• Published 26th Nov 2013
  • 8,413 Views, 169 Comments

Luv Sic - chaosknight72

Music caries the emotions of the hurt. it conveys how we feel, and shows our pain. It can also pull us together. And open new doors we never thought were avalible

  • ...

In between time

Author's Note:

This is a portion that was cut from the fifth chapter, rewritten, and designed to be a in between chapter to further Rarity and show what she was going through. hope you like it, and chapter 6 should be up by the 25

As Spike and his musical friends carried on their time in Canterlot, Ponyville ran as smoothly as fine silk. Spike being gone did very little to actually sway Ponyville as a whole, but his presence was missed by a few ponies. And those are the few that mattered. Though today seemed to be slightly different, for a new arrival had come to the quaint little town in search of a dear friend. He disembarked from the train and cast a casual glance over the surrounding area to get a taste for the atmosphere. Letting a satisfied smile curl his lips he began to walk from the platform and into the streets. To say this stallion turned heads was a bit of a understatement. The way he carried himself, the suit jacket, vest, and shirt he wore, and even down to his perfectly styled azure blue mane and mustache showed that this stallion was indeed of a “higher caliber” than most of the ponies who inhabited the town. Casting a glance left and right, he spotted a young mare. She was casually trotting a few feet from her, but he recognized her from around Canterlot prior to her moving. With a kind grin, and happy to see a familiar face, he approached. The mare was a mint green unicorn, with a two toned green and white mane.

“Miss Lyra, is that you by chance?” he asked. The mare ahead of him stopped and turned. Her golden eyes locking with his own cool blues. She smiled and turned fully to approach him.

“Fancy Pants, it's been too long,” she said with a cheery smile. Fancy could only smile back at her and dip his head in a light bow.

“I'm quite relieved that you remember me,” he said. It had been a while since they had seen each other. “I wondered if I would find another familiar face aside from the one I'm looking for.”

“Lookin' for somepony huh? Let me take a guess,” she said. She placed a hoof to her chin and stared at the stallion. He stood in place with an eased pose as she scrutinized him. Circling him once over, she created a 4 digit appendage with her magic as she thought. Fancy raised an eyebrow at the construct, though decided not to question it as of yet. Lyra kept thinking, until the appendage placed its middle digit with the oddly shaped one. The two pressing together and then snapping apart with an audible snapping noise.

“You're lookin' for Rarity,” she said finally with a confident grin. Impressed at her conclusion, Fancy simply sat on his haunches and clapped his hooves together.

“Correct you are Miss Lyra. Pray chance, do you know where I might find her?” he asked. Lyra smiled. The construct retracted its two outer digits inward. Leaving the index and the odd one extended and pointing in one direction.

“She lives in the carousal just down that way, you can't miss it,” she said. Her construct finally dissipated. With a word of thanks, Fancy Pants followed where she had pointed out. His search did indeed bear fruit as he found himself outside the Carousal Boutique. He used his own magic to straighten out his appearance, being careful with his jacket. Approaching, he stepped onto the doorway and began a series of raps against her door with his hoof. To his surprise, he heard hoof steps coming in a great deal faster than he had anticipated. She couldn't have been expecting him. That would be a bit odd considering this was an impromptu day trip on his part. He would get answers soon though as the door flew open inwardly.

“Spike???” Rarity shouted, hoping for a special someone to be waiting there. She was instead greeted with the appearance of Fancy Pants. Her face paled (if that was possible) as her brain caught up with the information her eyes were giving it. This was not Spike. This is Fancy Pants. Her brain, now up to speed, proceeded to tell her mouth to spit out incoherent mutters until directed otherwise.

“F-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-a-a-a-a-a-a-a,” she vocalized like an idiot. Despite his upbringing and knowledge of how this particular mare operated when greeted with somepony of his social standing, Fancy couldn't help but chuckle a few times at the mare's growing bewilderment.

“It's refreshing to see you as well Miss Rarity,” he finally said after getting his chuckles under control. To this, Rarity slammed the door in his face. He kept his knowing smile on as he heard the hooves scamper away, only to come back very quickly. The door opened more gracefully, this time revealing Rarity in a very stylish dress and matching scarf.

“Why Fancy Pants, this is a most wonderful surprise. Please do come in,” she offered. Fancy walked in and shook his head lightly at her attempts of being “Upper Class”. Truth be told, he viewed her with more respect than any of the self-proclaimed
“Elite” of Canterlot.

“Do pardon my intrusion today, but I did come as a client,” he said as he entered her front room. Rarity's ears perked and she soon joined him after closing the door.

“You want to enlist my services?” she asked in disbelieve. Fancy turned to see the rather confused look on her face.

“Why yes I have actually. You see, I will be hosting a small beneficial in a few weeks. I need a new suit, and as you can see, this one has seen better days,” he said. At that statement, Rarity did as Lyra had done before her. Casting a critical eye over the suit as a whole and circling the dapper stallion.

“There is a tear along the back, several buttons have come loose, it needs to be refitted, possibly taken in by a few hairs,” she mumbled. To which Fancy smiled and closed his eyes.

“Yes, I knew your talented eyes could see it. As I was saying though, I would like a new suit. Preferably to match this color scheme, but with a renewed flare. A few sapphires perhaps?” he asked. He looked to see Rarity mumbling more about what alterations could be made to his current suit. He had to blink a few times before understanding what he was watching. “Miss Rarity?” he asked. Reaching out and waving a hoof in front of her, he attempted to gain her attention, but to no real avail. Looking around while she was trapped in her own little world, he took in her home. It was quaint and had a very well kept, warm, organized, and slightly chaotic nature to it. It was something every home should feel like. He looked back to the mare and noticed the necklace around her neck. It was a beautiful piece to be sure. A heart shaped, perfectly cut Fire Ruby encased in a golden band.
“Where did you get such a piece?” he asked. This seemed to snap her out finally as her head shot up to meet his gaze. She pressed a hoof to the ruby and gave a soft smile.

“A very dear and close friend gave this to me not too long ago,” she said remembering like it was just yesterday. Fancy took in the warm gaze she gave the gem as her hoof lightly stroked it.

“It's quite the piece. Perfectly cut and tempered I'd wager. I'm sure they care for you greatly,” he said. That statement however took any warmth out of Rarity's eyes. It was instead replaced with a sad sensation.

“He did, until I hurt him,” she said. The sudden change in her look caught Fancy's interest, but her new tone captured his attention.

“How could you hurt anypony?” he asked. Rarity tore her gaze away from the ruby to look fancy in the eye.

“Because, I broke his heart,” she said. The regal stallion was not shocked per say, but he was taken aback. He sensed that there was a story to be told, and sure enough after a few cups of tea he had gotten almost the full scope of Rarity and Spike's relationship to this point.

“So if I'm not mistaken; the young dragon Spike, has had feelings for you for quite some time. He never truly acted upon those feelings, but instead kept your best interests at heart. You met a stallion with whom you started a relationship with, but neglected to talk to the young drake ahead of time. He arrived a few days after you started seeing your coltfriend with resolve to confess his feelings, but he was too late. And you did not see him again for a few months until just a few nights ago. Does that sum it up?” Fancy asked.

“Yes. I only wish to apologize to him for what has happened,” she said. Fancy could understand this. Though the pairing of a dragon and mare was quite the interesting thought, he could honestly see why anypony or any dragon could fall for one such as Rarity. And from the sound of it, she had not taken his feelings too well into consideration from the sound of it.

“I see. So if I may ask, what are your feelings for this dragon?” he asked. Rarity thought for a moment. Trying to figure out the best way to word her affection for Spike.

“He is much like a faithful assistant and close friend of mine. I care for him as much as I do any of the girls,” she answered.

“But do you love him?” Fancy asked. His question more or less caught the seamstress off guard. She hesitated in her answer, her eyes shifting a bit as she searched for an answer, though it was now clear on her face.

“As a friend, yes I do love him with all my heart. But, as far as it would go romantically, I don't know if I could,” she said softly. There was a silence that filled the air as Fancy thought about what she had said. Gauging how the public would take this inter-species relationship, and their own well-being. In the upper class level, it would be frowned upon entirely. The two would be shamed and disgraced, insulted, and possibly flogged. The only way to avoid circumstances like that would be if one or both were of noble birth, than in the eyes of the public the union would be seen as harmonious. However, depending on the strength of their bond, not even Celestia herself could have torn them apart. And though apparent that she had some attachment to the dragon, it remained held back by her own thirst for acceptance in the upper class.

“I see. In all honesty Miss Rarity, you have to do as your heart dictates. It is not my place nor any other's to levy judgment on your decisions and choices,” he finally said. Though his answer neutral, Rarity still took it to heart.

“I want my friend back,” she said with a great deal of resolve. Fancy smiled, but cast a knowing glance her way. His face concealing the sorrow he felt for both of them for missing a chance to be together. Maybe love could surpass a species barrier. All manner of things were possible with work and determination.

“Excellent. Now, if we could get down to a bit of business,” he said pulling her back on track. Rarity blushed lightly and nodded. The two now talking about Fancy's new suit. The talks went on into the early evening. With measurements and notes taken down, Fancy was almost ready to leave.

“I must confess, there was another reason I wished to visit you today,” he said with his usual casual grin.

“Oh? And that would be?” she asked. He used his magic to levitate a small envelope from his inner jacket pocket and set it in front of the mare.

“A formal invitation to my beneficial in one week's time. I do hope you will come,” he said. For the second time today, Rarity's brain and eyes were moving on two different speeds. Her eyes screaming at her brain that she was being given an invitation to a social gathering. React properly dammit. Her brain once again suggested the action of babble like a school filly. Doing his best to contain his laughter he spoke again. “Yes, I would be deeply honored to have you come”. Rarity shook a few times to shake off the momentary brain laps and gave the gentlecolt a appreciative smile.

“Of Course I'll be there. Thank you so much Fancy Pants,” Rarity said softly. Her horn pulsed lightly with her own magical aura and took hold of the invitation. After a few short goodbyes, Fancy left the boutique. He inhaled the nice evening air as he made his way back to the train station. He once again gazed at the small town and admired its humble feel. So far away from the bustle and upper crust of Canterlot. This was a place he would surely enjoy calling home. He let out a soft sigh as he made it to the station. Flashing his ticket, he boarded with no real problems what so ever. Making his way to a private care that was reserved for his personal use, he looked out at the setting sun. it swayed low into the sky as it gave way to the night that followed. His horn lite up once more as he got situated in his car. Levitating his suit off of his body and hanging it up neatly in a near by closet. His trots became slow as exhaustion started to set in. his thoughts turned to his beloved Fleur for a while. Wondering just what that model of a mare was doing with herself as he attended his business in Ponyville. He didn’t dwell too long as he simply smiled.

“Perhaps we should vacation in Ponyville,” he said aloud. She would probably like that idea. The young mare was always over worked, she could use the rest somewhere tranquil. His thoughts drifted back to Rarity and her own trials she was currently facing. His thoughts on that matter did not waver however. She needed to understand what her missing friend truly means to her, or she will miss out on a love worth while. Or, somepony else will take it from her. Climbing onto his bed, Fancy removed his monocle and laid his head down on the plush pillow below. His eyes closed slowly as he entered Luna's dream-scape for the next few hours