• Published 23rd Dec 2013
  • 5,364 Views, 89 Comments

Tears in the Snow - Chaos Phantasm

A memory from Lunas past has made itself known to Nyx. Can Nyx discover who the filly in her memory is, or will the answers be buried beneath the snow.

  • ...

01: Beginning of a new winter.

Author's Note:

7/08/2015; Note to all new readers: This story was written before I had any editors to help me, so this story is full of spelling errors and punctuation mistakes. Only the later chapters (11 and onward) live up to my current writing standards.

I will also add that although this story is among my most popular, it has unforgivable problems that have plagued it since writing was started and I humbly request that all new readers temper their expectations.

The opening narration is a nod to the original Snowdrop opening narration.

Nyx is seven years old in this story. Though I encourage new readers to point out the mistake of labeling Nyx as eight.

Tears in the Snow


Snowdrop, Ms. Windith, Cumulo Nimbus and Primrose are characters from the Snowdrop fan-animation and were created by Meredith Sims of Silly Filly Studios

Nyx, and Spell Nexus are both property of Pen Stroke and thus do not belong to me.

Serena Starfire, Tootzy Roll, Stardust Comet, and Hinata Sunglow are property of Chaos Phantasm.


Chapter 1

Beginning of a new winter


"Another year goes by, and so comes another winter. At the end of every year snow would fall upon Equestria, bringing about a great change. The time for the land to rest, the animals to dream. And the ponies of Equestria to relax and play. Holiday celebrations, peaceful nights of rest. Brisk laughter during the day, all brought forth by a single powdery fragment. But this coming winter was different; though it looked the same, felt the same, and celebrated the same as any other to the ponies of Equestria. It was different to Princess Luna, she had long been awaiting for this winter to come since she had returned after a thousand years. It wasn't the snow or ice that made this winter so different, it was the time, the month, and the year. The princess of the night had been preparing, spending long hours keeping to herself as memories of the past returned to her, memories of somepony special to her, and special to another."

Nyx was sitting at her seat in class, no longer wearing her vest but continuing to wear her glasses. She was paying attention to Cherilee as she explained to the class why snow falls only around this time of year, and what the Spring Sunrise celebration was about. As the teacher continued on with her teachings, Scootaloo laid on her desk bored out of her mind. She looked up at the clock to see it was almost time for school to finish for a quarter of the winter up until a week after Hearths Warming. The orange pegasus filly grinned with anticipation, all she and the other two Cutie Mark Crusaders could think about was going out in the snow and getting their cutie marks. Nyx on the other hand had plans to put all her time into learning more about the end of year winter and spending time with Twilight Sparkle, hoping to enjoy her second winter with her adoptive mother and quite possibly Princess Cadence, Shining armor and their daughter, Princess Skyla. Nyx raised her hoof to ask a question just as the hands of the clock got closer to the time the bell rang. Cherilee smiled, looking over at her star student.

"What is your question Nyx?"

Nyx put her hoof down. "Miss Cherilee, every book I have ever read about the winter has always said that; "Before the gentle stars of snow fell upon Equestria, the winter was wracked with blizzards and harsh snowfall for the three months winter lasted." How did the snow suddenly become gentle?"

The whole class looked at Nyx as she asked her question then turned their sights toward Cherilee expecting her to explain the reason, but the mare ended up mumbling to herself and thinking. Scootaloo looked up at the clock once more to see that the time was 3:00 PM, the bell would ring any moment now and she was more then ready to dash for her scooter the instant that bell chimed. Cherilee looked at Nyx and the class with a nervous smile.

"Well... uh... I don't really know."

Everypony in the classroom but Nyx laughed. The black filly was puzzled, unable to grasp that her teacher; Miss Cherilee, the mare whose duty was to teach the younger generation, didn't know how winter evolved into what it was now. Nyx was surprised by this, shocked even that the teacher could not answer her question. The class started to calm down a little.

"You know, you should keep those stupid questions to yourself, night-mare!"

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon chimed and laughed at Nyx, the filly looked down feeling embarrassed and sad. She flattened her ears on top of her head just as the bell rang and everypony in class made their exit. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo walked over to Nyx and tried to cheer up.

"Don't listen to them Nyx, all of your questions are really good and thought out."

"Yeah, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are just jealous of how smart you are."

"Ya'll should just pretend that they don't even exist, helped me many a time."

Nyx smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, you three are the best friends anypony could ever have."

Cherilee put all the students work books inside of a tray and placed the tray on the shelf before turning and looking at Nyx and her friends. She walked over to the table hoping to speak with Nyx for a moment.

"Excuse me girls, may Nyx and I have a moment please?"

The Cutie Mark Crusaders nodded.

"See you later Nyx."

"Yeah catch you later.

"Bye." Nyx waved to her friends then looked at Cherilee.

"Now Nyx I know you have plans this winter but, I was wondering if you were interested in coming along with me and a few other students on a field trip to the Canterlot Library early next year. I know how much you enjoy reading and you could find out a great many things about all the things beneficial to Equestria. Such as the Spring Sunrise and winter in general."

"I'll have to think about it Miss Cherilee, it sounds tempting though."

Cherilee smiled. "I understand, but it's a fun event and I'm sure you would enjoy it should you decide to come along."

Twilight called to Nyx from outside prompting Nyx to look out the door and smile. She got up from her desk and picked up her saddle bags and ran out of the schools front doors.

"Mommy's here, bye Ms. Cherilee."

"Bye Nyx." Cherilee smiled then started packing her things.

Nyx ran up to Twilight and nuzzled her to which Twilight nuzzled in return. They began walking home with a cool breeze blowing, signifying the end of autumn and the beginning of winter which had only one day left until it arrived.

"How was school today, did you learn anything new?"

Nyx nodded. "Mhm, we learned more about the Spring Sunrise Celebration then we did last year, and this time the princesses are coming to Ponyville so we will all have to present a gift to them."

Twilight chuckled. "I remember when I had to make a gift for the princess before the Spring Sunrise Celebration, all of the gifts I gave her were made from random junk I found lying around and pieced together then presented it to Princess Celestia. She kept telling me that I didn't need to present a gift to her but I did anyway. She always loved receiving my creations, even if they were simple cardboard books with drawings that five year old's do, or a model of her made from sticks and boxes with paint all over it. She admired my creativity, I think she still has the gifts I gave her. I'd be very surprised if she did."

Nyx smiled and listened as they walked through Ponyville, many ponies still held Nyx in contempt because of what happened two years ago during the Long Night, thus Nyx liked to stay close to Twilight where she felt protected. But time had started to mend the hearts and heal the wounds left behind by Nyx's tenure, as majority of Ponyville was slowly beginning to accept and forgive Nyx, even Silver Spoon was beginning to show a much friendlier side to the young Nightmare Moon, though her true loyalties still lied with Diamond Tiara. As they continued their walk through Ponyville toward the library, Nyx stopped and watched a snowflake land on her nose causing her to sneeze and fall backwards. Twilight turned her head in Nyx's direction then turned around completely and walked over to her.

"Are you okay Nyx?"

Nyx sniffled. "I'm okay mommy." Nyx wiggled her nose.

Twilight used magic to levitate Nyx onto her back and carried her the rest of the way.

"Is that better sweetie?"

Nyx nodded and yawned tiredly, she then remembered the question she had asked Ms. Cherilee earlier which Diamond Tiara called stupid. The black filly curled up sadly and thought about whether or not to ask Twilight how the snowflakes came to be, Diamond Tiara had made the young alicorn unsure about whether any of her questions were good enough to ask. Twilight could easily tell when Nyx was upset as she would usually go as silent as Fluttershy did when they first met. This trait was considered new to Twilight as Nyx only started doing it since Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon started calling her "night-mare", and that name only started popping up around last years Nightmare Night.

"Hey...Nyx, how about we go over to Sugarcube Corner and you can pick out whatever you want." Twilight smiled in an effort to cheer up the young alicorn.

Nyx perked up and looked at Twilight followed by a nod and a happy grin, the unicorn altered her coarse and started walking to Sugarcube Corner instead. On the way there Twilight looked around to see snowflakes were starting to fall, this was not surprising as winter was only one day away, but this time more snow then usual was falling, more then last year or the year before. Twilight was so preoccupied with thinking about the snow that she walked right into the door of Sugarcube Corner causing her to fall backwards and causing Nyx to fall off of Twilight's back.


She rubbed her forehead then looked at Nyx who was shaking her head and adjusting her glasses.

"You okay Nyx?"

Nyx nodded bringing a glad smile to Twilight, they stood up and brushed themselves off then walk through the doors of the cake store. The bell rang, followed by Pinkie Pie darting out of the kitchen and stopping at the counter to serve the customers.

"Heya Twilight, looking to try my vanilla strawberry Pinkie Pie double pie triple tasting creamy sugar crumb ten ton super creamy cake?"

Pinkie was talking very hyperactivley implying she had been eating a lot of sugar.

"You're not going to ask me to say the name of that cake three times fast are you?"

Pinkie shook her head fast grinning from ear to ear and shaking uncontrollably. Nyx looked at all the different muffins, cakes, apple pies and apple fritters. All of which looked scrumptious, but only one pastry stood out to Nyx more then the others, the fillies eyes widened and her mouth became watery. She pressed her face against the glass casing that held her most favorite treat of all. Twilight looked at Nyx and noticed the expression she wore on her face.

"You want that one?"

"Yes please!" Nyx was jumping up and down, eager to bite into the pastry she couldn't look away from.

Mr. Cake came out to serve Twilight in Pinkies place since the pink earth pony was too hyper for duty.

"Sorry to hold you up Ms. Sparkle, what can I get for you and Nyx."

Mr. Cake leaned over the counter and saw Nyx looking at a custard tart, he then looked back at Twilight.

"I take it that you'd like to buy the tart?"

Twilight nodded. "And might I also purchase those apple fritters?"

"Sure, that'll be 15 bits."

Twilight paid Mr. Cake then collected the bag of apple fritters and Nyx's custard tart which the filly couldn't wait to enjoy. Twilight said thank you to the brilliant amber Earth Pony and walked out the door with Nyx in tow. Nyx hopped around Twilight, happily humming a nursery rhyme Luna had taught her the previous nightmare night. The lavender unicorn watched Nyx happily while they walked and giggled as Nyx dud little twirls in the air. Within no time they arrive at the library. Twilight opened the libraries front door before Nyx could jump into it blindly. The alicorn filly opened her eyes to see Spike and Rarity cleaning up the place. She stopped in her tracks and assumed a stance and started walking the way Rarity had taught her. Watching Nyx follow her lady training brought a smile to the white unicorns face.

"Salutations Aunt Rarity, good evening Spike."

Twilight closed the front door and rolled her eyes as Nyx greeted the two, followed by a soft chuckle. Spike put on his English accent, hoping to make Nyx laugh.

"Good evening to you to young lady Nyx, how was school this fine but chilly day?"

Rarity, Nyx, and Twilight burst into laughter at Spikes terrible impersonation of Time Turners northern accent, yet Twilight and Rarity stopped so Nyx may play along with the purple dragon who spoke in the strange accent. Rarity walked over to Twilight and helped her with the custard tart and fritters, placing them in a container and Nyx's beloved tart in the refrigerator.

"So Twilight will you still be needing those winter coats you requested?"

"Of coarse Rarity, why do you ask?"

Well..." Rarity looked to her right putting her right hoof on her left leg. "... Spike and I went through your wardrobe and might I say darling those old cloths look terrible, I mean really Twilight you shouldn't hold onto such old and out of style... o-outfits..."

Rarity just noticed that Twilight was giving her a stare that was unique to her. It was like a bemused glare.

"B-but It's perfectly fine, if you enjoy keeping old cloths that is." Rarity smiled nervously.

After playing around with Spike for a bit, Nyx went over to one of the bookshelves and scanned them for a certain book, a book about snow and snowflakes. She looked in the S section and came across only one book that could hopefully give her the answers she was looking for.

"Well Twilight, I really must be going now, Sweetie Belle gets up to all sorts of mischief when I'm not around. Goodnight Twilight, Nyx, and goodnight to you Spikey-wikey."

Rarity gave Spike a kiss on the tip of his nose then turned to the Library door, opening it and exiting the Library, closing the door behind her. Twilight put the closed sign on the library door then started turning the lights on, with help from a blushing off balance Spike and and a happy but knowledge hungry Nyx. She then moved onto preparing dinner, Spike started up the oven while Twilight got the carrots, broccoli and something Luna suggested for Nyx called; "Night berry". Although it is called "Night berry" it wasn't a typical berry, it was large, round, jet black with a slightly blue tint to it. It also had a very yummy taste, filled with vitamins good for fillies of Nyx's age. Twilight planned to serve the berries to Nyx after dinner when she ate her tart. Spike cut up the carrots and broccoli, placed them in a pot and started to cook them with some peas and mashed potato. Nyx had finished the book she read previously but was now re-reading it, feeling she missed something when in reality she hadn't. Her efforts to find out how the snow became gentle were in vain as the book didn't say anything about snow past before Nightmare Moons banishment a thousand years ago.

"That's odd..." Nyx closed the book feeling disappointed.

"Nyx sweetie go upstairs and wash your hooves please, dinner will be ready soon."

Nyx put the book back on the shelf and ran upstairs into the bath room. She trotted over to the sink and turned the tap on allowing fresh cool water to flow out freely. The water was chilly and gave the black alicorn shivers which rippled all through her body. After a minute of washing, Nyx turned the tap off and dried her hooves. She exited the bath room closing the door behind her and made her way down stairs only to stop at the sound of a whisper.

"Nyx..." It spoke softly in a luring manner, it sounded like a mature mare's voice.

The filly looked into her bedroom and walked over to it slowly, entering the room and listening closely to where the voice was coming from. She looked over at Nightmare Moons armor which rested on a black mannequin in the corner of the room and got closer to it. As she did the voice got even louder only to cease once the black alicorn heard Twilight calling for her again.

"Nyx? Is everything okay up there?"

"Everything's fine mommy."

Nyx turned around and ran out the door quickly and back down stairs. The filly took her seat at the dinner table, Twilight smiled at Nyx happily then looked at Spike as he served dinner.

"Bon appetit"

Nyx looked at her food and suddenly lost her appetite all because it was vegetables, she sniffed it and tested its taste much to Twilight's irritation. The filly played with it for a bit until Twilight put down her utensils and sighed.

"Nyx, sweetie if you eat at least half of your supper you can have some desert after."

"Really?!" Nyx smiled happily, her eyes glimmering through her enchanted glasses.

"Yes, really."

Twilight gave Nyx a smile followed by the young filly digging into her dinner eating almost everything on the plate.

"Guess it's time for Rarity to reteach Nyx about manners.." Twilight thought to herself.

Nyx started eating the way a proper mare was supposed to, using all she remembered from Rarity to eat her dinner with grace. Twilight smiled when Nyx corrected herself and continued eating her dinner, Spike fed Owlowiscious and Peewee then came back down to eat some gems Rarity had supplied. Twilight swallows the last of her dinner and looked at Nyx whom was still eating, she smiled and cleared her throat after a drink of water.

"How's your dinner sweetie?"

Nyx swallowed her dinner and dabbed her lips with a napkin.

"It was good, thank you mommy, thank you Spike."

Spike spoke with his mouth full. "You're welcome Nyx."

Nyx finished her dinner after a few more minutes and looked up to Twilight. "All done."

Nyx hopped out of her chair and carried her plate to the kitchen sink where she washed all of the grimy left overs that can't be eaten off. Twilight does the same thing, helping Nyx in the process.

"Mommy is it time for desert yet? I ate all of my supper."

Twilight chuckled. "Of course sweetie."

She opened the refrigerator and pulled out Nyx's custard tart and night berries, placing them on a plate then on the table gently. The black filly jumped back into her seat and thanked Twilight before indulging in her treat. Twilight Sparkle smiled at Nyx and Spike and left the kitchen. She walked down stairs past the living room and down another lot of stairs into the main library and started sorting out books while Spike headed to bed early.

"Nyx, we're going to Canterlot tomorrow to get some things we need this winter, so remember to wake up bright and early okay?"

"Okay mommy!" Nyx yawned after she finished her desert and hopped out of her seat.

Nyx wandered upstairs and into the bathroom to brush her teeth thoroughly. The young filly finished and took a sip of water, swishing it around in her mouth before spitting it in the sink and washing it down. she wiped her face, put her brush back, and walked back downstairs and over to Twilight.

"Mommy I want to go to bed..." She yawned. "Can you read me a bedtime story please?"

Twilight smiled and nodded, nuzzling the little alicorn afterwards. She walked with Nyx upstairs to her bedroom, not before picking out a book first. When they arrived Nyx climbed into bed as Twilight entered, opening the book which was titled; "The Lemon Tree". The author was anonymous and it was a very popular play in the Canterlot theater. The lavender unicorn sat beside the bed and began to read the story, at least 22 pages of it until the filly had fallen asleep. When she did, Twilight closed the book gently, leaned over and kissed Nyx on the forehead.

"Goodnight my little pony." she whispered.

She then slowly stood up and exited the room, closing the door slightly so some light could be let in. Twilight turned off all lights in the library then went upstairs to her room where she brushes her teeth and flops into her soft, warm cuddly bed.


At 5:00 in the morning, Nyx woke up and yawned. She hoped out of bed and looked in the mirror to see her mane was messy and fuzzy, she picked up a brush which rested on the table with the mirror and started to carefully brush her hair back so that it resembled the mane style she had when she used to disguise herself. Nyx then levitated her headband and wrapped it around her head above her horn and smiled. Next she picked up her enchanted glasses and placed them over her eyes making them resemble the eyes of a common pony instead of a dragons. The filly didn't like her normal eyes very much, they reminded her of all the bad things she did and they made her feel out of place. Outside Twilight was asking Rainbow Dash to watch the library for her while she and Nyx were in Canterlot to which the blue pegasus accepted. Nyx exited the library wearing an old multicolored unnecessarily long scarf that covered her neck, body and lower face.

"Good morning mommy, good morning Aunt Rainbow Dash."

"Morning Nyx, you ready to go back to Canterlot for the first time in two years?"

Nyx nodded, she recalled her last visit to Canterlot quite vividly. She remembered her first real meeting with Princess Cadence and her uncle Shining Armor among the other events that occurred during Winter Bells. Twilight noticed Nyx was wearing her head band for once which surprised the unicorn. Nyx had stopped wearing it for a while.

"You're wearing your head band again."

Nyx nods. "Mmhm."

"Its been a while since I last saw this, it still fits you by the looks of it." Rainbow Dash got a closer look at the green band.

The train blew its whistle followed by the driver shouting; "All aboard."

"There's our ride, you remember what I told you?"

"Don't worry Twilight, I think I know how to run a library."

Twilight mumbled. "I hope so."

Twilight and Nyx picked up their saddlebags and made their way over to the train station. Twilight had hers and Nyx's ticket ready however when they tried to bored the Canterlot Express train the pony at the door wouldn't let let them on because of Nyx. The earth pony insisted that Nyx was dangerous and couldn't be allowed on-board.

"Shes just a filly, she is not a danger to anypony."

"I'm sorry miss Sparkle, but nopony wants her on bored."

"This is discrimination! You are paid to let us on bored I paid for the tickets, I paid to be taken to Canterlot!"

"Look Ms. Sparkle, Nyx has a reputation, nopony likes her and nopony wants her around. Beside I was told not to let Nyx on bored regardless of whether she is accompanied by her carer and that is you."

"This is the fastest way to get to Canterlot without missing half a day just to get there Nyx's reputation never stopped you before what makes now any different?!"

The earth pony shrugged. Passenger son the train looked out the windows and saw Nyx who quickly noticed them. The reception of Nyx was mixed to outright negative. Some of ponies on the train glared and sneered at the filly while others looked apologetic and sympathized with her. The trains whistle blew again and the Earth Pony who stood at the train door entered the car as the door closed the train departed the station.

Twilight eyes went red. "Fine!! Be that way!!" Twilight looked at Nyx, her eyes back to normal. "Come on Nyx, we're taking the balloon."

Twilight and Nyx left the station and returned to the Library, near where the balloon was. Spiked looked out the window to see the two ponies over by the window. Curiously, the purple dragon stepped outside the library to investigate.

"W-What are you two doing back here?"

"They wouldn't let us on the train. They don't seem to understand Nyx isn't a bad pony."

"That's terrible, are you alright Nyx?"

"I'm not hurt."

"That's good.." Spike turned to Twilight. "So now you're using the balloon? That'll take longer won't it?"

"It will, but I don't really have that much of a choice and sending a letter to the princess to send a chariot wouldn't help much since Luna is still the princess right now. The train is faster and would've taken us to Canterlot faster then the Balloon but on the upside to taking the balloon is that the route is much more scenic." She smiled.

"If you say so.."

"But the downside is that we'll be waiting for a few hours to get there. If I cast a spell to speed the Balloon up we could get there in two hours after lift off."

"That sounds like a good idea."

"Really? Thank's Spike." She smiled.

Spike opened the balloons basket allowing Twilight and Nyx to board it.

"There you go girls."

"Thank you Spike." Said Nyx and Twilight in unison.

Nyx closed the basket gate as Twilight prepared the balloon for lift off. Within a few minutes they were on their way toward Canterlot. Nyx and Twilight waved goodbye to Spike who waved back before heading back inside. Nyx laid down to have a nap while Twilight steadily piloted the balloon toward Canterlot. the lavender alicorn was angry that some ponies were still thick headed and continued to dislike Nyx even though her days as Nightmare Moon were over. To speed things along, Twilight cast a spell on the hot air Balloon which propelled it faster toward their destination, they would reach Canterlot in half an hour after slow traveling at the original maximum speed the last two and a half. Halfway to Canterlot Nyx yawned and woke up, she looked around for a moment and stood up.

"Good afternoon young lady." Twilight said sarcastically, it was only 7:12 AM by now.

"Hi mommy, are we there yet?"

"No not yet, I'd say we have twelve minutes until we are near the landing spot."

Nyx was eager to see Princess Luna again, she had taken to calling Luna her big sister due to their special connection through Nightmare Moon. Luna was looking outside her bedroom window, down at the streets and at the ponies that got on with their daily lives. She looked in the direction of the train station to see Twilight's balloon landing, the night princess perked up and made her way to the throne room where Celestia was looking through notes until she noticed Luna making her way to the palace exit.

"Where are you off to?" The sun princess inquired, looking up from her scrolls.

"I have decided to mingle with the citizens, I will be okay sister."

Luna proceeded to leave as the sun princess smiled returning to her duties, unaware that Luna was in actuality looking for Nyx. Twilight and Nyx stepped off of the balloon and began walking in the direction of the market place. While they walked through the now bustling Canterlot market district Nyx looked around. Her mind started to wander about, which distracted her and slowed her down.


The alicorn filly looked in the direction Twilight was in and quickly ran over to her, running past a wall that had fiery design on it with an alicorn standing in the center of the blaze, the mark vanished though. Nyx caught up to Twilight and was nuzzled.

"Please Nyx, try to stay focused."

"I will mommy."

Twilight smiled, they walk over to a clothes vendor who was selling winter clothing for ponies to keep warm during this cold, cold season. Twilight browsed the wares and ended up talking with the seller about a multitude of things buying some scarfs and jackets, as well as some snow gear. Nyx in the meantime was looking around hoping to see if Luna was out and about. Twilight was fully aware of what the filly was doing and giggled. Luna looked around the market place, following Nyx's magical aura which was very faint having not completely recovered from when it was taken by her just yet. During her search Luna accidentally passed Nyx and Twilight without noticing her younger counterpart, but Nyx had noticed Luna. The filly smiled and followed the princess silently. Luna felt the aura behind her and turned around quickly to feel the aura was still behind her, she stood confused and rubbed the back of her head.

"That's very odd..."

Nyx carefully snuck up on Luna then jumped up and grabbed the larger alicorn's tail.


Luna neighed in fright and bolted upward causing Nyx to let go so she wouldn't be five feet in the air. Nyx rolled around on the ground laughing at how good she got the princess. It took a moment to sink in but eventually Luna got the prank and laughed along with Nyx, landing on the ground gently in the process as everypony in the market place gathered round to watch as their night princess and the filly so many ponies still called a monster laughed together on the path.

"You two certainly found each other fast." Twilight brushed past many ponies to reach Luna and Nyx. She smiled upon seeing them.

"Is it okay if I stay with Princess Luna until it's time to go home, please?"


Luna stood up. "If I may, we'd be more then happy to accompany you and Nyx during thou shopping spree. We can help thee purchase higher class winter garments and decor."

"Thank you princess but I'm sure Nyx and I will be fine."

"Very well then," Luna turned her attention to Nyx next. "I'm sorry Nyx, I would love to play with you again but we need to sleep now, I only came down here to see you and Twilight Sparkle because we know how much you miss me."

Nyx looked down upset. "I.... understand...."

Luna nuzzled Nyx gently and smiled.

"I'm only a letter away, if you need me, or if you are missing me just write a letter and tell Spike to send it to me, okay?"

Nyx nodded and sniffled. "Okay..."

Twilight nuzzled Nyx and she nuzzled back. Luna smiled then took off, flying back to the castle so she could rest. Twilight and Nyx returned to shopping. Luna flew up to her bedroom balcony and opened the windows, she stepped inside just as it started to snow. The snow flakes gently touch the balconies rail making a gentle soothing sound like a jingle. Luna stopped walking upon hearing the sound of the snow flakes and slowly began to tear up. She slowly turned around and walked back toward the balcony and held a snowflake in her magic, taking note on how identical it was to another snowflake she treasured most, she held the frozen star close and sniffled trying not to cry.

Twilight browsed some books in the Canterlot bookstore, admiring the range of rare books they have, though the Royal Canterlot Library had much rarer books before it burned down one hundred and twelve years ago. Twilight looked out the window to see Nyx sitting there, waiting for her mother to exit the library so they could go home. It started snowing, the sound of the snowflakes sounded familiar to Nyx somehow though just last year it was a new kind of sound. This time the young filly felt that she had heard the sound of snowflakes at an earlier time, long before her birth. She quickly brushed this off as just feeling cold, she looked into a bag of winter clothes and went through it until she found and put on a jacket Twilight had bought for her. She instantly felt much much warmer. The store bell jingles and Twilight exited it, she looked at Nyx and smiled. Suddenly Canterlot is filled with the sound of beautiful singing from the castle, the voice was not of Luna's nor Celestia's though the singing caused the sun princess to leave the throne room to confront the source of the voice.

Back on the streets, Twilight and Nyx were walking back to the balloon. The little filly was showing signs of being tired and needed to rest for a while. She was still upset that she couldn't spend the visit with Luna but there was always next time.

"Ready to go home Nyx?"

"I guess so..."

"Maybe when its your birthday, we can celebrate it here, in the Canterlot ball room."

Nyx smiled at the thought as Twilight started the balloon, it lifted off of the ground and was steered by Twilight back to Ponyville. Luna watched as the balloon left, she felt bad for not spending time with Nyx but she had more important things to do. The night princess placed the snowflake she had earlier collected, into a vase and put it in a safe place where Celestia couldn't get her magic on it. Luna then tried to sleep. As much as she wished, she could not. She sat up and stared blankly at the floor. She got up and walked over to the balcony once again, opening the doors and stepping outside where she stood at the railing of the the balcony and sighed deeply.

"I wish you were still here..."

The balloon arrived in Ponyville within three hours due to high winds. The town had snow falling all around it though the ground had hardly any snow on it. Twilight quickly took note of this and was baffled. She assumed that it was only just starting to snow but she didn't wonder for long. When she looked at the library, she saw a line of angry ponies, waiting to borrow a book or two. Twilight's jaw dropped and her left eye twitched.

"Rainbow Daaaash!!!!!"

Twilight pushed past the angry crowd while Spike got the shopping and Nyx went to stay with Fluttershy. Twilight got to the front of the line where Rainbow Dash was cowering behind the desk.

"Rainbow what happened? You said you knew how to run a library..."

"Uh... Sorry Twilight, I guess I don't know how after all." She smiled followed by a squee sound.

Twilight face hoofed and sighed annoyed. She turned around and faced the crowd with an apologetic look on her face.

"I'm very sorry everypony for the inconvenience, I'll be taking over from Rainbow Dash now. If there is anything you need please let me know."

Everypony started complaining prompting Twilight's eyes to widen as she grinned, in the meantime Fluttershy was teaching Nyx how to care for and nurture animals, helping them sleep during the winter.

"Now be very gentle so you don't hurt them."

Nyx was helping a group of skunks into a den so they may hibernate, Fluttershy smiled at Nyx's accomplishment as the little filly wasn't sprayed like she was during her first time putting skunks to bed.

"Very good, Now would you like to help put the reptiles to bed? The snakes need rest too."

"Um... I... I don't really like snakes... they scare me..."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's alright Aunt Fluttershy, maybe we can help some other animal find rest?"

Fluttershy thought for a moment, the snakes were the only ones that needed to be helped to sleep but then she remembered the hedgehogs.

"Oh there's the hedgehogs, maybe you'd like to help put the hedgehogs to bed."

Nyx smiled and nodded, jumping up and down happily. They then made their way to the hedgehog den. Meanwhile Twilight made her way to Rarity's Carousel Boutique after everything had been cleared up to collect the scarfs and sweaters Rarity promised.

"Good afternoon Twilight, I am just putting the finishing touches on Nyx's sweater, It looks absolutely gorgeous."

"I'm sure it does Rarity, um... perhaps I should come back later..."

"Oh not at all darling have a seat please, I am almost finished. Nyx's cutie mark is most difficult to replicate and to sew it on the right spot."

Twilight raises an eyebrow. "I could lend you a picture you know?"

"I'm sure you can Twilight but I know what I'm doing, now please hush for a moment I'm in the zone."

Twilight sighed and sat on the couch reading one of the fashion magazines Rarity liked to read so much. The lavender unicorn was surprised to see that a vest that looked like the one Rarity made for Nyx was being featured in the magazine.

"Um... Rarity?"

"Yes yes what is it now Twilight?"

"Nyx's vest is being featured in this magazine, the vest you made."

"WHAT?! Let me see!"

Rarity stopped what she was doing and jumped on Twilight, trying to grab the book to see for herself. She started reading the instant it wass in her hooves.

""Vests are rarely ever seen in Equestria's cloths stores so we have decided to feature the vest created by Ponyville fashion designer Rarity, which was used in concealing the identity of Nightmare Moon.""

Rarity put the magazine down and sighed, she got up and went back to work.

"Rarity are you alright?"

"Oh yes I'm quite alright, its just I'm a little disappointed."

"Disappointed that they featured your vest."

"No, I am disappointed that they featured my vest while insulting Nyx, she is not a monster anymore and I wish everypony would just understand."

Twilight sighed, flattening her ears down on her head looking down. "You and me both..."

Twilight's ears perked back up and she looked back up at Rarity whom had just finished the winter clothes.

"Here you go Twilight, some sweaters and scarfs to last the winter."

"Thank you Rarity," she placed the cloths in her saddlebags. "So how much am I expected to pay?"

"I usually charge at least 55 bits, but for you I'll charge eleven."

"Eleven bits? I couldn't pay you that, after all you need compensation for the materials you had to use. I'll pay you the 55 bits."

"Oh Twilight I really..."

Twilight pulled a gem out of one of her saddlebags.

"I'll also throw in Spikes desert diamond."

Rarity's eyes sparkled and widened at the sight of the massive mineral before her.

"Well if you insist..." She grinned.

Twilight smiled and paid Rarity before leaving and making the walk back to the Library. On the way it starts to snow surprising Twilight with its quickness. It is indeed supposed to snow this day but not at this time it was supposed to snow at seven o'clock that night. The weather ponies must have had other ideas she thought, it wouldn't be the first time the weather team had started something earlier then usual, the first time Twilight could ever recall the team doing this was the day she found Nyx in that thorn bush when the storm hit. She continued to walk back to the library opening the front door upon arriving, closing it behind her slowly. She then turned and looked at the mess the Library was in and sighed.


"Yeah Twilight?"

"We got work to do." She didn't sound or look too happy about it.

Nyx was still jumping around happily and this time humming a tune which sounded close to the 80's My Little Pony theme song. Fluttershy smiled and started to hum along with her as they neared the hedgehog den. Nyx suddenly started to lose balance, she stopped bouncing and stood still, her eyes were blank and her body was stiff. A memory came forth and she saw snowflakes being poured into clouds by a team of pegasus and three figures watching from another cloud. She shook her head and was now standing just fine and could now see her surroundings properly again. She looked around her one more time and started thinking. Fluttershy noticed Nyx looking around and approached her with concern.

"Are you feeling okay Nyx?"

The filly nodded. "I'm okay Aunt Fluttershy, but I think I should go home though."

"That's alright, maybe I'll come and visit some time soon."

Nyx smiled and started heading home. "Bye Aunt Fluttershy."

"Bye Nyx." Fluttershy waved and smiled, watching Nyx run home before getting back to helping the animals.

It was the late afternoon by the time Nyx got back to the library, the angry ponies had all gone and Rainbow Dash had also gone home. As for Twilight, she and Spike were putting books away that had been returned and books that ponies were going to borrow only for them to lose interest due to Rainbows lack of experience in running the Library. Twilight had already prepared lunch for Nyx and had left it in the refrigerator for her. The library door slowly opened as Nyx walked inside shutting it behind her.

"Ah you're back, I've left your lunch in the refrigerator for you if you're hungry." Twilight called from the back room.

"Thank you!"

Nyx took a few steps inside but stopped and looked outside at all the snowflakes falling down, she listened to the sounds they made strangely she found only she could hear the sounds of the snow, this was puzzling to Nyx. She stopped looking and walked to the room Twilight and Spike were in.

Spike and Twilight finished placing the books back in their places, the unicorn smiled making sure not one book is out of place. Twilight was suddenly startled by the sound of a thud to which she looked in Spikes direction to see he had fallen asleep on the floor.

"Oh Spike.."

She smiled warmly and almost chuckled at the cute sight. She turned her head and looked at the doorway to see Nyx walking in carrying a plate with a cup of warm coco over to her. When she got close enough the little filly put the plate down and smileed up at Twilight.

"It's getting really cold out so I made you some warm chocolate, I hope you like it."

"Thank you honey."

Twilight took a sip without testing to see whether it was too hot or not, but by the time she had gulped down that first sip her face was red, she started to sweat puddles, and her tongue burned so badly steam was practically rising off of it. Twilight took a moment to drink water while Nyx wasn't looking and quickly hid the water once Nyx looked at Twilight again.

"Well... um.."

Nyx looked worried. "What? Is it too hot?"

Twilight rubbed the back of her head thinking of her words carefully.

"Well I love the coco you gave me, everything I get from you always makes me happy but..."

Nyx started laughing randomly, rolling around on the floor confusing Twilight until she started scratching her head.

"Whats so funny?"

"T-there's c-chilly in the Coco."

Nyx laughed even harder as Twilight looked in the cup to see bits and pieces of chilly inside of the cup around the rim. She smiled and looke at Nyx then Pinkie Pie who had just entered the room laughing just as hard as Nyx. Pinkies laughing became so much she fell to the floor in pain, laughing her hardest. Twilight rolled her eyes and put the cup by the sink. She took Spike to bed while Nyx and Pinkie Pie played together for a bit until she had to go home. Twilight put wood in the fire place and lit it with a fire spell, warming up the inside of the library and keeping out the cold which had just started coming down from the north. Nyx washed her hooves in the bathroom and helped her mother prepare dinner. Warm soup with bread and some mini pancakes with jam for desert though that is occasionally reserved for breakfast neither Twilight nor Nyx cared. they prepared the table together, laid out the food which immediately woke up Spike, and enjoyed their meal afterwards, they all sat by the fire eating the pancakes and listened as Twilight told them stories about how far away lands are sometimes topped by snow all year round, and have strange creatures beyond anyponies wildest imaginations, including the spirit of a mare whom lives in the snowy forests of an eastern land. Soon it was time for bed, Spike quickly hopped into his warm bed as did Nyx.

"Mommy, could somepony make snow gentle if it was harsh before?"

Twilight thought for a moment.

"I think anypony could do anything if they set their minds to it. I think they were here the whole time, but something keeps irking me and saying that they aren't as ancient as I think. I suppose yes, somepony gentle could make the snow the way it is if they tried."

Nyx smiled and looked over at the window to see a snowflake resting against the window before it melted.

"Goodnight Mommy."

"Goodnight, Nyx."

Twilight gently nuzzled Nyx whom nuzzled back with a happy smile. The lavender Unicorn left the room after, closing the door ever so slightly just how Nyx liked it then made her way upstairs and started writing in her dairy for a while. She wrote down Nyx's behavior and all the fun things they did that day, she mentioned the trip to Canterlot and the harsh treatment she and Nyx continue to receive from some residents of Ponyville, finally she writes down that Nyx and pinkies joke was one of the best pranks that have ever been pulled on her. Eventually she stopped and prepared to hop into bed and sleep. She went to the bathroom to brush her perfect teeth and to get some new bed sheets, replacing the current ones that have been in use for three weeks, putting the old in the wash and the new ones on which were fresh from the washing. Nyx dreamed that night, dreamed a happy dream and dreamed of a filly much like her though white as snow. Twilight also had a peaceful dream, about books. The snow came down ever so gently that night making their twinkling sound only audible to those who took the time to listen.
