• Published 10th Oct 2013
  • 1,010 Views, 62 Comments

Siege of Canterlot - Peachy Moon

The stories of the normally unsung heroes. See Depry, her daughters, the Wonderbolts, and a down on her luck griffin fight to keep Equestira safe.

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Skyway to the Dangerzone

The chowhall was empty. The tables still held the steaming mugs of coffee that only minutes before had been the recruits relief from the morning workout. It had happened so fast. Captain Spitfire had gotten a message from Lt. Soarin and they’d both left. Lt. Fleetfoot had ordered the recruits back to the barracks. It was there they’d heard the reports coming out of Canterlot. They’d all known what to do.

The Wonderbolts were outfitted for combat. Lightweight blue armor adorned their sleek forms. They sat arrayed around Captain Spitfire as she went over the flight plan. None of them noticed the approaching recruit. Clearing her throat Lightning Dust made herself known

“Ma’am, we’re coming too” She says standing at attention in her flight-suit. Her voice calm not betraying her inner conflict.

“Like Tartarus you are!” Spitfire snapped looking up at the recruit. “Your lucky your bucking rump is even at the academy after the stunts you’ve pulled.”

“Ma’am. I know that. This wasn’t a request. We are flying to Canterlot, either as Wonderbolt recruits, or as civilian flyers.” She responded. The other recruits stepped up to the runway with her. She looked Spitfire in the eyes. “We all signed up to the best Equestria has to offer ma’am. But the oath we swore also said that we would defend her to our last. I’m not sitting by and letting ponies die. I can do better. I can help!” She continues looking her CO in the eyes.

“Like I bucking said NO! I can’t have half trained flyers going off half cocked! If this is that damned pride of yours you can stick it up your ass! I’m Captain of the Wonderbolts for a reason! You all were placed under my charge and I won’t let you fly into danger that you’re not ready for!”

“And like I said Ma’am this isn’t a request. We’re all going with or without you.” Lightning Dust responds reaching up she pulls the flightwings off her chest and toss them at the Wonderbolt Captain’s hooves. “We aren't letting our home fall ma’am. Not when we can do something about it” She turns walking off. One by one the other recruits file up turning in their own wings.

“Bucking Tartarus. Echo keep them in line.” She snaps. The pale pegasus salutes with a smirk

“Aye Aye Ma’am” She says trotting over to Lightning Dust.

“We’re bucked if they don’t follow orders” Soarin commented

“Says the stallion who’d sell his own sister for a pie” Spitfire snaps at him.

“Lightning Dust can fly and fight. They all can. We’ve gotten rid of those that couldn’t cut it already.” He says breaking into a grin “And it would have to be a really good pie..Like Sweet Apple Acres good!”

“Maybe I should just break all their wings instead..” Spitfire mutters revising her plans.


“Okay first off we stay out of the Wonderbolts way. We fly low to the clouds and keep our eyes on the swivel. Once we hit Canterlot airspace we dive hit them fast and hard. Once engaged keep your eyes open for anywhere we can help” Lightning Dust spoke the other recruits.

“Not a bad plan. I mean not exactly an in depth strategy but it should only get a few of you killed” Fleetfoot spoke as she walked up sitting and listening to Lightning Dust and the others. “Why are you doing this rookie?” She asks her ears cocked.

“Because I’m a Wonderbolt ma’am.”

“Oh don’t give me the party line. You’re the same mare that almost killed a bunch of ponies with her recklessness!” She stamped her hoof standing up and glaring at the recruits.

“Because I can be better! I know Rainbow Dash is in the thick of this! She probably staring down that bitch Chrysalis as we speak and I’m sitting here listening to ponies dieing on the radio! I signed up to be the best of the buck best not sit on my plot as the world goes to hell!” She says standing up her wings flared “I’m Lightning Dust best Moon damned flyer in Equestria! I will not sit by and let ponies down! I may be a lot of things but I’m not going to sit idle! I’ll take you on if you’re here to stop us!” She says gritting her teeth.

“No no..I’m here to lead your ragtag bunch of misfits. You all have 10 minutes to get to the quartermaster get fitted and be on the runway. HOOVES UP IN 10 PONIES SO MOVE YOUR PLOTS!” She shouted the others standing and darting towards the hanger. Lightning stays blinking as she works out just what happened. “I said move recruit.” Fleetfoot urged stretching her wings. This was a bad idea, but hey what did the blind mare know?


Twilight Velvet stepped back raising another shield as more sickly green energy sprayed into the mass of teachers around the School’s doors. She glances around seeing unicorns fall all around her. She’d only come to lecture about writing not fight a battle. She closed her eyes and focused trying to protect those around her. She’d be damned if she let a single changeling into the school grounds.

The liquor bottle the flew out of the darkened alley nearby shocked everyone involved. Most of the changeling it sent flying. All eyes, both pony and changeling, turned as a tawny claw clutched the corner pulling its owner into the light.

“Can’t a griffin take a bucking nap around here!” Gilda shouted before launching herself into the sea of black carapace. She broke the leading changelings face with a punch spinning around and throwing another with her tail. All the while cackling like a madmare. Raking her claws across another she roared rearing back before mauling the poor bug caught under her.

“Help the bucking griffin!” Someone in the crowd of teachers shouted. Soon multi colored blasts of magic rained down on the changelings. The bugs caught between a fighter who seemed to shrug off their stuns and the increased artillery of the teachers did the only sensible thing and fled leaving the school secure for the time being.

“Thats right you better bucking run! Do you know who I am! Run you cowards! Run like the lamoes you are!” Gilda shouted at the retreating mass of bugs and grumbled picking the remains of her shattered bottle from the ground. “The booze is gone too now….” She says sadly plopping onto her rump. She didn’t notice the cuts and bruises the brief skirmish has caused.

“Um Ms Griffin do you need help?” Came a gentle voice from behind Gilda. Twilight Velvet flinches at the glare the griffin was giving her.

“Go away….I don’t need some eggheads help!” She spats stumbling to her feet. She reaches up gripping her head in her claw and stumbling. She felt the unicorn catch her helping her steady herself.

“Well we needed your help, Ms Griffin and so I’m here to offer you a place to rest a moment.” She responds suddenly wishing she hadn’t been the one to come out to help.

“Gilda...the name’s Gilda. Don’t you forget….everybody always forgets..” She says muttering the last part to herself. She stunk of booze and anger.

“Oh…” Velvet says wondering if this was the griffin from her daughter’s letters. She shook her head. Didn’t matter she’d saved the faculty’s hides that was enough for her. “Come on. Rest inside. It will be safer for you Gilda” She says gently leading the griffin into the school. She lays her down near the door and almost instantly Gilda was asleep.

“You sure about this Mrs Velvet?” A nearby teacher asked

“No, but she helped so we help her.” She replies moving to help bring the injured and dead inside.


“Wonder Lead this is Rainbow Lead.”

“Bucking Rainbow Lead? Really Echo?”

“The Recruit’s idea Cap. I liked it”

“Fine keep Rainbow Flight in check! Wonder Lead out”


Lightning Dust flew to the right of Echo keeping herself steady. She couldn’t believe she was flying into combat with the Wonderbolts. She’d figured Spitfire would hobble them all before she let them fly with them. She shifted slightly still not used to flying with the armor. They’d only worn it a few times in training. Still no better way to learn than doing. She grinned as they flew. She dipped her hooves into the clouds feeling the tingle of energy inside them.

“Rainbow Lead how far out are we?” She calls out over the radio in her goggles.

“2 minutes Rainbow 2” Echo says shaking her head. “So cut the cha…” She tilts her head adjusting her set

“Wonder Lead this is Rainbow Lead. Channel 3. Th...their playing music! Like honest to Princesses music!”

“Rainbow Lead this is Wonder Lead. They’re playing us in. This is Wonder Lead to all Bolts. Remember your training fillies and colts. For Equestria!”

With that the dove down breaking through the clouds. The changelings buffeted by the rain and lightning and assailed by the guard were caught unaware as the pegasi of the Wonderbolts swooped down on them. The changelings didn’t stand a chance. Caught between three hostile elements the changelings did the only thing they still could.


The first impact caught the Guards off guard. The glowing changeling exploded in a massive burst of entropic energy as it slammed into the cover the Guards were using. One by one all the changelings across the city began to glow with a sickly light.


“Wonder Lead to all Bolts keep those things off the bucking city.” Spitfire screams into her set. She dives folding her wings and tackling the nearest kamikaze. The bug goes spinning detonating harmlessly against Mt. Canter. She turns swooping down and kicking another off course. She spares a glance seeing the other Bolts doing their best to keep the changelings away from the city. The moondamned bugs turned splitting their focus some of them charging the Bolts too now.

“Buck me..” She grits her teeth and flies.


Okay so the streets really hurt. Lightning groaned pulling herself to her hooves and shook herself off.

“Rainbow 2 Come in Rainbow 2!”

“Rainbow Lead this is Rainbow 2 I’m fine Echo..” She says groaning and rubbing the back of her head “Caught the tail end of one of those damned boomers.” She adds flapping her wings and working to make sure she was okay.

“Rainbow Lead this is Rainbow 2 I check out. I’ll be back up in a flash” She says finally.

“Roger Rainbow 2”

Lightning Dust took off flapping her wings and surveying the scene. She gasped spotting another kamikaze heading for a large building. She grins and moves slamming into the bug and sending it careening away to explode in an empty street. She glances realizing that the building was Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Saved some foals, not a bad day. She turns flying back towards the main battle ground.


Gilda flaps along scanning every street and side street she could. She couldn’t believe she was helping those eggheads, but she couldn’t leave cubs out in this shitstorm. She spotted a glowing dome shield surrounded by bugs. Okay so she got the thrash a bunch of roaches. This wouldn’t be that bad.

Lightning noticed the glowing shield almost the same time she noticed the griffin fighting and increasing number of changelings. She grinned folding her wings into a dive. In a light opal blur she slammed into the changelings sending most of them flying away.

Gilda laugh throwing a roach through a store wall. She spun raking her claws up another. She bucks another two into flight and turns as some pegasus lamewad stole her fun.

“Who the buck are you!” She screams at the new arrival

“Lightning Dust with the Wonderbolts” Lightning replies flashing her flightwings proudly.

“That lame flightgroup Rainbow wanted to join? Ha I can see why she isn’t with you.” Gilda says smirking.

“What the buck does that mean?”

“I mean that's the lamest looking uniform I’ve ever seen” Gilda says turning her back on the pegasus knocking on the shield “Hey you in there. The School sent me to bring you back” She says trying to sound gentle.

“Hey I was talk..” Lightning is cut off as Gilda grips her muzzle shut.

The shield shimmers and falls an exhausted pink unicorn looks up at Gilda. The griffin smiles and reaches out a claw “Lets get you ba…”

“Derpy!” Lightning pulls free of Gilda rushing to the fallen mare. She lifts her in her hooves “What in Tartarus?” She looks up at the storm and then down to the mare in her hooves

“Momma...momma started the storm and then she...she exploded a raincloud right in the middle of them” Amethyst said looking from Lightning to Gilda “The School sent a griffin?”

“The sent only the best” Gilda says puffing up and rubbing her chest. “Ignore the smell I feel asleep in an alley.” She adds quickly. She lifts the exhausted Dinky in her arms and motions for Amethyst to get on her back “Let me get you back there. Sparking Sand bring their mom.” She adds taking flight with the fillies.

“Sparky Sand!?!” Lightning shouts moving Derpy gently onto her back and taking wing.

“Rainbow Lead this is Rainbow 2 got sidetracked helping some ponies out of a jam. I’ll be back in the fight in a minute”

“Hurry the buck up Wonder Lead is down” Echo’s voice said through the radio before cutting off.

Lightning Dust flew as fast as she could back towards The School. Gilda followed not sure what the rush was.


Soarin spun diving towards the explosion Spitfire had vanished in. Landing hard he gallops to her fallen form. This couldn't be happening Spitfire and he'd been flying together for years. He shook his head tears forming in his eyes as he catches sight of her form. His stomach dropped and he stopped in his tracks.

Spitfire lay in a heap her wings broken and twisted. Her armor rent and dented from the force. Her neck canted at an odd angle but on her lips was her smirk. She’d died flying. It was all any pegasus could ask. She'd fulfilled her duty. The Gaurds she'd saved looked at the sight before them before saluting briefly and returning to the fight.

"We'll watch over her Sir" A nearby Guard says to him holding a salute. Soarin nods returning the salute briefly.

“Wonder 2 to all Bolts. Wonder Lead is down keeping fighting. I’m assuming command” He says. Standing he salutes once more before taking wing. They’d be back once every bug in the sky was dead. With a roar that would shame a dragon Soarin threw himself back into the fray.


Lightning and Gilda never got the chance to leave The School again. The top floor of the palace exploded in a flash of rainbow colored lights. All the changelings found themselves thrown to the ground powerless. A wall exploded out from the palace as Chrysalis fled the city. Her wings buzzing as she fled towards the badlands. Before anypony could think to follow the noticed Princess Luna and Discord walking along through the sky letting the queen have a head start.

Author's Note:

Damn tags are full. Meh Se la vi.
Next up DJ Ch4o5 (ft MoonButt) rocks the Badlands