• Published 5th Nov 2013
  • 7,685 Views, 213 Comments

Family Mares - SolidFire

Two young mares find out what love really is when they show it to a filly who needs it the most.

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He Won't Hurt Me Again

He Won’t Hurt Me Again

Scootaloo sobbed the whole walk to her father's house from the castle. How did this happen? Why would the Princess send her back to the man who had nearly driven her to suicide before she met her friends in Ponyville? She couldn't begin to think of what had made Princess Celestia feel that this was the right choice.

"Shut up, you're driving me crazy with all that crying!" Scootaloo knew she would regret her next course of action when she got to his house, but she didn't care.

"Buck you. I hate you."

"Talk to me like that again and you'll wish you didn't have a mouth."

"So I can prove that you've been hurting me and your wife my whole life?"

"I don't care if you don't stay in my care very long. As long as you're not with those fillyfoolers, I'm quite indifferent as to who raises you."

"THAT'S WHAT THIS WAS ABOUT?!" Scootaloo couldn't believe it. She knew her dad wasn't right in the head, but he went this far over his hatred for same sex relationships?! "YOU'RE A MONSTER!"

"I prefer naturalist. Fillyfooling is an unnatural perversion of ponykind. Oh, I forgot to mention this the last time you stayed at my house, you know, when you snuck off to that perversion of a wedding. If I ever catch you with another mare, I'll kill both of you. Clear?" By that time, they had arrived at her father's house.

"Buck. You. You're not my father, you don't get to tell me what to do." In truth, Scootaloo wasn't into mares at all, but if it meant spiting her dad a little, she could play with the idea. A hoof was brought down on her muzzle.

"I told you what would happen if you ever spoke to me like that again." Her father was smiling. He had control over Scootaloo once again. He loved it. Scootaloo ran away from him, even though she had no idea where she was going to go, but she had to go somewhere. She found what appeared to be a guest room. She threw the door open, ran in, kicked it closed, and dove onto the bed and began to sob. After what felt like hours, she lifted her head. She noticed something bouncing around in her mouth and spat it out. Laying in a puddle of blood on the floor was a tooth. She put her head down and began to cry until, eventually, she drifted off to sleep.

Rainbow walked quickly through the hallways of her school with her head down. She was too ashamed to look up. She felt unclean since the night Sky Scraper had raped her. She hated him for it, but she hated herself even moreso. She was worthless, just somepony for sex hungry colts to indulge themselves in. To satisfy their cravings that they couldn't find from somepony else. A voice interrupted her from her thoughts; the last voice she wanted to hear.

"Guys, check it out! It's Rainbow Slut!" They sure loved making fun of how she liked to introduce herself by her full name. Rainbow picked up the pace until she felt a hoof between her hind legs. "I planted my flag right there!" Tears began to fall down her face. Sky Scraper wrapped a foreleg around her waist and pulled her to him.

"Hey Sky Scraper, think I could have a turn with her?" asked a pegasus with a deep brown coat and a barbell cutie mark.

"Sure thing Dumbbell! Rainbow Slut would be happy to oblige!” Rainbow Dash squirmed away from Sky Scraper and bolted down the hallway. Tears were pouring down her face.

"Hey, get back here, I want my turn!" Rainbow burst through the doors of the schoolhouse and ran to the edge of Cloudsdale. She went to the only place she felt she could be alone. At this time during the drift, Cloudsdale overlooked the most beautiful scene in all of Equestria. The Canterlot Waterfall. As she stared at the falling water, she thought back to the last three weeks.

Everyday since that fateful day... it had been the same. Sky Scraper and his friends had tormented her, calling her Rainbow Slut and making it out to be her decision. Everypony at school viewed her as the school slut, and the only people being remotely friendly to her were sex hungry colts looking for a date. She looked over the edge of the city. It would be so easy. She pressed her wings tight to her side.

"Just one step. One step and it's all over. It would look like I was going for a flight. No one would suspect it." She raised a hoof over the edge of the cloud. "Just one step..."

Scootaloo woke with fresh tears in her eyes. She wasn't going to let her father hurt her anymore. She quietly tip-hoofed down the stairs to the garage. She knew she couldn't run away, everypony would know where she went and take her right back while punishing Rainbow and Spitfire for taking her back in. She only had one way out of this.

She thought back to the events that got here to where she was now. She was so happy with Rainbow and Spitfire. She meant the world to them, and they to her. They showed her love. They taught her to soar, both literally and figuratively. They gave her hope for a future, and a bright one at that. They fought Royal Guards for her where her father wouldn't even fight his dignity for her.

She had a life with Rainbow and Spitfire. She had a family. Then none other than Princess Celestia herself took it all from her. She remembered the look on Spitfire's face while she was being pulled away. While her adoptive mother was encased in Celestia's magic, she had looked so helpless. Scootaloo had fought with all her might to get back to her, but the filly was far too weak to pull away from her father and the accompanying guards.

Scootaloo stepped into the garage of her father's home. She walked to a toolbench and found a long extension cord. It would do the trick. She took it in her mouth and walk back up to the room she had cried herself to sleep in. She looked at the bed she had just slept in. The dream she had about Rainbow Dash broke her heart. She couldn't think of Rainbow, one of the strongest ponies she had ever met, reduced to somepony so weak. To almost take that step. Scootaloo was very happy Rainbow hadn't. Even if she was about to herself.

As she tied the cord to the ceiling fan (a relatively simple task given that this was not a cloud home) she thought deeper about what she was doing. She was about to perform the most selfish act a pony could perform. Back before she had moved to Ponyville, she didn't understand what kept her from it, for she had wanted to die more than anything else. Anything to get her away from her father, and that would be the quickest solution.

She thought back and realized she never had the means to before she moved to Ponyville. When she finally arrived at Ponyville, she made friends and had a reason to keep going with her life. Now, once again, she had nopony. Only memories of better times. She hadn't even been in Ponyville for a whole year and she knew she would never be able to live anywhere else. She began to tie a noose around the other end of the cord. Tears again streamed down her face, blurring her vision. She dragged a hoof across her face to clear her eyes. There was no turning back now. She pulled a chair under her impromptu gallows. The cord with which she would meet her death.

"I'm sorry Rainbow. I'm sorry Spitfire. Sweetie Belle... Applebloom... I'm sorry... I love you all..." As she finished her apology, she stepped on the chair and slid her head through the noose.

Author's Note:

Disclaimer once again (because keeping up with this is so much better than getting essays done) I did not write this story, nor do I take any credit for it. I simply got the permission of the author and the okay by the site's moderators to put it back up.