• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 8,323 Views, 272 Comments

AppleShy: The Series - solsticebrony888

A collection of stories describing the evolution of Futtershy and Applejack's relationship

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A Family Affair

"And last but certainly not least, this is my bunny Angel!" Fluttershy pointed to the bunny from across the room. The bunny gave a shrug then returned to whatever it was doing before.

"My goodness 'Shy, you certainly care for a lot of animals," Applejack mused, while perched comfortably on Fluttershy's couch, "...Ah guess they're to you like apples are to me," She mentioned with a chuckle. Her own mentioning of apples reminded her that she may not even be allowed on her own farm anymore, causing her to sigh.

Fluttershy frowned. She’s tried really hard to keep Applejack's mind off of things, but every little thing seems to remind the Earth Pony of her farm. It's not like Fluttershy could blame her, if all her animal's were taken away she'd feel absolutely terrible.

Fluttershy got up and snuggled with the mare on the couch. This time, the Pegasus pressed some loving nudges on the nape of Applejack's neck, surprising and tickling her. Fighting off a fit of laughter, Applejack tried to keep her balance, but the Pegasus' tickles got the best of her and she fell off the couch, which only made her laugh more.

"I didn't know you were ticklesh, Applejack," The yellow pony said with intention to use it to her advantage.

"Ah'm not! Ya just hit the right spot, t'sall!" Applejack responded, trying to keep a straight face.

Fluttershy quickly flew on top of the pony, who was still on her back and nuzzled her in the same spot, a playfully devious smile across her face. If anything was to make Applejack forget about the situation she was in, playing around should do the trick!

This immediately caused spouts of laughter and gasping to come from Applejack. She halfheartedly tried to push Fluttershy off but to no avail.

After she was done, Fluttershy stayed on top and, in the heat of the moment, leaned down and kissed her.

This was first time they ever really kissed besides the occasional peck on the cheek, and tender moment left Applejack speechless.

The Pegasus flew back on top of her couch and got comfortable again, blushing. She had surprised herself with her heat of the moment kiss with her marefriend.

"Never saw ya as the aggressive one, sugarcube," The earth pony remarked eventually, finally hopping back on her hooves, "But ah really liked it," The earth pony added with a sly smile, "Our first kiss..." she replayed it over in her head with a smile.

"Well I just um did it without thinking, I kinda always wanted to, you know, kiss you..." The yellow Pegasus said shyly.
Applejack nodded lovingly, and as she turned to do something, she turned back as if she remembered something.

"Ya know ah think you're beautiful right?" the orange pony said with a sly grin.

The surprised Fluttershy squeaked and blushed, then noticed the sneaky smile on Applejack's face.

"Too easy, sugarcube! Every time ah wanna hear that adorable squeak of yours, ah know what to do know, " Applejack said, giggling a little. She then lightly moved Fluttershy's mane from her face with her hoof, "But ah meant it, ya really are beautiful sugarcube," the earth pony whispered, peering right into Fluttershy's blue-green eyes.

She climbed up to the couch and snuggled up with her mare again, "Now don't ya go ticklin' me again, ah just love bein' close to ya," the earth pony said with a content smile.

Even through what was going on with her family, Applejack could say she felt sincerely happy. A few weeks ago, Fluttershy was just somepony she had confusing feelings for, and now she was snuggled up with her, feeling her warmth and absolutely comfortable. She wouldn't have believed it if she told herself this 2 weeks ago. But here she was, happy, in spite of all the drama that surrounded her.

Fluttershy felt happy too, but for a slightly different reason; she somehow had successfully got Applejack's mind off of all the stuff going on, and saw her legitimately happy; Not to mention Fluttershy also loved to be close to Applejack.
After snuggling into her mare just a little bit more, the orange pony thought about how easy it seemed Fluttershy could make her happy and just forget about everything. She was who Applejack wanted in her life, by her side. Even if living at Fluttershy’s cottage was temporary, there was nowhere else she'd rather be at that moment.


"A-Applebloom, darlin, go back upstairs...it's time for the big ponies to talk," Granny Smith said to the filly, shakily waving her hoof in the direction of the stairs.

" Ah Come on granny, ah' am a big pony! I'll be completely quiet I swear!"

Big Macintosh turned to his side to face his littlest sister, "Ain't big ' 'nuff yet sis, we'll getcha when we are finished," Wisely she went upstairs with just one loud sigh. After a moment of silence, Big Macintosh put his head down, and spoke up.

"Eey…granny, how're we gonna do this?" She looked up and rose one hoof off her walker.

"Crisp and Ambrosia are older than you...it's why they're the ones that manage the family. S-so it's not what we're gonna do, it's what they're gonna do,"

Big Mac thought for a moment, "They sure darn changed since ah was a colt," The colt said with a nostalgic sigh ,"Ah remember they used ta love Applejack. They were closer thin' kin back when Applejack was a filly,"

He knew that when they got here, it wasn't the time to be soft-spoken. He needed something, anything that could change their minds.

"Evry'pony changes…Little Mac," These words helped him realize the obvious; that he was different when he was a colt. Everypony his age has changed since their younger years, not in just physical ways, but beyond that. Applejack changed too. Not necessarily in a bad way, either. She matured. Applejack realized that doing what she felt right for herself was more important to her than backing down to the out-dated rules of what is acceptable in Ponyville. She changed because it was necessary for her to grow. Applejack changed because everypony changes, and in the end she chose freely loving a mare, over forcefully loving a colt.

Suddenly he realized he never respected Applejack more than at this moment.

“Ya’ve been lost in thought a while there, Mac," Granny noticed, slightly startling him. She knew from many experiences that Big Macintosh is a deep thinker, and very intelligent. She trusted him, probably more than anypony else in the family.

"Eeyup," he responded calmly, then turned his head and surprised the little filly on the stairs near them, "Applebloom, ah see ya there," Big Mac said slightly annoyed but not surprised.

With a loud sigh, Applebloom slowly made her way back upstairsOnce they heard her little footsteps nearly above them, they sat and waited. No words said. Bic Macintosh knew this could be his only chance to be able to fix what's broken and see his sister again, without restrictions. They sat silently at their table.

It didn't take too long for them to show up. With a simple "We're here," from behind the entrance to the barn-house, Ambrosia announced their arrival.
"Come on in ya two," Big Mac said in a deathly deepened voice.

The first one to come in, Apple Crisp pranced in like she owned the place. The earth pony has a dark brown coat with a yellow-brown mane. She has green eyes almost the same shade as Applejack's. Impatiently, she sat at the table with a slightly agitated look on her face. Then Ambrosia came in. This pony was slightly taller than Apple Crisp. She featured a tan coat with a nearly white mane. She has ruby-red eyes which is quite unusual for ponies the Apple family.

"We ain' come here for negotiatin'" Apple Crisp said coldly as Ambrosia just sat down.

"Neither have we," The stallion said ,"Ah juss wanna talk,"

A moment of silence passed, The four ponies just looked at each other. Ambrosia fidgeted a little bit.

"Well...?" The Brown coated mare said almost insultingly, with a glare.

"Remember when y'all were juss little fillys? Back in the day's that we payed no mind to to stuff like this? Just played, had ah'selves some fun, chores and all that hay?"

"So? What about it?"

"Ah remember y'all playing with Applejack," Big Macintosh mentioned, appealing to sense of nostalgia.

"But-"Crisp interrupted

"No, let me finish," Big Macintosh said to his older cousin. She just bit her lip and let him continue.

"Y'all were like sisters. And ah remember bein' jealous of that. Seeing y'all play around having the time o' your lives, while ah handled most of the chores. The fact that Applejack was a lot younger than y'all didn't matter. Me an' Applejack just fought and bothered each other most of the time,”

"T-those were some happy times ah reckon'" The oldest pony said with a quiver in her voice.

Apple Crisp seemed intrigued with what they were trying to do. She blew her mane out of her face and said sternly, "That’s before we foun' out how she is,"

Granny shook her head, while Big Macintosh retorted, "Eewhat? The best worker on this farm? A kind and gentle mare? That's what she is,"

"Ah'm only doin' what's right for our family," She said with emphasis behind 'right'. She met Big Macintosh's stare with an equally diligent one.

"And that is...?" Big Macintosh questioned not expecting a legitimate answer.

"Keeping her from spreadin' h-h-her uh, FILTH. We can't be letting the girl fillies thinkin' it's right to like another mare, it's a plain outrage! Ever thought about how they can't bare foal of their own? They can't make a foal, which means less hooves to help on th' farm in the future, which means eventually this farm will go under the hay. Ya gotta be smart an' think 'bout the future, Mac," Apple Crisp once again said enthusiastically. She assumed she was right just through that statement alone.

He pondered this for a moment then rebutted ,"Ya also gotta think about now, Apple Crisp. Applejack was the best worker on th' farm. And ya forced her away from us, even tho' ya have no proof that those mares lovin' each other will affect one of our own filly’s," he said with a disgusted tone in his voice, "We've already lost some income, extra hard work don't make up for yer best worker being forced away for some horse-feather excuse"

Granny decided there that she would let Big Macintosh do the talking. He knew what he was talking about and what he was going to say, while she couldn't think of a response in the time he was done with one.

Ambrosia frowned a little and moved into a more relaxed position. Apple Crisp withstood his argument with a simple response, "We ain' gonna risk it. These ponies are the future of the Apple family, Applejack is the past. Let her go off foolin' with mares and what-ever she is fittin’ to do, ah'm sure your farm will do just fine without her" Ambrosia didn't seem to agree with Apple Crisp on that statement.

Big Macintosh responded concisely, "Ok, if that's what y'all think, let me ask ya somethin""

Crisp pretended to be half-interested and waved a hoof at him as if to say 'Go Ahead'

"If y'all are so concerned 'bout Applebloom and all them Fillies runnin' off with mares when they grow up all ‘cause of Applejack being with one, Didja ever think 'bout how Applejack was NEVER near a mare-couple when she was a filly? She followed her heart, not some influence. If it ain't natural, then why'd she do it? Why wouldn't she just stop and come back? ‘cause it Is natural. Ah’ve been ta Manehatten and Fillydelphia, it’s much more normal in them places,” Big Macintosh sighed, not even used to speaking so much, “Applejack is too strong to bow down to your cruel-heartedness," He bumped a hoof on the table as if to emphasize his argument.

Ambrosia had her eyes open, but was looking up, obviously lost in thought. Apple Crisp on the other hoof was thinking of a response to bring down her cousins argument. However, Big Mac wasn't finished.

"Applejack never planned on showin off her mare to the family, she knew better than that. and...i think even that aint fair of us, ta' be true. So what if she found love with a mare? She's ma sister and ah'll love her, no matter who she loves. And y'all are just treatin' her like she aint nothin' when she means more to this family than ya know" he said, his voice still firm, shakin his head.

Ambrosia now seemed slightly remorseful. She was looking down with a frown on her face. It was pretty obvious to Big Macintosh who really made this decision. Apple Crisp once again tried to think of a legitimate response to her cousins argument. After a loud sigh, she stood up.

"We had 'nuff here. We're fitting to be back in a week. Got some thinkin' ta do, got business with the rest of the family in Equestria and what-not," She said, then focusing on Big Mac ,"For bein' my younger cousin, Macintosh, ya sure do surprise with the hay that ya say...,"

As the brown mare left to the door, Ambrosia finally spoke up, in a quiet and rushed voice she said, "Cous’, I'm awfully sorry about this...tell Applejack Ah'm sorry. Ah feel awfully bad 'bout this all…I don't what I was thinking...you're so good with words, Mac, I shoulda listened to ya sooner.." Ambrosia looked sincerely apologetic at the two.

"'Brosia we are leavin' now, get your flank over here," The brown mare chided.
Accordingly the tan mare hopped to the brown mare's side, quickly mouthing one more "I'm so sorry" as they exited.

Big Macintosh sighed. But by no means did he feel better about the situation he was in.

The wise old pony looked at her great-grandson, with adoring eyes.
"Ah've never seen ya speak so many words in such short time, sonny boy,"

He nodded in agreement, but didn't feel comforted.

"Ya really must love your sister, don't ya?"

Years ago, as an immature little colt he would have denied it. However, time has treated the older colt well, which left him with just one thing to say.

"More than she'll ever know,"