• Published 22nd Sep 2013
  • 3,917 Views, 44 Comments

Love, Loss and Apples - Real_SilentPony

Two star-crossed ponies and their love for each other

  • ...

Chapter 5

The first thing Applejack was aware of was light. It was almost blinding, and she had sense enough to realize it was natural sunlight bleeding in through the windows. Applejack groaned and rolled over, taking a clutch of blanket with her. Thankfully the light no longer blinded her, but her new position made her come to her second realization. The pony who was supposed to be sleeping next to her, who if he had been with her would have wrapped his strong arms around her, was absent. Applejack's eyes opened more and she saw she was alone in a bed.

"Soarin'?" She called out. There was no vocal response. But her highly tuned sense of smell, heightened by years of leaving pies to bake while in the fields, detected something. Biscuits. And eggs. With…Applejack sniffed again. Either cheddar or Equestrian cheese, she wasn't sure. Applejack laid her head back down and looked at the clock on the bed stand; 8:30.

Applejack bolted up, gasping. She couldn't remember ever sleeping past six in the morning! What in the hay was wrong with her! But as quickly as her shame came, it vanished. She wasn't on the ranch right now. She was in the bed of the most loving stallion she had ever met. Applejack sighed and let the soft cushions of Soarin's bed take her again.

She lay awake, her mind thinking about last night. Her time with Soarin' had been nothing short of magical. Every kiss, every thrust and whispered word had been perfect. And now he was cooking her breakfast. What more could a mare want? Applejack was so in love with her WonderBolt she couldn't imagine enjoying life without him. Sure she still laughed and went on journeys with her friends, but in the back of her mind Applejack always knew Soarin' would be there. The thought of not having Soarin' in her life sent a shiver of fear up her spine.

Applejack's wandering eyes landed on Soarin's closet. A naughty thought entered the apple farmer's mind and she crept over to the twin wooden doors. She slid one open and saw a rack of WonderBolt uniforms. Applejack grinned and pulled one from its hanger.

It took her a few minutes to wrangle herself into the suit. It was tailored for a pony easily twice her size and it hung loosely over her body. Still, it was rather fetching. Applejack snapped on a pair of flight goggles and looked herself over in the mirror.

"Lookin' mighty fine there, AJ." She said to herself and struck a pose. She could see why Rainbow Dash was so eager to be a WonderBolt. A cough drew her attention and she gasped as she spun around.

"Soarin?" Applejack exclaimed, "I um…I didn't…I mean…well…"

"Mmmm…" Soarin' said from the doorway. The stallion was leaning on the door jam, eyeing Applejack lustfully, "I've always loved a mare in uniform." He strode over and loomed over the farmer.

"Oh, really?" Applejack breathed and wrapped her front hooves around him, "Well, maybe I 'ought to buy one of them WonderBolt fan costumes for us earth ponies."

"Maybe you should." Soarin' whispered. The WonderBolt effortlessly peeled the uniform from the farmer and began to kiss her exposed fur. Applejack hissed as Soarin' began to kiss up and down her neck. Applejack had to push him away before her mind shutdown completely.

"Hoho there lover boy." She teased, "Don't start nothin' ya can't finish."

"Who says I don't intend to finish this?" Soarin' asked, trailing kisses down her neck. Applejack felt a familiar warmth growing in her and her knees started to go weak. Applejack managed to nudge the WonderBolt away just enough for him to stop kissing, but he refused to relinquish his hold on the farmer.

"'efore we have another tumble in the hay, I needs to get some breakfast." Her stomach growled in response, "I'm powerful hungry, Soarin. And it aint wise to keep an Apple from her meal."

"Well it just so happens I made breakfast." He sighed a little, "Or at least I tried. Cooking isn't a strong point of mine."

"Not a problem, sugar cube." Applejack said with a wink and strode passed him. She flicked his nose with her tail, to give him something to follow. "Lemme' see what ya' got cookin."

"Don't say I didn't warn you." He said, "But after breakfast…?"

"Oooo Soarin', if ya' wanna' take this bull by the horns, ya' best be ready for a ride." She said lustfully. Now that she had had Soarin', she wanted, needed more of him. It was her purest expression of love for him, and she intended to at least be sated before she had to return to Ponyville.

Soarin' moved like lightning and Applejack found herself pressed against the wall. Again. This time Soarn' kissed her so passionately it shut her mind down instantaneously. Applejack kissed back with all her might and let herself melt into his embrace. Her tongue fought for dominance over his. They were equally matched and Applejack couldn't have loved it more. She was about ready to take him, then and there, when the WonderBolt pulled away.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love ya' too, hero." Applejack managed, but her mind was moving very sluggishly.

"Come on. Breakfast." Soarn' said as he walked away. The WonderBolt was the only pony save Pinkie Pie herself who could compare to Applejack with his appetite. Rarity had the appetite of a dainty flower, and Twilight a less dainty flower. Rainbow Dash ate like an athlete; smaller meals every few hours. And Fluttershy was too shy to do anything as unwholesome as stuff her face with fruit and pancakes. The Crusaders were still little fillies, and thought that three cookies before bedtime was too many.

"Right." Applejack managed, "Breakfast." Her voice was little more than a whisper. She let her mind revert to a more animalistic state and followed the aroma of food in the air.


Rainbow Dash growled in annoyance as she tore through the skies above Ponyville. Where in the hay was Applejack? The farmer was supposed to have met Rainbow at the Maple Stack for their all-you-can-eat pancake special. Rainbow Dash had gotten up at 7 A.M. just to go! Nopony, not even her parents in Cloudsdale had ever convinced the Pegasus to get up before 11! Rainbow had even gone out and purchased an alarm clock, something that she had never thought she would own. It was a strange contraption. It had a certain regulatory quality to it. Maybe it was the constant tic-toc as time inched by, or maybe it was those two Celestia damn alarm bells, but whatever it was, Rainbow Dash hated the blasted thing!

But against every athletic bone in her body, she had gotten up just after dawn and in her half asleep haze, glided down to the Maple Stack. And waited. And waited. Waited and waited some more. Rainbow felt her blood boil as she thought of the three worthless hours she had spent waiting for Applejack. Three hours she could have been practicing her routines, or doing wing sprints or gymnastics. Or sleeping. She could be asleep right now, lost in her dreams of fame and fortune. But no! She was on her way to Sweet Apple Acres to give Applejack a helping hoof-full of Rainbow Dash attitude.

The old wooden structures of Sweet Apple Acres were now zooming passed the Pegasus. She caught a quick glimpse of a grey and golden yellow Pegasus walking out of Caramel Apple's house. Rainbow snickered to herself. She had always said that feather-brain could do with a good stallion in her life.

The thought of getting a little lovin' from a coltfriend sent a pleasant shiver down the Pegasus's spine. Oh to be a WonderBolt! She could just imagine it, hanging out with that Soarin', or the moody Air Raid, or that badpony Fireflight or shoot, even SlingShot. Any of those gorgeous hunks of stallions would do.

Not that Rainbow wanted just a quick buck, but if she was going to bother doing the whole romancing and loving and caring for a stallion, it would have to be a gorgeous hunk. Nothing short of that would ever drive Rainbow to wear-she shuddered-a skirt. Her mind drifted back to the Grand Galloping Gala. The Pegasus was patiently counting the days until the WonderBolt's off season. She couldn't wait to show Spitfire and Soarin' her moves! And she had wasted three long hours waiting for Applejack when she should have been practicing.

Rainbow Dash slammed into the ground hard, her hooves sending up a great cloud of dust that could be seen a long way off. Her vision dashed left and right. No sign of that apple farmer.

"APPLEJACK!" She yelled, "Where are you ya' hayseed?" There was a commotion in one of the barns, and Rainbow narrowed her eyes. So Applejack wanted to hide from her. Ha! Good luck with that! Rainbow zoomed over to the barn, leaving a trail of rainbow light in her wake.

"Come on out, Applejack!" She yelled, "I know you're in there! Face what's comin' to ya'!" There was a rustle of metal tools, and somepony with a deep voice grunted. A figured emerged from the shadow of the barn. It was not Applejack.

"Stifle ya' racket, I hears ya'." Big Macintosh said calmly to the mare. "But I ain't Applejack."

"Oh, sorry Big Mac." Rainbow said, flushed, "Um, you haven't seen Applejack anywhere? She was supposed to meet me in Ponyville for breakfast."

"Can't say I have." Big Mac said and cast a look around, "AJ was supposed to help me pick the snowberries this mornin'. And later she was gonna' buck apples. Don't recon' that'll get done either."

"Do you know where she went?" Rainbow asked. Now she was starting to worry. Not a whole lot, as Applejack was a tough-as-nails pony, but still...what could keep AJ from working the fields?

"Nope." The larger farmer said, monotone. Rainbow sighed. "Don't go worryin' ya' pretty head 'bout her now. AJ is a big girl. She'll turn up, and when she does we'll lay in to her good and proper."


As much as Applejack loved Soarin' Silverbolt, she had to admit the stallion could not cook to save his life. Applejack had once listened to Rarity detail a nightmarish breakfast Sweetie Belle had tried to cook. Toast served as grey sludge in a cup, and carrot juice so black it would pass for coal. Applejack had always though the tale to be exaggerated. Rarity was certainly overly dramatic.

Now she wasn't so sure.

Bless his soul, but the breakfast Soarin' had tried to cook was horrific. Biscuits as hard as a rock, and half as tasty. And the scrambled eggs…well, some things are best left forgotten. Applejack had not spared the WonderBolt's feelings either; it was tough love. Applejack would shape the stallion into a decent cook, or her name wasn't Applejack Apple.

"Just toss 'em in." Applejack said casually to the WonderBolt. Soarin' shrugged and dumped his full stock of apples into the boiling sugar water.

"Shouldn't we have…I dunno…chopped the apples first?" He asked.

"Hmmm…nah." Applejack said with a shake of her head, "It don't matter much. We'll mash 'em up good and proper when they're soft."

"Ok sure." Soarin' leaned over the apple farmer who was reading from Soarin's only cookbook; a book that had never been opened before. Applejack had it open to the APPLESAUSE page. The earth pony's brow furrowed as she read. Soarin sighed to himself. Sweet Celestia, he loved her.

"So what else do you need?" He whispered into her ear. Applejack breathed in deeply and Soarin' grinned as she shivered. Applejack leaned back and let Soarin' absently kiss her neck.

"Mmmmm…" She moaned, "A pinch o' ginger and…mmmm… I mean…a stick o' butter and-" Soarin' kissed her, stopping the sentence in her throat. Applejack sighed into him and let him turn her around to face him.

"Ya'll keep this up, and we aint never gonna' get breakfast." Applejack whispered between kisses. Soarin' growled into her mouth and swept everything off the table with one massive arm.

"I'm okay with that." He said. Applejack threw off her hat to keep if from getting dirty and lunged at her WonderBolt. All thoughts of breakfast were lost as she gave herself to her passions.


Big Macintosh watched Rainbow Dash disappear into the sky and let a slight scowl settle on his face. Where was Applejack; the question had plagued his mind all day. Not that she had to check in with him. Applejack was a grown mare with her own life, and Big Macintosh knew she wouldn't tell him everything she did. His sister had a habit of disappearing with her friends on seemingly endless adventures. Not once had any of it caused Big Macintosh any worry. He wouldn't be starting now. But still…AJ had never broken a promise before.

The farmer rolled his shoulder blade and felt it pop. He groaned. If AJ had bothered to show up for work, he wouldn't have hurt himself. Something about Applejack had changed in the last few months. Ever since that froufrou Gala she had gone to, she had been acting differently. Almost every weekend she had left the farm without as much as a goodbye. It was as if she was hiding something.

Big Macintosh hoped that whatever Applejack was up to, she didn't get herself hurt. Ever since the passing of their parents, Big Macintosh had taken it upon himself to watch over his little sisters. Granny Smith was good for the occasional story or baked pie, but for the nitty-gritty decisions and hard learned lessons, it would always be Big Macintosh. Really, Applejack and AppleBloom were the only ponies he had left in the world. He would face down a leviathan if it meant keeping the two of them safe.

Nothing came before his little sisters and their happiness. That in part was why Big Macintosh wasn't worried about Applejack at the moment. She was always so blissfully cheerful whenever she got back into town. Wherever she went, it made her happy. For the time being, Big Macintosh would let sleeping dogs lie. But at the first sign of any unhappiness, Big Macintosh would step in and do his brotherly duty.

The pitter-patter of little hooves drew Big Macintosh from his thoughts. He glanced to the side and saw his littlest sister AppleBloom galloping along. She carried a bag over her shoulder and a letter in her mouth.

"Whoa there little one." Big Macintosh called out. The little Crusader screeched to a halt and looked at him, eyes wide. She let the letter in her mouth drop.

"Oh, hey there big bro." She said cheerfully. There was a noticeable blush on the little filly's face.

"Where ya' headin' in such a hurry?" He asked.

"Oh, um I was gonna' drop this off in the mailbox." She said, motioned to the letter in her hoof, "I wanna' get it there 'efore Ditzy Doo comes around."

"Who ya'll mailin'?" He asked and plucked the letter from the Crusader's tiny grasp. He studied the letter and frowned, confused, "Who is Oliver Spring?"

"Oh he's umm…" the little Apple blushed, "He's this colt I met. I wanted to send 'em a letter."

"Hmm." He saw what looked like the imprint of lips wearing red lipstick on the front of the letter, "This lipstick?"

"Ehehehe…" AppleBloom laughed, scratching the back of her head nervously. Big Macintosh shrugged and glanced back at his bashful little sister.

"What's in the bag?" AppleBloom blushed and pulled out a small blue teddy bear. It was identical to the pink teddy bear Applejack had brought her last week. Big Macintosh noticed the bashful look on his little sister and he smiled softly at her.

"Ain't no problem in sendin' a gift to a friend, is there?" He asked kindly. The Crusader shook her head happily.

"No sir!" She said smartly and took the letter back. Applebloom stuffed the teddy bear back into her bag and let out a delighted giggle as she took off towards the entrance of Sweet Apple Acres.

"Where did ya'll meet this colt of yours?" Big Mac called to the retreating dust cloud. AppleBloom stopped briefly and turned.

"When Rarity and Applejack took me and the Crusaders to meet her coltfriend!"

"Whose coltfriend?" He yelled back, "Rarity's?" Big Macintosh blinked slightly. He felt an unfamiliar ping of jealously as the idea of that beautiful unicorn having a coltfriend.

"Nah!" AppleBloom called back, "Applejack's!"

A new feeling entered Big Macintosh and it was certainly not jealously.

Seems Applejack had some explainin' to do.


"Are you sure you have to leave?" Soarin' whispered into the farmer's ear. She nuzzled him back and sighed.

"Yeah, I got me plenty of trees to buck." She said, "And who knows what shenanigans them Crusaders have gotten themselves into…" She chuckled at the idea. Soarin' pulled back gently and kissed her. She smiled against his lips. She wasn't even out the door yet and she was already starting to miss him. This kiss had finality to it. She knew it would be an entire week before she would see him again. Applejack tried to absorb as much of Soarin' in that one kiss. She took in his amazing scent and committed everything about him to memory. When they pulled away, Applejack slung her bag over her shoulder and smiled sadly at her coltfriend.

"Hey…um…" Soarin' scratched his head, "How about I come visit you sometime during the week? I still have some unused vacation time."

"That's mighty sweet of ya' sugarcube." Applejack said with a tight smile, "I'll ask Big Macintosh when I gets back." Soarin' nodded. She had said that same thing before. The farmer made for the door but a quick hoof on her shoulder stopped her.

"Hey Applejack." Soarin' said softly, "Are you ok? I mean…are we ok?"


"If there was something wrong…you'd tell me right?" Soarin' asked carefully. Applejack's face was impassive but the WonderBolt was sure he had seen nervousness in her eyes. After a moment she smiled that dazzling smile of hers. Her lightly freckled face brightened up and Soarin' was sure he had the most beautiful fillyfriend in all of Equestria.

"Quit ya' belly achin'!"She laughed, "Ya'll sound like Rarity when she chips a hoof." They both shared a laugh. "Ya'll is my coltfriend." Applejack pulled him into a tender hug.

"I loves ya' Soarin'." She said and kissed him. She pulled away and smiled cheerfully at him, "I promise ain't nothin' ya' needs to worry 'bout, and an Apple's promise is foreve'."

"Ok. I'll hold you to that." He said. Applejack winked at him.

"Ya'll can hold me anytime, sugar." She smiled. Soarin' grinned back.

"I got a show coming up, next month." He said, "Fillyfriends get box seats, you know. Free buffet and *ahem* VIP time with the WonderBolts."

"Mmmmm…ya'll sure know how to treat a mare."

"Is that a yes?" Soarin' asked hopefully.

"I wouldn't miss it for all the bits in Equestria, hero." Applejack kissed him again. She loved this stallion so much. The idea of watching her star athlete strut his stuff and drooling over him appealed to the earth pony. And being smug about it was a plus, too. The free full buffet had sealed the deal. No Apple turns down food.

"How about bringing your friend?" When Applejack gave him a questioning look he added, "Rainbow Dash." The smile fell from the farmer's face instantly and her eyes widened. She gulped hard and quickly erected a fake smile.

"R-Rainbow Dash?" She stammered, "Ya'll want me to bring Rainbow Dash?"

"Sure, she loves the WonderBolts." Soarin' shrugged, but the apple farmer's change in mood had not gone unnoticed, "Besides I haven't seen her since the Gala. She is on the list of recruits we're watching after all. Top, in fact."

"Ya' don't say…" Applejack breathed. She gulped a second time and composed herself, "I'll…um…I'll ask her."

"She's okay with us dating, right?" Soarin' asked carefully. Of all the ponies who needed to know about Applejack and a WonderBolt, it was Rainbow Dash. She was known as the most fanatic fan in Equestria.

"Why shoot, hero!" Applejack lied through a toothy grin, "Ain't no pony more happy than good ol' Dashie." Soarin' grinned back but it was just as fake as Applejack's.

"Well great." The clock on the wall called out, drawing the two back to the inevitable pass of time. The two stared blankly at each other for a moment. It was time for Applejack to go. As one they wrenched each other into a burning kiss. Applejack shoved her tongue into his mouth, tasting him as much as she could. All thoughts of PonyVille and her family bled away as Soarin' wrapped his massive arms around her. Applejack hissed deeply and tugged on his lip. The two pulled away reluctantly when the need for air burned in their chests.

"Bye hero." Applejack breathed, "I love ya'."

"Goodbye Applejack" Soarin' kissed her forehead, "Stay beautiful." The earth pony giggled and offered him a wink before closing the door as she walked away.


Rainbow Dash howled with delight as she finished her self-proclaimed death defying sky loop. She had chosen to practice above PonyVille Park. In part it was to show off to the ponies there, but it was also a good place with open air and large open fields for inevitable crash landings. And besides, the mares of PonyVille could be trusted to be overly critical and there was no quicker way to improve her routines then to let Lyra or BonBon roll their eyes.

Rainbow let the wind howl in her ears and pushed herself higher into the sky. All of her previous thoughts about Applejack had died down in favor of the pure single-minded concentration of the true fanatic. She was an athlete to the bone and in moments like this, she fully embraced it.

The cyan Pegasus pushed herself through lops, twists and turns. Lightning fizzled on the edges of her hooves and rainbow light sparkled in her wake. The air about her swirled and formed into a cyclone of rainbow light. She grimaced as the strain on her body grew. A dull pressure formed in her head and her bones felt like they would break soon. Rainbow Dash shot her wings out and instantly felt the tug of wind resistance as she slowed down. She was too hungry to try a full sonic rainboom right now. When her breath started coming to her in ragged gasps, the athletic Pegasus decided to take a break and do another favored activity; let her fans gush over her.

It didn't take long for Rainbow Dash to find the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Surprisingly they were simply lying on the grass in the park, reading. Rainbow blinked and easily swooped down to them.

"Hey there, squirts." Rainbow said as she landed gracefully. The three Crusaders looked at her and smiled brightly. It was then Rainbow noticed what her number one fan had perched on her forehead. The cyan Pegasus gasped; a pair of WonderBolt flight goggles! And they looked real!

"Whoa, where'd you get that bad boy?" Rainbow asked and took the goggles from Scootaloo's head before the Crusader could protest. Rainbow gasped a second time at the name on the headband.

Soarin' SilverBolt

Rainbow's jaw dropped. "How did-where-uh…goggles?"

"Hey those are mine!" Scootaloo called out and jumped to pull her prize from Rainbow's hand. The cyan Pegasus could well imagine the protective nature Scootaloo had for the goggles and let them go effortlessly.

"How did you score a pair of Soarin's actual goggles?" Rainbow asked. She was ashamed to be jealous of a filly, but damn!

"Oh um…" Scootaloo scratched her head, "Yeah…ehehehe…" She laughed nervously. This was Rainbow Dash! Her idol! She had to tell her the entire truth, right? But she had promised Rarity and Applejack...

"We found them!" Sweetie Belle suddenly called out, shoving Scootaloo aside. Rainbow eyed the three Crusaders and their painfully guilty smiles.

"You found them?" She asked slowly. The three fillies chuckled.

"Yup. Found 'em." AppleBloom said, nodding vigorously.

"Where?" Rainbow asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Where what?" Sweetie Belle asked. Rainbow Dash sighed in annoyance.

"Where did you find those flight goggles?" the three Crusaders shared a look, and Scootaloo was starting to sweat.

"We…we uh…we can't tell ya'." AppleBloom said nervously.

"Why?" Rainbow asked, insulted, "Why can't I know?" She was Rainbow Dash for Celestia's sake!

"We uh…we promised Applejack." Scootaloo said, "It's a secret."

"Applejack?" Rainbow narrowed her eyes, "What does Applejack have to do with the WonderBolts?"

"Oh well you see, she's dati-" the other two Crusaders tackled Sweetie Belle to the ground and covered her mouth. AppleBloom and Scootaloo looked up at Rainbow Dash and laughed nervously. Suddenly Applebloom put a hoof to her ear.

"What's that Granny?" She said, "You need help baking?" She turned in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres, "OK GRANNY! COMING!"

"Sorry, Dash, gotta' go." Applebloom said and zoomed off, dragging Sweetie Belle with her. Scootaloo remained for a moment longer and gave Rainbow Dash a sad smile.

"You're still the coolest pony ever." She said before taking off after the other Crusaders. Rainbow blinked as she watched the three Crusaders disappear into the horizon. Her eyes narrowed. Now she really wanted to know where Applejack was and how the hay did she know the WonderBolts.


Soarin' let out a contented sigh and collapsed onto his couch. He had a toothy grin on his face as he thought about his time with Applejack. It may have been her first time, but she was still the best he had ever had. Not that he could boast almost any mares to compare to her to, but damn if Applejack wasn't a passionate lover. What she lacked in experience she more than made up for in sheer enthusiasm and flexibility.

Things were starting to look better for the WonderBolt and his apple farmer. She was still tight lipped on the issue of PonyVille and visiting the farm, but she at least had introduced him to AppleBloom and the other Crusaders.

Soarin' rolled over and reached for the TV remote when he stopped. Something caught his eye. Soarin' stood quickly and trotted over to the kitchen door. Something brown and leathery was in the corner, discarded. Soarin' gasped as he realized what it was. Applejack's hat! Her Apple heirloom!

Soarin' scooped up the brown cowpony hat and brushed it off. Applejack must have forgotten it when she left. Soarin' grinned.

Looks like he would be visiting PonyVille after all.