• Published 22nd Sep 2013
  • 3,922 Views, 44 Comments

Love, Loss and Apples - Real_SilentPony

Two star-crossed ponies and their love for each other

  • ...

Chapter 1

"So where ya'll gonna go this time?" AppleBloom's voice had equal measures of curiosity and childlike envy. Despite being very grown-up for her age, cutie mark notwithstanding, AppleBloom couldn't hide her desire to go with her big sister to…wherever she was planning to go. Applejack looked down at her sister and her innocent wide-eyed expression. The farm pony had to look away quickly, her resolve teetering on the edge from the simple glance.

"I…uh…I didn't tell ya'?" Applejack hissed through clenched teeth and closed eyes. She knew that looking at her little sister would have her spilling the truth of her trip and Celestia knew how many other secret to the little one. Although AppleBloom was anything but dishonest, at least since her cutie-pox incident, Applejack was sure her little sister practiced that puppy-dog pout in the mirror. It just wasn't natural how easily a single wide-eye stare from AppleBloom, or shoot, any of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, seemed to coax the truth out of even the most tight-lipped ponies in town. Maybe it was their slightly squeaky voices or their perfect bright smiles. Or maybe it was their innocent, yet paradoxically mischievous nature that forced ponies to confess even the tiniest of secrets.

"Nope!" AppleBloom chirped, and Applejack was sure she had laid her chin on her front legs as she stared at her older sister. Applejack turned away and opened her eyes before taking a deep breath. When she turned back to AppleBloom, her fears were confirmed. The little filly was staring up at her with intense wide eyes. AppleBloom's chin rested on her folded arm and she look for all of Equestria like a kitten who wanted a dish of cream and knew full well how to use its cuteness to that end. "So, where ya' off to? Gonna' visit cousin Braeburn again?"

"Braeburn? Uh…uh, yeah!" That had been Applejack's excuse last time she had left, two weeks ago. Her family hadn't really questioned it as the Apple clan was as close-knit as any in Equestria. Except, of course, Applejack thought bitterly, when it came to coltfriends. Applejack hated not telling her family about what had really happened the night of the Grand Galloping Gala, but it just seemed too late now. The farm sighed and cast her mind back, remembering.


"Thank you again for the invitations, Princess Celestia." Twilight Sparkle's voice was filled with awe and heart-felt honesty. The rest of her friends added their own thanks as they left the doughnut shop. The Princess had insisted on paying herself and had left a generous tip for the baker who had stayed late to fill their seemingly endless orders. Rarity herself had agreed to what was in hindsight a very ill-conceived eating contest with Pinkie Pie. Were it any other food group; veggies, fruits or grain breads, Rarity might have had a chance. But the chosen food had been doughnuts, and Pinkie had eaten what must have been twice her weight in fried treats.

Applejack had seen Rarity in a mood like this before. This was Rarity in a heart-broken food crazy and Applejack knew that next morning, when Rarity stepped on her bathroom scale, the fashion unicorn would be screaming at the top of her lungs, condemning anything and everything. Unlike last time Rarity's heart had been broken, when she had been crushing on a fashion colt who ended up being a colt-cuddler, this time it had been personal. Prince BlueBlood's attitude had been unforgiveable and down-right disgusting.

Applejack knew with time her friends who forget the Grand Galloping Gala and the disappointment they had all faced. But to the farmer, her sadness was much, much deeper. Her family had been relying on her to sell entire bushels of apples and treats. She had given up an entire day on the farm, forcing Big Macintosh, AppleBloom and even cousin Caramel to do her chores while she played dress-up. Sure it may have been naïve for Applejack to have thought she'd sell every last apple. Even in Ponyville she rarely sold an entire cart in a single day, much less a single four hour party. But Applejack didn't think it was unreasonable to expect more than…this.

Applejack looked at the three bits she had made selling a single apple-pie. It wasn't enough; not nearly enough to justify skipping an entire day's worth of chores. She should have treated this day like any other and just managed the cart in Ponyville.

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash's voice cut through the storm cloud that hung over Applejack's thoughts. The Pegasus punctuated her words with swift pokes to Applejack's shoulder, "Hello? Applejack? Anyone home?"

"I hears ya'." Applejack spat back. She had not meant for her tone to be so harsh and winced as Rainbow Dash recoiled as if struck. Applejack's best friend gave her an icy glare, one that clearly said she wouldn't be getting away with her snippy attitude.

"Ok Applejack, spill it." Rainbow commanded. The flyer was far from a bully, having fought her fair share in flight school. Still her tone allowed for little argument and her glare allowed for none. Applejack sighed sadly and this caused Rainbow Dash to back down slightly. Something was truly making her friend upset, "Hey, talk."

"I don't know what to say." Applejack began, "I guess…I guess I'm just plum disappointed. The Gala was my chance to make Sweet Apple Acres known throughout all Equestria. I feels like I blew it somehow. I dunno Dash." The farmer sighed, "It aint right." The two sat down on the curb outside the doughnut shop. Princess Celestia was explaining something about magic or friendship or furniture or…something to the ponies, but mostly just to Twilight. Applejack wasn't listening. Few were.

Rarity was on her knees, groaning and complaining about a stomach ache. Too many doughnuts Applejack guessed. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were trying to console the fashion unicorn, but there wasn't much they could do. Their chauffeurs, Caramel and Clover, were talking quietly amongst themselves. Clover seemed to be smitten with Rarity and her beauty. Caramel, as Applejack knew, had eyes for only one pony. The farmer made a mental note to tell Big Macintosh to talk to Caramel about his crush on his co-worker.

"I know what you mean." Rainbow said and splashed a hoof in a puddle, "I was so stoked to talk to the WonderBolts…I just wanted to hang with them, you know? Pony-to-pony. I barely got in two words!"

"Well, maybe we can do something about that." A calm, commanding voice called from behind them. Rainbow Dash and Applejack spun around in time to see two Pegasus touch down on the pavement. They both wore aquamarine colored body suits that clung to their athletic bodies. The one who had spoken, a yellow mare with blazing orange hair, stepped forward and removed her flight goggles.

"Hoped we might find you here. I was hoping you'd stick around after the animal stamped, but hey, at least we found you." She said with a grin, "Sorry about the Gala. That thing is always pretty hectic for us..." She extended her hoof to Rainbow Dash, "Let's start again. Hi, I'm Spitfire."

"Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh" Rainbow Dash repeated over and over and over. Her body had begun to bounce from the excitement and Applejack was sure her friend was seconds from exploding. When the WonderBolt's hoof went unshook for too long, Applejack nudged her friend hard.

"Rainbow!" She hissed at her. The Pegasus stopped instantly, suddenly aware of three pairs of eyes on her. She coughed into her hoof.

"Uh, hi." She shook Spitfire's hoof, "I mean, hey what's up? I'm Rainbow Dash! The best flyer in all of Equestria."

"Best Young flyer." The second WonderBolt put in, stepping forward. Applejack recognized this one. He had been her only customer the entire night. Even having a passing familiarity with him, Applejack wasn't prepared for what she saw. Applejack had been so caught up in selling and the initial excitement of the Gala that she had failed to really notice the stallion before. He was tall, dark and handsome as Rarity would have put it. The WonberBolt's body was wonderfully toned and crafted and his muscled tensed and bunched under his suit. Even in the light of the moon his eyes were brilliant green, like watered-down jade. Applejack gulped hard when he extended his hoof to Rainbow Dash. The stallion's shoulder muscles bulged in a way that made Applejack's face heat up. His navy blue hair billowed in the wind and the cocky yet disarmingly charming grin on his face made her knees weak.

Rainbow Dash was similarly impressed and instead of shaking his hoof, she rushed forward to stare up at his eyes. She was practically resting her head on his chest when she sighed in a dreamy haze.

"Hi…I'm Rainbow Dash." She said, batting her eyes at him. Applejack felt a twinge of something in her stomach. Something she couldn't really place. The WonderBolt took a firm step back and Applejack released the breath she had not even been aware of holding.

"Hey Rainbow." He said, "The name is-"

"-Soarin." Rainbow Dash sighed, "Soarin' Silverbolt…" Applejack was struck by how creepy Rainbow's fandom had suddenly made her. The WonderBolt seemed to share that belief as a look of uneasy crossed his face.

"Uh yeah…that's me." He chuckled nervously and shot his fellow WonderBolt a look. But Spitfire just smiled back, either misreading her partner's desperate cry for help, or more likely, letting him squirm for her amusement.

Applejack would never know what compelled her to speak. It felt like somepony had bucked her brain and she had spoken before she even realized it.

"Rainbow Dash, shame on you!" Applejack said, stepping forward, "Ya'll haven't introduced me to ya' friends!" Rainbow shot her friend a look but nodded, wanting to look polite in front of the WonderBolts.

"Right, so, Spitfire, Soarin, this is Applejack." Rainbow said, "She's kinda my best friend." Her tone made it clear that wasn't going to change, but there was certainly room for multiple best friends. AppeJack didn't mind.

"Hi there." Spitfire said kindly and nodded politely.

"We've met before." Soarin said, extending his hoof. Applejack gulped quickly and fought the blush kissing her cheek.

"Uh…really?." Applejack was suddenly very concerned that her hat wasn't on straight, or that her mane had come undone. She tilted her hat forward before continuing, "I mean, sure did" She said and inwardly kicked herself for sounding so dumb. She gulped again as Soarin's muscles contracted as he moved. By Celestia this stallion was damn handsome.


Some things are beyond the comprehension of any ponies to understand. One of those things was the magic required to raise the sun and the moon every day and night or the level of concentration that kept the cosmos from collapsing. No pony knew how the Solar Crystals of the Sunlight caves came into being or the true nature of the centennial planetary alignments or even how the clouds in the EverFree Forest moved. Why fresh baked cookies somehow always tasted better when your Grandmother baked them; how Mr. Tic-Toc of 1444 Maple Stick drive always woke up every day at precisely 7:43 and three quarters despite, and indeed ironically, having never set an alarm. These things were simply too complex or pre-ordained for any pony to figure out.

That day, Rarity Unicorn had one such inexplicable event happen to her. She had been mourning her inevitably lost figure; those doughnuts were going to make her balloon up! But something twitched in her mind and she turned her head at the exact right moment to catch Soarin' Silverbolt's eyes. The WonderBolt was shifting his pleading look from Spitfire to Applejack and in that moment between the two mares, at the exact same time that Rarity had turned her head, their eyes met. Soarin' didn't have time to hide the look in his eyes, nor the uncomfortable body-language he gave off. Rarity saw it clear as day. The WonderBolt was horribly uncomfortable with the attention Rainbow Dash was giving him. More importantly it seemed Applejack was too. The farmer's body language was stiff and controlled, but her hat, immaculately placed by Rarity herself, was off-center, tilted slightly forward; a nervous tick. One that only occurred in single mares when faced with a handsome stallion. To Rarity Unicorn it was as if a giant neon sign hung ponderously over Applejack, flashing in bright yellow letters: THIS STALION IS DAMN HANDSOME.

Rarity pushed herself to her feet, ignoring the questions of FlutterShy and Pinkie Pie and walked swiftly over to the four ponies. A plan, or more accurately, a single sentence, formed in her mind. She remembered Rainbow Dash mentioning meeting the two WonderBolts at the Gala. The mare was Spitfire and the stallion could only be Soarin. Even as she approached Rarity noticed the stallion and sighed inwardly at his physique. If Applejack struck out, Rarity would be sure to be next to try. But right now, it was Applejack's turn, even if she didn't know it yet.

Unseen by everypony, Princess Celestia gave the five ponies a glance out of the corner of her eye and smiled knowingly.

"Oh my, Spitfire!" Rarity proclaimed as she approached, easily drawing the attention of everypony with an ease that came from years of endless practice, "Look at your complexion, darling!" Rarity took the WonderBolt's chin in her hoof and studied her intently, "How do you keep your face so clear with all your athletic work?" She hooked her arm over Rainbow Dash's shoulder, drawing the athlete close to her and, more importantly, away from Soarin, "I've been trying to help Rainbow Dash keep her face clean and clear with every topical cream I have. But alas!" Rarity put a hoof to her forehead and sighed in an exaggerated way.

A horrible moment of silence descended as everypony stared blank-eyed at her. When nopony spoke, Rarity hunted for Spitfire's eyes, finding them and cornering them with an intense glare that bore into the WonderBolt's very soul. Rarity nodded her head ever so slightly towards the bewildered Soarin' and Applejack. This time Spitfire listened to the unspoken message and smiled brightly, suddenly all too eager to discuss…she shudder inwardly…face creams.

"Oh, it's pretty simple really." She said, motioning for both Rarity and a slightly struggling Rainbow to follow her, "I use Pony-Pert-Plus Number 5 and a coconut oil to exaggerate er-I mean exfoliate my…" The WonderBolt's words faded into the background as she led the two mares away. Rarity glanced back, catching Applejack's gaze and giving her a very meaningful wink. The farmer felt her face heat up and quickly looked away.

"So…a…" Applejack scratched her head with her hoof, "Uh…how did ya' like the Gala?" The WonerBolt gave her a dry chuckle. Applejack cursed under her breath. Somehow Rarity had known what Applejack was thinking and even more miraculously she had gotten Rainbow Dash away. She only had a few minutes before Rainbow's already stunted patience for feminine fashion gave way to her desire to flirt with Soarin'.

"Hey listen." Soarin's deep, masculine voice drew Applejack back to reality, "I just wanted to say that your pie…uh, I mean that apple pie from your cart, was delicious!"

"Really?" Applejack breathed then she coughed and her voice returned, "I mean that's mighty fine of ya', Mr. Silverbolt."

"Just Soarin, Ms. Apple" He said, "My friends call me Soarin."

"Only if ya' call me Applejack." She laughed, "I aint old enough to be Ms. Apple."

"You got a deal, Applejack." The WonderBolt said. The way he said her name made Applejack's knees weak and her head dizzy. She had to shake her head clear just to stay standing. What was it about this stallion that was getting to her so much? Was this...lust?

"Hey, out of curiosity, uh, when are you in Canterlot next?" Soarin had to look away to ask, as if embarrassed. Applejack refused to believe that this handsome stallion was nervous around any mares, ever.

"I honestly don't know." She said, "I live on the farm and we work hard. I had to take the entire day off so Rarity could put this…dress on me." She motioned to the leather vest and boots she wore.

"I think you look great." Soarin said, then his eyes widened as he realized what he said, "I uh..sorry I didn't-"

"Ya' sweet talker, you!" Applejack gave him a playful punch to the shoulder. It was a flirty trick Rarity had taught her. Applejack gulped when her hoof connected to Soarin's shoulder. Rock hard; not even a bit of give. Sweet Celestia, he was built like a marble statue. It took a moment for the heat to drain from Applejack's face.

"Why uh, why do ya' want to know when I'm back?" She asked nervously. What if he asked her out?

"Well…listen, the WonderBolts have their own cafeteria and well…" He glanced quickly at Spitfire who was spouting every fashion related word she knew, regardless if it made any sense, "The Company we have the catering contract with just…its crap food, Applejack."

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad." She said dismissively, "What farm ya'll usin'? Maybe I know 'em."

"The Peaches." Soarin scratched his chin in thought, "White Peach Farm I think." Applejack's face flushed with heat again, but this time it had nothing to do with Soarin's Celestia-given body. Anger surged through her veins and she almost growled.

"Peaches!" She spat the word out as if it was poison, "Why those low-down no-good sons of mules wouldn't know good food if it smacked 'em in the face."

"I take it you know them?"

"Ooooo don't get me started on the Peaches!" Applejack was furious. Memories came unbidden to her mind; events she had hoped forgotten. The Peaches were the largest of the fruit farmers in Equestria and had run honest, gentle farms out of business with their shady quantity or quality motto. Applejack had tasted one of their peaches once, and it had been a tasteless rock made to look like a peach. The Cantaloupes, the Green Cherry farm, even the Apple Heirloom farm had been run out of business by those farm sharks!

"If ya'll really are eatin' baked goods from the Peaches, then ya'll have my sympathies." Applejack said through clenched teeth. She could just imagine the peach pies, peach cobblers, peach fritters and peach fries those rotten farms pawned off on the WonderBolts. Not to mention the very idea of that Abigail Peach coming here, to Canterlot, to make the deliveries.

Oh how Applejack hated that Peach! They had been friends once, long ago. Best friends in fact. But Abigail had tried to sabotage Sweet Apple Acres and stole Applejack's childhood crush. And she had done it with a smile on her smug, too-cute-for-her-own-good face.

Just the thought of her in the same room as Soarin', running her back-stabbing hooves over his firm muscles…kissing his soft lips…letting him bite her ear…whispering the dirtiest, yet most flattering things about her body! Applejack's blood was boiling now.

"You don't like them either? Good." Soarin said, drawing Applejack out of her anger-haze, "Listen, I'll have to clear this with the Captain…but…how would you like to take over the contract?"

"…excuse me?" Applejack was sure she had not heard correctly.

"The catering contract." He said firmly, "If your baking is even half as good as that pie, then I'm sure the others will love it! Besides, we need to eat healthy food and those peach chips give me a stomach ache."

"I…ya'll serious?" She asked. Her heart was pounding; a contract! An exclusive contract with the WonderBolts! She took a deep breath; time to play it cool.

"What about the peaches?" She asked. Soarin gave her an amused look.

"Believe me, I'd love to personally fire Abi." He said. The color drained from Applejack's face.

"Abi? As in Abigail? As in Abigail Peach?" Her eyes narrowed and her previous anger returned.

"Yeah. Know her?" Applejack grinned evilly.

"Soarin', I'll be back tomorrow." She said and he grinned, "We can discuss business then. But I thinks ya' got yourself a deal."

"How about dinner? The Pretzel du' Champagne, my treat." He asked. Applejack couldn't believe it. It wasn't a straight up-and-down date, but hay, she's take it! Somehow this was turning out to be the best night ever. A contract with the WonderBolts, dinner with this Celestia-blessed stallion and a chance to stick it to that bitch Abigail Peach. Applejack grinned.



"So what did you and Soarin' talk about?" Rainbow Dash asked eagerly, "Did he explain how to do the Lightning Blaze? It's his signature move!"

"Uh…no…he uh…" Applejack saw the innocent look in Rainbow's eyes and sighed sadly. She suddenly felt incredibly guilty, "We uh…just made small talk."

"Figures." She said and paused as if considering her next words carefully, "He's hot."


"Don't tell me you didn't notice!" Rainbow exclaimed, "He was cut like a rock! Spitfire said during the off season I could come to the tryouts. Oooooo I'm gonna corner Soarin' in the locker room and…umph!" She shook her head aggressively, her eyes filled with lust.

"Rainbow! Such language!" Rarity scorned the athlete, "That is no way for a lady to speak."

"You sayin' you wouldn't want those arms around you?" Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes evilly, "Think about it Rarity?" the athlete's voice became breathy as she set the mental scene , "Music in the air. Fresh grilled veggies…Those big strong muscled arms holding you close. Touching your body." Rarity noticed Applejack had a far-away look in her eyes and was unconsciously running a hoof up her own arm. Rarity gave her friend a sympathetic smile. Applejack wasn't in love yet, but she certainly on that path. Rarity could see it in her friend's eyes.

Rarity made a promise to herself, then and there, that she would help Applejack in any way possible. The farm pony was a hard worker, but she had all the romantic sense of a sponge, and an exceptionally unromantic sponge at that.

"Although he was very attractive, I shan't be saying such…degrading things." Rarity said, poking Applejack with her hoof, "Right Applejack?"

"Uh what?" She stammered. Her faced flushed and the candle-lit fantasy she had been having about Soarin faded from her mind. She had only bits and pieces of it left, but she clearly remembered spiced apple whiskey, horrible sexual tension, and an eventual mind-breaking kiss. "Uhh yeah…not my cup o' tea. I like 'em earth ponies, thank ya' kindly."

"Whatever. More Soarin' for me." Rainbow dash took to the sky, angling towards her house in the clouds. The group had finally made it back to Ponyville and were turning in for the night. FlutterShy had fallen asleep on the carriage ride, and Clover and Caramel had been nice enough to carry her back to her cottage. Pinkie Pie had crashed off her sugar-high and had dragged herself to Sugar Cube Corner. Twilight was lost deep in thought. Whatever Princess Celestia had spoken to her about must have been important. The only thing Applejack knew was a visitor would be coming to see Twilight sometime this month.

"So tell me Applejack." Rarity said, poking her friend, "What really happened?"

"What ya'll mean? We just talked is all."

"Applejack, dear, you're the Element of Honesty." Rarity pointed out, grinning, "That means you are a terrible liar."

"I uh…" She glanced at the sky, "Promise not to tell Rainbow?"

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Rarity held up a hoof, mirroring the Colt-scouts.

"Ok." Applejack took a deep breath, "We is havin' dinner tomorrow night." To Rarity's credit, she did not explode in glee. She just eyed the farmer with a measured look.

"Where?" She asked, monotone.

"Pretzel du' Champagne." Applejack shrugged, "I nev'r heard of it before." Rarity nodded her head, deep in thought.

"I expect you at my house tomorrow. Three of the clock." She said firmly and narrowed her eyes, "Don't you dare be late." The menace in the fashion unicorn's voice disturbed Applejack. Then…oh Celestia Applejack realized with a start, Rarity was taking this seriously. This wasn't the love-sick Rarity she saw so often. This was the determined get-the-hay-out-of-my-way Rarity that always, always got her way. When Applejack opened her mouth to argue, suddenly Rarity loomed over her. It was as if the fashion unicorn had grown in stature and she towered over the farmer, eyes ablaze. This was important to Rarity. Not just because she wanted to see her friend happy, but because Rarity had had such a horrible time with Prince BlueBlood. Rarity needed to know there were still gentlecolts out there, that love and romance were not wasted ideas. Applejack nodded her head. Despite her miss-giving's, the idea of spurring up business for the farm and dinner with Soarin…alone…made her heart flutter.

"Ok Rarity. Ya'll win.


"How was the Gala?" Big Macintosh's voice cut through the shadows as Applejack approached their farmhouse. She should have been surprised her big brother was still up, but she wasn't. Big Macintosh was a kind pony who looked after his family. At night the farm was so peaceful it was like a vision of paradise. The apple tress swayed gently in the wind; the old wooden houses creaked as they resettled. Applejack had seen the lights on in cousin Caramel's house and she guessed the pony's friends had come over to question him about the Gala. Poor cousin Caramel. Hopelessly in love and can't see it.

Applejack looked around the farm, taking it all in. It was a beautiful change of pace from the crowded halls of the Royal Palace. She loved the open air, the gentle breeze and the scent of nature itself. In the distance Applejack could hear the rush of a creek and the endless chirping of insects. Something ruffled the bushes and Applejack guessed it was one of FlutterShy's rabbits, come to take an apple that had fallen from a tree. FlutterShy had told her one of the mama bunnies was pregnant, so Applejack had eased off on the varmint catching. Besides, at least the rabbits had good taste in fruits. From a certain points of view, it was flattering that the rabbits stole from her and not Carrot Top or the Lemons or even from Soft Hooves animal supply store in town.

"T'were a bit of a bust." Applejack said honestly.

"Didn't sell too many apples then?"

"Not yet." Big Macintosh raised an eyebrow at his sister's words.

"Meaning?" Applejack took a deep breath.

"I uh…may have worked up a deal." She said proudly.


"Yeah, the WonderBolts, they need-" Big Macintosh cut her off.

"You mean those show-boating fancy ass Pegasus whiners?" Applejack was struck by how mean he said it, "Them flyers Rainbow Dash keeps gonna' on and on 'bout?"


"What do they want?"

"A…um…a…catering contract." Applejack gulped back.

"Don't they already have one?"

"We uh…we is the new one." What was happenings? Couldn't anypony be happy for her? She had thought Soarin' was a gift from the Princesses themselves! All wrapped up in firm muscles and smellin' like fancy rich colt cologne. Applejack shivered in pleasure. She really wanted to know if he was half the stallion she was building him up to be.

"Who did we beat out?" At this Applejack grinned.

"Abigail Peach!" She said proudly. Big Macintosh sighed. He had been dreading that exact answer.

"Applejack, that was ten years ago. Ya' gotta' let that go." He said softly, "We all lost friends when our clans broke apart."

"I lost my best friend!"

"And I lost Marigold Peach!" Big Macintosh snapped back and sighed, "I know ya' don't like the Peaches but not all of 'em are bad. Some of 'em are actually very…lovin'."

"But all the WonderBolts are show-offs?" Applejack countered.

"Aint the same." He shook his head, "Ponies are born Apples or Peaches. But them WonderBolts recruit ponies for them exact show-boating traits. Be careful 'round them WonderBolts. They're too used to gettin' their way."

"I thought ya'd be happy!" Applejack almost shouted, but she was aware Granny Smith and AppleBloom were both asleep, "A contract with one of the richest groups in all of Equestria! Why, just think about all the bits we'd be gettin'? This is a good thing, Big Macintosh." The older pony thought for a second and sighed.

"Ok, I'll head up to Canterlot next week to work out the deal."

"No!" Applejack nearly screamed, and her brother raised an eyebrow, "I mean I already know 'em. And I set up a meetin' tomorrow…so ya' don't have to go up next week, see?"

"Fine I'll be there tomorrow."

"NO!" She actually screamed this time then coughed into her hoof, "I mean I can do this…I already know the layout of the city n' all. T'weren't nothin'."

"Applejack, anythin' ya' want to tell me?" Big Macintosh narrowed his eyes at his little sister. Something was up with her and the Wonderbolts, he was sure of it. She gulped and he narrowed his eyes even more.

"Uh…nothin'." She shook her head and her confidence grew, "Nothin' at all." She thought for a moment, "Well maybe…"


"Ya'll need to talk to Caramel 'bout his crush on that Pegasus at the mail office." She said, hoping to deflect attention from herself.

"What, that Derpy Hoof?"

"Big Macintosh, shame on you! You watch your language!" Applejack snapped at him, "Ya'll know full well her name is Ditzy Doo. She's a nice mare she's just goofy….come to think of it, she's a lot like Caramel." She smiled to herself. Maybe Caramel had something real going.

"I'm headin' to bed now, and you are gonna' go apologize to Caramel for callin' his crush such a mean name." She narrowed her eyes at him. Suddenly with her anger directed at him, Big Macintosh baulked.

"Do a' have to?"

"Big Macintosh, march!" She said, pointing away from the farmhouse. She watched the chastised pony disappear into the darkness of night and sighed. A sinking feeling enveloped her and she suddenly knew her life was about to get incredibly complicated.


"I had a real swell time with ya', Soarin." Applejack said as WonderBolt held the door open for her. Applejack gave him a gracious smile; if Rarity knew how much of a gentlecolt he was being, she would sigh herself into a comma. Applejack had managed to get her blushing and gulping at his physique to a tolerable level.

"I'm glad you liked it." He said, "Although I gotta' say I've never seen anypony react that way to crème brulee."

"Now don't ya'll go speakin' all fancy!" She exclaimed, "It's just fried cream. Aint nothin' fancy 'about it." The look he gave her was priceless. It was a mixture of amusement and even some adoration.

"You're so cute when you're flustered." He said as he walked by. Applejack felt her face heat up. That was as blatant as anypony had ever been with her; romantically at least. The farmer could almost hear Rarity's voice in her head.

Go for it….She said….Kiss him!

Applejack listened to the voice and swept away the distance between herself and the WonderBolt. She pressed herself against him, breathing him in. Somehow Soarin' wasn't surprised at all, and stared lustfully into her eyes.

"Applejack?" He breathed. They were both aware how close they were. Applejack's scent filled Soarin's nostrils and he sighed. She smelled like fresh apples and it made his mind thick like molasses. Ever since first seeing her at the Gala, he had been attracted to her. At first it had been purely physical, but during dinner he had realized how kind she was. Not to mention her dry wit, and sometimes less than appropriate jokes. There was something unforgettable about Applejack. She had been on his mind all day; something that had never happened before.

For her part, Applejack was close to losing herself in Soarin. Up close he was so powerful, so…masculine. It made her stomach burn and she knew she was aroused. It was happening so fast for her, but it felt right. She had met this stallion only the day before but she felt like she had been crushing on him for months, if not years.

"Just do it 'afor I lose my nerve." She hissed between her teeth. Soarin wrenched her into a burning kiss. Applejack inhaled deeply as their lips met, taking in his masculine scent and sighing. His arms wrapped around her and she shivered as his iron-hard muscles pulled her close. She felt like she would be smothered by his raw physical power, but she didn't once feel uncomfortable. Something deep in her soul already loved him and trusted him. That small voice was barely heard as her mind was consumed with lust, but it was heeded just enough to calm her.

Maybe it was her imagination, or maybe the name Silverbolt was more appropriate than she thought, but Applejack was sure she felt his lips tingling. It was like small sparks of electricity leapt from his lips to hers and the sensation made her blood rush. She gripped his mane in her hooves and pushed her lips against him so hard hurt. She couldn't get enough of him. Soarin's strength easily lifted the farmer off the ground, and Applejack giggled in his mouth as her hooves dangled ever so slightly off the ground.

Reluctantly the WonderBolt pulled away, gasping for air. Both ponies stared into their eyes with a hooded, crazed look. Soarin' had felt for other ponies before, but this was something new. This wasn't just a few butterflies in the stomach, or even a blush kissed face. This was caged lightning in the marrow. This was something new and he would embrace it for as long as Celestia herself let him.

"Wow…" Applejack breathed, "That was…"

"Yeah." He laughed and she smiled at him. Applejack rested her head against his neck and slowly nuzzled him. She breathed in his scent and sighed.

"Ya' know what Soarin'?"


"We never talked about that contract with the WonderBolts." At this the Pegasus chuckled.

"Oh silly me. I completely forgot!" The look she gave him was a mixture of disbelief and amusement, "Looks like we're going to have to go out to dinner again." Applejack sighed into his fur and smiled.

"I can live with that."

*End FlashBack*

Reality came crashing back to Applejack as the 4:11 train rushed passed the station, startling her and pulling her from her memories. The day had gone by in a blur and she was at the train station, a knapsack over her shoulder and a ticket to Canterlot in her hooves.

She hated sneaking about. Ever since that first dinner with Soarin' there were sparks between them. One dinner had quickly led to a second, a third and a fourth. It had been fireworks in Applejack's mind and she knew back then the sneaking would be worth it.

Time had not changed her feelings but in the two months since the Grand Galloping Gala, she had never worked up the courage to tell anyone except Rarity about her coltfriend. Rainbow Dash would be heart-broken and would never talk to her again. And Big Macintosh would never approve of her little sister dating one of them fancy ass WonderBolts. Truth be told she had never told Rarity, but the fashion unicorn had somehow sense the change in attitude in Applejack and knew instinctively she was being romantic with somepony.

But Soarin' was so much different! He was the kindest, gentlest and most loving pony she had ever met! She had fallen for him, hard. The contract had eventually been written up and approved, after three failed dinners and a dozen burning kisses. Something had changed in the farmer since meeting the WonderBolt and for days after her now routine trips out of town she was, as Rarity once put it during breakfast at the Maple Stack, walking on clouds.

"All aboard!" The train conductor called out. Applejack sighed and pushed the negative thoughts from her mind. She was going to go see her coltfriend! That thought alone sent a shiver up her spine and plastered a goofy grin on her face.


So what did you think? Yay or nay? Drop me a review and let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading!