• Published 23rd Oct 2013
  • 462 Views, 119 Comments

After The Happily Ever After - Whiskey Drops

This will be a series of events around Click and his Family. Ditzy and Flower Don't know where it will lead!

  • ...

A Mystery Friend

~~~~~A Mystery Friend~~~~~

A few days after the whole Whisper fiasco, Click was sitting on the couch as he was in a bit of a daydream, Flower cantered down stairs humming as she looked at her father.

“Hello daddy!” Flower said with a smile.

“Hmm? Oh hello my little Flower!” Click answered as he smiled to the filly.

“What are you doing daddy?” Flower asked her father.

“I...was in a bit of a daydream, heh.”Click said with a smile as the filly climbed onto the couch and sat with her father.

“Where is mommy?”Flower asked as she looked to her father.

“She had some extra mail to take out, she will be home shortly.”Click answered as he draped his wing over the filly.

“I love you and mommy!”Flower said with a small yawn as she cuddled to her father.

“We love you too, our little Flower” Click said softly as he smiled to the now sleeping filly.

Click sighed lightly as he kissed the filly on the top of her head, soon the door opened and Ditzy soon walked in and smiled to the stallion and her filly. Click smiled to the mare, she trotted over and nuzzled Click's nose.

“How was your day Muffin?” Ditzy whispered as she smiled.

“Peaceful, and I made you some muffins dear!” Click said with a smile to the mare.

The pegasi parents slowly got their filly up stairs and into her bed, they then cantered down stairs as Click got the muffins and some tea. They sat on the couch eating away on the muffins till Ditzy slowly fell asleep against him. I'm so lucky to be with her!...I love you Ditzy Doo. Click thought as he smiled at the sleeping mare.

Click soon fell asleep after Ditzy, only to be waken by a happy little filly.

“Morning daddy!” Flower said with a giggle as she was sitting on her father's back.

“M-morning little Flower!” Click said as he looked to the filly.

Ditzy trotted in and smiled at the two she then giggled, as Click slowly got from the couch with the filly on his back.

“Come on Flower, your father has to go help some pony with a favor.” Ditzy said with a smile.

“I almost forgot....Ditzy what would I do with out you?” Click said with a chuckle as the filly climbed off.

Click picked up his camera and saddlebags as he said his goodbyes, he made his way towards Sweet Apple Acres for the Apple Family Reunion this year to take a few pictures. Click arrived at the farm to be greeted by Applejack.

“Ah'm sure glad ya can make it sugercube!”Applejack as she trotted over with a smile

“Wouldn't miss it Applejack! might even get some cider this time!” Click said with a smile.

The Apple Family was gathering and their festives kicked off, Click joined in along with some of the dancing along with a good deal of the cider after the pictures. He was stumbling home being a tad bit drunk from several mugs of cider.

“Again....s-s-such a wonderful family of ponies!!”Click said as he stumbled along the road with a blush on his cheeks.

Along the way a pony that was passing thru saw Click in his state and approached him, the pony had a fur pattern of a Pikachu but his mane fur was red,

“Um... are you... ok? your kinda... walking funny.” The pony asked with a bit of concern.

“I'm just peachy friend!....just going....uh yea! going back home to my family!” Click said as he had a goofy smile on his face.

“Um... I... don't want to seem rude but... I think you had a bit too much cider. Might be best to get some bed rest so you don't hurt yourself.”The pony said.

“I....live down this road....down near Ponyville!....I learned my lesson from flying......did i? Uhhhh.” Click said as he sat down and tapped his chin with his hoof.

“How about I escort you so you don't get lost?” The pony offered.

“That...would be just great!......thanks a how..lot...uh..... “ Click slowly looked to the pony as he stood and squinted some.

“Don't worry, I'll make sure you get home safely. Don't want you doing anything you might regret.” The pony said as he grabbed Click's hoof.

“I'm a fool under....uh...wonder Flower is asleep,...” Click said as he followed the pony.

After asking around some they finally came to Click's home as he was lead inside.

“Well, here we are. Please be safe, I may not know you yet, but I don't want any pony getting hurt... Especially when I'm not exactly what you'd call a local.” The pony said.

“Thanks friend!”Click managed to say before he passed out onto the couch.

Ditzy at this moment and peeked down stairs from the top and spotted the two.

“Oh, you managed to find my Click? “Ditzy said with a smile as she cantered downstairs.

“Out drinking cider, yes. I led him here so he would get into more trouble because of it.” The pony said with a smile.

“Well, thank you for that!.....Click some how finds trouble like the part with the manticore....want some muffins? “ Ditzy said as she trotted to the kitchen.

“Sure I'd love a muffin or two. I saw some pony dressed in armor on the way here. What's that about?” The pony said as he tilted his head.

“I'm not sure..I don't know anything of it.” Ditzy said as she got the tray of muffins.

“They looked cool whatever they were. Is this normal for him to drink like this?”The pony asked as he took a couple of muffins.

“Not often, mostly only when he goes to the Apple Family Reunions.” Ditzy said with a smile as she brushed her hoof thru Click's mane.

“I don't understand how cider can make you tipsy though.” The pony asked as he shrugged lightly.

“Well, judging by Click I would say they had some hard cider...and pegasi are more influenced by hard cider than a earth ponies and unicorns.” Ditzy said as she giggled as she looked at the pony.

“Makes sense I suppose.” The pony smiled as he at the blueberry muffins.

“Need a place to stay for a while? I'm sure Click wouldn't mind it!” Ditzy asked as she smiled eating one of the muffins.

The two talked for a small while till the pony said his goodbyes and continued along his way, leaving Ditzy with a sleeping Click she only giggled as she nuzzled his cheek. Silly Click, good night. I love you. Ditzy thought as she smiled to the sleeping stallion. Morning slowly came as Click woke up in a quiet home.

“Uh....what happened last night?” Click softly said as he slowly got up and placed a hoof on his head.

Hard cider....isn't a friendly hang over... Click thought as he laid back down and sighed as he looked at the table with some muffins, he smiled knowing full well who left those there for him.

Author's Note:

A small chapter with a buddy I added his pony in this bit ;D
A drunk Click... eh he isn't wild =p....just a lil confused and a bit silly!