• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 8,324 Views, 272 Comments

AppleShy: The Series - solsticebrony888

A collection of stories describing the evolution of Futtershy and Applejack's relationship

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Fluttershy flew up with all the strength she possessed, feeling a massive strain near her shoulder area where the rope was tied. She flew up as high as she could for about 5 seconds, and then slowly lowered down. The whole time, she was unable to see where Applejack was, the strain caused her to close her eyes and fight through the pain. She lowered as slowly as she could until she felt the impact of Applejack landing; she then looked down to see the orange pony rolling on her side, obviously not able to land gracefully with an injured leg. Fluttershy felt somewhat relieved but still frightened and sad. She had gotten her mare out of certain parish, and knew that was a huge step in the right direction. But she knew Applejack was injured badly, and needed somepony to help her help Applejack. When the earth pony came to a stop, Fluttershy flew down.

She landed next to the wincing Applejack, obviously in more pain after the jump. Some of the rope had landed on her, so Fluttershy pulled it away quickly.

“My right leg hit the fire, at the start,”

Fluttershy looked down to see the redness along her leg, and nearly starting crying again because she thought it was her fault for not going high enough.

“I-I-I did the best I could! I’m so sorry Applejack…”

Applejack shook her head, “Fluttershy, you saved my life,”

Fluttershy hugged the injured mare once more, “But you’re hurt on both of your legs-“

Applejack, through her pain, was able to smile comfortingly at the Pegasus, ”Don’t be silly…You saved ma’ life, Fluttershy…y-you were brave and strong when you needed to be,” She cringed as she felt along the burn on her right leg, “You saved me, Fluttershy…I owe you my life,”

This was a moment they would never forget. It was moment in which they felt true happiness just by the sight of each amidst a terrible situation. They looked into each other’s eyes and felt true love. Fluttershy was feeling overwhelmed by everything, and in a single moment everything seemed so insignificant.

“I’m just happy you’re alive! I-I couldn’t live without you…when you were unconscious, I never felt so heart-broken…seeing you so- I don’t even want to think about it…you’re alive and that’s all that matters,”

“Fluttershy, Ah love you so much…” She said with a relieving sigh; everything that had just happened to her hit her like a ton of bricks. Knowing she had too, Applejack soon formed a plan in her mind to hopefully get them out of the situation completely, ”’S-Shy, A-Ah need you to get Big Macintosh and the others…Ah’ll be fine right here, they’re about a half-mile down past this fire, maybe more if they’ve gotten farther through that fire we were fightin’…ah can’t walk now that both of my legs are hurt,”

“I don’t want to leave you again!” Fluttershy said, putting a hoof to the side of her head to block the wind from hitting her face.

“We have no choice darlin, Big Macintosh can carry me,”

Fluttershy lowered her head, “I’ll hurry as fast as I can, Applejack,”

The orange pony nodded. She watched as Fluttershy untied herself from the rope, then flying off as fast as she could. Applejack untied herself afterwards, cringing whenever she felt the sharp pain of the burn on her right foot, and the stinging pain of her injured left leg.

“Ah really messed ma’self up badly…”

Minute after minute Fluttershy kept flying as fast as she could. Through the never-ending gusts of wind, and having to squint to not be blinded by the contaminated air, she tried her best to go towards where Applejack said the stallions should be, while dodging the many dead or dying trees in her path.

It was when the fire behind her wasn’t in sight anymore, and the biggest fire was pretty much all she could see when she saw the group of 4 stallions moving logs of dead trees out of their path. After avoiding a plume of smoke from an extinguished tree, she approached the four exhausted stallions .

,”B-big Macintosh?”

He turned around, almost not believing himself at first that he had heard her voice. Seeing her and not Applejack worried him immediately.

“EeWhere’s Applejack?”

She lowered her head, “S-She’s hurt…badly, and she needs you now…”

“W-What?! What happened?” He left where he was to face Fluttershy, the three stallions continuing their removal of the logs of trees in their way.

“I-I um…” her voice trailed into a squeak.

“This ain’t no time to be nervous, Fluttershy. Thas my sister yer talkin ‘bout!”

The Pegasus gulped, “She um…Just come with me! She needs you!”

Big Macintosh quickly went to the three stallions and decided to have Braeburn come with, obviously the most exhausted pony of the 4. He made sure that the other two could handle themselves until the new batch of ponies arrived, then hurried alongside the flying Fluttershy.

She exited their path into a field of non-effected trees, confusing the Red Stallion. Braeburn, though exhausted was able to keep up with the two ponies.

“Eewhy are you taking us a different way, Fluttershy?”

“Um, because the path is blocked by another fire…there, um it’s what trapped Applejack,”

Big Macintosh, a pony that usually shows little to no emotion, was sincerely scared and was already remorseful for letting his sister come along. He was rational as always and didn’t let thoughts of what could have happened to her get to him, even with what little he knew about the situation.

“Another fire? What did we miss?” He glanced over at Braeburn who just sighed at the idea of another fire destroying his farm. ,”Is she still trapped? Ah can’t believe ah let her come, ah can’t believe it, ah shoulda told her to stay!”

“I-I um, got her out…” Fluttershy said nervously, knowing his response before he said it.

“Eeyou did? How?” He asked, while running alongside her and Braeburn. All three of them kept their attention to in front of them, not paying attention for a second could mean running straight into a tree.

Fluttershy didn’t hear him because of the booming sound of a falling tree just 20 feet behind them. It was then that the silence set in as they ran. All they heard was the occasional falling tree and the constant crackling noise of distant fires. The two stallions trusted that Fluttershy knew where she was going. It wasn’t like Big Macintosh didn’t want to ask Fluttershy everything he could about the situation his sister was in, it was the fact he knew she was a nervous and shy pony and he would find out soon enough if she led them the right way.

They ran beside the Pegasus for nearly twenty minutes. All of their eyes watery from running straight into the polluted air, and everypony tired, especially Braeburn. When the shorter stallion set eyes on the new blaze that had once trapped Applejack, his heart sank tremendously. It was worse than he thought and knowing his cousin was injured in some sort of way by it made him feel doubly guilty about it.

“We’re almost there, I-I think,” Said the Pegasus barely loud enough for them to hear.

“Thank ya sincerely, Fluttershy,”

She led the stallion back into the main path over dead trees they had extinguished earlier, the heat from the near-by fire warming them up again after running for nearly half an hour.

Applejack couldn’t have been more relieved to see her brother and Braeburn with Fluttershy. She had been lying alone the whole time and was struggling to stay awake.

Big Mac jumped over to her, Braeburn and Fluttershy keeping their distance.

“Eewhat happened AJ…ya look terrible...”He said with a waver in his voice, Applejack just sighed with really no way to explain herself right then and there. Big Macintosh looked back at Braeburn and Fluttershy, “Help get her on my back; we need to get back to Appleloosa quick,”

As gently as they could, they lifted the injured pony onto her brothers back, Applejack cringing from the pain in both of her legs, and on her back from the rope being tied so tightly.

“We’re going to have to walk, but we’ll get there in due time,”

After making sure Applejack was secure on Big Macintosh, they all started off towards Appleloosa, Big Macintosh trying to keep his balance while walking with his sister on his back while being bombarded by the relentless wind.

“Braeburn?” Big Macintosh questioned in his usual deep voice.

“Yessuh, Big Macintosh?” Braeburn replied, his higher pitched voice shaky and unstable from breathing the smoke of the fire for so long.

“Eethere’s a clinic or some sorta hospital in Appleloosa right?”

Braeburn thought for second, “Yeah, a new clinic, finished bein’ built just a week ago ah reckon, but it oughta be mighty full by now,”

“Ah’m sorry ah got myself into this, ah really wish ah could just help with ending the fire,”

“It’s ma fault. Ah shouldn’t a’ let you go in the first place. What happened anyway?”

“Well…as ah was walking to um…get the rope, and I got distracted by something…ah honestly can’t remember what is was…i was knocked into a tree, and that hurt pretty bad, so I took a minute or two to um…recover from it. Before Ah knew it, the whole dang blaze nearly surrounded me. Ah was scared but ah knew what ta do…so I got ready to jump over the pathway, when a tree hit me right on my flank, and I guess I hit my head on something ‘cause I was knocked out,”

“Yer one tough pony, ah’ll give ya that sis. Ah still can’t believe ah let ya come…what else happened,”

Applejack smiled despite all her pain, “Fluttershy saved my life, Big Mac,”

Big Macintosh bit, ”How?”

“She crushed up some apples and made apple juice in a bucket, then got me to drink some to wake me up…ah reckon that was genius of ‘er,”

“Fluttershy? You did this? I didn’t even know ya were gonna come here…Ah’m sure as hay glad ya did, though!?”

“I uh, went on the next train, I just wanted to see her…and I’d do anything to save Applejack…” Fluttershy said sheepishly.

Braeburn looked confusingly at Big Macintosh and mouthed the words, “Are they…you know…? Together?”

Big Macintosh nodded at Braeburn, making him know that it shouldn’t be a big deal.

He then returned to talking to his sister, “So how’d ya get out of the fire?”

Applejack winced at the reoccurring pain of her headache, then continued, “I couldn’t jump or nothin, so ah had Fluttershy get the rope ah was sposed’ to get, and tied it around both of us…ah ran on ma three legs, and she lifted me over the fire…she’s the bravest pony ah know, Big Mac,”

Big Macintosh looked at Fluttershy with one of his very rare smiles, “Eeyou saved ma sister’s life, Fluttershy…ah reckon’ the Apple family owes you a big debt of gratitude,”

Upon the compliments from Big Mac and Braeburn, Fluttershy blushed out of embarrassment, but still visibly shaking from the ordeal, something that wasn’t quite over even then.

“Ah need ta make it up ta ya somehow, Ah don’t even know…but you saved somepony in the Apple family, and us ponies in the Apple family will make sure you get what you deserve for this, ah promise, ” Big Mac said in his regular slow, deep voice.

Fluttershy shook her head, still breathing hard “Her being alive is all I want and need, Big Macintosh, um thank you though…”

“Fluttershy was tellin’ me she was worried before ah went, and shoulda listened…it’s almost like she can predict things like our friend Pinkie Pie can, instead of Pinkie sense, it’s Shy sense,” Even in the situation she was in, Applejack found a way to lighten everypony’s moods just a little.

They soon noticed a small group of Pegasi ponies flying towards the fire at top speed, quickly passing them. In the distance, the 4 ponies saw another large group of stallions; unicorns, earth ponies after the Pegasi, also making their way to fight the fires. The closer they got the more of them they saw. Braeburn, even though being more concerned for Applejack, breathed a sigh of relief. There were more than plenty of ponies making their way to the fires.

Big Mac looked back at his sister, ”Aj, Ya have no reason ta worry ‘bout the farm any more, Applejack. Can ya see all them ponies over there? ah’m sure they can handle the rest,”

Applejack just nodded. Big Macintosh knew she must be exhausted and completely warn out through her ordeal, on top of her lack of sleep due to her dedication to fighting the fire. In Applejack’s mind, if she was able to, she would willingly go back and fight the fires. But she’s learned from experience to not out-work herself, and she knew nopony could work through the injuries she had (Except maybe a Pegasus). So through what seemed like a calmer storm, the air slowly clearing of the ash and smoke and the sun becoming more visible in the sky, Applejack could only think of how she was going to thank the love of her life, for saving her life.


“Ow! Ok, Ok ah got it, ah can walk on three hooves juss fine! Ah don’t need no help, but thank ya anyway,” Applejack said, dismissing the nurse-mare’s attempt to help her walk out of her bed.

“I can see somepony’s a little grumpy! I guess I’ll just leave you to yourself for a while and check in soon! Try not to strain yourself; you’re still in the middle recovering, Applejack,”

“Thank ya kindly, but ah swear ah’m fine, ah juss gotta get used to workin’ with less hooves able ta help me,” Applejack said, looking at the thick cast on her left leg.

“Confidence is always key! Anyways, if you need anything, we’ll be just a click of that button away!” The kind nurse gestured towards a red button on the side of Applejack’s bed.

“Of course, thanks nurse,”

“No problem, sweetie!” She said with a warm smile, then leaving to talk to other patients in the care of the clinic.
Applejack closed the curtains that surrounded her area in the clinic just to have some alone time. Considering that Appleloosa was less than 2 years old, the clinic they had actually impressed the earth pony with how well they took care of her.

It had only been 2 days since the fire and her near-death experience. Everypony knows it takes a lot to truly shake her to her core and this experience did more than just that. Both nights she either had trouble sleeping or a vivid nightmare about her ordeal. Through it all, she was still determined to not let it affect her in the long run.

She hobbled over to a bed-side mirror and sighed at the sight of herself. Applejack wasn’t used to being immobile, let alone barely more than bed ridden, and she wasn’t enjoying it. Since her arrival in this clinic, she hasn’t been allowed visitors or even an update on the fire situation, because they thought it would stress her out. Applejack was told that today however, that she may be able to have somepony visit her. Not seeing Fluttershy or anypony from her family made her feel terrible, the nurses claiming it caused stress, only ended up stressing her out anyway, explaining her “Grumpy-ness”
Applejack sat back on her bed awkwardly, the cast kept her leg straight, keeping it hard for her to even get remotely comfortable without laying down completely. After struggling with her cast for a bit, she ultimately surrendered and laid down, putting the thin white sheet over herself. She made sure the bandage covering her burn on her right leg was still attached, and then checked the bandage around her midsection from the rope-burn she suffered.

“Ah look more beat up than an over-cooked apple pie,” Applejack said to herself.

It wasn’t like Applejack to admit defeat when hurt, but she’s never sustained anything worse than a bad bruise or a sprain. Now she had a fractured hoof, burnt side of her right leg and rope burn around her mid-section. Even if she could stomach the pain and work at Sweet Apple Acres when she returned, she wouldn’t even help that much, and over the past few days that’s all she thought about when not thinking about Fluttershy or her family. Out of frustration, she hit the button on the side of the bed. A different nurse soon made her way too Applejack.

“What is it, Ms. Applejack?”

“When’re ma guests comin?” Applejack asked impatiently.

The nurse looked down at a chart she held in her hands, “I think they’re here now-wait…yeah, Fluttershy and Big Macintosh… right?”

“Yes! That’s them ah reckon! Fluttershy’s the one who saved ma life!” The earth pony exclaimed jubilantly.

“Oh is that right? That’s just wonderful, I’m sure you’re glad she’s here,”

“Of course! She’s my mare! She’s the one who saved me!” Applejack reiterated despite herself.

The nurse squinted at Applejack as if she had just said something gross, “Huh? Two mares together? Is that-?”
Applejack looked offended, “Ya best not be judgin’ me Mrs. Nurse lady,”

“I’m not, it’s just…never-mind I uh, here they come! Enjoy your visit!” The nurse looked around awkwardly then left with haste.

At the back end of a hallway, she soon saw Big Macintosh turning the corner followed by Fluttershy, causing Applejack to smile, not sure if they had noticed her yet.

Please don’t cry, Fluttershy!

When Fluttershy finally saw her, she immediately started crying, Big Macintosh having to stop her before she flew over to Applejack causing a commotion. Just seeing the two ponies made Applejack’s day much better. Seeing a nurse tell Big Macintosh to spit out the wheat he had in a mouth made it even better.

“Ah can’ believe they wouldn’t let me y’all until today! I almost bucked one of the nurses out of frustration-If I could even buck with one leg, that is,” Applejack said as they approached her bed.

“We weren’t updated on anythin’ ‘bout you, we came here like 5 times juss yesterday and they never told us nothin or even a reason why they wouldn’t, it sure made Fluttershy here nervous,” Big Macintosh said, looking at the Shy Pegasus next to him.

“When we first got here, I didn’t plan to leave your side until you left, when they um stopped me from seeing you, I didn’t-,” Her voice trailed into a squeak; making Applejack smile lovingly at her, “I’m just glad you’re ok!” Despite her outburst of tears, the Pegasus gave Applejack a gentle hug.

Cradling Fluttershy in her hooves, Applejack looked up towards her big brother, “Big Macintosh, what’s the situation on the fire?”

“It’s out, been out since noon 2 days ago,”

Applejack smiled, while still holding Fluttershy in her hooves, “Ah reckon that’s some mighty great news, how’s Braeburn and Big Apple and Apple Shine? Was Anypony else hurt?”

“Braeburn’s been sleepin’ non-stop since it went out, he was beyond exhausted ah tell ya, he was still awake and was there when fire was put out. Ah thank that’s ‘bout 40 hours of bein’ awake fightin’ th’ fires, As for Big Apple and Apple Shine, they’re fine, ah haven’t heard any news about anypony else bein’ hurt”

“Ah underestimated Braeburn ah tell ya,” Said Applejack, proud of her cousin.

“So, um, how is your leg?” Fluttershy asked, finally relinquishing her hug on Applejack. The hug made her stop crying; obviously it was something she had really needed.

“Oh it’s nothin’,” The pony said in a matter-of-fact way, “Juss fractured, not broken. Ah’ll be back to work in a matter of a week or two, Big Mac. The burn on my right leg has a bandage on it, and I have a bandage right here because the rope hurt me, but ah think ah’ll be back and ready within a week or two tops!” Applejack was showing them her cast and her bandages while speaking to them.

“When we’re back home, I’m not going to let you do anything! You’re going to rest and I’m going to take care of you until you’re in perfect health!”

Applejack smiled at her mare, “That’s awfully nice of ya, sugarcube. But ya already saved my life, ah’d feel way too guilty to be even more of a burden to ya,”

“Burden? You could never be a burden to me…I do everything I do because I love you, Applejack”
Big Macintosh felt awkward, so he butted in, “She’s awfully nice ah tell ya. These past few days we definitely got to know each other better, Ya made a good choice, Applejack,”

“I made the perfect choice,” Applejack said to Fluttershy, even though she was responding to the stallion, “Where did y’all stay?”

“Eeeeuh…Braeburn’s house,”



The two mares giggled at the ‘Eeyup’, confusing the red stallion.

“We need ta get back to Ponyville. Ah miss Applebloom and Granny Smith and Winona and of course, all of Fluttershy’s animals. Ah miss ma friends! Ah miss juss buckin, nothin’ so gung ho as fightin’ a fire! Ah juss want out,”

“Well, now that we are here, ah reckon we could getcha out and on the next train, juss as long as yer alright to go,”
Applejack looked surprised, “Really, can you go do that for me, Big Macintosh?” The earth pony hinted, obviously wanting some time with Fluttershy.

“Eeyup” Big Macintosh said, and then walked away to the reception desk.

When they knew nopony was near them, the first thing Applejack and Fluttershy did was kiss.

Applejack looked her straight in the eyes, “Ah missed you so much Sugarcube, ah couldn’t stand it! I couldn’t believe they didn’t let me have visitors until now,”

“I missed you and I-I was so worried…I wanted to know you were ok and I’m so happy that you are, they scared me when they wouldn’t tell me um, what condition you were in,”

“It’s all ‘cause of you, ‘Shy. You saved me,”

They kissed again. Applejack let loose, wrapping her hooves around her mare, she had absolutely no care in the world when Fluttershy was near her. And the fact there was a little curtain blocking other pony’s from seeing them helped to.

Applejack wiped her mouth and smiled at the blushing Pegasus before her. Fluttershy was even surprised at herself for being so passionate in such a public area.

Before they could say anything to each other, they heard a deep voice through the curtains, “Applejack, it’s time ta go, quit foalin’ around in there ya two,”

Fluttershy squeaked startling Applejack, both blushing at the stallion’s remark.

“You and them squeaks, ‘Shy,” The earth pony said a chuckle, causing the Pegasus to look down on embarrassment , “Ah think they’re mighty adorable,” Applejack said, intentionally making the Pegasus blush once again.

“Oh!” Fluttershy said suddenly, surprising Applejack, “I went and checked on Bloomberg for you!”

“Really? How was he? Did he look ok?” Applejack looked elated; she had thought the tree she had relocated there perished in the fire.

“He looked completely perfect! I think,”

“Ah thought he was hit in the fire! Thank you so much Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy smiled, “You’re welcome,”

As Applejack got up, Fluttershy held out her hoof to Applejack, “Do you, um need help to walk, Applejack?”

“Nuh-uh, thanks though, darlin’”

Fluttershy still had to help her off the bed though, because Applejack almost slipped when she mistakenly used her left leg to hold her up when getting off the bed. After that, they were soon on their way out of the somewhat small clinic.
When they exited, Applejack immediately noticed how clear the air seemed. She had spent roughly 7 hours next to a bunch of fires, so it surprised her that the town seemed so clean after just a few days since the fire. She walked with Fluttershy and Big Macintosh at her sides, both staying extra close just in case she fell, even though she continually argued that she could handle herself, she eventually gave in knowing that they weren’t going to. She looked off into the distance, and saw all the blackened earth from where she, Big Macintosh and several other ponies warded off the fire from hitting town. Applejack felt a sense of pride and accomplishment even through her ordeal, and that’s a feeling she always enjoyed. On their way to the train station, she had a sudden realization when she reached her hoof up, meeting nothing but her tangled mane.

“Consarnit! Ah just remembered that ah lost ma hat,”

“I’ll, um get you a new one if you like…I tried to save it but I lost it when I found you…”

Applejack shook her head, “You’re too nice, Fluttershy, but ah’m sure Granny Smith has one or two left ah could use. Ah reckon ah’ll still be sad about it, had that hat since I was darn near this high!”

Applejack raised one hoof to where she estimated her height was when she a filly.

“Eyuh, Granny has plenty, you’ll be fine, AJ,” Big Macintosh said, as they reached the waiting area for the train back to Ponyville.

All three ponies soon heard galloping behind them, and turned around to see a re-energized Braeburn running towards them.

“AAAAAAAPPPPLLLEEELOOOOOSAA!” He exclaimed enthusiastically as he arrived, on his hind legs waving his hooves about. Finally adorned with his regular hat and vest, it was a good sight for the three to see him in good spirits after it all. Applejack chuckled despite herself.

“Ah couldn’t let y’all leave without saying thanks y’all for saving my town!” He said with a huge smile, then turning his attention to the Pegasus, “And more importantly, thank you Fluttershy for savin’ my cousin. Ya looked mighty heroic out there!”

Fluttershy blushed despite herself, “Well, um…I’m sure anypony else would have done the same thing,”

“Don’t be silly Fluttershy! You were probably the only Pegasus here, nopony else coulda done anythin’”

“Well…I um…” Her voice trailed off but she regained her composure quickly, “I-I would have done anything to save her,” Fluttershy said shyly with an adoring smile from Applejack.

“When Appleloosa is back up to full speed, we’re gonna have to do something in all y’alls honor! If it wasn’t fer y’all, the fire woulda spread quicker than a snake in a rabbits den!” Braeburn said enthusiastically, his analogy making Fluttershy cringe.

“Eewell, Applejack’s gonna need some time to heal, so ya have plenty of time Braeburn,”

Right after Big Macintosh said that, everypony heard the train in the distance with the cloud of dust behind it, cutting Braeburn’s visit with them shorter than he had wanted.

“Well, ah guess it’s time fer y’all to go huh? Well, ah hope this doesn’t stop ya from visitin’ me every once in a while. Spread some good words ‘bout Appleloosa for me, thanks again fer savin’ ma town,”

“Yer welcome, Braeburn,” Applejack said with a smile.

Braeburn frowned when he finally took a good look at Applejack, casts and bandages covering a good portion of body, “Ah’m so sorry this happened to ya Applejack…ah mean, ah never want to see anypony hurt by anythin’, yet alone ma own kin,”

Applejack shook her head, “Honestly Braeburn, ya have nothin’ ta worry ‘bout. What doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger ah reckon!”

“That’s a mighty fine way’a lookin’ at things, AJ,” He remarked, soon seeing the train behind the three ponies, “Ah reckon it’s time fer y’all to leave, come back soon ya hear?”

“Eeeokay,” Big Macintosh responded with a few giggles from the two mares.

Seeing the train, Applejack felt a sense of relief like she’s never had before. The past 3 and a half days for her were some of the longest she’s ever been through. The earth pony was thankful she didn’t live in Appleloosa because she would have to see the remnants of the fire, scorched earth and dead trees, and all it would do is remind her of her near-death experience. Even though Fluttershy saved her life, Applejack never wanted to see Fluttershy so sad as when she first woke up after knocking herself unconscious. She truly felt guilt for even getting in the situation in the first place. That thought quickly left her mind as something more important to her entered. When they get on the train, she knew she had a lot of thinking and planning to do. Fractured left leg, burnt right leg, injured mid-section and all, Applejack was going to make sure she and Fluttershy had the best time in the world for their celebration of being together for 2 months.