• Published 26th Nov 2013
  • 8,416 Views, 169 Comments

Luv Sic - chaosknight72

Music caries the emotions of the hurt. it conveys how we feel, and shows our pain. It can also pull us together. And open new doors we never thought were avalible

  • ...

Part 1

It was a cool autumn day in Ponyville. The chilled winds blew through the changing leaves of the library, creating a steady and soothing rustling as it passed. The sound carried to the ears of the inhabitants who seemed to be calmed and bore soft smiles because of the natural melody. The librarian, Twilight Sparkle, looked up from her notes and took notice of the sound. Her lavender eyes closing for a few moments as she inhaled deeply, finding renewed strength of will to push through her continued studies. On the lower level of the tree house home, Spike swept about the interior as he normally would, humming a gentle tune to himself as he normally would. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander slightly. His thoughts taking shape into a set of ivory and ebony keys that he felt oh so familiar with. He smiled inwardly and reopened his eyes. A smile adorned his maw and he walked into the kitchen, grabbing a quill, ink, and parchment as he went. Inspiration had struck him. Seating himself at the table, he started to jot down a few words. Every so often putting the quill to his cheek in contemplation as he pondered the next words to be written. His mind buzzed slightly as a flood of inward melody assailed his mind, bringing a bigger smile, and the need for more parchment. Scribbling notes and keys for what he believed would sound ideal. His happy train of thought however was short lived as his surrogate sister walked into the kitchen. The sound of her hooves ushering in her arrival

“Hey there Spike,” she called casually as she approached him. The small dragon turned in his seat and smiled at the lavender unicorn, his emerald green eyes catching her warm gaze with one of his own.

“Oh, hey Twilight. How’s the studying going?” he asked inquisitively. Twilight smiled and then sighed heavily looking at her #1 assistant.

“It’s all complicated spell application and theory. It’s pretty routine stuff,” she remarked. She noticed the parchments scattered along the table, some filled with words, others with music notes and rhythms. She looked back to Spike, who was back to scribbling down more words and notes. “And what are you up to?” she asked curiously. Spike’s attention remained on his writing as he answered her question.

“Well, I kind of had this melody stuck in my head for a little while, so I figure I get it down on paper so I don’t forget it,” he said as he finished jotting down the last few notes. He picked the pages up and looked them over, satisfied with what he had written. He sighed lightly and smiled. He set the stack aside and stood up. “Well I’m gonna get lunch started,” he said. He got up and waddled his way over to the stove, lighting it up and setting a pot out to boil. Twilight smiled and lit up her horn, her magical aura radiating around her horn and the stack of papers. She picked them up with her magical grip and carried them to the living room. She glanced at the title he had written down

“Luv Sic,” she said aloud. She wondered as to why he had written the title incorrectly. Fighting off the urge to correct the spelling, Twilight set the papers down on the coffee table and headed back into the kitchen, where Spike was making pasta. Twilight looked toward the clock, noticing that it was a little past 1 P.M.

“Hey Spike, I can watch the water, could you head to Quills and Sofas and pick up some more quills for me?” she asked. Spike took his attention away from the pot just as he was about to add the pasta.

“Umm, sure, I guess I can do that,” he said with a hesitant nod. He really didn’t feel comfortable leaving Twilight with the food, especially after what had happened the last time. His body trembled remembering having to clean the stove with a heavy duty bristle brush to get rid of burn and scorch marks. He shook it off and gave twilight a light hug before heading out the door. On his way, he grabbed the first sheet of paper and inspected the lyrics as he walked. Stepping out into the streets of Ponyville, the amethyst dragon walked with divided attention. Half focused on where he was walking, and the other half on the words he had laid down on the paper. As his attention wandered to the latter, he didn’t notice the pony he was about to walk into. The two collided in a rather comical fashion, both being thrown slightly back from the unexpected collision. Spike, rubbed his head slightly and opened his eyes slightly to see who he had run into. Before him was a goldish gray mare with a deep gray mane. She rubbed her head with her hoof before looking at the one who had knocked into her.

“My apologies. I was rather lost in thought,” she said softly. Her eyes were a light mulberry pink, which caught the drake off guard.

“N-n-no, it was my fault,” he said getting to his feet. He helped her up and she smiled sweetly at him. Spike smiled too, but then realized he had dropped his paper. “Oh man, where did it go?” he asked to himself looking for the sheet. The mare looked at him and then to the ground. She noticed the parchment and picked it up with her hoof. She glanced over the words quickly, but then started to read them. the words, while simple, conveyed a light sense of how love felt. Spike turned to see her with the sheet and approached her.

“Um, can I have that back?” he asked. She looked him over. He was the baby dragon known from around Canterlot and Ponyville. His emerald eyes looked pleadingly. The mare smiled softly.

“Did you write this young dragon?” she asked, her pink eyes looking directly at him. For some reason, here gaze made his cheeks warm under his scales. He shifted a little where he stood and averted his gaze a little.

“Umm yes,” he said meekly. The mare smiled and looked back at the paper. Then back to him

“Well this is a most interesting piece. If you don’t mind my asking, how did you come up with such interesting lyrics?” she asked. Spike felt more nervous about it now. He continued to shift slightly where he was standing.

“Well ugh, I um,” he stuttered a bit. His mouth felt slightly dry as he forced a long gulp down before explaining. “I sorta have this melody stuck in my head for a little while and I wanted to just write it down,” he said looking at his feet while talking. “I play the piano from time to time, so I can read and write a little,” he explained fidgeting. The mare grew increasingly more interested in the dragon as he explained himself.

“I see. If it isn’t too much to ask, could I hear this song of yours?” she asked. Spike turned his up at her with a confused look on his face.

“You wanna hear it?” he asked in slight disbelieve.

“Why yes, I would actually,” she replied. She smiled and then a quick flash of shock washed over her face before giving way to a warm smile once more. “I’m sorry, I have yet to introduce myself. My name is Octavia,” she said placing a hoof on her chest. Spike felt his face warm again and nodded.

“M-my name is Spike,” he said with a nervous smile. Octavia smiled and nodded.

“A pleasure Spike,” she said warmly. The small dragon smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Likewise. Anyway, I have to grab something from the quill shop before anything else. Is there someplace you want to meet at? Hopefully with a piano,” he said looking away from her nervously. The rustling of paper broke his shifting gaze and directed it to Octavia once more.

“Of course. Please come to the Ponyville Lounge when you are ready. I will be waiting there,” she said before turning and trotting away.

“Got it! I will see you there!” he shouted back to her. He waved for a few seconds before running to the quill shop and grabbing Twilight’s order. Running as fast as his legs could carry him, he returned to the library in time to see the pot of water on fire and a panicking Twilight trying desperately to put it out. Spike lowered his head and sighed.

“You had one job Twilight,” he said under his breath. He placed the sheet of paper on top of the others and walked into the kitchen. Twilight looked back to see Spike and tried to give an excuse.

“Spike! I was just, and the thing, with the water, and the book I was reading and,” she spewed out in rapid succession.

“Let me guess, you got wrapped up in a book, didn’t notice the water burning, the pot got too hot and set some of the paper towels on fire,” he said. Twilight smiled nervously as the drake walked up to the fire. He grabbed the pot and pushed it into sink, running a good deal of water over the towels and pot. He looked back at Twilight who just smiled nervously. Spike shook his head slightly and went back into the main room.

“I’m goin’ out for a while. Be back later,” he called from the door.

“Wait, where are you going?” she asked.

“The Ponyville lounge. A mare I bumped into wants to listen to the song I wrote. Plus it gives me a chance to play again,” he called back, and with that he was out the door. It took a few minutes more than it should have, but the baby dragon eventually found his way to the lounge. Pushing the door open he walked in slowly. The room was dimly lit with very low set lights and candles. The only real beacon of light in the room came from the center stage. “Wow, I’ve never been in here before,” Spike mused to himself. As his eyes scanned the room he, noticed a piano sitting to the left of the stage. His eyes widened and he smiled happily moving over to it with a bit more spring in his step. Setting his papers down on a table nearby, he approached the large instrument. Placing a claw along the cover of the keys, he felt a soft swelling in his chest as the feeling of the grain on his scales. He looked around sheepishly, as if he was about to do something he wasn’t supposed to. With the coast clear of anypony in the immediate area, he lifted the cover concealing the keys. He smiled softly seeing the ivory and ebony keys. “It’s been a while,” he said lightly. He sat down at the on the bench and tested the keys. The pleasant melodies rang through the building, causing him to smile wider. With a giddy look on his face, Spike cracked his knuckles and began to play. The melodies painting pictures in his mind as his fingers moved in gentle succession over the keys. He played for quite a few moments until he felt satisfied with the sounds.

“Still got it. Now, let’s try this out,” he said turning to the papers on the table. He grabbed the lyrics as well as the notes and set them on the display. He sat silently for a few seconds reading over the lyrics. Placing his claws over the keys, he paused. Inhaling deeply, he began to sing. the words flowing as he sang with enough energy to have the music and his voice carry through the room. Though pleased with the melody and the lyrics, Spike felt it was missing something. Something to give it more weight. He stopped singing before the chorus and looked over his notes.

“Hmm, it needs base,” he said looking at his notes with a critical eye. As he stared, he couldn’t help but hear something. Hoof steps, as well as wheels against the tiled floor of the building. He turned in his chair to see the mare from earlier trotting towards him. A cart attached to her back, pulling a large case.

“Well, that is what I was expecting from the lyrics I read,” she said. She detached the cart and used her teeth to lift the case from it. “Though I must admit, it sounds as if it is missing a few things,” she said opening her case and revealing a cello. “May I join you?” she asked setting the instrument on the stage near the piano. Spike just nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed that someone had heard him playing. She started to use her bow against the strings of the cello, making the much needed base line that the song needed. Spike smiled and started playing the piano part once more. Repeating the lyrics he had sang before, adding the hook after the last words were spoken.

“Cause the beat plus the melody makes me speak of L-O-V-E eloquently so evidently,” he sang with a smile. As he repeated the hook, a second voice joined him.

“Cause our beat plus your melody makes me speak of L-O-V-E eloquently most defiantly,” Octavia sang along with him. Spike stopped playing for a few moments to take in the earth pony before him. He felt his heart begin to flutter slightly as he watched her play. The mare looked at him and smiled lightly. The young drake felt his face warm at the sight of such a simple smile as her’s.

“I do believe that helped quite a bit,” she said with a grin. Spike simply nodded dumbly as he tried to refocus on playing.

“Yeah, though I think it needs something to help carry. A beat would be good,” he said keeping his eyes on the notes in front of him. Octavia placed a hoof to her chin and thought for a few moments.

“Well, I know of somepony who could provide a few beats. Though I’m not certain she will take a liking to this kind a melody,” She said. Her eyes lowered in thought, as if regretting the attempt to raise Spike’s hopes. Spike perked up at the news and looked past his notes.

“Do you think we can give it a shot anyway? Even if she says no, we can at the very least try,” he said hopping down from his stool. Octavia sighed and nodded.

“ I doubt she is even awake right now. Well, let’s find out,” she said. She left her cello set up and walked off of the stage. She looked back at Spike, who was still just standing by the piano. “Coming?” she asked. This seemed to knock Spike out of whatever trance he was in. He shook his head a little bit and then followed after her quickly. The two exited the building and headed down the street. Walking silently, Spike stole a few glances at Octavia as they walked.

She’s really nice. And she has a really nice mane and coat, he thought to himself. And those eyes, never seen any like those. They kinda remind me of blossoms.

“Is there something on my face?” she asked. Once again, Spike was in a trance and he had been caught staring. He snapped to attention and averted his gaze again. Looking straight.

“Oh, um no. I was just um, thinking,” he said shifting his gaze back and forth from the mare and the road. Octavia raised an eyebrow, but then decided to let it go. Their walk continued uninterrupted, until they reached a two story house. It was pretty plain looking, cream color paint with red shutters bordering the windows, and a dark brown roof on the top.

“Is this where she lives?” he asked. Octavia sighed and hung her head.

“Yes, indeed it is. It’s also my home as well. Please, do me a favor, and don’t mind the mess,” she said under her breath as she pushed the door open. The door creaked open and light began to fill the the dark living area. The ground was covered in large trash bags that needed to be taken care of, but other then that the place was relatively spotless. Spike cocked an eyebrow, observing the “mess” Octavia had warned him of. He took a glance at the mare who looked physically stunned.

“Umm, so is this the mess?” he asked. His question seemed to snap the cellist out of her trance.

“T-t-this is not how I left the house this morning,” she said looking around. Sure enough after a little searching, here eyes fell on the rear end of a pony coming out of the kitchen doorway with another bag of trash in her grip. She had a messy two toned mane comprised of teal and blue with tail to match, pure white fur, and a cutie mark of a music note. She turned around with the bag clutched in her magical grip, looking to see the small drake and gray mare standing in the doorway. She smiled and put the trash bag with the rest and trotted over quickly.

“Hey Tavi, didn't expect you home so soon,” the unicorn mare said looking towards her friend. She then looked down at the dragon and her eyes widened slightly. “No way! Spike!? Is that you!?” she asked loudly. Spike's eyes lite up and a huge grin went across his maw.

“Vinyl! Its been way too long!!” he shouted giving the mare a big hug, which the unicorn accepted and returned with one of her own. Octavia was a bit taken back by what she was watching. This seemingly random little dragon with a gift for music, and her best friend and roommate knew each other. And quite well it seemed.

“I'm sorry to interrupt, but how do you two know one another?” Octavia asked. Vinyl looked over at Octavia with a grin while giving Spike a playful nuggie.

“Me and old Scale head here go back a ways. I met him when he was doing errands for Princess Celestia back when I still lived in Canterlot. Turns out this kid can really play a mean piano,” Vinyl recalled. Spike wormed his way out of her grip and smiled up at his friend.

“Yeah, we even played together for a while. She worked the turntables with-” Spike began but cut himself off. He realized that Vinyl had the thing that his song was missing, sick beats. “Vinyl! We need your help with something!” he shouted a bit louder then he needed to. The DJ looked down at him and raised an eyebrow.

“What's up Scale Head?” she asked.

“See I have been working on this song since this morning, and Octavia thinks it sounds good, but it's missing something. It needs some good beats to help the flow get going. Think you can help us out?” he asked. Vinyl smirked and sat on her hunches and crossed her forehooves.

“I don't know, I can be quite the busy mare ya know. Plus I gotta go check my equipment for my next gig tonight at the Lounge,” she said looking away with a smug grin.

“That fine! We were just there. You can listen to the song and see what we mean,” he pipped in. Vinyl smiled and uncrossed her hooves.

“Alright alright you got me Scale head. Let's listen to this song of yours,” she said playfully. She pressed a hoof to his head and fiddled with his flexible spines. The three soon departed for the lounge once more. Spike was getting more and more excited about this seemingly small project blossoming into something amazing.

“Hey Tavi, how did you get roped into this little adventure?” Vinyl asked her roommate as they set out for the lounge. Octavia smiled slightly and turned to face the path ahead of them before she began explaining.

“Well, I was on my way to Sugarcube Corner when we both bumped into each other. He was holding a sheet of paper with the most interesting lyrics I had ever had the pleasure of reading. I asked him if he wouldn't mind playing it for me and he agreed,” she stated simply. Vinyl looked to the sky pondering what she had just heard before a grin graced her muzzle.

“Alright, I can buy that. So what did it sound like?” the D.J asked.

“It was a jazz like melody with love like lyrics. Metaphorical and simple sounding at the same time,” she answered. Vinyl smirked.

“Jazz huh? Alright, I can work with that,” she said putting a hoof to her chin. The trio finally arrived at the lounge, and upon entering, Spike and Octavia returned to the stage. With Vinyl now seated at a table near by, the duo began to play once more. Spike taking the lead as his scaled fingers stroked the ivories once more. Octavia's cello blending well with the piano key strokes. When they approached the harmony, Vinyl got up from her chair and left the room without a word. Spike looked over to see where Vinyl had once sat and stopped playing. His shoulders slumped and his expression began to sag. Letting his claws hit the keys unceremoniously, he sighed and looked to Octavia, who seemed to share his current disposition.

“Well, we tried,” he said simply. Before Octavia could try and reassure the drake, he swiveled around and hopped off. He lowered his head and slowly began to trudge off the stage.

“Spike, wait a moment. Maybe she needed to use the rest room,” Octavia said, trying to capture the dragon's attention.

“Or maybe she just didn't like it,” Spike said slightly dejected.

“Or maybe I went to go get my turntables,” Vinyl's voice called from the far end of the stage. Spike and Octavia turned their heads to see Vinyl wheeling out her equipment to the center of the stage. She had several cords running along the stage, no doubt hooked to the sound system, as she got everything set up. Spike walked up to Octavia as the two watched the D.J look through record after record at her disposal, seemingly trying to find the right one for the job. She selected two and set them on the tables. Using her magic, vinyl levitated her headphones onto her head and let the first needle drop. What followed was a few seconds of silence, and then the steady beating of a drop and cymbal. This beat, though simple, seemed to hit just the right spot in Spike's mind. He rushed back to the piano and signaled Octavia to start strumming. When the moment was just right, Spike entered and began to sing. As his voice carried over the sound with soothing ease, Vinyl let the other needle drop, adding a horn blow along with the following accompaniment. Adding a good feel to the song. With the first verse and hook completed, the trio stopped to think about what they had created just then.

“That was amazing!” Spike shouted hopping down and running to the two mares. They met at Vinyl's set up and began to discuss it.

“That is just what the song needed indeed. And Vinyl, excellent selection for the drum beat and clarinet,” Octavia praised. Vinyl just smiled.

“Well I've had these two records for a while, and now seemed like the right time to give em a shot. And judging from you two, it worked,” Vinyl said looking between Spike and Octavia.

“I'll say! This is so incredible cool!” Spike yelled out. He was way past excited about this. The white mare put her hoof to her chin and thought for a second.

“Say, you guys wanna preform this for my gig tonight?” she asked. The color in Spike's face drained completely. He opened his mouth to say something, anything, but the words were caught in his throat.

“I think it's a splendid idea,” Octavia chimed. She smiled at Vinyl before looking at the obviously nervous dragon beside her, who was stammering like an idiot.

“Should we take that as a yes?” Vinyl asked. Octavia nodded and nudged Spike to pull him back to reality.

“Are...are you sure you wanna preform this? I-I-I mean, we only played it once and not even all the way through and-” he was soundly cut off by a hoof being placed over his mouth.

“It's alright Spike. If anything, Vinyl and I will be onstage with you through to the end,” Octavia reassured.

“Yeah, plus we still got plenty of time to hammer out the rest of the song right? So let's do it!” Vinyl shouted. And with that burst of confidence, and a few more reassuring comments from Octavia, Spike agreed to preform. Something in the back of his mind signaled that he should at least tell Twilight about what was going on. Excusing himself from the two, and promising to return shortly to practice and go over things, Spike headed back to the Golden Oaks Library that he called home. Venturing in, Spike found Twilight, sitting at her desk once again reading. He smiled to himself and made his presence known.

“I'm home Twilight,” he announced. The mare in question, raised her head from her book and smiled for a few seconds before it turned to a disapproving frown.

“Spike, where have you been?” she asked like an upset parent. “You have been gone for hours. What have you been doing?” she asked. Spike explained it in rather easy to understand terms how he bumped into Octavia, played her the song, got Vinyl involved, and how much they enjoyed his song.

“And they both want to preform it tonight during Vinyl's show tonight. I wanted to know if you would come and watch,” he said rapping up his explanation. Twilight had a slightly flabbergasted look about her, but it soon softened and then brightened into a smile and excitement.

“I have got to tell the girls!” she shouted. Spike smiled seeing her happy, but then his expression shifted to one of dejection.

“Umm...could you not tell Rarity?” he said quietly, but loud enough to hear. The lavender mare's ears twitched, snapping her out of her happy trance. She looked back to see Spike looking very much upset, with a small glimmer of anger as he gazed at the floor.

“It wouldn't be fair to invite the others without her Spike,” Twilight said approaching the drake. She placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked. Spike shook his head lightly in response.

“No, it's ok. I guess I'm still not fully over it,” he said. He gave her a fake smile to try and play off the hurt in his heart. “I have to get back to the lounge. I'll see ya there Twi,” he said turning to the door. Before he could advance too far, he felt a pair of hooves wrap around his body and pull him into a tight embrace. He closed his eyes and just accepted it, placing a claw over one of the hooves. “I'm ok Twilight,” he said softly. The hooves unwrapped from him. He looked back to see his sister figure giving him a warm smile. He returned it, genuinely, before departing. Retrieving the rest of the song from the table he had left it on, he was on his way. When the door closed, Twilight smiled and thought for a few moments. And idea formed and she quickly got parchment, ink, and a quill. Writing out a letter that she knew someone would want to read.

Back at the lounge, Vinyl and Octavia were chatting rather casually about the song, and they were rather excited about how it would turn out. Though something had struck Vinyl that Octavia had yet to question.

“So, this is a love song right?” Vinyl asked. Octavia blanched for a second. Thinking about the words she remembered Spike singing, and reading over the lyrics sheet, she could confirm it.

“I believe so. I wonder who was the inspiration for such a wonderful piece,” she said aloud.

“Well I'm sure Scale Head will tell us when he gets back. In the mean time, I'm gonna grab a drink. Want anything?” Vinyl asked. Octavia put a hoof to her chin in thought and then responded.

“Water will be fine,” she said finally. The D.J nodded and headed to the bar, leaving Octavia to ponder the song's meaning. She didn't have to wait long for the drake to return, and with the rest of his notes and what not. Ascending the stage steps, he placed the papers on the piano bench and began to look them over. Octavia, seeing this as a good chance, approached him.

“Spike, if I may be so forward, who did you write this song for?” she asked. Spike's body physically shuttered for a quick second before he gave an answer.

“Rarity,” he said lightly. His body language told anyone with a working brain stem not to push the issue, not to dive deeper into it. Octavia saw these signs, but sensing that talk was needed, she dove in head first.

“What happened?” she asked. Spike closed his eyes and sighed hard. He looked up at the cellist and pointed a thumb to one of the tables. Making their way over, Spike explained.

It was a nice day in Ponyville. Celestia's sun shown brightly in the sky. The birds were chirping a pleasant melody for all to hear, the wind blowing adding to the gentle harmony of ambiance around everypony. Spike smiled and inhaled the breath of fresh air. Looking down at the piece of paper in front of him, he continued his simple quill strokes, creating a poem. It was entitled “Diamond of my Eye”. Proud of his work, he needed to give this to the one mare that held his heart. The seamstress herself, Rarity in the Carousal Boutique. Making his way over, he felt the world glow more intensely. This was it. The day he would finally tell her how he felt. Express his love for her through these carefully chosen words. Upon reaching the door to the boutique, he knocked several times and awaited any form of response.

“Coming,” and angel like voice called out. Spike felt his heart flutter greatly as the door opened, revealing the mare he loved so much. Or so he thought. In the black of the alabaster white mare with royal purple mane he loved so much, stood a dark gray Pegasus stallion with white and light blue mane.

“Hey babe, there is a dragon at your door!” he shouted looking back into the house.

'Babe?' Spike asked himself. The sound of thunderous hoof steps assailed the floor as the mare he had wanted to see sprinted into view. One look at her and he was slowly putting two and two together. He looked back at the stallion, then to Rarity. His eyes widened, and then dimmed. His mouth fell agape for a few seconds, but quickly recovered. Closing as to draw as little attention as possible.

“Spikey, I wasn't expecting to see you today!” Rarity blurted out laughing nervously.

“Yeah...I had something for you,” Spike said looking down. He felt the crumpling of paper in his tightly gripped claw. “But silly me, it looks like you already have one,” he stated looking at the Stallion once more. Rarity looked at the stallion and then back at Spike.

“I can explain,” she said desperately.

“Explain what? That you never loved me, that all the hard work I dedicated to you was all for not?” Spike asked. The stallion, shifted his gaze between the two.

“Do you two need a minute?” he asked. Rarity looked at him and opened her mouth to speak.

“No Thunderlane, we're good. Just wanted to tell you, that with Twilight's studies flaring up...i won't be able to help you anymore. See ya around Rarity,” Spike said. He turned and began to trudge from wince he came. Thunderlane shrugged.

“What was his deal?” he asked. He saw the look of dejection and disgust on Rarity's face. Thinking for a second, he said something that he thought would help. “You didn't need that little lizard around anyway,” he said shrugging. It was a poor choice of words to say the least. He soon felt a pair of hooves crash hard into his flank, sending him skyward. Turning around he saw the door he was just standing in close with a very loud slam. “Eh, she'll come around,” he said in a casual tone as he took to the sky. Spike soon found himself sitting on a bench in town. His crumpled up poem still clutched tightly in his hand. He looked at his clenched fist, opening it slowly. He looked it over, and with no real hesitation, ignited it with his emerald flames.

“That's pretty much how it went down,” Spike said at the end of his story. Octavia, and Vinyl who had rejoined during the story, had gravely saddened looks in their eyes. Vinyl had to move away for a moment to shoo off the tears that threatened the corners of her eyes. Octavia let a few fall and simply took the drake into a loving hug.

“I'm sorry Spike,” she said silently. Spike had cried all he could about it. He was far from over it, but he had gotten the crying out of his system at least. He wrapped his claws around her and hugged her back.

“I'm ok now. Yeah...definitely ok,” he said. Octavia released him and nodded. Vinyl looked back at him.

“Didn't know you were goin' through some rough stuff Spike,” she said trying not to tear up again.

“It's cool Vinyl. Anyway, we got work to do if we are gonna be ready by tonight,” Spike said. The two mares smiled gently and nodded. The three going back to the stage and going over their parts. Vinyl made suggestions on what could be tweaked and where she could possibly do some scratching. Octavia studied her part and agreed to keep that baseline as fluid as she could. This left the lyrics and piano accompaniment to Spike, who was already pretty sure of how he would preform.


Time passed quickly as the three prepared. And sure enough, the lounge opened to the public. Posters everywhere let everypony know that DJ Pon-3 was playing at the Ponyville lounge. What the posters failed to tell, was the surprise addition to the show in the form of Spike Sparkle and Octavia Melody. In the time before the lounge opened, Spike and Octavia had returned to their homes to dawn any type of clothing that would be appropriate for a live preformance. Spike, his suit from the Grand Galloping Gala, was more then enough to suit the young drake's needs. Octavia, dawned a simple Pink bowtie that she wore when she preformed in Canterlot. The time was soon approaching as they returned to the lounge, ready or not, to play the song that brought them together.

“Spike, are you ready?” Octavia asked. Spike looked back at her. He looked slightly panicked and nervous.

“Umm. No, no I'm not. What if I mess up? What if I forget the words?!” he questioned while dragging his claws down his face. He felt a pair of hooves touch his shoulders and turn him around. Octavia looked him in the eyes with those trusting and warm light purple eyes.

“I know it's scary preforming in front of an audience, but-” she began as her voice was soon drowned out by an announcer.

“NOW ANNOUNCING OUR FAIR RULERS: PRINCESS CELESTIA AND PRINCESS LUNA!!!!” the voice boomed. The duo turned their heads to see several armed guards walk in, and sure enough behind them, trotted in the solar and lunar monarchs. Spike's eyes widened in disbelieve seeing the two here of all places

'Darn it Twilight! You did this!' Spike thought to himself. He felt his face turn back to Octavia who still had that comforting look about her.

“They don't matter. The only thing that will matter is us on stage. If you feel like you are too nervous, just remember I'm up there too. Focus on me and you will be fine,” she said softly. Spike felt his face flush noticeably. Though her advice was giving simply to help direct his focus, he couldn't help but get lost in the idea of himself and Octavia playing alone like they had earlier. It was so calming, and so relaxing. With a nodded he agreed to follow her advice. This warranted him a smile and another hug from the cellist.

Out in the crowd, Celestia and Luna sat down quietly and looked toward the stage.

“Sister, this is indeed most exciting, is it not?” Luna asked her older sister. Celestia smiled warmly.

“Yes it is. It's not everyday you get to see your son preform,” Celestia said warmly. Forcing her way through the crowd, Twilight found a seat near the princesses. She too looked towards the stage. Her ears twitched when she heard a familiar laugh. Looking to her side, she soon spotted someone Spike really didn't want to be here. Accompanied by Thunderlane, Rarity sat looking at the stage, dressed in one of her lovely dresses from her personal collection.

“I'm sure Miss Scratch is going to do a wonderful job this evening,” she chimed.

“Yeah, she's the best D.J around. Good thing I got our tickets early,” Thunderlane added. Twilight was going to say something when Celestia caught sight of her.

“Twilight! Please, come sit with us,” she called. Twilight redirected her attention to the Princess and made her way over. As she walked, Rarity caught a glimps of the lavender mare.

“Thunder, excuse me a moment, I have to go talk to my friend for a moment,” Rarity said excusing herself. Following Twilight's path, she found herself at the table of the princesses.

“I'm glad you could make it princesses,” Twilight said greeting the royal siblings.

“Thank you for inviting us,” Celestia thanked with a grin.

“Twilight!” Rarity shouted over the crowd.

“Rarity? What are you doing here? Did Spike invite you?” Twilight asked. Rarity looked confused for a moment.

“What ever do you mean darling? I'm on a date with my coltfriend,” Rarity said. Celestia's eyes opened wide in sudden realization.

“Excuse me, Miss Rarity, when did you start seeing your coltfriend?” the sun princess asked. Rarity shifted her gaze from left to right, wondering why the princess was asking.

“It was a few months ago. Why do you ask?” Rarity inquired nervously. Celestia's expression grew cold for a brief moment. Turning around she spoke one last word.

“Nothing,” she said calmly. The lights dimmed and the spotlight shined on the main stage. Twilight looked at the princess, then to the very conformable Rarity. Her gaze falling lastly on the silent moon princess, who had not even acknowledged the element of Generosity’s presence.


“HELLO PONYVILLE!!!!!!” shouted the ecstatic Vinyl over the P.A system. “D.J PON-3 IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!” she screamed. The crowd roared loudly as she made her way onto the stage constantly hoofpumping as she made it to the center.

“Well, this is it. Are you ready Spike?” Octavia asked. Taking one last deep breath, Spike smiled confidently and nodded.

“I got a little bit of treat for you lot tonight. Recently, I had the pleasure of running into a good friend of mine from back in Canterlot. Awesome thing is, he is a piano player and made up a pretty cool song that I couldn't help but force him to share!” Vinyl shouted, getting both laughter and applause from the crowd.

“Go time,” Spike said.

“And now to preform his first live preformance, with myself and my best friend Octavia Melody, I give you SPIKE SPARKLE!!!!!!!” Vinyl shouted. That was the cue. Spike and Octavia made their way to the stage. Both seemed relaxed and ready to play. In the crowd, Celestia dawned a very proud smile and egarly awaited the preformance. Twilight was giddy with anticipation. She looked over to Rarity, who was sitting with her mouth agape next to Thunderlane. Sitting down on the bench. He looked towards the crowd. His eyes could only see the bright lights glaring at him. Looking infront of him, he saw the warm smile that Octavia had given him all day long. He smiled and nodded. Giving Vinyl the signal to start. On cue, Vinyl let the first needle drop and the beat began to play. The lounge fell silent as the simple drum beat set the tone. After a few moments, the second needle dropped, bringing in the clarinet. With the wind added, Octavia began to strum steadily. The two mares looked to the dragon. His claws ready and poised. He smiled and closed his eyes letting his claws drop and the words flow. The pleasing piano tunes added the right touch to convey the words Spike sang. he sang of being struck with love and what it means to those who know its pangs and joys. Spike smiled and looks to the others as they sang the hook.

“Cause the beat plus the melody makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently most definitely,” they sing in unison. The trio let the words sink in for a few moments as more and more ponies begin to get into it. Wither it be the words, or the melody, everypony around was feeling it. Celestia smiled wider hearing her son singing with such conviction. She felt so proud in that one moment, that she wished she could save it for eternity. Spike looked to the crowd then smiled again, beginning the second verse. He sang out of great inspirations that could move one to write songs. Signaling the hook to hit once more.

Another quick musical break occurred with ponies looking on in anticipation to see what the final verse held. Spike looked slightly unsure if he should sing it, but one glance to the two mares on stage with him quickly sent those worries away. The final verse, recalled memories of his own love sickness for a certain unicorn. The words he trusted long ago to convey his true feelings. he felt himself slowly starting to feel saddened,but pushed through to the final hook

Spike looked to the piano keys and sang in a soft register the last hook. The melody played a little while longer until the song finally ended. With the last note struck, the audience erupted in a great show of approval of the dragon's work. Spike looked out, though still blinded by the lights and smiled. He had sang his song. It had been heard. And apparently, it was good

Author's Note:

Hey all. Thanks for reading. feed back is always appreciated wither good or bad. cant grow without it. also, the lyrics for the song that i used had to be cut. the song i used here, and which was the inspiration for this part, is Luv Sic part 1 by Nujabes Ft. Shing02. an amazing song. thanks again for reading. lyrics can be found here http://rapgenius.com/Nujabes-luv-sic-lyrics