• Published 23rd Oct 2013
  • 464 Views, 119 Comments

After The Happily Ever After - Whiskey Drops

This will be a series of events around Click and his Family. Ditzy and Flower Don't know where it will lead!

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Recovery is slow but sweet

~~~~~Recovery is slow but sweet~~~~

Click was telling about what happened to him yesterday night to Applejack and Rainbow Dash, while Applebloom and Blossom were in her room playing.

“So, he attacked you...almost took you down...till he made a threat to Ditzy and your foal?” Rainbow Dash said as she crossed her foreleg.

“And this happened not to far from the farm?” Applejack asked as Click nodded to both.

“Y-yea, but its all f-fine now I doubt that stallion will bother my family again.”Click said as he let out a sigh.

“Ah'm glad yer fine sugercube.” Applejack as she smiled and placed her over Rainbow Dash's.

“I guess I'll have to find some pony to hold your shift while you recover Click.” Rainbow Dash said as she tilted her head.

“S-sorry for that Rainbow Dash.” click said as he looked down some.

“Its cool Click” Rainbow Dash said as she waved her hoof some.

“so, about before.....is that..normal for you two?” Click asked with a blush as the two mares soon blushed as well.

“Y-yea...I wasn't expecting no pony but Applejack!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she crossed her fore legs and grumbled.

Click and Applejack just chuckled to Rainbow Dash's reaction as she puffed her cheeks some blushing.

“I better get on home in case Ditzy comes home early, she might tie me down if she finds me out of the bed.” Click smiled a his little joke.

Click called for Flower as the two pegasi said their good byes, they started to walk along the road back to their home. Blossom trotted with her father as she nuzzled his leg some, Click smiled to the filly as he slowly leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

“I'm such a lucky father to have a sweet little Flower.”Click smiled to the filly.

“Click!” A voice in the sky Click winced a bit.

Oh, no........I'm in some trouble Click thought to him self as he looked to Ditzy who was landing with her mailbags and wearing a mail hat.

“ Why aren't you laying in bed?” Ditzy had a concerning glare.

“I-I'm sorry dear I w...” Click was stopped by Blossom.

“Its my fault mommy! Daddy was following me to Aunt Applejacks so I can give her the pretty tiara!” Blossom said as Ditzy glare slowly turned into a smile.

“I'm not angry Flower...just worried for your father.” Ditzy said as she stood beside him as he leaned against her.

“Thought we could get back before you were finished dear.” Click said with a weak smile.

“Does standing up right now really tire you this much right now?” Ditzy asked as they started to walk again, Click only nodded lightly.

As the family entered their home Click made his way to the living room and laid on the couch, Ditzy went to make some tea while Flower stayed with her father softly hugging his leg. My sweet Flower. Click smiled as he softly ruffled her mane earning a giggle, Ditzy soon joined in and laid with them draping her wings over both the filly and Click.

Ditzy started to play and tickle Flower, Click only sat there and watched with a smile on his face. The day slowly passed as Click fell asleep on the couch .

“Flower, time for you to go to bed, you have school in the morning.” Ditzy said to her filly.

“Can you sing me my lullaby?”Blossom asked as Ditzy nodded, they both cuddled up with Click who was asleep on the couch, while Ditzy started to hum the lullaby to the filly. The family fell asleep together on the couch .

Click slowly woke up alone in the morning to find a note on the coffee table. Don't you dare leave the house Click, Love Ditzy...'.I better listen to the mare.' Click smiled as the read the note. He slowly made his way up stairs and into their bedroom and looked out the open window. Applejack was going by pulling her cart towards town till she stopped and waved to Click.

“Howdy Click how are ya feelin today?” Applejack asked with a smile.

“ Oh, hello Applejack a lot better actually still weak though!” Click answered with a weak smile.

“ Care to join me on a walk to town?” Applejack offered as Click shook his head.

“I can't Ditzy has me ground in the house.” Click said with a small chuckle.

“Alteast ya listen, I can't get that though Rainbow Dash's head when she is hurt.” Applejack said with a smile.

Applejack waved again as she continued on her way, Click sighed lightly as he looked around to the sky and picked up his camera, he sat there for a while taking a picture now and then. Flower came home as she quickly trotted to her parents room and to her father as she hugged him.

“Have you preened your feathers today before going to school?” Click asked as the filly softly shook her head.

Click just smiled and rolled his eyes some as he turned the filly around and lifted her up in his forelegs, he started to preen the filly's wings. The process didn't take long intill Click sat the filly on the bed and smiled at her.

“There, now your mother won't know!” Click smiled to the filly who giggled.

“Now, how was school today? Did you behave?” Click asked with a smile.

“Yes, daddy I made Miss Cheerlie a tiara too!” Blossom said as she bounced on the bed.

“Your such a sweet filly!” Click lightly nuzzled the top of the filly's head.

Click climbed into the bed with Blossom as she went under the covers, Click just smiled and watched the silly filly. Ditzy soon peeked in as Click looked to her then at the filly still under the covers, Ditzy giggled as she snuck over to where Blossom was about to peek out. Blossom can out and bumped noses with her mother who just smiled at the filly.

“Theres my little Flower!” Ditzy said in a sweet voice.

“Hi, mommy!” Blossom giggled as she crawled out and hugged her mothers neck.

Click smiled as he watched them hug, Ditzy then smiled to Click as she sets the filly down and climbs into bed as well. Blossom laid between her parents smiling as Ditzy leaned down and nuzzled the filly's head. Just one happy pegasi family! Click smiled as he leaned over and gently kissed the mare on her lips.

Author's Note:

I wanted to finish this one up before I go to Comic- con its a lil shorter than the others but its something.
I'll come back and start on another chapter after the Con ;D
maybe I'll get some ideas during the weekend :3