents."

Luna smiled sincerely.

"Thank you, Tia, I cannot thank you enough. I'm sorry for how I reacted earlier. But don't worry, I won't be gone long, and I will come back because after all, we are sister."

Celesita had never felt more happy in her life. Luna still considered her her sister! After everything. Celestia embraced Luna in a hug and Luna hugged back. Both alicorns had tears in their eyes.

"Goodbye Luna."

"Goodbye, Tia."

With their goodbyes said and the train now in the station, Luna broke away from the embrace and walked up to the door, handing the conductor her ticket. She glanced back one last time to see Celestia with tears in here eyes shouting one last thing before the doors closed.

"Take care of Philomena!"

Luna nodded and shifted her gaze to the phoenix still perched on her back. She trotted to her seat and sat down, drawing a couple stares from the ponies around her noticing that she was on a train of all things, and she was without her tiara. Luna didn't care though, She looked out the window one last time as the train took off and saw her sister on the platform waving goodbye. The train pulled farther and farther away from Canterlot until it was just a tiny little speck in the distance.

Luna looked back to Philomena and smiled as the phoenix went through her feathers. Luna simply smiled and looked out the window, waiting eagerly to get to her destination. Manehatten.

Author's Note:

So yup there's chapter 1! Hopefully Luna will find her parents in the next part! After chapter 2 the half chapters will officially start. They will be 800 words or more depending on what is going on. Hope you enjoy! :)