• Published 5th Nov 2013
  • 7,685 Views, 213 Comments

Family Mares - SolidFire

Two young mares find out what love really is when they show it to a filly who needs it the most.

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Spitfire eased herself into the soft cloud couch. Rainbow let her off early, seeing as she finished her weather jobs first, as usual. She had nothing to do without her "fun-loving" wife around, so she decided to just unwind a little. She thought back on the last few months, how she was now fully settled into a relationship she was initially afraid to allow the public to know about. Flying with the Wonderbolts was an amazing experience, but it was a small sacrifice to hang onto Dash. When her coach had told her that she was either going to leave Rainbow or leave the Wonderbolts... well, he decided to drop the assault charge after hanging hog-tied from the ceiling fan by a team uniform that just happened to match Spitfire's size. Spitfire grinned at the memory. Living in Ponyville and working for its weather team wasn't exactly what she had dreamed of as a filly, but after achieving her foalhood dreams she was content to settle down. And who better to settle with than Rainbow Dash. Despite her sometimes cocky and arrogant demeanor, she was deep down one of the most kindhearted, and definitely the most loyal pony she had ever met. She thought back to that first night when Rainbow crashed into her cloud home.

"Now that I think about it, I only patched that hole... I wonder what the new owners are going to think when that opens up again. Meh, we'll cross that bridge when we get there," Spitfire thought aloud. She knew that she would always look back at that night in every vivid detail...

Eight months earlier

Somehow, by means that were vastly illusive to Spitfire, Rainbow Dash won the race. I couldn't have rigged that one any further to my advantage...How the hay did she...

"Spitfire, hello? If you're spaced out you can't hear me gloat about how I just left you in my wake!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, loud enough that the whole world probably heard her. It was enough to snap the defeated Wonderbolt back to her senses. Sort of.

"How did you do that?" Spitfire asked. "There was no way you could have possibly won!"

"I'm the fastest flyer in Equestria, duh! Everypony knows that. Besides, at the pace you were going, I'll bet Fluttershy could've beat you." Rainbow made no attempt to hide the challenge.

Spitfire remembered the shy pegasus... and how weak of a flyer she was.

"You're ON Rainbow Dash."

"First one to Sweet Apple Acres gets bragging rights," Rainbow Dash said as she lined up on the starting cloud.

"That's forty miles from here." Spitfire wondered what the hay was going on in that pony's head.

"Don't tell me you're scared of an endurance run."

"Not in the slightest."

The race to the Apple Orchard ended with Rainbow Dash in front... again. Not only was Rainbow everything she looked for in a mare, she was a competent challenger in a race. Spitfire knew that no stallion would ever be able to keep up with her, let alone beat her in a race. Not even Soarin'. She caught herself staring as Rainbow gloated over her second victory. Okay, maybe that could get annoying after a while. She sighed. As much as she wanted the beautiful cyan pegasus, she knew she could never have her. Then Rainbow knocked Spitfire back into the real world.

"You know Spitty, if you really want me that bad, we could just have a race back to my place and call it good."

"Yeah... wait WHAT?!" Was Rainbow really so bold as to just insinuate THAT without ever having been on a date!?

"Woah now Rainbow, slow down there. I plan to wait until... Rainbow?" It was then that Spitfire noticed her crush rolling on the ground in a fit of laughter so powerful she couldn't stop the tears from pouring down her face.

"That was the funniest thing I've seen since I gave Twilight my patented Rain Blow Dry!!!!"

"What was funny?" inquired a thoroughly confused Spitfire.

"You snapping back into reality and taking that comment seriously. You zone out too much. Plus that time you were staring at me the whole time. I was gonna cross my legs, but that was SO much more fun."

Spitfire rolled her eyes and dove on top of Rainbow Dash. Before the pinned pegasus could react, Spitfire planted a passionate kiss on her lips.

"What do you say we pick this up tomorrow?" Spitfire enticingly inquired.

"Sounds good."

"Your place?"


"Good answer."

Before Rainbow Dash could react, Spitfire got up and took to the skies.

"Don't you go telling all your friends about that now. I'd like to keep my job until I at least settle down."

Rainbow was too dumbfounded to even try to fly after her. Her crush just KISSED her, without warning, and made plans for the next day. She tried to fly home, only to find that her wings were so stiff she couldn't properly use them.

"I really hope I get to dive deeper into that..." Rainbow thought aloud before relaxing in the shade of an immense apple tree as Celestia's sun set over Ponyville, replaced by the beautiful dark hue of Luna's night sky.

Author's Note:

Disclaimer once again, I did not write this story, nor do I take any credit for it. I simply got the permission of the author and the okay by the site's moderators to put it back up. I'll be posting up chapters every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.