• Published 5th Nov 2013
  • 7,684 Views, 213 Comments

Family Mares - SolidFire

Two young mares find out what love really is when they show it to a filly who needs it the most.

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It's Official

It’s Official

"Wait, what?" Rainbow was incredibly confused. "Didn't you just send her back to her dad?"

"I did. And I didn't even have to investigate into the matter. Before my guards could arrive, Scootaloo had already wreaked havoc in the household. Judging by the injuries her father sustained, mostly to his pride, he's not going to take her back. And seeing as I personally healed the injuries Scootaloo received from her father, I have enough evidence to personally punish him for his crimes against his family. It won't be much, and I'm sorry that it won't be enough to make up for what he did to you Scootaloo, but it will be something." Scootaloo grinned.

"I think I already punished him. He knows now that he has no control over me. Just to make him squirm is punishment enough for me."

"What are you saying Scootaloo?"

"I've been to court a lot growing up with Jade. He was always in and out of community service for some broken law or another. I don't feel like sitting through another boring court case. Let him go, the damage to his pride will be more than enough to punish him."

"Scootaloo, you are very noble in your young age. No direct legal punishment will befall your father, but-"

"Don't call him that." Scootaloo knew it wasn't wise to interrupt the Princess, but she couldn't stand to hear him be called her father.

"Call him what?" Princess Celestia was irritated that the filly had interrupted her, but she let it slide. She was still a filly after all.

"He's not my father. A father looks after and cares for his children. A parent loves his child with all his heart. Rainbow and Spitfire are my parents. Not him."

"Fair enough. I'm sure your parents will be touched by that sentiment." They were. Rainbow and Spitfire's eyes welled up with tears. Scootaloo received a nuzzle from her parents. The Princess felt her heart warm in seeing them as a family.

"Come on, we have to get Scootaloo to Canterlot. She needs to be with Jade so he can release her to the Canterlot Youth Home." Rainbow and Spitfire gave a concerned look to the Princess. "Don't worry, I promise that she'll only be with him long enough to be submitted into the home. Not a moment longer. Then you two mares can sign the necessary paperwork to complete the adoption."

"What are we waiting for?" Rainbow asked. "Let's get her to Canterlot."

"If Jade sees that they're coming to adopt me, he probably won't send me to the youth home." Scootaloo was worried now.

"He won't see your parents. And even if he does, he doesn't have a say anymore. Either he gives you up voluntarily or I take you from him." Princess Celestia wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. She didn't care what evidence she lacked now. She had the power to do the right thing. That's what she was going to do.

The flight to Canterlot took far less time than normal, given that all of the ponies on this particular trip had wings and were more than capable of making the trip with ease. Scootaloo surprised Rainbow and Spitfire. Just a couple weeks prior, she wasn't able to even get off the ground. Now she was a strong enough flier to make the trip from Ponyville to Canterlot without any help from either of her parents. If her special talent wasn't in music, she'd easily qualify with the Wonderbolts one day. Upon their arrival in Canterlot, Spitfire and Rainbow gave Scootaloo a hug and a nuzzle.

Scootaloo headed off with the Princess and the guards to the Crestfall residence. It wasn't long before Jade was walking with Scootaloo and the Princess to the Canterlot Youth Home. Rainbow noticed that Scootaloo really did do a number on the mule. Jade handed over all the necessary paperwork and signed Scootaloo over to the shelter. The Princess then called in Spitfire and Rainbow Dash.

"Scootaloo, I think these two mares are looking to adopt a filly of their own. What do you say?" The Princess winked at Scootaloo. Jade's jaw dropped. He had been set up.

"I like them. They seem like nice ponies," Scootaloo responded. She gave her own wink to Jade, confirming his suspicion.

"Wait! I want my daughter! I can-"

"Such bigotry will not be allowed in my presence, Mr. Crestfall." The Princess had difficulty maintaining her composure. She was watching the most worthless pony in Equestria nearly fall apart because he could do nothing to stop his daughter, whom he had just given up for adoption, from being adopted by two mares. It was priceless.

"What do you think Rainbow? Do you like her?" Spitfire decided to play along. Apparently so did Rainbow.

"I don't know, she seems like a hoofful." Spitfire kicked her. "But I think we can manage. Hand us the paperwork." The mare behind the counter handed over the necessary legal documents and they were quickly signed by Scootaloo's new parents.

"I think I like my new last name," Scootaloo said as the new family walked past Jade. "Scootaloo Dash. Yep, rolls nicely off the tongue." As the family took flight and headed home, Jade just watched. He wouldn't have the burden that filly threw on his life anymore. And according to the Princess, no legal punishment. But he knew that he would be forever tormented by the one thing Scootaloo had taken from him. The most important thing in Jade's life since his youth with his own father, back at a time where he had none of it. Power. All Jade wanted, all he needed, was power. Power that his own daughter had ripped away from him. He just lowered his head and walked back to his home. He had a wife to care for.

Back at the Dash home, the family was relaxing in the living room. Scootaloo was playing a slow, flowing melody on her guitar while Spitfire and Rainbow Dash leaned against one another.

"Hey Scoot, what do you want for Hearth's Warming this year?" Rainbow asked. She had already gotten a gift for Spitfire and her other friends, but she hadn't thought about Scootaloo.

"I already have what I want for Hearth's Warming," Scootaloo responded. "You guys gave me the one thing I've wanted my whole life. The one thing I never could find."

"What's that?" Spitfire asked. She already knew what Scootaloo was going to say, but she wanted to hear her say it.

"A family," Scootaloo said. Spitfire and Rainbow looked at their daughter. They thought of where her life would lead her. She was just a filly, but she was already stronger than most of the mares and stallions they knew. They thought about the mare she would become. But above all, the only thing that mattered was what they had now. They were a family. They were going to be the lucky ones to see Scootaloo through the rest of her life, no matter what that life threw her way.

Author's Note:

Disclaimer once again (because keeping up with this is so much better than getting essays done) I did not write this story, nor do I take any credit for it. I simply got the permission of the author and the okay by the site's moderators to put it back up.

The next stories are underway in their format changes and edits.