• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 8,323 Views, 272 Comments

AppleShy: The Series - solsticebrony888

A collection of stories describing the evolution of Futtershy and Applejack's relationship

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A Double Double Date

BonBon politely greeted the couple as they sat down at their table. The Restaurant was adorned with 4-Horseshoe insignias, fake hay and murals of the desert, giving off a corral type of atmosphere. Though it’s more of a place for friends to meet, the restaurant is set up to be moderately fancy. Applejack felt slightly out of place even with her dress on while Fluttershy felt perfectly fine. The place was more of a fancier hang-out spot than a place for a date, but they're on a casual double-date that Lyra and BonBon prepared themselves, neither of them felt compelled to complain, and make themselves seem rude.

"I'm glad you could make it girls, we have lots to talk about!" said BonBon enthusiastically, with a more relaxed Lyra next to her, who was sitting up-right.

"Ah'm sure glad we could come, it’s our first date. It's sure nice of ya to set this all up, ah sure appreciate friends like y’all" Applejack mused, while politely letting Fluttershy go in front of her to sit down first.

"Oh, It's fine, sugar. When we heard there was another Mare-couple in town, we just had to befriend you!" She said in a matter-of-fact way, "You guys are really KEYUUUUTE together!"

Fluttershy smiled graciously, "Thank you BonBon, You guys are adorable too...um how long have you guys been um together?"

The light-blue pony finally spoke up, "3 years next Wednesday," As if she expected the question. Applejack and Fluttershy both said 'Whoa' at the same time, each not expecting anything more than a year. BonBon smiled, delighted that Lyra knew that without having to think.

"It's sure been a great 3 years, even with all of the insults that get thrown our way.. .just from being the first mare-couple here in Ponyville. We've learned to just take it in stride. Everypony always said ‘Ponies will look down on you for this’ and we just said ‘Well, Pegasi can fly, of course they look down on us!’ The group shared a light fit of laughter. Applejack loosened up a bit after decided that the 2 ponies they were sharing the date with were pretty cool.

"Well ah sure went through some bad times. Ma family, well the two that run ma whole family tried to kick me from our house on our farm juss cuz of ma choice. But no one gets away with messing with this pony," BonBon seemed interested enough for Applejack to finish, "Ah'm guessing some family got mad at them, and they changed their minds. Sure hurt a lot when it was happenin' though. All just because of one choice ah made," turning to Fluttershy she said with a tiny smile, "One choice ah I don't regret at all,"

"So, even after your family did all that, it all went back to normal? I don't think Me or Lyra went through anything like that, at least. We didn’t tell our families, we just let them find out after a while,”

"Oh, Well it sorta went back to normal, Ah guess. Ah mean, when ah wasn't aloud at ma farm, ah moved in with Fluttershy. But when they let me work at the farm again, Ah stayed living at Fluttershy's, because well, um, it just felt right,"

BonBon smiled, "Awe! that's good. That's a lot to go through and you guys got through it at the start of your relationship...that's a great sign for you two," Fluttershy and Applejack looked at each other and smiled warmly.

"Where's the waiter-pony? I'm thirsty and hungry," Said Lyra slightly agitated. The rest just nodded. Upon hearing this, a stallion dressed in a saddle came over to take their orders, after they were done, BonBon continued, in a more hushed voice.

"So, if you don't mind us asking, when did you guys start to realize you know, that you liked each other...?" She said, poking a little more into their personal stuff.

This question surprised both of them, because they never actually told each other yet. Now that they're going to say it, it'll be new to each other too. Applejack took a moment to think. Fluttershy definitely isn't going first; she could see that the Pegasus was a little embarrassed at the thought of sharing something so personal.

The earth pony smiled and focused her attention on Fluttershy. This is the first time she'll hear it. Applejack’s heart fluttered; she had ALWAYS wanted to tell Fluttershy about this.

"Ok, Um, So a few months back, our friend Rarity had just designed some new dresses and she wanted us to try them on, and even though ah ain't big on that stuff, but when it's a friend ah feel obligated. So, we were at her shop, she had each of us try on a different dress, just to see how they fit. Fluttershy was the last to go. Up until that day, Ah only thought of her as a friend, never thought about, ya know...? She was the last to try on one of Rarity's dresses, and...when she came out of the dressing room," She tried to hold back a big adoring smile, but failed ,"She...looked...absolutely perfect, Ah Couldn't believe it…Ah mean, she just…Fluttershy, ya looked amazin’, juss like ya do now…” Fluttershy’s cheeks reddened at the compliment, and responded with a tiny ‘thank you’

“The whole time ah was worried somepony saw me blushin'" The earth pony said, blushing a little just through remembering it all.

"OH MY GOSH, that's just soooo adorable," Squealed BonBon, while Fluttershy just smiled at Applejack, forgetting it was her turn to tell her story.

When she finally noticed the three pony's expectant eyes looking at her, she sighed, then spoke up.

"I..um, can't really remember a time I didn't feel like I liked her more than other ponies...it's just that, um.." Applejack liked this, but the other two ponies wanted more. Fluttershy blew her mane out of her face then continued, right as their food was being served, "But at first...I thought it was normal, I didn't really think it was a crush...I just thought Applejack was really nice. I remember when we were helping Applejack-,"

"Who's 'we'?" Lyra interrupted, though not trying to be rude.

"Oh, um, Just me and a few friends of ours, and um, we went to help Applejack buck some apples down because her brother was away or something, and this was like um 4 months ago? I um, don't remember when, but I remember Applejack chasing after her sister for some reason, and when her sister fell and hurt herself, Applejack was there to help her, nurtured her, carried her back, and cared for her like...like a big sister should.. and I thought that was wonderful, and so caring of her and it showed her soft-side" Applejack smiled proudly, and switched positions in her seat just to get a little closer to Fluttershy ,"And, after that, I couldn't stop thinking of he-," Fluttershy turned to look straight into Applejack's adoring eyes, "You…I couldn't stop thinking about you…"

Not getting the clue that Applejack and Fluttershy were having a special moment, BonBon blurted out a sudden realization "Ever since the party I could have sworn I've seen you before, Applejack, and now that Fluttershy mentioned you have a little sister, I remember now! Remember when the little filly was trying to stuff apples into my bag, and you ended up having to give me a lot because she was trying to force me to buy them? Oh my Celestia, Who would have known we would have met again like THIS?" BonBon laughed whole-heartedly while Applejack grimaced, at the fact she was enjoying the moment she was having with her mare, and that that memory was simply embarrassing.

"Ah, Oh yeah...The poor filly has been trying her best to get her cutie mark, and that was one of the shenanigans she has gotten herself into," The earth pony chuckled half-faking the laughter.

"Oh none-taken," BonBon responded, not even noticing she had given a completely wrong response to Applejack's statement, "She was just trying to sell me some apples. I'll be sure to stop by and purchase some myself, you sure gave me a lot of them!" Chuckled BonBon, then Lyra randomly pitched in, "I ate most. BonBon isn't big on anything that isn't junk food," The sky-blue unicorn giggled.

"Well, it's true.." BonBon said, not inclined to argue when they're out with guests.

After taking a bite out of the daisy-sandwich she had ordered, BonBon changed the subject ,"So...do you guys kiss yet?" A simple question, but showed BonBon’s lack of of a limit when it came to gushing about another couple.

"...Of course we do," Applejack said, kind of put-off by the question.

"Sorry If I'm being a little personal with my questions...it's just you're the first mare couple we've met in quite a long time, I want to know everything!" BonBon said apologetically.

"Ah understand, sugarcube. It's been 3 weeks, but it's still new too us," Fluttershy nodded in agreement with orange pony’s statement. Lyra seemed more detached from the whole conversation, the blue pony was just eating her food quietly, not paying any mind to what's going on around her.

After taking a few minutes to eat, all ponies enjoying a large serving on hay-fries on the side BonBon broke the silence "Well, If it isn't too personal...how did you guys admit your feelings to each other?"

Fluttershy blushed immediately, the intruding questions making her embarrassed. Applejack looked at the Pegasus, kind of egging her on to share the story first this time, but it seems that Fluttershy is more confident when Applejack speaks first.

The earth pony started with a content smile, "Well...Ah invited Fluttershy over just to hang out," She once again turned to the shy Pegasus, "Even though, Ah'll admit, it was too see, ya know, if ya felt the same 'bout me...and well, we had a great time, we walked around and fooled around and, the way ah would test it out, by maybe, um, a few times ah would get a little close to her. Like more than normal. And even though ah knew she was blushin', ah couldn't be sure, ah was really nervous and ah really didn’t know what ta do. But then, we walked up this hill, and sat down to relax, and when ah felt the time was right, ah kinda snuggled into her a little bit, we were just sittin' down, but ah was gettin' a little closer, juss ta test it out, an' then-" The Earth pony looked at the yellow pegasus beside her.

"Do you wanna finish this for me Sugarcube?"

Fluttershy sighed for confidence, then continued in her regular soft voice, "Well, um, we were up there, and being with her all day, I was really happy, I had always dreamt about spending time with her, and just her… I felt like we had um, a connection with each other, that I haven't felt with anypony else, and after she nudged into me a little more, I knew, that um, I needed to say my feelings for her...it was obvious she could see me blushing, but I didn’t know what she would think if I told her…. I was so nervous, and scared…and so, um," Fluttershy looked down a little, slightly embarrassed.

"Go on, sweetheart," BonBon mused, by then she knew how nervous the Pegasus gets.

"Well, I looked her in the eyes, because I love her eyes," She said, gazing into them once again as she spoke, "And um, I said 'Applejack, I’m having so much fun…you’re so nice to me,'"

BonBon whispered awh, in anticipation for the rest of the story, “I was so nervous, I couldn’t even look at her, so I looked away…and she kept getting closer to me and it made me so much more nervous, I never thought we’d ever be so close and she was so warm… but I um…I was still able to talk, because I just felt it was right...I said ‘Applejack, promise me you won’t hate me for saying this…’ and then she said in her adorable voice ‘ah promise’. My heart melted when I saw her smiling at me…” Her voice trailed into a quiet squeak, but felt enough resolve to continue, “I said ‘Applejack why do I feel these feelings for you… and I um,”

The earth pony took the reigns again once she saw Fluttershy begging her too with her eyes, "Ah was so shocked, Ah mean, it was FLUTTERSHY for hay's sake, and my heart was beatin’ faster than ah ever imagined. But ah felt like ah knew what ta say, the words just came to me so naturally, everythin' just felt right. So then ah said 'Well, Fluttershy, maybe it's normal...to feel these feelings, ah know that ah'm feeling somethin' special for ya too, we have so much fun together and I really like being by you and maybe, just maybe these feelings mean something...', "

Applejack gave her Pegasus another adoring smile, then continued, "Ah guess, after that we juss talked, ya know? For a really long time, ah reckon it was until it was nearly dark. We didn't know what do, we always thought of each other as friends, and didn’t wanna lose that...but in the end we kinda juss decided to be, together, it juss felt right! But juss keep it hidden from ponies until we decided it was ok to tell everypony...,"

"That's so adorable! Oh my stars. I could tell from the moment we met at the party that you two have something special...now it's beyond a doubt. Lyra and I have a much simpler story, not as cute either, but that's a story for the next time...I can see we are all done eating," Applejack didn't even realize she had finished already.

"Oh thank ya kindly, BonBon. Ah'm sure your two's story is juss as good..."

Lyra laughed, "Not really..."

BonBon completely ignored the simplistic response from the teal pony.

"Oh it's fine, we definitely need to do this again someti- wait, you don't mind if I ask one more question do you?" BonBon said sheepishly.

"Go ahead, Sugarcube," Applejack said, almost regretting giving her permission, now knowing she doesn't really hold back when asking something.

"Uhhh," Once again she got closer to the two, so she could say it quietly ,"Do you guys say 'I love you' to each other yet?"

The two ponies were once again surprised by her question. Even Applejack didn't know what to say, but before she could even think of a response, Bonbon backtracked, "Oh sorry, it's probably too soon to be asking stuff like this...I'm sorry. I just had to ask,"

"Oh, it's fine BonBon," Fluttershy said happily, trying to pretend it wasn't awkward. Now that all of the ponies seemed to be done with food, and quite obviously Lyra was ready to head on out, they cleaned up their mess and left a few bits as a tip and paid their bills.

As they exited and prepared to say their goodbyes, BonBon stopped them.

"I'm sorry if I got a little personal, you know. It's just, I honestly never thought I'd see a mare couple here...Ponyville just seems so resistant to change, you know? Next time, I won’t be so intrusive," She walked along side with them for a little bit ,"I had a great time girls, thanks for showing up," Fluttershy smiled and nodded and Applejack politely said, "The pleasure was ours, Sugarcube,"

BonBon waved as she slowly caught up with Lyra, as the two couples went their separate ways. Fluttershy seemed to be in a great mood, which of course made Applejack feel good. Their first date was a success.

"I had a great time Applejack...thank you, so much..." Said the Pegasus happily, while fixing something on her dress.

"Anytime, sugarcube...Ah had a great time, ah really love spending so much time with you,"

"I do too...um, you make me so happy, I mean it. You spoil me,"

Applejack smiled proudly ,"Anythin' for you, sugarcube,"

In a short few seconds of silence, the two mares stared at each other, emotions running high. They had so much to say to each other with so little time to say it.

"How 'bout we hurry up n' get back, we can walk home as the sun sets," The earth pony said, a distracted smile, still smitten by the Pegasus.

"No," Fluttershy said simply, clearly something on her mind.

Applejack just gave her a confused look.

"Follow me," Fluttershy said, Applejack obeying.

"Where are we goin' sugarcube?" Applejack said, trotting behind the shy Pegasus.

Fluttershy looked back, as they walked fast, into the center of town, "You'll see, if that’s um…ok,"

Applejack was intrigued and continued following the Pegasus. She didn't have a clue where they could be going, but kept guessing anyway. Fluttershy wouldn’t even give a hint, her heart set on surprising Applejack. Soon they were past sugarcube corner, and that's when Fluttershy stopped.

"Here?" Applejack questioned.

"No, um Applejack can you cover your eyes or something, I want this to be a surprise, if that's ok.."

The earth pony put her mane completely in her face, "Is this good darlin’?" She said, clearly unable to see anything.

"Yes. Follow me, we're close, um, let’s get there before dark..."

"Well ah don't even know where we are going, how am I gonna keep up If ah can't see?"

"Just, um stay near me," The Pegasus said, soon making her way with Applejack to where she decided they should go. After a short bit of walking, Fluttershy automatically dismissing any guesses Applejack said. They were walking at an incline, which confused the earth pony. The slowly dropping outside air told her it was getting darker.

"It's ok um, we are almost there," Fluttershy said, her heart fluttering; she the orange pony would like what she’s trying to do.

The sky was a beautiful purple and red, over Ponyville and far beyond the horizon now that they were slightly out of town.
The air was cooling down, but still a comfortable 70 degrees. There was a slight breeze which both ponies enjoyed.
Fluttershy slowed down a little as they got closer to her destination. Applejack could tell that she was excited.

"'Shy we almost there yet?" Applejack said, not trying to sound like she's annoyed.

After the incline slowed into a more level ground, Fluttershy had Applejack sit down. Applejack started to move her mane, just for Fluttershy to whisper "Not yet". Applejack smiled. It was something Fluttershy had wanted to do for a long time, and now that it was happening, she was cautiously excited.

The Pegasus sat in front of Applejack, and moved closer, and smiled, both ponies feeling their warmth inches away from each other.

The earth pony waited for the Pegasus to tell her when to move her mane, but got something else entirely. Fluttershy moved Applejack's mane for her, but before Applejack could see where they were, The Pegasus surprised her with a long, passionate kiss.

Applejack found herself star-struck, with a blushing yellow Pegasus in front of her, on the hill where they first admitted their feeling for each other.

"Oh my Celestia" Was all that Applejack could say. Fluttershy lowered her head nervously; she did everything through impulse, she had actually planned to do it on the day that marked them being together for a month.

Fluttershy needed Applejack's approval to know if she had done good or not. Applejack just stared into the shy pony's eyes, taken back by the romantic move Fluttershy had just done, just for her.

"Ah'm speechless...this is wonderful, Fluttershy...absolutely wonderful, ah-ah..." Caught up in the throes of romantic bliss, Applejack could only smile, still just a few inches from the Pegasus’ face.

Neither of them seemed to care that they were sitting in grass, while still in the dresses Rarity gave them.
Applejack sighed, taking in the wonderful and the perfect moment she was having with the shy Pegasus.
She spoke again in nearly a whisper.

"Ah've waited ma whole life for somepony like you Fluttershy...and ah know, we've only been going out for 3 weeks...but ah really need to tell you something," Before she could finish, she got caught up in another kiss from Fluttershy, enjoying every second of it as if it’d be her last.

"I love you, Applejack,"