• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 8,323 Views, 272 Comments

AppleShy: The Series - solsticebrony888

A collection of stories describing the evolution of Futtershy and Applejack's relationship

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"Hey you!" Voice cracking, the Rainbow Pegasus came flying straight at Buckwheat from across the tiny hill they were on ,"What's going on here? why does Fluttershy look so scared huh?" Rainbow Dash now stayed suspended in air, between the two ponies.

"What? Who in the hay are you? This Ain' none of your business you nosey filly," Buckwheat snorted, barely startled, dismissing the Pegasus' initial attempt to defend her friend.

"No, She's my friend!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, getting closer to the stallion ,"Why are you scaring her huh? What are you even DOING?"

"Ah ain't budgin'. Ah don't even know who ya are, ya juss assume somethin' bad's happenin' not even " the stallion said. Rainbow Dash took more insult to that than he expected ,"I'm Rainbow Dash and you don't mess with my friends!" The pony said, waiting for Fluttershy to gain her composure just to clue her in on what she was defending her for.

"You're the one who did the Sonic Rainboom eh? Doesn't mean you should get your nose into other pony's business,"

Fluttershy closed her eyes and blurted "He wants to take Applejack from me!" The pegasus immediately returning to her nervous position behind the suspended Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash sighed ,"Oh for Celestia's sake, that's ALL? Look buddy, I don't know who you think you are, but you can't do ANYTHING to ruin their relationship. I may not be one that's into that all lovey-dovey type of stuff, when I see true love, I know it,"

Buckwheat just scoffed "Ya mares just wait, hehe, ol' Buckwheat knows a trick or two ya don't know 'bout, but, hey. You two can try, Ah bet it'll end up helpin' me. Anyhow, look girls, this stallion needs ta go, ya can go complainin' to Applejack or whatever, but it ain't gonna change. Me and her are meant ta be together and ain't nothin' gonna change that,"
After another laugh, the stallion turned around and walked away, intentionally disregarding anything they had to say in response.

Rainbow Dash felt triumphant, and made it obvious when she yelled ,"Yeah, you better run you stallion WANNABE!!"
The blue pony disregarded that fact that he ignored her. She then flew next to Fluttershy, still in mid-air.

"Hehe, We-well, I sure showed him, right Fluttershy?"

Instead of seeing a sad Fluttershy, she saw an agitated one.

"Why can't I ever ever EVER defend myself when I need too!?" The pegasus frustratingly exclaimed, asking herself more than the pegasus before her.

"Oh it's alright Fluttershy, everypony knows you're the timid one. You're just lucky I was nearby when I saw him coming at you like that!," Rainbow Dash said, fishing for a compliment.

Fluttershy seemingly disregarded that whole statement ,"OH! I'm so mad, I could just...!" Fluttershy's hoof slightly tapped the bark of a tree she was next too, after which see softly said 'Ow'. Rainbow Dash giggled in spite of herself, finally making Fluttershy sad, as the whole situation she was in hit her full force.

"You ok, 'Shy?" The blue pony said sympathetically.

"H-he's going over to Applejack's right now...what do i do?"

The Rainbow pony flew off to check where the stallion was headed.

"I don't think he is, he's going the other way,"

This didn't make Fluttershy feel better, why would he just leave right now?

"That's her ex.." Fluttershy said, surprising the pegasus.

"Ouc- I mean, really?"


Rainbow thought for a second ,"How long ago did they date and for how long?" She was surprised at her own interest in this situation, something that usually would bore her to sleep.

"Um...she said, um like a year ago..and for like a month or 2." Said the yellow Pegasus, now sitting on her all-fours.

"That ain't bad!" The Pegasus landed to get a little closer to Fluttershy to try and help her feel a little better, a plan forming in her head ,"Remember Fluttershy, Applejack would never do anything to hurt you...she's the element of honesty! She would have told you if still had feelings for that BuckJERK, or anypony else for that matter"

Fluttershy made an obviously forced attempt to smile ,"I just wish i.." Her voice trailed into a squeak once more ,"I just wish I could stand up..for myself and Applejack...It's always someone else helping me, I always freeze up..I-" She stood up, and decided she was done venting to the rainbow pony. ,"Thank you Rainbow, you're such a good friend. But I'm going to go to Applejack's now, she um, needs to know about this,"

Rainbow Dash got a confused look on her face "But what if Buckwheat shows up there?"

"Applejack is um as tough as you.."She said softly, The rainbow pony barely keeping herself from disagreeing.

"Well, I'll be in Cloudsdale if you two need me, I'm sorry about that jerk trying to ruin things for you and Applejack, I'm sure he can't do anything to you"

Before they went their separate ways, Fluttershy had one last question ,"um, Did you mean it when you said you saw true love with me and Applejack...?" Fluttershy asked Shyly.

"Of course, everypony does when they see you two hehe" The Rainbow pony said, as if it was common knowledge.


"What?? Buckwheat? Why would he do such a thang? We haven't even talked in months! Ah-Ah', who does he think he is?," The orange pony flung her her hooves out in frustration, leaving a slight indentation the grass. ,"Why can't ponies just leave us alone? Not cause so much drama? We can't go a week without somethin' like this happenin" Applejack exclaimed, letting out a sigh, then instinctively bucking a tree.

"I'm sorry.." Fluttershy said softly, standing a few feet away from Applejack.

"Don't apologize sugarcube.It's ma past, and somethin' ah need to deal with, Ah don't know why he had to bring you into it... It's ma fault really fer ever givin' him a chance,"

"H-he's so...mean," The shy pony said, shuttering at the thought of the intimidating stallion.

"Sounds like Buckwheat...Wonder why he came all the way here from Appleloosa anyway?" She thought about what she said for a moment ,"Oh right...me"

"Rainbow Dash came out of nowhere and, she um defended me though..."

"Really? That pony is juss such a great friend. Ah outta give her some free Apples. Ah really wish ah was there too, Ah would a' ended it right then and there...wouldn't have ta' be waitin' just to turn em down. didja tell him we're goin' out?"

"Um, I didn't but somepony else did...but he doesn't really consider us a real couple, because of us being both mares,"

The earth pony adjusted her hat, then responded ,"Ah ain't surprised at that...Buckwheat is as ignorant as they come, Ah tell ya,"

Another thing bothered Applejack ,"Why, when he coulda came any other day, did he come here on our month? A'hm sure he musta done it on purpose...Ah'm sorry if he ruined your day, well, our day..."

"It's not...but I know he isn't going to give up easily,"

"Well he'll have to give up eventually...ah just know he doesn't take rejection lightly,"

The orange pony put a hoof in front of her face so block out the sun as she looked in the distance to see anypony.

"Look, 'Shy, I have no feelings for anypony but you...Ya don't have to worry about him. Ah don't even know why ah went out with him in the first place,"

"I know. I just wish I didn't need other people to..you know, help me whenever something like this happens..,"

"Ah love your shyness, sugarcube...it's adorable," Applejack mused, trying to shed light on the situation, or at least make Fluttershy feel better.

"But I wish i could just stand up for myself when somepony..." losing the words she was going to say, the shy pegasus just sighed.

"'Shy, Ah think you should go back home an' rest. Ah'll make sure today's good for the both of us, no matter how hard Buckwheat tries to ruin it. Ah love you, sugarcube, don't ever forget that,"

"I love you too...but what if see Buckwheat on my way back, I don't want him to know where we live,"

"Ah'm sure he won't see ya if ya fly real high, darlin'" Applejack said.

"I guess..."

After a kiss, Fluttershy said ,"If i do see him...I'll make sure I don't just back down this time, I'm so tired of being bullied around.."

After a nod from Applejack, the yellow pegasus was off, flying slightly higher than usual just to avoid the intruding stallion who could still be near-by.

Soon after, Applejack went back to her regular chores at the farm, knowing that she has a lot of thinking to do.

It was about an hour later when Applejack was in the middle of bringing a few baskets full of apples back to the farmhouse when she heard somepony walking nearby. Automatically assuming it was Buckwheat finally trying to make his move, she started to walk faster, still lugging behind several baskets of apples behind. She didn't feel like dealing with him. Even though she was pretty tired from a hard days at work, she convinced herself to trot along a little faster.

"Applejack! Wait!" Shouted the little red-maned filly.

The older pony stopped in her tracks, careful not to let any of the apples fall out.

"Oh, Applebloom. What're ya doin' out here? If ah had left earlier, ya coulda got yourself lost out here!"

The little pony quickly caught up to her older sister "Nuh-uh! I know ma way around this place just as good as you!"

"Well why in the hay are ya out here searching for me, ya know Ah go inside before Ah go back ta Fluttershy's,"
The little filly looked around nervously ,"Ah wanted to talk to you privately, Applejack,"

"Well, we should be back to the farmhouse in 5-10 minutes, what do ya need to talk about, AB?"

"Pinkie Pie promise ya won't tell no one?" Applebloom questioned, looking expectantly at Applejack,
The orange pony chuckled ,"Cross ma heart, Hope ta fly, stick a cupcake in ma eye. There, ah swore,"

The tiny pony inhaled ,"Ok so there is this colt in class and he's like soooo cute an his name is Red Hoof and ah don't know how to tell him that ah have a crush on him, but he's just so cute and ITS NOT FAIIIIIRRRRRRR," Applebloom blurted in one fast statement.

"Ah see. It's your first little crush huh Applebloom?"

The filly nodded with a goofy smile on her face.

"How do ah get him to like meeeeeeeee?" She stressed, impatiently waiting for an answer.

"Darlin', ya don't make somepony like you, it juss don't work that way,"

The little pony frowned ,"But then, what do ah do? he doesn't even have his cutie mark either! Its like we're meant to be and he doesn't know it!"

"Applebloom, you're too young to do this, go play with the other Cutie Mark Crusaders or somethin'"

"Ah'm a big pony Applejack! Ah'm old 'nuff! I swear!" The little pony persisted, jogging along-side the walking Applejack.

"You're not big enough, lil' sis, and trust me, ya should enjoy it while it lasts,"

"Why? I thought you and Fluttershy were happy together?" Questioned a confused Applebloom.

"WE are, sugarcube, it's other ponies that ain't. An' it ain't have nothin to do with the fact we're both mares,"

The little filly frowned, "What does this have ta do with me an' Red Hoof?" Forgetting she had asked about it in the first place.

"Look, sugarcube, it's not like love ain't great, because it is, but there's always somethin' that gets in the way when all ya do is your best...look, ah'm not saying not to love someone, ah'm just saying enjoy the lack of responsibility while you're a filly, growin' up ain't all that it sounds like, Sugarcube,"


"Now go find yer friends, we got back earlier than 'spected, so ah'm going home now,"

"UGH. Ok Applejack. whatever ya say," Applebloom exclaimed, fliling her little hooves in frustration.

"Atta-girl. Now go have some fun before it's time to hit the hay! It's a school night remember!"

"I know, I know!" The filly shouted, already galloping full-speed away to her friends.

Applejack thought for a second, then realized something, "Wait! Ya done yer chores, yet??"

"Can't here you!" Lied Applebloom. The orange pony just sighed and chuckled a little bit.

As Applejack dropped off the apples into an empty farmhouse, she thought out-loud "hehe that Filly will never learn,"
Applejack turned around and made her way out of Sweet Apple Acres. Even though the day hadn't exactly turned out how she planned so far, she decided she was going to salvage what she could, and in the end at least make it a good day for Fluttershy.

Surprisingly enough, the orange pony didn't see a single pony she knew on her long way back. Which is odd because she once again was expecting a spastic Pinkie Pie to fall from the sky and ask her what's wrong. But there was no sign of anypony she knew, and with the day she was having, she had no problem with it.

Applejack walked into their home quietly, expecting to see a peacefully resting Pegasus on the couch, but instead she saw her head-deep in a cabinet.

"I'm back a lil' early Sugarcube!"

Not noticing that Applejack had came in, this surprised her, causing her to squeal while still inside the cabinet, making her little squeal a lot louder. She backed out of it slowly, embarrassed because Applejack was giggling uncontrollably.
Embarrassment was soon replaced by genuine happiness to see her mare. The pegasus flew over to her and gave her a kiss while still in mid air. After too returning to the ground, she smiled and said ,"I'm glad you're back so soon, I would have been so bored waiting for you to get back,"

"Ah'm glad ah could get back sooner too. Today's our day, an' ah wanna spend a better time with you than we have so far, ya know?" Applejack said, alluding to the sad exchange they had with each other earlier.

"Oh...It's ok Applejack..I'm just glad you're hear now, um but I have some bad news," She said in a more casual way, so Applejack wouldn't assume it was something horribly bad.

'What is it, Darlin?"

The Pegasus lowered her head, "Um, I was looking for food for Angel and um-"

"Lemme guess, you're out of carrots, and we need ta go into to town for some more,"

"I'm sorry.." She said, actually sorry for something she shouldn't need to be.

"Oh 'Shy, ya made me feel bad 'bout that...Ya don't need to apologize! Ah'm sure we probably won't run into Buckwheat, and if we do, ah'll tell em off any how. And ah'm guessin' Angel wants his food as soon as possible huh?" Applejack said, followed by an emphatic MM-HMMM from the little bunny.

"Um, yeah," Fluttershy said sheepishly, knowing that the bunny is an impatient one.

Applejack politely let the pegasus leave first, then closed the door. Even though she had just gotten back to their home and had been looking forward to relaxing after such a stressful day, the opportunity to find Buckwheat and give him a piece of her mind seemed to give her new life, exhausted as she may have had been before.

While Fluttershy was admiring the beautiful day outside, Applejack got a little nervous at the idea of seeing the rude stallion. She hadn't seen Buckwheat in months. She doesn't know 100% what happened between him and Fluttershy, and wasn't about to go all the way to Cloudsdale to find Rainbow Dash to clear things up. She made a mental note to give the Pegasus some apples for helping Fluttershy. Her thoughts returned to the her jealous ex, and sll she knew right then is that he's mad and wants her back.

When the two ponies made it into the town, Applejack immediately noticed Buckwheat across the way and assumed that Fluttershy didn't.

That sure was easy..

The stallion was facing the opposite way, but Applejack knew it was him almost instantly.

"Fluttershy, ah uh, why don't ya go get some carrots for Angel right now, darlin'" The earth pony said, trying not to look in the direction of Buckwheat.

Fluttershy looked confused ,"Um, why? Aren't you going with me?"

"Ah, uh, ah need to find um Rarity and," The pony gave up on that lie and went with an easier one ,"It's a surprise, sugarcube," She said with her awkward smile. Surprisingly, Fluttershy seemed to except the lie, or at least pretend to, which was good enough for Applejack. She didn't want their day to be ruined, and If she could get Buckwheat to leave before Fluttershy even knows he was here, her day would be a lot better and she could just focus on making Fluttershy's the best she could.

"Let's meet right back here, ok?" Said Fluttershy, in her soft voice.

"Alright, darlin'!"

The Yellow pegasus made her way down the street to get to shop where she could get food for Angel and her other bunnies. Applejack waited until the Pegasus was out of sight, while steadily keeping an eye on Buckwheat.
When she decided it was clear, she let her confidence exude from her, then started her short walk, with a plan on confronting the giant stallion.