• Published 18th Nov 2013
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The Life of a Non-Brony - BronyWriter

TD's life in Equestria after the events of Wanderings of a Non-Brony

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"Ah, good morning, you three. How may I help you?"

Cheerilee and I both smile in greeting at Rarity, while Comet looks around the boutique, her eyes drinking in the sights. Rarity smiles fondly at her before turning her focus to us.

"Well, we're here for some Nightmare Night costumes, Rarity," I begin.

"Indeed? But Nightmare Night isn't for another month and a half," Rarity says.

"We know, but we also know how you get swamped with orders once it starts getting closer," Cheerilee says. "We'd like to order ours before you hit that rush. Just to make things easier on you."

Rarity gives us an appreciative smile and floats a measuring tape over. Presumably for Comet, as she should still have the measurements for Cheerilee and I on file.

"Well, I'd be more than happy to accommodate you," Rarity says. "I certainly do get swamped with orders, so this will be nice. Things have been rather slow lately, so this will be perfect to keep me busy. Now..." She turns her focus to Comet and beckons her. "If you would please step forward so I can take your measurements, Comet."

"Okay, Miss Rarity," Comet says, walking up to her.

"Just Rarity will do fine, Comet. No need for formalities among friends. Now, if you could please spread your wings..."

Comet dutifully complies, and Rarity wraps the tape measure around her barrel, floating over a spare scrap of paper and a quill to write down the measurements. She works in relative silence for a few moments before speaking again.

"So, what kind of costumes were you looking for? Something themed, or will each of you have an individual costume?"

"We're thinking about individual outfits, but we're not totally sure," I reply. "We have a few ideas about themes, but nothing concrete."

"Are you also looking for advice on costumes?" Rarity asks. "It's rare that a customer comes in and they don't know exactly what they're after."

"Well, I did have one idea." I walk over to Comet and put my hand on her head. "See, it's a character from a movie that I liked when I was a younger man. Basically the character has dirty brown pants and a dirty wool red and green striped sweater."

Rarity's magic fizzles out, and her tape measure floats to the ground. She's looking at me like I've absolutely lost my mind.

"W-wool g-green and red stripes?" she gurgles out.

"Yeah. Kinda ratty looking. I already have a hat for it, and I'm making his claw with one of my old work gloves."

"R-red and green..." Her eye twitches, but she forces a smile on her face. "Aha... this is some kind of jest on your part. A wool red and green striped sweater is... from of my shop..." Her eye twitches again.

"Not joking, Rarity," I respond as Comet nuzzles my leg. "I mean, it's--"

* * * *

"--a Nightmare Night costume!" I groan as we walk back to Manderley. "Seriously! I'm not going to wear it to the Gala or anything!"

"I'm not sure she cared, TD," Cheerilee says, a poorly hidden smile on her face. "You'll either have to figure out a different way to get it, or pick something else."

"Yeah, like a fashionista!" Comet says, flitting beside us. "Then you can show mean ol' Miss Rarity how to make real dresses!"

"Oh ha ha," I say flatly as we enter our home. "That would make her less annoyed with me, I'm sure."

"But wasn't annoying her the whole point of asking for that costume?" Comet says, landing on the coffee table. She hops off when Cheerilee gives her that motherly glare she's gotten pretty good at. "Seriously, the look on her face when she figured out what you were asking for was amazing."

"It was more about me trying to relive some of my culture. You remember some of my stories about my home planet, right?"

"Yeah," Comet says with a nod. "Not about that weirdo, though. I thought you were making him up to annoy Miss Rarity."

"Well, I wasn't," I respond, taking a spot on the couch and sinking into the rather comfy cushions. "I'll give you the story about Freddy Krueger later."

"At least she had time to take some of Comet's measurements before she threw you out," Cheerilee says, walking into the kitchen to get something going for lunch. "Now we won't have to go back until she's cooled down."

Comet and I listen to the sound of Cheerilee filling up a pot with cold water for tomato soup, I think. She'll probably start on the grilled cheese soon, too.

"Oh, by the way, my parents are coming over next week," Cheerilee says from inside the kitchen. "They're just dying to meet Comet."

"Grandma and Grandpa?" Comet says, perking her tufted ears up. She turns to me and tilts her head. "Are they cool?"

"Well, they let me marry your mother, so I think so. It's gotta count for something at any rate."

"I guess."

"I wouldn't say that you need to be on your best behavior around them..." Cheerilee pokes her head into the room and leers at Comet. "But no swearing. They won't like that."

"I think I've gotten better," Comet says, raising her hooves defensively. "You made your point with the soap."

Yeah, several times.

"I want them to spoil me rotten," she continues, lazily nuzzling my hand. "If I sing my swear word song around them then they'll get the wrong idea about me!"

"How very virtuous of you," I respond, scratching behind her ears.

It's been two weeks since we've adopted Comet, and things have definitely changed in the Powell household. We haven't enrolled her in Ponyville Elementary yet, as we're not sure if now is the right time. I've been spending some time homeschooling her until we finally figure out what we want to do for this semester. Next semester we're definitely enrolling her into Cheerilee's class.

Once Cheerilee finishes up the grilled cheeses and soup, we eat and chat about our days. I took an early, longer lunch break to go see Rarity about our costumes, so I have a little additional time to spend time with my family.

My family.

A wife and a kid. I still can't believe it sometimes. I wonder what my younger self would think of me sometimes. He hates Equestria, but in ten years he'll marry a pony and have a half-pony/half-bat as a daughter. If I could go back and let him know what his future was going to be like, he'd probably flip. Heck, I'd be interested to go back to when my younger self was watching the show, pause time and the video on a picture of Cheerilee, and let younger me know "yep, that pony right there? She's your wife." Just to see my expression.

Okay, I can see why fate likes messing with me sometimes. It can be kind of fun.

Don't tell fate I said that.

Lunch does end, though, which means that I have to get back to work. Cheerilee and I are alternating time off to take care of Comet until we figure out something more permanent. Twilight, maybe? Anyway, it's my turn to be working for now. I help Cheerilee clean up the dishes, hug Comet goodbye, and head off to my job.

* * * *

"So when's he gonna be back?" I ask, sitting in front of the door and nervously flicking my tail.

"Oh, probably around five or six," Mom says while wiping down the table. "But it's the last day of his turn, so once he's back, it'll be my turn to go to work for the day for a week." Mom chuckles and mutters something under her breath about good Equestrian maternity leave. I don't know what she's talking about.

I get up off the floor and fly up to my room. It's so... roomy! I don't have to share it with five other foals, which is kinda weird. Back at the orphanage, I thought that's how all foals lived, except ones with really rich parents. Mom and Dad say they're not really rich, but with a house like this, I'm not so sure about that. They have space for me to have my own room. Only rich families have that. That's what some of the other foals at the orphanage said.

I land on my bed and circle few times before lying down and nuzzling into my pillow. Like, a real cloud pillow. It's so crazy soft! I've never laid on one of those before, but Miss Rainbow Dash says they're the best.

It's been two weeks since Mom and Dad took me home from the Canterlot orphanage. We've been back a few times to see Oswald because he knocked up Princess Celestia's phoenix. I like him already.

Seriously. A real family. Me! All of those other parents who thought about adopting me either changed their mind when they saw I'm a bat pony, or just didn't think I was good enough for them. Just figures that it would be an alien and his wife and pet phoenix before I finally found a home.

I smile and pull my blanket over me. Nice and warm. Miss Fluttershy made it for me. A lot of stuff in my room was made for me by other ponies. Miss Fluttershy made my blanket, Miss Rarity made me a scarf, Miss Applejack made me some bookshelves, and Miss Twilight gave me some books. I've already read most of the Daring Do books, but these ones are special because they're mine. I have a stack of "Welcome to Ponyville" cards that Mom's class made for me. Miss Tiara gave me a silver necklace. Miss Apple Bloom made me a little stuffed timberwolf that I named Albert.

Sheesh, so glad I have a lot of practice not showing emotion. I smiled and thanked them all for their awesome gifts. I'm just glad I made it until I got back in my room before I started crying. Thank Luna Mom and Dad didn't walk in. I can't imagine what they would have thought of me if they saw me hugging the blanket, necklace and timberwolf while reading the cards and just bawling my eyes out. Guess I got a little overwhelmed. Lame. I've read Dad's book. He did a lot of cool stuff and never got scared and definitely never cried. I can't have him see me cry because I'm happy about a stuffed timberwolf.

I reach under my covers and grab said timberwolf. He's sturdy, so I know I can't damage him when I squeeze him. He's nice to have during my afternoon naps. He makes me feel safe.

Mom says I'm not supposed to go near any real timberwolves.

It's weird, though, I've talked to other foals, and they say they hate taking afternoon naps. I, for the life of me, can't figure out why. I mean, come on, you get to stay up later! Maybe it's just because I'm supposed to be nocturnal, but whatever. I like them. If nothing else, it's a good way to pass the time until Mom or Dad come home.

* * * *

I wake up at about five thirty. Guess I was more tired than I thought. I'm still a little tired, but I can't go back to sleep now because Dad's almost home, if he's not home already! I hop out of bed and run down the stairs and see Mom on the couch doing some paperwork. That's why I could never be a teacher. Your homework is reading other foals' homework! The same thing over and over again, too! Blegh. Imagine getting a cutie mark in assigning and grading homework. I think that's what Mom has.

"Is Dad home yet?" I ask, sitting down next to Mom and nuzzling her side.

"He got home about ten minutes ago," Mom replies, returning my nuzzle. "He's napping right now, but he'll be awake for dinner."

"Okay," I say, hopping off the couch. "I'm gonna go upstairs, too. I'm still a little tired. I just wanted to see if Dad had come home yet."

"Sounds good, dear," Mom says, smiling warmly at me. "Dinner should be in about an hour. Anything in particular you want?"

"Don't suppose we could try some of Dad's chicken tonight, could we?" I ask, giving her my best cute, innocent eyes. "You said you've gotten fine with eating it, so I should have no problem!"

Mom smirks at me and rolls her eyes. "We still have to ask Princess Luna about what happens when a bat pony eats meat. If she says it's fine, then of course we'll have it. Until then, we wouldn't want you getting sick. I did the first time I had chicken. My body wasn't ready for it, but it's gotten used to eating meat every now and again."

"Exactly!" I point out. Even if bat ponies can't have meat normally, then I should start having it as soon as I can so that my body gets used to it!"

"Not tonight, Comet. I promise we will, though."

"Fine," I say, raising a hoof in surrender. "I'll hold you to that. I will become a carnivore! You'll see! Princess Luna will say that I can eat meat, and then I'll eat nothing but meat for the rest of my life!" I begin backing away up the stairs, trying to keep a straight face as Mom gives me an amused smile. "Om nom! The vicious bat pony shows no mercy! I'll hunt meals for the three of us like Dad did in his book!"

"Speaking of your father, try not to wake him. He had a long day," Mom says as I continue backing up the steps.

"I won't! Gonna try to go back to sleep until dinner myself."

"Goodnight then, Comet."

I bound up the stairs and leave Mom to her work. Her icky work. I think about going to my room, but stop outside of Mom and Dad's room. My stomach clenches up and my tail begins flicking as a thought crosses my mind. I haven't tried it out yet with him. He's not gonna be mad at me for asking. That'd be stupid. At worst he says he can't do it right now. But maybe I can try...

I nudge the door open and slink into Mom and Dad's room. Dad's sprawled out on the bed completely asleep. He's not even under the covers. That's good for me, I guess. I take wing and fly over next to him. He doesn't stir at all when I land next to him.

My stomach clenches tighter as I begin staring at his back. I've always wanted to do this, and when I asked one of Princess Luna's guards about it, he said that it wasn't me being weird. All bat pony foals nestle into their daddy's back. But I've never had a dad to do that with until now.

I'm being stupid. Yeah, that's it. I take a deep breath and slowly, gently lay down on his back. I curl into a ball and lay my head between his shoulder blades. There's a nice niche there that's a good spot to lay my head.

"Yes, Comet?"

His voice cuts through my thoughts, making me flinch. Ooh, now's the moment of truth. I nuzzle the spot where I've laid my head.

"Half of the point of even having a daddy is so that you can lay on his back. It's where bat pony foals go to be safe."


"Uh-huh," I confirm. "It would be better if you had wings to wrap around me like some kind of blanket, but it's fine. I feel safe on here anyway."

"Is that right?" He begins shifting underneath me. "Well, then, get off for a second and let me get in a better spot here. I'd hate to roll and have you fall off the bed, or something. Just give me a moment."

A moment! I've wanted to lay on my dad's back for years! Now I'm finally gonna get to do it and he wants a moment to get more comfortable! Come on, Dad! You can't tease me like that!

No, no, it's just a second. Then I can get right back on and be safe.

I hop off and he moves to the middle of the bed. I think for a second that he might just be asking me so that he can roll over and I can't get back on, but once he's finished moving, he pats his back. I smile and curl up in a ball on his back again.

Yes, this is nice. I don't know what I was worried about at all. I'm safe here. He really wants to be my dad. I nuzzle his back and pull his blanket over the two of us. It's not quite the same as wings I think, but I don't care. I've been waiting for this moment for years. I sigh contentedly and close my eyes. I can already hear him lightly snoring. Sleep sounds like a good idea. I am still kinda tired.

My eyes have only been closed for a few seconds before I hear the door to Mom and Dad's room open again. I crack one eye open enough to see Mom smiling lovingly at the two of us, a hoof over her heart. She watches us for a few moments before walking up to the bed and laying down next to us. She drapes a foreleg over Dad and I, and Dad grabs one of her hooves.

"Love ya, Cheers," he mumbles thickly.

"I love you too, TD," Mom replies. "And you, Comet. I'm thankful every day that we get to have a filly as wonderful as you for our daughter."

Mom closes her eyes and nuzzles up closer to Dad, who's already fallen asleep again. After a few minutes, I can hear Mom's light snoring, too. I give a contented sigh and let the warmth of the blanket wash over me. I've been dreaming of this moment since I can remember, and It's finally here.

I have a family. A real family. Not an imaginary one, not one that I've drawn during art class, but one that I can call my own. They're not going to go away when I wake up.

I let that thought carry me to sleep.

Author's Note:

Normally I'd send this to my editor, but I wanted to get this out to you guys on Christmas. So yeah, there will probably be more typos than usual.

Merry Christmas, everyone. You guys are amazing. I seriously could not do what I do without you guys. I'm thankful for you every day. Don't let anybody tell any of you that you aren't awesome people. You are. Everybody have a wonderful day. You deserve it.

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