• Published 23rd Dec 2013
  • 5,363 Views, 89 Comments

Tears in the Snow - Chaos Phantasm

A memory from Lunas past has made itself known to Nyx. Can Nyx discover who the filly in her memory is, or will the answers be buried beneath the snow.

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02: The Memory.

Tears in the Snow


Chapter 2

The Memory


"Who's there? is anypony here??"

"I'm here... Who are you? Wait your voice... I-it sounds like... Luna..? Oh Luna it is you isn't it?! I've waited so long to hear you again!"

"But... I'm not Luna..."

"O-Oh..? Then who are you..? You sound just like her..."

"I'm Nyx... can't you see me?? I'm standing right here" An adult Nightmare Moon like Nyx stood in a snow covered meadow looking down at a filly of white.

"I cannot see... I've been blind since birth, I can only hear and feel..."

"That's so sad... I'm sorry..."

The white filly chuckled. "Don't be sorry, it's a part of me. Mommy said that it makes me special."

Nyx was silent.

"Is Luna nearby...? Its been so long since I last heard her gentle voice... Please... tell me where she is... Can you take me to her??"

"I'm sorry... But she is not here, only we are... and the snow."

"O-oh... I need to find Luna... I've waited and I've waited but I could never hear her."

"How long have you been waiting?"

"A thousand years..."

Nyx appeared shocked to hear that, though this was a dream it seemed very real to the filly of black.

"Who are you? What's your name?"

The wind started to pick up and it made a sound that the filly recognized but Nyx could not.

"Mother's calling, I have to go now, we'll talk again soon I know we will."

The filly turned around and moved her head left and right, listening to the sound of the wind before walking forward toward the snow cloud.

"Wait please! Tell me your name!"

The filly disappeared and with that so did the dream. Nyx awakened around 8:39 AM, the curtains were open letting in some sun light and allowing the alicorn to see Ponyville covered in a blanket of fresh, white snow. Children were having snow ball fights, Pinkie Pie and Ditzy Doo were building a snow fort, and Rainbow Dash was just trying to find some place warm. Spike stepped into the bedroom carrying Nyx's breakfast on a tray.

"Good morning Nyx."

"Good morning Spike." She yawned then checked herself to make sure she was still a filly and to her relief she was.

"Something wrong Nyx?"

"No no, I just had a dream where I was bigger then I am now."

"Really?" Spike chuckled. "Sometimes when I sleep I like to dream that I am a mighty Tyrannosaurus Spike." The dragon flexed his non-existent muscle for dramatic effect making Nyx giggle.

"Anyway, I brought you your favorite cereal, Luna pops."

He placed the tray down on the bedside table and opened a window letting cool air into the room. Nyx started eating her breakfast and was nearly done when Spike turned around.

"I almost forgot, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are downstairs waiting for you."

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute..."

Nyx looked at her food with that dream still lodged in her mind, the filly seemed familiar to her though at the same time she wasn't. Nevertheless Nyx was curious and began to wonder who this filly could be. She quickly finished her breakfast then rushed into the bathroom to brush her teeth followed by quickly brushing her mane and putting her glasses and head band on. Though when she had finished, she looked at her reflection and tilted her head.

"Spike, is my head band on the right way?"

Spike took a look for Nyx and noticed her mane was more of a problem then the headband. "Yeah it's on the right way... though your mane needs a bit more brushing, please allow me to fix it up."

Nyx placed the brush in Spike's claws and stood still facing the mirror and staring at her reflection as the purple dragon began brushing.

"Remember Spike, I like having my mane brushed back."

"I know, just let me concentrate."

The black alicorn stood still while Spike memorized the way she originally had her mane when she used to disguise herself. The dragon brushed it in all sorts of ways developing different mane styles and learning that he's not cut out for mane dressing. After twelve agonizing minutes of brushing and restarting Spike finally got it right. Nyx looked closely into the mirror to see not one hair out of place, she then turned around and hugged the purple dragon affectionately.

"Thank you Spike."

Spike Smiled and hugged Nyx in return. "You're welcome Nyx."

Nyx let go and ran down stairs where the Cutie Mark Crusaders were playing chess. Neither of the three knew how to properly play so they played it by moving pieces randomly without considering turn based movements or directions. Only Nyx knew how to properly play as did Twilight, the princesses, and quite possibly many others in Equestria. The three filly's heard Nyx coming down the stairs and looked in the direction of the staircase to see the black alicorn jump off the 3rd last step and onto a mat which slid across the floor and into a bookshelf with her on it. She was then sitting down in a daze but quickly jumped up and shook her head. Nyx turned and looked at the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Morning everypony!"

"Morning Nyx." The three filly's replied with smiles.

Nyx hopped off the mat and placed it back where it was before she jumped on it. afterwards, she went over and sat with her friends.

"So, what are you all doing?"

"Trying to play... whatever this game's called." Scootaloo moved the king to one end of the board then moved her bishop forward three spaces.

"It's called chess and you're playing it wrong."

Scootaloo sighed and stopped playing as did Sweetie Belle.

"Then why don't you show us how to play Nyx?"

The Cutie Mark Crusaders looked at Nyx, waiting for her to start teaching. Instead of explaining, the alicorn filly fixed the pieces and gave each of the filly's a book about how to play the game properly.

"Read these manuals and in time you will each learn how to play."

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom looked at one another and started reading just as Nyx instructed. The black filly smiled watching them read until Scootaloo put her copy of the manual down.

"uhh... I don't think chess will help find our special talent."

"At least try and play it Scootaloo, hardly anypony plays it and it gets boring when it's just mommy and I."

"But..." Scootaloo turned her head and looked at the other two crusaders to see if they'll back her up.

"Ah think we all should try playin, like Nyx said it's very rare that anypony plays chess."

"I agree with Apple Bloom."

Scootaloo sighed and gave in. "All right... You win, I'll play along."

The crusaders laughed while Nyx only smiled. She was happy that Scootaloo was now willing to learn. The black filly got started with the lessons managing to teach her three friends something about the game, but not everything as all of them were getting bored except Nyx.

"You know Nyx we could go outside and play around in the snow instead."

"I know Sweetie Belle, however, I have things planned other then playing in frozen water."

Apple Bloom thought for a moment. "Well ya can't stay in ere, girls get her snow cloths ready!"

"Right!" Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo grabbed Nyx's coat, snow shoes, and anything else she'll need. They backed Nyx into a corner, grinning widely.

"Now girls, there's no need for this..." Nyx spoke nervously and was soon piled on and over powered by her three friends.

As Nyx struggled and tried to escape, the filly's dressed her in the snow gear, though Nyx's thrashing and being uncooperative made it difficult.

"Let me go!"

"Not until you're in your snow cloths."

"But I don't want to go outside Sweetie Belle!"

"Too bad Nyx, you're coming to enjoy the snow whether you like it or not."

After about eight minutes of dressing and struggling, Nyx was finally in her winter snow gear though she didn't look too happy about it. They looked at Nyx all over and smiled.

"So that's what she looks like with a hood on." Scootaloo said.

The library door opened with Twilight stepping into the room. She closed the door behind her and shook the snow off her. She removed her scarf and snow jacket, placing them on a rack by the doorway. She then removed her snow shoes with her magic, leaving them by said door then walked over to the group.

"Hey girls what are you up too?"

"We just finished dressing Nyx in her winter cloths so she can come outside."

Twilight looked over at Nyx after getting closer and laughed a little at the state she was in. The unicorn then cleared her throat and took a deep breath.

"They're looking a little small for you sweetie."

"You don't say?" Nyx raised an eyebrow still very irritated mostly due to how tight the cloths were and how crammed her wings were.

Twilight levitated the newer snow cloths out of a pile of folded dresses and winter outfits and presented them to Nyx.

"Try these on, they're larger, and might fit you a little easier." She smiled.

Nyx took the cloths up to her bedroom where she replaced the tighter and smaller winter cloths the Cutie Mark Crusaders forced on her with the larger and more fitting snow cloths Twilight had provided. She looked at herself in the mirror and thought that they looked good. She then trotted around the room in them for a moment to get the feel for them, after a few moments she stopped and smiled to herself.

"These are much much better!"

Nyx turned away from the mirror and ran downstairs back to her friends and Twilight, unaware that her reflection had changed appearance for a few seconds before changing back. Twilight could hear Nyx coming downstairs thus she turned her head in the direction of the stairs to see the alicorn filly slowly walking down them in her new outfit.

"See, I told you they would fit." Twilight smiled.

Nyx jumped up and down happily and thought about going outside with her friends to enjoy the snow, though at the same time, she was afraid. The dream had still left the filly baffled, even more so by the secret of the white filly's identity. Though in reality, it was what Luna would likely do if she ever found out about the dream.

"I'm going outside with Sweetie Belle and the others, if that's okay mommy."

Twilight nodded with a smile. "It's okay, you can go, but be careful."

Nyx nuzzled Twilight then ran toward the door which was being held open by Sweetie Belle. Once Nyx had exited the library Sweetie Belle closed the door gently and hurried over to the other three who were looking at Pinkies snow fort.

"Good Morning Aunt Pinkie Pie!" Nyx called out

Pinkie jumped and hovered in the air for a few seconds in fright until she fell into the snow leaving behind a hole shaped the way she was when she fell. Nyx, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom looked into the Pinkie shaped crater expecting to see her jump out and say something random, alas she did not which causes the filly's to worry.

"Aunt Pinkie Pie... Are you okay?"

Pinkie Pie suddenly popped up behind Nyx the other three and looked at them with a big grin.

"I'm great! thanks for asking"

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Nyx jumped a little and turned and faced Pinkie bemused while the earth pony laughed her head off, rolling around in the snow.

"You three jumped like frogs hahaha"

"Very funny." Apple Bloom rolled her eyes.

Nyx helped Pinkie out of the snow despite her small size compared to the cheery earth pony.

"Thank you Nyx!"

"You're welcome Aunt Pinkie Pie. So what are you doing?"

"Oh, Ditzy and I were preparing a snow fort in case a snowball fight broke out."

Snips and Snails jumped out from behind a small barricade holding snowballs in their hooves.

"Did somepony say "snowball fight?""

Nyx, the C.M.C, and Pinkie Pie, turned and looked at Snips and Snails only for Pinkie to bolt for the fort when she noticed the snow balls.

"Quickly Ditzy, into the fort, Nyx Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle come into the fort now!!!"

Pinkie Pie was jumping up and down in a panic, her teeth clattering cartoonishly, her eyes wide, and sweating with the tension building. Nyx began to back away along with the c.m.c as more colts began to join Snips and Snails little army, each of them carrying a snowball which was no bigger then a rock. Scootaloo rolled some snow into a ball and threw it at the colts.


Scootaloo looked at her friends. "What?!"

The C.M.C and Nyx looked in the direction of Snips, Snails, and their army, the filly's then turned toward the fort and ran in terror as the colts assaulted them with a barrage of snowballs. Nyx didn't want to partake in the activity nor did she want frozen balls of ice to be thrown at her either, so she followed the c.m.c into Pinkies fortress where Ditzy raised the drawbridge despite being made of snow.

The filly's took a moment to catch their breath, Pinkie ran up some snow stairs and looked over a balcony to see the enemy team throwing their snowballs at the fort. Pinkie Pie ducked down, narrowly escaping a strike by one of the frozen spheres.

"Phew, that was close." Pinkie jumped back into the forts courtyard wearing a military helmet made of snow.

"Alrighty everypony, listen up. I don't want to see shaking, hiding, cake, or hesitation. The enemy has us pinned down and we must give them a taste of their own medicine"

Pinkie walked back and forth in front of the c.m.c and Nyx like a sergeant. Scootaloo whispered something to Apple Bloom but was caught by the pink pony.

"Is there something you'd like to share with us soldier?!"

"N-no Ms. Pinkie Pie, but.. if it means anything I think Nyx wants to go home."

Everypony present looked at Nyx as she looked outside at the colts. She gulped and took a step back seeing as how she, the c.m.c, Pinkie and Ditzy were outnumbered, eight to six.


Nyx looked at her friends. "Huh? oh no I'm alright... But, we're kinda outnumbered..."

Pinkie stomped her right hoof. "Well that's no problem! Ditzy, man the catapults!"

Ditzy saluted and went and grabbed a reconstructed catapult that was used by The Canterlot royal guard during the Changeling Invasion of Canterlot. Nyx, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom looked in aw at the catapult until Nyx shook her head realizing something was amiss.

"Wait a minute, Aunt Pinkie how did you get your hooves on a real catapult?!"

"Fire!!!" Pinkie shouted with a grin.

Ditzy let the device go off, launching snow boulders over the wall and onto the enemy snowball team. Though most of the team moved out of the way, Snips and Snails stayed in one spot.

"Hey look Snips, a ball."

Snips looked up at the said ball and panicked. "No you numb skull! That's not a ball it's a Bou-"

Pompf!!! The snow boulder crashed on top of the two, throwing up snow which splatted on everything nearby, fortress included. Pinkie laughed and rolled in the snow at the misfortune of Snips and Snails. This called for retaliation, Snips and Snails burst out of the snow and shouted in unison.


The colts charged at the fort, snowballs at the ready and filled with determination to breach the wall, though they are forced to stop when an entire volley of the frozen spheres is launched at them thanks to the combined magics of Nyx and Sweetie Belle. Pinkie Pie kept a careful watch on the enemy troop movements and told Nyx and Sweetie Belle where to launch them.

"Okay girls fire everything you have at them until Mr. Cake wants me to make the banana bread!!!"

Ditzy flew like a moth over the scattering colts, dropping snow balls down on top of them and causing them to cower against Snips's commands. Eventually Snips and Snails retreat, remarking on how snowball fights are no fun when the girls are winning. Nyx, the C.M.C, Pinkie and Ditzy watched from the top of the the snow fort celebrating their success, though the cheering and laughing is cut short when the fort began to collapse under the weight of the six. Pinkie, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Ditzy Doo, Apple Bloom and Nyx popped out of the snow pile left behind by the crumbled fort, they looked at each other and laughed.

"We sent those boys running didn't we?!" Scootaloo said with a victorious tone.

"We sure did, now who wants to come back to sugar cube corner for my famous Pinkie cake!!!"

The filly's, Ditzy and Pinkie headed off in the direction of Sugar Cube Corner, all except Nyx. The black filly stood in one spot looking up at a snowflake which was slowly falling down in front of her. Suddenly more snowflakes begin to fall down, odd for it to snow at this time of the day, they usually fell late in the after noon. Apple Bloom stopped and looked at Nyx.

"Hey Nyx, ya commin?"

Nyx didn't answer, instead she stared blankly at the falling snow then closed her eyes to blink. She reopened them only to find herself standing on a cloud beside Princess Celestia and a filly as white as snow. They were watching the new snow emerge from the clouds. Nyx's field of vision then changed as though she was turning her head right and looking down at the white filly and then a voice spoke, though the voice did not belong to Nyx. The white filly turned her head and looked in the direction of the black alicorn when she spoke these words.

"Your gift will be cherished for years to come my dear friend."

Then everything went black. Nyx awakened inside the library's living room. A warm fire crackled in the fireplace, a warm blanket was wrapped around the black alicorn and a cup of hot chocolate sat on the table. Twilight walked into the room to check on Nyx and was relived to see she was awake.

"Good afternoon sweetie."

"W-what happened..?"

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom ran into the room and hopped on the couch beside Nyx.

"While we were headin to Sugar Cube Corner you stood as still as bunny rabbit frozen by a cockatrice. You were in some kinda trance or somethin so ah tried to wake you up then you just collapsed."

"Luckily Pinkie Pie ran to the library to inform Twilight. She didn't even don any snow cloths when she came out to get you." Said Scootaloo.

Nyx suddenly remembered what she had seen and decided to keep it secret from the others.

"O-oh... Well... I'm okay now, see? I'm not hurt at all."

Nyx smiled and looked a lot better now that she has warmed up a little. Twilight looked outside to see no trace of the snow ever falling. The snow already on the ground would have been raised a few meters after all the snowfall they got an hour earlier but oddly enough it hadn't. The lavender unicorn began to wonder if that snow was really snow, or an illusion.


Nyx and the c.m.c went back outside after a few moments indoors. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both talked about making a snow-mare moon, modeling it after Nyx of course. Apple Bloom was keeping an eye on Nyx in case she froze up again and stared into space. Nyx was busy observing the different snowflakes and tried to compare them to something; something she knew she had seen before but couldn't put her hoof on it. It was frustrating for her. She must have spent minutes looking for that one snowflake to no avail, finally Nyx stood up and sighed. She turned to look at her friends only to see Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle still talking about making that snow statue, Nyx then noticed Apple Bloom looking at her with a concerned look. The black filly understood why Apple Bloom looked the way she did. Nyx opened her mouth and was about to say something when Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo called to them to help out with the snow-mare moon.

"Snow-mare moon..?" Nyx mumbled to herself then started laughing loudly to herself while the other three watched in confusion.

Moments later Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo were gathering snow while Nyx stood in one place, upright her front right leg lifted up, her other hooves on the ground, she even wore Nightmare Moon's sinister glare which required the filly to remove her glasses. As Nyx stood still, the others were patting snow together and shaping it so it looked like legs and a body. However the fillies found great difficulty in recreating the night mares face, eyes, wings, mane, tail, and armor, an annoying set back however it was easily overcome. Sweetie Belle ran to Rarity's Carousal Boutique and asked her if she could help in making the snow statue to which she complied, finding nothing wrong in creating a sculpture of one of Equestria's historical figures. Rarity closed the shop early, donned a snow coat and scarf, some snow shoes and followed Sweetie Belle to the spot where the sculpture was being made.

Upon arriving, Rarity saw that the snow mare was 8 meters tall from the hooves to the neck. This surprised the white unicorn, she was greatly impressed by its length and size and even more so by how Nyx was able to perfectly scale everything to match the statue, but it was with the features and details the four fillies had issues with, thus the reason they brought Rarity out. Nyx was helping Scootaloo shape some snow into the shape of the head, a massive head. They then turned to Rarity and asked her if she could recreate the facial features of Nightmare Moon to which she obliged. Rarity started to recreate all the features of Nightmare Moon's face, working her reconstructions on memory, using Nyx's facial features to fill out the parts of the face she had trouble remembering. Within minutes the white unicorn managed to replicate the mare in the moons sinister stare and grin, her long eyelashes, her horn and helmet. She then helped Nyx and Sweetie Belle mount the head atop the neck of the sculpture. They smiled at one another and continued to work on it until late in the afternoon and by that time they were putting the finishing touches to the mane and tail to the massive statue.

Twilight came outside with some hot chocolate for everypony and was astounded by the amount of detail that went into the sculpture it looked incredible. While Rarity and the filly's drank their hot chocolate Spike got a camera out and took a photo of the statue at different angles, even getting one from atop the library. The young dragon and Twilight planned to show Princess Luna when they had the chance. Soon everypony in Ponyville flocked to see the snow-mare and praised the filly's and Rarity for it, however only a very very few praised Nyx. The black filly flattened her ears on her head and lowered it, she closed her eyes and began walking away from the crowd toward the library feeling left out. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo unable to let themselves take all the credit, go to Nyx and stand beside her saying that if everypony wants to praise them then they'll have to praise Nyx too. This caused many a pony to walk away and go home, except the pony's who genuinely cared about Nyx among them: Ditzy Doo, Mr and Mrs. Cake, the mane six, Ms. Cherilee, Button Mash and even Silver Spoon was there among others who viewed the alicorn as a friend. Nyx's sadness was lifted and so she smiled warmly toward them, Twilight told everypony to stand in front of the Snow-mare Moon to which they did. The lavender unicorn set the timer on the camera and ran over to her friends and stood beside Nyx just before their picture was taken.

Afterwards everypony said their goodbyes and went home. Nyx helped Twilight pack the camera up and took it inside, then assisted Spike in closing the library for the night. Minutes later Spike had to help Twilight prepare and make dinner, leaving Nyx to close all the curtains on the windows though as she was closing the upstairs curtains in Twilight room, Nyx saw white flakes fall from the sky slowly. The snow was falling at its usual time, this was not surprising, however, Nyx felt an overpowering sense of sadness at the sight of the flakes. She closed the blinds and stood there for a moment deep in thought. She looked back at the window and continued to wonder.

"Nyx sweetie, dinners ready!"

Twilight called from down stairs prompting Nyx to turn her head away from the window and walk to the bathroom.

"Okay mommy, I'll be down in a second."

Nyx washed her hooves thoroughly so there were no germs, then walked into her bedroom removing her headband and glasses, placing them in the top drawer of her bedside table. She then turned toward the door and went down stairs to eat her dinner.


"Mommy do you think there's something wrong with me?"

The time was now 8:30 PM, twos hours had passed since dinner was announced. Twilight was helping Nyx into her bed.

"Why would you think there's something wrong with you sweetie pie?"

Nyx laid on the bed, resting her head on the insanely soft pillow as Twilight used her magic to move the bed sheets on top of the alicorn filly and tuck her in.

"W-well you know... I passed out this morning for no reason... and I almost blacked out at dinner... that has to mean something is wrong with me right?"

Twilight usesed her left hoof to move some hairs of Nyx's mane away from her face.

"You were probably very tired or very excited at the time baby. I wouldn't worry about it okay?"

Twilight gave Nyx her: "Everything will be alright" smile which caused the filly to take a deep breath and nod with a smile. The lavender unicorn nuzzled Nyx and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight mommy, I love you."

"I love you too, sweet dreams my little pony."

Twilight turned out the light and closed the door slightly so there was a small crack in the door, then she went to bed upstairs. Nyx laid on her side and blinked a little before slowly closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. Nyx reopened her eyes moments later though she was still sleeping. She looked around to see a field of snow, clear blue skies and the warm sun shining down upon the land. The alicorn then looked down to see she was much taller then before, she resembled Nightmare Moon though without the armor or sinister voice. She could see the Everfree forest in the distance and some of Ponyville's first buildings not to far from it. She then turned around to see Canterlot covered in snow. Suddenly the setting changed and Nyx found herself in the middle of a park in Cloudesdale. She looked around until she spotted a young Princess Luna walking into the park with somepony.


Nyx stepped forward to try and contact her counterpart only for the princess to walk right through her. Confused Nyx looked at herself then at Luna and realized that she could not interact with anypony nor could anypony interact with her while in this world, she deiced to follow Luna and the filly she was walking with to the edge of the cloud and watched from a distance as they conversed.

"How do you do it?"

"W-What do you mean..?"

"How are you able to see without sight?" The night princess looked at the filly curiously. "It puzzles me."

"O-Oh? W-Well... You see... My hearing makes up for my blindness."

"You mean your hearing has become amplified because of your inability to see?"

The filly nodded. "That's right."

"But how does that make you able to see?"

The filly turned her head in Luna's direction and moved it upward as though she was looking at the princess.

"I listen to everything around me, when a sound bounces off an object I paint pictures with my mind of that object and what's around me and then I can see. It is because of this I am able to hear the stars as they twinkle at night and other things that a pony wouldn't hear normally..."

Luna blinked and raised both her eyebrows, impressed and interested. "Echolocation?"

The filly nodded, turning her head so it looked like she was looking forwards.

"That's right."

"Could you teach me..? To hear what you can I mean."

The filly nodded with a smile. "Yes... but you need to be unable to see as I do"

Luna chuckled and smiled. "A simple blind fold will do little one."

The filly chuckled along with Luna both of them smiling afterwards.

"D-did you like my gift? Princess Celestia admired it but... You only asked to look at it... I wasn't sure if you liked or not..."

Luna looked at the filly once again.

"I loved your spring sunrise gift, your snow stars are a truly beautiful creation."

The filly smiled and closed her eyes contently.

"But what moved me the most was the speech you gave when everypony was putting you down. You opened their eyes and made winter something different. A season to be celebrated not shunned. Never have I met anypony like you."

"I just thought... Winter shouldn't be a time of sadness... Winter deserves to be happy... It gives us wonderful things, and it's important... Just like the other seasons."

The princess smiled at the filly then sits down beside her looking at the land below.

"W-will you be leaving soon?"

"Yes, at sunset my sister and I will depart Cloudesdale and return to Everfree Castle in the Everfree forest. so I may resume my royal duties."

"I wish you didn't have to... I like talking to you. I feel like I can talk to you about anything."

"Can you not do the same with your mother?"

"I could but... I've been nervous to talk to her about anything lately..."

"Oh? and why would that be?"

"Because... I'm afraid that she'll end up worrying about me even more... I don't want her to worry about me all the time..."

"It is a mothers duty to worry about her offspring. She worries because she cares about you, just as how I worry and care about my subjects."

The filly smiled. "Y-you're right..."

The princess smiled warmly, closing her eyes as a breeze began to pick up. Was this a dream? No it couldn't be. Nyx didn't feel like this was a dream, she had a sense of deja'vu as though she had this conversation before but with who? Suddenly it hit her, she was witnessing a memory that did not belong to her. She quickly made the assumption that this memory was indeed that of Princess Luna's, a memory that somehow stayed when the night princess took it all back. Nyx looked at the filly standing beside the princess and was shocked to see that it was the same filly from her dream the other night.

"Luna... D-do you think... there are other ponies that are blind like me?"

Luna turned her head and looked at the filly, she opened her mouth about to say something though Nyx never got to hear what it was, for the dream had ended. The black filly sat up in her bed and shook her head. She wondered how she could have these memories and why she continued seeing the white filly whom she had seen on now three different occasions. Nyx began to realize that these glimpses of the past are all connected and revolved around Luna and the filly for reasons nopony knows. Every time Nyx had these visions she was either looking through Luna's eyes or her own. The filly stayed sitting up for a moment with thoughts running around in her head. She looked at the clock and saw the time was 5:56 AM. Nyx took a deep breath and looked down, wondering what Princess Luna would do if she discovered the memories she had. Nyx opted to keep her memories a secret deciding only to tell her friends, ponies she could trust.
