• Published 23rd Oct 2013
  • 464 Views, 119 Comments

After The Happily Ever After - Whiskey Drops

This will be a series of events around Click and his Family. Ditzy and Flower Don't know where it will lead!

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A Whispering Void

~~~A Whispering Void~~~~~

Click slowly opened his eyes to the forest around him. What.....wait..where is Ditzy!Click thought as he looked around franticlly not seeing the mare anywhere around him.

“DITZY!?!?!? “ Click called out with his eyes wide.

You.....have.....too....find.....her.”A whispering voice in the air said.

“Where is she!!” Click growled to himself as he looked around.

Nothing, just nothing.

“What in the hay is going on!” Click mumbled to himself as her started to canter along in the forest.

Where is she!...Where are we!Click thought as he walked, he seemed to walk for an hour. Click stopped as he heard some twigs snap off to his left, he stood there listening till a brown earth stallion stumbled from the bushes.

“Doctor??” Click said as he slowly cantered to the stallion.

“Click, was it? What are you doing here?” Doctor asked as he shook his head.

“I can ask you the same! What is going on?” Click asked as he took off the helmet and dropped it on the ground.

“Don't look at me, I was in the forest looking! Wait.....where is Ditzy?” Dr.Whooves said as he looked around.

“I'm looking for her at the moment, we were together before...well we came here I guess.” Click said as he shurgged.

“ Great , the ones I care for caught in the middle of something!”Dr.Whooves growled to himself.

“Caught in what!?!”Click said as he got face to face with the Doctor glaring at him.

“I don't know!...I was in the middle of finding out!”Dr Hooves said.

Click took a step back and sighed.

“Sorry, I snapped...I'm just confused and worried for Ditzy, she is out there somewhere I can feel it.” Click looked to the Doctor just hung his head some.

“I was hoping that she wouldn't get pulled into this.” Dr. Whooves said as he looked to Click.

“ I was tracking a flux around in this timeline.”Dr. Whooves said like it was normal.

“Time flux??...Okay I assume its some sort of Time Lord thing right?” Click said as he shook his head some.

“Right...don't worry Click....I won't let anything happen to Ditzy....I promise!” Dr. Whooves said as he started to canter off followed by Click.

“I'm making sure, so I'm coming with!” Click said to the Doctor.

“No argument from me!” He said as Click trotted with him.

The two stallions trot along in the unending forest, Click glanced to the Doctor every now and then.

“S-so.....do you know...what is happening?” Click asked the Doctor.

“....Not exactly...its just something! I never quite understood Equestria!”Dr. Whooves said.

“Well, I never heard of something that can just snatch ponies from out of no where!”Click said as he looked to the Doctor.

“Neither have I.” Dr. Hooves said as he looked to Click.

“So, your saying....its not from Equestria?”Click asked.

“Maybe......maybe not....that is half the fun.” Dr. Whooves said with a smile.

“Well, I don't know whats fun with Ditzy out there!” Click said as he hung his head some.

“Whats...doing this anyway?” Click asked as he looked to the Doctor.

“I don't know....all I know is that its telepathic and it does something like mind games.”Dr. Whooves said.

“Mind games.....what do you mean of that?”Click asked as he tilted his head as the Doctor then looked at him.

“I can understand why I'm here or even Ditzy.......but why you?”Dr. Whooves asked.

“What....I'm not sure.....why would this thing be after Ditzy?” Click said as he glared to the Doctor.

“Well..... since she...has traveled around with me though time and space... she is covered in Void particles like me...this thing I believe lives off stuff like void particles.”Dr. Whooves explained.

“W-what are void particles?” Click asked confused.

“Its.....well there is a void between every timeline or world.....” He stopped as he saw Click hanging his head.

“ I...don't understand...its a Time Lord thing again right?”Click said as he slowly looked at the Doctor.

“Yyyyeaa, lets just go with that!” Dr. Whooves said as he looked around.

The two finally stopped as they looked at the helmet that Click left behind as they looked at each other.

“ Have we been walking in a circle?” Click said as he looked at the Doctor.

“That or a never ending straight line loop” Dr.Whooves said.

“You said this thing does mind games....what if its making us walk in a circle?” Click said as he looked to the Doctor who only looked back.

“Maybe but I'm still questioning why you are here Click....you don't have any void particals on you?”Dr. Whooves said as he tilted his head some.

“I don't know!...What if it just doesn't feed off of the void things?” Click asked.

“Maybe...” The Doctor didn't get to finish as he suddenly just poof in a cloud of black smoke.

“Doctor!!!” Click yelled as he glanced around.

There was a chill in the air as a soft dark chuckle filled the air around him, Click only glared and looked about for the sound of the chuckling.

“What are you!?” Click yelled as he slammed his hoof into the grass.

I..am......a....Whisper!” The voice said as it formed in front of Click.

The creature it self had the look of a Changleing but it seemed to be like a see though misty shadow, its solid deep blue eyes seemed to look into him as Click took a step back and kept his glare.

“What do you want with us!?” Click growled .

I.....want....to...feast.....the...void.....and.....the...love....you...share.......for...that...mare.” The Whisper said as it grinned.

“You won't do no such thing!” Click yelled as he jumped at the creature only to fall though it.

Fool.....I.....am....here.....and...not...here......I'm real...but...not...real!” The Whisper said as it turned to the confused stallion.

“How...can I defend against what isn't there.....but it is?” Click mutter to himself as the creature circled him.

Click soon fell to the ground suddenly drain of his strength and soon blacked out, Ditzy and the Doctor both looked as Click formed into the cell where they were being held. Both her and the Doctor rushed to his side as he slowly came too.

“D-Ditzy?......Is that you?”Click asked as he looked to the smiling mare in tears.

“Yes! Its me Click!” Ditzy said as she ran her hoof over Click's mane.

“It said it was a Whisper?”Click softly said as he looked to the Doctor as he shook his head.

“Never heard of something called that.” Dr. Whooves answered.

“It....looked like it was a Changleing but.. a shadow or something.”Click said as he got up some and hugged Ditzy close.

“A hybrid creature.....or created by certain elements? Simple given if the right events taking place.” Dr. Whooves said as he looked to the couple.

“Well, it does feed off of love...like a Changleing but acts of something else with the void stuff?” Click asked as the Doctor was in thought.

“The Doctor will think of something Click.....he always does.”Ditzy said with a soft smile.

“Lets hope......we got a filly back home in Equestria.” Click answered as he nuzzle the mare's cheek.

“It has us.....two different sources of food!..you two for the love! And me and Ditzy for the void particles!!.Dr. Whooves exclaimed as he paced around some.

“Is this how he works on ideas Ditzy?” Click asked as he watched the Doctor.

“Most of the time, but to be safe we should try to help best we can!”Ditzy said as she looked to Click.

“Wait!.....Didn't you say it plays mind games Doctor?.....Can't we use that to our advantage?” Click asked as he looked to the Doctor.

“It could...but its telepathic …..and a strong one at that if its got me in here! I don't even have my sonic screwdriver on me!” Dr. Whooves shook his head some in thought.

“A what? N-nevermind! There has got to be something we can do!” Click said as he sat there and looked around.

“It should have all three of us gathered up somewhere close if we can be here like this, somewhere in....what was it called? The Everfree Forest right?” Dr. Whooves said.

“Yes, me and Click were in front of the forest before we came here..” Ditzy said as she looked to the Doctor.

“But to get out of this...is sort of beyond me, Time Lords never understood how things worked here in Equestria!” Dr. Whooves said as he looked to a wall.

Click came up to the iron doors peering around out of the slit on the door, There has to be a way out of this! Click thought to himself as he looked to the floor. He felt a wing drape over him as he looked to Ditzy who was smiling softly as she rested her head on his shoulder.

The creature formed in the middle of the cell, Click got infront of Ditzy with his wings flared out as he glared to the creature. Ponyfeathers!...this is different from a manticore! Its a friend and my wife this time! Click thought as he kept his glare to the grinning creature.

Such.....foolish....actions....there....is.....no...denying......the......end!” The Whisper said with its grin.

“Its sort of known that I'm a fool over somethings!” Click said deadpanned towards the creature.

You......think....your....a....hero.....just...because...you.....are...dressed.....in....fake...armour!”The Whisper said seeming amused.

“I'm no hero!...I'm just the luckiest....strangest...and happiest stallion in Equestria!” Click yelled as he lunged towards the creature with a faint blue aura around him.

Click tackled into the surprised creature he quickly slammed his hoof down onto its face as it bucked him off, How am I able to touch it now? Whats with this aura? Click thought as he turned and bucked the creature making it reel back some.

“Click what did you do!?” Ditzy asked surprised along side with the Doctor.

“Nothing...what ever is going on!.....I can do something about it!....No pony harms my friends...or family!” Click said as his mood seemed to change a lil as he glared daggers to the creature.

Click caught sight of Luna peeking in though the window as Click looked back to the creature. I'm bait it seems......again. Click thought as he walked around the creature to get its gaze from Ditzy, The Doctor and door as it slowly opened. Luna ushered them out, the two woke up on the forest floor as they looked to Luna.

“What about Click! You can't leave him to that thing!”Ditzy said as she shot up looking to Click who was asleep beside her.

“We are sorry fair Ditzy, but we must find the creature it self while Click keeps it busy!” Luna said as she looked to Click as well.

“Well, what are we waiting for!” Dr. Whooves said as he pulled his sonic screwdriver out.

Click on the other hoof is barely able to keep the creature at bay, he slowly stood again after being knocked down. Ditzy stayed with Click while the other two ran off to find the source, Ditzy sat by his side looking down at him with concern. Please.....make it out Click....I need you.....our Flower needs you. Ditzy thought to her self as she sniffled lightly.

“How did you know we were in trouble Luna?” Dr. Whooves asked as they were running deeper into the forest.

“We are the Princess Of The Night! Dreams are with in thou's domain!” Luna answered.

Back to Click and the Whisper.

Click slowly gotten back up as his legs trembled a bit. Can't last much longer.... Click thought as he stumbled back avoiding an attack of dark mist. Click tackled the creature into a wall and headbutted it as he recoiled back.

Something funny happened at the moment, the Whisper froze in place and then he heard Ditzy calling out his name then nothing. Click sat there in the darkness, What happened?.....did I win?......did I lose? Click thought to himself in his dark prision.

“Where am I?” Click muttered.

“Click”A faint voice called.

“How did I get here?”Click muttered to himself again.

Everything was bright to him as he woke up in a hospital bed with a mare pressed against him, part of the bed was drenched in tears along with his mane and a filly was laying on her fathers other side. He saw the Doctor as he walked up with a bit of a smile.

“Finally awake” Doctor whispered.

“What happened....and to it?” Click whispered back.

“Well, while me and Luna looked for the source....she sort of empowered you to take it on to distract it, given the fact that it can feed of its host while it keeps them asleep!”Dr. Whooves said as he sat there.

“We didn't know that breaking the blacken gem would put you in a shock of some kind, you have been in here for a week,,,,sleeping” Dr. Whooves said

“A....week? Has....these two been here?” Click asked as he looked to a sleeping Ditzy and Flower.

“Oh, yes....every day....Click........I'm going to tell you something.....your a very lucky stallion.”Dr. Whooves said.

“I tell myself that everyday Doctor...” Click smiled some as the Doctor chuckled.

The pegasi family rejoiced, and the time traveler soon left again. Click held his family close and smiled. I'm a foolish....lucky pony. Click though as he slowly cantered out back home with his family, if you ever fill a chill in the air and a soft whisper inside your head......RUN!!!!

Author's Note:

I.....have spent ALL day doing this....ALL DAY....I'm quite pooped though worth it! a whole lot of fun this has been!

And given the fact i was watching Doctor Who all day doesn't help!
I like the creature took me a while to come up with meh. I like how it went hope every pony does too!!