• Published 10th Oct 2013
  • 1,010 Views, 62 Comments

Siege of Canterlot - Peachy Moon

The stories of the normally unsung heroes. See Depry, her daughters, the Wonderbolts, and a down on her luck griffin fight to keep Equestira safe.

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DJ CH4O5 (ft. Moonbutt) Rocks the Badlands

Chrysalis landed hard on the packed earth of the badlands. Her battered body marred by open wounds and coated in her own blood. Her once proud horn shattered to a small nub. She looked back every part of her hurting as she inspects herself for a moment. Her wings buzzed as she checked them. At Least she still had that. She would regain herself and try again. Those ponies would pay for the damage they did to her royal personage! The mocked her with their talk of harmony and love. Love for each other not for her kind! She stood slowly from the dust and shook herself off. She turned looking back towards the fertile lands of Equestria. Her harlequin eyes narrowed as she contemplated her newest failure.

“They will pay”

“No Chrysie they will play!” A voice called from behind her. As she spun to face it her jaw dropped. A stage had appeared behind her a familiar Draconequus standing front and center. The lunar princess behind him bedecked in glow sticks working the turntables. Discord grins his eyes hidden behind a pair of blue shades.

“MUHAHAHAHA!” He threw his head back laughing. It was only then that she noticed the music already blasting from the speakers. Discord spun grabbing the nearby mic. “DISCOOOOORDDDD” He began to sing.

Luna smirked at the look that had become plastered to the changeling Queen’s face. She bumped up the music popping her head as she works the sound for Discord’s little villain song. She grins grabbing Chrysalis in her magic drawing her closer to the stage. “No Chrysalis stay! We insist” She says smirking.

Chrysalis was for her part completely flabbergasted. The god of chaos was deep into his song when she had begun to try and slink away. Caught in the alicorns magic however she was forced to stay and watch. As Discord finished the song with a flourish a spectral audience going wild for him. He tossed the mic away from him as he jumped off the stage.

“Not fun being a captive audience is it Chrysie? I know the feeling 1000 year listening to Celly yammer on in that garden she kept me. You’d think she’d come up with new gripes but no…..” He started on a rant.

“Discord! We came here for a reason!” Luna reminds him hopping down herself. She experimentally tosses one of her glow sticks away jumping back slightly as it too exploded. She glanced at the others hanging from her body and then to Discord “These are safe to wear on our royal personage are they not?” She asks him momentarily forgetting the changeling in front of them.

“Huh? Oh sure. Just don’t jump around much. Anyways right Chrysie, do you know why I’m here?” He asks turning his yellow gaze to the changeling as he lifts the shades off his eyes.

“Celestia forced you to perform your auditory massacre somewhere safe from her little ponies?” Chrysalis asked scowling and trying to look at though she wasn’t scared. She felt like she’d lost a huge part of her. The emptiness from her lack of magic made her feel like a nymph again.

“Hardly” His eyes narrow more. “I’m here because you decided to try your holey hooves at playing villainess. I’m here because you trapped myself and Sunbutt in crystal while you tried your best to take of Equestria. Do you know what your worst mistake was though?” He asked stepping forward and seeming to grow bigger as he loomed over the broken queen.

“W...what?” She asked her voice breaking as she back away from him slightly.

“You scared and threatened a dear friend of mine. I do not like seeing that mare cry. You made her cry. That was your worst mistake!” He said lashing out and back handing the changeling queen. She spun through the air landing hard on the earth. “Insulting that lovely song someone wrote about me, and trying to take a throne that is by all rights mine did not help either” He add checking his nails for damage.

“Discord!” Luna stepped forward frowning “You promised us first hit!” She says sending Chrysalis flying again with her magic. She smiled taking wing lifting the queen once again from the dirt. “We have places to be as well don’t we?” She asks grinning back at Discord. The look the two beings shared caused Chrysalis no end of panic. She glanced at the sky from her magical prison and gasped seeing the sun slowly setting as they flew. Her heart dropped when she saw where they were headed.

Chrysalis his the ground facing the rock spire that hid her hive. She groans trying to ride to her feet only to be forced down by Luna. “No we insist you rest. You must be tired after your long day!” Luna said in mock friendliness. Discord hummed as he skated up on a fresh trail of ice.

“Mind if I play with our toy while you set up the surprise?” He asks grinning slightly. With a snap of his fingers and a flash of light Chrysalis found herself seated a table wearing a pink dress. Discord sat across from her in a frilly pink apron. “Why Mrs Nesbeth would you care for more tea?” He asks holding a foals teapot towards her.

Seeing no real option in the matter Chrysalis shakily lifted her cup in her hooves for him to fill. She was surprised to find actually tea flowing into the cup. She brought it forward sniffing it and looking at Discord warily.

“Oh you act as though I’m going to kill you or something!” He said his grin spreading. “It just us two villains having tea while we wait for the show. You will leave here no worse that you already are. I promise.” He says his grins spreading impossibly wide.

“NO!” Chrysalis threw the tea cup at him. She moved her wings buzzing to life she launched herself towards her hive. “You wo..” Her words were cut off as her wings exploded into paraspites who proceeded to fly away leaving her wingless form laying again in the Badlands’ dirt. She looked back at Discord fear in her eyes. “Leave my changelings alone!” She shouted at him

“I don’t see why I should. You’ve had two chances to leave Equestria alone and you didn’t. Even Luna and I took our first chances to reform. Though Luna was possessed so she might not count.” He says still seated sipping his tea.

“My changelings need the love from Equestria. I had no choice!” She yells looking around just noticing the Lunar Diarch absence.

“I’m the spirit of Chaos Chrysie trust me. There is always a choice” He retorts keeping himself calm. He forced his grin down to a manageable level once more. No use in ruining the joke early after all. “I’ve grown rather partial to Sunbutt and her emo sister. I enjoy spending time with them, I like taking walks with Fluttershy. I love pranking Twilight with Rainbow Dash. I even offered to fix the Ponyville mailmare’s eyes. I like my new life. You could have chosen to swallow that vanity of yours and asked for help.” He says and shakes his head “Sadly like all monarchs it isn’t you who pays the price for her mistakes.

It was then that the first meteor hit the tip of the spire. It was followed by more and more space rocks slamming into the once smooth spire. Chrysalis found herself unable to move as she watched her Hive demolish before her eyes. The dust and rubble was deflected around them as Discord sipped his tea.

“N…..no” Chrysalis’ voice was small as she looked at the destruction. “Yo...you killed them...M...my people!” She spun glaring at Discord. “YOU MURDERED MY HIVE!” She screamed launching herself at him. Another flash of light and she found herself in her ruined throne room. the bodies of her servants crumpled near the door. The room once deep in the hive now stood open to the night sky. Chrysalis swallowed slumping in her throne. She felt her anger grow but all she could do was weep. Her head down she didn’t notice the return of Discord.

“Its not fun seeing it from the other side is it?” He asks her glancing around the room. “Must say I do love what Luna did to the place. It was such a fixer upper” He chuckles again and then looks back to Chrysalis “Don’t worry not all of them are gone. We only took one changeling for each pony you killed in your attacks. That's not too many is it?” He asks lifting Chrysalis’ chin.

“By the Ancestors” Chrysalis said her eyes wide as they locked with his. She felt it deep in her soul. Her hive was empty. Nothing was alive in here with her. Her daughters, servants, the peasants. All gone. “Th..this wasn’t my fault!” She said to him defiantly. “Just leave me to my misery!” She adds in a weaker voice. The weight of her crimes weighing down on her shoulders. She slumped into the throne once again as Discord left her.

He shakes his head stepping out of the illusionary world. He stands next to Luna and sighs. “She’ll come around. She’ll be both pissed and overjoyed afterwards” He says looking to the dark Alicorn

“Well Sister dearest wouldn’t allow us to truly attack her hive. There is still hope for peace.” She says looking through the bars into the cell. Its lone occupant sat lost in Discords illusion.

“This is not as funny as it used to be” Discord mutters to himself as he looks at Chrysalis. She was sobbing into her hooves.

“I’m so sorry…” She whispered to the illusion around her. Discord nods, perhaps there was hope for her after all.

“Tia will come see her when her duties are done” Luna says turning to walk away. "We are sure she will release the..." She stops and takes a deep breath "She will talk with Chrysalis when she can" She says leaving at a quicker pace.

Author's Note:

And now the epilogue and I'm done.