• Published 18th Nov 2013
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The Life of a Non-Brony - BronyWriter

TD's life in Equestria after the events of Wanderings of a Non-Brony

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Such an odd thing, love. It changes us, shapes us into the ponies we are going to be for the rest of our lives in one way or another. Even failed relationships with ones we love can teach us valuable life lessons about who we are and who we can become. We learn how to better mesh with those we care for, and for that I am glad that there is such a thing as love.

Hearts and Hooves Day is today, and I must say that it is one of my favorite days of the year. There is nothing that I love more than to see my little ponies happy and harmonious, and Hearts and Hooves Day is one of those days that epitomizes happiness and love. Cadance, as the princess of love, could not be happier on days such as that.

I stretch my wings and step off of my throne. Day court has ended for today, and I need to eat, lest I have a lack of energy to get through the day. We cannot have the ruler of Equestria tired and hungry at only four o'clock in the afternoon, can we?

I walk down to my private dining room, greeting what few members of my staff that I see around me. Most of my staff is either in a relationship or married, so I have given them the day off. Even those that are not in relationships are thrown a party near the end of the day, and it is not uncommon for my single members of staff to walk out of the party with mare or coltfriends of their own.

I enter the dining room, and to my surprise, I see my sister Luna sitting at her normal place munching on some toast and drinking tea. It is a rare occurrence indeed that I see her out and about during the daytime, but I am not adverse to spending whatever time I can get with her. I take my place next to her, and she looks up from her breakfast. She smiles at me, and I return it.

"Good morning, Lulu. Are you not able to sleep well enough?"

Luna shakes her head and puts her teacup down. "No, We merely decided to awaken to see Hearts and Hooves Day." Luna looks out the nearby window and tilts her head. "Such a holiday was not around prior to my banishment, as you know, and We have not bothered to be awake for it until this year. We were curious."

I nod and pour a cup of tea for myself. "Yes, it's a wonderful day, isn't it? I'm glad you decided to wake up for it."

"When did it come about?"

I chuckle and add three scoops of sugar to my tea. "It is only fifty or so years old. It's based off of a pony who lived five hundred years ago named Hartsenhuves who went to Griffonia and married the pony couples who were living there." I grimace when I remember the injustices the griffins inflicted upon my ponies that long ago. "It was illegal for pony couples to marry in Griffonia, but he did so. So when the griffin nobility found out, they beat him, beheaded him, and had him buried secretly in an unknown location." I quietly sigh and shake my head. "When we wanted a romantic holiday, he was the natural choice to center it around."

"Indeed." Luna turns back to me, and for a moment she goes strangely quiet, as though she is contemplating something. A slight frown crosses by face, and I open my mouth to ask Luna what is wrong, but she beats me to it.

"We observed Ponyville for an hour or two, and a most surprising being is now in a relationship."

My slight frown turns into a smile, and I take a sip of my tea. "Ah, has my student finally learned to love? Has she found a suitable coltfriend, or is it one of her friends that is now dating?"

"None of the above. 'Tis TD Powell who has found himself a marefriend."

I freeze with my teacup halfway to my mouth. My eyes widen, and it takes a moment for my brain to register what I have heard.

"Oh... TD has found a marefriend, then?" I slowly nod and put my teacup down. "I assume it's Cheerilee."

Luna nods. "Yes, we observed the two of them at a restaurant eating one of the Hearts and Hooves Day special meals reserved for couples. He was holding her hoof."

"I see."

As ruler of all Equestria, there are times when I have to suppress my emotions. Often so, as a matter of fact; it helps me be a fair and just ruler. I have gotten quite good at it over the centuries, and there are few ponies who can guess my mood or tell when something is wrong.

Unfortunately for me in this instance, Luna is one of those ponies.

"Sister?" I glance over at her to see that she is frowning. "What is the matter? You have always stated that it is your wish for TD Powell to be more comfortable and integrated into our society, and We would say that this is proof of such a thing. He has found love, and on Hearts and Hooves Day to boot!" Luna tilts her head again. "What could be better for him?"

Confound my sister for catching my demeanor. I had hoped to keep my feelings on the matter to myself.

Of course she is not done. She was always quite perceptive when it came to me. Her eyes widen and she actually flares out her wings in surprise. "Tia thou must be joking! You cannot say that you are... in love with TD Powell!"

I chuckle slightly, but there is a hint of nervousness about it. "No, I most certainly would not say that. At least, not in the same way that Cheerilee is in love with him."

Luna narrows her eyes and crosses her forelegs. "And what, praytell, is the difference?"

Whatever trace of a smile that I had is gone, and I let out a quiet sigh. "It's quite silly, really, and I don't know whether or not to call it a silly schoolfilly crush, but..." I fully turn towards Luna to look her in the eye. "You know how our ponies act around us. There is a constant air of either pretense, brown nosing, or flat out fear in our presence. Even at the most casual of gatherings none of our ponies can truly relax around either one of us. There is always a feeling that they have to do and say every single conceivable thing correctly or else we will lose our tempers with them, despite the fact that it has never happened."

"So what does that have to do with TD Powell?"

A small, sad smile returns to my face, and I look back down at my tea, gently stirring it with a spoon. "TD is one of the three exceptions to that. There's him, Pinkie Pie, and you. A rather poor percentage of the millions of ponies we watch over."

"Tia, he has struck you twice now. We hardly call that being relaxed around you," Luna says flatly.

I lightly chuckle and nod. "Yes, I can imagine why you would see it that way, but I do not." My smile fades and I take a spoonful of my tea and let it drip back into my teacup. "It's that he is so... honest around me, and I adore that. He has no pretension, he is not nervous, he does not see the need to kiss up to me for any personal gain... Not even my own student can do that. You recall how she panicked when she discovered that her friend took Philomena from me as if I was going to smite them both where I stand. TD does not fear such things, and he does not care if what he says is rude to me. He's just... honest. Bluntly so, but completely honest. He sees me as Celestia, not some aloof ruler."

"Tia, We think thou must have taken leave of thy senses!" Luna scoffs and shakes her head at me. "He is such because he has contempt for you, stemming from the fact that you tore him from all he knew and loved and have since used him as a chess piece, the most recent example being Discord a few years ago."

Ah yes. Those issues. I push my teacup aside and rest my head on my forehoof. "Yes, and if I had known a better way to reform Discord I would have taken it, but I knew that the first few dominoes in his reformation would have been seeing the strength of his and Cheerilee's relationship. Was it manipulative of me? I suppose so, but I do not think that could have been helped." I motion a hoof in the direction of Ponyville. "All TD did was be a friend to Cheerilee and have a few drinks with her in a time that strengthened their relationship. Because Discord saw that, he reformed and now he is happier not being encased in stone and Fluttershy is happier in that she has a new friend. I'd call all of those things positives, wouldn't you?"

Luna stares at me as though observing me for a few moments, but she eventually slowly nods. "We suppose we can see your logic, but TD still did not appreciate it, nor you striking him on the head with his Clovevellian staff."

I shrug. "Yes, well, I admit that was merely me being playful, and it did not harm him. Had it, I think he would have lost his temper, but he did not."

"We also snapped his spine over the back of a chair the last time he struck you in front of Us," Luna deadpans. "Mayhaps he remembered the experience and chose to refrain from doing so again."

I shook my head. "No, I do not think that is the case. He would have stated his anger if he was angry, but he did not. TD is not a man who hides his emotions, is he?"

"Indeed not," Luna says stiffly, "but We still cannot fathom why thou would enjoy his company, and why hearing news of him courting the local schoolmare would bring thee discomfort."

"It's because, despite our antagonistic relationship which has admittedly improved over the years, I do wish that I had a better relationship with TD. Would I call it a crush? I do not think so, but to hear tell of him becoming closer to my little ponies, but knowing that somebody who has an attribute regarding me that is rarer than anything else I know has a poor relationship with me..." I sigh and rest my head on the table. "I do not want him to hate me, Lulu. I know that were we even cordial to each other than bluntness and honesty on his part would remain. He doesn't act like that around me because he hates me, he acts like that because that is who he is, and he does not have the disadvantage of growing up with the notion that we are literal gods." I grimace at that notion. "Despite the fact that we are anything but. TD treats me as Celestia, not Princess Celestia, and I regret the mistakes I have made regarding him."

"Indeed?" Luna grunts and folds her wings and uncrosses her forelegs. "Then what hast thou done to atone; to show him that thou wishes not to use him but to instead be friendly with each other?"

"I must admit that I am at a loss for exactly what to do, Lulu." I poke at my ethereal mane idly. "I dislike the fact that I have once or twice used him as a chess piece, but it has always been for the good of many. I know he does not see it that way, but I have to. I used him to reform Discord to prevent any chance of Discord breaking free and causing some serious damage again. Is that worth his ire? I'm forced to say so."

"But such a thing has not arisen in years, Tia."

"But his resentment remains. I can tell that he's uneasy around me even still. Our phoenixes like each other more than TD and I do." I shake my head and look over at my tea which is surely cold by now. I should cut my losses on that, I suppose. I use my magic to make the tea in the cup evaporate and pour myself a new cup. "I do not know what to do about him, Lulu. I do want a better relationship with him, but I fear that everything that I have done to him has ruined the chances of that forever. I would love another friendship with somebody who treats me like as I am."

"Mistakes and all, it seems."

I nod. "Mistakes and all."

Luna sighs and shrugs with her wings. "We do not know how. Mayhaps you need to re-read some of Twilight Sparkle's friendship letters? There could be an answer in there for you. Barring that, just treat him with kindness, We suppose."

"Yes, that could work." A small smile crosses my face and I raise the teacup to my lips. "Maybe I should re-read some of those friendship letters."

"Barring that you could always ask him to make out with you."

I must say, even since we were naught but fillies Luna has always known the perfect thing to say to make me spit-take. She has not lost her touch.

Author's Note:

6 chapters in 5 days. That should make up for the month or so of inactivity, right?

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