• Published 26th Nov 2013
  • 8,417 Views, 169 Comments

Luv Sic - chaosknight72

Music caries the emotions of the hurt. it conveys how we feel, and shows our pain. It can also pull us together. And open new doors we never thought were avalible

  • ...

Moonlight 624

"So let me get this straight," Vinyl said suddenly. Herself, Spike, and Celestia had all ventured into the garden. A simple and calming walk to be sure, save for you unicorn's sudden interjection. Spike shifted his gaze to her, catching her stare as she seemed to be piecing it all together.

"You're Princess Celestia's son," vinyl said. It was more of a statement rather than a question, but spike responded as if it were the latter.

"Yes," he deadpanned rather bluntly.

"And Twilight hatched you."


"And the princess raised you"

"Is there a point here?" He asked in an annoyed tone. Celestia chuckled to herself seeing as some form of explanation was needed for the young mare.

"Miss Scratch,"Celestia addressed. Vinyl almost fell out of step as she heard her name come from the princess' mouth. She regained her composure, though her dignity wasn't as fortunate as Spike chuckled at her.

"If its ok with you princess, Vinyl is just fine," she said looking to the solar princess.

"Alright then. Vinyl, I believe I can clear any confusion you may have about how Spike came to be my son," Celestia spoke in a kind tone. Vinyl nodded eager to hear the story. "But first, let us finish our walk. It is indeed rare I get to spend time with him," she said. Her tone this time was more motherly, and had a clear positive reaction to the young drake walking along side her. Spike smiled widely and gazed up at the pristine white alicorn he had the honor of calling mother. She smiled down at him and the three continued to walk in comfortable silence, simply enjoying the fine weather and ambiance of the world around them.

As Spike relaxed, he heard, or rather felt a note of a piano ring in his core. He closed his eyes and let his body slip into automatic pilot as his imagination brought forth a piano. He could feel his claws touching the smooth keys. Pressing them in light succession. The keys only laying the ground work as he sensed the other pieces that this song needed. In the faint recesses of his mind he heard something, as if somepony was calling his name. It grew louder, splashes of blue covered the keys in front of him as he was ripped back to reality.

"HEY SCALE HEAD!!!" Vinyl screamed in his ear. The young drake's eyes snapped open and screamed. For a second he seemed to jump out of scales. He shot a very dirty look at vinyl, who was now laughing her flank off at his dismay. He let out a low growl and released the tension in his shoulders.

"What Vi?" He asked quite annoyed at her. She was still trying to collect herself before talking.

"Ok....ok *giggle* so...you kinda spaced out there. What were you thinkin'?" She asked still holding back a snort or two. Spike narrowed his gaze. “Was that your inspiration face?”

" Guess you could say that," he said as he looked forward.

"That dose remind me Spike," Celestia chimed into the conversation. "We have had the pleasure of acquiring a new piano for the foyer. If its not too much, would you be able to play something later on?" Celestia asked. Spike's face lit up. He had remembered the poor condition of the original. It was fairly old and beaten up as well as being way past out of tune.

“That's awesome! I'd love to play it,” he said with great excitement. Celestia smiled warmly and nodded.

“Perfect. Now then,” she directed her gaze to vinyl, who visibly shook. “Miss Vinyl, let's talk shall we?” she asked. Vinyl nodded and the three sat down on the top of a grassy hill.

“So, how did you get Spike's egg? Did you rescue him?” Vinyl asked. Celestia looked to the sky remembering the day she acquired his egg


Over the hundreds of years since the banishment of Nightmare Moon, the sadness that preceded was deeper than anypony could imagine. Celestia bore it with a stern face, doing her best not to let her subjects know. During which time, Celestia had formed treaties with the griffon nation to the east, and another with the dragons of the west. Their respective leaders became friends with Celestia, slowly but surely easing her pain. During her 800th solo reign and 300 year of peace with the dragons, a great disaster occurred withing the Dragon Dominion. War had erupted and threatened to destroy Dragon civilization permanently.

“Your highness, we have word from the dragon nation. The insurgence has staged a full on attack and King Draco, he has been wounded,” one of her guards reported. Celestia's eyes widened.

“Prepare the guard! We leave now!” she bellowed. She rose from her throne and descended the stairs to the main door.

“Yes your highness. Ready the guard!” her captain shouted. The look on Celestia's face denoted both rage and worry. For the past century, so called Dragon Purists had begun a cult movement to change dragon kind back to its “natural” state of being greed driven creatures. The king, Draco, was desperately trying his best to maintain the greed-less civilization that had took many long centuries to create. There was no time to really think or dwell on the matter at hoof right now though. As she stepped out of the castle doors, her Pegasus guard was on standby and ready for flight. On top of that, the current group of Wonderbolts was also on stand by.

“Commander Jet Stream, are we ready for departure?” She asked trotting down the stairs. The Wonderbolts captain saluted and simply nodded.

“Ma'am, we are prepped and ready to begin operations,” he said in confirmation.

“Everypony, we leave now!” the princess shouted.

“Ma'am!” they all shouted in perfect sync. Celestia crouched down and shot into the sky like a bolt of lightning. The legion of her troops following closely at her wing as they ventured straight for the dragonic kingdom. The flight was silent, save a few murmurs from stallions attempting to gain some kind of insight. Celestia remained focused on getting to her good friend, nothing else mattered other than that. With the border crossed, they entered the “badlands” as most of the ponies came to call it. The terrain took a drastic change from the lush greens and foliage to brittle scorched earth and hardened stone. Overlooking this seemingly harsh landscape sat a stone fortress, much larger than Canterlot castle by a few hundred feet. Touching down just outside the main gates, a maelstrom of emerald fire shot forth from the broken doors of the castle, followed immediately by the ear splitting roar of a dragon in pain. Celestia broke into a mad sprint as she ascended the stairs. She could hear her captains' barking orders to set up a perimeter to attempt to detract any possible intruders. Entering through the broken remains of a door, Celestia slowed her to a trot as she looked at the devastation and destruction that once was a grand hall. Vibrant tapestries that once shown the long lived history of dragons were now nothing more then ragged, chard scraps of fabric. Columns of solid stone lay as piles broken and crumpled debris. Several corpses of great size lay above and beneath the rubble. She visibly shook as she took it all in. ahead she could hear ragged breath of something that was still living. Increasing her pace steadily, her eyes fell upon a large deep lavender dragon. He was covered in thick lacerations and wounds too numerous to count.

“Draco!” She shouted running to his side. The beast responded with a mild grunt of acknowledgment. His deep purple eyes scanning the room until the alabaster alicorn came into view.

“Princess Celestia, to what do I owe the pleasure?” he asked. A soft smile laced with his own blood curled his lips upward until he started to cough rather violently. Blood and smoke pouring from his mouth as he attempted to get to some form of vertical base. Celestia approached him and knelt down to look the drake in the eye.

“Draco, please save your strength. My dear friend, what has happened?” she asked softly. The great dragon, despite Celestia's plea to stay down, rose to his haunches and looked out the nearest window.

“Nature, as they call it,” he said loud enough to be heard. “The 'true nature' of this violent tribe. I have done my best to deteriorate these less then flattering qualities Celestia. We had culture, music even. Truly, we were glorious compared to the beasts we spawned from. But I often wondered, was this truly the wisest course of action? To try and devastate from our cruel nature and be something that could truly benefit fellow sentient beings...” he trailed off into a series of violent coughing. Celestia attempted to get close, but a claw stopped her. “My hatchery, my children, have all been smashed to pieces. All save this one,” he rose and sluggishly walked to a wall. Pressing his claw against a loose slab revealed a hidden passage. Inside sat a small dragon egg. “This child, please, take care of him. He will be my legacy. Raise him to control his heritage, and maybe, when the time is right, he will prove what we dragons are truly capable....of...” the kings last words were almost lost to the wind as he finally succumb to his wounds. His life, and the last intelligent dragon, were now gone. Celestia gazed at the dragon egg.

“I will,” she softly vowed. As she approached the egg, a crash sounded above her. Her head snapped upward as a black dragon shot through the ceiling, it's eyes glazed over with primal instinct.

“WANT!!!!!” it screamed hurtling towards Celestia. She followed its gaze and saw it was after the egg. The dragon let loose a torrent of flames from its might maw which encompassed the princess and the egg. There was a scream from the princess as the flames approached and engulfed her. The beast landed and continued to spew red flames from its mouth, making sure that its latest meal would be cooked to a good crisp. What it failed to see at the last possible moment, was a magical sword cutting through its flames. The dragon had no time to react as it felt the tip of the blade touch the back of its throat before violently coming out the back of its head. Celestia glared at the downed dragon, her mane and tail glowing with vibrant red, orange, and yellow colors. Her eyes no longer were the soft violet they usually were, but now were replaced with a hellish orange. Her eyes darted from side to side, her nose flared as she smelled sulfur and ash. More dragons were coming. Her horn glowed a now twilight orange, encasing the egg and levitating it towards her. Her wings spread and with a solid boom, took off. In her wake, more dragons piled into the castle, breaking the walls and stealing anything that wasn't nailed down. She glanced back at her fallen friend. A small smile on his muzzle. Celestia's features softened as she flew out of the collapsing castle. She burst out of the broken gate with a plum of smoke following after her.

“Everypony!! we leave now!!!” she screamed. Without hesitation her troops pulled out and shot into the sky. She looked back just as the castle collapsed in on itself. Her ponies soon obstructed her view as they headed for home. Once they arrived in Canterlot, Celestia took the egg to her private chamber, setting it onto her bed. She gazed at it. It was a legacy all wrapped up in a hardened shell. She thought of the fallen dragon king. His last words to her, to care for the egg. She nodded silently to herself as resolve began to grow. She would raise this dragon, care for and nurture him as if he were her own. As the centuries went, the egg slayed in a magical incubation container in the princess's room. Absorbing magical fire to further along it's development. Though she tried many times to hatch the egg herself, Celestia found that her magic was not powerful enough. With a sigh, she had all but given up hope to bring this small bundle into the world. It was around this time, she founded the Celestia's school for gifted Unicorns. An institution made to help aspiring unicorns reach their full potential in the magical arts. A few decades prior to the 1000 Summer Sun Celebration, Celestia implemented a new test. using the dragon egg, she would gauge a unicorn's magical power. If a magical force did exist that could hatch the egg, surly it was housed in a young untapped unicorn.

“That was when Twilight applied for my school,” the princess said. She, Spike, and Vinyl had been sitting quietly as Celestia recounted the tale. A pleased smile crossed her face as she remembered her young dragon finally coming into the world. “After hatching, he would always suck on his tail and nestle in my mane as I read to him,” she said with a smile. Spike started to blush as she went into the more personal parts of his child hood.

“Please don't go into baby stories mom,” he said flustered. Celestia smiled and simply nodded. He shot a glance to Vinyl, who was holding back her laughter again. The princess looked to the sky in thought and then back at her son.

“There is one story that you don't mind me telling though,” she quipped. Spike raised an eyebrow and thought about it for a few seconds and then realized what she meant.

“You mean the piano story?” he asked. She nodded with a smile. Vinyl's interest peaked as she looked to the princess.

“What happened with a piano? Did he break it?” she asked looking at Spike slyly.

“In a manner of speaking,” Celestia said. “We use to have a piano in one of the larger rooms of the castle. It was Beethooven's from when he was still alive. My little Spike, at the age of 7, loved to play with the keys, pressing them as hard as his little claws could,” she said. Spike looked away as Vinyl once again shot him that look. “it wasn't until I actually heard him 'playing' that I noticed that he was slowly but surely playing one of my favorite songs. The moonlit Senate,” she said. Spike smiled and rubbed the back of his head. “From that day onward, I gave him lessons, until he became quite the accomplished musician you see before you,” Celestia said with a smile.

“So you've been playing for that long?” Vinyl asked. Spike shot her his own smug look.

“You should know. When we first met, I was already learning advanced melodies,” he said puffing his chest out with pride. The two smiled and Spike leaned back. The sky was starting to turn a light orange, meaning the day was starting to end. He enjoyed the feeling of grass on his scales as he seemed to zone out again. He closed his eyes and better enjoyed himself. Vinyl smiled down at him.

“Looks like he's got the right idea,” she said aloud. Celestia smiled as well. Her gaze now on the adolescent dragon that she raised.

“Indeed,” she said. She leaned forward and placed a small kiss on his forehead. “Come, let's head back and set up your chambers for the evening,” she said. Vinyl nodded and then looked back at Spike.

“Will he be ok by himself?” she asked. Celestia simply nodded and the two left the drake to rest silently.


Still roaming the streets of Canterlot, Octavia continued to walk almost aimlessly. Taking a few trips down memory lane, she smiled at the familiarity of the area. She passed by the store she got her first cello from, a coffee shop where she had her first unofficial official date with Vinyl, and another small hall where she played her first recital. So many happy memories mixed in with the sad. With a contented sigh, she changed direction for the castle that she would be staying at for the evening.

Back in the garden, Spike was just waking up. His eyes fluttered open gradually. He looked at the sky and groaned remembering he had fallen asleep. He sat up and swirled his tongue inside his mouth. He smacked his lips and spit out whatever was causing the foul taste in his mouth. He got to his feet shortly and headed back to the castle. He looked around for a moment before realizing he was quite close to the foyer. His eyes soon locked onto the freshly delivered piano. It was magnificent. An amazing gloss on the wood, no dust or debris, and made only of the finest quality strings and hammers. He approached it slowly, his reptilian eyes gazing over it more and more as he circled it.

Spike sat down on the bench and lifted the cover, reviling the pearly white and black keys. He smiled softly and began to test it. The sounds produced were crisp and clear. His smile only growing wider as he tickled the ivories. Looking around, he wondered if anyone would ether stop to listen, or get him to stop. Ether way, he was in the mood to play. His claws rested on the lower range and began to press the keys in a slow succession. Only ever so slightly speeding up his key presses to keep that steady flow. His right claw slide up to the higher notes every so often. Making a noticeable contrast in the lower range every so often. Though he knew the song was missing a few elements, he still wanted to hear it with his ears instead of imagining how it would sound. It didn't take long for a few of the maids to stop what they were doing and come listen to the wonderful sounds the dragon was producing. He smiled and soon segwayed into another song.

Unknown to him however, his mother and Vinyl had returned to find him playing. His eyes remained closed as he felt his way through the pieces he had long sense committed to memory. Celestia's face showed nothing but pride in the young drake as he played in a bliss filled state. Vinyl watched on in awe, seeing him play like this was inspiring and captivating. Spike's eyes finally opened as he finished the second song. Looking around now, he saw everypony staring at him. He felt his scales begin to warm up as he blushed and scratched the back of his head.

“Umm, hi?” he said meekly earning a few giggles and stomps from the maids. He spotted Celestia and smiled brightly. He turned his attention back to the keys and prepared to play another song. It was at this time, Octavia had made it to the castle. She was halted by the guards instantly.

“Name and business,” one of the guards asked in a deep voice.

“Octavia Melody. I am here under personal invitation from Princess Celestia to stay the night,” she said looking the stallion in the eye. The guard glanced to his partner, who nodded his approval.

“You may enter Miss Melody. Enjoy your visit,” he said getting out of her way. Octavia gave a simple nod and entered. Upon stepping hoof inside, she was immediately greeted with a familiar sound. The piano playing in C-sharp. Her ears twitched in the direction of the source. Following the sounds, she soon came to the other end of the foyer, where she could see a piano and a mass of purple scales sitting at the bench. She watched on with the staff as Spike played the Sonata easily. Never rushing and never over playing the notes. His claws moved in practiced strokes along the keys. The smile on his face, though faint, caused the cellist to blush. This was the second time today she watched him play with such skill and grace on the keys, and quite frankly, she felt she could get use to watching him work his magic. The song ended soon, much to her displeasure. Spike turned around and gave a light bow.

“Excellent work Spike,” Celestia said walking up to her son. Spike simply smiled and bowed.

“Such a melody is fitting for the princess of these lands,” he said with a grin a mile wide. As he rose he caught a glimpse of Octavia. His eyes widened a bit and he averted his gaze before he started to stare. This gesture was caught however by Vinyl, who looked in the direction he was looking away from. She smiled seeing Octavia and trotted over.

“Hey Tavi, looks like you came at the right time,” Vinyl said approaching her good friend.

“Indeed I have. He really is something isn't he?” Octavia asked. Vinyl followed her gaze to Spike, who was talking amongst the staff and Celestia.

“He sure is,” Vinyl said watching Spike with a small smile. She shifted her gaze back to Octavia. She knew that look in her eye. It was the same look when Octavia had just started to show interest in her. “I got our room all set up if you wanna check it out,” Vinyl said motioning for Octavia to follow. With one last glance, Octavia observed Spike's frame. After a second or two, she followed after Vinyl to their quarters for the night. Spike glanced to the side and saw Vinyl and Octavia walking. He caught the lingering stare of the cellist. He tore away and smiled a little bit.

“Spike, I have a request for you,” Celestia said drawing his attention to her. He looked up to the solar princess, who was smiling. “You see, there is going to be a gathering in the ballroom by Fancy Pants. I would very much like if you could play some music at the event,” she requested. Spike's eyes widened for a moment. The thought of playing live again for ponies was tucked deep in the back of his mind, and was now rammed to the forefront.

“J-j-just me?” he stammered out. Celestia caught his nervousness immediately, noticing the slight stammer in his voice and the beads of sweat that were starting to form.

“Not entirely, rest assured. I was also going to invite Miss. Vinyl and Miss. Melody as well. I can tell you would feel more comfortable preforming with them,” she said with a sweet smile. She watched the nervousness started to fade from Spike's face.

“Oh. Ok,” he said breathing a sigh of relief. He thought about it for a sec. “I don't think this is Vi's kinda thing, but I’m sure Octavia would be cool with it,” he answered.

“Very well than. I will ask her tomorrow,” Celestia said nodding. Spike let out a soft yawn and scratched his back.

“It's been a long day. I think I'll head to bed,” Spike said looking up at his mother. Celestia smiled and nodded.

“Sleep well my son,” she said with a wave of her hoof. Spike waved his goodbyes to the others and headed off in the direction of his room. The young dragon yawned tiredly as he made his way through the corridors with practiced steps. Nothing had really changed since he use to live here. Placing his claw against the cold stone entire, a flood of pleasant memories of a life he once had came back to him in pleasant waves. He let a smile play on his maw for a few moments before it gave way to another large yawn. His eyes closed he, simply navigated through touch now. Remembering the feel of each cut stone on his way to his room. His claw dragged along the wall till he felt something unfamiliar. It was soft and rounded. Almost like the muzzle of a pony. Curious, Spike opened his eyes and looked to see what his hand was touching. His gaze landed on Octavia, who had just exited her room. Her eyes were glued to the dragon, and vice versa. The two holding each other's stare for what seemed like an eternity. Nether moving or looking away.

“Umm, Spike?” Octavia began, breaking the silence. This got Spike's attention and he simply nodded in response letting her know he heard her. “Could you let go of my cheek?” she asked. Spike looked at his hand. He was cupping her cheek, and from the look of it, was making soothing motions with it as he let his dextrous fingers analyze the feeling of pony fur. His face changed from amethyst to deep crimson as he realized what he was doing. Tearing his hand away, he backed up a couple steps and started to apologize frantically.

“Sorry! I didn't know! I was just walking and I felt something and-” he was cut off by a hoof on his lips. He looked to see Octavia smiling sweetly at him.

“It's alright Spike. You don't have to apologize,” she said. Spike blushed more than before feeling her hoof against his lips. Vinyl's comment of him having a chance with her echoed in his head as he gazed at the mare. He dumbly nodded, causing the cellist to retract her hoof. “Are you heading to bed?” she asked. Again, he nodded dumbly.

“Yo, Tavi! What are ya doin?” Vinyl shouted from within the room. Octavia turned her stare from Spike and looked back into the doorway.

“Just saying good night to Spike,” she responded loud enough to be heard.

“Catch ya in the A.M scale head!” Vinyl shouted once more. “And if your gonna kiss him goodnight, bring him in here so I can see!”

That last comment caught both the mare and dragon off guard, and their faces showed it. Both of them screaming Vinyl's name in unison. They looked back each other, and soon found the floor more interesting than making eye contact.

“So ugh...good night Octavia,” Spike said trying to break the tension.

“Yes....good night Spike,” Octavia said softly. She walked back inside and closed the door behind her. Spike stood still for a few moments. Simply taking in the thought of him and Octavia kissing. He could hear Octavia shouting at Vinyl and Vinyl laughing her flank off. Dumbly, he continued his walk. Heading into the room he was given whenever he would come for “Royal Business”. Crawling into bed he simply laid awake, still blushing at the thought. He sighed softly and closed his eyes to attempt sleep. Slowly the world faded away into the darkness behind his eyelids as dreams began to form.


Morning light broke through the windows of the castle. Its soft glow illuminating and casting away the shadows caused by the night. Spike rose with a audible groan, turning his head to survey his surroundings. Once he had confirmed he was still in Canterlot Castle, he rose from his bed and stretched out his arms and legs. Several yawns later, he was down the hall and at the dinning hall, where Luna was drinking tea as she prepared to go to sleep. She glanced to her nephew. The small smile she had started to form a more noticeable smirk.

“Good morning nephew,” she said trying to hold back a couple of snickers. Spike cocked his eyebrow as he got closer to the princess. Who continued to smirk and snicker. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah, actually. Thanks for asking Aunt Luna,” he said a bit nervously.

“Oh, that is always wonderful to hear. Though, your dreams last night were quite interesting,” she said sipping a cup of tea.

“Dream? What are you ta-” Spike began but his thoughts immediately derailed as he remembered his dream.

“I must say, that it was quite mature for you. Usually you dream of ice cream and the like. But to think such a romantic setting with a lovely mare such as her could make you smile so much,” Luna said with a knowing smirk. Spike's mouth hung open as he tried to form any kind of response. His dream replaying vividly in his head.

A fine candle lit setting, a bottle of wine chilled to perfection, and a gorgeous dinner. Spike looked over to the mare who sat across from him, a smile adorning her face. Conversation was smooth and natural. Dinner was delicious and cooked to perfection. And afterward the two walked the streets of Canterlot, all the way to the rolling hills just outside the gates. The two exchanged loving stares as they leaned in and their lips connected. The kiss lingering on their lips as they part. Spike stared into her mulberry pink eyes as she smiled and pushed her mane from her face. She opened her mouth to speak but the wrong voice came out

“Morning Scale Head!” was the voice that snapped Spike out of his line of thought. He blinked as he refocused, turning his head he saw Vinyl walk up behind him and smack the back of his head with her hoof before sitting at the table. He groaned audibly glaring at the D.J

“Yes, it is a good morning. Did you sleep well Spike?” another voice said. Spike's face lit up with a bright blush as the gray cellist walked into his line of sight. She smiled sweetly and sat at the table as well.

“Good morning young mares. Spike and I were just discussing dreams,” Luna said shooting a glance right at Spike. He locked gazes with her. A mental battle going on within seconds.

You wouldn't

I would

You couldn't

I could if I so choose

What do you want?

I want you to play the song Celestia's been raving about that you play so well


“Really, dreams huh? See any interesting ones?” Vinyl asked as she fixed herself a plate.

“The dreams of my subjects are always a cherished memory to me. I sadly can not share them with others,” the lunar princess said sipping her tea. She broke her glance with Spike and ate as well. Spike sighed and approached the table. Once he was at the table, Octavia rose from her spot only having had an apple.

“Not hungry Tavi?” Vinyl asked eying her roommate weirdly. Spike shifted his gaze from the plate of gems in front of him to the musical earth mare. Octavia looked towards Vinyl before answering her.

“I actually have a meeting with Neon this morning, or rather its the only time I could think to have coffee with him. I'll see you both at the studio,” she said before excusing herself. Everypony and Spike watched as the gray mare proceeded out of the dinning hall and eventually out of the castle. Vinyl, as well as Luna, turned their heads towards the young dragon. His expression was slightly unreadable. Two emotions conflicting in his eyes. One of which was jealousy that Neon and Octavia were going on a impromptu date, and the other was borderline apathy. The ever looming question of why he seemed to care if she was going out on a date with a stallion. He let these two emotions conflict a while longer before he finished his plate.

“I think I’m gonna go to Joe's. See ya in a bit Vi,” he said. His eyes still seemed to be locked on the doorway Octavia had left from. If Vinyl had said something, he hadn't heard it as he rose and began his trek to his favorite doughnut shop. As he walked, his body proceeded to once again go into auto pilot. His mind replaying the dream he had had the night previous. His head hung and his shoulders slumped. Was her really falling for the cellist? All evidence pointed to that fact. What with his lingering gazes on her slender form, always lighting up when she spoke to him, and over all enjoyment of her company. Maybe it wasn't so bad that he had started to develop feelings for the mare. She had done more for him in the 4 days he had known her than Rarity had in all the time he had spent in Ponyville.

“I guess I do like her,” he said aloud.

“Like who?” a voice said breaking the drake's trance. He looked up to see Doughnut Joe. Much to Spike's surprise he had actually made it to the Doughnut shop in a much more hasty manor than usual. Joe was standing just outside his shop, sweeping the sidewalk and outdoor dining area when he had caught sight of the purple dragon. Spike smiled lightly.

“Hey Joe. You open for the day yet?” Spike asked. His question was answered with a firm hoof to his back and a wide smile on the stallion's muzzle.

“For you Spike, we're always open. And it looks like you got a story for me,” Joe said ushering the dragon inside. While Spike and Joe sat down and talked over a couple mugs of hot chocolate, Octavia had acquired Neon from his office/home and had gone to one of the local diners. Once inside Neon began to regale Octavia with one of his many performance stories.

“So half way through the set the stage caught fire!” he shouted adding effect to his story. Octavia having held back laughter through his story couldn't help but let a few chuckles loose as she imagined the panicked look on his face.

“Goodness, what happened next?” she asked. Neon just chuckled a bit before answering.

“Someponies, and I kid you not, just shouted 'the stage is on fire! We don't need no water let the motha bucka burn!'” he said laughing. The two shared a combined laugh as simply thinking of the silliness of it all. “Oh man, that was a great night. Well aside from the fire, but you get it,” he said between laughs. Octavia tried to reign in her laughter a bit.

“I would certainly say that night was interesting to say the least,” she mused. Neon smiled a bit dumbly. He was really enjoying his time with Octavia. He glanced at the clock. It read about 9 a.m.

“Well should we get going to the studio?” he asked. Octavia nodded and let forth a contented sigh. This was nice. The musical duo left the diner, only to be greeted by Vinyl on the way out.

“Hey Vinyl. Whats goin' on?” Neon asked, addressing the mare as she approached.

“Nothin' special. Figured it was high time I got my flank to the studio. You guys seen Spike yet?” she asked. At this Octavia raised an eyebrow.

“No we haven't. Wasn't he at the castle with you?” she asked.

“He was, but he left out almost immediately after you did,” Vinyl replied. The contented look on Octavia's face shifted to one more of concern.

“That's odd. We haven't seen him,” Neon spoke up.

“Ah he's probably ok. He's a dragon, he'll be fine,” Vinyl assured. Octavia shot Vinyl a worried look. To which Vinyl shot her back a confused one. Shrugging it off, Vinyl lead the way to the studio. There was silence as the three walked. Vinyl, not one for prolonged silence, decided to break it. “So after today, we'll be heading back to Ponyville,” Vinyl said to no one in particular.

“Shame, you two certainly make things a bit more lively,” Neon said.

“Well this was a spur of the moment trip,” Octavia chimed in. Vinyl chuckled a bit at the statement.

“Yeah, it kinda was my idea,” she said wholeheartedly. “Ponynaping the two of you was a good idea.”

“Well, I will admit it was a fun little romp,” Octavia said with a grin.

“And you're always welcome to come back whenever. As a matter of fact, I’ve got a gig lined up in a few weeks. You guys want in?” Neon asked. Vinyl's face lit up with excitement.

“Hay yeah I want in!” she shouted hoof pumping. Octavia smiled at her friends reaction.

“Sadly I will have to decline. I don't think it will be my kind of venue,” Octavia respectfully declined. Neon looked a bit put off, but just grinned.

“S'all good. Vinyl, you and I can think sets while you guys are getting prepped to record today,” he said looking back to the blue maned mare. Vinyl smiled and the two were off talking about dub trot. To which Octavia tuned them out until she heard faint singing. She looked in the direction it was coming from and saw Spike stepping out of Joe's Donuts. His singing was low, but still registered with the mare's sense of hearing. Making out the words “of an absolution” as he walked. Spike soon caught sight of the group and approached.

“Hey everypony!” he called waving his hand. This drew the attention of the other two. Vinyl waved her hoof to draw the dragon near. Neon smiled, only to be pulled away by his thoughts. As Spike approached, he looked at Octavia, who was staring at him. Feeling a bit awkward in his own scales, he turned his gaze away. Sneaking a few glances when he thought she wasn't looking.

“Hey Scale Head. Ready to wrap up and head home?” Vinyl asked. Spike just smirked.

“Don't know. You ready to let me go back home to my worried sister?” he asked folding his arms across his chest. Vinyl laughed a little.

“Never!!! You are mine forever!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” she shouted and laughed. Octavia smiled and laughed at the D. J’s antics. The walk to the studio became more fun filled as the 3 friends talked and joked. Neon, however was still in a contemplative state until Spike snapped him out of it.

“Hey Neon,” he called out. The producer shook off his distraction and looked towards the dragon. “You know that song I recorded yesterday before we had to stop, could you put that on a disk and send it to Princess Luna?” he asked. To say this was an odd request was a bit of a understatement. Put a track on a disk? No problem. Have it sent to somepony? Easy. Have it sent to one of the Royal Pony Sisters? Only one word could answer that question.

“Why?” he asked. Spike just looked forward.

“Well, it's part of the deal for letting us stay in the castle while we were here. She wanted a type of tribute. And I think Moonlight Sonata by Beethooven would be good,” he said. And keep her from telling everypony in Equestria about my dream

“So that's how you were able to get us into the castle?” Octavia asked. Vinyl cocked an eyebrow at the question.

“What are you talking about? We got invited cause- OW!” Vinyl had started and was soundly interrupted by a sharp pain in her flank. She looked to her side and saw Spike glaring daggers at her. As if his gaze could say “If you say it, they won't find your chard remains”.

“Are you alright Vinyl?” Neon asked. After exchanging glares at the dragon, Vinyl turned to Neon and waved him off. Well with that little bit of awkward out of the way, the company made their way to the studio. The recording session was quick to say the least. What only felt like minutes were hours. All of which was filled with music and fun. Spike particularly was having a blast playing the piano. His claws gliding up and down the keys with such practiced ease that it could be considered second nature. Vinyl and Octavia were no slouches ether. Keeping their own flows as spot on as they could. After the 3rd hour of takes, Neon signaled the 3 to stop.

“Alright, you guys did great. I think your all set,” he called from the booth. Spike looked to the glass window the stallion sat behind and nodded. His glance shifting back to the mares who were also quite satisfied with their work.

“So now that we have the songs recorded, what do we do with them?” Spike asked.

“Well, we have enough to make an E.P. Its basically a sampling of your music,” Neon said over the speakers.

“Do it!” Vinyl shouted. “Just do it up and lets see if we can make a killing off this lil guy,” she said putting her hooves on Spike's shoulders and shook him.

“Vinyl that's enough,” Octavia said shooing the white mare off the drake. “If he wants to release an E.P than he will decide,” she said giving Vinyl a stern look. Spike looked back to Octavia who gave him a small smile. He smiled back.

“Well, I would like a copy for me and Twilight. If you think you will sell, go ahead and sell it,” Spike said with a shrug. Neon smiled and nodded.

“Got ya covered. You want to make a E.P cover?” He asked. Spike raised an eyebrow.

“Hey just get a quick shot of the three of us!” Vinyl said getting in close to spike. Octavia frowned but than let it ease into a smile.

“Do you have a camera?” Octavia asked.

“Hold on a sec,” Neon said vanishing from the glass. Spike looked towards the two mares who just smiled. A half second later, the recording room door opened with Neon holding a camera.

“Smile!” he said. Vinyl got in close and Octavia leaned in as well. With a quick flash, the picture was taken and Spike just stared dumbly. “That's a cover right there,” he said with a grin.

“Well, now that we have finished up, lets head home,” Octavia suggested. With a nod from the others, words of thanks were given to Neon, the musical trio of Ponyville were on their way to the train station. After they left, Neon set to work arranging the music. He had to admit, it was good. For a almost amateur arrangement, it was very well done.

“Maybe I should ask him to play with some of the others I know,” he mused. As he worked, one of his collaborators, E.M.P, came to the studio.

“Yo Neon, hows it hangin'?” he asked. Neon turned in his chair to see a navy blue colt with dark purple eyes filled his line of sight.

“It's hangin'. Actually workin' on somethin' right now,” Neon said turning back to his work.

“And that would be?” E.M.P asked. Neon gave the cult a set of headphones and played him Spike's songs. As those two listened, Spike and the others had boarded the train out of Canterlot. A familiar scene played out as the three rode towards home. Spike looked out the window with a distant gaze as Octavia and Vinyl spoke amongst each other. The conversation this time around was more or less about choirs around the house that needed tending and what bills were to be payed. As if smacking the dragon in the face, a thought crossed his mind.

“Hey Octavia?” he asked. The two mares directed their glances towards him. “Princess Celestia asked me if I could play at an up coming gathering at the castle, and I wanted to know if you wanted to join me? It'd be nice to have at least one familiar face there,” he asked. Octavia's cheeks flashed a nice shade of pink before she gathered her thoughts on the matter.

“Oh, well that was rather quick of her to ask. I suppose my schedule is free enough, when is it?” she asked. Spike stopped and thought about it.

“She didn't really say, but I'm sure we will get a letter the day before so we can get to Canterlot,” he said. To this, Octavia got a shoulder nudge from Vinyl.

“That'd be pretty cool. Me and Neon are runnin' a set soon. If you and Scale Head can take this gig than we will have bits for a while,” Vinyl said with a grin. Octavia returned her grin with one of her own.

“Alright than, I'll gladly play along side you,” she said with a smile towards the dragon. Spike's face both relaxed and lit up with joy at the same time.

“Awesome! I'll let the princess know,” he said with a toothy grin. The mares laughed and Spike joined into their conversation.

As the day drew to a close, and the night began, Princess Luna had awoke from her own slumber to hold her night court. Her lunar guard poised at her throne, she motioned for the court to begin. There were the usual complaints about night clubs and other such establishments, and the occasional visit to the dream scape to help guide her ponies to solutions to their problems. Upon returning form one trip, she was greeted with a messenger. He bowed before the princess of the night.

“Raise thy head young carrier. What brings thee to our court?” she asked in a soothing tone.

“Your majesty, I bring you a delivery from the stallion known as Neon Lights. He said it was a 'payment' of sorts from one he worked with recently,” the carrier said. Luna looked a bit bewildered at this. She had not demanded any form of tribute from this Neon Lights.

“Pray chance, what is it?” she asked.

“It is a music disk. He said that the one known as Spike Sparkle requested that it be sent to you as soon as it was available,” the stallion said once more. Luna's brain finally clicked. She withheld her excitement to maintain her regal visage.

“Very well, leave it with the guard on thy way out,” she said. The carrier nodded and handed it off to the guard, making his way to the door as had now completed his task. “Nightwatch, please play the disk,” she requested. The guard holding the case enclosed disk nodded and headed to the stereo system. She may have been regal and in the past a bit, but the princess' were always ahead of the curve when it came to technology. With the disk secure in the player, the very slow and soothing melody began to flow. Gentle piano strokes filled the air. Luna gazed at the machine playing the music. Her attention held captive by the simple piano stokes. She knew this was the piece Celestia was talking about, but for the life of her could not know the name. “Guards, what is the name of this piece?” she asked.

“Moonlight Sonada,” a voice said from the entry way. Luna turned her gaze to see her sister's form as she approached. “This is one of Beethooven's greatest works. During your banishment, I requested this song to be written in your honor. For the nights are always as beautiful and breathtaking as the mare who creates them. Spike learned this song during his time here, and plays it whenever I request it of him,” she said now standing next to her sister. Luna had been holding back tears the entire time her sister had been explaining its origins. With one look to her sister, she knew there was one question left to ask, though it's answer was obvious. “Do you like it?”

“I love it,” Luna croaked out before embracing her sister in a tight hug. The two siblings simply let the melody play, as the dragon who preformed it special for them slept on his way back home

Author's Note:

so here we are. chapters are gonna start more regularly again. hope you guys enjoy the music and the chapter