• Published 18th Nov 2013
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The Life of a Non-Brony - BronyWriter

TD's life in Equestria after the events of Wanderings of a Non-Brony

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30-I Think I Feel a Song Coming On

So, Celestia wants to become besties.


I'm not quite sure what to think about all of that, honestly. I spent the entire train ride home pondering the notion, but I'm no closer to thinking up what to do with that information now than I was when we left.

I sigh and put my house key down on the table while Oswald flies over to land on the headboard of my bed. At least he has a good relationship with Celestia's bird. They always fly off to do... some phoenix things when Celestia comes to town and we run into each other.

But a legitimate, true friendship with Celestia after all these years and all that she has done to me? I mean, I've long since forgiven her for tearing me from Earth. Ten years is far too long to hold that grudge. Besides, I've had some amazing things happen to me here on this planet, first and foremost, obviously, being my upcoming marriage to Cheerilee. I walk over to a calendar that I have next to my bed that has each passed day marked off in red marker.

Only one hundred and six days to go.

I'm looking forward to my date to talk about wedding plans, and she should be here any minute, but I can't shake the whole Celestia thing. Well, Cheerilee will no doubt want to hear about it. I still think it's a big headache, to be honest.



I know this feeling.

I have a feeling welling up in my chest that gets worse every time I think about Celestia. It's one that I've felt a few times before. My first exposure to it was at that fateful Grand Galloping Gala. It's...

The Magic of Music.

The feeling is like a ball in my chest, and to my horror it begins pushing itself up my throat as the background music begins playing. I glare at the ceiling and stomp my foot on the ground.

"No, we're not doing this! We're not doing this, and especially not about Celestia!" I stomp my foot again and Oswald looks over at me with mild interest, but the feeling intensifies, as does the background incident. It doesn't feel like a villain song either, so I don't think that I'll be plotting to take over Equestria anytime soon to rule as a dark king with Cheerilee by my side. Pity.

I hate this. I really do. It's about to start and I can't do anything about it. I... just...


"Oh Celestia, what you do to me!
You cause bafflement, don't you see?
I was happy at home! Life was so divine!
Then you thought 'Friends? TD will be mine!'

Oh Celestia, you are so cruel to me!"

I am really not doing this. The Magic of Music may have taken total control of me, but I'm going to go down kicking and screaming. The classical background music swells as I feel another verse coming on. Not going to happen. My mouth is forced open to sing, but I shove my fist in. I'm not singing about my feelings.

"Ug Cuerehia! Ih eh o ruh ee!
Nug fin ugh ri Chihee!
lh is oh uhih ohih, I in i ur aulh!
Hen ill ih ee oh ruh oooh?"

I don't even want to know what I was supposed to be singing there. I really don't care. Now, it's not like I have a bad voice. Far from it; I was in choir in high school, but this was something else entirely. Singing about Celestia while classical strings played in the background was just too much for me. Oswald is looking at me like I've absolutely lost my mind, and when Oswald is looking at you like that, you know that something has gone wrong somewhere. I mean, he doesn't question me, but I imagine that he is kind of considering calling the ponies in white coats right about now.

I have to sing four more accursed verses of whatever wretched prose the universe has deemed that I should sing before I hear a loud knocking on my door. Instantly I feel the Magic's hold over me die, and I shoot to my feet, a large smile on my face. I open the door to my home and see Cheerilee on the other side. However, instead of the smile of hers that I love so much, she is instead frowning, and her eyes are full of concern.

"Are you okay, TD? I was going to knock, but then I heard what sounded like choking coming from inside your house." She raises an eyebrow and tilts her head. "Are you sick?"

I sigh and chuckle, though it has no humor behind it. "No. It's silly, really. It's just that the Magic of Music took hold for a little bit and I... fought back."

"Ah." All look of worry washes off of Cheerilee's face, and I step aside to let her walk in. "That makes sense, I suppose. So what were you singing about?"

"Well, my talk with Celestia was interesting." I walk her over to my dining room table and we both sit down. "Basically she wants to be friends, and is willing to put a lot more effort into that happening. She's even accepted the offer to officiate our wedding."

Cheerilee's eyes light up, and she put a hoof on my arm. "TD, that's great! Not everypony gets the honor of being good friends with Princess Celestia herself! If she wants to make it up to you, why wouldn't you want that too?"

I grunt and shrug. "I don't know, and that's what's bugging me. I don't know what to think about it. Given everything that has happened between Celestia and I over the past ten years, I don't know what to do about that kind of offer. I mean, I don't want to hate anybody, but I'm just wary of Celestia, that's all." I sigh and thunk my head on the table. "That's what I was singing about. I had inner emotional conflict that I didn't know what to do with, I guess."

"Interesting." A wry smile crosses Cheerilee's face. "So, is the song over? Can we get to our wedding planning now, or are you just in the middle of the break, and I get to hear what a lovely singing voice you have?"

I snort and roll my eyes. "I hope it's over. It wasn't a long song, but I'm not singing about my feelings towards Celestia. I'll talk about how much they frustrate me, but I'm not singing about them." I sigh and rub my temples. "It's just irritating, not being in control about things like when I can or cannot sing about my feelings."

Cheerilee chuckles and wraps her forelegs around my forearm. "Well, I still think you're manly, even if you are forced to sing about your feelings." Cheerilee nuzzles my shoulder, and I smile down at her and run my fingers through her mane. "So what did you talk about specifically?"

"Well..." I lean back in my chair and rest my head on the back. "What I got is that she wants to be my friend because I treat her like Celestia the pony, not Celestia the princess. I don't just bow and grovel at her hooves whenever she walks into a room, I nod at her and continue drinking. She's not some aloof figure to me, she's just... Celestia, and she cherishes that."

"Interesting." A glower crosses Cheerilee's face, and she releases her grip on my forearm, and instead wraps my whole upper half in a crushing hug. "Well, she's not getting you! You're mine! She can go pull some other poor sucker from some poor other dimension if she wants her own pet human, but you're my fiance, and she's not going to take you away from me!" Cheerilee grins and nuzzles into my chest, letting out a contented sigh as she does. "So there."

I copy her grin and try to nuzzle her the way that ponies do. She giggles and rubs my chest with the tip of her hoof as I continue running my fingers through her mane.

"So what are you going to do about Princess Celestia?" she asks after a few moments. "Are you going to try to become better friends with her?"

My smile fades, and I can't help but replay the event in the castle in my mind. I mean, yeah, I don't want to hold a grudge against Celestia forever, but on the other, I think that a friendship with her would just be... weird. I mean, considering our history, we're not exactly friendship material, despite what Twilight and her buddies would say. She is officiating my wedding, but that's just a step towards repairing our relationship, not furthering it. To me we have a long way to go before we get to the stage where we can be called friends. In the ends I settle for a shrug.

"I'm not sure. I can guess that Celestia probably won't want to give up, and I'm not sure how to feel about that either. Do I accept her friendship, or do I just let things happen the way I want them to happen? What do I want to happen? I'm so confused and I don't... uh..." I blink once as I feel something familiar well up in my chest. "Uh-oh."

Cheerilee frowns and tilts her head. "What? What's the matter."

I shoot to my feet and hold out my hand as if to forestall the advance of some invisible force that's about to overcome me. I glare at the... nothing around me and shout at the ceiling.

"I'm not doing it, you hear?! I'm not duh..." My voice cracks, "I'm not doing it in front of my fiancee!"

"Doing what?" Cheerilee slides off of her own chair and takes a tentative half step towards me. "TD, you're starting to scare me. Is something..." Her worried expression melts away and is replaced with a coy smile as it clicks in her mind. "Is the Magic of Music taking hold again, TD?"

I grind my teeth together, refusing to even acknowledge that with a nod. "I'm not going to do it!" The feeling is pushing itself up more. Any moment now I'm going to be forced to, and then I'll look like a ditz in front of my marefriend.

Cheerilee giggles and pokes my leg. "You know, TD, there's nothing wrong with it. Even stallions have it happen to them sometimes. It's just part of the natural order of things." She trots over to my bed and slides down on it, grinning like the Cheshire Cat the whole time. "You might as well just show me what a lovely singing voice you have."

"I... I absolutely refuse!" I sputter. "Not in this context, and not like this!"

"Oh come on, TD. Be a good sport!"

"I will not be a god spuh... I will not be a good spuh..." I snap my mouth shut as the music begins swelling up behind me. I know that Cheerilee can hear it, because she's looking all around her with that same grin on her face. Some unseen force is slowly forcing my mouth open, as it seems nature did not intend for anything to not sing when it freaking told them to sing.

I say it again: dammit.

I cannot understand, Celestia's game!
Her actions towards me, have been totally lame!
If I--

I'm not doing this! I shove my fist in my mouth yet again.

--guh muh nou buh,
nih nur hurr ruh oo.
I oh ik ereshia,
I uh cheehee!

And Cheerilee is loving every minute of this, of course. If I thought that she was smiling widely before, now she's having the time of her life. I'd tell her to get out and to let me suffer in peace but, well, fiancee. She's going to have to see me at my very lowest at times, so she might as well get used to it.

So I guess for now I just have to glower and bear it. It's not like I can go up to Celestia and say "I'll be your friend if you go into your secret room that I know you have and turn off the switch that makes me sing whenever the Magic of Music wants me to."

Though the thought of at least asking about it is sorely tempting.

But then, it's over. The stupid song is over. The feeling subsides, the muffled lyrics stop coming out of my mouth, and the background music fades into the distance. I take my fist out of my mouth, a suspicious expression not leaving my face.

But nothing comes up again. I think it's over.

I rub my temples and collapse on my bed, glancing up at Cheerilee, who is smirking down at me. After a few moments she giggles once and kisses my cheek.

"Sweetie, this is why I love you. Only you would be so concerned about your pride in this area, that you'd challenge the laws of reality to a duel out of sheer stubbornness." She lays down so that she can snuggle up closer to me, something that I have no problem with. I wrap my arm around her shoulders, and she lazily lays a foreleg across my chest. "And if I do say so, I think you came as close as you could have to actually winning."

"Always the silver linings with you isn't it?" I snark. She raises an eyebrow and looks up at me with a slight glare, but I give her a smile and gently ruffle her mane. "Just teasing. Love you, Cheers."

"I love you too, TD." She pauses for a beat. "And you have a lovely singing voice. I should hear it uncensored sometime."

Oh for Pete's sake.

Author's Note:

Well, I know this wasn't the longest chapter, but I had fun writing it.

Also, I know that a few people are genuinely interested in TDlestia. Well...


Also, this chapter is brought to you by Redd's Apple Ale. Four bottles of it. And two Nostalgia Critics and one Plinkett review. And a few episodes of Darkwing Duck and a luau complete with a Maori haka. So don't blame me for... whatever.

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