• Published 23rd Dec 2013
  • 5,365 Views, 89 Comments

Tears in the Snow - Chaos Phantasm

A memory from Lunas past has made itself known to Nyx. Can Nyx discover who the filly in her memory is, or will the answers be buried beneath the snow.

  • ...

10: Revelations.

Tears in the Snow


Chapter 10



The school bell tolled and could be heard all over Ponyville that cold winter morning. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were standing in the Library foyer, waiting for Nyx to come downstairs.

"What is she doing?" Asked Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom shrugged.

"I don't know..." Sweetie Belle frowned.

"Nyx! We're here and waitin, what're you doin up there?" Called Apple Bloom.

Nyx was looking around her room for her books, she lifted up her pillows, checked around her armor display, and tossed clothes out of her drawers in her search for her school books. Nyx was starting to panic, she jumped around in worry and ran around the room, checking everywhere, her eyes darting to every possible place. Her cat like pupils widened and thinned with every place she looked.

"Where are they?!" Nyx groaned in frustration.

Snowdrop chuckled and laughed to herself while Nyx ran around lost. The ghostly filly had been laying on Nyx's bed the whole time and thought it amusing to listen.

"Do you not need books? Has Equestria's children needed them since I've been gone?"

Nyx paused and looked at Snowdrop. "No, we don't need them, I like having them so Ms. Cherilee doesn't have to give out so many papers. I have a different book for each subject."

Snowdrop chuckled in amusement. "You're quite smart to do that."

Nyx smiled widely, her teeth showing. "Thank you."

"Nyx, are you ready for school yet?!" Twilight called out.

"Not yet mommy... Have you seen my books?!" Nyx replied, continuing her fruitless search.

"They're down here with your saddlebags, silly filly..." Twilight said with a chuckle.

Snowdrop laughed her loudest while Nyx blushed from the embarrassment and shook her head.

"I knew that!" She groaned and walked toward her door, opening it a little wider and descending the stairs.

Snowdrop smiled, she heard Nyx leave then in a flash, turned into wind and light, a blue orb which flew slowly down the steps and into the kitchen. Spike was packing Nyx's backs and helping them onto her back, Owlowiscious held a sandwich wrapped clear wrap in front of Nyx, who took it with a smile and thanked him. She put it into her saddlebags with a smiled. Impatiently Scootaloo shouted for Nyx to hurry up, the filly jumped and laughed.

"I better get going," the black filly chuckled.

Twilight smiled and nodded. "Okay, Nyx."

Nyx hugged Twilight who returned her hug, nuzzling the young alicorn before letting go, and seeing her off.

"have a good day, sweetie!" Twilight called out.

Nyx smiled and waved her tiny wings toward Twilight before jumping off the tallest step of the staircase, and gliding down to the main floor swiftly toward her friends. The c.m.c looked up to Nyx and smiled. Scootaloo, however, was quite impatient.

"It's about time, what took you?"

Nyx smiled at the orange pegasus, that smile turning into a grin. "I couldn't find my books."

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom laughed. Nyx opened the library door for them and they stepped outside, the black alicorn followed shortly after them. Scootaloo sighed, turned around and exited the library, closing the door behind her.

"Girls wait for me..." Scootaloo said as she ran after the three filly's.

Suddenly a book dropped from the top of a shelf from the library, covered in dust and bearing a distinct flower shape on it, topped by a snow star. Nyx and the c.m.c trudged through snow that was knee deep, the Nightmare Moon statue had its feet buried in just a few feet of Snow. Scootaloo was annoyed at being unable to ride her scooter in this weather with the ground as white and deep. The bell tolled once more, this time accompanied by Cheerilee's voice. The mare called out to her children announcing the beginning of school.

"We're going to be late..." muttered Nyx.

"It's okay Nyx, we've been late before... once," Sweetie Belle tried to reassure her.

Nyx's ears flattened on her face, her eyes growing big and watery, she pouted and faced down toward the ground.

"I don't want to be late..." Nyx whined.

"Neither do any of us..." concurred Sweetie Belle.

As Nyx and the filly's were walking, some stray strands of sunlight shone through the clouds, breaking through the grey veil and shining on the land. The filly's cast shadows, Nyx's shadow being larger, it's eyes as white as snow which seemed to squint a glare of wrath before turning back into a normal shadow. Nyx paused for a moment and turned back around, she felt a presence which was full of anger, but all of a sudden it had gone. The C.M.C stopped to watch Nyx, each of them calling out to hurry her. Nyx turned around and cringed.

"Sorry! Sorry..." she quickly turned and hurried over to them.

"Why'd you stop and turn back for, Nyx?" Asked Apple Bloom.

Nyx rubbed her front left leg with her front right hoof. "It's nothing. I thought I heard something, it was nothing really."

"I thought you had detected me, after I was being so quiet." Snowdrop suddenly appeared in a small swirl of wind.

"Snowdrop!" The C.M.C cried with a smile.

"I could sense you coming even if you were invisible." Nyx smiled.

Snowdrop laughed. "I can't turn invisible." Snowdrop slowly turned her head in Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo's direction and smiled. "Hello Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo."

The bell tolled for the last time, class had started. Nyx noticed this before the other three did and started jumping.

"Girls, we need to go!" she said with impatience.

Snowdrop blinked and gasped. "I'm holding you up, aren't I? I'm sorry, please don't let me hold you up."

That was all Nyx needed to hear before bolting toward the school. "Waait! Don't start without me!"

Snowdrop stood motionless and simply blinked, tilting her head. The C.M.C chuckled nervously.

"We better head to school, Snowdrop," said Sweetie Belle.

"We'll catch up later at the Clubhouse," said Apple Bloom just before they began their run toward the school.

"O-Okay... I-I'll be waiting..." Snowdrop said in a shaky voice. Then with a gust of wind, she vanished.

Cheerilee continued to wait for Nyx, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, though the rest of the class had arrived. Diamond Tiara sat in her chair, a smug smile on her face, convinced that the four filly's would be no show's on their first day back to school. Silver Spoon did not share Diamond's enthusiasm. She sighed loud enough to get a look or two from the other students.

"Oh, where could they be? It's not like Nyx to be late like this, not like any of them to be late like this." Cheerilee frowned.

"Maybe they got so lazy that they didn't want to come back to school, Ms. Cheerilee," Diamond Tiara said in a bratty tone.

Cheerilee simply looked at the young filly with a bemused look on her face, when suddenly Nyx charged past in a black blur that almost knocked the teacher down.

"Whoa!" Cheerilee managed to keep her balance. She looked over at Nyx's desk to see the alicorn was unloading a book from her saddlebag in a rush.

"I'm so sorry Ms. Cheerilee, I got caught up this morning trying to find my books."

Silver Spoon smiled with relief at Nyx's arrival, while Diamond Tiara glared and sneered unpleasantly at the sight of her. Soon after, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had arrived, each one apologizing to Cheerilee who smiled and welcomed them.

"Welcome back, Nyx, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Take your seats now, this month we will be devoting time to our spring sunrise projects."

Snowdrop could hear everything from where she was. She was not in the building, she was not beside Nyx. Nyx could sense Snowdrop nearby, but where, she did not know. As Cheerilee was writing on the chalk board, she paused and looked over at Nyx, smiling as she did.

"Nyx, did you find out anything about winter during the break?"

Nyx looked up at the teacher who with the class awaited to hear if she had indeed found anything. Slowly it started to sink in, while she was busy recovering in hospital, celebrating Hearts Warming with her family, exercising magic and wasting time with her friends, she had forgotten to search for answers and it made her feel so stupid. Sweat broke out on Nyx's forehead, she gulped and put on a false but convincing smile.

"T-The truth is I... I haven't found anything on the subject..." Nyx admitted much to her dismay and Diamond Tiara's pleasure.

The pale magenta filly laughed out loud much Nyx's irritation. The Cutie Mark Crusaders glared toward Diamond Tiara.

"Diamond Tiara!" yelled Cheerilee.

As smug as ever, Diamond Tiara replied with an innocent "Yes?"

Cheerilee looked cross. "Perhaps you would like to stay back an hour or two this afternoon for detention?"

Diamond Tiara's smile vanished and she kept her mouth shut, turning her head away in frustration. Cheerilee sighed and looked over to Nyx.

"It's okay, Nyx. You are in no trouble at all. I do hope that you find your book soon enough."

"I hope so..." Nyx said under her breath, she looked down to the page in her opened book and stared.

"Snowdrop would know... But... I want to do this myself..." Nyx thought to herself, unable to decide whether she wanted to question Snowdrop of the snow's calmness, or search for a book which may or may not exist.

For Nyx it was a question that seemed to burn itself into the folds of her mind before spreading to encompass all of her thinking, it was maddening. However, Nyx had to put her concerns aside, as now the lesson had begun. The origin of winter was the first subject of this topic. She wrote the title in her book and listened intently. The rest of the class did the same, and in no time at all, the class had got stuck into their books, with the exception of a few students. Snips and Snails were busy thinking of other things to focus on then the lesson at hand.

"Camelu..." Snowdrop suddenly said aloud.

Nyx, Sweetie belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo froze in their chairs and looked at one another over the class, Diamond Tiara noticed this odd behavior and lifted an eyebrow in question. Snowdrop fell silent, she had clearly spoken aloud on accident, on part of her own memories. Hearing Cheerilee speak to the class had caused Snowdrop to remember her own younger years when she was alive. Snowdrop decided to go away for a while, only until her new friends had finished with school for the day.


"Spike!" Twilight called from the Library ground floor.

The unicorn had picked up the lone book that had fallen from the top of a book shelf earlier that day. The book glowed with Twilights magical aura, the dust on it clearing slightly to show some more of its cover. Twilight put the book on the small round table in the middle of the room and sighed as Spike came walking down the stairs.

"Something wrong, Twilight?" Spike was puzzled.

Twilight levitated the book over to Spike who held his arms out to take the book when it got close enough. The dragon looked at the book, scratching his head when he couldn't figure out what went wrong.

"So what's the problem?" He asked in a confused tone of voice.

"I found this book on the floor, there's no shelf listing nor author tag on the spine. I thought you replaced all of the listing stickers three months ago."

"I did, I probably missed this one and put it back by mistake." Spike scratched his head.

Twilight smiled and shook her head whilst turning around and heading off toward her study. Spike watched after Twilight then fixed his eyes on the book. He looked closely at the cover, squinting while he did then started to look around for a duster. The dragon looked around the table in the middle of the library and picked up one hidden in a secret compartment in the busts nose. He dusted the cover off and saw the snowflake tipped flower the was Snowdrop cutie mark. Spike scrunched his face when he saw it, he recognized it from when he saw Snowdrop just a week earlier.

As Spike was making that discovery, Twilight had started looking around for the scroll which had the "Ghost Life" spell on it, unaware Nyx had taken and used it a week ago. She had been searching for the roll of parchment for that whole last week, she had the impression that it was just misplaced, and had no idea it was taken, though her suspicions were growing.

"Spike... have you seen my-"

"No Twilight, I haven't seen your scroll anywhere," The purple dragon was quick to cut Twilight off, having been asked the same question many times before. He changed the plastic covering of the book which had gone dark from the dust.

When the plastic covering had been removed, the books color had brightened to a mixture of whites and blues that reflected the colors of winter, the authors name could be seen, as well as the books title.

"The history of Winter: By Blue Belle?" Spike lifted an eyebrow and thought about the name before going forward with taping the labels with the authors name and the shelf code on the spine of the book.

Spike walked into Twilight's office and looked at the lavender Unicorn who was digging through her trunk of papers. Spike simply rolled his eyes and left the book on the table for Twilight to look at when she had the time, unknowingly setting up events that would help Nyx in the not so distant future.

The library doors opened, cold air flowed into the room like water to an open compartment. The cool chill was felt by Spike and Twilight who quickly came over to the door which closed with a slam.

"Honestly Vinyl, poor Twilight has enough to deal with, making them cold is the last thing that needs to happen to them." Frowned Octavia who kept herself nice and warm in her scarf, beanie and shoes. She also wore a turtle neck jacket.

"I know, I know, but you were dragging your hooves!" Vinyl complained.

"It's freezing, Vinyl. What do you expect?" Octavia groaned.

"Faster hooves, maybe?" Vinyl smirked.

"Ahem!" Twilight and Spike stood together close by. "If you're done arguing perhaps Spike and I could assist you somehow?"

"Oh, forgive us, Twilight. Vinyl and I were looking for history books on music, if that's not too much," Octavia spoke very politely.

"She's looking, I'm just tagging along," said Vinyl in a laid back tone.

Octavia sighed. "Unfortunately..."

Twilight stepped in. "Um Octavia, maybe we could find your book?"

"Oh, yes of course. I'm sorry, Twilight." Octavia frowned.

Twilight smiled. "It's not a problem, Octavia. Please follow me." Twilight lead Octavia over to some book shelves she hoped the music books were located.

"Uh.. Twilight.. I could help, you know?" Spike raised his hand and index finger as he spoke.

"Oh." Twilight turned and looked at Spike. "Sorry, Spike. I'll take this one, if that's alright."

Spike shrugged. "That's okay, Twilight. I'll talk to Vinyl."

Octavia cringed at that. "Just be careful, she's not exactly happy..."

"Why would she be upset?" Spike asked as he walked into her leg.

"Because the snow, jacked my set up!" The DJ pony said in frustration. "Nine hundred and ninety nine bits down the drain because somepony couldn't keep the window shut!"

"Would you please not blame me for trying to make a stuffy room cool!" Octavia responded.

"You didn't have to Tavi, I was there!"

Spike and Twilight simply watched the step sisters argue for almost five minutes before the both of them sighed and turned away from each other in a small fit.

"Um... Spike? Stamp the book for Ms. Melody, please."

Spike took the book gently out of Twilight's magical glow and walked over to the desk where he stamped the return date on it. Octavia suddenly noticed how quiet it was and looked around.

"Is Nyx off with her friends?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, she's at school, actually school should be finishing soon." The unicorn looked up at the clock to be sure.

Spike approached Octavia and put the book in her saddlebag. "Here you go, Ms. Melody."

"Thank you kindly, Spike." Octavia looked over to Twilight. "I was interested to know if Nyx would enjoy some lessons in playing instruments. I kind of always wanted to be a teacher, and Nyx seems like a perfect filly to start with, she's so patient and kind after all."

"Well.. I can't speak for Nyx... It's up to her in the end."

Octavia smiled and nodded. "Very well, Twilight. Please do pass on the invitation, I look forward to becoming her teacher." Octavia turned and headed for the door.

Vinyl sighed and got up from sitting on the floor. "so.. we're heading back?"

Octavia nodded. "Come along, Vinyl," she smiled and exited the library.

Vinyl waved to Twilight and Spike and followed Vinyl, walking beside her. Spike closed the library door and looked up to Twilight who stared back.

"What?" Twilight asked.

Spike shrugged. "I don't know." The purple dragon went about his business.

Twilight watched him for a moment and sighed, returning to her search for the missing scroll, she re-entered her study and continued her look around before spotting the book that lay on her desk.


"That is so cool, Sweetie Belle!" Twist called out.

"It's so beautiful," said Archer.

Sweetie Belle was surrounded by a group of her classmates, they were listening to her sing a gentle tune which Nyx, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom listened to from the swings.

"Snowdrop helped her out real good, didn't she Nyx?"

Nyx nodded. "She did." She swung on the swings slowly, using her wings to push her along.

Snowdrop giggled. "I used to teach many filly's and colts in my day. When I was a mare."

Scootaloo looked at Snowdrop. "So you were a teacher?"

"For a while, my main occupation mattered more though." Snowdrop sighed.

"What occupation?" Apple Bloom was confused.

Snowdrop smiled. "That would be telling."

Nyx frowned. "Why don't you tell us much about you? You're hiding something."

Snowdrop shook her head. "I just don't want you filly's relying on me for answers when they are yours to seek."

"That's mighty grown up of ya, Snowdrop." Apple Bloom smiled.

Snowdrop blushed. "I'm actually a lot older then I let on." She closed her blind eyes and smiled sweetly.

Nyx, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom lifted their eyebrows and smiled.

"Doesn't matter to us!" Exclaimed Apple Bloom.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter how old you are, Snowdrop. You're still a crusader!" Scootaloo agreed.

Nyx stayed silent, her thoughts lay elsewhere, pointed toward the search to find answers which she had so callously neglected to find. Snowdrop's ears were raised to hear Nyx, but when she heard nothing she spoke up.


Nyx blinked and looked at Snowdrop. "Huh..? Oh.. sorry Snowdrop. I was just thinking..."

Snowdrop was interested. "Thinking about what?"

Nyx sighed. "Finding answers... The spring sunrise is in a few weeks and if I can't help you by then... then what's the point..?"

Snowdrop blinked and was silent for a moment. "I cannot help you in your search... I'm sorry for that, I can only offer support through my encouragement..." Snowdrop sounded regretful at her inability to do anything, though it was not her fault.

"It's okay. It's not that hard to look, you just have to know where you're looking." Nyx beamed.

Snowdrop, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo smiled at Nyx who stopped swinging on the swing and hopped off, turning to look at her friends with a toothy smile.

"Class is going to start soon, we better head back inside." Scootaloo sighed.

Nyx was beaming at this. "Lets not waste anymore time!" She hopped up and down.

Apple Bloom chuckled. "Guess we ought to head in, before Nyx gets over excited."

Snowdrop smiled and vanished as the bell started ringing, Nyx was already in the class room, waiting for the lesson to begin. The day went on as it normally would for the children of Ponyville, by the end of the day the bell had rung and Ms. Cheerilee was seeing each student off, saying goodbye to them as they walked home alone, with friends, or with parents. Twilight stood at the front of the school house with Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash, all of whom were in nice warm jackets. Nyx ran over to Twilight, sliding in the snow and hugged her. Rainbow Dash greeted Scootaloo with a hoof bump, Applejack ruffled Apple Bloom's mane, and Rarity hugged Sweetie Belle. Each of them told their sisters something about there day, and the filly's agreed to meet at the Clubhouse.

"I'll come by later, girls!" Nyx called out.

"Okay, Nyx!" Apple Bloom called to her and waved.

Nyx waved back and followed Twilight back to the library. It was snowing along the way, Nyx giggled and jumped around in the frozen flakes as Twilight watched with a smile.

"You're in a good mood," she giggled.

"I'm just a bit playful." Nyx spoke.

"really?" Twilight said in a soft and scheming voice, her horn glowing and picking up a bunch of snow.

Nyx faced Twilight, walking backwards with a giggle before the snow got dumped onto her, burying the filly beneath a small pile of snow. Twilight laughed at her poor adopted daughter and fell over. Nyx shook the snow off and licked her lips, a smirk on her face. She picked up a lot more snow then Twilight, she backed up and dumped it on her in turn, laughing when it happened. Twilight shook the snow off her this time and gave Nyx a playful look.

"So you want to do it that way, huh? Fine then, we'll play it that way!" She jumped up and almost fell on Nyx.

"Eep!" Nyx cried out and got up, running as fast as she could.

Twilight chased Nyx all over the place, to Sugar Cube Corner, to Carousel Boutique then back to the Library. Nyx hid under a blanket of Snow, she tried to contain her giggle while Twilight searched around, she was aware of Nyx, but didn't want her to know that. Twilight made a slow pass by Nyx's hiding spot, a smug grin on her face and her eyebrows furrowed in focus.

"Hmm, I wonder where Nyx has gone..." she looked up and tapped her chin with her left hoof before smiling wide and turning around quickly to lift Nyx out of the pile with magic. "Found you!"

"Aww..." Nyx groaned in defeat and pouted.

Twilight opened the library door and stepped inside, carrying Nyx while she did.

"Now don't look at me that way." Twilight smiled.

Nyx looked away. "You used magic to find me...."

Twilight chuckled. "I'm sorry." She gently lowered Nyx to the ground and smiled. "But I can make up for that, Octavia Melody came this morning and asked you through me, if you'd like to be her student."

Nyx's eyes widened and sparkled. "In music?!" She said with excitement.

Twilight smiled and nodded toward the filly who started to jump around with much happiness. Snowdrop listened to this and smiled, resting her head between her hooves where she sat. The snow white filly smiled to herself and then toward Nyx.

"Only a month left... all of my hopes are with her, to save me from being bound to Equus..." she smiled. "I can feel it coming, Nyx... the snow of wishing, stars to wish on. They will be upon us soon..."


"What do you suppose she's doing?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

"Looks like she'splaying a flute." Responded Apple Bloom.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders sat together on Vinyl's side of the house while they watched Nyx play a flute. The dark filly blew into the flute to play a song on the sheet of paper in front of her, only to mess up each time and hurt everypony's ears.

"She didn't come to the clubhouse yesterday, what do you suppose for?" Asked Scootaloo who turned to her friends.

Snowdrop sat not too far from them. "She accepted the invitation to learn music, and in doing so, caused her panic. She started searching for answers."

"I guess we should be helping," frowned Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked down and sighed.

"Okay Nyx, try again. This time I want you to stay calm and cover the hole son the flute as you blow, change between the holes as you play and you'll get it," Octavia instructed carefully and with precise instruction.

Nyx nodded to her teacher and took a deep breath. She pressed the end of the flute to her lips and started to blow and cover different holes on the long white pipe. The tune that came out was beautiful. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo stood in surprise, eyes wide and mouths open. Snowdrop herself was shocked and reacted the same way.

"Was that... Nyx?" Sweetie Belle asked in disbelief.

"uh-huh..." responded Apple Bloom.

"She- She only messed up once.. H-How..?" Scootaloo was surprised also.

Snowdrop smiled and stamped her hooves in applause. "Bravo!! Bravo!!" She called out in happiness.

The three filly's looked at the ghost with eyebrows raised then back to Nyx who played the melody as if she had always known. Octavia smiled and applauded.

"Well done, well done, good show I say." Octavia's smile was wide and proud.

Nyx stopped playing and smiled up at her teacher who could hardly contain her excitement.

"This is simply amazing, Nyx. Please continue practicing, I insist." Ocativa bowed to Nyx and jumped up and down.

The English pony ceased her joy when she heard Vinyl close by. She sighed and shook her head.

"Continue practicing, Nyx. I think Vinyl is stuck..." Octavia sighed again and left the house, shutting the door behind her.

The C.M.C and Snowdrop approached Nyx who continued to play her flute. She was flawless, like she knew how to do it professionally. Nyx looked at her friends who surrounded her, they listened and smiled while she played, she too smiling proudly of herself .

"That's amazing," Sweetie Belle said with a smile.

"Thank you, Sweetie Belle," Nyx closed her eyes and grinned with much happiness.

"How did ya learn so fast, Nyx?" Wondered Apple Bloom.

"I-I don't know..." Nyx was unsure, she frowned and looked at her flute when Octavia stepped back in.

"Okay, Nyx. Class dismissed." Octavia dismissed the lesson.

Nyx stood up and packed her flute in her bag, thanking Octavia as she and her friends left. Snowdrop could not be seen by the musician, but she didn't care. She turned into vapor and followed the C.M.C with the wind. It was getting late by this point and the filly's knew that their sisters and mother would be worried about them if they came back after five. The four of them looked at one another and said goodbye before heading back home. Nyx adjusted her glasses on the way, her wings fluttered slightly as she lifted herself up to fly.

"You are flying. Normally you walk," Snowdrop said in a surprised tone of voice.

"I need to get home, and walking isn't going to get me there any faster," Nyx replied as she hurried herself.

Snowdrop smiled. "It make's sense."

"Doesn't it?" Nyx smiled brightly.

Nyx flapped her wings faster gaining some speed as she flew to the library. Snowdrop in the form of a snowflake landed in Nyx's mane as she arrived home. Twilight was waiting for Nyx in the main room of the library. She was eager to hear how the lessons went. She peered out of the window to see Nyx approaching by air, this came as a surprise to Twilight who had never once thought Nyx would risk flying in this weather. Snow was falling and twinkling all around Nyx as she landed with a thud in the snow, sliding quite a bit until she was between Twilight's legs. Twilight stood back and looked down at the little filly who laid on her back, rubbing her head which hurt from the fall.

"Welcome home, Nyx." Twilight smiled brightly at the dark filly.

Nyx chuckled to herself and beamed. "Hello, Twilight."

Twilight levitated Nyx up from the ground and gently placed her back on her feet. Nyx looked up to Twilight and hugged her, the unicorn returning the gesture in kind. They let go and stepped into the library. Twilight closed the door and turned to Nyx who was removing her snow clothes and hanging them up on the rack, save for her shoes which she left on the floor by the other shoes.

"So, how was your first lesson with Octavia?" Twilight asked as she headed toward the stairs.

"It went well, Octavia thought I did amazingly." Nyx followed Twilight to the stairs and climbed them with her. "After to just one mess up, I got better at it."

"Well done, sweetie." Twilight smiled happily and lowered her head and nuzzled the filly who giggled happily.

"Glad to see you're back, Nyx." Spike smiled from the kitchen table, set with Cabbage stew and cucumber sandwiches.

Nyx's eyes sparkled at the sight of the meal, she hurried over to her chair hopped into it to eat. Twilight took her seat across from Spike and started to dig in, eating her soup, accompanied by Spike and Nyx who followed soon after. Nyx ate her food the same as usual but was more eager this night. Spike and Twilight took note and assumed that it was because of her music lessons, but it was not.

Nyx finished her dinner and took her bowel to the sink, rinsing it out and cleaning it; putting it in the drainer and retreating to her bedroom while Twilight watched. The star twinkled in Nyx's hair before melting. A cold sensation chilled the filly's head and sent a shiver down her spine. She shook her head and pushed open her door to see Snowdrop sitting by the window. The black filly looked up at Snowdrop who smiled contently.

"It won't be long now..." Snowdrop sighed.

Nyx tilted her head to one side. "Until..?"

"Until the blizzard... and the stars falling." Snowdrop turned her head in Nyx's direction as she spoke, a small smile on her face.

"The blizzard?" Nyx said in confusion.

Snowdrop nodded. "The last blizzard of winter. Untameable... as it has always been. I understand it has been so even after my passing..."

"There is a blizzard once a year every Wednesday, that's what you mean, isn't it?" Nyx raised her right eyebrow at Snowdrop who nodded.

"The stars can never tame it, because it comes from the Frozen North," Snowdrops voice quivered as if cold, she remembered what it was like walking home in those blizzards years ago. "I used to walk home from school in this weather..."

"Was it bad back then?"

Snowdrop nodded her reply. "The worst..."

Nyx flew up to the window and stared outside as the snow came down, much harder then it had the nights before.


Weeks passed, and so did school day's. Everyday Nyx would go to school with her friends, attend her music lessons, and go home where she would search, and talk to Snowdrop. Nyx would spend hours at night searching for a book, not once did it occur to check the study. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom helped out however they could until they began to think the search was fruitless. Snowdrop continued to wait and hold out hope that Nyx will find what she is searching for. Twilight had started to notice Nyx's search, but did not wish to disturb her until a month later. At the turn of the month it was time to start project's, everypony chose a partner in their class, naturally Nyx sided with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, though her contribution was over shadowed by her nagging desire to search.

After three weeks, the month boiled down to its last, and Nyx was losing her mind. She threw books out of the library shelves in a fit, looking for the book as the worry and stress mounted on her like a wave of water from the sea so deep. Twilight came down the stairs on the Monday night to see the library in a depressing state.

"N-Nyx?!" Twilight was furious.

Nyx paused at what she was doing, she was over by the S section of shelves and quietly turned to face Twilight.

"Y-Yes mommy?" She looked up at Twilight and frowned.

Twilight looked angry with Nyx. "Spike and I spent all day reorganizing this library, and you've gone and ruined it, why did you do this Nyx?!" Twilight gritted her teeth, her pupils small and her eyes wide.

"Because I had too," Nyx said to the lavender unicorn in a sad tone.

"No you didn't! There was no need for it, none at all!"

"I have to help Snowdrop, I need a book about snow to do that, so leave me alone!!!!" Nyx shouted, unaware of how much she just gave away.

The name clicked in Twilight's head instantly, she knew who Snowdrop was and was at first confused. Nyx pushed past Twilight and headed up the stairs, away from her mother and into her room, Twilight continued to stare at nothing for a moment before turning around and seeing Spike. The purple dragon sighed as he looked at Twilight.

"I knew she was seeing Snowdrop before, Twilight. I've always known, for months now I've know. I've seen her, nopony else can except Twilight, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and I." Spike had a guilty look on his face while Twilight was shocked.

"Please Twilight, keep this to yourself..." Spike pleaded.

"I can't, Spike. You know that," Twilight reminded the dragon.

Twilight walked past Spike and stepped into her study. Spike raised his claw to stop her, only to pull it back and lower his head in defeat. Twilight pushed open the doors to her study and grabbed a quill, she started to pen a letter to Princess Luna, telling her what Spike had said, and of Nyx's revelation of Snowdrop. But before she could take it to Spike and send it, she paused and looked at the book of snow that was beside her. She stared at it, then at the letter, weighing what would be best for Nyx, and she came tot he conclusion that she should take away what it was Nyx enjoyed. She tore up the letter and binned it. She picked up the book and took it to her room, where she kept it safe for the time being. The next morning, Nyx was silent, she was expecting Luna to arrive at any moment to take her memory away. She was afraid of this happening so much she couldn't focus the whole day. After class and during recess, the C.M.C inquired as to what was wrong.

"Nyx, are you feelin alright?" asked Apple Bloom.

Nyx looked at her and shook her head, averting her gaze back to her feet. "Luna is going to come soon... Twilight found out..."

"About Snowdrop? No way!" Scootaloo reacted in surprise.

"It's true!" Nyx cried out. "It's true..." her voice became softer.

The C.M.C looked at one another with frowns.

"W-Where's..." Sweetie Belle was suddenly cut off.

"Snowdrop? Gone... I don't know where she is, I can't sense her..." Nyx's ears folded flat on the top of her head. "It's like she's just gone..."

"Maybe she's not gone!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "Maybe you're emotions are blocking your senses, negativity clouds positivity!"

"That's the smartest thing you've said all day, Scootaloo." Apple Bloom smiled.

Scootaloo blinked and looked at Apple Bloom as if she had been called stupid.

Nyx thought about it and smiled. "I guess so... I shouldn't be so upset... I'll tell more to Twilight when I get home."

The girls smiled as the bell rang for class, the four of them went inside, and spent the rest of the day, working on their projects. At the end of the day, Nyx walked home, alone, the thought of Snowdrop being nearby offered much comfort to her, Snowdrop was in fact waiting for Nyx at the library, though the dark filly did not know. When she arrived, she opened the door to the library, warm air overcame Nyx as she stepped out of the cold air. She started changing out of her winter clothes as Twilight approached.

"Welcome home, Nyx." Twilight smiled toward her warmly.

"T-Thank you..." Responded the filly in a somber tone.

"I wanted to apologies... about last night. I want you to know that I didn't tell Princess Luna, Spike told me everything I needed to know."

Nyx looked at up Twilight in surprise, which doubled when she presented the book of Snow.

"You were looking for this, right?" Twilight grinned with her eyes closed.

Nyx hugged Twilight rightly before hurrying upstairs with the book to start reading. Nyx spent hours reading ever chapter, it was all regular winter history until a chapter came up, a chapter titled; Snowdrop's Stars. Nyx's eyes widened and Sparkled and she quickly turned the page to look, it would take a few short hours before she finished, and when she was, her questions had been answered, but now she had more questions, and she knew just who to ask. She closed the book and took a long deep breath and sighed.

"Snowdrop, I need to talk to you," she said softly.

The twinkling of stars were heard close by, and Snowdrop appeared in the blink of an eye. She stood in front of Nyx looking in her direction blindly.

"You called?" Snowdrop smiled.

Nyx's eyes were sad, she frowned as she stared at the white filly who listened out for her. "I know who you are now, Snowdrop of Cloudsdale..."

Snowdrop blinked and sat down. "I'm listening..."

"You created the stars of winter while everypony was against, your stars granted wishes and they were your greatest treasures."

"You're wrong..." Snowdrop frowned. "My treasures were my daughter's and grand children. Never think that I cared about the stars alone. I only ever cared for them, the stars were nothing compared to my family. But I liked them, their twinkles, their gifts, the love that went into them."

Nyx smiled at the sound of this. Snowdrop nodded, closing her eyes and shedding tears, she smiled and sniffled.

"My last wish was so Luna would drop the first snowflake during the first winter of her return. And I'm glad she did..." Snowdrop smiled warmly.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because, it was your quest. And you wouldn't learn anything if I helped you. I dropped hints though... so subtle you didn't even notice. In my words... my secondary occupation was good for all of Equestria. I was a star maker despite my blindness, only for a time... only for a time." Snowdrop said with a large smile.

Nyx smiled returned Snowdrops smile kindly. "I understand now."

"Now begs the final question, what will your wish be when the stars fall?" Snowdrop asked Nyx who looked to her left, unsure.
