• Published 18th Nov 2013
  • 28,072 Views, 4,657 Comments

The Life of a Non-Brony - BronyWriter

TD's life in Equestria after the events of Wanderings of a Non-Brony

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I pour another drink and leaned back in the chair, taking a deep breath as I look out of my living room window. The sun is slowly lowering, bathing the room in a pleasing orange and red glow. I take a sip of my drink just as I hear the hoofsteps of my wife coming into the room.

"TD? Are you okay? You've been looking out the window for an hour now."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I mutter before finishing the drink. I consider pouring another one, but it's probably best to stop. Save it for more occasions. "Just thinking is all."

"Oh? About what?" Cheerilee asks as she pushes a chair over to me and sits down. I allow myself a small smile. She's older than when we met. Much older. Twenty years will do that to a pony. Or a human, for that matter. Her mane is slowly starting to dull a little bit, and she's finding more gray hairs than she used to have. Not that I look much better, really. I probably look a lot older than she does. I've been through a lot.

"It's been twenty years, Cheers," I mutter, looking down at my hand and focusing on where my pointer finger used to be. "Long time. Longer than I thought. It went by so fast, didn't it? I remember when we adopted Comet. She was so little. When did she grow up? She's already in high school."

"Yeah, don't remind me," Cheerilee says with a groan. "She's almost too big to fit on your back."


"But why are you reminiscing now?" she asks, putting the cap back on the bottle. "I've never seen you do this."

"Yeah." I take a deep breath and put my glass down before scratching at my neatly trimmed goatee. "It's been twenty years. Or rather, twenty years and eighty-five days. When I came to Equestria, I was twenty years and eighty four days old. So as of today..." My eyes twitch toward the bottle again. "I've spent more time in Equestria than Earth."

"Oh. Yeah, I can see how that would be hard," she says, leaning against my shoulder. "I can't imagine being taken from your home world like that."

"So I was pondering if I was more Equestrian than Earthling now. Or Canadian-American. However you want to put it. I've certainly been shaped by my Equestrian experiences more than my Earth ones. Just my trip around the world shows that. If I'd stayed back home, if I was never pulled into Equestria, I'd probably be teaching fifth grade in a small town. Now I'm rich beyond my wildest dreams, I have you, I have Comet and Oswald, I've had some amazing experiences and..." I look back down at where my pointer finger used to be again. "Some not so great ones. Even when I was pulled into Equestria, I wouldn't have predicted that things would turn out like this.

"Well, nopony knows who they're going to look like twenty years into the future. When I woke up the day that I met you, I didn't know that I'd be meeting a being from another world who I would go on to marry and adopt a bat pony with. I know most beings think they have a general idea of where their life is going to go, but I've found time and time again that they're almost never correct. Even Princess Celestia, who's immortal and has seen countless scenarios play out and has made a lot of plans, can never really know what's around the corner. I think you're proof of that."

"Yeah. Celestia." I chuckle and shake my head. "Man. That whole situation. You know, though? I'm glad I'm here. I know I never would have said it back when I was first brought here, but even through all of the bad stuff, I'm still glad that I'm here. I'll always miss Earth, of course. I'll always miss my friends and parents and sister." I glance back at the bottle that Cheerilee has closed up and consider opening it up again for a brief moment before deciding against it.

"I don't really know how to feel right now, though," I continue, tracing the rim of the glass with my finger. "I mean, yeah, I have you and Oswald and Comet, but I lost my old family. I'm from Earth and I grew up there, but I've seen and done amazing things here. I don't know if I should feel happy or sad that I've spent more time here. I feel weird, regardless."

"I don't see why you can't feel both," Cheerilee points out. "The emotions of one fact don't negate the other ones. I know this is hard for you, but we're all here. That's never going to change. You're not wrong to feel the way you do, TD. Not at all. You've been through it."

"No kidding," I mutter. "I"m forty, but I look like I'm in my fifties. Time has not been kind to me." I sigh and rub my goatee. "But I'm chugging along, I suppose. Not much else to do."

"Well, we'll chug along with you, of course," Cheerilee says, rubbing my chest and nuzzling my neck. "You've had a strange life, TD. Nopony can deny that. You're the strongest being that I know. I hope that someday, somehow, you get to at least see Earth again, but in regards to you being Equestrian versus Canadian-American, I think you're still an Earthing at heart. You've had amazing experiences here, but nopony can take away the experiences you had on Earth that made you into the man that you where when you came here."

"I guess so." I take a deep breath and place my glass back on the table before wrapping my arm around Cheerilee. She scoots her chair closer so that she can lean on me more comfortably.

And so the two of us sit there watching the sun sink behind the horizon.

Author's Note:

I've been on this site for seven years. I've been writing TD for about that long, too. November 23rd 2012. Since then, I've written dozens of stories, met a ton of awesome fans, made some great friends, shared a lot of laughter, done panels, stood for photos and gave out autographs. I've met several people who work on the show, Lauren Faust helped make the unity candle for my wedding, I've gotten better at writing, I've done things that I'm going to look back on quite fondly. This time in my life has been spectacular, as far as the fandom is concerned. I've also been married to a wonderful, amazing woman and had the cutest baby ever to live who smiles whenever he wakes up in the morning and sees Daddy.

If I didn't have a crazy roommate with Pinkie and Twilight plushies with a drawing of Pinkie on the fridge who insisted that I watch the show... I don't know if I have any of that.

And to my readers, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If it weren't for you and your love of this snarcastic human, I don't think I'd still be in this fandom. But your support has given me the drive and passion I needed to take this somewhere. You're all awesome.

And jeez. I hadn't updated this in a year, then I put out three chapters in two days. Just like old times!

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