• Published 23rd Dec 2013
  • 5,363 Views, 89 Comments

Tears in the Snow - Chaos Phantasm

A memory from Lunas past has made itself known to Nyx. Can Nyx discover who the filly in her memory is, or will the answers be buried beneath the snow.

  • ...

08: Hearths Warming.

Tears in the Snow


Chapter 8

Hearths Warming


It was now 7:00 AM. The blizzard that had been blowing the previous day and all throughout the night had subsided thanks to the weather ponies. Everything was blue, the ground was white, a blue sky could be seen. Snow clouds everywhere, the Snowdrops were chiming when the wind blew through their petals. Businesses were opening up for the day and snow was falling but not as much as it had been. Twilight was up late that morning reading a spell book and practicing magic. However she opted not cast anything since there were filly's sleeping upstairs. Spike was up early as well, he and Owlowiscious were preparing the guest bedroom for Twilights parents. Twilight Velvet and Night Light were already on a train bound for Ponyville. A train had arrived earlier that morning. Babs Seed had come to spend Hearths warming with Applejack and Apple Bloom and the others. In The Crystal Empire Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were packing for their trip to Ponyville. The crystal princes had prepared a Hearths Warming cake for Twilight, Spike and Nyx to enjoy. Shining Armor was wrapping gifts with help from some maids of course. Skyla was exploring her parents bedroom, at only one year of age she had quite the curiosity. Little Skyla had crawled onto a pile of cloths Cadance's maids had folded and stacked and was now sitting on them and watching her mother and some maids pack for the hearths warming Ponyville trip. Cadance turned around and got a little fright from suddenly seeing Skyla there, the filly didn't even make a sound. Skyla noticed Cadance's reaction and giggled.

"I scare mama!" Skyla giggled.

Princess Cadance giggled also. "Yes you did baby." the princess smiled and nuzzled the young alicorn filly.

Skyla started messing up the pile to which Cadance watched at first in amusement but when Skyla started throwing the dresses and blankets onto the floor, the princess was no longer amused.

"Skyla! You do not throw things."

Skyla looked down and started to sob much like any toddler would if they were reprimanded for misbehaving. Cadance frowned and nuzzled the little filly with motherly care. Shining Armor watched from the wardrobe and smiled. He put on the rest of his prince attire and stepped out from behind the privacy screen and walked over to his wife and daughter.

"Hey Sky, you okay? Is mommy being a meany?"

Cadance looked at Shining armor. "Hey!"

Skyla nodded. "Mhm..."

"Well then, I guess I'll have to hog ya." Shining Armor smiled smugly and picked up Skyla with his magic and put her on his back playfully and gave her a ride around the room. Skyla clung to her father tightly so she didn't fall off. She giggled and laughed and the sight of her happiness brought a smile to Cadance's face.

"Hey Skyla do you think mommy is pretty?"

"Pwetty!" Skyla replied.

Cadance snickered and gave them both a loving look. Shining Armor gave her the same look which made Cadance blush. Skyla yawned and started to fall asleep. The pale cerise alicorn walked over to the two of them and levitated the filly off of Shining Armors back and put her in her cot. She leaned down and kissed Skylas forehead with Shining Armor standing beside her and looking at their young daughter. He nuzzled Cadance, and she nuzzled back.

"I'm going to see if Flash is still packing."

"No need..."

Shining Armor and Cadance looked over at the bedroom door and saw the orange pegasus standing their, he was without his armor and was sweating from doing 30 laps around the castle which he did every morning.

"I've already packed what I needed."

Shining Armor walked over to him. "Excited to be seeing my sister again after all these years?"

Flash stood strait like a guard would to his superiors. "Yes sir. I've been looking forward to seeing her again since... since we last spoke..."

"That was when she left for Ponyville four years ago wasn't it?" Asked Cadance.

"Yes Princess." Flash looked over to her and nodded.

Cadance smiled. Shining Armor put on a rather teasing smirk and nudged Flash.

"Just remember she's my sister Flash." Shining Armor returned to his wife's side.

"I won't forget Prince Shining Armor sir. Um... I'm just.. a little nervous... she.. doesn't know I'm coming right? I want it to be a surprise."

Shining armor nodded. "Don't worry Flash we didn't mention you in the letter so it'll still be a surprise when you arrive. You're dismissed."

Flash bowed and went back to his quarters to continue packing. He only stopped by to make sure he was omitted from the letter Shining Armor and Princess Cadance sent to Twilight a day before. All the pegasus could think of was how Twilight would react to seeing him again. In Canterlot Luna was stepping down off of the throne so she may go to bed, that night had been exceptionally tiring for Luna as she had been entering dreams of many of her subjects to offer guidance to those who had lost their way, and comforted those who needed somepony to talk too. The night princess passed Celestia in the hall without uttering a word and continued walking even as Celestia stopped to say good morning. The alicorn of the sun simply watched her sister and sighed.

"I suppose it is getting too close. She is always so miserable at this time of year. If only I could make her feel better somehow..." Celestia sighed and continued on into the throne room to find two letters of friendship waiting for her on her throne.

The princess smiled and levitated both letters up, sitting down on the throne and reading the first one sent by Rarity, and then the one sent by Rainbow Dash. Luna passed multiple maids and guards, all of which stopped to watch the night princess as she made her way to her room. Her eyes were covered by her bangs but she knew exactly where she was going. Luna pushed open her bedroom doors slowly and walked inside, closing the doors behind her. She shut her curtains with telekinesis, a skill only a gifted few know. All of the curtains closed and blocked the sunlight out of the room replicating the darkness of the night. The princess placed her armor, and shoes on a mannequin and placed her crown in her bedside table drawer and locked it. She flopped onto her bed and laid down for a while. She sighed and rolled onto her back and blew her bangs away from her eyes and stared at the ceiling. As always, in the early morning, a piano started to play. The song was a hearths warming melody. Luna listened to it for a while before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.The night princess reopened her eyes a moment later and sat up in her bed. Her mane was brushed back, it was a light azure color much like it was when she was younger, she even had her original size which she had a thousand years prior. Her coat was a grayish phthalo blue as well. She yawned and stretched. She opened her curtains and saw it was still daylight.

"Odd we were certain it would at least be later then this."

There was a knock on her bedroom door. Luna looked over at the door and cleared her throat. "You may enter."

A guard slightly opened and poked his head through the door. "Princess Luna, you're guests have arrived. Princess Celestia asked us to wake you but it seems we need not so."

Luna looked puzzled at the guard. "We were not expecting guests." She raised an eyebrow and turned her back to the window and started taking steps to her mannequin. She stopped and looked back out the window and saw a lush green forest, birds chirping and little bunny's running around.

"Odd..." The Princess was even more puzzled. She shook her head and continued to walk over to the mannequin, donning her usual attire then opened her bedside drawer and took out her crown, placing it atop her head. In the corner of the room was another mannequin which wore Nightmare Moons armor, this armor was also the armor she wore during her and Celestia's battle against King Sombra. The armor matched the color of Luna's young looking coat.

The alicorn did not notice it however as she didn't have a mannequin with that armor anymore yet oddly enough it was there. Luna exited her bed chamber and proceeded to walk down the hall, accompanied by two guards, both of which wore armor not seen in modern Equestria. They had spiked pads, shin guards and the armor was colored bronze.

"Guard on our right, could you tell us where our visitors hail from?"

"Cloudsdale my liege."

"Cloudsdale? Who from Cloudsdale would have business with us."

Luna heard a young filly's voice down the hall and it brought her to a stop. The two guards stopped and looked at the night princess who stood still, shaking, eyes wide.

"Your highness...?"

Luna hurried past the guards and rounded the corner and entered the throne room where she was greeted by a younger pink maned Celestia, Primrose, and the filly that Luna has mourned for so long, Snowdrop. Primrose bowed to Luna.

"Your highness. I hope we haven't interrupted your slumber, you asked us to come visit you today and so here we are. Snowdrop was so excited to be visiting you."

Snowdrop was smiling. With help from Primrose the blind filly found her way to Luna and nuzzled the princess's leg. Primrose was smiling but Luna wasn't. She looked distressed, confused, and unsure of what to do. She stepped back, keeping her eyes on Snowdrop. The white filly felt Luna's leg move away from her, she frowned moved her head upward as if to look directly at Luna.

"L-Luna? Is...is there something wrong?"

A shadow emerged behind Snowdrop, taking the shape of an alicorn. The shadow stood still for a while. Luna stared at it afraid. Suddenly the shadow opened its eyes, they were a moderate cyan color with catlike irises that seemed to stare into the princesses soul. A white wide grin formed on the shadows face, her pupils got smaller, and she began to laugh menacingly. The shadow then launched itself at Luna who screamed in terror. The night princess sat up in her bed quickly, sweating and panting. She looked down at her legs to see her coat was back to normal, she checked her mane and it was back the way it was before. The alicorn got out of bed and went over to the window and saw that she was in Canterlot.

"A dream... it was all... a dream..." Luna shakily turned away from the window and went over near the bed when she suddenly remembered that Snowdrop was in the dream. Tears welled up in her eyes, she was showing her teeth as if she were angry. She reared up on her back legs and brought herself down with extreme force, slamming her front hooves onto the floor.


The force of Luna's hooves slamming onto the floor shook the room, it cracked almost every window and broke the tiles beneath the midnight blue carpet. The cracking sound echoed in the room. Luna shed more tears and started sobbing softly.

"Why is this happening now...?"


Back in Ponyville, the town was more awake now that it was close to eight o'clock. The time was now 7:47 AM, Sugarcube Corner was open and they had freshly made marshmallows coated in chocolate with some coconut shavings on the top on for sale. Pinkie had gone out ice skating, Fluttershy was watching some Hare run around the front of her cottage. She had brought out some carrots for them to eat, which they did. Angel Bunny was on Fluttershy's back eating a carrot also. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack were all heading over to the Library to pick up their sisters. In the Library, Nyx was looking in various shelves for a book on winters history, like she was before she started seeing Snowdrop face to face, but since last night the black filly hasn't even seen or heard Snowdrop. Nyx could sense her however. Snowdrop was drawn to Nyx against her will, the ghostly filly's unfinished business was at fault as her business was with Luna before. It hurt Snowdrop to be unable to say goodbye just yet however Nyx made everything better. Snowdrop wasn't very talkative before meeting Nyx, she wasn't as quiet as she was around Luna or her friends a thousand years ago. Helping Nyx look for this book was Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. They were looking in other shelves on the main floor of the Library. Twilight was in a room reading about the Amniamorphic spell which was founded by Star Swirl the Bearded, of course Twilight stopped trying to learn as the information regarding that spell was hard to process in one sitting.

"Careful Sweetie Belle, Spike spent three hours puttin all these books up on them shelves last night, least we could do is put em back where we found em."

Sweetie Belle looked at how she had been stacking the books on their sides instead of the proper way to do it. "Whoops sorry." She smiled sheepishly.

"Come on girls, we have to find that book. I have to find out for myself how winter became the way it is today." Nyx said looking through the W section.

Scootaloo was looking in the fiction section reading comic books instead of actually helping out. The pegasus was reading a funny comic book and giggled, snickered and laughed every now and then. Her friends quickly caught onto what she was doing. They stopped their search and looked over in Scoots direction. She had her back turned to them allowing all three of them to silently creep up behind her and see what she was reading. Nyx, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom looked at each other then at Scootaloo. Scootaloo turned the page and read the first three panels of what was now page 9 and laughed.

"This is gold!"

"SCOOTALOO!!!" Nyx, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle all yelled in unison.

"Gyaah!!" Scootaloo jumped up dropping the book and leaving a puff of air in the shape of her behind.

The dust went away revealing Scootaloo wasn't there anymore. Nyx, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked around for her.

"Where did she go?" Asked Sweetie Belle looking at Nyx and Apple Bloom.

"Sweetie Belle watch out!!" Shouted Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle looked up, her eyes widened, her pupils shrank and she frowned at the realization of what was about to happen. "Oh fiddles..."

Scootaloo came back down and landed on top of Sweetie Belle which kicked up a bunch of dust from the surrounding books. Nyx, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo coughed and wheezed. Nyx used her little wings to clear the dust away, upon doing so she and Apple Bloom saw Scootaloo draped across Sweetie Belles back like a blanket.


"Are you alright girls? Asked Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo got up. She shook herself off and started walking. "Oh yeah... we're just fine. I didn't say "ow" at all." Scootaloo accidentally walked into a book shelf face first. "Oww..."

"Pfft... HAHAHAHAHA!!" Nyx and Apple Bloom started laughing together.

Sweetie Belle slowly stood back up, she stretched her legs and then her back which made really gross cracking noises. Sweetie Belles pupils shrank and she looked at her friends a little worried.

"Is my back supposed to sound like that?"

Nyx Apple Bloom and Scootaloo just stared at Sweetie Belle disgusted. Nyx and Apple Bloom had ceased their laughter right when Twilight entered the room from another room on the same floor.

"Did I miss something girls?"

"Scootaloo fell on Sweetie Bell after we scared her!" Said Apple Bloom.

Twilight looked at the filly's puzzled then turned her head slightly to the right to look at Scootaloo. The filly was rubbing her muzzle.

"Then I walked into a book case." Said Scootaloo.

Twilight covered her mouth with her right hoof, closed her eyes and nearly laughed. "You're not hurt too seriously are you?"

"No, I'm okay Twilight."

Twilight smiled at the filly's and was about to ask them what they were up to when there was a knock on the door. The lavender unicorn looked at the door almost in panic.

"I forgot to switch the sign!" Twilight rushed over to the door and changed the sign to open.

Nyx, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo all went upstairs so that they weren't a bother to Twilight and any guests she may receive. After turning the sign to open, Twilight opened the door to allow Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash in. They were wearing winter clothing. They stepped inside the library where it was warm and removed their ear muffs.

"Howdy Twilight!" Said Applejack with a smile.

"Morning Twilight." Said Rainbow Dash also smiling.

"Good morning Twilight," Rarity said smiling along with the other girls. She glanced up at the stairs and saw Spike watching shyly. The white unicorn waved to Spike. "and good morning to you too Spikey-wikey."

Spike blushed and went upstairs to hide which caused Rarity to giggle. She then focused on Twilight. Twilight looked at each of them and turned around to look at the stair case.

"Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo! Apple Bloom! Your sisters are here!"

Upstairs in Nyx's room the three filly's looked at each other then at Nyx. They were frowning.

"We're sorry we couldn't find that book Nyx..." Apple Bloom said, her ears flattened on top of her head.

"Next time we'll find it for sure." Added Sweetie Belle.

"Can't be that hard to find can it?" Scootaloo finished.

"I hope not..." Nyx smiled at them. "Thank you for helping out girls."

Apple Bloom smiled. "Don't mention it Nyx, Ah'm sure any of us would be willin to help you if it meant finding a way to help Snowdrop."

Nyx smiled warmly. "Remember girls Snowdrop is our secret, nopony can know. Not even our families."

The c.m.c nodded and all went down stairs with Nyx following. The filly's said hello to their sisters, in Scootaloo's case adopted sister, and put on their snow cloths.

"You know Twilight the weather outside is not too bad considering that dreadful storm we had last night, why I was almost snowed in."

Sweetie Belle looked at Rarity and lifted an eyebrow confused, she then looked at Nyx puzzled. ""Snowed in?""

"It's when a lot of snow builds up around a house and blocks the door trapping the occupants inside."

Twilight had been looking at Nyx while she said that, as was everypony else.

"It usually affects homes built down hill as that allows the snow to travel downward. That's why many of the houses here in Ponyville are built high up or on flat land."

"Ms. Cheerilee taught us about that last winter Sweetie Belle remember?" Asked Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle looked down." I was absent.."

Nyx tilted her head with a sigh.

"Anyway we best be goin now. We got a lot of chores to do round the farm. See ya later Twilight, happy hearths warming."

"Thank you fer lettin me sleep over Twilight. Bye Nyx!" Apple Bloom followed Applejack.

"Anytime Apple Bloom, bye Applejack and bye Apple Bloom, happy hearths warming!"

"Bye!" Nyx smiled.

Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo all said their thank you's to Twilight and goodbye's to Nyx and went home with their respective sibling. Twilight had a quick look outside before closing the door.

"Rarity is right, the weather looks great. My parents chose the perfect day to arrive."

Nyx watched Twilight for a while before heading up to her room. On the way up she thought about whether it was right to tell her friends about Snowdrop or not. Earlier that morning around 7: 24 AM when all the filly's were awake, Nyx told them them Snowdrops name and who she was, and that she was a friend of Luna's a long time ago. The cutie mark crusaders listened to Nyx and promised to keep Snowdrop a secret from everypony else like they had when Nyx told them about Snowdrop before she ever knew her name. Nyx eventually stopped thinking about it and re-entered her room so she could brush her mane, put on her headband and her glasses.

"Spike! Can you help brush my hair again... please?"

"I'll be right up Nyx!" Spike made his way up stairs and entered Nyx's room where the filly was waiting. Nyx smiled at Spike, sitting in front of the mirror.

Spike picked up the brush from the dressing table and started the long brushing process. "You know this isn't an easy mane style right?"

"It's not an easy style... I'm sorry I ask you to do this nearly every morning Spike..."

"Don't be sad Nyx, I think it's fun." Spike smiled. He finished combing Nyx's mane then put on her headband for her.

"Thank you Spike!"

"You're welcome Nyx."

Nyx put on her glasses and blinked a few times so the magic in them kicked in and changed the shape and look of her eyes. Nyx looked in the mirror and smiled.

"No nightmare eyes." She sighed with relief.

"You excited to be seeing your grandparents again?"

Nyx nodded slowly. "I haven't seen them since last Hearths Warming, I'm really excited!" Nyx had a big grin.

Spike smiled. "So am I! Twilight Velvet has a lovely personality just like her husband Night Light. They're great ponies in other words."

Nyx climbed up to the window and looked down outside at the background ponies made up of five Trixies, a Prodigy Skyfire cameo, Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer, Snips, Snails, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Roseluck. Nyx still smiled as she watched everypony play in the snow.

"I hope they arrive soon, grandma always brings sweets when she visits."

"You mean custard tarts?"

Nyx nodded happily. Spike chuckled silently.

"Well then, I'll be downstairs." Spike exited the room and went downstairs.

Nyx climbed down from the window and ran downstairs, stopping in the kitchen to have breakfast. The filly made pancakes with maple syrup, she was careful not to make a mess especially when it came to flipping the pancakes and putting them on the plates with extreme ease. Before the accident she struggled to lift a frying pan with a single pancake inside but now since her horn broke she could easily lift if without struggling. She turned off the oven and put the frying pan in the sink. Following that she climbed up onto a chair and started eating her pancakes. Using a knife and fork she cut pieces of the pancakes and ate them piece by piece. Twilight came upstairs and into the kitchen. She smiled at Nyx and got out some orange juice for her. She poured it into a glass cup and gently set it on the table beside her plate.

"Thank you Twilight" Nyx smiled.

"You're welcome sweetie." Twilight smiled and continued upstairs to the bedrooms so she could check on the spare room to see if it was satisfactory but of course it was.

Twilight looked around the room happily, taking note on the neatness of its preparation.

"Oh Spike." Twilight smiled brightly and left the neat, tidy and spacious room and returned down stairs.

Nyx had finished eating by the time Twilight returned to the kitchen. She was washing her plate and rinsing her cup thoroughly cleaning it. Twilight watched Nyx but shivered suddenly as if there was a gust of cold winter wind being blown through a window. The unicorn looked around to see where the wind could have come from but the windows were closed and so was the front door. She lifted an eyebrow confused and looked back at Nyx who had finished cleaning and was now washing her hooves.

"I'm going to go and brush my teeth now Twilight."

"Okay Nyx, I'll be here if you need me." Twilight watched Nyx walk upstairs, then looked at the sink and sighed. "Okay... now to prepare a meal for Mom and Dad. They should be arriving in one hour. I wonder if there are any Hearths Warming turkeys left..."

Twilight shook her head. "What am I saying we don't eat turkeys! Last time I listen to Lyra talking about humans and Hearths Warming. Now where's the bread?" Twilight looked in cupboards, the bread bin and the pantry but could not find a trace of the bread anywhere. "Spike where's the bread?!"

Spike ran upstairs and into the kitchen from the ground floor. "It should be in the bread bin."

"I just checked it's not in there."

"Well... m-maybe I left it over by the..."

"Hoot!" Owlowiscious hovered down with a loaf of bread in his talons.

Twilight smiled at her pet owl and used her magic to take the bread out of Owlowiscious's talons. "Thank you Owlowiscious."

"Hoot." Owlowiscious started flapping upward before flying over to his stand.

Spike was looking at Owlowiscious with jealousy and glared at the owl who shuddered. Twilight saw the glare Spike gave to Owlowiscious and rolled her eyes and shook her head and prepared two sandwiches with lettuce, tomato, cucumber and some carrot slices. Twilight looked at the sandwiches and cringed thinking they didn't look as good as she thought they would. The unicorn blinked and looked around. Nyx came down the stairs slowly making sure she had both eyes on the floor so she didn't fall. Twilight watched Nyx smiling.

"Did you brush your teeth properly?"

Nyx nodded. "I still have no cavity's. My teeth are all clean, so are my gums." Nyx's pupils got really really big when she said gums bringing Twilight to brief laughter much to Nyx's confusion.

"That's heehee, good honey. Now you can can go outside if you like as long as you remember your winter vest, Ug boots and scarf."

"I will Mommy." Nyx smiled.

Nyx made her way downstairs and got into her snow cloths. She made sure her wings didn't get stuck in the winter vest which they usually did and carefully fit them through slits in the back for the wings to come out. She pulled on her boots, wrapped her scarf around her and put on a beanie. She opened the library door and stepped outside. The sky had become cloudy with white and grey clouds. Rainbow Dash flew around positioning the clouds while filly's played below. Nyx watched Rainbow Dash fly and the filly's play. She flattened her ears on top of her head and sighed sadly at the knowledge that none of those filly's would play with her. Nyx looked over at the Boutique and walked over to it, trudging through deep snow to get there. She cleared the white frozen water sparkles with her magic on the way, passing Trixie who was carrying heavy bags.

"Good morning Lady Trixie." Nyx said doing a little curtsy.

Trixie turned to look at Nyx and smiled. "Good morning young Nyx. How have you been this glorious morning?"

"It's cold."

Trixie laughed. "Oh you have quite the sense of humor. Well yes the mornings have become increasingly chilly. Just remember to keep warm okay?"

"I will!"

"Good girl. Listen... I forgive you for what you did two years ago. You weren't yourself."

Nyx nodded. "I know. But I'm still so sorry... I regret it, but I still think dressing up as you was funny." Nyx giggled.

Trixie blinked and smiled. "I'm sure little one. Now I need to get this sack home now."

"Okay Lady Trixie. Bye." Nyx smiled and started to continue on her way to the Boutique.

Trixie watched Nyx go, smiling as she did then continued hauling the bag home, however Trixie looked like she was really struggling. Nyx stopped and turned around to watch how Trixie was going to move the bag. She frowned.

"Um.. Lady Trixie... do you need help?"

"No no I got it under control. The great and powerful Trixie can handle anything."

"Why not shrink it??" Nyx asked tilting her head.

Snowdrop was standing beside Nyx when she said that. The blind ghost turned her head in Nyx's direction confused. Trixie thought about it for a moment and face hoofed.

"Of course, why didn't I think of that. Haha! Thank you Nyx."

Nyx smiled. "You're welcome Trixie. Bye." Nyx waved and once again continued on to the Boutique.

Snowdrop blinked and stood still for a moment while Trixie cast a shrink spell on the large sack and picked it up. Snowdrop moved her head as if to look upward. She could feel another blizzard was coming. The clouds were turning grey again. Snowdrop quickly faced forward again, she turned around to follow Nyx and as she did, she vanished, leaving behind some snow flakes which twinkled upon hitting the ground. Nyx wasn't very far from the Boutique, she walked up to the Boutiques door and opened it, the bell above the door rang followed by the sound of slipping, falling and crashing. The black alicorn filly stepped in side and closed the door.

"Oh ow ow ow... I'll be right out sir or madam."

Nyx put on an evil smirk, she lowered her glasses so that her real eyes could gleam a little and flash. She put her glasses back on, sat down and cleared her throat then used her skilled vocal cords to mimic the voice of Fleur De Lis.

"Ms. Rarity, are you in? It is I, Fleur Dis Lis. I just wanted to see if those winter cloths I ordered were ready."

Rarity gasped in the back room. "Fleur?!" She bolted out of the room and over to the counter and looked around the room.

"I'm so sorry darling I haven't even started..." Rarity stopped upon noticing Fleur Dis Lis wasn't inside. She did however notice Nyx rolling on the floor with her hooves close to her body, laughing like the little filly she is.

"Nyx...?" Rarity realized what had just happened and didn't look too happy about it. "Nyx?! Did you put on that false voice to play a prank me?!"

Nyx nodded, keeping that devilish smirk.

"H-how could you? You really had me worried for a moment. Look at me, I'm a mess.. I would simply pass out if Fleur saw me in such a state."

Nyx walked over to Rarity and nuzzled her. "I'm sorry Aunt Rarity." Nyx giggled looking up at Rarity. "But if you think about it, it was funny."

Rarity chuckled. "Yes I suppose your right darling. But it's so out of character for you to be so... cheeky. Are you feeling alright dear?"

Nyx nodded. "I thought it would be nice to play a little joke on you. Aunt Pinkie Pie said I should try to be more funny."

Rarity Blinked and jerked back. "Pinkie Pie?! I should have known she would put you up to frightening me like that. She knows how much I love to look my best for all my customers." Rarity pouted.

Nyx rolled her eyes with a smile. "So can Sweetie Belle come out and play?" She asked.

"Sweetie Belle is helping me make a Hearths Warming cake darling. Sure we could go over to sugar cube corner and buy one, but then it wouldn't be in spirit my family tradition. Surely Twilight has a tradition for Hearths Warming."

"We visit family in Canterlot, or the Crystal Empire... or home.."

Rarity nuzzled Nyx. "Well you have nothing to worry about from those mean newspaper pony's and their bright flashes this time dear. Those days were an awful long time ago."

Rarity started heading toward the kitchen with Nyx following.

"You have become apart of our society Nyx. Most ponies have come to accept you after all. Visits from hateful ponies and even the abuse has stopped as of late."

"...Not all of it..."

Rarity looked at Nyx sadly then turned her head to look at a muffin on the table. Derpy was looking at them through the window drooling but nopony seemed to notice. Rarity lifted up a muffin with her magic and hovered it in front of Nyx who politely took it.

"Things get better over time Nyx. You'll see." Rarity smiled.

Nyx smiled up at Rarity, thanking her for being so kind. Suddenly smoke came from the oven and Sweetie Belle started panicking.

"Oh no the cake!! The caaaake!!!!"

Rarity rushed over to Sweetie Belle to help. "What happened?!"

"I over cooked it!"

"Oh noes!!"

Nyx watched the two of them trying to stop the smoke. She tilted her head to her left with her eyes closed and let out a sigh like in an anime. Minutes later Nyx was standing in front of the Nightmare Moon snow mare, staring up at it. It was starting to snow, and it was getting even more windy.

"You are sad... why are you sad?"

Nyx's ears which were flat on top of her head started lifting a little, Nyx looked around to see if Snowdrop was around and was saddened to see she was not.

"Please don't be sad Nyx... if you stay this way.. I'll start crying..."

A snowflake fell on the corner Nyx's eye and melted. It trickled down Nyx's face like a tear. Nyx touched the tear with her right hoof and looked it. The filly looked down for a moment and then back up at the statue.

"I don't know... why I feel so upset..." Nyx turned to walk away from the snow mare when she heard voices. Curious, the black filly walked in the direction of the voices and saw Diamond Tiara picking on Pipsqueak.

Silver Spoon just watched having no interest in taking part in Diamond Tiaras random bullying of filly's and colts without cutie marks. pipsqueak curled up and took the abuse until Nyx stood in.

"Leave him alone!" Nyx shouted.

Diamond Tiara looked at Nyx and smiled wickedly. "Well well, if it isn't the nightmare. Come to help this blank flank have you?"

"Diamond Tiara could we go and do something else? Leave the blank flank and the nightmare alone." Said Silver Spoon pretending to be mean.

Diamond Tiara looked at Silver Spoon. "I will not be told what to do by an ugly filly like her!"

A snow ball hit Diamond Tiara, startling her and causing her precious tiara to fall off. She turned around furious, looking in Nyx's direction. Other colts and filly's were watching.

"Who did that?!"

Silver Spoon held in her laughter. All the children backed off slowly but Nyx stood firm. She used her magic to pick up two piles of snow and compacted them together to make a snowball.

"Sorry, did I hit you? I was aiming for that little crown on your head." Nyx said with a wide grin.

Diamond Tiara's left eye twitched. "Are you... standing up to me?!"

Nyx hurled the snow ball at Diamond Tiara, hitting her once again on the forehead. The colts and filly's behind Nyx laughed and cheered her on. Nyx walked over to Pipsqueak and helped him up.

"Are you okay Pipsqueak?"

Pipsqueak nodded. "Uh-huh. I'm okay."

"Grrr that's it!" Diamond Tiara looked at the snow on the ground and picked some up. She started rolling the frozen water together until she made a snow ball and threw it at Nyx while her back was turned. The snow ball hit the black filly at the back of the neck.

The snow ball hit Nyx and caused her to stumble. She had stumbled two steps to her right and shook the snow off. She looked at Diamond Tiara.

"Can't you be nice for once Diamond Tiara?"

"Hmph! I only have to be nice to little ponies that deserve my niceness. I will never be nice to a black coated Night-mare like you!"

Nyx teared up and glared angrily at Diamond Tiara. "You are just a jealous, spoiled little brat who cares for nopony else but herself!!!! You pick on other filly's and colts because you're so rich and your mommy and daddy spoil you with jewelry and other things most ponies cannot afford! You're just another child like the rest of us and a brat so get used to it!!"

Nyx's tears trickled down her face and fell in the snow, melting it. Diamond Tiara stood wide eyed looking at Nyx. Diamond Tiara had a very angered look on her face.

"Well.... You...." Diamond Tiara started tearing up. "You..." She turned around and started walking away. "L-let's go... Silver Spoon..." Diamond Tiara sniffled.

The filly walked past Silver Spoon who watched her sadly. She looked at Nyx, still looking sad before lowering her head and following Diamond Tiara. The black filly's expression turned from anger to sadness. She shed more tears as she thought about all the hurtful words she said. While the crowd of filly's and colts dispersed, Nyx sat alone with Pipsqueak being the only one to keep her company. The only living pony to keep her company. Though an apparition of Snowdrop had not appeared in the past hour, she was still around and Nyx could feel her.

"I feel bad..." She sniffled. "Like I'm no better then her...."

"You were standing up to her Nyx... not a lot of us can stand up to Diamond Tiara like that. You were super cool!"

Snowdrop giggled. She thought it was funny to call Nyx cool while it was cold out. "You did what was right, what you had to do. I had to do that once, a long time ago. I also made them cry. One of my friends told me I did, so I asked my mommy if I could get her a hearths warming gift to apologize. We were friends ever since."

Nyx looked at Pipsqueak. "Thank you... but I don't feel okay yelling at her like that..."

"You were doing what We would have done little one."

Nyx's eyes widened and she perked up. She turned around and looked up and into the eyes of Princess Luna.

"Luna!" Nyx shouted happily. She stood up and hugged the princess's leg, nuzzling it also.

Luna lowered her head and nuzzled Nyx in return, she licked Nyx's cheek gently making her giggle. Luna felt much better then she had earlier that morning. Snowdrop could hear Luna and Nyx, it filled Snowdrop with so much sadness. It started to slowly snow just as Snowdrop shed a lonely tear. Pipsqueak approached Luna and smiled.

"Good morning Princess Luna." Pipsqueak said.

"Greetings Pipsqueak, how have you been? It has been so long since we last spoke."

Pipsqueak nodded slowly. "I've been good."

"That's good to hear little one. I trust you have been careful not to fall into other barrels of apples."

Pipsqueak nodded. "Sure have Princess Luna. I've been super extra careful!"

Luna snickered and smiled. Pipsqueak heard his mother calling and looked in the direction he heard his mothers voice then looked back and Luna and Nyx.

"I have to go now, thank you again Nyx, and it was nice to see you again Princess Luna." Pipsqueak said goodbye and went on home, leaving Nyx and Luna alone.

Luna and Nyx watched him leave then looked down at Nyx with a big smile. Nyx looked up at Luna, wondering why she was here.

"So what are you doing in Ponyville?"

"Well I felt a little stressed this morning and I thought coming down to see you would help me greatly. I also brought some gifts with me which the Equestria mail service could not deliver before Hearths Warming."

"I thought princesses didn't do things like that."

"Well when you are indebted to somepony you'll understand. Anyway.. shall we walk?"

Nyx nodded. Luna turned from Nyx and started walking with with the filly walking beside her. They weren't going anywhere in particular, just around Ponyville. Twilight was busy at the library, cleaning the shelves and sorting the books. It was tiring for her. She shook her head and stretched, sitting down afterwards and looking at her fine work. Spike had gone out to get some teabags and apples so Twilight didn't expect him back for a little bit. Twilight took a deep breath, and sighed.

"All done..." She stood up and walked over to a nearby couch and laid on it, stretching and resting her head on a pillow happily. She closed her eyes for a moment, reopening them when Spike arrived.

The door swung open and the little dragon stepped inside. "I'm back Twilight."

Twilight sat up stretched. "Welcome back Spike. Did you get everything?"

"Sure did." Spike walked upstairs and placed the goods on the table. "Not sure why we need more stuff, we have cupboards full of food and a stocked pantry."

"But we don't have apples, and we don't and tea bags. You know my mother loves her tea." Twilight put the teabags in a cupboard.

"Twilight Velvet's not a tea fanatic is she?"

"No, not at all. What brought that up?"

"You said she likes tea."

"Doesn't make her a fanatic."

"I guess." Spike sighed.

Twilight looked out the window above the sink and looked around for Nyx. "Did you see Nyx while you were out?"

"I saw her going to Rarity's Boutique but I haven't seen her since."

"She should be home by now. Mom and Dad will be arriving soon and we have to be at the station."

A knock came at the door. Twilight walked down stairs and toward the door to answer it. When she did Twilight expected to see Nyx but was met with the hooves of Princess Luna, Twilight looked up into the princesses eyes and bowed.

"P-Princess Luna... I wasn't expecting you."

"Forgive me for my sudden arrival Twilight Sparkle. May we come in?"

"O-Oh.. but of course you can. Come in Princess." Twilight stood aside allowing Princess Luna to enter the library.

The princess looked around at the decorations. Admiring them and the tree which had a star crowning it.

"We see you are ready for the merriment of Hearths Warming Eve. And you will have family visiting."

Twilight sighed. "Yes, I'm sorry princess but you can't stay long. I have to go out and find Nyx. You see we're meeting my parents at the train station and we mustn't be late... Then again we are behind schedule." Twilight said checking her to-do list.

"Nyx is not here?" Luna chuckled. "I wonder where she could be." Luna smiled and lifted up one of her wings, revealing Nyx to be nestled between them hiding.

The filly opened one eye and looked around. "Is it okay to come out?"

"It's alright little one."

Nyx hopped up giggling, she jumped toward Twilight and hugged her. Twilight hugged Nyx back and nuzzled her. "There you are silly filly."

"Sorry I was late mommy. I was coming back when I saw Diamond Tiara picking on Pipsqueak. I had to help him. After that Luna arrived and brought me home."

Twilight looked up at the princess. "Really? Princess Luna if I may ask, what is the reason for this sudden visit?"

"We... had a bad morning, so We thought visiting Nyx might give us some comfort."

"Nyx has that comforting effect." Twilight smiled and looked at Nyx. "Don't you?"

Nyx wasn't paying attention yet she looked at Twilight and Luna and tilted her head in confusion. "Don't I what?"

Twilight giggled and Luna chuckled. They both regained their composure. Luna cleared her throat and stretched her wings.

"I suppose we best return to Canterlot. I am weary and must rest."

"Very well princess. You have a safe journey back."

Luna nodded once. "We shall." Luna looked over at Nyx. " As for you little one, behave."

"You're not my mommy, you can't tell me what to do." Nyx poked her tongue out at Luna, the princess poking her tongue out back at Nyx and chuckled.

Luna walked toward the exit. Twilight opened the door for the princess who walked past, acknowledging Twilights chivalry. She stepped onto the snow toward her chariot, passing Snowdrop who had been sitting outside on her own. The blind echo of a filly heard Luna's hoof steps, treading through the snow. Snowdrop initially dismissed it as somepony else, but then she heard her voice.

"Driver, take us back to Canterlot. Our business has concluded here."

"Yes Princess Luna." The guard replied.

Snowdrop was over joyed and approached Luna in the direction the voice came. "Luna! Luna I'm here!" Snowdrop got closer but was then stopped by a thick barrier of ice.

Snowdrop started to panic, she felt the ice wall then ran in another direction around Luna, only to be stopped by yet another ice barrier which separated the filly from the alicorn. The barrier of ice could not be seen or felt by anypony else but Snowdrop. But she couldn't see it. Snowdrop whimpered and tried again and again to get past the barrier separating them, binding Snowdrop to Nyx to no avail.

"Luna! Luna!!!"

Luna froze and turned around. She looked around as if expecting somepony. Luna heard the faint calls of Snowdrop and dismissed it as nothing more then a memory.

"Princess, are you alright?"

"I'm fine... Take me home... it's getting cold..."

The wind had picked up and the snow was being blown around by the wind. Luna stepped onto the chariot and stood there, looking at her hooves in sadness. The chariot driver started running forward and eventually took off, flying back to Canterlot. Snowdrop could hear the chariot taking off. The ice barrier vanished allowing Snowdrop to move freely toward the spot Luna stood. She teared up and faced downward. She hugged herself with her wings and sobbed as hard as she could. Her cries were heard by no one.



"Hurry Nyx. They'll be arriving any minute now."

"I'm coming mommy."

Twilight sighed. She was waiting by the door for the black, dragon eyed filly. Nyx was upstairs with Spike who was brushing her hair again since it got messy during her outburst at Diamond Tiara.

"You need to keep this mane neat Nyx, it's hard to brush it back how you like it."

"I'm sorry Spike..."

Spike smiled. "It's no biggie, it's a hard brush but an easy fix."

Nyx giggled. "I never thought of it that way."

"Nyx?! We have to go now!"

Nyx flinched at Twilights loud voice. "Okay mommy I'm coming!" Nyx thanked Spike ran downstairs quickly. She was still in her winter jacket, beanie, snow shoes and all even though she didn't need them indoors.

"Sorry Mommy..."

Twilight sighed. "You ready to go now??"

Nyx nodded. "Mhm..."

Twilight smiled. "Then lets go." She walked out the door with Nyx following her. She turned to close the door. "Spike, keep an eye on the library alright?"

Spike nodded. "Will do Twilight."

Twilight felt bad for having to leave Spike home, so she thought for a moment and sighed. "No.. come with us Spike. You haven't seen them in a while so if you want, you can come along."

Spike was surprised. "R-really? Thanks Twilight!"

Twilight snickered. "Now let's get going."

While Twilight and Spike were talking, Nyx was waiting. She watched them whilst playing with a snow ball she had made. Snowflakes fell from the sky, and the sobbing of a filly caught Nyx's attention. She looked in the direction of the sobbing and walked over to the spot where tears were being shed. As Nyx drew closer, she could see it was Snowdrop sitting by herself and shedding the tears.


Snowdrop stopped making a sound. "Nyx?"

"What's the matter? Why are you crying...?"

Snowdrop sniffled and faced Nyx, using echolocation to see where she was. "Luna was there... right there... But I couldn't go to her..."

Nyx frowned folding her ears down. "I'm sorry... this is my fault.."

"No!" Snowdrop shook her head. "It's not..." Snowdrop faced downward, more tears falling from her eyes.

Nyx frowned even more. Twilight locked the door of the library and looked around for Nyx, seeing her over by the flower.

"Nyx! come along sweetie it's time to go."

Nyx looked over to Twilight. "O-okay Mommy I'm coming..." She looked back at Snowdrop. "Snowdrop..."

"I'll be okay. Don't worry."

Nyx looked down and started walking away, following Twilight. Nyx had her head down most of the time on the way to the station. Twilight looked back at Nyx and frowned.

"Are you feeling alright Nyx? You look down."

Nyx sighed. "I'll be okay..."

Twilight stood still and waited until Nyx was right beside her before she started walking. "Nyx, you can tell me you know."

Nyx shook her head. "I'm okay."

"I'm always here if you want to talk to somebody Nyx, always." Twilight sighed.

The train whistled as it passed Twilight, Nyx and Spike. Twilight smiled widely and looked down at Nyx.

"Race you?"

Nyx smile and nodded. Twilight started running toward the station with Spike following behind. Nyx giggled and raced Twilight really fast, trying to keep up. Nyx laughed in excitement and tried to run faster, eventually she managed to keep pace with Twilight. Twilight looked at Nyx determined to beat her. The filly's horn started to glow and suddenly she gained a burst of speed, kicking up snow while she ran. She outran Twilight and Spike and was at the station before them. Nyx jumped around giggling, turning around to look at her adoptive mother and Spike.

"I win!"

Twilight was panting. "Yes you did. It's hard to run in snow." Twilight took deep breath to catch her breath and yawned a little.

"Were you up all night Twilight?" Asked Spike.

Twilight shook her head. "No not at all." Twilight stretched.

The train from Canterlot pulled into the station and came to a stop. Twilight, Nyx, and Spike, all walked up to the train as Twilight Velvet, and Night Light exited the train with their luggage.

"Mom, Dad!" Twilight called out.

Twilight Velvet looked in Twilights direction and smiled, overjoyed to see her. "Twilight!!" Twilight Velvet ran over to Twilight Sparkle, Nyx and Spike. She left the luggage to be carried by Night Light.

"Honey..." Said Night Light.

Velvet stopped and turned to look at her husband. "Sorry dear!"

Night Light shook his head and chuckled. Spike went over to Night Light, saying hello to Twilight Velvet as he passed her.

"Allow me to help out." Spike picked up Twilight Velvet's bag which wasn't quite as heavy as one might think and carried it alongside Night Light who carried his bag.

Twilight Sparkle and Twilight Velvet hugged each other. Velvet kissed Twilight just beneath her horn and smiled. "I missed you sweetie, the wait for Hearths Warming just to see you has been agonizing."

Twilight laughed a little. "Uh... you do know you can visit me anytime right?"

Velvet nodded. "I know honey but it's more special this way. I feel awful but Hearths Warming is the time for a family to be together." Twilight Velvet looked at Nyx.

"Speaking of family. Hello Nyx." Twilight Velvet nuzzled the alicorn filly. "How is my granddaughter."

Nyx nuzzled back. "I'm okay Grandma."

Twilight Velvet looked Nyx in the eye. "I heard about that awful accident with your horn. It must have been terrible for you."

Nyx looked down and nodded. "I tried to lift something heavy and it kinda backfired." Nyx kicked at the ground softly.

"That happens. At least it's fixed now." Twilight Velvet smiled.

Twilight Velvet then looked at Spike and walked over to him. "Now allow me to greet you properly Spike."

After a long pause, Twilight Velvet hugged Spike and kissed him on the cheek.

"You've gotten taller. I hope you are looking out for Nyx when Twilight isn't looking."

Spike nodded." A-absolutely Velvet."

Twilight Velvet snickered. As the family were conversing, Snowdrop stood beside Nyx and listened to them, every sound they made helped Snowdrop to paint a mental image of what was around her. Snowdrop sighed. Nyx looked at Snowdrop and frowned. Twilight Velvet noticed and tilted her head.

"Nyx, are you alright darling?"

Nyx looked at Twilight Velvet and nodded. "I'm okay grandma."

Night Light put down his bags and walked over to Twilight. "Hey baby girl."

Twilight blushed in embarrassment. "I'm not a baby anymore Dad." Twilight hugged Night Light, and he hugged back. "It's good to see you both here."

Twilight Velvet and Night Light spoke together. "Likewise."

Meanwhile in the Crystal Empire. Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and baby Skyla, were all preparing to go to Ponyville. A royal guard approached Princess Cadance and bowed.

"Your train has arrived your highness and is awaiting you."

Cadance nodded. "Thank you." She looked over to Shining Armor who was playing peek-a-boo with the 1 year old Skyla.

"Honey, our train has arrived."

"What already?" Shining Armor looked at her and sighed. He then turned his head back to Skyla and smiled. "Hear that Skyla, our train has arrived."

"Twain!!" Said Skyla excitedly.

Shining Armor chuckled. "Yes a train." Shining Armor kissed Skyla's cheek and walked over to Cadance. "Does Flash know yet?"

"He said he was going to Canterlot, to spend hearths warming with his sister."

Shining Armor looked confused. "Wait hes's not coming to see Twilight?"

Cadance shook her head. "No. His sister needs him more this times. Ever since she became ill."

"I understand." Smiles. "Flash's sister will be so overjoyed to see her brother."

Cadance nodded. "He's asked that we don't tell Twilight he was going to visit, he wants to surprise her with a later visit."

"Twilight's not big on surprises but I guess she'd be used to them now."

Skyla dropped her bowl of baby food onto the floor making her parents look at her. Skyla looked on the floor at the mess then looked at her parents and giggled.

"Oops, messy! Teehee"

Shining Armor and Cadance sighed tilting their heads with a little smile on their faces. In Canterlot Celestia thought about what Luna had said about her and Serena.

"I wonder what she'd like for Hearths Warming...." Celestia looked down and listened to the piano as it played from one of the towers above.

"She plays such good music, I wonder if could...no... I can't give her a doll she's not into those.." Celestia was pacing near the balcony outside her study, and by a warm fire.

"But what if... no..." Celestia sighed and sat down. "How could I neglect her so..." Celestia shook her head, disappointed with herself.

The piano upstairs started playing a song Celestia had not heard in ages. She stood still and closed her eyes, listening to the song which played.

"Oracion..." Celestia said quietly and smiled.

"Oh Serena... I'm so.. so sorry sweetie..." Celestia looked down. "I'll be your gift this Hearths Warming... It'll just be you and me, I'll even let you out of the tower to celebrate with Luna and I." Celestia shed a tear. "Please.. don't hate me."

A knock came at the door. A guard was there behind it. Princess Celestia looked at the door and wiped away her tears. She walked over to the door and opened it.

"Yes guardsman?"

The guard assumed the appropriate stance. Standing upright with his chin up. "Forgive the intrusion Princess, but I was sent at the behest of your personal handmaiden to inform you that your lunch is ready and waiting for you."

Celestia opened the door all the way and stretched her wings letting out a satisfying yawn before folding her wings up again and thanking the guard. She then walked down the stairs as Serena's piano played. Celestia stopped for a moment upon exiting her tower and looked up at Serena's tower as the piano played it's somber tune. The princesses scarf blew around in the wind, as did her mane and tail. Her mane started to flow quickly. She blinked and placed her right hoof onto her mane to stop it from moving so fast. She sighed and lowered her head, and continued onward to the throne room, and then the dining hall. Back down in Ponyville, Twilight was passing out the lunches, the juice, for Nyx and Spike, some water for herself and her parents.

Downstairs, Snowdrop sat alone by a fire. She was smiling, happily listening to Nyx's and her family upstairs. It brought Snowdrop back to a time when she and her family would sit around a dinner table and talk and laugh and be merry. Snowdrop sighed and lowered her head to the floor slowly and closed her pale murky eyes. While she rested, her body turned into an orb of light which vanished all together. Nyx had watched Snowdrop vanish from the stair, returning to the spirit world. Nyx sighed and smiled.

"Sweet dreams, Snowdrop." Nyx smiled and went back upstairs and into the kitchen.

Twilight Velvet looked at Nyx as she entered. "Who were you talking to Nyx?"

Nyx looked at her adoptive grandmother and looked alarmed, as if fearing her secret had been found out. "T-talking? I.. I wasn't talking." Nyx smiled exactly the same as Twilight would when she was hiding something, it even included the smile.

"Are you sure? Twilight used to make the exact same face when she was hiding something as a filly. It was so adorable."

"I still make that face." Said Twilight.

Twilight Velvet chuckled. "Maybe you were talking to a special somepony, a colt from school." Twilight Velvet winked.

Nyx blushed. "N-No no! Ew! bleugh!" Nyx stuck her tongue out in disgust. "That's yucky grandma!"

Twilight Velvet chuckled to herself. "I'm sorry, I forget filly's your age have an aversion to colts, we don't want any cooties now do we?"

Nyx shook her head. "Nope. But Grandma, I don't want a special somepony, it's yucky. But.. I was talking to Sweetie Belle down stairs."

Nyx sounded honest even though she was lying to save her memories.

"You're so lucky to have such wonderful friends dear." Twilight Velvet smiled at Nyx before turning her attention to the rest of the family.

Nyx smiled and sighed. She climbed up on the chair and dug into her lunch, thanking Twilight for the food.


Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, were escorted by guards to the train station. Skyla walked beside Cadance and stayed close to her. Another guard was waiting by the train door, accompanied by other guards of unicorn and pegasus origin. Cadance stopped walking for a moment looked behind her at Flash Sentry, he was upset that he had to wait to see Twilight again, but the thought of seeing his sister comforted him. Cadance didn't know whether to frown or smile at Flash.

"Your highness." Called a guard.

Princess Cadance blinked and turned back to look at the guard by the train door. "Oh.. right."

Cadance stepped onto the train with Skyla, and sat beside Shining Armor in the train car made especially for the royal family of the Crystal Empire. The train door closed and the train blew its horn. The train then began to depart the station. Princess Cadance looked out the window toward Flash Sentry, worried greatly about him.

"Will he be alright?""

Shining Armor nodded. "Flash once told me that he would wait an eternity if it meant seeing Twilight again."

Cadance gasped happily. "He's in love!" She smiled widely.

"Oh boy..." Shining Armor didn't sound too thrilled.

"Aww don't tell me you're going to try and scare him away from her."

"She's my sister." Shining Armor looked unsure about letting Flash and Twilight meet again now that he has knowledge of Flash's feelings. "How could he have feelings for her they haven't seen each other in four years."

Cadance nuzzled the white unicorn. "Didn't you learn anything at our wedding my dear husband. Love is a powerful thing." Cadance smiled, looking up at Shining Armor who smiled back at her.

Cadance and Shining Armor both leaned toward each other and shared a soft kiss for but a moment until Skyla bumped into her mother. Cadance broke the kiss from Shining Armor and looked down at Skyla. The baby alicorn rubbed her forehead with her left hoof and shook her head. She looked up at her parents and smiled happily.

"Mama!" Said Skyla happily with a giggle following afterwards.

Cadance picked up Skyla and sat the toddler on her back. Shining Armor nuzzled Skyla affectionately which made Skyla giggle even louder. Princess Cadance giggled and looked at her caring husband. Skyla looked around the train car, sitting still between her mothers wings. The little princess looked outside the window Cadance had been looking out of. At first they were in a tunnel which allowed the trains to travel in and out of the Empire. Soon a white light replaced the darkness of the tunnel. Now they could see fields of white which spanned miles and miles, white flakes were even falling from the sky. This sudden change of scenery surprised Skyla who blinked and almost fell off of the crystal princesses back had Shining Armor not stopped that from happening. Skyla looked at all the white stuff.

"Mama, Dada.. what that?" Skyla pointed to the snow.

"That's snow sweetie."

"Smow?" Skyla tilted her head curiously. Unaware she had said it wrong.

Cadance giggled. "Yes sweetie, Smow" She giggled again.

Skyla giggled for a little while before yawning tiredly.

"Oh she's falling asleep."

"Here, I got her." Shining Armor lifted Skyla up and carried her over to the crib.

Skyla didn't struggle, she started to close her eyes and slowly drift off to sleep, right as Shining Armor lowered her into the crib slowly, then put a blanket over her. Shining armor sighed with a smile, looking down at her. Cadance walked over to the crib and nuzzled her husband, looking down at their sleeping daughter.

"She's so adorable." Said Cadance.

"Yeah she is. She's our little filly." Replied Shining Armor.

"By the way.. If you didn't know Flash was in love with Twilight... why did you tease him about seeing her?"

Shining Armor chuckled nervously. "W-well I... well... heh... "

"Wait, did you find out before me??" Cadance was confused.

The train whistled as it passed by the frozen Neighagra Falls, and over the Neighagra river, toward Canterlot, then in a day's time, Ponyville. In Ponyville, the Sparkle family were chatting among themselves. Spike, Nyx and Owlowiscious sat in boredom in Nyx's bedroom while the grown ups talked.

"Wanna go play in the snow Nyx?"

Nyx smiled. "I don't see why not. Come on Spike." Nyx stood up and went down stairs, putting on her snow cloths and opening the door.

"Going outside Nyx?" Asked Twilight Sparkle.

Nyx looked at Twilight and nodded. "Spike'll be out soon, we're going to play!"

Twilight smiled. "Just behave okay?"

"Okay Mommy!" Nyx exited the library, Spike and Owlowiscious following behind closely. The door then closed on its own.

Once outside Nyx started to hop around in the snow, giggling as she did. Not a lot of children were out this afternoon, they were either helping their families prepare for Hearths Warming day which was tomorrow, or they were playing on their Joyboys instead of listening to their mother as was the case with Button Mash. Nyx flopped down in the snow and started to roll in it. Spike, and Owlowiscious joined in afterwards, Spike made a snow dragon, Owlowiscious made a snow angel, and Nyx made a filly shaped hole in the snow. The filly popped up and shook her head which was covered in snow.

"Hey Nyx!"

Nyx looked over at Spike and was hit in the face with a snowball, Nyx giggled and started making and throwing snowballs back. "I'll get you for that Spike!"

"Owlowiscious deliver the payload!"

"Hoot!" Owlowiscious landed on a tree branch above Nyx and used his feet to lift it up and release, burying Nyx in a pile of Snow.

Peewee chirped, cheering Spike and Owlowiscious from an open window. Suddenly a whole bunch of snowballs emerged from Nyx's burial spot and were aimed directly at Spike and Owlowiscious who had rejoined the purple dragon. There were hundreds of snowballs just hovering in the hair above Nyx. The black filly poked two holes in her snow dome so she could see out side of it. She pinpointed Spike and Owlowiscious's positions and squinted, smiling in sadistic delight at the torrent of frozen water balls she was about to unleash upon the dragon and the owl. Spike and Owlowiscious's eyes widened. They backed away slowly, getting further and further away before turning and running. Nyx fired all the snowballs at them. The snowballs were hurled at them like Rainbow Dash doing a dive, they were quick and swift, they buried both dragon and owl beneath the cold mass of the snow. Nyx burst out of her snow bunker and laughed. Spike and Owlowiscious got out of the snow and shook their heads. They both looked at the laughing alicorn and soon joined in. Their whole afternoon was all about playing in the snow, until dinner time where they went inside and ate. Nyx was especially excited that evening as it was one nights sleep until Hearths Warming Day. Twilight watched Nyx talk about it at dinner. Twilight Velvet and Night Light listened to Nyx attentively. The seven year old filly was jumping around happily like Pinkie Pie would. Twilight chuckled.

"Okay Nyx, calm down."

Twilight Velvet smiled proudly at Twilight. "My parenting has clung to you like a cutie mark to its flank. I'm so proud of you."

Twilight smiled. "Thanks Mom."

Nyx watched them and stretched. "I'm going to go to my room, until desert time. Then I'll be back out."

"Oh will you now?" Said Twilight Velvet. "Not when the Windigos howl."

Nyx laughed. "Grandma, there are no Windigos here. They live in the Frozen North."

Twilight Velvet snickered. "Go on, run along Nyx."

Nyx smiled and went upstairs and to her bedroom. She pulled out a castle play set and her princess and prince figures. Nyx always picked the Princess Cadence doll, leaving the Celestia doll in the box of figures she had. The prince was modeled after Shining Armor, they were 2 year old figures and were considered collectors items, but to Nyx they were toys. Nyx placed them onto two pegs, so they were standing just in front of each other on the ballroom floor part of the play set and started to turn a disk like gear that jutted out from just beneath the floor which made the circles with the pegs on them spin as if the prince and princess were dancing. Nyx hummed a romantic tune softly as she watched the figures "dance". Then, Nyx put a Nightmare Moon figure in and pretended it cast a spell on the Cadence figure, turning her into the Queen Chrysalis looking figure. Nyx made up story's like this, and it was fun, especially when Spike played with her. Downstairs by the fireplace, an orb of light started to form, it illuminated the surrounding area around, eventually the orb took the shape of the filly, Snowdrop. Snowdrop yawned and stood up. She moved her head left and right, unable to see what was around her, she couldn't hear Twilight and her family talking upstairs.

"Nyx?" Snowdrop tilted her head and waited for a reply. She quickly realized Nyx wasn't in the room and could suddenly feel where Nyx was currently. The filly closed her eyes and started clicking with her tongue. The sound this clicking would paint a mental picture of where everything was around her thanks to sound bouncing off of objects. Snowdrop looked around, smiled and approached the stairs and started to climb to Nyx's bedroom where Snowdrop knew she'd be.

The blind filly passed by Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Night Light, Owlowiscious, and Twilight Velvet unseen. She walked right through Spike when he walked in front of her, and kept on walking. Spike felt a really cold chill in his spine as Snowdrop walked through him. The ghost climbed up another set of stairs which led to the bedrooms. Snowdrop stood still while she was there and started clicking again. While nopony else but Nyx and herself could hear the sound of the clicking, it still helped Snowdrop to see where she went without sight. Snowdrop smiled and turned left of the stairs toward Nyx's bedroom. She phased through the door without a need to open it. Nyx looked up from her play set and smiled at Snowdrop who sat down beside Nyx.

"Good evening Snowdrop."

"Is... is it evening now?"

Nyx nodded." Yep."

"T-then I wasn't here all day... I'm sorry..."

"No need to be sorry Snowdrop. You did nothing wrong."

Snowdrop touched one of Nyx's toys curiously, she could not see them and despite her being ethereal she could still interact with objects. Nyx watched as Snowdrop played with the Nightmare Moon doll of which the blind filly did not know she was touching. Snowdrop carefully put it back and sat still, facing downward.

Nyx became curious. "So... where did you go earlier?"

Snowdrop turned her head to face Nyx. H-huh..? W-what do you mean?"

"I watched you vanish this morning... you laid down in front of the fire and disappeared."

Snowdrop blinked. "Oh! Well... I... returned to the spirit world. Being on this plain drains so much of my energy... It's hard to materialize here. So every once in a while, I'll fall asleep and I'd wake up in a place I cannot describe. It's warm, comforting and welcoming. There are clouds.. but that's all I know... I can't see anything else. My Mommy is always there, waiting for me to say my final goodbye, then together... we can join our family in the afterlife. Or reincarnate if we desired."

"What would you do?"

Snowdrop smiled. "I'd cross over. I want to be with my family, friends and loved ones. In a peaceful world like this world which I once lived in so long ago."

"That's beautiful. Hopefully we'll find a way to help you before winter ends in 3 months."

"Then I hope you won't mind if I bother you a while." Snowdrop poked her tongue out at Nyx but was facing the wrong way in the direction of a wall much to Nyx's amusement.

"I'm over here."

Snowdrop sucked her tongue back in and properly faced Nyx. Nyx stared at Snowdrop for a while before Snowdrop poked her tongue out at Nyx again making the black filly giggle. Snowdrop giggled not a moment after. Downstairs, Twilight Sparkle and Spike were prepping desert. They were almost finished. Twilight Velvet talked to Twilight about all sorts of desert recipes which sounded absolutely delicious. Twilight remarked about how yummy they were when she was a filly. Twilight Velvet watched what Twilight was putting on Nyx's apple pie and ice cream and was surprised.

"What is that peculiar looking fruit you are placing on Nyx's desert? I've never seen anything like it."

"Princess Luna calls it a Night Berry. She told me they would be good for Nyx."

Twilight Velvet was intrigued. "Really?"

"I've taken to reading a lot lately and recently I read a book on fruits and berries and it had no mention of a berry called, "Night Berry."" Said Night Light.

"It's a rare berry that grows only in one place that only Princess Luna and I know of. I can't tell you where, sorry Dad."

Night Light smiled. "It's alright Twilight, if its location is to remain a secret then who am I to argue."

Twilight Velvet nuzzled Night who nuzzled back in return. Twilight watched on, smiling widely. The lavender Unicorn then looked at Nyx's desert then looked up at the stairs leading up to the bedroom area and called out.

"Nyx sweetie, desert's ready!"

Nyx's ears twitched at the sound of Twilights voice. She looked at the door and stood up. "I'll be right there Mommy!"

Nyx looked at Snowdrop. "I'll be right back Snowdrop, don't go anywhere."


Nyx walked over to the door and opened. She stepped outside and made her way downstairs into the kitchen where Twilight had set the desert on the table. She smiled at Nyx who had walked over to the chair and jumped up into it, using her small wings to help herself up. Nyx looked at the apple pie and ice cream and smiled up at Twilight, and at Spike.

"Thank you Mama, thank you Spike."

"Twilight made it, I helped out." Said Spike.

"It's not a celebratory desert, it's a normal desert, that we helped make for everyone Spike."

Twilight Velvet, Night Light and Twilight all had apple pie and ice cream.

"I knew that Twilight! I wasn't saying it was..."

Twilight nuzzled Spike. "Oh I know you silly dragon."

Spike smiled up at Twilight, the dragon then looked at Nyx who ate her desert rather quickly for somepony who knew how to take her time and enjoy the meal, savoring it while she could. Nyx was done eating in less then two minutes which even Twilight Sparkle thought was odd. Night Light and Twilight Velvet noticed Nyx seemed to be rushing and looked confused at the black coated filly's odd behavior. Twilight Sparkle put down her bowl and walked over to Nyx.

"Are you feeling alright Nyx?"

Nyx looked up at Twilight, her lips smeared with apple and ice cream which made her look messy. "I'm okay mommy."

"Are you sure? You seem to be rushing yourself tonight, like you've got something to do." Twilight passed a towel to Nyx.

The filly used the towel to wipe her lips then looked up at Twilight again. "I'm just feeling a little excited for tomorrow, that's all."

Twilight chuckled. "I'm excited too sweetie. If you wan't to go to bed go upstairs and brush your teeth,and I'll come up and say goodnight to you okay?"

Nyx nodded. She put her bowel into the sink and was ready to clean it until Twilight stopped her and told the black alicorn that she would do it. Nyx nodded and went upstairs and into the bathroom, and brushed her teeth. Twilight had already made her way into Nyx's room and was waiting for her adopted daughter while she brushed. After 3 minute of brushing, Nyx finally came out of the bathroom and into her bedroom. She nuzzled Twilight who nuzzled her in return. Nyx set her glasses on her bedside table, along with her head band and jumped up into her bed and got cozy while Twilight Sparkle tucked her in.

"Now, have you been a good little pony this year?"

Nyx nodded. "I hope so." The filly smiled.

Twilight chuckled. "So do I. Now get some sleep sweetheart."

Nyx yawned. "Okay mommy... goodnight." Nyx slowly drifted off to sleep.

Twilight smiled and kissed the filly on her forehead, just beneath her horn, then quietly left the bedroom, shutting the door silently. Once Twilight had shut the door, Nyx waited until the unicorn was downstairs, she listened to Twilights hoof steps until they were far enough from the room. Once they were, Nyx opened her eyes, her pupils became larger, and her eyes glowed a bright turquoise which gave her night vision. Nyx sat up in bed and looked around for Snowdrop. It wasn't hard to miss the filly for Nyx, thanks to Snowdrops otherworldly glow and her connection to the black alicorn.

"Okay Snowdrop, we're alone." Nyx whispered.

Nyx blinked once whilst looking at Snowdrop, only for the spirit to vanish upon reopening her eyes. Nyx was confused and looked around the room for her but could not see her until she faced the center of her bed. Sitting in front of Nyx was Snowdrop, the white filly startled Nyx by her sudden appearance. Snowdrop could hear Nyx suddenly jerk back and move a little which pulled the bed sheets slightly. Snowdrop turned her head to face Nyx and blinked.

"D-did I startle you?"

"A little..."

"I'm sorry...." Snowdrop frowned.

"Don't be, it's alright. You just appeared suddenly that's all."

"My bad Nyx, It won't happen again. Anyway... I overheard that Hearths Warming is tomorrow, isn't it?"

Nyx nodded. "It is. It'll be my third hearths warming hearths warming."


"I was born three springs ago, at least 4 days after the winter wrap up. It's been two years since then and I'm seven years old. Though technically I'm two years old..."

Snowdrop didn't acknowledge Nyx's words, she seemed to be thinking of something else. Nyx tilted her head to her left in wonder. She frowned and got closer to the ghost, the otherworldly energies beaming off of the ghostly filly and being felt by Nyx through her horn. Snowdrop blinked and looked around. Her pale, glass like eyes met with Nyx's and spent a good long while just facing Nyx as if staring at her. And in her eyes Nyx felt she could see the entirety of Snowdrops life although she couldn't. Snowdrop blinked again and frowned.

"N-Nyx...? are you still there?"

Nyx shook her head snapping out of the trance. "Y-yeah Snowdrop, I'm here."

"It was quiet so suddenly..."

"You suddenly went silent.." said Nyx.

"I-I did? I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, what were you thinking about?"


Nyx continued to look at Snowdrop. It began to snow outside, slowly the flakes fell, becoming apart of the snow that already cakes the ground, and making it rise a little. Twilight Sparkle looked out the window at the snow, then at the time and smiled.

"I think it's time for bed."

"You're going to bed now?" Asked Night Light.

"We turn in fairly early here in Ponyville. Well... Applejack goes to bed earlier then I do but in this library, we don't stay up until two o'clock in the morning."

Twilight Velvet smiled happily. " She does take after me..." She nudged her husband Night Light. "Okay Nighty... time to brush our teeth and go to bed."

Night Light smiled and walked with Twilight Velvet upstairs to do just that. Twilight urged Spike to do the same while she started sorting out the library and turning out all the lights. Spike put Peewee to bed, Owlowiscious was wide awake. And Nyx was just about ready to sleep. But before she closed her eyes, she looked over at Snowdrop and watched as the filly began to fade so she could rest.

"We will talk again soon... I need to rest... Happy Hearths Warming Nyx."

Nyx smiled. "Happy Hearths Warming Snowdrop." Nyx let out a big yawn and nestled down in her bed and went to sleep. Snowdrop vanished soon after. And soon the whole Library went to sleep allowing a new day to dawn.


The morning came, as did Shining Armors train. Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and little Princess Skyla, all come off the train accompanied by royal guards. The boxes of gifts, as well as a saddle bag of diapers and bottles of milk for Skyla. Cadance donned this saddle bag and put Skyla in it to carry her on her back. They were dressed in warm clothing which befit a royal couple. Cadance turned to the guards and asked them to stay at the train so they did not attract attention. All throughout Equestria, snow fell and the happiness and joy of all family's, filly's and colts, Dragons, Alicorns and Zebras alike, rose higher then the pegasus could fly. For the day was Hearths Warming day. All over Equestria, the many filly's and colts were running out of their beds and into their living rooms, to their Hearths Warming trees and fire places, looking in their stockings and unwrapping their presents, whether it be in the company of their parents or not. In Canterlot, church bells rang all over the city. Canterlot Castle was filled with Christmas music, both from the piano and from the 2nd largest tower in the castle. Ponyville was bustling with Hearths Warming spirit, even more so then the other major settlements. Twilight Sparkle woke earlier that morning to set everything up and get Nyx up to begin celebrating their Hearths Warming as a family. She sat in the kitchen, sipping her warm green tea, looking up at the clock in anticipation for her brothers arrival. Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Spike, Peewee, Owlowiscious, and Nyx were all still asleep. A knock came from downstairs on the ground floor. Twilight smiled and put down her cup and quietly made her way down the steps and into the main library. She approached the door, twisted the handle with her magic and opened the door to be greeted by the smiling faces of Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and Skyla.

"Twilie!!" Skyla shouted happily.

"Twily!" Shining Armor hugged his sister. "Happy Hearths Warming little sister."

"Happy Hearths Warming Shining Armor." Twilight replied.

Cadance set Skyla down and hugged Twilight and together they both sang that little tune. "Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!!" Twilight and Cadance laughed.

"It's so good to see you Twilight."

"Likewise Cadance. Happy Hearths Warming."

Cadance smiled even wider. "Happy Hearths Warming. Is Nyx awake?"

"Not yet. It's still extremely earlier for her. But I'll wake her up." Smiled Twilight.

Shining Armor set the bags down nearby while Skyla bumped into Twilights leg. Twilight looked down at her niece and smiled happily. She got down to Skyla's height. The filly had her eyes closed and when she opened them and saw Twilight suddenly at her level she fell backwards and sat on her flank much like Lyra. The filly looked at Twilight and happily smiled.

"Happy Haths Waming Twilie." Skyla giggled.

"Happy Hearths Warming Skyla." Twilight nuzzled the little filly gently. Skyla nuzzled back.

The alicorn filly then started looking around for Nyx, confused as to why she wasn't around.

"Are you looking for somepony?"

Skyla nodded.

"Would this somepony be... Nyx?" Twilight smirked.

Skyla smiled and nodded. "Mhm...."

"She's in her room upstairs. You should go and wake her up. It's okay, and when you come down I'll give you a choccy."

Skyla gasped and started running toward the stairs. "Choccy choccy!" She said as she started to climb the steps.

Cadance looked worried at the thought of Skyla eating candy. Twilight walked over to them, tilting her head at Cadance. "Something wrong Cadance?"

"I-I don't know if giving her chocolate would be good, I would like it if she didn't develop a cavity..."

"It'll be alright. You can always ask Colgate to have a look at her. Or brush her teeth after."

"Still... I-I think she shouldn't-"


Cadance looked over at Shining Armor who was giving her a look. Cadance furrowed her eyebrows. "What?"

Shining Armor lifted an eyebrow.

"Don't give me that look..." She put on a much more sterner look

Shining Armor continued to hold his ground until Cadance let out an annoyed groan. "Ugh! Alright... She can have some chocolate..." She sighed.

Shining Armor smiled victoriously while Twilight chuckled. Cadance rolled her eyes then giggled at Shining Armors victorious expression. Nyx was snuggling into her pillow, her blanket, warm and cozy covered her as she lay curled with a sad expression on her face. She was dreaming of snow stars, watching them fall from from the sky slowly. Nyx was standing in a white space, everything was white, but the sky, a small path and a playground. Nyx had a lot of mixed feelings, so many feelings.

"Mother..." A young colt spoke nearby.

Nyx looked in this colts direction. He was standing on the path with his mother beside him. They wore winter clothing, scarfs, vests, and snow shoes. The colt looked disappointed. The colts mother walked over to the young unicorn and lowered her head to his height.

"What's wrong?"

"I made a wish on the stars but nothings happening..."

Nyx listened in on the conversation. The mother unicorn lifted her head and looked up at the snow with a frown. She took a deep breath and let it out with a sigh before looking down at her child once more.

"A long time ago, anypony could wish on these stars, and they would come true. But back then I was a little filly. One winter, the stars fell, everypony started wishing... but then the magic stopped..."

"Magic...?" The colt asked.

"Magic?" Nyx whispered.

The older unicorn nodded. "After that winter day when all of our wishes went unheard, the magic simply ceased to be. Now... nopony's wish may come true."

The young colt put on a determined face. "But the magic will come back, you'll see! It will... it has too...." The colt felt heartbroken, lied to.

Nyx felt almost the same way, but she was confused more then anything. The mother unicorn nuzzled her child and together they started to walk away, vanishing in the mist as Nyx watched on. The alicorn looked down at her hooves.

"Everypony... stopped believing huh?" The filly closed her eyes to blink, but upon reopening them her vision was blurred, she was squinting and laid curled up in bed.

She let out a yawn and blinked a few times, she shook her head and widened her eyes allowing her eyes to shrink down to their cat slitted pupils. She shook her head again. Her ears twitched at the sound of her bedroom door opening. The black filly grinned and quickly went back into her curled up position with the blanket over her, pretending to be asleep. She assumed it was Twilight coming to wake her up. In her mind Nyx thought she was going to surprise Twilight, followed by a big hug. But when nothing happened, Nyx got curious; she wondered if Twilight was on to her but wasn't willing to give up her ruse. Suddenly, she felt something crawl onto her bed, it gave Nyx a fright. At first she thought it might be Snowdrop, but that thought was quickly erased as she could not sense the spirit energy which bounced off of the ghostly filly like light off the moon. Nyx opened her eyes and sat up slowly and looked around her room. She looked at her door first, then slowly turned her head toward the center of her bed to be greeted by the smiling and super duper happy Princess Skyla. Nyx lit up with happiness at the sigh of her cousin. Skyla in her joy, jumped at Nyx, tackling her back on the bed. Both filly's laughed and hugged one another while Twilight looked on from the door way. Skyla instantly noticed Twilight and paused to look at her. the toddler like filly tilted her head and giggled.

"Aunt Twilie!"

Nyx looked at the doorway instantly and smiled sheepishly. "I... I wasn't hugging her just now... Heheh..." Nyx's grin got wider.

"You were so hugging her young lady." Twilight poked her tongue out at her adopted daughter.

Nyx responded by poking her tongue out at Twilight. Skyla was watching the both of them do this and started poking her tongue out at Nyx without a single clue of what she was doing. Nyx pulled her tongue back into her mouth and looked at Skyla who put her tongue back in her mouth and giggled.

"Time to get up Nyx. Hearth Warming only happens once a year." Twilight said with a smile.

"Did Santa Hooves come?!"

"Santa! Santa!" Chanted Skyla.

"Well, you are just going to have to come down stairs and see aren't you?"

Skyla hopped off the bed and waddled toward Twilight. Nyx thrashed around in her tangled up bed sheets until she got out, falling out of the bed with a thud. The alicorn filly quickly rolled onto her hooves. She shook a little as she stood and took a few steps forward before turning and looking at the bed with its sheets strewn about on the floor, and the blankets twisted about.

"Come on Skyla, lets get you some chocolate." Twilight lifted Skyla onto her back, the alicorn toddler repeating what Twilight said in a more baby'd way.

"Chocwit?" Skyla copied.

Twilight giggled, turned around and vanished down the stairs with the young filly. Nyx watched them go but quickly returned her attention to her bed. She closed her eyes, her horn started to glow, and following this her bed sheets and blankets started moving by themselves with Nyx in control. Once the filly had neatly made her bed, she walked over to her bedside table to get her glasses out, but decided not to wear them this time and thus left them in the drawer with her head band.

"Nyx honey! Come on down, don't you want to open your presents?!" Twilight called from downstairs.

"I'm coming Twilight!!" Nyx called back.

The filly quickly turned away from her bedside table, opening her curtains and putting on a woolly hooded jumper as she passed, and bolted down stairs, excited to see her aunt and uncle again and to open the Hearths Warming gifts. Spike was just coming down from Twilights room when he saw Nyx charging out of her room and running into the wall as she skidded at the turn. Spike flinched at seeing her hit the wall but Nyx wasn't harmed. She shook it off and continued down stairs. Spike sighed and mumbled.

"Careful Nyx, we don't want you getting hurt again." Spike had a slight smile, happy to see Nyx was acting with more excitement then she had been the past few weeks.

Twilight Velvet and Night Light emerged from their rooms right as Nyx disappeared around the corner and into the living area of the library. Night light was carrying a big wrapped present, two small ones and medium sized box which made a stone like grinding sound when moved. The two unicorn looked at Spike who looked at them, all three of them smiling. Nyx's hoof steps could be heard from the ground floor. Cadence was sitting down on the couch and watching Skyla eat some chocolate when she looked up at the top of the stair case, Shining Armor and Twilight doing the same just as Nyx emerged from the kitchen, hurrying down to the 3rd step and jumping off, flapping her wings frantically for a moment before keeping them out stretched, allowing her to glide down from the 3rd step to the floor. Nyx vibrated a little upon landing, shaking and bouncing unintentionally until Shining Armor held her still with his magic.

"Thank you uncle."

"You're welcome Nyx." Shining Armor smiled.

Both Nyx and Shining Armor stared at each other for a good long while. It gave Spike, Twilight Velvet, and Night Light enough time to finally come down stairs. After a long good 2 minutes of looking at each other Nyx jump on her uncle happily, giggling happily.

"Uncle Shining Armor!!"

"Whoa!" Shining Armor fell over and laughed along with Nyx. "How're you doing kiddo?"

"I'm doing better now that my horn is fixed." She smiled.

"I heard about that, at least it was an easy fix right? Most horns, once they break they can never be fixed."

"Easy fix my hoof." Twilight mumbled.

Shining Armor hugged Nyx. "Happy Hearths Warming kiddo."

"Happy Hearths Warming uncle." Nyx hopped off of her Uncle and approached Cadance.

Princess Cadance got off of the couch and got down to Nyx's height. "Happy Hearths Warming Nyx." the princess smiled.

Nyx hugged her. "Happy Hearths Warming Aunt Cadance."

"Happy Hearths Warming precious."

Nyx giggled. "Aunt Cadance, don't call me that."

The pink alicorn chuckled. "And why not?"

"It's embarrassing..." Nyx flushed and smiled acting all shy now.

Twilight walked over to them. "Okay Nyx, you know what time it is?"

Cadance walked over to Skyla asking the same question to which both fillies replied with "Presents!/Pwessies!!"

Nyx ran over to one side of the Hearths Warming tree, and Skyla rushed over to the opposite side in a rather uneasy, wobbly fashion, being helped along by Cadance. Night Light walked over to both filly's.

"Hold up, before anypony starts opening anything, I want to say Happy Hearths Warming, to all of you."

Night Light levitated the big wrapped present over to Twilight, the two small ones to Nyx and Skyla, and the medium sized box to Spike who smelled Gems. Twilight looked ultra excited. She looked up at her mother, father, brother and sister in-law and smiled.

"I also have a gift for you, for all of you."

Night Light, Twilight Velvet, Shining Armor, and Cadance all smiled at Twilight who brought out a box, one for each of her family members. Snowdrop appeared in a flash of light beside Nyx and stood beside her, she faced the black filly and smiled brightly.

"Happy Hearths Warming." The blind filly said.

Twilight looked at Skyla, Nyx and Spike then grinned. "Okay everypony... start opening presents!!"

Skyla and Nyx jump into their presents and started to unwraps them or tear off the wrapping paper. Shining Armor, Twilight, Cadance, Twilight Velvet and Night Light were much more neater then the children were. Twilight squealed in absolute joy as her presents from her parents and brother, were a signed copy of Star Swirl the Bearded's autobiography, and the 89th volume of the Autobiography of Princess Celestia. Twilight hugged her parents and brother and thanked them. From Twilight Velvet and Night Light, Nyx got the rare Crystal Knight Princess Luna figure, and the just as equally rare and impressively detailed Red Dragon figurine with light up eyes and mouth, standing in its battle position. Nyx's eyes sparkled as she looked at them and the Dark Castle play-set she was given to by Twilight. From Cadance and Shining Armor, Nyx got a new book on Equestrian wildlife, flora and fauna, and Myths and Legends. Nyx looked at the adults and smiled.

Twilight walked over to Nyx and sat down beside her, prompting Snowdrop to move somewhere else. "What did you get Nyx?" Asked Twilight.

Nyx looked at Twilight, smiling happily and showing her what she got. Twilight listened to the black filly as much as Snowdrop did while she talked about the gifts that were given to her.

"There's still one more box." Twilight looked over to the last box on Nyx's pile."

Nyx approached the box and read the card that was on it and was surprised to see the present was from Spell Nexus who had sent the gift to Nyx from his isolation in Canterlot. Twilight had a look at the card after Nyx and was just as equally surprised. Nyx opened the box and saw that the gift was small tiara made of silver, the center was adorned with a shield in the same shape and colour as Nyx's cutie mark. Nyx thanked Spell Nexus in her mind and looked up at the window and put the tiara on. On the other side of the hearths warming tree, Cadance laid beside Skyla as she messily unwrapped her present and let out happy gasps.

"Mama looky looky!"

"Whatcha got there baby?"

Skyla showed her mother. Cadance looked at it and smiled. "It's a princess Summer doll."

"Smummer!" Skyla giggled.

Cadance chuckled with the young filly with Shining Armor, Night Light, and Twilight Velvet watching.

"Oh she's just so precious. Skyla must make you feel so proud my son." Said Twilight Velvet.

Shining Armor smiled at Twilight Velvet happily. Skyla opened more presents and was surprised and made even happier with each one. Nyx walked over to Skyla to see what she had and thought they were really really cool. Skyla jumped up and down in total happiness. She looked over to Shining Armor and ran over to him on her tiny little legs.


"What is it angel?" Shining Armor got down to Skyla's height and looked at her.

Skyla held up a teddy bear, showing Shining Armor. "Teddy."

"It's a cutie isn't it?" Shining Armor smiled.

"Mmhm" Skyla nodded.

"No way!!" Spike shouted excitedly. he held a box in his hands with an odd looking device on the front of it. "A Horizon-7DS! And Ponymon A version!" Spike turned to Twilight. "Thank you so much Twilight." Spike sniffled.

"Anything for my number one assistant. And don't think you are going to get any more then what you are given Spike, we don't want another incident like last time with your greed."

Spiked blushed. "I-I have no idea what you're talking about." he smiled sheepishly.

Spike then looked at two other presents on his pile and opened them. One came from Rarit, it was a locket with a picture of Rarity and himself hugging one another. And the other was a gift from Twilight Velvet and Night Light. It was a box of gems which Spike eyed with dragon greed but the greed turned into generosity as he then looked at the locket given to him by Rarity.

Twilight Velvet opened her bag and brought out packets of candy. "A visit from me and Night Light isn't a visit without candy!"

"Canda!!" Cried Skyla.

Twilight Velvet handed out some soft candy for Skyla, a fresh custard tart for Nyx and some rock candy for Spike.

"Thank you Ms Velvet." Said Spike.

"Thank you Grandma." Spoke Nyx.

"Thank wu!" Said Skyla in her cute little way.

"You are all very welcome, happy hearths warming."

"Happy Hearths Warming!!" Said the whole family.

"Hey, how about we take a picture for the album back home?" Asked Night Light.

The whole family nodded. Spike helped set up a tripod for the camera to rest on while the photo was being taken. Once it had been set up, Spike, Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Velvet, Nyx, Shining Armor, Cadance and Skyla all got into positions. Skyla was sitting on her mothers back with Shining Armor beside her. Nyx and Spike stood near Twilight, Peewee and Owlowiscious stood together side by side on a perch behind the group but in view of the camera and Twilight Velvet stood beside Twilight Sparkle and awaited her husband to join them. Snowdrop stood beside Nyx, and smiled. Night Light set the timer on the camera to ten seconds and quicly got into position just as the camera clicked.

At castle Canterlot the maids and servants were bustling about the castle. Preparing hearths warming dinners fit for a princess, or two. Luna was walking with Celestia up a set of stairs that went up to the tallest tower in the castle.

"When was the last time you saw her?"

Celestia thought a moment. "Well... I think the last time I saw her was... fifteen months ago..."

"It's been too long already sister. I'm thankful you have decided to spend time with her today and allow her outside."

"But I'm worried she'll lose control and hurt somepony."

"She has more control then you take for granted Celestia, she's practically grown up with that 'other' inside her since the day you seald it."

"But that is precisly why she must stay in the tower... Her appearance isn't normal.."

Luna stopped with Celestia just outside the door of the top floor. Piano music was coming from inside. Princess Luna looked at Celestia and sighed.

"Neither is Nyx, but you haven't locked her in a tower."

"She's Twilights daughter and your dark counterpart. And she is the soul carrier of another alicorn despite being the alicorn herself. Her appearance is normal for a reincarnation but Serena... she looks too much like 'her'."

"She's still an alicorn despite her pheonix like appearance. Go on Celestia, you know what to do."

Celestia took a deep breath. She approached the door, shaking uncontrollably, her voice was also shaky. "G-guardsman..."

The guard stood straight. "Yes your highness?"

"Unlock the door please."

The guard turned to the door and pulled out a set of keys with his unicorn magic. He unlocked the door and opened it. The Piano music got even louder. Once the door had opened just enough, Celestia could just see into the large darkened room and could make out a regal bed, curtain closed windows, unlit candle sticks, toy boxes, a book shelf that seemed to have burns on it, and in the cente rof the room, she could barely make out a large piano and a filly, sitting at the instrument and slowly playing the hearths warming tunes. The filly was humming. She stretched her long feathered wings before folding them back up. They were unnaturally large for a filly's wings. Celestia entered the room slowly and stood in the door way, blocking out any other light from entering the room.

"Is that you... Aunt Luna?" The filly asked in a trembling voice.

"No dear.. it's me... It's mommy." celestia said softly.

The filly suddenly stopped playing the piano and lifted her head up. She opened her eyes which glowed like fire. The filly had eyes the color of fire, her pupils were normal despite the color of her optics. The filly blinked a few times and looked over at Celestia. The sun princess could only see the filly's eyes in the darkness.


Celestia nodded. "Yes sweetie. It's me. How are you my Serena Starfire."

Serena looked down. "W-why are you here..?"

Celestia frowned. "W-well... It-it's hearths warming sweetie and... I wanted to spend time with you." She smiled.

"Why...?" Serena spoke softly, her curious look turned into a burning glare. "... You've left me alone for all the others, what makes this one any different?" Serena's coat started to glow the color of flames, illuminating the room some more.

"I know I haven't been there. I know I'm an aweful mother. I haven't given you gifts... I haven't celebrated birthdays with you. I haven't... been here for you... supported you or even hugged you... not since you were born. But I'm here, right now, today. And I want to spend today of all days with you Serena. I promise to make myself better for you sweetie. But I need to start somewhere. Please...?"

Serena's glare was lowered. She looked down for a moment before running up to and jumping at Celestia and embracing her. Celestia almost fell over as she wrapped her wings around the 7 year old filly. Luna used her telekenisis to open the curtains and let the sunlight shine in. The room was a pristine white, as if it was washed regularily. Of course, the tiles on the floor had some burn marks on it. Serena sobbed whilst hugging the sun princess and Celestia comforted her daughter as best she could.

"Shh... there there sweet heart. Mommy's here now."

Luna smiled warmly. Watching as Celestia acted like a mother toward Serena for once.

"Dearest sister, it looks like you have a soft spot for Serena after all."

Not long after; Celestia entered the throne room in a regal dress with Luna, whose dress was also regal, and Serena. Everypony in the room was shocked by the appearance of Serena. In addition to Serena's eyes, her coat was a mixture of fire red, yellow and orange. Her coat looked as though it was made of feathers, though that is just how it looked. Her mane and tail were the color of a blue flame and seemed to flow like fire, it even crackled like a flame.

"Mom... W-why is everypony staring at me like that..?"

Celestia nuzzled her. "Just ignore them sweetie. Walk with me outside. I can mingle later."

Serena smiled. "Okay Mama."

Celestia, Luna walked through the throne room toward the garden. Serena stayed close to Celestia. She looked around at all the nobal pony's giving her foul and detestable looks. Not one of them showed any like toward the firey filly, only hatred. Serena didn't understand and wondered worridly if everypony was like this. But these thoughts were quickly pushed aside as a white light blinded Serena for but a moment. Serena shut her eyes and cringed.

"Ow... bright... so bright."

Luna chuckled. "Open your eyes little one, they will adjust."

Celestia smiled widely and walked out into the snow covered gardens with Luna following behind her. They both turned and watched as Serena slowly opened her eyes. While everything was still bright, her vision quickly adjusted. She blinked a few times and looked around. She was surprised by the white sparkly stuff that was on the ground. Serena stepped forward and felt the snow beneath her hooves, it was cold and made her jump.

"Oooh that's a little cold..."

"You don't often experience cold do you?"

Serena shook her head and begun to jump around in the snow. She danced around in it happily and started giggling. While doing a twirl she slipped and fell backwards into a pile which made Celestia laugh and Luna giggle. Serena looked at Celestia and smirked. She lifted up some snow and rolled it into a ball with her magic then threw it at Celestia, hitting the princess in the face. Serena laughed loudly and snorted a little, Luna giggled along with Serena until a large pile of snow was dropped onto the pheonix coloured filly, burying her slightly. The firey filly melted the snow with her magic and looked toward the princesses.

"Don't look at us we didn't do it." Said Luna backing off to watch from a distance.

"L-Luna... back me up please!"

"Sorry sister, this your battle." Said Luna with a giggle.

Celestia looked at Serena who had prepared a volly of snowballs and backed away slowly, only to have the lot of snowballs flung at her and hit her. Celestia laughed and tried to block the snow balls with her wings before returning fire upon Serena. As Luna watched the two of them in happiness, she remembered back to a thousand years ago. She was younger, and she was standing outside and watching the snow stars fall. The stars fell ever so slowly. Snowdrop walked up to the princess and stood beside her.

"Happy Hearths Warming Snowdrop."

"Thank you..."

"Has your day been good so far?"

"No... It never is.."

"Why not? Why do you say that little one?"

"All of the kids in my school must be out having fun and enjoying their gifts.... While I stay inside... and just... touch them... Just another thing to make me worthless..."

Luna lowered her head down to Snowdrops height. "Now now you don't really mean that do you?"

Snowdrop nodded and teared up. "I do..." She sniffled. "You can see things I can't Luna... things sound cannot show me.... like words on a page... or a painting... The stars in your night sky nor the stars of winter can fix this... None of it can... I wish I could see... the way everypony else can..." Snowdrop covered her face with her hooves as Luna watched with sympathy.

A snowflake floated down just above Snowdrop as she made her wish. The snowflake landed on her forehead and vanished, just as Luna nuzzled the young blind pegasus.

"But you're wrong... you are wrong about being worthless my friend... You are an amazing, an incredible filly. You are the only one to know my night, to care for it... unlike the others. Please..." She used her wings to wipe Snowdrops tears. "Do not cry... do not weep. For today is a day to be happy on."

Snowdrop turned her head in the direction of Luna's voice, pouting with her lower lip quivering. Luna hugged Snowdrop who squeaked in surprise.

"I have a gift for you Snowdrop."

"Y-You do?"

Luna let go and nodded. "Yes." Luna placed the tip of her wing just beneath Snowdrops wing. "Follow me, I will not lead you astray." Luna started to walk with the blind pegasus filly following.

Snowdrop and Luna walked together back inside and over to the hearths warming tree. Luna let go of Snowdrops wing and folded her wing up again and got down to the filly's height. Primrose watched from the kitchen, curious as to what the princess was going to give to the glacial blue filly. Luna carefully pulled out a cylyndal shaped wrapped present and placed it in front of Snowdrop.

"Now, feel what's in front of you."

Snowdrop sat down and put one hoof forward and touched the cylynder shaped present and tilted her head. "W-what is it?"

"Open it."

"T-this is a joke... isn't it?"

"Not at all my friend. Just feel the paper and tear it off, then I'll do the rest okay?"

"Okay..." Snowdrop did exactly as she was told, she blindely ripped the paper off of the gift.

Primrose came over and looked at what it was, and was insulted. "Glasses? You got her glasses?"

"Not just any glasses Primrose." Luna opened the case and levitated the glasses out and unfolded the arms. "They are special glasses. Hold still now Snowdrop."

Snowdrop squeaked as Luna slid the glasses onto her face. Suddenly, colour came to snowdrops eyes, a beautiful bright blue with black pupils. Snowdrop blinked a few times and looked around.

"I... I can see..." Snowdrop started laughing. She stood up and looked around. "I can see!"

Primrose looked at snowdrop and was surprised. She stood up as Snowdrop started twirling.

"M-Mommy I can see! I can see Mommy!!" Snowdrop laughed and hugged Luna. "Thank you Luna, thank you! Thank you!"

Luna smiled and returned the hug to Snowdrop who went off around the house to look at things. Primrose looked at Luna with absolute surprise and tears in her eyes.

"H-How did you...?"

"The glasses. As long as she wears them she can see just like anypony else can. Without them she's blind."

Primrose started crying. "Bless you Princess... Bless you..."

Snowdrop ran back into the room just as Luna was standing up and hugged the Night princesses leg. "Luna! happy happy Hearths Warming!"

Luna smiled. "Happy Hearths Warming to you too Snowdrop."

Back in the present day, Princess Luna shed a tear and smiled happily as she watched Serena and Celestia play together.

Happy Hearths Warming everypony.


Author's Note:

Prodigy Skyfire is an OC created by the talented TheAmariaShadow. Credit for the character as well as a thanks for allowing me to use this character goes out to him.