• Published 22nd Sep 2013
  • 3,923 Views, 44 Comments

Love, Loss and Apples - Real_SilentPony

Two star-crossed ponies and their love for each other

  • ...

Chapter 6

With her memories of her time with Soarin' still fresh in her mind, Applejack stepped back into Ponyville with a dazzling smile on her face. There was a constant red tint to her cheeks as if she was wearing that blush makeup Rarity dolled herself up with. Applejack adjusted the saddlebag over her shoulder and began the trek back to Sweet Apple Acres.

"My my, somepony is looking chipper this afternoon." An elegant voice chuckled from behind the farmer. Applejack grinned and cast a glance over her shoulder. Rarity had a parasail resting gently on her shoulder and she twirled it a few times as she approached. The unicorn had a knowing gleam in her eyes. "You are simply glowing, my dear."

"Ya' might say I got exactly what the doctor ordered." Applejack replied, chuckling.

"Please, spare me your obscene country earth pony humor." Rarity scoffed, "Let us not beat around the bush, shall we? Did you and Soarin…um, well how to put this…"

"Ya' we did." Applejack interrupted with a dreamily, distant look in her eyes. Rarity waited a respectably thirty seconds for Applejack to remember her time with Soarin'. After a moment, Rarity poked Applejack in the shoulder with her parasail. "What was that fer?"

"I want details, my dear." Rarity said as if it was obvious. Applejack gave her a look.

"Really? Ya' want details about my…tumble?" She grinned, "I would have thought ya' uptightness wouldn't allow for that sorta' thing. Aint proper lady-like to talk 'bout what goes on betwixt the sheets, n' all." The smile dropped from Rarity's face and she grew several shades paler. She shook her head vigorously.

"Oh no-no-no-no-no!" Rarity said desperately, "I didn't mean it like that! Not crystal clear details. More of a murky river water vision of events. Um, like looking at it…err, events through a fog and…"

"Pardon?" Applejack laughed.

"I…well…just tell me he treated you like a lady, and that you had a magical time." Rarity conceded.

"Ooo, it was magical." Applejack sighed happily, "And I can sure as shoot promise ya' he treated me like a lady. "

"How bawdy." Rarity chuckled and pulled Applejack into a friendly hug, "I am truly happy for you, my dear."

"Thanks a bushel, Rarity." Applejack smiled brightly, "How are the Crusaders? Any scoldin' AppleBloom has comin'?"

"Not at all Applejack." Rarity said as the two walked back towards the Carousel Boutique, "The Crusaders have been perfect little angels since getting back. Why, even as we speak I bet they're preparing to go back to the Evergreen Orphanage. I have never seen Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo act so generously. And AppleBloom? She is quite taken with that Oliver colt."

"Ya'll notice that too, huh?" Applejack chuckled.

"I most certainly did!" Rarity said and giggled, "Her first crush. It is very sweet. I imagine she will be bugging you to visit him often."

"Shoot, them little ones can visit AppleBloom on the farm." Applejack said. Rarity smiled at the idea. They had walked through Ponyville, smiling and waving to the ponies they passed. Rarity noticed Applejack walked with more confidence. She was a full mare now, and her stride hinted at that.

"Well my dear, I must bid you adieu." Rarity said as they reached her Carousel Boutique, "I have a lot of orders to fill, so I must not dilly-dally."

"I heard that." Applejack said and chuckled. The two embraced once more before Rarity entered her shop. Applejack had a grin on her face and began trotting back through Ponyville towards Sweet Apple Acres.


Soarin' couldn't keep the giddiness in his stomach from turning over as Ponyville came into sight. He had never visited Applejack's town before and he was eager to be given a full tour. The idea of Applejack taking his hoof and leading him around, letting him meet all her friends and maybe even help out on her farm sent a pleasant shiver up Soarin's spine. He was excited to finally see Sweet Apple Acres, and meet Big Macintosh and the legendary Granny Smith. He just wanted to share in her life. He had never heard of a family as loving as the Apples at Sweet Apple Acres.

With a start, Soarin' realized he had no idea where Sweet Apple Acres was. Sure through aimless wandering he could find it, but that would take precious time from being with Applejack. The town square was below him and the WonderBolt decided to start his search there. Maybe ask for directions, or if he was lucky enough run into either Applejack or one of her friends.

Soarin' landed amidst the teeming crowds of happy ponies. Every pony had bright smiles on their faces, and a spring in their steps. So far so good; Ponyville seemed to be a happy town. Soarin' took a moment to situate himself. A beautiful statue of the three Princesses, rendered in flawless marble, dominated the square. The statue of Princess Luna had her eyes directed skyward, a look of infinite curiosity etched onto her eternally youthful features. She held a measuring instrument in one hoof, and a thick book was open on the ground. It was as if Luna was frozen in time as she studied the very cosmos.

The seldom seen Princess Cadence had her flowing wings stretched out, as if about to take flight. She carried a harp in one hoof, and the other was poised as if she was caught in the middle of a passionate musical performance. A heart shaped necklace hung from her elegant neck. The rumor mill back at the WonderBolts barracks was the Princess had recently become engaged to a life-long stallion friend.

Princess Celestia, the eldest of all the alicorns, on the other hoof was casting her gaze on the ponies below her. The statue was holding out her hoof and smiling gently, as if offering the ponies help in their lives. It was a humbling sight and Soarin' felt a swell of pride at the idea of serving those three noble Alicorns.

Soarin' walked through the town, ignoring the second glances from some of the mares. He was too enthralled with Ponyville. It was much bigger than he thought it would be. There were endless rows of adorable cream and pink colored houses and countless stalls and stores. Soarin' saw a flower stand and made a mental note to return later to get Applejack a snack. The town itself was built around a crossroads of rivers and streams. The WonderBolt trotted over a grey stone bridge and was amazed that the town just kept going. He passed a library that had been built directly into a tree. A hoofful of ponies waved at him or offered dazzling smiles.

Soarin's nose perked up at the scent of fresh cupcakes in the air, and like a good stallion, he followed his rumbling stomach. The WonderBolt blinked several times when he found the source of the aroma. A giant gingerbread house. Or at least it had been built to resemble one. The top of the bakery was decorated like a cake with four fake candles. It was an absurd building, and yet it fit in perfectly. Soarin' studied the building for a few moments, deeming it a spectacle worth a moment's consideration. Now that he had seen the cupcake building, he simply couldn't imagine Ponyville without it.

It was then Soarin' realized there was a pony breathing lightly right next to him. Slowly he turned his head and met two crystal blue eyes. They were set in a bright pink face with a dazzling, toothy smile.


"Gah!" He exclaimed and stumbled back in surprise.

"Oh, did I scare you? I'm sorry! I'm always scaring ponies. I remember this one time, my friend Fluttershy, she's the yellow mare with pink hair and she's good with animals; you'd like her. Anyway, she was totally scared when I yelled SURPRISE and I was all like- " Soarin' put a hoof to her mouth. His ears were pressed tight to his scalp and one eye was starting to twitch.

"Stop. Please." He managed. She did. For a moment.

"Why does everypony keep saying that?" She asked, tilting her head.

"I. Can't. Imagine." Soarin' said and took a step back. Anything to put distance between himself and this pink mare. But somehow she seemed familiar. Had she been at the Gala when-OH CELESTIA! THE PONY-POKIE PONY! He had to get away from her, quick. "Well it's been swell, but I gotta' run."

"Not so fast!" Pinkie suddenly called out. Soarin' gulped. Applejack had warned him about the pony that lived in the bakery. She narrowed her eyes and zoomed to stare into his eyes. "I recognize you. Do you live off of Carrot Stick lane? Did I see you at the park?"

"No, I'm actually new in town and I-" Soarin' stopped, his eyes widening as he realized his mistake, but it was too late. Pinkie Pie was shaking with excitement and Soarin' could picture her giddiness bubbling up inside her like a soda bottle that had been shaken. When Pinkie opened her mouth, the metaphoric soda exploded.

"I have to throw you a party!" The pink earth pony screamed. She pulled a party hat from a hitherto unknown pocket and slapped it on Soarin's head. She was about to blow into a trumpet when Soarin' stopped her.

"Listen, as much as I appreciate…this." Soarin' took the hat off, "I'm actually looking for Applejack Apple. Have you seen her?"

"Applejack?" Pinkie thought for a moment, "No. Why?"

"Well I'm her coltfriend and I thought I'd surprise her." At this the party pony's eyes exploded in crystals and confetti.

"A surprise?" She bounced up and down, "Oh I love surprises! I absolutely, positively love sur -" She stopped in mid-air and Soarin' was sure he heard a record scratch. Pinkie floated to the ground, despite the laws of physics, "Did you say coltfriend?"


"Oh, no-no-no-no-no." Pinkie shook her head vigorously, "Applejack isn't dating anypony."

"What are you talking about?" Soarin' asked in shock, "We've been dating for over two months now!"

"Do you see this?" Pinkie shoved something in the WonderBolt's face. It was a little black leather bond book. Soarin' took a quick glance at it, seeing it was filled with seemingly mindless scribbles and doodles. "This is my official party planner."

"Party planner?"

"A true party pony never forgets." Pinkie said hotly, "She remembers every party she's ever been to."


"Duh you silly goose!" Pinkie exclaimed, tapping Soarin' in the head as if expecting his skull to ring hollow, "If Applejack started dating anypony, she would have told us. She's the most honest pony in all of Equestria after all! And if she told us, then I would have thrown her a party. A massive super get-your-colt-on bash!"

"Ok?" Soarin' scratched his head. This pony was insane, "I don't follow."

"How long did you say you've been *ahem* 'dating' Applejack?" Pinkie asked.

"T-Two months." Soarin' managed. Pinkie snorted and rapidly started paging through her book.

"Hmm…" She said, deep in thought, "A bachelorette party for RainDrops, Twilight Sparkle's two year anniversary in Ponyville…OH! Maybe…no…that was Carrot Top's birthday…hmmm…Friday…Caramel and Ditzy Doo's couples bash…Friday again…and Pip Squeak's eighth birthday." She slammed the book closed, "Nope. Not on the books. Sorry."

"What does that mean?"

"Duh," Pinkie said with a smile, "If it's not on the books, it didn't happen, silly. That's why it's called the official party schedule." She smiled even wider, "Oh! OH! But if you want to meet Applejack, I can introduce you! She works a lot but she's always ready to meet new ponies and maybe I can-"

"I…no that's ok."Soarin' interrupted. A sinking feeling began to grow in him, "My mistake."

"Okie dokie lokie." Pinkie said, bouncing, "Everypony makes mistakes. Why just the other day I thought Ginger Snap asked for a cinnamon roll, when really she wanted a butter-nut muffin! I was SO embarrassed, I thought I would-"

"I should go." Soarin' said and took off before Pinkie could stop him.

"Be sure to visit Sugar Cube Corner!" Pinkie yelled after him. She smiled to herself, "He seems nice."


Rainbow Dash stretched her arms and wings and let herself sink deeper into the fluffy cloud. She rested her arms behind her head and let the sun's rays gently warm her skin. It was a beautiful day, if Rainbow did say so herself. She had cleared the clouds herself. Below her the ponies of Ponyville went about their daily business. She rolled over and rested half her face on the cloud and looked down at Ponyville. She made a sound that could only be described as a merp as she teetered on the edge of bored and asleep.

She heard a crash and a suddenly yelp. Rainbow Dash snickered; she'd know that voice anywhere. Sure enough when she looked for the source, she found a stone-grey mare had face-planted into a tree. Inwardly Rainbow Dash winced; that must have hurt. Still, the mailpony just shook her head clear and quickly picked up all the letters she had spilled.

"Hey Derpy." Rainbow scolded herself inwardly and shook her head, "I mean Ditzy." The grey mare looked up and smiled shyly.

"You can call me Derpy, Rainbow Dash." She said then stood a little taller, "Just don't be mean about it!" At this Rainbow Dash sighed.

"Listen, I never meant to be mean or anything." She scratched the back of her head nervously, "It's just...anyways, I've actually been meaning to talk to you."

"Really?" Ditzy asked, surprised but happy.

"You bet." Rainbow zoomed down and put an arm over Ditzy's shoulder, "I heard about you and Caramel. Gotta' say I'm proud of you Derpy. Caramel is a pretty cute stallion."

"Gee thanks." Ditzy blushed slightly.

"I just wanted to say…well…" Rainbow Dash scratched her head, "If anypony gives you a hard time…about anything...just let me know, ok?"

"Thanks Rainbow Dash." Ditzy said with a delighted smile, "But Caramel says I should learn to stand up for myself. I have nothing to be ashamed about. I'm good at my job and ponies like me!"

"You damn right they do! And anyponies who say different will answer to me!" Rainbow Dash said hotly. The cross-eyed Pegasus smiled her dopey, derpy smile and gave Rainbow a sudden hug.

"Thanks!" She said and hefted the mailbag over her shoulder, "I should go. Job."

"Right. Sure. Gottacha' loud and clear." Rainbow saluted smartly and smiled, "Where you going next?" Ditzy reached into her bag and pulled out a few random letters. She squinted to read the address.

"The…um…oh! Mayor Mare's office."

"NO!" Rainbow screamed suddenly. Ditzy backed away, slightly afraid and sad. Rainbow Dash coughed into her hoof, "I mean I'm flying that way anyway. I'll drop it off for you so you can see Caramel sooner." At this Ditzy Doo brightened up, and a blush kissed her cheeks.

"Thanks Rainbow Dash!" Ditzy handed the letters to the cyan Pegasus who breathed out steadily. They had just repaired the Mayor's office; nopony wanted to risk the building again. It was a matter of civic duty for Rainbow to…protect the new office and to not be mean about it to the klutzy mailpony. Ditzy Doo smiled again at the cyan Pegasus and began to flutter just above the ground as she read the address of her next stop. Rainbow watched the grey mare fly for a bit and nodded to herself. Caramel and Ditzy Doo were a good couple. She was happy for them.


Soarin' let out a long, jagged breath and put a hoof over his heart. It was racing and he felt a shiver build in his stomach. He willed himself to remain calm. He was a WonderBolt damn it, not some love-sick puppy. That was just one pony. Who cares if one pony didn't know about his relationship with Applejack? Pinkie Pie had said she would throw a party for him and Applejack. Maybe his beloved apple farmer just didn't want an entire party for something an intimate as a mature relationship. Yeah that's all it was! Just a little humility and tact about what was party appropriate. It was nothing to worry about, right?


Soarin' pushed the thought from his mind. Applejack loved him! He was sure of it! She would never hide the truth from her friends, never lie to him. It just wasn't in her nature. She was the most loyal and dependable pony ever. Soarin' straightened himself and took a deep breath to calm himself. He was resolute. Pinkie Pie was just one pony, and a way too hyper one at that. He put the scene from his mind, and tried to rekindle the excitement of seeing Applejack again.

The WonderBolt cast a quick glance around. A few mares were eyeing him from across the way, but he tried to ignore them. He didn't want to be rude, but he also didn't need any mares misinterpreting some signal. Soarin' stood in an open square of Ponyville, dominated by what he guessed was the Mayor's office. It certainly looked bran new and modern; it must have set the town's funds back a pretty bit to construct it. Briefly the WonderBolt wondered if there was an information desk inside. Maybe somepony had seen Applejack. It was worth a shot but just as he was about to trot over, a familiar voice tore through the air.

"Soarin!" The WonderBolt flinched at the way too excited, slightly broken voice. There was a blur of cyan and rainbow light, as if the light spectrum went blue briefly. Soarin' found himself face-to-face with the crimson eyes of Rainbow Dash. The cyan Pegasus had a beaming smile, and her cheeks were red with a blush.

"Oh, hey there Rainbow Dash." He said with a genuine smile.

"Eeeiii!" She squealed, "You remember my name! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!"

"Hehe…yeah." Soarin' said, chuckling, "Well you're the best young flyer in Equestria."

"What are you doing in Ponyville?" Rainbow thought for a moment then suddenly gasped, "Is this a surprise inspection? Or…" She smiled and narrowed her eyes playfully at him, "Did you miss me?"

"Uh…neither?" He managed with a laugh. Rainbow tilted her head, confused.

"Then…I don't get it..." She said.

"I'm looking for Applejack." He said, "Have you seen her?" Rainbow Dash felt a sudden nervousness and suppressed a gasp.

"Applejack?" She repeated, "What do want with AJ?" Soarin' reached into the saddle bag and pulled out a familiar brown cowpony hat. Rainbow Dash recognized the horribly familiar hat instantly. A gasp died in her throat and she played it off as a cough.

"AJ left this at my house." He said simply, "I was hoping to return it. Maybe visit awhile too."

"W-why was Applejack at your house?" Rainbow asked carefully. A horrible cold feeling was creeping into her gut, and a terrible idea as to where AJ had been this morning entered her mind.

"She was just spending the night again, and I guess she just forgot it. No big, right?" Soarin' wasn't looking at the cyan Pegasus anymore. Instead he was studying the crowds of ponies, looking for his fillyfriend.

He missed Rainbow Dash's world completely shatter.

The cyan Pegasus felt as if her whole reality had come crashing down in jagged, biting pieces. Her mouth hung open and her eyes brimmed with tears. It couldn't be true. Applejack would never hook up with Soarin'. Rainbow was sure her friend wasn't a fillyfooler, and was bound to find a stallion someday. But Rainbow Dash had made it perfectly clear she liked Soarin' Silverbolt. Applejack would never, ever go behind her back. She would never lie to her friends. This had to be a mistake. She must be misinterpreting what he meant! Yeah, that was it! It was all just a big misunderstanding.

"When…when you say spent the night…" She began, "You just mean…like she was on the couch and you were in another room or something, right?...Right?" Her voice had become desperate, almost pleading.

"Well no…" Soarin' said and smiled bashfully, "Same bed…and well…you know…" This was the final nail in her coffin. Rainbow Dash felt the tears stinging her eyes. Her vision swam and she had to shake her head to clear it.

"I…I…" Rainbow stammered, "H-How long have you two?"

"What?" Soarin' asked and looked at her. He shrugged, "Oh, um…two months now." A horrible feeling entered Soarin' as he saw the look in the Rainbow's crimson eyes, "She…she told you, right?"

"What?" Rainbow whispered meekly, not really listening. Two months. Two months Applejack had lied to her face and shacked up with this stallion. That took her all the way back to the Gala itself. This entire time Rainbow had spent practicing her moves to impress the WonderBolts, and Applejack was bucking one of them like a cheap harlot! Rainbow quickly swallowed her horror and tried her best to fake smile, "Of course. Me and Applejack are best buds. We share everything! Like you said, no big, right?" She laughed and hoped Soarin' couldn't detect the hidden sob in her laugh. "Glad to hear AJ finally got some…action." She squeaked out the last word, barely holding it together.

"Right…" Soarin' said, eyeing her carefully. He could tell she was lying. Something wasn't right. This was all wrong. He hadn't expected everypony to be overly eager to meet him; he was just the coltfriend of their friend after all. But now it seemed none of Applejack's friends had even heard of him.

"Well, listen…"Soarin' began carefully; he was well aware something had upset the cyan Pegasus, "Why don't we look for AJ together? I'll tell you about this time I almost pulled off a Sonic Rainboom!" It was then Soarin' confirmed something was horribly wrong with Rainbow Dash. On any other day, the Pegasus would have exploded with glee. She was the biggest fan the WonderBolts had. But today, Rainbow Dash simply nodded her head absently, completely engrossed in her thoughts.

"Yeah, sounds cool." She said, monotone. The cyan Pegasus felt rage and denial burning deep in her chest. She wanted to scream, to bite and to kick. She needed to hurt something, anything! Her emotions raged inside her and she ground her teeth together to dispel some of the anger. She narrowed her eyes and glared at Soarin', her now ex-idol.

"I got a better idea." She hissed and grinned evilly, "We'll split up. That way we can cover ground twice as fast."

"You sure?"

"Oh totally." She turned and as an afterthought added, "Give me AJ's hat. In case I run into her first." Soarin' hesitated for a moment. The look in Rainbow Dash's eyes was nothing short of dangerous. She looked like a demon was raging around in her mind. When he held the hat closer, Rainbow Dash snatched the cowpony hat and the saddlebag from Soarin's shoulder.

"Race ya'." She hissed at him. Soarin' shivered involuntarily. Those words had never sounds so…wrong. Soarin' shook his head and found his grasp on the situation was rapidly falling apart. Two friends now, two best friends of Applejack had been completely in the dark about his relationship. Pinkie Pie he could understand. She was well…Pinkie Pie. But Rainbow Dash? Applejack had promised him she had told Rainbow Dash, and that the fanatic fan had been totally cool with their relationship. Now that seemed like a horrible lie. Soarin' felt his lip curl in distaste. What else had been a lie? Did Applejack even love him?

Soarin' growled and spat. The idea sickened him. Of course Applejack loved him! She had brought her own little sister to see him! Soarin' brightened up; her family! They could set everything straight. He had to find Sweet Apple Acres.

Soarin' turned and walked directly into a pony. The mare stumbled slightly but Soarin' was quick to catch her. She paused, as if still shocked by the situation…until she saw who was holding her. Then she smiled brighter than the three sunflowers of her cutie mark.

"Hi." She said breathlessly. Soarin' quickly placed her right-side up and chuckled.

"Sorry about that." He said, "I was just in a hurry."

"Oh no, it was my fault. I should watch where I'm going." The purple mare paused and smiled slightly at Soarin', "Hey! I recognize you! You're a WonderBolt, aren't you?"

"Well I-"

"My name is Cheerilee." She blushed and fluffed her mane with her hoof. She quickly added in a slightly high squeak, "Miss Cheerilee. I…I teach at the school." She motioned to a building in the distance. She was incredibly nervous, and it lent her voice a certain desperate quality.

"Oh, so you must know the Cutie Mark Crusaders?" Soarin' asked. At this Cheerilee's face took on a hint of nervousness but also delight.

"Of course I know those three little fillies." She chuckled, "Those three are always on about one thing or another."

"I'm Soarin' Silverbolt." He said casually, "I just met the Crusaders yesterday; got treated to a full interrogation. I'm actually dating Applejack, ApplleBloom's big sister."

"Oh." She responded, her disappointment obvious. Then a thought hit her, "Wait Applejack is dating a pony?"

"No…" Soarin' breathed, his eyes widening.

"I knew she was traveling to Applelooosa a lot, but Applebloom told me she was just visiting some family."

"Appleloosa? Where in the hay is that?" Soarin' gasped, "She's been visiting me in Canterlot every weekend for two months now!"

"Oh, you must be mistaken Mr. Silverbolt." Cheerilee said with a compassionate smile, "Applebloom clearly told me Applejack was visiting her cousin…uh…Braeburn Hamilton I think was his name."

Soarin' took a step back, eyes wide with terror, "That's not true! Applejack loves me!"

"Oh…um…" Cheerilee looked around awkwardly, "I think we might be having two separate conversations here."

"I gotta' find Applejack." Soarin' said desperately. His mind was racing. Now his fillyfriend was lying to her little sister as to where she went on weekends? Was Applejack really so embarrassed to even acknowledge she was with him?

"Well she might be at Sweet Apple Acres." Cheerilee offered, "She works a lot with the brother Big Macintosh."

"Right. Yes. Good." Soarin' said absently, "Goodbye Miss Cheerilee." With that he was off, a crazed look in his eyes.

"Goodbye Soarin' Silverbolt!" Cheerilee yelled after him, and whispered half heartedly, "Good luck."

Soarin' ran through the now annoyingly endless crowds of Ponyville. He bumped and tripped and stumbled his way through the crowds, offering increasingly desperate apologies to the angry ponies. He stopped quickly to look around. He was in the market; mare and stallions went back and forth, trading and shopping.

"Well howdy, Mister." A feminine, lustful voiced almost cooed from behind the WonderBolt. Soarin' spun on his hoof. The mare had cream colored fur and a vibrant orange mane. She batted her green eyes and him and smiled, her lips parted ever so slightly. Soarin' gulped.

"Hi. Um…" Soarin' managed.

"I'm Golden Harvest." She said, walked closer to the WonderBolt. Her eyes shamelessly went up and down his body, "Haven't seen ya' before. Ya' new?"

"Yeah, but I'm just visiting." This if anything that made the mare's eyes light up more.

"Oh." She smirked, "Well, maybe I could give you a nice private tour of Ponyville. Just the two of us. Alone."

"Hehe, thanks but no." Soarin' scratched the back of his head, "I'm actually looking for my fillyfriend." The smile fell from Golden Harvest's face and she frowned deeply, eyes narrowed.

"Fillyfriend?" She managed through her teeth, "Who?"

"Applejack." Soarin' sighed, already knowing what was coming.

This gave Golden Harvest a real start. She managed the herbs and oats stand right next to the Apple's apple stand. She gossiped and talked with Applejack every market day. The farmer had never mentioned a coltfriend, especially not one this cute. At least, Golden Harvest didn't think she had. The mare sat down and scratched her head.

"AJ has a coltfriend?" Golden Harvest asked. She was too busy thinking to notice the crestfallen look Soarin' now wore. His eyes were wide with shock.

"Listen, do you know where Sweet Apple Acres is?" He managed, fighting back tears. He needed to clear this up, and fast. The mare looked up and chuckled.

"Why is just over the hill there, hon." She pointed with her hoof.



Applejack was all smiles as she trotted through Ponyville. She had seen Ditzy Doo earlier and had give the mare a big ol' Apple family hug. She was truly happy for the mailpony and Caramel.

"Hey smart-cookie!" A voice called out. The apple farmer turned and smiled as Pinkie Pie hopped over. The baker had her trademark sunshine and lollipops smile on. Some days Applejack wondered what it would be like to be Pinkie. To be categorically optimistic and smile at everything.

"Howdy tumbleweed." Applejack smiled. Normally she was nervous around her hyper active friend, but the events of the past few days had plastered a permanent smile on her face. "How are things with ya'll?"

"Great. Just great!" Pinkie said, "It's such a nice day and all, I just had to get out of Sugar Cube Corner and enjoy the sunlight!"

"Well the weather ponies sure have given us one fine day, make no mistake." Applejack said, glancing up at the sun.

"They sure did!" Pinkie said, "Anyways, I'm throwing a party tomorrow! You should come! All our friends will be there!" Applejack tilted her head slightly.

"Why tomorrow?" She asked, "It ain't some pony's birthday that I plum forgot?"

"You don't need an excuse to be happy, smart cookie!" Pinkie laughed, "It's a party! You going to come?" For a moment Applejack studied her friend. Before meeting Soarin', Applejack would have given any excuse to not go. It wasn't that she hated parties, but work on the farm always trumped everything. Always. Now she wasn't so sure. Soarin' had showed her there was life outside of apple bucking. That she could have fun, and not feel bad about it. Applejack felt like she was turning over a new leaf. She smiled, and it rivaled Pinkie's ever present smile with its happiness.

"I'd love to come, puddin' head." She said. Pinkie's smile faltered at how easy that was, but then she smiled even wider.

"Great! Be at Sugar Cube Corner tomorrow at five!"

"Tomorrow at five it is." Applejack cast a glance over her shoulder. Sweet Apple Acres was just visible on the horizon. "Well I gotta' scoot. See ya' tomorrow."

"Ok, bye smart cookie!" Pinkie waved enthusiastically at her. The she stopped as she remembered something, "Oh smart cookie! One more thing."

"Hm?" Applejack asked, "Can it wait?"

"I ran into a Pegasus who said he was your coltfriend."

Applejack stopped dead. Her eyes dilated and she spun around, mouth agape. "My coltfriend?"

"Isn't that the silliest thing?" Pinkie laughed. She gasped when Applejack gripped her head tightly. The farmer looked intently into Pinkie's eyes.

"What did he look like?" Applejack asked desperately, "Was he tall, with blue fur and so handsome ya'll could just faint?"

"I don't know if he was faint worthy, but he was cute." Pinkie thought for a moment, "Now a quadruple stuffed Chimicherrychanga with whipped cream? I'd faint over that."

"What did he say? Exactly?" Applejack asked. Her heart pounded so hard in her chest it hurt.

"Oh, um…oh yeah, he said he was looking for you and that he was going to surprise you because he was your coltfriend and mares love it when stallions surprise them." She giggled, "I added that last part. About mares loving surprises. It's SO true though, don't you think? I mean I love surprises and I'm a ma-"

"Pinkie!" Applejack yelled, "What did ya'll say back?"

"Oh, I just told him he couldn't be dating you because you would have told us about a coltfriend and I would have thrown you and him a couple's party, but since you didn't tell anypony about a new coltfriend, you didn't get an official Pinkie Pie couple's bash and therefore no coltfriend!" Pinkie smiled. The color had all but drained from Applejack's face. This was bad. Very very bad!

"Pinkie, which way did he go?" She asked.

"Dunno, but I-" Pinkie suddenly shook violently for several seconds. Her tail waggled, her ears flopped, her knees shook, her belly itched and she sneezed. It was as if the temperature had dropped to below freezing and Pinkie was the only pony who felt it.

"What in tarnation?" Applejackk exclaimed. Then she remembered, "A doozey? Pinkie, was that a doozey?"

"I...think it was!" Pinkie said, nervous. She hated doozies. They were almost always bad, "and it's going to happen" She gasped, "At Sweet Apple Acres!"

"Home?" Applejack exclaimed, "Big Macintosh?" Her eyes widened, "SOARIN'!" She panicked, and fought back a very filly like scream.

"I gotta' stop him!" Applejack hissed and took off in a full sprint towards Sweet Apple Acres, leaving a confused and nervous Pinkie Pie in her dust.

Applejack raced through the streets of Ponyville, dodging and weaving her way through the crowds. She rounded a corner and screeched to a halt. Ponyville market was brimming with happy ponies shopping. Applejack narrowed her eyes and her heart began to beat faster; these mares were between her and Soarin'. Woe betides them.

Applejack leapt into the air and sprinted into the market. She jumped over the Maggie May's Grapes and Cheese stand and slid under a massive wooden plank carried by two carpenter stallions. Breaking in her run, Applejack leapt into the air and landed on her front hooves. She threw all her weight forward and effortlessly flipped in the air, over a crowd of awe-struck mares. She stood and glanced around quickly.

"Oh Applejack!" A friendly voice called out, "I'm glad I found you." Applejack spun.

"Howdy Miss Cheerilee." Applejack said distantly, "I hate to be rude, but I really gotta' go!"

"I met a very handsome stallion who said he knew you." Cheerilee said. Applejack's eye twitch and she tilted her head dangerously at the teacher.


"Oh yes, he said he was your coltfriend. And he was a WonderBolt too!" Cheerilee said happily.

"Which way did he go?" Applejack asked desperately. Cheerilee was taken aback.

"I'm not sure. He just said he had to find you. I imagine he went to Sweet Apple Acres." Cheerilee said and nervously scratched the back of her head, "Listen…um…if you and him really are together…could I get an introduction to some of the other WonderBolts?" Despite herself, Applejack laughed hard.

"I'll tell ya' what Miss Cheerilee, if I survive this day, I promise to show ya' to all them WonderBolts and ya'll can have the pick of the litter." Applejack laughed, and Cheerilee tried not to notice the desperate almost insane quality of it. Instead she blushed and smiled brightly.

"Well I should…" Cheerilee said motioned to something over her shoulder. Applejack nodded her head too many times and offered her a broken, panicked smile.

"Ya'll go do that!" Applejack said and took off again.


Soarin' was in awe of the endless rows of apple trees. It was just as beautiful as Applejack had said it was. The scent of apples was thick in the air and Soarin' took a deep breath. It reminded him of Applejack and for a moment, his trepidation was forgotten. All he could think of was her beautiful freckled face, her heart-racing smile and dry wit. He could hear her sweet accented voice in her head as she told him she loved him. It was enough to calm the pain he felt. If it did turn out Applejack had lied to a few mares, so be it! Maybe she was just being protective of him. After the fiasco with Rarity, that was completely reasonable. He wouldn't judge the mare he loved until he had the whole story.

The WonderBolt saw what could only be the Apple's house. It was everything Applejack had said it was. A beautiful red barn retro-fitted to be a house. It had open air windows, a large steeple with a thick bell and rows of beautiful flowers lining the ground.

Soarin' landed just outside the gate and quickly trotted the rest of the way. He let the cool breeze wash over him and smiled broadly.

"Applejack?" He called out, casting his glance around.

"Well howdy there!" An old, willowy voice called out. Soarin' couldn't help but grin. He turned and saw a green mare, easily the same age as Susan Evergreen, sitting on a rocking chair. Her silver mane was done in a tight bun, and she wore thick half-moon glasses. The mare had apparently been knitting something by the rolls of yarn and needles on a table nearby.

"Hello ma'am." Soarin' said brightly. Time for a good first impression, "You must be Betty Smith."

"Oh mercy, child." Granny Smith chuckled, "Ain't no pony called me Betty in a dog's age. Granny Smith will do this old mare just fine."

"Fine Granny Smith." Soarin' said and trotted up the steps of the porch.

"I'm afraid ya'll have me at disadvantage." Granny Smith said politely. Soarin' smiled.

"My apologies, Granny." Soarin' held out his hoof, "The name it Soarin'. Soarin' SilverBolt." Granny Smith nodded and shook his hoof. After a minute she sat back and looked at him expectantly. Soarin' waited for what he hoped was her recognizing the name. The seconds ticked by and his fear grew as Granny Smith remained silent.

"Well…" Granny Smith said after a spell, "What can I do for ya'?"

"Um…do you know who I am?" Soarin' asked carefully.

"Why shoot, ya'll is Soarin' SilverBolt." Granny laughed, "I ain't so old that I can't hear, child. Got both my ears left, see? "She twisted her head to show him both her ears.

"I…I see that." Soairn' said, "But what I meant was...have you ever heard of me? Doesn't Soarn' ring a bell? Maybe somepony that one of your grandchildren knows?"

"Hmmm…" Granny put a hoof to her chin and thought, "Can't say I have." Soarin' was crestfallen. "Wait!" Soarin' smiled as Granny looked at him with a renewed understanding, "Is ya'll AppleBloom's gym teacher? I heard Miss Cheerilee was looking to hire a part-timer at the school house. Poor dear, I think she's lonely."

Soarin' groaned and put a hoof to his face. He took a deep breath. This was okay! This didn't mean a thing! Granny Smith was old. She could have easily forgotten Applejack told her about him. That's all it was! Applejack wouldn't have kept him a secret from her entire family!

"Listen Granny Smith…" Soarin' sat down next to the elder pony, "I know Applejack."

"Oh that's nice. That mare has so much ginger in her step." Granny Chuckled, "Sometimes I wish she'd get out more though."

"Well…Applejack and I have been dating for a couple of months now." Soarin' said carefully. Granny Smith stopped her rocking back and forth and studied the stallion silently. The moment stretched to an unbearable silence until Soarin' noticed something. The photo he and Applejack had won together at the Pomegranate Promenade was on the table. Soarin' reached out and took the photo.

"See? This photo?"

"Son, that's me and my husband back in the day." Granny Smith tried to take the photo back, "That sure as shoot ain't ya' and Applejack."

"No, what I meant was that Applejack and I found this photo! Together." Soarin' said desperately, "We went to the Pomegranate Promenade together and-"

"Now hold ya' horses there." Granny Smith interrupted, "Applejack said she went to the Promenade with her mare friends and that she and that strange Pinkie Pie won this photo for me." Granny Smith wrenched the photo from Soarin's now limp grasp.

"That's not true." Soarin' managed, "Applejack and I won that photo! We even replaced it with one of ours. We were kissing! She told me she loved me!"

"I don't like the cut of ya' jib, Mr. SilverBolt." Granny Smith's voice was now very serious, "Ya'll just show up out the blue and call my grand-daughter, my loyal Applejack , a liar? And now ya'll is sayin' ya' smoochin' my grand-daughter and that she's in love with ya'?" Soarin' was taken aback.

"Well let me tell ya' somthin', ya' mule!" Granny said angrily, "Applejack ain't a liar! She's the most dependable pony ever! And she sure as shoot wouldn't never date a pony as rude as ya'!"

"Granny?" A deep voice, like rocks colliding called out from around the corner. Heavy hoof-falls sounded on the wooden porch. Both Granny Smith and Soarin' turned to see a massive red stallion walk around the corner. At first his face was sent in anxiety, but when he saw Soarin' sitting down, it turned to a passive curiosity.

"Oh Big Macintosh!" Granny was obviously relieved, "Thank Celestia. This snake-in-the-grass has been sayin' the most horrible things."

"What's he been sayin'?" Big Macintosh narrowed his eyes at Soarin'. The WonderBolt gulped.

"He called Applejack and her friends liars!" Granny pointed at Soarin', "He said he's been datin' Applejack for months and that the two smooch!" Big Macintosh nodded slowly and walked over to the two. Up close he was even more massive than Soarin' first thought. He was easily the size of StormForge, the largest WonderBolt in the entire corps.

"Head inside Granny." Big Macintosh said monotone, "I'll handle this."


Applejack was just on the edge of Sweet Apple Acres. She could smell the aroma of fresh apples. Her breath was now coming in jagged gasps and her fur was drenched with sweat. She couldn't remember having run so hard or so fast in all her life. But this was a matter of life and death for the apple farmer. She had to get to Soarin' before he met Big Macintosh or anypony else.

"Applejack!" The voice was like thunder. The apple farmer winced; Rainbow Dash was angry about something. Applejack looked up and saw the cyan blur that was Rainbow Dash land a few feet away. The Pegasus wore a saddle bag over her shoulder and she glared daggers at the farmer. Applejack gulped; whatever was upsetting her, it must have been dire.

"Well howdy partner." Applejack said between gasps of air, "What can I do for ya'?"

"Breakfast." Rainbow said, tight lipped. Applejack's brow furrowed in thought before she gasped.

"Nuts and shoes!" She said, "I was suppos'd to meet ya' for flapjacks today! I'm mighty sorry, sugar cube. I got…held up." She laughed nervously but quickly moved on, "What say we try again tomorrow? My treat."

"Where were you?" Rainbow asked, eyes narrowed.


"You got 'held up'?" Rainbow advanced on the farmer, "You wouldn't have been 'held up' in the arms of a stallion, would you?" Applejack gulped hard and tried to smile.

"No." She managed, "No o' course not. I…um…had…to go…"

"Where?" Rainbow asked. The apple farmer blinked. Were those tears in the Pegasus's eyes?

"Um…nowhere special." Applejack said and quickly tried to move on, "Hey, ya' seen the Crusaders about?"


"'cause those little ones are always gettin' in trouble."

"Applejack, please."

"Shoot, I remember this one time-"

"APPLEJACK!" Rainbow screamed. The farmer paused and was shocked to see tears streaming down Rainbow's cheeks and her face was set in a sneer. She looked ready to strike the earth pony. Rainbow Dash opened her saddle bag and tossed its contents onto the ground. Applejack watched the dirt brown leather glide delicately to the floor. She blinked a few times.

"My hat?" She looked up, "Where did ya'll…" She stopped, eyes wide in absolute terror, "No…"

"Your coltfriend stopped by." Rainbow said, shaking in sadness and anger, "Said you left it at his house. After you spent the night with him."

"Listen, Rainbow, I wanted to tell ya'," Applejack backed away but Rainbow advanced after her, "It's just-"

"How could you?" Rainbow suddenly screamed, "With Soarin'? Of all the ponies in Equestria?"

"Listen Rainbow, I never meant to keep secrets." Applejack tried, "It sorta' just happened. One thing led to another and-"

"No, forgetting to brush your teeth just happens. Thinking its Monday when its Friday just happens." Rainbow narrowed her eyes, "Hooking up with the exact stallion, a WonderBolt none the less, that I was crushing on doesn't just happen. "

"It ain't like that!"

"Save it Applejack." Rainbow hissed, "You knew I had a crush on Soarin'."

"But I don't have a crush!" Applejack said, "I loves him, Rainbow." This gave the cyan Pegasus a pause. Her features softened for the briefest of moments before her scowl returned twice as cold.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that." She said through her teeth. She looked at Applejack with utter disgust. "I can't believe this; I trusted you, Applejack."

"Ya' can still trust me!" Applejack said, tears of her own now forming, "I'm still good ol' Applejack. The most loyal and dependable pony ya' ever gonna' meet."

"Sure, until you steal something else."

"Now that taint' fair, and ya' knows it!" Applejack was suddenly angry. Who was Rainbow Dash to tell her she couldn't love Soarin'. "Soarin' is my coltfriend, fair and square. I loves him and he loves me."

"You should have told me." Rainbow said. Her anger was spent now. All that was left was sadness.

"Ya'll is just jealous." Applejack snapped back, "Ya'll is jealous he wants me and not ya'll. Well let me tell ya' somethin' Rainbow. Ya'll never had a chance with Soarin'! That stallion can have his pick of mares and he chooses me, not ya'll! If ya' ego can't deal with that...then I just don't care!"

Instantly she knew that was a step too far. Rainbow looked agape at the farmer, the hurt in her eyes obvious. It had never been about Soarin', not really. Rainbow felt betrayed because Applejack was her best friend. She should have told her about her coltfrend. Should have told all of them.

"I think I should go." Rainbow said and took to the sky, "I hope you're really happy with your…" her eyes brimmed with tears and her voice shook, "WonderBolt."

"Rainbow wait, I didn't mean-"

"Goodbye, Applejack." With that Rainbow Dash burst into the sky, trailing rainbow light behind her. Applejack watched her go and let out a sigh. Tears stung her eyes. After a moment she was filled with a sudden anger. Soarin'! She needed to find him and set him straight before he caused more problems!


"Walk with me." Big Macintosh commanded. It wasn't the harsh bark of his old Gunnery sergeant, but to Soarin' there was no thought of disobeying. The WonderBolt fell into step next to the apple stallion. They walked in silence for a long time, through the snowberry bushes and passed the chicken coups. Eventually Big Macintosh led Soarin' to an old wooden fence overlooking one of the massive orchards of apples. The farmer rested his hooves on the white wooden poles and sighed. Soarin' felt his heart hammering in his chest, but he straightened up. He was a WonderBolt damn it, not some broken-voice colt looking to take Applejack to the dance.

"This whole thing is just a misunderstanding." Soarin' said after a moment. Big Macintosh looked at him out of the corner of his eye and chuckled, but there was no humor in it.

"I reckon it is." He said, "Why don't ya'll start at the beginning. When did ya' first meet Applejack?"

"Well…two months ago, at the Grand Galloping Gala. She had a little apple stand and I bought an apple pie from her." Soarin' said, smiling at the memory, "Afterwards we met up again and things just sorta' took off from there."

"Ya'll is the WonderBolt she set up our new contract with, ain't ya'?" Big Macintosh asked. The pieces were starting to fall into place. Soarin' actually brightened up.

"Sure was." Big Macintosh studied the Pegasus for a long moment.

"I'mma level with ya, Soarin'." He said carefully, "Applejack didn't tell anypony about ya'." The horror Soarin' had been suppressing came back full force but he nodded his head stoically. "What I wanna' know is why? Applejack is as honest a pony as all get out."

"I…she told me she had told everypony about me." Soarin' managed. He couldn't look at Big Macintosh so he kept his vision fixed on the apple trees. "I don't know why…I trusted her."

"I know." Big Macintosh said, "Now I ain't gonna' guess, but AJ must have had her reasons, so ya'll gotta' forgive me my suspicion of ya'."

"Me?" Soarin' gasped, "What did I do?"

"Dunno'. What did ya'll do to make AJ lie to us?"

"Hold your horses, big guy!" Soarin' countered, "I did nothing! I was the best damn coltfriend ever! I respect and love Applejack. I care about her...I listened to her every need when we-" He stopped, aware Big Macintosh was glaring at him.

"When ya' mounted my lil' sis?" Big Macintosh asked, monotone.

"Please, you make it sound like we humped like rabbits in the back of a carriage." Soarin' countered.

"Did ya'?"

"Never!" Soarin' said, "It was romantic and loving. Almost spiritual, if you believe in that sorta' thing. We took our-" The hoof came as if from nowhere and stuck Soarin' hard in the jaw. He tumbled to the ground but quickly stood with fire in his eyes.

"Oh, so now we're doing this?" He asked, bunching his muscles in preparation for a fight. Big Macintosh shook his head.

"Brotherly duty." He shrugged, "For what it's worth, sorry. But I had ta'."


"For takin' my sis's virginity, ya' idgit." He said calmly, "Ain't personal. I was plannin' on givin' whatever pony did a sound clockin'. Just happened to be ya'll." He motioned to the farmhouse, "When we is done here, ya'll can use the sink to clean ya' self up."

"Why?" Soarin' asked between his clenched teeth. He could taste blood in his mouth and spat.

"Ya'll ain't gonna' have dinner with us covered in dirt and lookin' like ya' lost a tussle with a dirt mound." Big Macintosh said as if was obvious. Soarin' paused.

"Wait, dinner?"

"Sure." He said, "If ya'll is Applejack's coltfriend then I wanna' get to know ya'."

"You're not going to forbid me from ever seeing AJ again?" He asked. Big Macintosh sighed.

"Lemme' tell ya' somethin'." He said, "When AJ gets back from bein' with ya, she glows brighter than the sun itself. Celesita herself couldn't raise a star brighter. Now I ain't a fan of ya' WonderBolt job, so I'll have my eye on ya' for a spell. But AJ is happy, and for now that's good enough for me." His voice took on a very serious tone, "But I swear if ya' hurt AJ ever or so much as look at another mare's flank, I'll buck ya' so hard ya' great great grandfoals will still be smartin'." For the first time in hours, Soarin' laughed and meant it. He held out his hoof.

"Terms accepted." Big Macintosh offered his approximation of a smile and shook hooves.

Just then a voice called out from the bottom of the hill. Both stallions turned and saw the very mare in question sprinting up the hill. Even from here, the two could see her face drawn on panic and dotted with sweat beads.


Applejack pounded up the hill, tears in her eyes, blurring her vision. Her conversation with Rainbow Dash was still burning in her mind. She had lost her best friend today, and she had clearly seen her brother knock Soarin' off his hooves. She had to stop this! She had to think of something, anything to say. her hat billowed in the wind as she ran, only staying with her thanks to the cord around her neck.

When she reached the top of the hill, she saw Big Macintosh and Soarin' looking at her, shocked. Soarin's jaw was beginning to swell and a think trail of blood dripped on the ground. He was covered in dust and looked like he had gone ten rounds with a bull. But his eyes! His eyes spoke volumes of sadness and betrayal when they locked with hers. She was too late.

"I can explain!" She said breathlessly.

"AJ." Big Macintosh tried, but Applejack continued without hearing him. Her panic and fear of losing either of them blinded her. All she could think of was her lies, and where it had led her. She had to…what? What could she do? Applejack said the first thing that popped into her mind.

"It was all a mistake!" She said before she could stop herself, "All of it! It ain't what ya' think!"

"Applejack?" Soarin' gasped. What was she talking about? Was he a mistake?

"It weren't supposed to go like this." Applejack said, completely ignoring him, "Ya'll were never supposed to meet…no, that ain't right. I didn't mean to…I was wrong. I was stupid. It's all a mistake!"

"AJ, slow down." Big Macintosh said, "You know this stallion." It wasn't a question, but to the panic filled apple farmer, it was an accusation. She couldn't disappoint her brother, not again. He had punched Soarin', and had scolded her on getting close to any WonderBolts. She mind raced for a response. She had lied to her family. She had broken the one unbreakable rule of the Apple family.

"No!" Applejack said before she knew it, "It ain't true!" She hadn't meant to say it. Applejack was finding it hard to tell the difference between her own conscience and the words of the two stallions. But she had made the mistake; the damage was done.

Soarin' stared at the mare he thought had loved him, mouth agape. He tried to tell himself he had heard wrong, but he knew it was meaningless. "No" the word echoes in his mind. Not only was he a mistake, but Applejack wasn't even willing to admit she knew him. So much for her love. She probably lied about that too. Soarin' had had enough. He turned to Big Macintosh, who was as shocked as he was. The large farmer saw the look in the WonderBolt's eyes, but before he could say anything, Soarin' was gone. The Pegasus took to the air, his heartbreak lending him speed.

Applejack saw Soarin' take off after her outburst, and was powerless to stop him. "Soarin'!"

"Applejack Apple, ya' dumb dumb mare." Big Macintosh shook his head sadly.

"I didn't mean…" Applejack began.

"He and I had already talked. He was gonna' have dinner with us." He said sadly. Applejack was stunned; dinner? Talk? It was impossible. She had seen them fight! And Rainbow Dash had reacted so hurtfully to her lies, Big Macintosh should have too.

"But…but ya'll clocked him." Applejack managed.

"For bedin' ya'." Big Macintosh countered, "I told him as much."


"I ain't a fan, but ya'll was happy." Big Macintosh sighed, "We was okay Applejack. Ya'll just had to listen, ya' stubborn mule."

"No…" Applejack gasped, "NO!" She turned frantically, "I have to find him! I have to make this right!"

"AJ wait!" Big Macintosh called out, "Cool ya' hooves. Calm down and think 'bout this. Give him time, and think of how to apologize."

"Nuts to that!" Applejack spat and took off in a full sprint, her brother's shouts growing fainter and fainter.


Soarin' watched the sun setting with a dispassionate loathing. What had started as one of the best of his life was now the worst. Applejack , the love of his life, had straight up said she didn't know him. Soarin' chuckled sadly; so much for love. Applejack had lied to everypony in town. And she had lied to him. Had any of it been real? Did she even really love him?

The WonderBolt kicked at a rock and almost snarled. He felt betrayed; he felt angry. He wanted to yell. What had he done wrong? He had been the perfect coltfriend, hadn't he? The WonderBolt sat down on a stone bench overlooking Ponyville Pond. The sunset reflected on the crystal water in brilliant hues of pink and purple.

"Howdy." The voice sent a shiver down Soarin's spine. He glanced away from the sunset to the Apple farmer walking slowly up the hill. The pink hues of the sunset gave Applejack the appearance of fire. Her cowpony hat, evidently returned to her by Rainbow Dash, billowed in the wind. Her golden mane shimmered in the light and blew over her eyes. On any other day, she would have been the most beautiful mare ever. But the look in the earth pony's eyes ruined the image. Her eyes spoke of a deep, terrible sadness and her face was sent in a frown.

"Hi." Soarin' managed and looked away. Applejack sat down next to him and let out a sigh. She tried to lean against him, but he pulled away. "Don't AJ."

"Soarin', I never meant for this to happen." Applejack began, "I…"

"What?" Soarin' snapped, "You what? Exactly?"

"I just got caught up." Applejack said, "I didn't want anypony thinkin' bad of me, so-"

"Oh, so you're ashamed of being with me?" Soarin' stood in a huff. Applejack shook her head.

"No!" She said desperately. This wasn't how she had planned it. Oh, who was she kidding? She hadn't planned anything. She had taken off like the hot-head she was and stumbled into this conversation like a filly.

"Really?" Soarin' countered, "Then why didn't you tell anypony? Why did Rainbow Dash almost cry when she heard about us?" The question sent a torrent of emotions through the apple farmer. All she could see were Rainbow's tear stained crimson eyes.

"I...I can't…" Applejack tried. Soarin' shook his head sadly.

"You promised me, Applejack. You said Rainbow was happy for us, that your family was just waiting to meet me." He looked away, "You said an Apple's promise was forever." He turned back to her, "You told Granny Smith you went to the Gala with your other friends. That it was you and Pinkie Pie who won the contest…you even told AppleBloom you were visiting family when you really were with me." A thought occurred to him, "AppleBloom caught you huh? That's why you brought her by?"

"…ya'." Applejack said, and hated herself for it.

"Look at me AJ." Soarin' commanded. The Apple farmer did, "If she hadn't found out…would you have just continued to lie to everypony?" Applejack fought back tears and looked away. The full horror of what she had done, and the answer that popped into her head shamed her. She would have! Sweet Celestia, she would have just kept lying to everypoy.

"Don't ask me that." Applejack said. It was answer enough and Soarin' sighed. The apple farmer could feel their relationship falling apart. Everything she had told him had been a lie. Soarin' looked at her for a long moment.

"Why would you lie to your family, AJ?" Soarin' asked, "You said you loved and respected your family." The apple farmer glared daggers at him. She did loved her family, damn it! It was because of him she had lied in the first place. She wanted to be with him, couldn't he see that? She had gone against everything just to be close to him. She had lost Rainbow Dash, her closest friend because of him! The sorrow in the Apple was rapidly replaced with anger. It was red, hazy and directionless. Her world was collapsing around her, and her loved ones were disappointed in her. Applejack ragged at the idea. If she had never met Soarin', none of this would have happened! She would still have the respect of her family and still be friends with Rainbow Dash!

"Don't ya'll start lecturin' me!" Applejack snarled, "It was cause of ya' I lied in the first place!"

"So now it's my fault?" Soarin' hissed. Applejack gritted her teeth. "I made you lie to your family?"

"Don't ya'll go judgin' me 'bout family life, Soarin'." Applejack said through her teeth, "Ya'll don't know nothin' 'bout it."

"I don't want to fight with you Applejack." Soarn' countered. His voice was softer, but it only enraged Applejack more. He was so damn condescending. He thought he could do a better job at being a family pony? How dare he! Soarin' placed a hoof on her shoulder "Look, let's just go find your family and expla-"

"Get yer hooves off of me!" Applejack pulled away, "Ya'll ain't gonna' talk to my family again, ya' hear? Ya'll were supposed to stay in Canterlot, doin' ya' flight shows. I was supposed to come visit ya'll. I never wanted ya' to step one hoof in Ponyville! This is my town! My friends, my family! If ya'll hadn't offered me that contract, I would have just forgotten ya'! I would still be friends with Rainbow! Still be able to show my face in Ponyville without every mare whisperin' 'bout me rockin' with some Pegasus. Ya'll aint welcome here no more!" Soarin' reeled under her harsh words. His eyes began to water but his jaw tightened. He stood tall and glared at her. He loved her. He was determined to fix what he could.

"I just wanted to share in all aspects of your life, AJ." Soarin' almost pleaded, "I just wanted to be part of your family and-"

"What does ya'll know about family?" Applejack snarled, eyes alight, "Ya' never had the expectations of a family. Ya' don't know what it feels like to let 'em down; the pity in their eyes! Ya'll is nothin' but an unwanted orphan, Soarin' SilverBolt! Ya' parents didn't even want ya'!"

There was a dreadful silence between the two ponies. Soarin' eyes were wide with shock and his lips hung open. Applejack tried to maintain her glare, tried to stand her ground. But as the seconds ticked by, the full horror of what she said dawned on her. Slowly her anger drained to be replaced with gut-wrenching fear. A hoof came to her mouth and her eyes watered, her pupils completely shrunken.

But it was too late.

Applejack reached out for her Wonderbolt, but Soarin' backed away. He turned from her, but not before Applejack saw the most horrible sight of her life. He was crying. Crystal tears rolled down his cheeks, and one dripped onto the ground. Applejack watched it fall as if in slow motion. Her heart froze. The second the tear hit the ground, Applejack found her voice.

"Soarin' I-"The Wonderbolt shook his head

"Stop. Just stop Applejack." His voice was broken, and Applejack felt her heart clench. Soarin' cast one last look at the apple farmer. Their eyes met and Applejack wanted to lunge at him, pin him to the ground until they could work this out. She needed him! She could see how much she had hurt him with her lies and her words. One more chance, Soarin'! Just one more! The Wonderbolt shook his head as the tears rolled down his cheeks. He turned and took to the sky.

"Soarin' wait!" Applejack called out. He didn't stop. "SOARIN!"

If the Wonderbolt heard her, he gave no sign. Applejack watched Soarin' beautiful blue body disappear into the sky. She knew he would never return. Sobs wracked the earth pony, and Applejack collapsed to the ground as her legs and her world collapsed.

She screamed at the heavens, tears rolling freely from her eyes.

But nopony heard her.