• Published 22nd Sep 2013
  • 3,923 Views, 44 Comments

Love, Loss and Apples - Real_SilentPony

Two star-crossed ponies and their love for each other

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"I dunno' if I can do this, Rarity." Applejack whispered, her voice shaking. The farmpony had planted her hooves firmly on the ground, completely intent on not moving. The unicorn gave an exaggerated sigh and stepped behind Applejack.

"You have to, darling." Rarity said and pushed. Normally Applejack would have been an immobile brick wall to the fashionista, but Applejack was far from her normal self. The earth pony gritted her teeth as the familiar wooden house loomed closer. Applejack tried to push against Rarity, but it was of no use. Rarity was simply stronger.

"But…but…" Applejack pleaded. The large four-story house seemed much bigger than it had been the first time she was here. She knew it was just her imagination, but Applejack couldn't shake the feeling that the house was judging her. It seemed to observe her with a cold disgust, as if she was no longer welcome. She felt inclined to agree with it.

"We both agreed to do this, Applejack." Rarity hissed at the farmer, "I cannot do this without you." Applejack looked back at the unicorn and the fire in her eye. Applejack nodded slowly and Rarity stopped pushing.

"But being here Rarity…I…I can't do it!" Applejack swiftly spun on her hoof and made to dash away. Her flight to safety was stalled by Rarity simply using her magic to grip Applejack's tail and hold her immobile. Deciding there was no point arguing anymore, Rarity simply dragged the still galloping earth pony to the front door. The unicorn plopped the apple farmer hard on the wood deck and knocked softly on the door. Applejack sighed, resigned to her fate. The door opened slowly and a bright-blue eyed filly stared up in wonder.

"Oh hello dear, may we come in?" Rarity asked sweetly.

"…Not supposed to talk to strangers…" the filly mumbled meekly and began to close to the door. Rarity held out a hoof and laughed in good nature.

"We are not strangers, my dear." She said calmly, "Why if I recall, last month I painted your hooves…what was it, cherry red?" It took a few moments for the words to register with the filly, and then in an instant her caution was replaced with excitement.

"Miss Rarity!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and lunged at the unicorn. She hugged her leg tightly, and Rarity smiled down at her. She had missed this place more than she would had ever imagined. The two mares stepped into the house and took a careful look around, Applejack visibly shaking in her hooves.

"Miss Susan!" The filly yelled, "Miss Susan, guests!" The filly finally let go over Rarity but began to bombard her with hundreds, if not thousands of questions. A few more fillies and colts appeared at the top of the stairs to look down, curiosity obvious on their young faces. The older face of Susan Evergreen peaked from around a corner, a cooking apron hanging over her neck.

"Oh Miss Rarity, what a pleasant surprise." She said sweetly, then her eyes met Applejack's. The two stared at each other for a long moment, Applejack feeling smaller and smaller by the second. "And hello to you too, Applejack."

"Howdy ma'am." Applejack said and tipped her hat. Her nerves were on fire and she gulped hard.

"Why don't you two help me in the kitchen?" Susan said, "I'm baking cookies and could always use a few extra hooves."

"That sounds lovely." Rarity said and turned to her crowd of adoring fillies, "Be little dears and go and play. I'll come by shortly with fresh cookies and we can discuss anything you want." The fillies all cheered and took off in separate directions.

"Applebloom?" A slightly broken voice called out suddenly. The two mares turned to see Oliver pounding down the steps. He looked around hopefully, a smile on his face. "Is Applebloom here?" Rarity gave Applejack an amused look and nodded towards the colt.

"'fraid not, lil' one." Applejack said and the colt groaned, "Now don't ya' fret none. Applebloom misses ya' somethin' fierce too."


"Why sure as shoot!" Applejack said and tousled his hair. He made a gagging noise and the two mares laughed. "Now I have stuff to do, Oliver."

"Okay." Oliver said and looked down on the floor. The two mares shared a sympathetic look and began to walk away. "Applejack?" Oliver whispered, "What happened with Soarin'?"

The two mares stopped dead in their tracks. Rarity cast Applejack a worried glance. Tears had already begun to roll down Applejack's cheeks and she sniffed. Rarity was about to speak for her when Applejack turned around sharply and embraced Oliver hard. She let a few tears drip onto the floor. Oliver was speechless for a long time, but eventually hugged back. When Applejack pulled away, she quickly wiped the tears away so Oliver wouldn't see.

"I'm sorry Oliver." Applejack whispered, "I messed up with Soarin'. I messed up and now we ain't together no more."

"…but you're going to get back together, right?" Oliver asked hesitantly. Applejack laughed and kissed his forehead.

"I really hopes so." Applejack said and quickly walked away, trying to fight back another wave of tears. Rarity looked at Oliver and could tell he had no idea what was going on. But there was nothing left to say, so she followed Applejack into the kitchen.

They found Susan at the kitchen counter, wooden spoon in hoof as she stirred another patch of cookie dough in a bright red bowl. Applejack felt nostalgic for one brief moment, remembering cooking a massive pot of vegetable stew and a blueberry cobbler for the little ponies last time she was here. Susan looked up from her work and gave the two mares a leveled stare.

"Didn't really expect to see you two anytime soon." Susan said carefully. Even still, Applejack winced at the implication. Rarity was quick to come to her defense.

"Situations have offered us no alternatives." Rarity said calmly and made herself useful using her magic to roll and flatten perfect cookies for baking. Susan kept her stare fixed firmly on Applejack.

"Celestia, child, you look like hell." Susan said. Rarity shot the older pony a glare, but was surprised when Applejack started to laugh.

"Ya', I've been gettin' that a lot recently." Applejack said and cracked a few eggs into a bowl. She had picked up the cooking book they were using for the cookies and was starting on a new batch. There were enough ingredients laid out to make hundreds of cookies. It was probably a special treat for the little fillies and colts to get fresh baked cookies.

"It's true." Susan said, "When was the last time you ate?"

"I've been gettin' better." Applejack said half-heartedly, "Up to a whole meal a day." There was a tense silence as the three ponies each worked in their own world. Rarity had laid out over a dozen balls of dough that would flatten to perfect cookies when baked. She paid special attention to size, making sure each and every cookie would be the same size. It simply would not do for one pony to get more cookie than another. She used a dull butter knife to trim the cookies into geometrically perfect spheres.

Applejack measured out a cup of flour and added it to her growing mix. She added salt, sugar and some baking soda. She tried to keep her eyes on the directions, really not wanting to have the conversation she knew was coming.

Susan gave a sigh and looked out of the corner of her eye. Applejack was deliberately trying not to catch her eye. Susan set the wooden spoon down, wiped her hooves on her apron and turned.

"Are you really getting better, Applejack?" She asked directly. Rarity stopped her ball crafting for a moment but returned to her work; Applejack needed to do this part on her own. Applejack for her part set her bowl of dough aside and turned slowly to face the older pony.

"No." She said simply, "No I'm really not gettin' better. I can't."

"You can't." Susan echoed and raised an eyebrow, "Guilt getting the best of you?"

"Guilt, shame, depression, sadness…" Applejack looked down at the floor, "Loneliness…call it whatever the hay you want, I gots it in ample supply."

"When we first met you promised to never hurt Soarin." Susan said sadly, "You swore on your hat."

"I know." Applejack said and took off the hat. She looked it over lovingly, noticing each and every tear, rip and stain. She wore them like a badge of honor; each one represented a hard day's work. "Truth be told, I thoughts about tossin' the thing. Or sellin' it."

"You don't feel like you deserve to wear it anymore?" Susan asked carefully. She was eyeing the farmer; this was not what she had expected. Applejack was a broken pony with no will to go on. Did Soarin' really mean that much to her?

"After what I done and said…" Applejack let the words hang.

"Why do you still have it then?" Susan asked. Applejack looked up at the older pony sighed.

"I…I'm not sure." She almost whispered. Susan narrowed her eyes.

"Sure you are." She pushed, "Tell me why?" Rarity cast a worried glance at the farmer but kept her peace.

"I...I don't…" Applejack looked away.

"That's crap and you know it." Susan said; Rarity hissed and bit her lip, "Tell me why."

"I told ya'! I don't know!" Applejack growled between her teeth. She was angry at the old pony and angry at herself.

"Applejack!" Susan yelled, "Why do you still have your grandfather's hat after you swore and broke a promise on it?"

"That is quite enough, Ms. Evergreen! I-" Rarity began but Applejack stomped her hoof hard, narrowing her eyes at the older pony.

"Because I don't want to give up!" She screamed back, tears of sorrow and rage streaming down her face "I want Soarin' back in my life! I'm lost without him, and I'll try every Celestia damn day to get him back, even if it takes the rest of my life!"

There was a silence in the kitchen. Applejack had a grimace of anger and sadness on her features, Rarity was stunned speechless and Susan Evergreen had a smug, proud look on her face.

"That's what I wanted to hear." Susan said confidently, "That's the Applejack I met, not that pale lifeless pushover that came through my door. Feel better?"

"…I does…" Applejack laughed and it seemed to the others that her eyes had grown brighter, and her figure a little fuller, "Apples and peas, I feels my heart thumpin' right now." Susan nodded, impressed but before she could respond a soft chime announced another batch of cookies was ready.

"Perfect timing." Rarity said, relieved she didn't have to yell at anypony and quickly retrieved the cookies. The unicorn used her magic to hover the cookie sheet in front of her for a moment and she took a deep breath. "Absolutely perfect."

Susan took one of the cookies, blew on it gently and ate it, "Yup, they're ready." She chewed in silence for a few moments, then glanced between the two ponies with her, "I take it you two have a scheme in the works?"

Rarity grinned and took a cookie for herself, "Have a seat, Ms. Evergreen. I have a feeling you're going to love this."


The Golden District of Canterlot was alive with preparations. Ponies moved confidently and with purpose amongst the ever growing city of tents and stalls being erected. The entire area spread out like a cobweb with the Royal Airfield at the center. An entire new level of bleachers was being constructed around the field, making the stadium half again as big as it normally was. The Royal Academy show was the single largest flight show of the year, and of all the parties, parades and celebrations held in Equestria, it was shadowed only by the Summer Sun Celebration.

Ponies flocked from all over Equestria, and even from the outlands beyond to watch the WonderBolts at their best. It was magnificent; a sight ponies cherished their entire lives. Although the shows were stretched out over the course of a week, letting ponies and creatures from across the planet come and see what they wanted, each and every act was breathtaking. It was the sort of event stallions bought engagement rings for, just in case the moment was right. It was the type of event mares dreamed of, and spent huge sums of bits for the perfect outfit.

The day shows were loud and booming, with maddening aerial stunts and multi-colored smoke; perfect for wide-eyed colts and fillies and familes. The night shows offered romance, intimacy and sensuality. Music floated through the air, as if carried by the wind itself. The Wonderbolts painted the sky with crimson, silver, white and sinful golds. Ponies danced, kissed and made promises that lasted a life-time. Others were simply awe-struck by the show, unable to think rationally as the light spectrum was put to the ultimate test.

It was Spitfire's favorite and least favorite time of the year. The Wonderbolts flew themselves ragged during the week, performing above and beyond even Celesita's expectation, and the Princess had attended the event each year for three centuries. It was to be Princess Luna's first show since her return, so special care and preparation was put into the night shows. The sky-marshal had even called in a favor to the vermillion birds of the south to train the Wonderbolts in celestial tricks.

The Wonderbolts worked hard…but the pay off. Spitfire relished the looks of awe on all the little faces of colts and fillies alike as she flew. The days of exhausting flying were worth it just to see the bright smiles on their little faces. The giant feasts, screaming fans and pay-check were simply icing on the cake. That, and the month long vacation she always took after the shows were complete. Spitfire looked down at her clipboard and smiled slightly; everything was going fine, at least for the moment.

The pressing issue of Applejack and her scheme was another matter all together. It wasn't going to be hard to convince Soarin' to fly in the show, even after forcing him to take some time off. He lived to see the young ponies happy just as much, if not more, as Spitfire herself did. Even with his lack-luster self, Soarin' was one of the best flyers the Wonderbolts could field. Spitfire glanced up from her work at the team-leaders gathered around her.

"Fleet Foot, take over for a bit." She said simply. The other Wonderbolt looked surprised for a moment, before grinning and nodding. Fleet Foot had her eye on command one day, and this was just another opportunity to prove herself.

"Will do, ma'am." She said simply and took the clipboard from Spitfire without asking. Spitfire rubbed her amber eyes gently and took off.

The Silver and Bronze districts of Canterlot were just as alive as the fields surrounding the airfield itself. The Silver district was a perfect one-stop-shopping for anything any pony would need. Restaurants, both family affordable and high-class alike dotted the area, offering tastes from across Equestria. The Bronze district wasn't nearly as populated as the other areas of Canterlot, so it was the perfect place to rent hotel rooms and spend a nice quiet night away from the crowds that would soon descend on the city. The Royal Academy Show was a boon to all those who lived in Canterlot, and even to the villages bordering the city.

Spitfire loved this city, and understood why Soarin' had chosen to live here. It was picturesque, with gardens, fountains and marble sculptures. Spitfire herself still lived in Cloudsdale; to her the cloud city would never be topped. Spitfire landed gracefully outside her friend's house and took a moment straightening her uniform. She was a neat-freak, it had to be said. Spitfire knocked five times; she was the only pony who ever did, so Soarin' always knew when it was her. It took a few moments for the Pegasus to answer the door, and when he did his eyes were still sleepy and his mane was a mess.

"Hey…" Soarin' yawned and stretched his wings, "Want to come in? I was just about to have breakfast."

"It's three in the afternoon, dude." Spitfire taunted and he laughed.

"Down time suits me apparently." Soarin' shrugged.

"Well, I hope you're well rested, 'cause I want you back at camp." Spitfire said and Soarin' groaned.

"Okay, who did what and how stupid?" He asked. Spitfire tried not to grin.

"Nightwing sprained his wing again." She lied. She felt a moment's guilt, but dismissed it. If she had to lie to get Soarin' back together with Applejack, and thus get him happy again, she would do it and not feel bad.

"That showoff." Soarin' said and shook his head, "What was he doing?"

"Practicing the Cosmic Ballet with Moon Gazer. Third movement came, and he over reached." Spitfire shrugged, "I'm having Silver Streak fill in for him, but that leaves me one pony short for the day shows. Think you can handle it?"

Soarin' flexed his wings and shook out his mane, "Sure. I've been trying to eat better, and I fly in the mornings. I feel much healthier these days. I can do it."

"Good to hear." Spitfire said and purposefully hesitated, "I hope this doesn't keep you away from Evergreen."

"I had nothing planned." He grinned, "I was just going to wing it for a while." Spitfire winced.

"Make that pun again, and I'll have to find a new best friend." She sighed and Soarin' chuckled.

"Yeah, whatever." Soarin' said and sighed heavily, "When do you need me at the fields?"

"Be there tonight and you can start to train again." Spitfire said. The two stood on Soarin's simple wooden deck and watched a few ponies go by. After a moment Spitfire spoke again, "So…how are you these days…with…you know…"

"I miss her." Soarin' said simply and looked up at the sun, "I wonder what she's doing right now…I hope she's happy. I really do."

"Ever think of going to Ponyville to see her?"

"Nah. I doubt Applejack wants to see me anymore." Soarin' said, trying to hide the sadness in his voice and doing a miserable job of it. He sighed and tried to remember the good times he had had.

"Oh, I dunno." Spitfire whispered, "You might be surprised."

"What was that?" Soarin' asked, drawing himself out of his memories.

"Nothing." Spitfire said quickly, "I should get back to the field. I left Fleet Foot in charge, and if I don't return soon she'll have me declared MIA and take the company from me."

"Always had her eye on your job, that one." Soarin chuckled, "Maybe when Rain Runner finally retires, she can have 5th Company."

"HA!" Spitfire barked, "Yeah, like I'd transfer the second best trainer in my company out."

"Who's the best?" Soarin' asked. Spitfire looked at him, grinned and winked.

"Guess." She taunted and took to the air, "Be ready Soarin. I need my best at his best."

"Aye-aye, Captain." Soarin' saluted smartly. Spitfire shook her head and rolled her eyes. She had ordered him years ago to stop using her rank or saluting, but by Celestia he was a stubborn stallion. Spitfire flew high and did a lazy loop in the air and flapped towards the airfield in the distance.

"Four days, Soarin." She whispered to the clouds, "Four more days and by Celestia, everything will be the way it should be."


Colts and fillies piled over one another to get at the floating trays of cookies Rarity held aloft with her magic.

"Settle down, little ones." Rarity chided gently, "There are plenty to go around, but you must behave like good gentelcolts and ladies first. I will not reward pushiness and shoving with cookies." She held her chin high to show she meant it. Instantly the orphans quieted down and sat patiently. Rarity fought back a very powerful urge to hug each one dearly and managed to compose herself. She set the cookie trays down gracefully on a table and picked up one with her magic. Rarity looked down at one of the youngest colts in the room and smiled gracefully at him.

"Say thank you, gentlecolt." She said and floated the cookie to him.

"Thank you." He managed, though his words were lisped from a few missing baby teeth. He smiled a toothy grin and bit into the cookie. Rarity sighed and began to distribute the baked treats one at a time.

In the corner Susan Evergreen sat very still, looking out the window and thinking. She cast a glance at Applejack, who was reading to some ponies, much like her little sister had done a month ago. Her plan was…breathtaking. A charity event…here….to help all the fillies and colts. Susan had cried at the idea, moved beyond words. Maybe the inspiration for the event had been getting Soarin' and Applejack together again, but it was so much more now. Rarity was committed. Applejack was committed. And Susan Evergreen was committed. With the bits they would raise, she could renovate the entire building, fix every leaking roof tile and sink. She would get the best food and toys money could buy. She could even hire a few helping hooves, maybe even a live-in doctor instead of calling one in from the city. The foals had always wanted a playground; swings, sandboxes and jungle gyms. She would build them all.

Susan looked up at Applejack and felt a swell of pride at the earth pony. The farmer was stubborn as all get out, and had a temper to boot…but she was kind-hearted. She was something unique; a perfect mixture of good and bad. Still…what she had said to Soarin…

Susan looked at her hooves and nodded several times, as if mentally preparing herself. Applejack needed to know the truth. She had to see. Susan stood and made her way over to the apple farmer.

"I want to show you something." Susan whispered and motioned for Applejack to follow her. The earth pony nodded, made an excuse to Rarity and left. The unicorn eyed the two earth ponies suspiciously, but was soon overwhelmed with more fillies wanting her make-up expertise and of course, cookies.

Susan Evergreen led Applejack up the stairs, never looking back to see if the farmer was following. Applejack looked around as they walked; noticing the walls and floor looked much more run-down than she remembered from only a month ago. With Rarity's idea of fixing up the place fresh in her mind, Applejack was looking with the eyes of a fixer-up.

Applejack really noticed the little things. The wooden floor creaked too much under-hoof, and the door leading to the little colts room was at an angle as if it wasn't meant for the frame. None of the light bulbs were the same shade; some gave off a warm yellow light, while others were a pure almost blinding white. Here and there she saw water damage on the floor, and the wall-paper looked old and crispy. All of the doors were a different make and color, some with silver square shaped handles, others with faux-gold round ones. The entire house had an air of wear and tear. It was lovingly maintained, but Applejack doubted there was much of a budget for big projects. It seemed that every fix was a stop-gap.

Applejack felt her heartstrings tighten as a little filly, barely half Applebloom's age, trotted past holding a doll that would have beaten Twilight's old Smarty Pants in a 'patchwork' contest. The farmer felt a powerful urge to be here next Hearth's Warming day. She wanted to make sure each filly had a doll, and every colt a catcher's mitt.

"Where is we goin'?" Applejack asked when the silence became unbearable. Susan didn't stop, but she did cast a glance back at the apple farmer. From the silence Applejack had expected Susan to be furious with her. Instead she only saw sympathy and regret in the older pony's eyes.

"You need to see something, Applejack." Susan said softly, "Before this plan of yours goes any further." Applejack nodded and shrunk back, suddenly very self-conscious. They climbed a third set of stairs, this one creaking and groaning under the weight of the two ponies. Part of Applejack wanted to snicker at the idea of the old house finding her willowed frame too much, but the idea suddenly filled her with an intense sadness. She felt ashamed and angry. She wanted to do…something. She wanted the love of her life back.

Finally Susan stopped at the end of a short hall. A circular window looked out from the very top of the orphanage. Applejack gave a low whistle and looked out over the Evergreen forest. In the distance she could see Canterlot jutting out of the mountains like some sort of natural wonder. A flock of birds took flight from the trees and moved as one through the sky.

"This is mighty pretty." Applejack whispered, but the older pony ignored her. Susan gripped a pull-string hanging from the ceiling with her teeth and pulled. Applejack turned suddenly as a clean square of the ceiling came down and unfolded into something between a ladder and a staircase. Susan took her time with the steps, her old bones aching. Applejack waited patiently but tried to dispel her pent up energy by hoping from one hoof to the other.

"Come on up." Susan called down, "Watch your step." Applejack took the steps two at a time. As soon as she reached the attic, she coughed at the layer of dust that the two ponies kicked up. Susan chuckled and flipped a light-switch.

A small light bulb flickered for a few seconds before finally deciding to turn on. Applejack looked around, puzzled. It was an attic, much like any of the ones she had seen before. There were a few boxes of stuff, most likely mislabeled. A coat rack with two coats, one in a plastic dry-cleaner sleeve, the other open to the air. A book shelf, only one third filled with half-finished coloring notebooks. There were piles of papers, and Applejack saw in a glance some were birthday cards, others were hoof paints and others still looked like tax-records. There was an armoire in the corner, most likely filled with fancier kitchenware for holidays. It was an attic in the most perfect sense of the word.

What was Applejack doing here?

"Ya'll…need me to move boxes?" She asked, trying not to sound dumb and most likely failing. Susan snorted.

"Like you could move a box in the state you're in." She said and the barb bit deep in Applejack. Not that the farmer could blame her. So far as she could tell, Soarin' had told Susan Evergreen everything. It was a wonder the older pony hadn't slammed the door in Applejack's face when she arrived. Susan walked over to a filing cabinet in the far corner and pulled open one of the rusted slots. She blew a breath into the space and was rewarded with a massive cloud of grey-brown dust. Both ponies coughed.

Susan sat down and spread the cabinet's contents on the floor. Applejack sat next to her, studying the brown leather book with a nervous eye. She had seen the like a hundred times before, in ever Apple house across Equestria. A photo album.

Susan opened the first page and smiled sadly. She pointed to the first photo. Applejack saw a smiling couple and the orphanage in the background.

"That's my husband." Susan whispered and put a hoof to the photo, "Oh he was so handsome."

"Do ya'll miss him?" Applejack asked.

"Every day." Susan said firmly. She lingered on the photo for a moment longer before turning the page, "I know what you said to Soarin'…the day you two broke up." Applejack gulped hard.

"I…I…" She tried but her voice was gone. She fought back the tears, determined not to cry.

"Don't bother." Susan said, but not unkindly, "We both know there aren't enough 'sorry's in Equestria."

"…yeah…" Applejack mumbled. A few tears escaped and she sniffed.

"I like you Applejack." Susan said, startlingly the farmer, "Did from the moment I saw you. I've known Soarin' all his life. Met a few of his filliyfriends, and I can tell you none made him smile like you did. You have a connection with that stubborn stallion, I'll give you that."

"I can be a might stubborn my own self, too." Applejack laughed dryly.

"I noticed." Susan said and turned the page again. She looked at a photo and Applejack saw a very real shudder run through the older pony. She motioned to the photo.

"Look at this photo. Carefully." Susan said. It was a group of pegasi standing in two neat rows, facing the camera. They all wore Wonderbolt uniforms and smiles as bright as any spring sun. They were all young and athletic and eager. Some were obviously trying to make others laugh or simply made goofy faces. But it was two Wonderbolts in the back that drew her attention. They were mostly obscured by the others, but Applejack could make out a stallion and a mare, looking at each other. She could see only one of the stallion's eyes, and part of the mares. They were smiling softly at each other.

Susan smiled at the photo but didn't say anything. She turned the page and showed Applejack a few more pictures. Some were from official Wonderbolt flyers and posters, others obviously taken with an old camera. Numerous Wonderbolts were featured in all of them, but Applejack noticed the two who had been so engrossed in each other were always present. Susan looked at each picture in turn, sometimes smiling softly, sometimes the ghost of a frown on her features. She turned the page again and took a deep breath.

"See?" Susan said and pointed to the photo. It was an older black and white photo, yellowed with age. It was the same two Wonderbolts, in full uniform, smiling brightly. The stallion had his mane cut short and was giving the mare a toothy, arrogant yet somehow familiar grin. Though it was black and white, it was obvious the stallion's mane was two strikingly different colors.

The mare had a long flowing mane of almost get black that was frozen in time as it billowed in the wind. Her eyes were filled with a familiar intensity. Even with her suit covering most of her face, it was obvious to Applejack the mare was blushing. It was in her posture; the way her head was tilted down, yet she stared lovingly up at the stallion. The two ponies stood facing each other, as if caught in the midst of yet another in a long line of endless conversations. Even through the photo, Applejack could tell the two were close. Very, very close.

"Who are they?" Applejack asked as a cold feeling began to fill her stomach. Susan pointed to the mare.

"That there is Wind Charger, fastest flyer of her generation." Susan smiled, "I remember seeing her flying in so many shows. She was a blur, there one moment and gone the next. I have her autograph here somewhere." Susan leaned forward and whispered, "Don't tell anypony, but that stallion there, is her fiancé."

"Really?" Applejack asked, suddenly very interested. She had heard the Wonderbolts didn't date in the team.

"Sure is. Flight Captain Ace…" She gulped hard at the next part, "…SilverBolt." Applejack felt all the color drain from her face and she sagged back into a pile of pillows and bed sheets.

"Soarin…" She whispered, "It…it can't be."

"Flying is in his blood." Susan said sadly and turned the page. This time instead of a photo it was a newspaper clipping. The article's headline photo was off a ruined town. She saw fire and homes destroyed. Applejack shook as she leaned forward to read:

Wonderbolts defend Colthaven from manticore raid:

Casualties high

Applejack read. It was a grim tale. Two dozen raging manticores had descended on the outpost village of Colthaven, located on the pilgrim path between the land of the Zebras and Equestria. Celestia had been quick to respond and sent out half of the Wonderbolts. The rescue had not gone well. The manticores were simply too blood crazy and wild and tore into the Wonderbolts with wild abandon. Only the arrival of a warband of Zebra shamans and spellcasters saved the Wonderbolts from being massacred. The article described the aftermath as gruesome. The manticores had been driven off, not beaten and at a much too high price.

The article clipping, what there was of it, went on to list the Wonderbolts who had given their lives to defend Equestria. Sky-Marshal StormRaven, Captain Nimble Bolt, Captain Orange Race, Flight Captain Ace Silverbolt, First Lieutenant ThunderCracker, Sergeant Air Stream, Private Green Runner, Private Twilight Whisk…the names went on and on.

Applejack gulped hard and tears rolled down her cheek; "...Lieutenant Wind Charger(on temporary redeployment from maternity leave)."

"…how…" Applejack gulped and brushed some tears away, "How old was…"

"Soarin' was two months old." Susan said grimly, "A family friend was looking after him when they got the news. But she was just one pony, and was way too young to care for a foal. She brought him here."

"Sweet Celestia no…no no no…" Applejack breathed, "What I said to Soarin…"

"His parents loved him, Applejack." Susan said and closed the book, "Enough to give their lives to make sure he grew up in peace."

"D…does…" Applejack whimpered, "Does Soarin' know?"

"No." Susan said firmly, "And he never can. With his willingness to give his all…" Susan shook her head, "He'd run off on some first suicide mission just to prove to himself he can live up to his parents. He'd get himself killed inside a week. No, Soarin' was always destined to be a great Wonderbolt, he just never knew why."

"Why…" Applejack sniffed again, "Why are ya' tellin' me this?"

"Because I want you to understand how much I care about Soarin'." Susan said, "I love each and every pony that has ever lived here, but Soarin' is the only one who keeps in touch. Most of our ponies are too young to remember their time here. If you really want to get Soarin' back, you need to know this."

"…does Spitfire know?" Applejack asked. The truth was almost too much for her. Part of her just wanted to give up, to let the despair take her. Soarin' parents had been Wonderbolts, and they had died defending innocent ponies from monstrous manticores. They were heroes and she had dishonored them. Applejack felt disgusted with herself. Yet even as she wanted to give up, she was also more determined than ever to get her Wonderbolt back. She wanted to give him the family that he had been robbed of.

"I've never told her, but somehow I think she does." Susan said, "She's quick that one. And she's probably not told him for the same reason I won't, and you won't."

"Soarin's a smart pony…" Applejack said nervously, "Aren't ya'll worried he'll just figure it out."

"I was when he first tried out for the Wonderbolts, but he wouldn't know to look." Susan replied, "He's been with the Wonderbolts for seven years now…he's had plenty of time to look through records, and just hasn't."

"I…I don't know what to say…" Applejack breathed and flipped the page back to Soarin's parents. Tears finally formed in her eyes and a few dripped onto the page, "Oh Soarin...I didn't know." She whispered, "Blessed Celestia, I didn't know…" Susan reached out and put a hoof on Applejack's shoulder.

"Knowing this, can you still love Soarin'?" She asked. Applejack's head whipped up, eyes wide.


"The guilt, Applejack." Susan interrupted, "Can you forgive yourself and give yourself to Soarin' the way he needs?" Applejack was silent for a long time. She looked down at the photo of his parents, wondering what they had been like. She gulped hard and nodded once.

"Ya'…ya' I wills. I want…shoot, I needs Soarin' in my life." Applejack looked up and took off her hat. She held it just over her heart, "I swears by my life, I'll be there for Soarin…through thick and thin." Susan nodded.

"I hear you Applejack, and I accept." Susan smiled; it was the brightest, most genuine thing Applejack had seen in a long time, "Now let's find Rarity and get this place ready for a party."

~2 Days until Royal Academy Show~

If there was one place in all of Equestria Rarity would happily live in outside of Ponyville it was Canterlot.

Oh the class! Museums, parks and Royal gardens! The finest shopping and dining in all Equestria, if not the world. The Royal family lived in Canterlot, and by extension the most influential ponies flocked to be in the same city as the Alicorns. Nobles, politicians, great military generals, even socialites and pop stars were common sights in the late night clubs and balls. A pony could live in Canterlot for a year, and go out every night and still never meet the same important ponies twice. Although not the metropolitan powerhouse of Manehatten, nor international trade center of Balitmare, Canterlot was the crown jewel of Equestria. It was the sun and the moon. It was paradise for Rarity.

Not ten minutes off the train from Ponyville, and Rarity was already feeling both at home, and very unladylike tug for exploration and adventure. Such thoughts were more for Rainbow Dash and her ilk, but in Canterlot it felt right. She could walk down the right street in Canterlot, and find anything.

Rarity glanced forlornly at all the side-streets and shops she was passing by. Were it not for her important, life-or-death mission she would have happily let herself get lost in the city. But she was here for love, and not her own.

Besides…her credit card could do with a breather.

The streets of Canterlot were packed with ponies from far and wide and Rarity felt a thrill at how diverse the city was. Although a stickler for traditions, Rarity felt awed by the number of cultures on display. From kiosk to stall, she took in the depth of culture Equestria truly was. Griffons sold bottles of puffy clouds, rain that was frozen in time and even crackling lightning. An earth pony with the dark complexion and worn clothing of a sea merchant sold treasures from across the great expanses of water that circled Equestria; Rarity saw gold coins, pearls, perfumes and spices. There were even replica weapons made to resemble pirate swords and military gladii. Her eyes wandered to a simple wooden stall with the most elegant, breath-taking golden fabrics she had ever seen. Her mouth watered slightly as her mind raced with ideas. Oh the clothes she could make with that fabric! Rarity tore her gaze away but made a mental note to purchase several rolls before she returned to Ponyvillle.

Some things were too good to pass up, and Rartiy made a mental note of those things; golden fabrics from the Northern empires, chocolate delights laced with fruit from the tropics, an a music box of pearl and gold that had a place next to her register in the Carousel Boutique waiting for it.

Rarity managed to push through the seemingly endless crowds and finally found herself on a seldom used side street. She was in the residential part of the Golden district, where nobles and rich ponies lived. Rarity had read in one of Twilight's novels of a pony culture where the rich hated the poor and used them as slaves. Such an idea sickened Rarity to no end, and she had put the book away, unable to finish it. Thank Celestia it was a work of fiction. The Royal family would never allow for such ruthless ponies in their city. The well-to-do ponies often ran charities or funded public works projects. It was as expected of them as attending Celestia's birthday ball or even eating breakfast in the morning.

The fashion pony came to a stop in front of a familiar alabaster white house. It was trimmed with marble and gold that caught the sunlight. Rarity took a deep breath, adjusted her hoof-stitched black pompom hat and knocked twice on the front door. It took several heartbeats for the door to swing open and a pair of charming blue eyes met hers.

"Yes?" The unicorn asked and then his curious expression turned to a dazzling smile when he recognized her, "Ah Rarity! My dear, what an unexpected and fantastic surprise! Do come in!"

"Thank you, Fancypants." Rarity nodded gracefully at him as she passed, "But I shan't stay long."

"Nonsense dear." Fancypants dismissed, "Utter nonsense." He turned to a spiraling staircase and called up, "Honey, do come down. We have a most wonderful guest." Rarity looked up the banister as the most breathtakingly beautiful mare looked down and smiled. She took the steps two at a time, very un-ladylike but eager.

"Is that you Rarity?" Fleur de Lis cooed and kissed Rarity on each cheek, "Oh I wished you had called ahead. I must look a mess. I simply cannot imagine how you stay so put-together all the time." Rarity laughed off the comment. Fleur de Lis's mane was done up in a curled style that would have taken Rarity hours to do herself, and her eyelashes were full and long. Unlike more mares, Fleur de Lis was tall with not an inch of fat. Rarity imagined she could look even Princess Celestia in the eyes. It was no wonder Fleur de Lis was commonly considered the most beautiful mare in Equestria.

"Oh please, you look absolutely smashing dear." Rarity said with a wave of her hoof. The other two unicorns laughed.

"Tell us; are you in town for the Academy show?" Fancypants asked after a moment, "Where are you staying? We would have happily offered you one of our guest rooms of course."

"Well I-" Rarity began.

"You simply must dine with us tonight." Fleur de Lis put in, "We have reservations for two tonight, but the owner of the Pretzel du Champaign is a friend of ours. I'm sure he'll give us a third seat."

"Fleur please." Rarity said firmly, causing both unicorns to start a bit, "I appreciate the offer, but I shall be returning to Ponyville tonight."

"Tonight?" Fleur de Lis asked and cast her husband a glance, "But the flight shows don't start until Saturday."

"I won't be attending." Rarity said simply and tried her best to hide the regret from her tone, "I have a previous engagement."

"Oh?" Fancypants cocked an eyebrow.

"Yes, I am attending a charity ball…well a party more accurately, but a charity nonetheless."

"But there are no charities scheduled for two weeks, dear." Fleur de Lis stated. Rarity nodded solemnly and gulped hard.

"It's new. First time you see? I'm…running the event. It was my idea to hold it." Rarity said. The other unicorns' faces lit up with delight.

"Oh splendid!"

"Brava, dear, brava." Fleur de Lis said and hugged her friend, "But if I may, why on the same weekend as the Royal flight show? Surely you won't get many guests of wealth to attend."

"Well…" Rarity scratched the back of her head nervously, "I was hoping that you two…might attend…" she whispered the last part, fearing the worst. She was surprised when the looks of shock on the other ponies quickly turned to serious, business-like stares. Fancypants undid his bow-tie and motioned to a side-room.

"Come into the study, Rarity. We can talk there." He said and offered her a quick smile, "How important is this charity event?"

"It's a matter of life-or-death to a beloved friend of mine." Rarity said, "and it would make the lives of dozens of orphan foals so much better."

The last line gave both Fancypants and Fleur de Lis a start. The mare was the first to recover and her voice shook with emotion.

"Sweet Celestia…" She breathed and looked at her husband. He nodded at the unspoken question and Fleur de Lis turned back to Rarity, "My dear, I'm afraid you must start at the beginning. And please, do not skip any details. We need to know everything."

Rarity nodded and entered the lavish study room. The walls were lined with enough books to make Twilight Sparkle faint from joy. In the corner of the room, on a cherry wood table, sat a priceless rock sculpture from an age long passed. A portrait of Fancypant's father, William Proudhoof Esquire, hung just above a fireplace. Rarity took a seat on a red velvet chair. Fancypants sat at his desk and produced a thick smoking pipe from one of its drawers. Fleur de Lis walked over to a side-board and a row of crystal wine bottles. She poured herself, her husband and Rarity each a glass and served them on a silver tray. Rarity took the drink and sipped half of it in one go. She needed something to take the edge off. She was about to do the one thing she never wanted to do; retell the tragedy of Applejack and Soarin.

"It all started months ago, the night of the Grand Galloping Gala." She began.


Applejack moved quickly through Ponyville with a spring in her step that she had thought forgotten. Although not back up to full Applejack-ness yet, she was certainly much brighter than she had been in a month. Some may have called it desperation, but she preferred to think of it as hope. There was hope in her heart; it was only a few embers, but there it was. Even her appetite was returning slowly. Applejack munched proudly on a fresh apple as she walked. It was the first time she had had fresh fruit all month, and it was sugary and fresh. She had missed it.

A few ponies noticed her change in attitude and waved happily at her. Applejack tipped her hat at them and went trotting on, determined to do her part to get ready for the weekend. Her first stop took her to the confectionery delight of Ponyville; Sugar Cube Corner. Applejack pushed open the doors as she swallowed the last bite of her apple. She had seen the Cakes and their foals at the park on her way here, and she was grateful the bakery was all but empty. Only a pink pony stood at the counter, her face resting on one hoof while the other traced aimless circles on the counter. It was a bright and cheerful day outside, and truly all Pinkie Pie wanted was to enjoy it.

"Howdy." Applejack said hesitantly. She was under no misconceptions as to how hard her friends had tried to make her happy, and how hard each one took their failure. Pinkie Pie looked up and gave Applejack a cautious smile. It hurt almost as much as missing Soarin; Pinkie was happiness incarnate. That even she was glum over Applejack should have been a crime.

"Oh, hey Sad Cookie." She said and returned her attention back to her hoof circles, "Need something?"

"Pinkie…I'm sorry." Applejack said bluntly as she walked over. Pinkie looked up.


"I said I is sorry, Pinkie Pie. This last month has…well, it ain't been too good." Applejack said with a bitter laugh, "I…I made ya'll feel…useless. I should have been more appreciative when ya'll tried to help me. Ya' heart was in the right place, and I is sorry I didn't thank ya'."

"Oh that's okay Applejack." Pinkie said, her voice a little more hopeful, "I know how hard it is to break up with some special pony." This gave Applejack a pause.

"Ya' do?"

"Well you didn't think I spent all my time baking cupcakes or throwing parties, did you?" Pinkie tilted her head to the side and offered Applejack a toothy grin. There was a glint in the baker's eye that Applejack had never seen before.

"Uh…yeah." She said awkwardly.

"Silly Cookie." Pinkie Pie said and chuckled, "But does this apology mean you've…moved on?"

"That ain't never gonna' happen and ya'll best get the idea out o' ya' mind!" Applejack said quickly, fixing Pinkie with a glare, "Soarin' is my stallion and I is gonna' get him back."

"Oh…" Pinkie squeaked and baulked under Applejack's possessive shadow. The farmer backed down instantly and gave Pinkie a small smile.

"But I need ya' help, Pinkie." Applejack said. She reached to her saddlebag and pulled out a scroll. It was a list of party supplies, for foals and adults alike. Applejack opened the scroll and laid it out for Pinkie to see. The baker shoved her face into the paper, studying each word very very carefully.

"Yes yes, I see…" Pinkie Pie said and Applejack sighed, knowing what was coming next, "So…what is it?"

"It's a list. For a party." Applejack said simply. Pinkie's face was as bright as the sun and she beamed with a powerful smile.

"A PARTY?" She almost screamed. Applejack winced a bit but nodded.

"Ya'll remember what I told ya' 'bout…'bout Soarin'?" Applejack hesitated, the stallion's name still raw and sensitive to her, "About where he grew up?"

"I remember." Pinkie said and sat down, head hung in sadness, "A pony with no parents."

"Ya…that's…" She sniffed, the truth of his parents still hurt, "That's pretty much it…Pinkie Pie, Rarity n' I have a plan."

"A party?" She asked hopefully. For the first time, Pinkie's go-to answer was correct.

"Ya' guessed it." Applejack laughed, "It's just like ya' is always sayin':"

"A party can fix anything." Pinkie said proudly, "I'm glad you've come to your senses, Smart Cookie."

"We're havin' a party at Soarin's orphanage." Applejack said, "Rarity went off to Canterlot today to get some fancy-pants royals or some such to come and be all charitable. I'm here in Ponyvile to get ma' friends to come help us."

"I don't know Applejack…" Pinkie said with a slight frown, "Those stuck up ponies didn't like me at the Gala."

"Ya' let Rarity handle the rich folk, sugar cube." Applejack said openly and shrugged, "Ya' ain't gonna' impress them, but we still needs ya' help."

"With what?" Pinkie asked, completely confused.

"Why Pinkie, I would have thought that'd be obvious." Applejack laughed, but when Pinkie gave her the same confused look, she added, "There is gonna' be dozens of colts, fillies and foals there. Some of them little ones aint never been to a party."

Pinkie Pie gasped, horrified.

"No! No-no-no-no-no!" Pinkie stammered. Her chest was tightening and it was harder to breath. She reached out to steady herself, "Say it's a lie Applejack."

"I lost the love of my life lyin', Pinkie." Applejack said sadly, "I ain't never gonna' do it again." She fixed Pinkie with a very serious stare, "I want ya'll at the party this weekend. I want every filly, foal and colt to be smilin', laughin' and carryin' on like there ain't no tomorra'. I want cakes, cookies, brownies, muffins…any treat ya' can think of. I want balloons…hats…the works."

Pinkie Pie jumped onto the countertop, puffed out her chest and saluted smartly, "It is my duty! No foal, no matter how little, should ever go without a party!" She looked down at Applejack, "What party supplies should I bring?"

Applejack looked at her, dead serious.

"All of 'em."


Applejack left Pinkie Pie to prepare; not that the baker had really noticed. One word of a party and Pinkie was ready to pop. Tell her there would be foals, and it was a micro explosion; knowing that it was at an orphanage with a lot of glum foals turned Pinkie Pie into a supernova. When Applejack left, Pinkie Pie had been practically spelunking in a closet filled with party supplies. The farmer didn't even know Sugar Cube Corner had closets that big. Still, tell Pinkie Pie to pull out all the stops and she did. The hyper pony would be more than enough to entertain the foals for a few hours, and her treats were second to none.

Applejack's next stop took her to the very edge of Ponyville; to a quiet cottage on a small hill overlooking a pond. As she drew closer the number of birds and critters increased until Applejack had to watch each step, careful not to hurt a little thing. She passed a mother duck leading her ducklings away from the pond, most likely in search for food. Applejack watched the little ducks disappear into a bush and smiled to herself. When she reached Fluttershy's door, she knocked softly, well aware her butter colored friend startled easily.

The door opened, but there was no pony there. Applejack blinked but her a distinct thump thump thump on the floor and looked down. Two eyes as black as ink stared up at her from their place set in a furry white face. Fluttershy's one permanent pet was no stranger to Applejack; the two had crossed swords numerous times on the fields of Sweet Apple Acres. Angel narrowed his eyes at Applejack and she could well imagine his little mind was trying to remember the last time he had stolen apples from her.

"Varmint." Applejack deadpanned, earning only a stiff nod from Angel. There was a measure of respect between the two; the kind of respect only earned from two rivals matching wits countless times.

"Angel, who is it?" A sweet, sing-song voice called out from the ceiling. Fluttershy descended on soft flaps of her wings. She held a canteen of sugar-water in her hooves. Applejack knew that many of the birds in the cottage loved the sweet water. "Oh Applejack!"

"Howdy." Applejack said kindly. Fluttershy gave Angel a world-weary sigh and shook her head.

"What did Angel take this time?" The two laughed. Applejack had never asked for bits to replace the lost food. She simply liked the narrowed eyed look Angel gave her when he knew he had been caught.

"Nothin' that I know of. Though I imagine if I check the stores, we might be a few apples short of a bushel." Applejack said, eyeing the bunny. Angel met her gaze and shrugged and the meaning was obvious; no evidence, no crime.

"Oh that's good." Fluttershy hesitated for a moment, "Then…what…um…what are you…?"

"Imma doin' much better today, Fluttershy." Applejack said with a quick smile, "At least better than 'efore. I still have somepony to get back."

"I heard. I really hope it works out." Fluttershy blushed slightly; the idea of romance was still embarrassing to the yellow Pegasus. "We…uh…that is Rainbow Dash and I visited the Wonderbolts a few days ago. Spitfire is going to help."

"She is?" Applejack blinked, "I'd have thought she'd be all sore at me?"

"Oh she's still mad at you." Fluttershy said sweetly, "But she's willing to help us." Applejack nodded. There was nothing she could do about Spitfire.

"Did…did ya'll see Soarin'?" Applejack asked, not sure what answer she wanted. Fluttershy shook her head sadly.

"No…but Spitfire…" She trailed off, unsure what she should tell the farmer.

"What?" Applejack asked, desperate, "Tell me. I needs to know!"

"Spitfire told us Soarin' has been a mess since you left. She…she said he been drinking and getting into fights." It was almost too much for Applejack and she sagged down, her new found happiness draining from her. She was suddenly tired and tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"That stupid stallion…" Applejack said, " Sweet Celestia…if I had just told everypony about him in the first place…" Fluttershy put a hoof to her friend's shoulder. Even Angel hopped over, holding out a tissue for his rival. Applejack took it and patted the bunny on his head.

"You got caught up in the relationship." Fluttershy said softly, "I imagine it was new and exciting and time just seemed to slip away…at least that's what those books Rarity reads always describe love like."

"That actually sound 'bout right." Applejack snorted. Fluttershy was being overly generous, but still her kindness was appreciated. Applejack made the most of it. After a moment, Fluttershy began to shift uncomfortably.

"So…uh…did you need…something?" Fluttershy asked slowly, nervously.

"Ya'll know much about Rarity's plan? 'bout the party this weekend?" Applejack asked. At this, Fluttershy smiled.

"Oh yes! I know all about it! It'll be so much fun." Fluttershy sighed happily, "Watching clouds with foals…reading silently with foals…taking naps in the shade with foals…it will be nice."

"Yah…'bout that…" Applejack said, "Remember ya'll tellin' me that cat ya' takin' care of had her litter of lil' kitten?"

"Oh yes, Heather and her kittens are doing so well. They're already bouncing off the walls. Some days, I don't have the energy to play with them all." Fluttershy said and Applejack had hoped she would see where this was going. Fluttershy just stood there, smiling…obviously not.

"Well I'm havin' a party with tons of colts and fillies this weekend…and you have a whole mess of kittens that need somepony to play with…" Applejack said meaningful.

"Oh Applejack, I couldn't!" Fluttershy gasped, "They're still so young and kids can't care for kittens!"

"I ain't askin' ya' to give 'em away." Applejack countered, "Just bring 'em for a day. Shoot, them mama can come too. Imagine all the smiles when a herd of kittens start messin' 'bout."

"That does sound like it would be healthy for them." Fluttershy thought aloud, "And it would be good for the kittens to get some experience being around ponies…promise me they'll be safe?"

"As safe as any kitten what been born under Celestia's sun, sugarcube." Applejack said with a smile. Fluttershy nodded and looked down at Angel, her defacto advisor. The bunny was deep in thought for a long moment until Applejack reached into her saddlebag and produced an apple. It was ripe, fresh, red and juicy; still warm from the spring sun. It glistened in a way that only fresh fruit could. It had Angel's attention immediately. The farmer placed the apple on the ground and nonchalantly whistled. She kicked the apple once, not looking, and it rolled over to Angel. The bunny took the bribe without a moment's hesitation and nodded his assent to the plan.

"Oh, I'm so glad-" The door to Flutteshy's cottage burst open in a rush of wind and rainbow light. Fluttershy gasped and buried her head in her mane. All about the cottage, animals and critters alike reacted to the sudden arrival of another pony. Birds took flight, dogs barked, kittens and rabbits dashed for safety under furniture. Only Applejack and Angel did not react with fright. The bunny seemed to jaded to the goings-on of ponies and kept chewing his apples as if bored with the scene around him.

Applejack felt her gut tighten and twist in knots. She knew that rainbow anywhere, and the drops of condensed clouds that always seemed to form on Rainbow Dash dripped onto the ground. Her estranged friend was breathless from a frantic flight from somewhere.

"Fluttershy, have you seen Ap-Oh." Rainbow whispered the last part as she noticed the earth pony in the cottage. Rainbow Dash floated to the ground in completely silence and hung her head in shame, only daring to look up at Applejack with pleading eyes.

"I'll umm…I'll go feed the chickens. Outside. Alone." Fluttershy said quickly and left before either pony could respond. Angel, never one for elaborate excuses or conversation, simply shrugged and dragged the rest of his apple away to be devoured. Even the normal critters were suddenly content to remain in their hiding places and homes as if they were aware of the tension in the air.

And there was tension aplenty. It was thick, heavy and weighed both ponies down. Neither could look at the other, and neither could get over their shame to be the first to speak. Seconds dragged on into minutes as the two ponies looked anywhere but at each other. It wasn't until Fluttershy's clock on the wall chimed the hour that the tension reached the breaking point.


"Rainbow Dash-"

The two spoke as one and instantly shied away. Applejack took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Instantly she thought of her lost love, Soarin'. She would do whatever it took to get him back, her pride be damned.

"RD…I don't know what to say…" Applejack began slowly, "I can only 'magine the hurtin' I caused ya'."

"Excuse me?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "The pain you caused me? I single hoofedly ruined your relationship."

"That's a kindness, but nothin' ya' say is gonna' change my mind." Applejack said sadly, "I shoulda' told ya' I was datin' a Wonderbolt...I was just so worried ya' would…" She trailed off, ashamed.

"Afraid I would what?" Rainbow challenged, and there was a very real and fresh hurt in her eyes "Try to steal him?"

"…ya'." Applejack whispered. Rainbow felt her chest tightened and looked away.

"After all we've been through, you still don't trust me?" Rainbow asked, hurt. Applejack couldn't answer the question. Instead she looked at Rainbow with tears in her eyes.

"Do ya'll trust me?" She asked simply. Rainbow held her gaze for a moment and looked away.

"I don't know." She said, "I want to but I just don't know." Applejack nodded. It wasn't the answer she wanted, but it was the answer she expected. "It hurts me that you couldn't just trust me."

"I can't blame ya' for that RD…" Applejack sniffed once, "But I love Soarin' Silverbolt…and…and it'd mean the world to me if ya'll helped me…"

"Aw shit, AJ!" Rainbow laughed, but it was as forced as her smile, "We may be a bit pissed with each other right now, but let's just put that on the backburner for the time being and work to help Evergreen Orphanage, huh?" Rainbow held out her hoof. Applejack nodded slowly and took it, realizing this was a close to a reconciliation she was going to get without several bottles of spiked apple cider.

"It's a deal!" Applejack said and shook her hoof, "And when I gets my stallion back, you and I will settle this the apple family way."

"Hoof wrestling?"

"Hoof wrasslin'." Applejack nodded and Rainbow Dash chuckled. It was an absurd way to settle any argument more important than Pegasi vs. Colta-Cola, but somehow it always worked for the two ponies. It wouldn't fix their relationship, but it was an olive-branch of sorts.

The two stood in an awkward silence for several minutes. Slowly the critters and animals came out from their hiding places to get on with their day. Angel was in a fruit coma in the corner, his tongue hanging out and dripping apple laced drool on the floor. A few more minutes passed while Applejack thought of nothing but Soarin'. Rarity's plan was moving quickly and a nervous thrill went up the farmer's spin. She was equally thrilled and terrified of seeing the Wonderbolt again.

"Can I ask you something?" Rainbow asked hesitantly.

"Sure sugarcube." Applejack responded without thinking. It was too easy to slip back into their old friendship and in sudden moments it was easy to forget the strain on their relationship.

"Was he worth it?" She asked and her voice brimmed with emotion, "Is he still worth it?" Applejack's first answer was to laugh and she nodded her head sadly.

"I'd do anythin' for him, Rainbow." Applejack looked at the cyan Pegasus, "Soarin' means more to me than any pony ever has…he made me feel like there was life outside Sweet Apple Acres."

"I tried to get you off the farm all the time, AJ!" Rainbow countered.

"I knows…but he was different. When I'm out with ya'll and our friends on some shenanigans or 'nother I always feel anxious, like I'm skippin' out on work to play…but when I'm with Soarin…" Applejack sighed sadly and felt her heart tug a bit, "Oh Rainbow…he makes me feel alive. When he's not 'round, I feels like I'm skippin' out on life just to work. I'm just empty without him, RB and ya'll can take that to the bank."

"…sounds like a keeper to me." Rainbow dash said then scoffed, "I mean you're all girly like Rarity right now but whatever…"

"I can't wait 'til you find a stallion, RB." Applejack said with a tight grin, "I can't wait to bust ya' chops for fawnin' over some guy."

"Let's work on getting yours back first, AJ." Rainbow said with a dismissive shrug, "What the plan now?"

The door to the cottage groaned open slowly and a soft butter colored Pegasus peaked in. She almost yelped and ran away when she saw the two other ponies standing together, but Fluttershy managed to find her courage and walked in.

"Is…uh…is everything alright in here?" She practically whispered, "I mean I can come back if…"

"It's fine Sugarcube." Applejack said softly and glanced at the cyan athlete next to her, "We still have some work to do…but I'm hopeful." She offered Rainbow as hesitant smile.

"Oh really?" Fluttershy asked with a smile. Rainbow Dash smiled back at Applejack and nodded at Fluttershy.

"Yeah…I'm hopeful too."


They sat in the study for a long time after Rarity had finished her story. No pony said anything. Fancypants stared deeply into his crimson wine, occasionally swirling and sipping. His brow was furrowed, deep in thought. He had said nothing during the tale, his stoic silence both comforting and terrible to see.

Fleur de Lis was at the window, staring out into the night sky. The day and their reservations for dinner had come and gone as they sat rapt in attention while Rarity talked. Fleur de Lis closed her blue eyes and sighed. She had been more vocal while hearing about Applejack and Soarin; she had sighed during the romance, gasped during the twist and cried when everything went tumbling down.

The only sound in the room was the grandfather clock in the corner, its face ticking away an even measure of time.




Finally it was Fancypants who spoke, breaking the silence in a hushed voice, "I never knew Lieutenant Silverbolt was an orphan."

"Do you know him well?" Rarity asked. She hadn't moved from her chair in hours, and her back was stiff. She stretched slightly and felt something pop.

"In passing." Fleur de Lis said, "We've met him a few times after flight shows and high-class events."

"Decent chap." Fancypants said, "A Wonderbolt through and through, I'll give him that…I just never imagined…"

"It was a shock for Applejack and I, I assure you." Rarity said with a nod. Just mentioning the farmer's name made Fleur de Lis groan sadly. She had been distraught when Rarity had told her of the breakup. It seemed there was a deep romantic in the other unicorn.

"The poor dear…I can't imagine how awful she must feel." Fleur de Lis looked at Rarity and she was surprised to see tears in Fleur's eyes, "You did the right thing coming here today, Rarity. Applejack is lucky to have a friend as loving as you."

"I'm a hopeless romantic, Fleur." Rarity said with a tight smile, "I simply can't stand seeing my friend Applejack so miserable."

"As much as I find Applejack's predicament terrible, I am much more moved by this Evergreen Orphanage." Fancypant said and cast Fleur de Lis a look. She nodded and tried to keep herself composed.

"We had no idea such a place ever existed." Fleur de Lis said quickly, "To think all this time we could have been helping those poor foals. Oh Fancy, it breaks my heart."

"I believe Ms. Evergreen enjoys keeping a low profile." Rarity assured them, "She told me the last thing her foals need is some arrogant high-class pony adopting a foal just for the social gratification."

"Would that we lived in a world where such scoundrels didn't exist, eh?" Fancypant laughed darkly, "Truth be told I cannot fault Ms. Evergreen that. I know plenty of ponies who might take advantage of the orphaned."

"Disgusting if you ask me." Fleur de Lis sneered, "Any pony of Canterlot would instantly become a pariah, and I promise you that!"

"That's why I came to you two." Rarity said, "Of all the wealthy ponies of Canterlot you two are the most…" She trailed off, trying to find the words.

"Entrepreneurial?" Fancypant guessed.

"Graceful?" Fleur put in. Rarity smiled at them bashfully.

"Common." She said. Fleur de Lis and Fancypant fixed her with measured stares.

"My dear that is the kindest thing anypony has ever said to me." Fancypant said, his voice thick with emotion, "Thank you."

"It is so easy to lose oneself in the fame and fortune." Fleur de Lis said sadly, "Good ponies gone too wild. We try to stay grounded. Just because we have bits enough doesn't mean we are above the law or don't have responsibilities to the public."

"So will you go?" Rarity asked hesitantly, "We really do need a few ponies of…means." Fleur de Lis walked gracefully over to Rarity and took the smaller unicorn's hoof in hers.

"Rarity my dear, it would be an honor to attend." She said with a smile. Rarity's face lit up and she looked at Fancypant. The stallion packed another wedge of tobacco into his pipe and nodded at her.

"Absolutely. Name the time and place and we will be there. No questions asked." He said confidently. Rarity squealed with pent-up joy and hugged Fleur de Lis fiercely.

"Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She repeated over and over as tears of joy stung her eyes, "Oh this is simply too perfect."

"It's our pleasure, Rarity." Fleur de Lis said, fighting back her own tears that mirrored Rarity's, "Anything to help those little foals and your friend to find love again."

"You're really not going to miss the flight show?" Rarity asked, "It's the event of the season."

"I'm quite sure the Royal Academy will do just fine without us for a while." Fancypants said, "Truth be told, it can be very suffocating in Canterlot these days. A night out to do some honest, important work would be a boon."

"I assure you, attending will be boon enough for the little ones." Rarity said and Fleur de Lis put a hoof to her trembling lip.

"Little ones." She repeated and wiped a tear from her eye. She turned to her husband, "Fancy, we must-"

"I know." He said simply, "We will do what we can; I promise you both that." There was a silence for a moment while Fleur de Lis composed herself again.

"So now that you're both attending…um…could you invite some friends?" Rarity asked sheepishly, "Very trusted friends and only a few. I really don't want too much attention." The other two unicorns shared a look and smiled.

"I think we know a few ponies that would come." Fleur de Lis said slyly, "Fancy, has Cordelia Argenti returned from her trip?" Rarity gasped; Cordelia Argenti was the patron of the arts for all of Equestria. She ran theatres, art-galleries, photo studios, even production companies. She alone could donate enough bits to fund then entire orphanage for a decade.

"Smashing idea." Fancypant said with a grin, "and I'll make sure Victor Ser'Janus is in attendance. Between our three families, the Evergreen orphanage will be completely renovated and restored." Rarity was beside herself with joy and wept openly.

"I'm sorry." She said and dabbed her eyes with a cloth Fleur de Lis offered her, "You should see the hopeful smiles on their faces. It moves me to tears just thinking about it."

"Oh, I more than intend to bawl my eyes out and hug each foal close to my heart." Fleur de Lis said with a loving smile, "The poor dears…they must be so lonely in this world. To think this entire time Lieutenant Silverbolt and Captain Spitfire have been giving private donations while we sit on our flanks at masquerade balls…"

"I'm stallion enough to admit when I feel ashamed." Fancypants said hotly, "We can never match the emotional strength Soarin' can give those foals, but I'll be damned if we can't keep their stomachs full and make sure each and every foal gets a gift on Hearth's Warming Day!"

"Oh Fancy, Fleur, thank you!" Rarity said, her voice broken and emotional, "From the bottom of my heart, thank you."

"Please, we should be thanking you, Rarity." Fleur de Lis said kindly, "Applejack may have been the inspiration for this, but you are the driving force. We owe you our gratitude."

They talked for a few minutes more; Fleur de Lis wanted to know all about the foals, while Fancypants was more concerned with the orphanage itself and what he could do to help. The three started briefly at the sound of the front door opening and closing quickly. Rarity heard hoofsteps in the hallway outside and inclined her head to the side, silently asking both ponies the same question.

"Fancy?" A voice called out, "Fleur? Anypony home?" The two unicorns smiled brightly at each other.

"Oh Fancy!" Fleur de Lis laughed, "We completely forgot! He must be furious!"

"Way to leave me all alone at the station!" The voice called out again.

"Who must be?" Rarity asked quickly, "I do hope I haven't…" She trailed off as the door to the study opened smoothly and a bright faced unicorn walked it.

Rarity felt all color, save a horrible burning blush on her cheeks, drain from her face. The new comer was tall and had the same proud jaw line as Fancypants. His mane was cropped short and was the same aquamarine blue of Fancypants and his fur was the off white of pearls. His cutie-mark was a round gemstone the color of ice. He wore a jacket of old leather but it was lovingly maintained and treated. Rarity could only guess at garment's history.

But his eyes…his eyes were a deep arterial red. They shown in the light, glistening in a way that made Rarity's breath catch in her throat and her heart beat faster. He looked about and when his eyes found Rarity, she was lost. Their eyes met and for one brief blissful moment, all worries were forgotten and she stared, mouth agape. It was like looking into an ocean of velvet. He smiled at her and she almost fainted.

Her odd behavior was not unnoticed by Fleur de Lis and Fancypants who shared a subtle wink.

"Rarity, I don't believe you've met my little brother?" Fancypants walked around from behind his desk and put his arm around the other stallion.

"We were supposed to pick him up at the train station after dinner, but I guess time slipped away from us." Fleur de Lis said but she went unheard by Rarity who found herself transfixed by the stallion in front of her.

"Brother?" Rarity breathed, "You don't say…" her words were lost to all but Fleur de Lis who sat next to her. The mare smiled. She nudged Rarity with a swift elbow to the ribs. Rarity almost yelped but played it off as clearing her throat and extended her hoof.

"Rarity Unicorn." She said sweetly. The stallion took her hoof gently and kissed it and bowed his head once. Rarity felt a flutter run through her; a gentlecolt! Here, now…and hopefully…single.

"Jasper Lace. Charmed." He said and his voice was like honey to her ears, "Fancy told me about your visit a few months back. I'm sorry I wasn't there to see it."

"Jasper was off on another geological survey for the Royal Academy." Fleur de Lis rested her head on her hooves and gave Rarity a very meaningful glance, "He's working on his doctorate in geomorphology."

"Fleur!" Jasper gasped in fake outrage, "Please do not bore such a beautiful mare to death with my studies." At this Rarity blushed furiously but composed herself.

"Oh no, it's really quite alright. My friend Twilgiht Sparkle is working on her doctorate with the Royal Academy too. I'm sure it's a fascinating field." She said politely.

"It's what I love doing." He said with a casual shrug, "Although in full disclosure, mineralogy and gemstones are a major hobby of mine." The fashionista's eyes widened and she felt a very unladylike thrill run through her. She felt…warm.

Time to play it smooth Rarity…She thought to herself, Mess this up and no chocolate for a year.

"You don't say?" Rarity cooed, "You like gemstones then?"

"Diamonds, rubies, sapphires…really any crystal. I have a collection back in my apartment. I love studying them and mapping out where the earth produces the largest deposits and why." Jasper said and smiled, "I don't wish to bore you with the science, but when a pony understands the chemistry behind crystal formations, it's relatively easy to find a lot. Just have to know where to look."

"Oh you can bore me as much as you want." Rarity breathed lustfully but quickly added, fighting off a blush, "With the science I mean."

"Really?" Jasper asked, both delighted and confused, "You like gemstones too?" At this Rarity laughed and looked around for an empty seat. There were none so she quickly narrowed her eyes at Fleur de Lis who moved quickly, freeing space for Jasper next to Rarity. The unicorn patted the now empty seat and smiled.

"Jasper Lace, I think you and I are going to get along famously."

~1 Day until Royal Academy Show~

Applejack stared out the window of the train as it ground its way through the countryside of Equestria. It was high-noon and Celestia's sun burned bright in the sky. The hills were a lush green and the sky an expansive blue. It was a perfect day. The old Applejack would have called it a perfect day for chores and hard work on the farm and that her absence from the farm was a waste. But that Applejack had been tempered by a better Applejack. Today was a perfect to cuddle with a stallion and have a picnic. Today was the type of day to just lay about, watching the clouds as the pegasi went about. The new Applejack still considered the day a waste but only because she wasn't in her stallion's arms, kissing his lips and doing other more private things.

Just the thought of playing around with Soarin' sent a mischievous grin to Applejack's face and she bit her lip to suppress a girly giggle. She would never shy away from her desires but it was simply bad manners to think about such things in the presences of the elderly. Applejack looked back at her companion for the trip.

Granny Smith was asleep…again…It seemed that in her old age the only thing the pony did was bake and sleep. Her hellion days were behind her and Granny Smith wanted nothing more than to relax and enjoy life. Applejack's break up had hit every member of the Apple family hard and none more so than Applejack herself, but Granny Smith harbored a deep biting guilt in her heart. She had been the pony who snapped at Soarin'. She had been the pony who called him a liar and a snake.

Much as Applejack wanted to hate the old pony, she couldn't. It hadn't been Granny Smith fault. It had been hers. She had lied directly to Granny's face, directly to Soarin's face. Nopony save Applejack herself should feel guilty. Applejack tried to push the thought from her mind. She had to stay positive; for her family, for herself and for Soarin.

Applejack munched on the last bit of carrot she had bought from the food cart that traveled the length of the train and chewed loudly. It felt like she was constantly hungry these days as if all the meals she had skipped in the last month were coming back to haunt her. The pony next to her shifted slightly and smacked her lips a few times as she woke.

"Good to see ya'll appetite is comin' back." Granny said, her voice still sleepy. The old pony stretched her arms and neck, both of which popped, "Goodness, I ain't as young as I once was."

"Shoot Granny, ya' is only as old as ya' feel." Applejack laughed kindly, "I imagine ya'll got a few more decades left in ya'."

"Ya'll never guess age is just a state of ya' mind, way ya' been the last few weeks." Granny said and Applejack winced, "figure I've knocked half ya' life off of ya'."

"Ya' did no such thing, Granny." Applejack countered, "I'm still Applejack, thank ya' kindly."

"It's true…" Granny Smith sighed, obviously ignoring the earth pony's protest "If I'd just kept my old mouth shut ya'll would still be with that handsome stallion…err, what was his name again?"

"Soarin'." Applejack said with a distant, dreamy smile, "Soarin' Silverbolt."

"That's the one!" Granny said, "Ya'll would still be with Soarin' if it twernt for me."

"That's aint true." Applejack said. Her frustration was growing, "I messed up my relationship weeks before ya'll even met him."

"I'm a burden, Applejack." Granny said and shook her head sadly, "If my old bones would just quit I-"

"That's enough of that!" Applejack almost yelled, "Granny Smith shame on ya'. What if Applebloom heard ya' talkin' like that? I don't want to hear ya' say such things no more, ya' hear?"

"But…" Granny tried but stopped herself. She looked down at the ground, "I dream 'bout that day every night, AJ." Applejack sighed and pulled her granny into a soft hug.

"I know." She said, "I do too."

"I didn't mean none of what I said to 'im." Granny said after a moment, "He wasn't no snake in the grass. Curse my old bones, but he seemed like such a nice pony."

"Darn tootin'." Applejack said firmly, "Soarin' is the best stallion I ev'r met. Ain't no pony for me but 'im." They hugged in silence for a few minutes and Applejack couldn't keep a smile from her face. All she could think about was her Wonderbolt and that damn cocky grin of his. Just the memory was enough to get her heart beating faster.

"Did I ever tell ya' 'bout the war?" Granny asked after a while, "'bout how ya' granddad got his stupid flank drafted?" Applejack sat down next to Granny Smith and shook her head slowly.

"Nah, but I know 'nough." Applejack said with a grin, "Heard he was a hero pony."

"And that's the truth." Granny said with a nostalgic smile, "The day he shipped out he ask'd me to wait for 'im. Said he'd be back in a jiffy and marry me proper." Granny laughed, "Dumb stallion. I wasn't 'bout to risk them rotten hippogriffs tearin' 'im apart. I walked right up to the nurse's station and told 'em to sign me up."

"Ya'll served?" Applejack asked in disbelief. Truth be told she had already heard that from another mare, but Applejack was convinced it had been an exaggeration or hearsay. Granny Smith didn't seem like the military type.

"Sure did. Patched up ponies and kept tabs on ya' granddad." Granny Smith said and smiled sadly, old memories returning to the fore, "Even risked the front lines when some earth ponies got themselves all beat up. I was at Cloverfield durin' the offensive and I held ya' grandpappy's hoof when HighCastle fell. I was there when Celestia accepted the hippogriff's surrender. Seen it all, Applejack."

"Why'd ya' do it?" Applejack asked.

"cause I loved 'im, idgit!" Granny Smith said fiercely, "Aint' nothin' under Celestia's sun that can stop a mare when she's n love. Ain't nothin'. Remember that, Applejack. If ya' love a stallion, ya' do whatever ya' hav' to."

"I know Granny." Applejack said and looked out the window, "I'll do whatever it takes to get Soarin' back."


Soarin' staggered to his knees, sweat dripping from his brow and his breath coming to him in ragged gasps. He smelled blood and put a hoof to his nose. It came away with a small smear of red and he spat on the grass. The air shimmered as more Wonderbolts crossed the finish line behind him, but he didn't look up to see who had taken second place. His mind was simply too dizzy and he had to force himself not to pass out.

"Lieutenant Silverbolt" The Wonderbolt keeping time called out, "56:01." Soarin' smiled despite the pain wracking his body. A personal best.

"Damn sir, I didn't think you could do it." Sanguine gasped beside him. Soarin' looked up and offered the trainee a weak smile. Another Wonderbolt came up beside the two stallions and jabbed Sanguine Flight in the arm.

"Finally beat me, huh slowpoke?" Cloud Kicker said with a crooked grin. She was drenched with sweat and her legs were ready to give out.

"Somepony had to take second place." Sanguine countered, "And it didn't look like you were stallion enough to do it." Cloud Kicker narrowed her eyes at the Pegasus and advanced in mock anger.

"Enough." Soarin' said without looking. The two instantly backed away from each other. A fourth Wonderbolt, her uniform pristine and pressed, stalked up to the three with a graceful swing in her step and a grin on her face.

"When you said you were well rested, you damn well meant it, huh Soarin?" Spitfire asked with a knowing smile. The lieutenant nodded at his long time friend and captain.

"I've been off my game for too long, cap." He said between breaths, "Feels good to fly that fast. Besides." He clipped both of his trainees in the wings, "Somepony has to show these two how to fly right."

"Well don't work them too hard." Spitfire cautioned, "We still need them to be able to fly tomorrow for Celestia."

"We can handle anything, Captain Spitfire!" Cloud Kicker said hotly. The captain eyed the mare with an amused glimmer in her eyes.

"That so?" She challenged with a wicked grin, "If you're so damn sure of yourself, how 'bout once more around the track?" The ash grey Pegasus groaned and stretched her wings. They popped and twitched but lifted her off the ground all the same. She took off with a noticeable sway in her flight, as if she could barely keep balanced.

"Go with her." Soarin' whispered to Sanguine, "Flying is always easier with two. Then hit the showers and get to the mess hall."

"Aye-aye, sir!" Sanguine saluted smartly and took off after his fellow trainee. Spitfire watched them go and shook her head. She held out her hoof and Soarin' took it, allowing the captain to help him up.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were purposefully trying to burn yourself out." Spitfire said with a hint of concern, "I really need you one-hundred percent, Soarin'. During the shows keep it clean and tight. There's enough flair as it is."

"I told you I was fine, Spitfire." Soarin' said with more force than he meant. Spitfire eyed him.

"Uh huh." Spitfire clicked her tongue, "and you did ten wing-sprints in under a minute because you're totally fine?"

"So I'm trying hard." Soarin' said and spat another wad of blood. Spitfire gave him a sharp look. "What's the big deal?"

"What do you think she would say if she could see you now?" Spitfire whispered. She walked closer to him and noticed him stiffen. Soarin' closed his eyes and Spitfire was sure he whimpered but ignored it.

"Can't say." He breathed, "She'd probably just call me an orphan and spit in my face." Spitfire sighed angrily and smacked the back of his head. Hard.

"You know, I'm really starting to lose my patience with this fucking depressed attitude." Spitfire said and rose to Soarin's furious glare, "Applejack called you a bad name. Hurt your feelings; I get it. And if I see her again, I'm going to break her nose. I had to cancel your leave and for that I'm sorry, but while you're under my command you will act like a Celestia damn Wonderbolt Lieutenant."

"How do you expect me to just smile when there is a…void…a fucking hole in my heart?" Soarin' hissed. He was bordering on insubordination but he didn't care.

"Do what I did, cupcake." Spitfire said but her voice was tinged with sorrow, "What I did after…after that night, six years ago." Soarin' eyes hardened and his face betrayed no emotions, "Do what I did Soarin'. Decide to be fine until the end of the week. Make yourself smile because…because you're alive and that's your job." She paused and looked away, "Find any damn reason to keep going. And when the week ends and you're sitting alone in your room…" She looked at him, steel in her eyes and voice, "you do it all over again the next week."

"So…" Soarin' gave a dry heartless laugh, "Fake it?"

"I call it being professional." Spitfire said and put a hoof to his shoulder, "You held me together when my brother was killed in action, Soarin. I owe you, so I'm here for you. But no matter what lies I tell those damn shrinks at base, it still hurts. I miss him every Celestia damn day." Soarin' nodded gravely, but Spitfire took his chin with her hoof, "Either do it right, with a smile. Or don't do it at all and get out of my company."

Soarin' nodded and she let her hoof fall.

"Tough love, eh Spitfire?" He chuckled darkly. Spitfire smirked.

"Tough love, Soarin'." She said, "Ponies like us don't know how to live any other way." Spitfire stretched her wings and groaned. "Hit the showers, Soarin, and we'll go get some dinner in Canterlot. I heard a zebra restaurant just opened up." She walked away but stopped and turned back to look at him, "And smile in front of the recruits."

"I remember a time when you wouldn't give me an order like that." He said glumly. Spitfire shrugged.

"I remember a time when I didn't have to." She said and walked away. Inwardly Spitfire groaned and willed the sun to set. Anything to just get to tomorrow.


The town hadn't changed much. It had been over a month since the Pomegranate Promenade but still Cherterhoof was as alive as ever. Unlike Ponyville which had a predictable tourism season, Chesterhoof seemed to be a year-round town. Only the most successful of stalls and shops from the Promenade were still up, but the townsfolk were still lined up in rows a dozen long.

Applejack led Granny Smith through the crowds. The old pony seemed to have returned to her usually grumpy self as she kept bumping into ponies and asking for apologies. Applejack didn't pay attention to the old sour apple pony; her mind was completely lost in her memories. She didn't see bright streets and day-to-day commerce. She saw Chesterhoof shrouded in night and every building lined with strings of lights. She heard the last echoes of carnival music and the joyful shouts of hundreds of ponies. She felt the ghost of Soarin's arm around her, telling her he loves her. She saw the after image of fireworks in the sky.

Strangely all she felt inside was empty. That perfect day at the Promenade seemed a lifetime ago. She wanted to feel that happiness and completeness again, but it seemed out of her reach. She needed somepony to help her grab those feelings again. That need had pulled her back to Chesterhoof and the door of the very bakery where she had truly fallen in love.

Applejack was almost rooted to the ground but managed to control herself. Last time she has entered this building, she had been a simple pony with a coltfriend. When she walked out, she had the love of her life with her. This bakery was magical in its own way.

Behind her, Granny Smith narrowed her eyes through her thick glasses. She recognized the building somehow. It looked new, and yet it looked old, as if it had been trapped in time for decades. Applejack held the door open for Granny Smith.

"This is the place, Granny." Applejack said, "Somethin' mighty important is in here." Granny Smith entered and Applejack followed her.

"What is this…" Granny trailed off and her eyes widened in absolute shock. She took off her gold rimmed glasses and for the first time in decades she saw everything in perfect clarity. Granny took a slow hesitant step and put a hoof to the silver railing. "I know this place…"

"Ya'." Applejack whispered, her voice breaking slightly, "Yeah ya' do." Granny took the chrome steps one at a time, her eyes dancing from corner to corner. She saw more than just empty seats and old pictures. She saw history. She heard the echoes of conversations that occurred sixty years ago.

"It ain't changed a day." Granny breathed and touched one of the bar stools. It swiveled around smoothly as if it had been installed yesterday. She sat down with a goofy, nostalgic smile.

"Some things never change, Betty." A voice called out. Granny spun in her chair, letting out a filly like whoop of joy. Applejack smiled at the sudden change in Granny's mood. A figure familiar to both the ponies came out from behind the kitchen door. Her fur was the shade of a tangerine and her mane was a shock of white. Her cane echoed slightly as she limped forward.

"Ginger Haylear, as I live and breathe." Granny stood with more energy than she had showed in decades. She covered the distance between them in a relatively quick pace and the two embraced, tears in their eyes.

"Betty Smith, it's been too long you old hayseed." Ginger said with a grin. The two extended their hooves and did a complex, multi-step hoof shake. It reminded Applejack of something the Crusaders would have thought up and she winced when the two old mares bumped flanks, but they didn't so much a flinch. They laughed like old friends and suddenly Applejack didn't see two old ponies in their twilight years. She saw two young mares, near identical to Applejack and her friends, talking and carrying on about the town and the juiciest gossip. Ginger looked over at Applejack and held out her arms for a hug.

"Come here, child." She said and Applejack happily embraced her. She sighed, lost in the moment. "What brings you two Apples out to here?"

"Hay if I know!" Granny said, too delighted to care, "This little whippersnapper woke me up at the crack o' dawn and shuffled me onto the train." Ginger looked at Applejack then looked back at Granny.

"Betty Smith, I ought to slug you." She said with a slight hint of very real anger, "Gone all these years, and I hear from your grandchild that ya'll married Johnny Appleseed, had kids of ya' own and them had grandkids. Why if I wasn't so happy to see you, I'd ring your bell and that's the honest to Celestia truth."

"I mighty sorry, Ginger." Granny said with a frown, "After the war thin' got…hectic. Found myself in the family way 'efore too long and Johnny agreed to move back to the farm in Ponyville. Life just sorta' happen'd." Granny Smith looked downcast, but Ginger offered her a sad smile.

"Well sounds like you had a fine life, Betty." She looked over at Applejack, "And you have one fine grandfilly to boot."

"Truth be told next time I expected to see you Applejack, I was sure you'd have a wedding bracelet on." Ginger said and Applejack hissed involuntarily as a cold shiver went through her. She had been ignoring the photo on the wall as much as she could but her eyes were drawn to it like a moth to a flame.

Applejack ignored the two older mares and her legs moved in a slow, robotic manner towards the distant wall. It was packed with dozens of photos from the last half century, but there was one photo that stood out more than any other. It was a clearest, more vibrant and colorful of the entire wall. Applejack felt her heart tighten and old tears began to form on her eyes. Distantly she heard the two other ponies talking as if they were miles away, not just a few feet.

"Did ya' meet that there stallion of hers?" Granny asked.

"Sure as shoot. Them two youngins' broke your old record with Jonny." Ginger said and pointed to the wall, "Got a photo on the wall and everything. Took your old one back to you, too."

"I…I know." Granny Smith said sadly, but before Ginger could follow it up, Applejack nearly collapsed against the wall. She held her hoof out just over the photo of her and Soarin' together. They were kissing so passionately, covered in pie filling and crust. That had been the day they had confessed their love for one another. It had been the happiest day of her life.

Those memories seemed distant now, drowned out in an ocean of tears and regret. So much had happened since then it seemed more like another life rather than a month and some change. They had been so happy and so intoxicated with one another. Applejack let some of tears roll, but whether it was from sadness or nostalgic happiness, no pony could say. Applejack felt a hoof on her shoulder and looked up at Ginger.

"What happened?" She asked simply.

"I…I lost 'im." Applejack said sadly. She looked at Granny and slowly shook her head, keeping the older pony from speaking out. "But I'm gonna' get him back."

"And you need the photo." Ginger said with a knowing smile. Applejack nodded and looked back at the wall. She could taste the ghost of Soarin's lips on hers and knees started to shake and a familiar warmth began to grow in her. She smiled, more determined than ever to get her Wonderbolt back.

"Would ya' mind awfully?" She asked. Ginger took the photo down from the wall in an instant and handed it over.

"Take it." She said, "Keep it for as long as you need. Get him back and get that bracelet."

"I intend to."


From his vantage point high up in clouds, Soarin' felt an odd sense of equilibrium. The stars shimmered and winked in the sky. They dotted the midnight blue sky like flecks of snow. Some seemed so bright and real he could almost touch them. They looked alive and yet paradoxically their light was thousands of years old, traveling across the vastness of space to reach Equestria. Briefly he wondered if Princess Luna knew all the stars in the sky by name. Somehow he doubted it. Even with one thousand years of free time on her hooves, counting the stars was an impossible task. Luna's moon was bright this night, dominating the sky. Growing up, Soarin' had always heard tales of the Mare in the Moon. It was strange to know that those stories were not only true, but that that mare was now below him in Canterlot. It was a funny thought and he chuckled. He was closer to the moon than the moon Goddess herself.

Below him, Canterlot shimmered with thousands of lights. It was a mirror reflection of the sky in every way. The bright lights of the Wonderbolt's stadium mirrored the bright stars and the Royal castle was definitely the moon. It was a ritual of his to spend a few hours before the annual royal air show in the sky. It gave everything perspective. From his spot on the cloud in between the dotted sky and dotted land, he felt at peace. He thought and closed his eyes, content to know when he opened them again that all the lights would still be there.

His mind drifted and he smelled apples. Soarin' looked down at Equestria and Ponyville in particular. Like Canterlot, Ponyville stood out like a beacon of light. Though not as bright as the capital city, it shown like a small cluster of stars. He wondered what Applejack was doing right now. He hoped she was happy; that she had found another pony to love and make all her dreams come true. Sure he had wanted to be that pony and he had even considered buying an engagement necklace for her at one point. It was going to be his one-year anniversary gift for her when they reached that point. Soarin's gut twisted with regret and he grimaced.

A low whistle drew his attention back down to Equestria. The cross-county midnight train was chugging through the landscape. From his vantage point it looked like a wave of light that trailed smoke. A single train car still had its lights on. He grinned; it was a land-locked falling star.

Soarin' made a wish and jumped off his cloud. The moonlight caught him briefly and for a moment he reflected the light. He floated in the air and took a few deep breaths before flying home.

He really wished he had a certain mare waiting for him, but he was alone.


Applejack sipped from her glass and made a face at the bitter flavor. The alcohol burned down throat but she kept it down. The whisky aboard the train was not the best in Equestria, but if the fuzzy feeling in her head was anything to go by, it at least got the job done. The apple farmer glowered down at the amber liquid and drained the rest in one clean shot. Applejack slammed the glass back down and her eyes were drawn to the picture on the table.

It was the photo of her and Soarin' at the Pomegranate Promenade. Tears stung the earth pony's eyes and she touched the frame reverently. She kissed her hoof and placed it over Soarin's face.

"I love ya', hero." She whispered to nopony. The dining car was completely empty save for the apple farmer, the picture, and the half empty bottle of apple whisky next to her. Big Macintosh always said it was bad luck to drink alone and Applejack snorted. How much more rotten could her luck be? She half expected to open up tomorrow's newspaper and see a bright headline: Wonderbolt to marry Abigail Peach of the Peach farm family.

That would be Applejack's luck. The farmer poured herself another glass. Granny smith had fallen asleep in their sleeping car hours ago, but Applejack had been restless. She had stayed in the dining cart, watching other ponies enjoying the ride. There was a delightful noir sense in sitting alone in the back of dining car on the midnight train, sipping from a glass. Applejack felt sorry that Pinkie Pie and Rarity had missed this; this sort of thing would have been perfect for them.

As the night and the train carried on, grinding away time ceaselessly, one-by-one the dining cart had emptied. Applejack had been the last mare in the room and had ignored the handsome bartender as he tried to flirt with her. Did that son of a mule really think she would buck a complete stranger for one night? Applejack almost spat at the idea. Only one pony in all of Equestria had the right to touch her that way and she wasn't about to settle for anypony less. The bartender had gone to bed with his tail between his legs and a swollen cheek from getting too touchy with his hooves.

Depression threatened to way Applejack down. She wanted Soarin' back to badly it ached at her. Her heart was broken and every beat reminded her of her loneliness. Applejack looked into the night sky and wondered where Soarin' was. Probably asleep…alone…with nopony to hold him and whisper that everything was going to be alright.

Something caught Applejack's gaze. The moonlight seemed to reflect something as it fell back towards the earth. A shooting star. Applejack snorted but felt something inside her. She raised her glass and made a wish.

She would wait for him, not matter how long it took. Applejack would wait for Soarin.

She just wished he would hurry.

~Day of the Royal Academy Show~

They came in with the rise of the sun. The first evidence of their arrival were two beams of pure magic shot high into the sky, twin beams of energy from two Goddesses; one bright the other dark. Celestia stood in the center of the massive stadium, resplendent in her full royal attire. The equally beautiful Luna stood at her side, seeming shrouded in a shadow where no shadows should be. Together the two alicorns used their magic to fade away the last remnants of the night and bring on the day.

They were flanked on all sides by the royal family and leaders from around the world. Over one hundred ponies of every type; alicorns, unicorns, pegasi and earth pony. Amongst them were proud wolves, noble buffalos, aloof griffins and dozens of other races. Each was as regal, proud and noble as their leaders. Princess Cadence stood alongside the arrogant Prince Blueblood, who was flanked by his brothers Prince Silverlight and Prince Novaburst, both infinitely more likeable than their older brother. The eccentric and forgetful Princess Stardust stood next to her husband, a gruff wolf and defacto Prince, Blackmane of the ThunderWolves. The Patriarch of the minotaurs, Kruger Ironhoof stood in a cape of bronze and crimson, a ceremonial waraxe in his grip. The headmaster of the Royal Academy, Professor Quasar stood proudly with the chief librarian of Equestria. It was a gathering of rare significance and no pony dared breathe as the two ruling alicorns cast their spell. It was the first royal air show since the return of Princess Luna, and it would be show to remember.

Rosy-fingered dawn crept across the sky as if bleeding across all Equestria. A low pitched rumble began to grow. It started deep and few ponies heard it. Then it began to grow and grow until it reached a deafening crescendo. As one, the royal family turned their gaze to the rising sun. Every pony followed after them and through the glare figures began to emerge. They moved swiftly across the sky, trailing light from across the entire spectrum, smoke, lightning and every mix therein.

The entirety of the Wonderbolts, over five hundred of the best flyers the entire world, boomed over the stadium. As one they took off in every direction of the compass, painting the sky in cobwebs of light and smoke. They looped, dashed and flashed in a brilliant display. The crowds of ponies, thousands from across the world, roared. They stomped their hooves and shouted their approval to the sky. If anything the cheers and screams of crowd was even louder than the Wonderbolt's collected sonic-boom. The sound rolled throughout Canterlot and over the hills surrounding it. The ground shook with the combined might of thousands of ponies. Even the royal family found themselves swept up in the moment.

Prince Blueblood grumbled a comment about being able to fly just as well if only he had wings. Cadence rolled her eyes and Silverlight gave his older brother a swift smack in the back of the head. The action was all but ignored, save by Blackmane who snorted his approval until his wife put a calming hoof on his arm. Unseen by every pony and creature, save Celestia herself, Luna's eyes watered with tears of awe as the Wonderbolts painted the sky. It was glorious in a way she had never imagined.

Six Wonderbolts descended on wings of fire and landed before the royal family; the sky-marshal and his five captains, Spitfire amongst their number. They kneeled before the Princesses, waiting for the order to begin the week's festivities. Celestia stepped forward and a hush fell over the crowd. The Wonderbolts in the sky stopped, each waiting patiently. The princess of the sun opened her mouth to speak but stopped. She grinned and looked back at her sister whose confusion was obvious. Celestia said nothing but stepped aside and motioned to Luna to take her place. There was a moment of hesitancy in the other alicorn followed by a resolute nod. Princess Luna stepped forward and the sunlight reflected off her silver armor. She cleared her throat once.

"We decree that the Royal Academy Air shows begin!"


Elsewhere in Equestria, things were stirring. Little ponies, orphans all, were slowly waking to the smell of breakfast. Mouths watered and tummies grumbled. One by one or in small groups, the colts and fillies began to wonder down into the living room. Some, the youngest, piggybacked on the older ponies. Moved by the scene, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy leg little foals curl up on their backs as they carried them down the stairs and to breakfast.

In the kitchen three mares moved quickly and fluidly around one another, cracking eggs, whisking, pouring, flipping and buttering a seemingly endless stack of pancakes. Twilight Sparkle's penchant for organization had really come to the fore and soon with the combined might of her magic, Rarity's magic and Susan Evergreen's work they had dozens of plates of pancakes and scrambled eggs. Rarity was the one to carry the plates out, carrying each in a shimmering bubble of her magic.

"Breakfast: Check." Twilight said proudly and her ever present assistant made a note on a scroll. Spike had been more than help during the last few days, running errands to and fore in Ponyville. Twilight felt a swell of pride in her chest; he had never once complained and he had stayed up late every night, working tirelessly alongside the mares.

"What's next Spike?" Twilight asked. She had not slept in over twenty four hours, but still her body moved with an endless energy.

"We need to check on Applejack and LumberJack outside." Spike said and tried his best to stifle a yawn. Twilight gave her assistant a loving smile and took the list from him.

"I'll go do that, Spike. Go join the others and get a plate of breakfast." Twilight said, "I'll come in and get you later."

"Pancakes? You don't have to tell me twice!" Spike said and took off, laughing. Twilight smiled to herself and left Susan and Rarity to organize the little ponies' breakfasts.

Outside the four-story orphanage a dozen ponies moved efficiently and proudly. Applejack had hired Lumberjack's construction company to put together a stage, dance-floor and a few other structures. The brown earth pony and his son, Lumber Jimmy had politely but firmly refused payment when they had learned the full details of the event. It would be pro bono. The carpenter ponies had arrived just at the crack of dawn and had instantly set about working. Applejack worked tirelessly alongside them, hammering, sawing and raising massive planks of wood. It was just passed sunrise and already the farmer's arms burned and ached but she pushed through, earning a few glances of respect from the carpenter ponies around her.

"How's it going Applejack?" Twilight called out for a few feet off. The farmer looked up from her work and wiped her brow free of sweat.

"Howdy Twilight." She said and looked around, "Truth be told, I'm doin' just fine. The carpenter ponies really know what they're doin'."

"Lumberjack's company is the best in Ponyville." Twilight said, "Are you on schedule?"

"Sure is." Applejack said happily, "Looks like we is gonna finish just after midday. Then a few hours of set up and whatnot. Pinkie can handle that mostly. Everything should be ready to go by three or so."

"That sounds great. Do you need a hoof?" Twilight offered.

"That's mighty kind of ya', Twilight, but I really want to do this with my own two hooves." Applejack said firmly, "It wouldn't be right. I'm…" She hesitated and looked away, "I caused my problems and I'm gonna be the pony that fixes them."

"Don't work too hard, Applejack." Twilight warned, "We still have a long day ahead of us."

"Don't I know it…"Applejack said with a slight frown. Twilight offered her a sympathetic smile.

"Hey." She said softly, "It'll be okay. He'll come, and I'm sure he'll forgive you."

"Thanks Twilight." Applejack whispered. With nothing more to say, Twilight left the apple farmer to organize construction. Applejack groaned and rolled her shoulder. The stage was still a long way from being built. Applejack finished measuring another plank of wood and lifted it onto her shoulder. The white hardhat on her head felt way too heavy compared to her grandpony's hat but she powered through.

But Applejack had never shied away from hard work before and with so much at stake, she wasn't about to quit now. Applejack grimaced and worked on.


Rarity stared down at the photo for a very long time. She had only heard of the Pomegranate Promenade from Applejack and had been insanely jealous of her friend's experience. Rarity wanted to lay in a stallion's arm while fireworks exploded overhead. She snorted; it would be that Applejack of all ponies would be the one to have the most romantic experiences.

Still, looking at the photo of Applejack and Soarin', Rarity felt all ill-will drain from her body. It was simply impossible not to feel moved by the love the two ponies obviously shared. Soarin' had one arm wrapped around Applejack's neck and the other on her back. The earth farmer was pressed tight against the Wonderbolt and they were blissfully ignorant of the dozen or so blushing ponies in the background. Even with the two ponies covered in pie fragments, Rarity found it hard to take her eyes of the photo. The passion those two ponies had been truly something worth fighting for. Rarity smiled and wished that she one day could feel that sort of passion.

Rarity hung the photo on the wall just inside the foyer. It seemed to have a natural place amongst the other pictures and Rarity felt a swell of hope. Maybe her plan would work after all.


The skies roiled in a shimmering haze of heat and color. The Wonderbolts 4th and 5th Company reenacted the Battle of Twinpeaks from ancient pony mythology. Most years two of the companies would reenact the ShadowBolt's Rebellion but by royal decree from Celestia, that battle was off limits. The alicorn didn't want her younger sister to feel any more guilt than she already did for the failures of the past.

The crowds, mostly fillies, colts and their parents cheered. It was a constant low rumble like an earthquake. It made the air shake in a wonderful way and Soarin' grinned with pride. The Wonderbolt pushed himself hard; air formed a funnel around him. He was flanked by his entire squad; nine of the best Wonderbolts in the company. They moved like he moved as if they were one entity divided between ten bodies. Soarin' grinned and rolled left. Half his squad went with him, the other half breaking off to form a wide circle.

Briefly Soarin' wondered what actual combat was like. He doubted it was this choreographed and pleasant. He had only fought in a few skirmishes and that had only been with a few unorganized marauders. There hadn't been an actual battle in over twenty years, not since the defense of Colthaven. Even that battle was shrouded in mystery and he could never find much information on it.

Soarin's lapse in attention almost ruined the performance, but he dodged to the left just in time to avoid a head on collision with Rain Runner, captain of 5th company. The older pony gave him a brief glare but returned to his duties. Soarin' gulped hard and kept to the routine as best he would. His body was sore and his breath was starting to become labored. Thankfully they were nearing the end of the performance. It was time for the finale.

Soarin's squad formed up around in and in turn they flew into place behind Captain Spitfire. The two company captains shared a somewhat bitter rivalry and willed their companies to outdo the other. Sparks of energy began to shimmer and leap from the wings of the gather two hundred Wonderbolts. Corposant danced across their bodies, numbing their wings. But the Wonderbolts were made of stern stuff and continued through the routine. They formed a lightning vortex; a swirling mass of electricity that lashed and licked at the sky with crackling lightning. Soarin' laughed aloud; the lightning blaze. The single best move he knew. Other Wonderbolts had their own signature moves, but this was his. He was the expert and even though Spitfire was at the head of the company, the other squads formed a natural circle around him.

A stray thought suddenly leapt into his mind. Soarin' imagined Applejack watching from the bleachers, eyes wide in amazement and body giddy with love and lust. But she wasn't watching. Suddenly the lightning blaze didn't seem as bright, nor the cheering of the crowd as loud. A shadow almost fell over Soarin's thought but he forced a smile.

Just get through the day…he told himself.


Sweet Apple Acres was all but empty. Applejack hadn't been home in days and Applebloom had left in the morning with Fluttershy and the other Crusaders. Normally Big Macintosh would have been furious but he let it slide. He knew how important the charity party was to everypony and he wished Applejack the best.

But that wasn't good enough. Not for Big Macintosh. He was a workhorse through and through. He would look after Applejack for the rest of his life, even if she never knew it. He knew what needed to be done. Big Macintosh hooked himself up to the massive apple cart and began the day-long trek to Canterlot. Granny Smith watched him go in silence then went inside to get something from her dresser drawer.


Applejack finally put the hammer down and let out a ragged breath. The work was almost done and none too soon. Celestia's sun was staring to burn bright in the sky. Her hooves were bloody and every muscle in her body burned painfully. She had pulled something in her shoulder and it made walking difficult. But still she had worked right alongside the carpenter ponies, grunting and straining to keep up.

They had laid a simple wooden dance floor, sanded it flat and stained it with a glossy finish. It looked out of place alone in an empty green field, but it did not remain alone for long. Poles had been dug into the ground and lights hung from them, forming a criss-cross pattern above the ground. They had built a stage with a small room in the back to get ready. Applejack had no idea what the stage was for, but Rarity had insisted. She had even made a massive red velvet curtain trimmed in gold lace to hang from the wood scaffolding. Applejack sat down on the grass and rested her head on a tree. It was the same tree she had fallen asleep under the first time she had been here. Part of her wished she could just relive that day over and over for eternity. But the other part was excited; Celestia only knew what other beautiful moments were in store for the earth pony if she won Soarin's heart again. The though sent a blush kissing across her cheeks and filled her with renewed energy. Applejack staggered to her feet and blinked away sleep for a few moments. She wobbled a bit and grimaced.

If she had been in perfect health the work would have seemed effortless. Applejack and Big Macintosh were more than capable of putting up an entire barn in an afternoon. But Applejack was not in perfect health. Her body was drained and her soul was at its limit. It was impossible not to think about Soarin' every second that she worked and it made it hard to focus. Applejack licked her lips, feeling them dry and cracked.

A glass of juice suddenly floated in a cloud of purple magic before her. Applejack didn't even bother to see what unicorn had brought it. She took the glass and gulped the juice down in seconds. It was ice cold and quenched the burning in her throat. Applejack wiped her mouth with the back of her arm and burped. Behind her, Rarity snorted.

"I see your manners still leave something to be desired." Rarity scoffed. Applejack offered her a grin.

"It's been a long mornin'. My manners ain't what they ought to be." She said and sighed, "Thanks for the drink though."

"Well I can't have to collapsing in exhaustion, can I?" Rarity chimed in her normal high-pitched voice, "I dare say you are the most important pony of the night."

"Not me." Applejack said with a sad smile, "That goes to a certain Wonderbolt. I…I'm nervous, Rarity."

"Don't start, Applejack." Rarity said firmly and put a hoof to her shoulder, "We've come too far to get cold hooves now. We need to power through and see today to its completion."

"I know…I just…" She struggled with the words. The idea of everything not working out was simply too terrifying to think about. Rarity eyed the pony and gave a familiar sigh.

"Applejack, have you eaten yet?" She asked in a clipped tone. Applejack shuffled back and forth a bit, looking guilty.


"Enough." Rarity put a hoof to her nose and rubbed it, "Come on inside. The carpenters can finish the rest. You need to eat and wash up."

"But there's still work to be done!"

"Yes, Applejack, there is." Rarity countered, "You need to eat, take a bath and get dressed. You have a lot of work to do later and we need you looking fabulous."


"For Soarin'." Rarity confirmed. The words were like a command for the earth pony. The stallion's face came to the forefront of her mind and she felt compelled to obey. Applejack nodded without hesitation.

"Yes ma'am." Applejack followed Rarity inside and was instantly assaulted by the mouth-watering sent of cinnamon baked apples. Applejack sighed, her mind slightly muddled. She wanted to stop in the kitchen to eat but Rarity would hear none of it.

"You are dirty and smelly, Applejack." Rarity said none-too-kindly, "You must wash up first. Set a good example for the little ponies, would you?" Applejack gave a sigh of defeat.

"Alright Rarity." Applejack said with a slight sneer, "I'll go pretty up. But I'mma getting' a plate of them apples when I get done."

"Deal." Rarity said, somewhat disinterested. She was preoccupied with yet another checklist Twilight Sparkle had given her, "Susan is letting us you the master washroom. I left your clothes on the door. Now shoo!"

Applejack gave a slight sigh and walked away. When she reached the stairs she stopped dead. Her photo from the Pomegranate Promenade hung delicately on the wall amongst hundreds of other photos. Applejack's breath caught in her throat and she touched her hoof to it. She smiled, tears of hope in her eyes.

Without another look back, Applejack galloped up the stairs to get ready.


Applebloom was shaking like a rabbit's nose she was so giddy. The other crusaders, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were just as excited as she was but for much different reasons. The others were excited from some noble idea of helping out the orphanage or Applejack. Much as it shamed her, Applebloom only wanted to see one colt in particular. She was on edge and kept her distance from the others as Pinkie Pie bombarded the crusaders with questions. The party pony had six massive carts of toys and supplies hitched to her back but walked as if there was no weight at all. Fluttershy trailed a wagon with a sleeping cat and a dozen cuddling kittens. Sweetie Belle kept looking in on the kittens and giggling every time one of the kittens yawned.

Finally after walking for hours, since daybreak, they came to the Evergreen Orphanage. There was a small welcome party waiting on the deck. It was Rarity, Twilight Sparkle and Susan Evergreen. The later pony walked down and introduced herself. Fluttershy was as polite as ever, but Pinkie Pie was anything but calm. She was twitching with excitement and her eyes darted from left to right looking for any foals. Susan noticed her look and smiled.

"Most of the little ones are inside." Susan said kindly, "Please go around back and set up some games for them. I'll bring them out when you're done." Pinkie Pie was gone in a flash, leaving a trail of dust in her wake.

Next Susan went over and kneeled by the pile of sleeping kittens, "There's some cream in the kitchen. Help yourself, my dear."

"Oh thank you." Fluttershy said, "I brought some toys too. I'll supervise a little play time with the kittens. You'll find they're always eager for some fun."

"That would be lovely, my dear." Susan said. It was then the front door burst open as a young colt bucked it hard.

"Applebloom?" Oliver called out and found himself tackled hard by the little apple farmer. She didn't say anything. She just held onto him for dear life and nuzzled his neck. Oliver reacted in kind and they simply held each other. Rarity smiled softly and looked at Twilight who was confused. Scootaloo gagged and Sweetie Belle giggled softly.

"I'll explain later, Twilight." Rarity whispered to the lavender unicorn. Twilight simply shrugged and went inside, content to leave the two little ponies on their own. The others followed her and were ignored by Applebloom and Oliver. Sweetie Belle lingered behind and sighed lovingly. Rarity was quick to pinch her little sister by the ear and drag her inside.

"I missed ya'." Applebloom whispered after a moment.

"I missed you too." Oliver said softly. Applebloom blushed and fell into his embrace again. She just wanted to be held.


Applejack stepped out of the bath feeling a dozen years younger. Much as she hated to admit it, she did feel better with all grime and dirt off her fur. She wasn't one to shy away from getting dirty, but that didn't mean she enjoyed it. Sometimes there was work to be done and Applejack was the pony for the job. She dried herself off with a towel and found a plastic wrapped dress hanging from the door frame. Applejack suppressed a gasp of shock. It was the exact same dress she had worn to the Grand Galloping Gala. She had last seen it stored away in Rarity's closet. The fashionista had spent so long on the dress she wasn't about to let Applejack store in some dirty farmer's closet.

At first Applejack had been annoyed at Rarity's arrogant manner but she had to admit the dress looked spotless. Applejack blushed, remembering the first and last time she had worn the dress. She had rendered Soarin' speechless. Applejack felt a moment's nervousness as she slipped into the dress. It was looser than she remembered. Normally any mare would have been delighted and flattered by finding an old dress too big, but Applejack felt nothing but shame. Had she really lost that must weight?

The dress hung from her withered body but Applejack put on her best smile. All she had to do was get through the night and prove to Soarin' she loved him. Applejack let out a long breath and smiled.

"I love ya', hero." She whispered to the foggy mirror reflection.


Pinkie Pie was ecstatic, deliriously happy, joyous bordering on overjoyed. If she hadn't been born a pink pony she would have been tickled pink. As it was she was only tickled and her laughter was infectious. Dozens of the most innocent wide eyed little foals were dancing around her, their smiles the most beautiful things she had ever seen.

Everypony wore party hats or threw streamers around. Somewhere in the distance a pony blew into a horn and another popped a balloon. It didn't matter. There were hundreds more dotting the entire area. Rarity had told Pinkie Pie to be as happy and hyper as she could and Pinke aimed to please. She moved faster than the laws of physics allowed, high-hoofing a filly one moment, helping a colt pin the tail on a pony the next and instantly after helping a few foals get some cupcakes off a table. It was Pinkie Pie in her truest form; a whirlwind of happiness and joy.

"She certainly is…happy." Susan Evergreen said from where she stood next to Rarity and Twilight.

"Pinkie Pie loves seeing ponies happy." Twilight offered, "It's what she best at."

"But the way she going…is she going to last until the end of the party?" Susan asked slightly concerned, "for that matter half of my little ponies are going to be ready for bed before those guests of yours arrive, Rarity." The two unicorns shared a look.

"That was sort of the idea, Susan." Rarity said with a grin and quickly added when Susan gave her a confused look, "This little soiree of ours is…two parted. First, this." She swept her hoof over the delightful party around them. Applejack was helping a few foals put together a castle of wooden blocks left over from construction and Fluttershy was smiling brightly as kittens wrestled foals.

"This is purely for the sake of the foals." Rarity said, "I must confess last time I was here my little ponies seemed a little down."

"They're orphans, Rarity." Twilight deadpanned.

"Regardless." Rarity dismissed, "They deserve some sunshine in their lives and we will provide it, Twilight Sparkle, if for no other reason than to see them smile." Twilight's face softened up and she looked at the fillies and colts around them. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had organized a massive game of tag, but it had already devolved into a dozen or so separate games. That colt from earlier had not left Applebloom's side since they arrived and Sweetie Belle was on the verge of giggling every few seconds. Spike, her lovable assistance, was surrounded by wide eyed ponies as he told them of their adventures. He was putting a lot of effort into it and every colt and filly was rapt with attention.

"They are…happy." Twilight said with a few tears in her eyes. Susan took a deep breath and looked around.

"And what's the second part?" She asked, her voice hushed, "I can't imagine anything being better than this. There is more joy in the air right now than I have ever seen."

"The second part happens later." Rarity said, "Hopefully after Pinkie Pie has tired out enough foals so that we can concentrate on other matters."

"You want Pinkie Pie to over-party?" Twilight asked.

"Why of course." Rarity said, "When our hopeful future benefactors get here, I want them to fall in love with this place. Some of older ponies will certainly be up and that will help a great deal. But think about it, Twilight and Susan, does anything tug the heartstrings of a pony more than a room of dozens of sleeping foals?"

"…you really thought this out." Susan said after a moment. Rarity fixed her with a leveled, serious stare .

"I am taking the future of every pony here incredibly seriously." Rarity said firmly, "I will make sure this place it set for life before the day is done."

"What about Applejack?" Twilight asked, "And Soarin?" they looked at the apple farmer. She had a smile on her face and laughed, but Rarity could see the pain in her eyes. Every few second the earth pony would look up into the clear sky, as if she expected Soarin' to just arrive. Rarity sighed.

"That is up to her, Twilight." Rarity said sadly, "I've done all I can. The rest is up to love and apples."


The ceiling shook violently and dust trickled down like grey snow. The chanting was all but deafening and Soarin' couldn't help but grin. 3rd company was going through the Cosmic Ballet and the entire crowd was enthralled. Soarin' looked out on the display, seeing waves of silver and purple light fill the sky. It was breath taking and his let himself get lost. He thought of Applejack and wished for the thousandth time today that she was in the audience, watching. This was the event of a lifetime and she was missing it. Soarin' snorted; he was missing her.

"Hey." A pony whispered beside him and Soarin' nodded as Spitfire took a place leaning on the railing next to him.

"Hey. How's the company?" Soarin' asked and Spitfire snorted.

"You tell me." She said with a tight grin, "I only give the orders. You are actual leader and we both know it." At this Soarin' laughed.

"The squads are okay I guess. The recruits and younger ponies are exhausted." Soarin' motioned down the corridor, "They cleaned out the buffet room and now they're sleeping it off."

"Will they be ready to go again in a few hours?" Spitfire asked, slightly concerned.

"Oh yeah, they'll be fine." Soarin' looked out into the audience as Solar Flare spun in the air, her wings seeming to extend across the entire stadium as fire wreathed her. The audience gasped with delight. Spitfire gave a low whistle.

A cough drew both of their attentions to an earth pony in the uniform of a stagehoof. She wore thin glasses and carried a clipboard in her hooves.

"Excuse me, Lieutenant?" She said hesitantly, "You have a visitor."

"Not another fanfilly." Soarin' moaned, "Seriously I don't want to push off another drunk mare."

"…Not…exactly." The pony said awkwardly. Spitfire raised an eyebrow. Then her eyes widened and she made a quick excuse about checking on the company and left. Soarin' groaned again and nodded at the stagehoof. The mare left and Soarin' was alone again.

Outside the audience roared and cheered as the two Wonderbolts who had been dancing in the sky, both pretending to be pegasis from ancient mythology, kissed. Soarin' chuckled, well aware that the two Wonderbolts didn't even like each other and that it was purely part of the act.

"Soarin'." A hard edged voice called out from the shadows. Soarin' spun as a figure emerged from the darkness.

"What are you doing here?" Soarin' spat at the brick red stallion, "Come to buck me so hard my grandfoals feel it?"

"Can ya' think of powerful reason for me not to?" Big Macintosh countered. He motioned to the cart of apple treats and baked goods, "Ya'll paid Sweet Apple Acres to be ya' caterers, and we Apples keep our promises." The WonderBolt snorted and Big Macintosh narrowed his eyes.

"I've heard that line before." He said and frowned. He looked down at his feet and kicked something on the floor. The cheer of the crowds intensified. From their spot in the lower decks, Big Macintosh and Soarn' caught a glimpse of dazzling blue and golden light. Soarin' snickered; StormForge was showing off again. He had been hoping that Applejack would have been in the audience today. He had even planned an entire evening of romantic events afterwards. Soarin' growled and spat on the ground and turned to storm away.

"Hold up a minute there." Big Macintosh called out. His voice was so deep and commanding that Soarin' stopped instantly. He felt rooted to the floor. "We needs to talk 'bout Applejack."

"I don't want to talk about her." Soarin' countered, "I've moved on." It was a weak lie, and they both knew it. Every time he said he had said Applejack's name in the last month he had fallen into a deep depression. He had to keep the memories away. There was no going back.

"AJ is in a bad way." Big Macintosh said, ignoring the WonderBolt's protest. This sent a sinking feeling throughout Soarin's body and his lips moved before he could stop himself.

"What's wrong with her?" He tried to keep the concern out of his voice, but failed miserably. Big Macintosh unhitched the cart from his back and sighed deeply. He walked over to the WonderBolt but didn't look at him. Instead he stared off into the WonderBolt show outside.

"When AJ was just a filly, she had a friend. Abigail Peach." Big Macintosh said, "She was from the farm across town. The Golden Peach farm."

"I used to know her. Abi was our old catering contract." Soarin' nodded. Big Macintosh raised an eyebrow at this but chose not to comment.

"Them little ones were just like the Cutie Mark Crusaders, only worse." Big Macintosh chuckled at the memory.

"Worse?" Soarin' asked, grinning. The two laughed until they remembered they didn't like each other, then they frowned again.

"They were inseparable. Always goin' on 'bout one thin' or another. You never seen two fillies pull pranks or play the way them two did." Big Macintosh sighed, "Until one day we Apples learned the Peaches had been usin' Applejack's friendship with Abigail to get onto our farm and poison our crops. They wanted to force us to sell, to take our land out from under us."

"Sounds like something Abigail would do."

"She was just a filly!" Big Macintosh snapped back, "Her and her sister were innocent. Their parents were the guilty party, not the fillies." The anger bled from Big Macintosh and his stoic face returned.

"Applejack cried for an entire week. I aint never seen her so upset." Big Macintosh frowned, "Nothin' we did could make her better. Not even fresh apple pie with vanilla ice cream brought a smile to her face. Applejack don't cry often. My lil' sis is a tough ol' pony. But when she gets emotionally attached an' it breaks…ya ain't known sadness of the like, Soarin'."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Soarin' managed between his teeth. The idea of his Applejack crying sent a cold shard into his heart. Soarin' cursed under his breath. She wasn't his anymore! He needed to move on.

"She's cryin' over ya', WonderBolt." Big Macintosh said darkly, "She hasn't gone a day since ya' left without squirtin' some tears. She barely sleeps, she ain't eatin' much. She's a dead pony inside, Soarin'. Ya' can see it in her eyes. She's given up." The words shook Soarin' to the core and he choked back a gasp as tears brimmed in his eyes.

"Every day she gets worse." Big Macintosh paused for a moment to reign in his emotions, "I don't know how much longer she can last…before…I can't…She's dyin' without ya, Soarin'." Big Macintosh placed a hoof on the WonderBolt's shoulder. Soarin' was shaking as he fought back the tears that were leaking from the corners of his eyes.

"If ya'll really have moved on, then just stay here. Go out and strut ya' stuff in the show and be as happy as ya' can be." He paused, "But if ya'll love my sister...if ya'll feel that emptiness in ya' soul all day…if ya'll go to sleep alone and wish you could hold AJ close to ya' and tell her ya' love her…If ya' needs her in ya' life, then there is only one place in Equestria ya' need to be. And it sure as shoot ain't out there, showin' off."

The memoires came flooding back and Soarin' saw every beautiful moment with Applejack. From the first time he saw her at the Gala in the adhoc market, to the night at the Promenade and their tender night of love. But she had been lying to him the entire time. How could he ever trust her again?

"I…I don't know wh-"

"SOARIN' SILVERBOLT!" A female voice thundered from around the corner. A mare in the royal blue uniform of a WonderBolt rounded the corner, her eyes as blazing as her orange and yellow mane. Spitfire glared at her lieutenant, "I swear by Celestia if you don't go to PonyVille right now, I will have you on latrine duty until the stars themselves go out!"

"Captain?" Soarin' blanched, "Were…were you eavesdropping?"

"You damn right I was!" She snarled at him, "You've been a mess since you and Applejack broke up! And now you know she misses you just as much, that she is a mess too, and you were about to say you didn't know what to do?"


"Stallion up, Lieutenant SilverBolt! Do the right thing!" Soarin' narrowed his eyes and he was filled with a renewed purpose. Both Big Macintosh and Spitfire could see the old steel returning to his posture and he stood taller than he had in the entire past month.

"Captain, I regret to inform you I won't be able to perform for the Princesses today." He said firmly, "I have the love of my life to get back! Please pass my heartfelt condolences to Luna and Celesita."

"Get going Soarin'." Spitfire smiled at her long time friend, "Ill buy you a glass of punch when you get back." The WonderBolt nodded and took off into the air. A wash of silver electricity leapt from his hooves and danced across the walls before he exploded out of the stadium, leaving only a fine layer of glittering dust in his wake.

"Think he can do it?" Spitfire asked, "Think he can save Applejack?"

"Ain't no pony I trust more than 'im to save AJ. He loves her as only a soulpony can." Big Macintosh said, watching the speck that was Soarin' disappear on the horizon.

"Bi-Big Macintosh?" A voice stuttered from behind the large farmer. His eyes widened and he spun on his hooves. He'd know that voice anywhere. A mare emerged from the shadows, her own cart of baked goods hitched to her back. Her fur was a breath-taking golden orange stippled with patches of sunbright yellow. Her green mane flowed like water down her head and was braided with tiny white flowers. Her sapphire eyes glistened in the light as she studied the full grown stallion before her. Her heart-shaped peach half cutie mark stood out on her toned flanks. It was nearly identical to Big Macintosh's own, save the fruit itself.

"Marigold?" Big Macintosh managed, "Is…is that ya'?" He turned to Spitfire who shrugged.

"I didn't think any of you Apples would be back, so I contacted the Peaches to restart their contract." Spitfire said meekly and laughed, "My bad…"

"It's been a long time, Big Mac." The mare said shyly. A blush had kissed her face and she absently kicked a dust pile on the ground, "You're looking…big."

"Marigold…" Big Macintosh smiled at the mare, "It's been…well…that is I…um…wow, you're lookin' mighty fine, Marigold."

"Oh, thank you." The mare blushed a pushed a strand of her mane from her eyes, "I must say all those years of chores on the farm have made you an impressive stallion, Big Mac."

"And that's my cue." Spitfire said under her breath and quickly faded back into the shadows. She left the two farmers alone to catch up. She was completely ignored as the two farmers stared into each other's eyes. Feelings that had been buried for so long started to bubble to the fore again. Big Macintosh's self imposed stoicism began to waver and for the first time since Marigold's family have moved all those ago, Big Macintosh smiled.


Soarin' burned through the sky like a bullet. The image of Applejack crying alone in the dark burned so painfully in his brain and heart he screamed. It was a bright sharp pain and his eyes watered, although he couldn't tell if it was from sadness or the speed he flew. He had left his goggles somewhere below the stadium and squinted against the rush of wind. The air compressed around him and he felt the familiar push of the sound barrier.

Soarin' willed himself to go faster, leaving burning embers and lightning in his wake. He was a rocket and he felt his fur begin to stand on end. Little wisps of smoke began to coil around him as his body reached its breaking point. Pain flared in his arms and he noticed the ends of his fur had heated up so much it was burning. Soarin' grimaced against the pain and concentrated on nothing but Applejack. She was alone, waiting for him. Soarin' had never dared to hope she would still love him. He had been convinced her dishonesty had been the true sign of her feelings. Oh he had been such an idiot. If only he had stayed longer in Ponyville and forced Applejack to sit down and talk with him. All these weeks of sleeping and waking up alone he could have held the love of his life in his arms.

Soarin' slammed into the ground outside Sweet Apple Acres with all the force of a meteor crashing into the ground. Fire and dust kicked up around him and he stood for a moment, catching his breath. He had landed on a small patched of grass and the air swirled with ash from the incinerated plants. The very ground cracked under foot where his fiery arrival had vitrified the earth into scorched glass. Soarin's breath came to him in ragged gasps and he breathed smoke as if his lungs were made of fire. Steam and lightning coiled around him and he stepped out of the crater he had formed. There was a sharp ringing in his ears and his very bones ached as if he was beginning to fall apart at the seams.

The entire area around him was deathly silent and he grimaced. The Apple's house was just in the distanced and he galloped the rest of the way there. His wings seized and twitched and bled from exertion and he knew it would be awhile before he could fly again. But it Applejack was really here, it would be worth it.

"Applejack?" Soarin' called out desperately, "Applejack where are you?" the door to the Apple's house opened and the last pony Soarin' wanted to see came out.

"Well howdy there." Granny Smith said kindly, "Come on up young stallion. I really needs to talk to ya'."

"Where's Applejack?" Soarin' demanded. Granny Smith sighed.

"She aint here, Wonderbolt." She said simply. Soarin' almost screamed in frustration.

"Where is she?" He said between clenched teeth.

"Cool ya' feathers some, and I'll tell ya'." Granny snapped, "I mean that literally. Ya' feathers ar' still smokin'." Soarin' ignored the pain he felt and closed his eyes, praying to Celestia for patience.

"Please just tell me where I can find her." Soarin' whispered, "Please…I…I need her." Granny studied him for a moment.

"She's at ya' old home." Granny Smith said, "she and her friends are holdin' some sorta' charity at that orphanage ya'll grew up at."

"W-what?" Soarin' gasped, eyes wide, "Why?"

"'cause she loves ya'!" Granny Smith said simply, "Applejack wanted to show ya' how much ya' meant to her. I ain't never seen her so driven 'bout anythin' like that before."

"That…that…she…" Soarin' stammered, suddenly very dizzy. He would never have imagined Applejack would go to such length to prove how much she loved him. Soarin' felt sick for a moment, disgusted by himself for ever leaving her.

"I…I have to go there." Soarin' turned to the sky, "I have to see her. I have to let her know I still love her."

"Hold on just a moment." Granny Smith said and shuffled over to him, "Ya ain't goin' nowhere 'til I had my say." Soarin' turned to the old mare and narrowed his eyes.

"Go on." He said coldly.

"I'm sorry." She began and Soarin' was surprised, "We Apples are many things; proud, hardworkin', lovin' and charitable. Be we is also stubborn to boot. I didn't want to believe Applejack had grown up and was a full mare when I met ya'. I was rotten snake in the grass to ya', Mr. Wonderbolt. I didn't offer ya' the Apple's hospitality and fer that, I'm sorry." Soarin's features softened slightly. He knelt down in front of the older pony.

"I love your granddaughter, Granny Smith." Soarin' said softly, "With every fiber of my being, I love Applejack. I…I was so blind and stupid and I couldn't forgive her. I caused her so much pain. I should have been there for her; should have tried harder. Can you forgive me for not acting like a proper stallion?"

Granny Smith was speechless for a long time. Mercy's sake, she thought, Applejack sure did find herself a keeper. Granny Smith stood and walked inside without a word. Soarin' watched her go and for a moment he worried he had messed up again. No sooner had Granny Smith gone into the house she emerged with something in her teeth. It was a dull metallic chain with two identical oval tags hanging from it.

"My husband, Celestia rest his soul, made me promise somethin' 'efore he passed." She held out the chain on shaking hooves and Soarin' lowered his head. Granny Smith put the chain around his neck, "He made me promise to give his old dog-tags to the stallion that I thought was right for Applejack. I swore I would, and we Apples keep our promises." Soarin' touched the tags around his neck and read the inscription:

Jonathan Appleseed

Celestial Marine Corps

"I forgive ya', Soarin'." She said with tears in her eyes, "And this here." She touched the tags, "Is proof that the Apple family has faith in ya'. I was a damn fool 'efore and I'd be a damn fool again if I didn't say that ya'll and Applejack were destined to be together."

"I…I don't know what to say." Soarin' said, overcome with emotion. He touched the dogtags again. Truth be told he already had a pair, his pair, on the bed stand in his house. But somehow this old beaten rusted metal chain meant more to him that the sleeker knew pair.

"Land's sake, son!" Granny laughed, "Don't just stand there looking like a beached fish. Got sweep Applejack off her hooves! March!"

Soarin' was in the air in a heartbeat, his wings burning with pain. He pushed himself passed his limited and felt the cold steel of the dogtags against his chest. It radiated coolness and he grinned.


"Oh Fancy, just look at this place." Fleur de Lis whispered to her husband. The old orphanage looked like a shack compared to their manor in Canterlot. The wood was old and paint worn. Some shutters hung limply while others looked so worn they would do nothing to block out the sun. Fleur de Lis felt her heart tighten and her grip on her purse tightened.

"Remember dear, Ms. Evergreen has many foals to take care of." Fancypants said firmly, "Sorry to say but I don't think maintenance is high on the list."

"Well we'll fix that." A slightly gruff pony said next to them. He wore the immaculate uniform of a Lord-Commander of Celestia's army. It was pristine white trimmed in sky blue and gold. Three medals hung pinned to his breast and a chain of gold connected his black tie to a decorative shoulder pauldron. It bore an inlaid golden wreath and the sweeping golden wings of an eagle. The unicorn's hair was blonde and trimmed short and a jagged scar went across one eye.

"Vell said, Victor." A fourth pony put in. She looked more like statue come to life. Her fur was slate grey and her mane white. She wore a white toga trimmed in red over her shoulder and sandals that worked their way up her legs like grapevines. Her accent was thick, a holdover from the snow swept lands in the north that she called her home. She turned to Fleur de Lis, "You did vell bringing us here, de Lis."

"We didn't want to do this alone." Fleur de Lis said with a slight grin, "I can't imagine you or Victor forging up, Abigail, if we came here without either of you."

"Damn right." Victor said with a snort, "I've spent too long fighting. Wouldn't mind trying my hoof at building something."

"Da'." Abigail said, "Ve vill do vhat ve can tonight. But I still say a documentary is the vay to go. I can a crev here by sunrise."

"That's not for us to decide." Fancypant said as they drew closer. The three families were accompanied by a dozen other ponies. Accountants, architects, doctors, teachers..any pony who was deeply trusted by the families and were driven by a zealous desire to help the unfortunate.. All were of a single mind; do whatever it takes to help the Evergreen Orphanage. Fancypants looked back at a particular mare. She was his personal lawyer and he knew she and her husband had been unable to conceive a foal. She was shaking visibly and Fancy offered his a sympathetic grin. She had been very brave to come tonight.

Rarity stood out front waiting for them. She wore a scarlet colored dress laced with gold chains and pearls. Her eyes were smoky and flakes of gold dust dotted her hair. Fancypant heard his little brother give a low gasp and he grinned. Jasper had insisted on coming and he wore a simple black tux.

The moment the guests arrived the air in the Evergreen Orphanage changed forever. Before it had been dusty, musky and always felt dense. It was a depressing overpowering feeling that seeped into every pony and object. But when Fancypant, Fleur de Lis and their friends stepped inside everything changed to hope. Rarity had insisted none of the foals be present for the first introductions. It would have been so tasking and draconian to have foals stand in line like something to be bought.

Rarity stood in her full elegant dress and full make up, shining like a goddess as the unicorns of Canterlot introduced themselves to Susan Evergreen. The older pony shook each hoof but Rarity could tell that she had not heard of most of the families. Fancypants whispered a few words to Fleur de Lis and the mare sniffed back a wave of tears. Seeing the orphanage in person was very hard for her and she tried to her best to maintain her composure. The ponies filled past Rarity and she smiled pleasantly to each of them as Twilight Sparkle and Susan led them out back to the party.

One unicorn stallion lingered behind and gave Rarity a roughish grin.

"Fancy meeting you here, Lady Rarity." Jasper said with a bow. Rarity blushed but would not be the one to show it.

"Jasper Lace, a pleasure to see you again." Rarity said dismissively. She would play hard to get. If he wanted her, he would have to work for it. "Let's catch up to the others." She said and spun on her heel. She flicked her tail over Jasper's face, leaving him stunned. Rarity cast one glance over her shoulder and winked. Rarity put an extra sway in her hips and she knew then and there, he was putty in her hooves.


The laugher of foals echoed around the entire area. Colts and fillies ran back and forth, trailing streamers and noise makers. Pinkie Pie was everywhere at once, helping ponies play pin-the-tail-on-the-pony, telling stories, coloring and spinning the little plastic dial for a few ponies playing Twister. She was a whirlwind herself, moving like the Element of Laughter she was. Everywhere her smile fell, foals laughed and squealed with joy.

The earth pony had set up shop on the edge of the party just like she had at the Grand Galloping Gala. But unlike that fateful night, mares and stallions lined up aplenty for some of her baked treats. Rarity and some handsome unicorn were the first and both mares had smiled at each other when the stallion had paid for two apple fritters without a second thought. Applejack gave her friend a wink as they walked away. More ponies kept lining up. It seemed the friends Rarity had brought in from Canterlot had a lot of friends themselves. There were at least twenty ponies at the party and dozens of foals, fillies and colts ran underfoot, either oblivious to the adults or much more likely, eager for attention. And the adult ponies had come here for that very reason. They played, laughed and told stories.

Applejack watched from the sidelines and felt like crying. It was everything she had wanted. Pinkie Pie was the center of attention for most of the kids but still others had formed little happy groups to occupy themselves.

Applejack smiled brightly as the bits ting-ed into her payment cup and the rich looking stallion made his selection. The apple treat stand was half empty already and there seemed to be no shortage of ponies willing to buy. The night wasn't even half over and already Applejack guessed she had earned almost one hundred bits for the charity.

Briefly Applejack let her mind wander to the last time she had worn this dress and hat. It had been the night that had changed her life; the Grand Galloping Gala. It had been the night she had met the stallion of her dreams. He had been so handsome he had literally taken her breath away. Applejack sighed and cast a glance into the party. She wondered if was there, looking for her. It was too dark to see everypony, but she could clearly hear Pinkie Pie shouting and whooping like nopony's business.

There was an ever present laughter of fillies and colts. Applejack could see Fluttershy kneeling next to a pile of hooves and paws as some of the foals played with kittens. Even from this distance Applejack could see the warm smile on the shy pony. She looked more comfortable and relaxed than Applejack had ever seen. A burst of magical light drew the earth pony's attention to the far side of the party. A cloud of purple magic swirled and took shape into a dragon. It roared but it wasn't a dragon's roar that came from the simulacrum, it was Twilight's. The librarian was doing her best impression of an ageless fearsome dragon as foals looked on it absolute awe. Twilight had brought so many fantasy books and was determined to read every single one to any pony who would listen and she used her magic to great effect, recreating landscapes and creatures from the tales. The foals loved it and cheered for more.

Applejack's head spun to the side as she heard Rarity's distinct giggle. The fashionista was surrounded by a dozen fancy ponies, each totally engrossed with the unicorn's words. Rarity put a hoof to another unicorn's shoulder. This one was a stallion with crimson eyes and blue hair. Applejack grinned; Rarity was flirting. Still, Applejack had to give Rarity credit where credit was due; she had promised rich ponies from Canterlot would be in attendance and Applejack could count a dozen fancy ponies in the party. Most were centered on Rarity, but others mingled with the foals. A stunningly beautiful mare with a long soft pink mane was leaning over a little filly as they both looked down at a board game. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Oliver were with the foals, each fixed on whatever game they were playing.

The sky boomed and Applejack heard a shout of joy and giggles. Rainbow Dash was offering rides on her back for any pony 'brave enough to go fast'. As it turned out, almost every filly and colt had wanted a ride as Rainbow zoomed over the woods around the orphanage. Applejack knew her friend would be tired by now, but if there was one thing Rainbow never did it was quit. She would fly herself into the ground before she let a single foal go without a joyride. Rainbow landed gracefully in a clearing, her breath heavy. But she was smiling so brightly. The cinnamon colored filly on her back shimmied down Rainbow's outstretched wing and high-hoofed her waiting friends. Without respite, another filly climbed on Rainbow's back, ready to go. Rainbow grinned and took flight; it was the best workout of her life.

A group of fillies and colts walked up to Applejack. Scootaloo was leading them and smiled brightly at Applejack.

"Well howdy there, little ones." Applejack said with a bright smile, "What can I get for ya'll?" Scootaloo nudged a tiny colt that looked more than a little nervous and shy.

"Tinny Twist here has never had a caramel apple." Scootaloo said, "And I can't sit around and not do anything about that." Applejack smiled and knelt by the shaking colt.

"That true little one?" She asked softly, "Ya'll want a caramel apple?" Tinny Twist nodded meekly and smiled a toothy grin.

"Yes pwease." He said with a little lisp. Applejack stood and motioned to her stall.

"Well what kind do ya' want?" She asked, "I got plane ol' caramel apples, caramel apples with nuts, caramel apples with white chocolate, deep fried caramel apples, and this." She pulled a single apple from the rack, "This here is an s'mores caramel apple. It's got melted marshmallow and creamy chocolate all over it." She spun the treat before the drooling ponies, "Only the best apples are picked for this treat and this here is the best o' the best. See this here? The crust is made from crushed graham cracker, walnuts and wheat kernels." Tinny Twist was visibly shaking and stared at the treat with wide, longing eyes. "So little colt, ya'll think ya' can handle this?"

Tinny Twist nodded eagerly. Applejack smiled and wrapped it in plastic. She held out the s'mores caramel apple for Tinny Twist who suddenly looked much too small to hold the massive apple.

"That'll be one hug, little colt." She said. Tinny embraced her neck with as much strength as he had. Applejack felt a tear of happiness touch her eye and gulped to compose herself. When he pulled away, he held up his hand for high-hoof.

"A tip? For me?" Applejack asked and smacked her hoof to his, "Ya'll too kind Tinny Twist. Here ya' go." She handed the treat to him and he took off running and laughing. "Watch that one Scootaloo. Make sure he doesn't eat it in one go. He'll get hisself a tummy ache."

"I'm on it, Applejack!" Scootaloo said smartly and led the few other foals after Tinny Twist. Applejack sighed to herself and wondered what it would be like to have a foal of her own. She grinned; she wanted a Pegasus pony for her first foal. A colt. A pony that looked up to his father, a Wonderbolt. Applejack let herself dream.


The flight from Ponyville to the Evergreen Orphanage was agonizing. Each flap of his wings sent bright shards of pain up Soarin's spine. Still on he flew, the idea of Applejack in his arms again numbing the pain so that it was only dull agony. A few of his feathers had broken off and their stumps trailed thin lins of blood and sinew. Soarin' knew for a fact that he wouldn't be flying to the Wonderbolt's standards anytime soon but he couldn't have cared less. Every breath burned in his lungs and his eyes watered. He gritted his teeth as the familiar silhouette of the orphanage finally came into view. He had been flying for hours and his goal was in sight.

Soarin' didn't as much as land as he did crashed with grace. The second his legs touched the ground they gave out and he tumbled head over tail in the dirt for the last few meters. He came to a rest just on the doorstep of his once home and stood on shaking legs. His head rung and he felt a new trickle of blood drip from his nose.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up." Said the only pony he ever saw as his mother. She stepped out from the screen door leading inside and smiled at the broken disheveled Pegasus on her step. Soarin' was gasping for breath and put one foot in front of the other.

"Ap-Apple…Applejack." He managed and Susan smiled slightly.

"She's here." She said simply, "Out back with the others. Her friends Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie just helped me tuck a lot of my little ponies in bed for the night. Soarin' nodded without hearing and tried to move passed the older pony. Susan held out a hoof and stopped him.

"You are not going out there looking like this." Susan whispered furiously, "There are dozens of the riches stallions and mares in Equestria out there, having the time of their lives."

"Why?" Was all Soarin' could manage.

"Applejack, bless her heart, wanted to do right by me." She said, "She wanted to do more than just apologize to you. She wanted to show you that…that the day you two broke up was the single worst day of her life and letting you go was the worst mistake she ever made."

It was only then that Soarin's head stopped shaking and he heard music. And laughter. The sounds of the party drifted to his ears. A pony whooped with joy and he went ridged. He'd know that voice anywhere. Applejack was just out back and she sounded happy.

"I have to see her." Soarin' said firmly but Susan would not back down.

"The ponies here are our last best chance to do some real good for my little ponies." Susan said, "Twilight Sparkle is even going to contact some teachers in Ponyville and ask them to come up here on weekends to teach. Applejack and her friends are doing everything I could never do, Soarin."

"I…I know." Soarin' said with a hopeful smile.

"If you're going out there, first wash up." Susan said, "And second please please for the sake of the foals, don't have a fight with Applejack. Kiss her, tell her you love her but don't ruin this night. We-" She put a hoof to his shoulder, "need this, Soarin."

He was speechless. Susan Evergreen had never sounded this hopeful and desperate before. Soarin' nodded slowly, his mind racing. Had Applejack really done so much here? Susan was a worldly pony; it took a lot to make her get emotional.

"I'm going back out there." Susan whispered and walked away, "You go wash up."

Soarin' watched her go, his heart hammering in his chest. The reality of the night was overwhelming him. He moved like a robot up the stairs and turned towards the master bathroom. He stopped, hearing mumbles coming from one of the rooms. Soarin' crept slowly and saw a light was still on in one of the bedrooms. Slowly he opened the door. A Pegasus, her fur a pale yellow and her mane a vibrant pink was sitting by a nightlight in the corner. She was surrounded and indeed covered by a dozen foals, over half of whom were asleep. The others tried to stifle yawns, determined to stay up just a little later. The Pegasus was reading softly from a adventure book. She sounded so loving and caring and every foal looked so happy.

Soarin' smiled and wiped a tear from his eyes. Only Applejack could do something this sweet. Soarin' eased the door closed and quietly walked away. He got to the master room but the door opened before he could touch it.

A white unicorn stepped out and gasped at the Pegasus in front of her.

"Soarin?" Rarity almost yelled but he held up a hoof, motioning to the foals' room at the end of the hall. Rarity nodded but fixed him with a very powerful stare. She lashed out with her hoof, striking him hard in the cheek.

"That was for leaving Applejack, you son-of-a-mule." She whispered furiously. Next she swept him up around the neck and planted a firm, passionate kiss on his lips. Soarin' fought back briefly but she relented soon after. "And that was for coming back."


"Shut up." She said firmly and looked him over, "You look terrible." He gave a dry laugh.

"I've done a lot of flying today." She nodded knowingly and touched the dogtags hanging around his neck.

"I'm…I'm glad you're here." She whispered, "She needs you. More than you will ever know."

"I know."

"Go wash up." Rarity commanded, "There is a simple dress shirt in my pink traveling bag. It should be your size."

"Really?" Soarin' asked and gave her a small smile.

"I am many things, Soarin' Silverbolt." Rarity said firmly as she walked away, "For most of those is prepared for every eventuality."

"What if I hadn't shown up?" He asked with a grin. Rarity grinned back but there was a glimmer in her eyes that made Soarin' nervous.

"I would find you, Soarin." She said and turned away.

"And do what?"

"See you outside, Soarin." And Rarity was gone around the corner. The Wonderbolt was left with his thoughts and quickly went to the washroom to clean up.


There was a small applause as Pinkie Pie finished her magic tricks on stage. Most of the laughter came from the colts and fillies that were pony enough to stay up late. They giggled and clapped their hooves together as Pinkie made all manner of silly faces at them. The older ponies smiled along, but were inwardly deeply moved by the younger ponies.

Victor Ser'Janus, ever the loyal officer of Celestia's army, found himself pitted against a young filly with a bright red mane in a game of chess. He let her win of course and her cheers of joy touched his heart

As her eyes wondered about, Abigail felt completely overwhelmed and had to sit down. She had spent her life traveling the world, working with every impoverished town and village on the map to improve almost everything there was to improve. That a place like the Evergreen Orphange existed and nopony had told her about it angered her. She hid it well and smiled. She was determined to make sure the fillies and colts had a bright future ahead of them. Maybe a jump start program or a scholarship for college? The possibilities were endless.


He saw her from a distance and his heart hammered. She looked so different and yet she was the exact same. Her face was pale and her skin sunken and taught. She looked like she hadn't eaten in weeks. Her once fully body looked wholly out of place in her leather vest and hat. With a start, Soarin' realized she was wearing the same outfit from the first night they met. Soarin' fought back an incredibly powerful feeling of guilt in his gut. Applejack looked like she had suffered so much. Big Macintosh had told him Applejack cried every day and she looked like it.

Soarin's body moved completely on its own, drawing him closer and closer. His heart refused to stop pounding in his chest and his face was burning. Soarin' had watched as Applejack gave one of the orphaned colts a massive apple on a stick and hugged him. It tugged at Soarin's heart strings and he smiled. Suddenly all he could think of was Applejack hugging a foal of her own. Soarin' pushed his way through the crowds until he was just on the edge.

He stood there, staring at Applejack in mute shock for a long time. It took several long heartbeats for Applejack to register she was being watched. Her head turned, creaking as if rusted. Her heart stopped. There he was, barely a hoof full of feet away. Oh sweet Celestia he looked so ragged. He wore a white shirt but he still looked like he had just seen combat. His wings were tattered and frayed and his eyes were sunken with exhaustion. He was still muscular and powerful, but his once perfect body looked softer and rounder. The lines under his eyes were so much deeper and his green eyes looked darker.

They stood there, the two lost lovers, staring at each other. No pony spoke. Each fought their own internal battles; Applejack wanted nothing more than to hold Soarin' tight to her body. Similarly the Wonderbolt wanted to hold Applejack in his hooves, but neither could make the first move. The divide between them seemed as wide as a canyon and twice as deep as the deepest valley. Their eyes met and shimmered with unshed tears. Soarin' took the first step and Applejack gulped, terrified.

"Uh…hi…Applejack." Soarin' said awkwardly. Inwardly Applejack sighed just at the sound of her name on his lips. Her body shook and she closed her eyes. When she opened them she took a deep breath and steeled herself. They were still at a party and it wouldn't do for one of the hostesses to break down weeping.

"Well howdy partner." She said with a fake smile, trying to fight back the tears, "Ya' hungry?" Soarin' looked at her for a long moment and Applejack was convinced he was just going to fly away. Her last shot at ever seeing him again, and she blew it. He grinned that arrogant grin of his and her heart fluttered.

"As…as a horse." He said hesitantly. They smiled at each other briefly. Soarin' heart hurt so bad and he had to tense his muscles to keep from sweeping her in his arms. He had no idea what Applejack wanted from him, or even if she still wanted him.

"Well wha-what ya' hankering fer?" She motioned to the half empty cart and her voice shook with emotions, "C…c…Caramel apples…apple pie…apple fritters…" the tears broke from the dam and she sniffed, "We…we got apple fries…apple turnovers…" She smiled sadly at him, "I got every type of apple y-ya'll could ever want. G-g-g-guaranteed to be…" She wiped a tear from her eyes and tried to compose herself, "to be the best apples in Equestria."

Her voice was laced with so much sorrow it tore Soarin' apart. He closed his eyes and let the words resonate in his skull. He could hear heartbreak and longing in her voice. She wasn't angry, she wasn't desperate. She was broken. Applejack was a broken mare. Soarin' opened his eyes and gulped.

"I'll…I'll take that big apple pie." He motioned to a large fresh pie on the rack. Applejack laughed despite herself and wiped away some tears. Soarin' reached into a pocket and pulled out three bits. He dropped them in the bucket and held out his hoof. Applejack's hoof brushed against his.

Lightning. It was like lightning striking a tower. Applejack's body went stiff, her muscles ridged. His hoof was so warm. It felt like the sun was warming her fur after a terrible rainstorm. It felt like she was on the beach with a tropical sun baking her. Her eyes went wide and her longing was mirrored by Soarin. Applejack's fur felt cold, lifeless. She was shivering and Soarin' wanted to sweep her in his arms and hold her. He wanted to warm her with his body heat and never let her go. The apple-pie teetered on their hooves and tipped over.

It fell, and this time Soarin' let it go.


Rarity ushered her sister onto the backstage with furiously whispered words. Sweetie Belle fought her the entire way, her heart hammering faster and faster as she drew closer to the big empty stage.

"I don't know if I can do this, Rarity." Sweetie Belle squeaked. Her eyes were wide with fear as she stared out into the expanding darkness. Sweetie Belle gulped hard and began pulling at the black dress she swore. It was dotted with white and yellow stars, and flowing clouds of nebulae. Her mane was dune up in a flowing wave. Rarity smiled down at her little sister.

"Oh Sweetie Belle, you will be amazing." She said and put her hooves on the little filly's shoulder, "I have faith in you. I'm proud of you, Sweetie Belle." Rarity chocked on her emotions, "I don't say that enough, but I truly am. I love Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie Belle looked up at her sister, smiling brightly and tears of joy in her eyes.

"I love you too, sis!" She said and embraced her hard. After a moment she pulled away and nodded firmly.

"Ready for this?" Rarity asked.

"I was born ready!" Sweetie Belle chirped and Rarity laughed at her sister's bravado.

"Knock them dead, sis." Rarity said with a fierce smile. She nodded over at Pinkie Pie who pulled a rope with her teeth. The red velvet curtain swooshed open and the audience pounded their hooves on the ground. The spot lights shone brightly down on the wooden stage and when she looked up, they left hazy pink afterimages in her sight. Sweetie Belle took a single hesitant step towards the single microphone in the center of the stage. Instantly the bright lights dimmed and changed to a passionate, smothering red light. Sweetie Belle took a deep breath and nodded to somepony she couldn't see, but knew was waiting for the signal.

The music began slowly. A string of violins played a high, somber note that carried over the entire area. A drum began to keep a slow, steady beat and Pinkie Pie added her maracas to the music. Sweetie Belle waltzed up to the shining silver microphone. Her music cue came and she began to sing:

Fly me to the moon

And let me play among the stars.

Let me see what spring is like

On Jupiter and Mars.

In other words, hold my hoof.

In other words, baby, kiss me

Her voice carried over the entire party, finding purchase in every pony's heart. Most were in complete shock that such a little filly could sing so beautifully. It was Fancypants who came out of the haze first and offered his hoof to Fleur de Lis. The mare accepted with a blush and he led her to the dance floor. With one hoof around her husband's shoulder and the other holding his, the two began to slowly dance.

Fill my heart with song

And let me sing for ever more

You are all I long for

All I worship and adore

Applejack found herself speechless. She had only heard Sweetie Belle sing once before and then it had been the unintentional comedic act of the Cutie Mark Crusader's theme song. Applejack never knew the little filly had such a voice. A hoof touched her shoulder and Applejack gasped in surprise. She turned and all thoughts drained from her mind.

"Hey." He said, his green eyes shimmering, "Uh…do you want to dance?" His voice was hushed, as if he was afraid to ask.

"I don't know much 'bout dancin', hero." She breathed, barely daring to speak aloud. This moment couldn't possibly be happening. The sky-blue stallion held out a hoof.

"I'll show you."

In other words, please be true

In other words, I love you

She took his hoof and let him lead her to the dance floor. Already a dozen or more ponies were slow dancing and the two found a place amongst the crowd. Applejack gulped hard and with one shaking arm, she reached out and put a hoof around his shoulder. Instead of holding her hoof, Soarin' put a hoof on the back of her neck and pressed close to her. Applejack sighed with abject delight and let herself get lost.

Sweetie Belle moved like a goddess on the stage, fully in the swing of the song. All she saw were the silhouettes of ponies on the dance floor. She thought she recognized Rarity and that unicorn Jasper amongst the crowd, but she was enjoying herself too much to care. Sweetie Belle let the word flow through her. She ripped the microphone from its place on the stand so she could move about freely on the stage.

Fly me to the moon

Let me play among the stars

Rarity knew her sister could sing, but she never imagined that she had the voice of an angel. Sweetie Belle sung with all the emotion and power of a filly three times her age. Rarity felt a wave of pride sweep over her and she almost stumbled as Jasper twirled her around. Rarity gave out a very girly squeal and pressed herself closer to the unicorn.

"Are you okay with this, Lady Rarity? We only just met." Jasper whispered to her. Rarity looked into his deep crimson eyes and smiled.

"Yes, Jasper." She said and her voice was laced with happiness, "I'm right where I want be."

Let me see what spring is like

On a-Jupiter and Mars

Applejack took in the Wonderbolt's scent and felt her mind go hazy. It was so familiar, so intoxicating. She wanted him, then and there but she reigned in her desire. There weren't at that point yet; not even close. She had no idea what this dance meant. Was this just two friends dancing together? The way his arm kept her protectively close to her body certainly didn't feel like 'just friends'. At that moment though, Applejack didn't care. She nuzzled Soarin' and let herself sway to the music.

In other words, hold my hoof

In other words, darling, kiss me

They danced awkwardly, not really knowing what they were doing. Mostly they just copied what the adults were doing, but, as Applebloom realized the third time she stepped on Oliver's hoof, she still had no idea how to dance. Still they made a decent go of it, and even held hooves. Applebloom's face burned so brightly she was eternally grateful for the red mood lighting already washed her crimson. Oliver smiled his toothy smile and they tried their best at a twirl. They both fell over, laughing the entire time. Applebloom couldn't remember the last time she had been so happy.

Fill my heart with song

Let me sing for ever more

Applejack pressed herself so tightly up against Soarin' she was sure they would meld into one pony. Tears of…something rolled down her face. She was beside herself with equal amounts of joy and sorrow. It felt so real, so right to be in his arms…but as much as she wanted Soarin' to hold her close, she couldn't forget the past month. All the cold, lonely nights. All the tears and heartbreak. It was over and yet it felt like it was just starting again.

You are all I long for

All I worship and adore

Soarin' looked down at the mare in his arms and gulped hard, fighting back his emotions. He had been such an idiot to ask her to dance. What now genius? You've barely said two words to her in months. What happens when the song ends? Kiss her? Talk to her? What does she want? He had seen her on the edge of the party and he had acted without thinking. But by Celestia, she felt so amazing pressed against him. Soarin' let a few tears drip from his eyes; he had missed her so much.

In other words, please be true

In other words, in other words

Applejack looked up into Soarin's green eyes. She was surprised to see anguish, sorrow and regret in his glazed over eyes. What did he have to been sorry about? She had been the one that messed everything up. Applejack felt her heart tighten; she had only heard second hand the pain she had caused him. Now, up close with his handsome features looming over hers, she could see it clear as day. Applejack wanted nothing more than to smother his sadness with her love and she barely noticed when their lips began to grow closer.

I love

Sweetie Belle grinned as the ponies stopped dancing. They were at her mercy; if she said jump, they would jump. The violinist let the note extend well beyond its two-beats and it wasn't until the tension reached a breaking point that she put the microphone to her lips again and spoke one simple word.


Their lips met in a tentative kiss; hesitant, testing. They wanted something familiar, some lifeline to cling to. Soarin's tears of joy dripped down his chin and laced across Applejack's cheek. As if a spell was broken, Applejack gasped and pulled away. Around her in the dark the entire party was cheering and chanting for Sweetie Belle who looked more than a little awkward at the attention.

Applejack looked up and felt her blood run cold. Soarin' was crying. She didn't know if it was from joy or pain; it didn't matter. All Applejack saw was the betrayed, anguished look he had given her all those weeks ago. She heard the echo of her horrible words in her heard and in the distance she thought she saw two Wonderbolts starting at her. In a flash they were gone and all Applejack felt was a wave of guilt. It washed over her, threatening to consume her. Applejack tore her gaze away from the stallion she loved.

"Applejack?" He said quickly, noticing the look in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, hero." She said, "I can't."


Applejack ran. She ran for her life and for Soarin's. She had never deserved such a perfect stallion. He was the descendent of heroes of Equestria; she was an apple farmer from the sticks. He mingled with the top ponies of Equestria and was known for his virtue. Applejack was little more than a work mule of better breeding.

"Applejack!" Soarin' roared. His voice cut through the cheers of the crowds and everything fell deathly silent. Everypony turned to look at the tempest in Wonderbolt form that had shouted. His voice had been like thunder and it forced the apple farmer to freeze. "Look at me, Applejack."

Applejack turned, shaking and crying, to look at him. Everypony's gaze was on her and she almost shrunk back, but the passion in Soarin's voice had her firmly rooted to the ground.

"Don't go Applejack." He said, and this time his voice was much softer. Even still, it carried over the distance and everypony who had ever been in love could hear the longing in his voice.

"Why?" Applejack called back, her voice almost hysterical, "I'm just gonna' cause ya'll more pain. I can't do nothin' right."

"That's not true, and you know it." Soarin' said and motioned to the listening crowds, "Look around you. Look at all the ponies you brought here. You've changed the lives of every foal here forever, and for the better."

"I only did this 'cause I lost ya'." Applejack said bitterly, "I'd never have done this if ya'll were still my stallion. That aint the measure of a good pony, Soarin."

"That's not the way I see this, Applejack." Soarin' said and took a single step towards the shivering mare, "I see a mare who wanted to make a difference."

"Oh, I've made a difference!" Applejack almost snarled, "I've done ruined the lives of everypony I ever met."

"How?" Soarin' challenged, his eyes steely and voice unwavering, "Whose lives have you ruined?" Applejack scoffed but found her anger rapidly draining. She looked around and found a pair of teary crimson eyes set in a cyan face.

"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack pointed at the surprised Pegasus, "I lied 'bout our entire relationship. I was so worried she'd want to steal my Wonderbolt from me that I betrayed our entire friendship. Years of trust earned the hard way gone in the shake of a lamb's tale. She was one of my closest friends, Soarin', and I done let her down." Applejack shook her head sadly, "I lied when what I shoulda' done it just talk to her. I shoulda' just sat Rainbow down the second we got back from the Gala n' ask for her blessin'. Shoot, ya' know all the parties she would have begged me to go with when ya'll were my coltfriend. She could've found herself a nice stallion in one of ya' teammates." Applejack took a deep breath, "I failed her. I don't deserve to be her friend"

Next Applejack turned to the alabaster white unicorn that was covering her mouth to keep from crying out.

"Truth be told, I shoulda' apologized to Rarity years ago. I always called her fussy and girly and a plain idgit sometimes." Applejack pulled at her woven mane, "I'm the pony that replaced her froufrou shampoo with ink last year." Rarity did twitch at this, remembering how she stepped out of the shower with moldy green hair, but she kept her peace, "Truth is I was always jealous. She's so perty all the dang time. What mare wouldn't want to look so good? All this froufrou make up, and the hair and this dress…it's all Rarity. It's always been Rarity. I ain't much to look at, Soarin. I'm…just me. I'm just Applejack, the apple farmer. I'm nothin' special and I took it out on the one mare who was."

"Who else?"Soarin' whispered, but he wasn't heard. Applejack was lost to her sadness again.

"And just look at the example I done set for Applebloom!" Applejack pointed to her little sister in the crowds, "Damn it Soarin', I'm her only sister in the world. I'm suppos'd to teach her 'bout the world, 'bout how to be an honest pony." Applejack felt a spike of shame in her chest and was totally oblivious that Soarin' had taken several more steps towards her. "Instead I lied to everypony. I've been a rotten sister."

A silence fell on the crowd and Applebloom buried her face into Oliver's shoulder and wept. Soarin' fixed Applejack tear stained eyes with a compassionate stare. She saw her own pain mirrored in his eyes and for a second she didn't so alone.

"Do you honestly think that your friends, that your own sister can't forgive you?" Soarin' asked softly, "Do you think that I can't?"

"I never asked." Applejack said and kicked the ground, "I'm too much of a coward to face 'em like a mare ought."

"Then do it now." He said simply. Applejack laughed at his absurd statement but found her objection died in her throat. What more did she have to lose? Applejack gulped hard.

"Applebloom?" She called out. Before she had even opened her mouth to speak a second time, a blur of yellow fur smashed into Applejack. The little Apple hugged her sister tightly and cried her heart out, repeating how much she loved Applejack into her fur.

"Ya'll is the best sister a pony could ask fer." Applebloom said with a smile. Applejack blushed slightly and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks sis." Applejack said. The two hugged kindly for a long time. Soarin' watched with a swell of pride. She may have been 'just Applejack' but by Celestia, she was an amazing mare. A unicorn stepped up behind Soarin' and put a hoof to his shoulder. Soarin' turned to face Rarity and the two shared an unspoken moment. After a moment, Rarity stepped closer to Applejack and wrapped her arms around the filly and mare.

"There is nothing to forgive, Applejack." Rarity whispered happily, "I never held a grudge against you." She leaned forward to whisper in Applejack ear, "But there is a stallion right behind me that you need to apologize too."

"How?" Applejack hissed, "My thumper feels like its 'bout to give out on me."

"Tell him the truth, Applejack." Rarity said and took Applebloom by the arm. She led the young Crusader away, giving Applejack a wide amount of room. Applejack took a deep breath and prepared herself for what was the single most important event of her life.

"Soarin?" Applejack turned to the stallion and suddenly her throat was dry. His shining green eyes reflected so much sadness and a horrible longing she knew all too well. The month since she had seen him now seemed like an eternity; his handsome face and jaw line, those toned muscles of his sculpted athletic body and his eyes. Oh his eyes were like oceans of crisp green water; impossibly deep but beautiful. Applejack swallowed hard and fought back another wave of tears.

All the memories she had made with him flashed in her mind. She could feel the ghost of his lips on hers, his strong arms around him. The simple joy of snuggling with him at night and nuzzling his strong neck in the morning. The heartwarming delight of Soarin' playing tag with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Watching him teach AppleBloom and her friends about sharing and letting them help at the orphanage. She remembered the ecstasy she had felt when they first made love. She had never felt as complete or happy as she had in those hours with him.

He had helped the Apple family so much, taught AppleBloom and her friends so well. How had Applejack repaid him? By publically denying that she even knew him, much less loved him. By lying to all her friends and family about her relationship for fear of being judged. She had turned her back on everything that she as an Element of Harmony, and more importantly, as a loving mare, stood for. When she spoke, her voice was a small embryonic thing and the echo of a sad smile was on her lips.

"Celestia damn it, Soarin, I love ya'." She said. The words brought the tears again and they rolled down her face. Applejack shook as she spoke, silent sobs wracking her body, "I love ya' so much. This past month has been a livin' Hell without ya'." The farm pony sniffed back a sob. Everypony was holding their breaths, unable to look away. Rarity took a reflexive step forward, determined to support her friend. Tears welled in the unicorn's eyes. Her way was blocked by Twilight Sparkle who gave the fashion pony a firm look. This was between the WonderBolt and Apple farmer.

Applejack composed herself in a heartbeat, "I shouldn't have taken ya' for granted like I did. I was so worried about what every other pony would say or do; I never stopped to think what ya'll needed. I shouldn't have lied like I did, and I never shoulda' denied I was datin' ya. I was never ashamed to date ya'. Never. I loved wakin' up to ya' in the mornin' and I loved goin' to sleep with ya' at night. I miss ya'll holdin' me, and I miss makin' love with ya'." No pony, not even the Crusaders, reacted. Rarity glanced at AppleBloom and felt a swell of pride that she was not snickering. This was a serious life changing moment and the Crusaders knew it.

"I…I wanna marry ya' Soarin'." Applejack laughed, the idea filling her with a renewed happiness, "I wanna have little WonderBolt juniors." The farmer turned to her friends, and motioned to a teary eyed Rarity, "I wanna be there when Rarity teaches our daughter to comb her mane like a lady 'ought." Next she looked at Rainbow Dash, "And I wanna' watch you and Rainbow teach our son to fly." She turned back to her WonderBolt, "I wanna' make dinner for our family, cook ya'll biscuits n' gravy and a big apple pie just like Granny does…like a wife 'ought. I want…I want a family with ya', Soarin'. I want to give ya' the family ya' never had."

She looked at the ground, ears folding down on her head in sadness and she sighed, "Truth is, ya'll is the best thin' that ever happened to me. I was just too stubborn to see that." it was too much for the WonderBolt and he stepped forward.

"Applejack, I-"

"I was so caught up in keepin' our relationship a secret…I just couldn't…I thought maybe…" the farm pony sniffed back more tears, apparently oblivious to Soarin's attempts to talk.

"AJ, listen I-"

"I messed up Soarin!" Applejack suddenly screamed as new wave of agony washed over her, "Ya'll were the best thing that is ever gonna' happen to me, and I messed it up." She looked away, "I want ya' back, Soarin! Sweet Celesita, Soarin' I needs ya'! I needs ya' in my life…but…but" Her ears sagged and tears dripped to the ground, "I…I understands if ya' don't want to date me no more. What I done and said…t'were unforgivable…but…but…" She sniffed again, looking around for anything to help her. She saw her little sister, tears in her eyes, frowning. AppleBloom's eyes begged Applejack to do the right thing, begged her to get Soarin' back. "…but AppleBloom has really taken a shine to ya' and she shouldn't suffer 'cause her sister is a mule…so visit please? Maybe*sniff*…maybe someday you and I can be friends again and-"

Applejack was cut off by Soarin' putting a hoof to her mouth. She looked at him, eyes wide in surprise. His deep green eyes studied her with amusement and adoration. Being so close to him, Applejack could feel his familiar warmth and her knees shook. The WonderBolt wrapped one arm around the farmer's neck and pulled her close.

"Oh just shut up you beautiful mare and kiss me."

Her lips crashed onto his with so much passion everypony could see the sparks fly off them. Fleur de Lis had to steady herself on a nearby tree; it was so touching she was endanger of passing out. Tears of absolute joy stung everypony's eyes, and even Victor Ser'Janus had to look away to, claiming dust in his eyes. AppleBloom's smile was brighter than the sun and she looked up Twilight Sparkle, who smiled knowingly. Rarity was bawling her eyes out and whimpering slightly, the joy of the moment overwhelming her. It was everything she wanted for her friend.

When they finally broke apart, Applejack was dizzy with happiness and she stared lustfully into Soarin's eyes.

"I forgave so long ago Applejack. I just didn't know..." He took a breath to steady himself, "I've missed you so much." He whispered in her ear. She shivered from the warmth and her legs buckled. She collapsed and Soarin took her in his arms. They two stared longing into each other's eyes, smiling blissfully.

"I love you Applejack Apple." He said loudly so everypony could hear, "More than anything."

"I knows, and I'm sorry I was such a right bitch." Applejack hugged him tightly, as if afraid it was all a horrible nightmare and she'd wake up, alone, "I'm gonna' do whatever it takes to prove how sorry I is. To prove how much I really loves ya'. I don't care if it takes the rest of my life, by Celestia Imma' earn everypony's trust back the honest way; through hard work."

"Applejack, just be yourself." Soarin said softly, "That's who I love. Applejack, the loving sister, best friend, best baker…" He leaned closer so the ponies watching couldn't hear him, "Great lover." She blushed madly but nodded her head.

"Ok Soarin'." She said, "But I does owe ya' somethin'. I don't want to…just…move on…" She stammered a bit, woefully unable to articulate her thoughts. Soarin' looked at her with a very serious, set face.

"I have an idea Applejack." He said and gently placed her on her own hooves again, "What happened between us was…hard…"

"Hard?" She laughed, "Hard is bucking the southern field by ya' lonesome. This past month was a hell o' a lot more than hard."

"I know…" Soarin said and stroked her face gently. Applejack leaned into his touch and felt more tears roll down her face, "And I don't want you to feel guilty. I don't want to see you tear yourself up over what happened."

"Soarin…" Applejack breathed, tears in her eyes.

"No Applejack, don't." He smiled and brushed the tears from her eyes, "I still love you and I always will…but let's start again. Two new ponies that meet at a party and fall in love. A new Applejack and a new Soarin'. We'll do it all over again, every smile, kiss and date. No guilt, no shame…just two ponies."

Applejack was speechless for a long time. He was willing to wipe her slate clean, to give her a complete second chance…Applejack buried her face in his neck and nuzzled him with all her heart. She breathed him in and sighed at his scent.

"I'd do anythin' for ya', hero." Applejack said and kissed him.

"Not for me…for us." Soarin' said simply. Applejack nodded and took his hoof in hers.

"Us." Applejack repeated and smiled, "I like that word. Us. It sounds…right."

"It does." Soarin' said and looked around as if suddenly remembering they were at a party with half the guests obviously trying to avoid the snuggling couple, "How about we start the new us tomorrow. Just for tonight, be my fillyfriend and dance with me?"

"Told ya', ain't one for dancin', hero." Applejack said quickly, "I can shuffle but that's 'bout it."

"Works for me." He said and helped Applejack to her hooves. When they had finished one last kiss and began to walk towards the dance floor, they were swarmed with ponies from all sides. Ponies hugged Applejack tightly and shook Soarin's hand in respect. A tall, beautiful pony Applejack had never met hugged her tightly and gave Soarin' a very cozy kiss on the lips. Applejack felt her ear twitch but ignore it. When the crowds began to disperse, a familiar white unicorn with dazzling blue eyes walked up.

"Applejack." Rarity breathed and opened her arms for a hug, "It would be the honor of my life to-" She paused to wipe a stray tear from her eyes and compose herself, "-to teach your daughter," another pause, "-whenever you have her, to comb her mane."

"Aw thanks Rarity."

"And polish her hooves."

"Uh…yeah sure." Applejack chuckled at the idea.

"And how to do her makeup." Rarity put a hoof to her chin as she thought, "And perhaps even how to dance. And of course manners; we can't have a little filly with poor table-manners, can we?"

"Easy there." Applejack warned, "She'll be an Apple, thank ya' kindly."

"Oh and we simply must teach her floral arrangements." Rarity chirped, "Oh and sewing! How can we forget sewing?"

"Hey!" Applejack interrupted. They both stared at each other before laughing, "I swear Rarity, ya'll is gonna turn my daughter into a cream-puff and I ain't even had her yet!" A pearl white stallion came up behind Rarity and looked down at the pony.

"She's right, Rarity." He said smoothly, "You're rambling again."

"Me? Ramble?" Rarity gasped in mock anger and looked away in an equally fake huff, "Jasper Lace if you do not mind your manners and stop acting like such a ruffian, I shan't be accompanying you to dinner tomorrow evening."

"Aww, and here I was thinking it was my ruffian good looks that made you say yes in the first place." He teased and Rarity shot his a quick glare.

"Hardly." She scoffed, "Your knowledge of gemstones makes you of interest to my business. This is strictly professional."

"Oh well." Jasper sighed, "I guess I'll just mosey back to Canterlot and find some rich socialite to-" Rarity took his mane in her hoof and pulled his head down to mere inches from her.

"Don't. You. Dare." She hissed between her teeth, eyes ablaze. She followed her words with the most teasing, seductive brush of her lips on his before pulling away completely, leaving Jasper wide-eyed and needing more.

Applejack was in stunned disbelief as Rarity walked back over to her and Soarin.

"What?" the unicorn asked sweetly. The two shared a look and shook their head.


"Not a thing, sugarcube."

"Oh and Applejack?" Rarity's laugh was both menacing and innocent, "Now that I know it was you who put that dreadful ink in my shampoo…better watch yourself, cowgirl."

"Bring it."

The four returned to the party proper, finding the colts and fillies alight with happiness. Pinkie was leading another parade while foals played little plastic instruments. Sweetie Belle sung wordlessly along with the tune they played, her voice easily adding an angelic quality to the music. Applejack cast her eyes about and quickly found her bow-tie topped sister sitting amongst a group of ponies. Oliver Spring sat next to her but their eyes were locked on the board game they were playing.

"AJ!" A voice called out and the farmer spun, already knowing who she would see. Rainbow Dash looked at Applejack with tears in her eyes. Applejack looked at Soarin' and he nodded, smiling. The earth pony let go of his hoof. She ran as if in slow motion and Rainbow skimmed just above the ground. The two collided in a tangled mess of orange fur and blue feathers and hugged each other tightly. They cried with happiness for a moment as all their problems seemed to drain away. It was Rainbow Dash who pulled away first and smiled at Applejack.

"AJ, you're my best friend and I love you." Rainbow Dash laughed and gave her a jab in the shoulder, "I would never stand in the way of your happiness, ever. I mean, my friend Applejack is dating a WonderBolt! How cool is that!" The two ponies laughed and then Rainbow kicked a patch of dirt, "And if you really meant it…I'll teach your son to fly someday. I mean, think about it! The kid of Applejack Apple and Soarin' Silverbolt! The little brat is going to be a better athlete than me!"

"Did…did ya'll just call my unborn son a brat?"

"You're joking right?" Rainbow scoffed, "He's your son. An Apple. Of course he's a brat. Right AppleBloom?"

"Yes ma'am!" The crusader yelled without even hearing the question.

"Besides, with how much Rarity and I would spoil him, being an Apple brat will be the least of your worries." Rainbow grinned, "Right Rarity?"

"Oh do not get me started on foal clothing, dear." The fashion unicorn said with a shake of her hoof, "I already have entire lines of the most adorable outfits for every one of my friends' foals."

"But…I is the only pony datin'." Applejack shared a look with all her friends. Each looked surprised and embarrassed at this revelation from Rarity.

"Details Applejack." She dismissed, "Mere details."

"Even me?" Rainbow asked. The athlete had gone quiet pale.

"Of course, dear Rainbow." Rarity sighed with stars in her eyes, "I have the most adorable little track suit planned. It'll be baby blue and trimmed with black and gold. I haven't decided on a hood or not…do you think you'll be marrying a unicorn Rainbow Dash?"

"M-m-m-m-marry?" Rainbow swayed for a moment before dropping to her knees and pitching onto the ground. The mares looked down at the star athlete as she mumbled the word 'marry' over and over in her haze. Then, as one, they laughed.

"Well that's one way to stop Rainbow Dash." Soarin' said as the laughter died down. Applejack just smiled at him and nuzzled his neck.

"I love ya' so much, Soarin." She breathed out. He closed his eyes and nuzzled her back.

"I know." He put a hoof around her, "You're my mare, AJ. Forever." Applejack smiled at the words. They held each other for a tender moment as Fluttershy flew over and poured a glass of ice water on Rainbow Dash. The cyan Pegasus gasped and spat and stood on shaking legs.

"I. Am. Not. Getting. Married." She said between gasps and glared daggers at Rarity. The unicorn shrugged.

"We'll see." She said simply. She looked about and nodded at Fancypants from across the party. Rarity looked at her friends, "If you'll excuse me, I must go. Applejack, Soarin, keep your clothing on please." She was mostly ignored but Applejack and Soarin' wanted to take their time. They were still hesitant around each other, toeing the lines of love just to stay on the safe side.

Rarity left her friends to their cuddling and made her way on stage. Sweetie Belle was flowing and dancing along to whatever song was being played. Rarity fished into her pocket and handed Sweetie Belle a bit.

"Here, go buy yourself a muffin from Applejack's stall." She said kindly, "You've done a beautiful job tonight, Sweetie. I…I'm so proud of you." Sweetie Belle hugged her sister tightly and pranced off stage. She was cheered madly by all the ponies present.

"Sweetie Belle, ladies and gentlecolts!" Rarity called out, pointing at her blushing sister, "Equestria's up and coming starlet." They cheered even more and Sweetie Belle waved awkwardly. When the cheers died down, Rarity continued.

"Tonight has been a night of…firsts so to speak." Rarity began, "Many ponies have been moved to tears-yes, Fleur de Lis, we noticed." The crowd laughed but the mare in question stood her ground, proud of her emotions, "Tonight we've proven that it only takes a few ponies to make a difference. And that's what each and every pony here today wants to do; make a difference. But dare I say, no pony can make such a difference as Ms. Susan Evergreen."

The ponies cheered as the old pony hobbled her way on stage. All the colts and fillies had taken front row seats and cheered madly at the old pony. Rarity turned to her and smiled softly.

"Ms. Evergreen, you have done so much and stood alone for so long." Rarity's voice was tinged with emotion, "You have done the impossible for so long, its time some pony recognizes your lifetime worth of work. We are here today to give you the support you need. On behalf of every pony here, I make this solemn promise; we will support you and the Evergreen Orphanage from this day forward."

The older pony was moved to tears and reached out to balance herself on Rarity. The unicorn was emotional too and the two mares cried together. The cheers from the crowd were so joyful. Fleur de Lis embraced her husband and kissed him, tears stinging both their eyes.

Rarity looked out on the fruit of her labors and cried. It had all worked. Every pony would be forever changed after this day and she couldn't wait to see what happened.


They held each other tightly, unwilling to let go. Soarin' had been so touched by the charity event that he had to sit down just to think. The two ponies had cried, each for their own reasons. Soarin' had never thought of bringing in outside help with his old home; perhaps he had been too protective or simply stupid. But it didn't matter now.

Applejack cried because she could. Because for the first time in months she could cry for joy; cry because she was so happy. Soarin's arms fit perfectly around her just like they had all those weeks ago.

They held each other long after the party had ended, long after all the other ponies had gone. They held each other all night and when the sky began to turn the dull blue of dawn, they still held each other.

Together again, Soarin' and Applejack watched the sunrise in silence. They didn't say anything; they didn't need to. There would be plenty of time for words later. They has lost each other, but they had been found.

They had all the time in Equestria to be together.

Applejack smiled and kissed the love of her life.

She had never felt so happy in all her life.