• Published 5th Nov 2013
  • 7,685 Views, 213 Comments

Family Mares - SolidFire

Two young mares find out what love really is when they show it to a filly who needs it the most.

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Just Dropping By

Just Dropping By

The Wonderbolts flew in formation, away from the arena. It had been a great show. The fans were wild, the stunts performed with perfection, and nopony on the team got hurt. It was all Soarin could ask from a show. However, despite being the team captain, his job was losing its luster. He loved every second of it while he was in the air, but he wouldn't complain if he could get some personal time every once in a while. He thought about his friend Spitfire. Since she had quit the team for Rainbow Dash (from the sound of things, she wasn't asked nicely to do so) he hadn't even sent her a letter. The last time he saw her was at her wedding. A pang of regret entered his mind at the memory of the wedding. The look on her face when he told her he had to leave the reception early to prepare for the show was not one he was likely to forget. He saw the heartbreak in her eyes, but he couldn't do anything about it. He had a job to do.

After a short flight, the Wonderbolts got back to their dressing room. After getting his gear off and taking a shower, Soarin went to see his coach.

"I need some time off," he said.

"For?" Although Soarin's coach was brilliant at his job, he never was one for words.

"Personal time. Going to see an old friend."


"Yes." It was buckin' creepy how well he did that. He could practically read the minds of everypony on the team.

"How long?"

"A week."

"Alright. Not a day more."

"Understood." Soarin turned and walked out the door.

Back in Ponyville...

Spitfire was making dinner when she heard something that she hadn't heard in a long time. The doorbell. The only pony who ever used it was Derpy the mail pony, and she only hit it once because she was seeing double. As far as she was concerned, the mailbox was tricking her. She walked to the door and looked out the spyhole. She was not pleased with what she saw. She opened the door and looked at her old friend.


"Hey Spitfire. Long time no see." Soarin was met with a hoof to his face.


"I'm sorry, Spitfire. I had every intention of talking with you sooner, but I just kept getting caught up at work."

"Of course you did," Spitfire said flatly. She had every intention of forgiving her friend, but she wasn't about to let him off easy. "Come on in. Rainbow will be home soon. I'd rather not let dinner burn over this conversation." With that, she turned around and briskly walked back to the kitchen. "Close the door on your way in." That didn't go as well as Soarin had hoped, but it was about as well as he expected. He knew Spitfire wasn't one to hold a grudge, but when she was as pissed as she was at him, it would take a serious flank kissing to get her to forgive him.

"Hey Mom, what was all the yelling about?" Scootaloo asked. Soarin stopped dead in his tracks. Spitfire was a mom?

"Wait, what? You're a MOM? How the Hay did you manage that?!"

"Rainbow and I adopted her," Spitfire answered.


"Two weeks ago!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "Who's this guy Mom?"

"An old friend who is in a lot of trouble." Spitfire didn't look up from her cooking. Scootaloo examined Soarin more closely.

"I know you! You're Soarin, right?"


"In that case, I'll be in my room. Let me know when dinner's done."

"Will do Scoot."

"What, you hate me too kid?"

"Nope. I just don't want to die quite yet." With that, Scootaloo casually walked to her room. Soarin was now far less than comfortable being in this household.

Rainbow stood outside the door to the library, planning her next move. It wasn't something she was used to. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time she had tried. Apologies just weren't her thing. But she knew that, right now, she owed one to Twilight. Just because Twilight was wrong didn't mean Rainbow had to yell at her like she did. Twilight was just being Twilight. Emotions weren't her thing. If it couldn't be found in a book, then there was no way in Equestria she could comprehend it. She was just thinking objectively about what would be best for Scootaloo from what the numbers game showed her. Rainbow lifted her hoof and knocked at the door. It opened and a small dragon stood in the doorway.

"Twilight! Rainbow's here!" Spike called and left the doorway, with the help of Twilight's flank as she slammed into him.

"You're pretty rough with that poor dragon Twi," Rainbow joked.

"I'm sorry Rainbow Dash. I never should have doubted your abilities to take care of Scootaloo."

"Look, I just-wait, what?" Rainbow didn't understand this. Why was Twilight apologizing to her?

"I read a book about adoption, and it said-" Of course, this had to be prompted by a book. Typical Twilight. Rainbow chuckled.

"What's funny?" Twilight asked, now rather confused.

"You," Rainbow replied. "Can I come in? It's kinda cold outside."

"Yes, of course." Twilight stepped aside and let her friend walk through the door.

A couple of comfortable ponies later...

"The book said that adoptions are better for orphaned and abused foals because it gives the foal a set of parents who love and are able to have a close relationship with the foal," Twilight said. It sounded like she was quoting the book verbatim. Rainbow assumed she was.

"That's what I tried to tell you last time I was here," Rainbow said. "But I didn't come here for that. I came to... to... to say that... I'm... I'm sorry." Twilight was stunned. Did Rainbow Dash just apologize? What for? She had every reason to be angry with Twilight. She decided to let it play out.

"Sorry for what?" Twilight asked.

"Yelling at you. I know you were looking out for Scoot, and you were doing it in a way that is completely... well, you. I should have been calmer."

"I... apology accepted," Twilight said. "So... does that mean you accept my apology?"

"Yeah, it does," Rainbow said.

"Wanna stick around for a while? I can have Spike make tea."

"I'd love to, but I need to get back home. Spitfire's making dinner and I have a present for Scootaloo."

"What are you giving her?" Twilight asked with a curious smile.

"My old guitar," Rainbow answered. Now it was her turn to smile. "She loves her music, I'm just giving her a chance to act on that. Which reminds me, could you enchant these?" Rainbow pulled the guitar talons out of her saddlebags. "They need to be enchanted to work in sync with the user's mind or they'd be better used as paperweights."

"Are these also yours from when you were her age?" Twilight asked.


"You kept them in good condition."

"No. I took them to Dr. Whooves for a checkup." Twilight shuddered.

"That guy creeps me out," she said.

"Me too, but he does a great restoration."

"That he does," Twilight agreed. "Back to the enchantment. You'll have to bring Scootaloo here sometime if you want those enchanted. I can't do an enchantment like that unless she's wearing them."

"Alright, how does tomorrow at three sound?" Rainbow suggested.

"Perfect. Spike!"

"Already wrote it in your schedule, Twilight!" Spike responded.

"He's good," Rainbow noted.

"Yes, yes he is," Twilight agreed.

"Well, I should get going. See you tomorrow Twi!"

"Bye Rainbow!" Twilight called after her. With that, Rainbow took to the sky and headed home.

When Rainbow touched down on the patio, she could smell dinner from inside. Carrot stew. Spitfire knew how to please her wife. Rainbow hoped her wife was up for a "Gold Rush" tonight. She had earned one for making Rainbow's favorite meal. She opened the door and the scent of the stew blasted her nostrils with a rush of pure ecstasy. But what got her attention was the familiar pegasus in the house. One that she hadn't seen or heard from in eight months.

"Hey Soarin, what's up?" she asked nonchalantly as she set her saddlebags down by the door.

"Just got a thrashing from your wife," he said.

"You know you deserve it, right?"

"Yeah. I think she forgave me at some point during the end of her rant. She offered me dinner tonight and a room while I'm off work. She's preparing it with your kid right now."

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..." Rainbow began to count. She could begin to hear short staccato wing beats.

"Umm, what are you counting for?" Soarin asked.

"Three, two, one." As she hit one, an orange blur slammed into her and knocked her to the ground.

"Another successful glomp by Scootaloo," Spitfire laughed. Rainbow now had Scootaloo pinned and was tickling her into a fit of giggles.

"You're starting to take after Pinkie Pie, Scoot. Before long, you'll be throwing parties left and right," Rainbow laughed.

"You know, being Pinkie can't be that bad," Scootaloo said. "Nopony understands her, but everypony loves her."

"I'm hoping you'll be a peg above her as far as comprehension is concerned," Rainbow said to Scootaloo. "Come on, let's eat. I'm starving. By the way, I have something to give you after dinner."

"What is it?!" Scootaloo asked, excitement now welling up in her.

"You'll find out after dinner," Rainbow answered. With that, Scootaloo was at her usual spot at the table, utensils in hoof and ready to eat.

After dinner...

"This was mine when I was your age," Rainbow said to Scootaloo as she pulled the guitar out of her saddlebags. "I know how much you like music, so here's your chance to start making it. I'll take you to Twilight's tomorrow so we can get the talons enchanted so you can use them.”

"This is AWESOME! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome. Now, go into the world and create awesomeness for all to hear," Rainbow said with a comic, prophetic voice.

"And you can start tomorrow," Spitfire said. "For now it's time for bed."

"Awwwwwww," Scootaloo sighed and dropped her head.

"Go on Scoot. The sooner you get to sleep the sooner we can get those talons enchanted for you," Rainbow said. Scootaloo then bolted to her bedroom.

"Goodnight Mom! Goodnight Mom! Goodnight Soarin!"

"Goodnight Scootaloo!" they all called back in unison.

"Your filly sure is energetic," Soarin noted. "Why'd you adopt her?"

"Well, we technically haven't adopted her yet," Spitfire replied. "Her dad abandoned her here. He's not a stable stallion."

"What do you mean?" Soarin asked intently.

"He mistreated her very badly," Rainbow said. "We're gonna put her in therapy as soon as we can find somepony close who can help her."

"And if you can't find anypony nearby?" Soarin asked.

"Then we'd gladly take her to Manehatten if we had to."

"You two are gonna make great parents," Soarin said.

Author's Note:

Disclaimer once again (because I know you're tired of hearing it) I did not write this story, nor do I take any credit for it. I simply got the permission of the author and the okay by the site's moderators to put it back up.