• Published 26th Nov 2013
  • 8,416 Views, 169 Comments

Luv Sic - chaosknight72

Music caries the emotions of the hurt. it conveys how we feel, and shows our pain. It can also pull us together. And open new doors we never thought were avalible

  • ...

Sad Melody

“You got talent, for an amateur,” Neon said. He smirked down at the dragon and turned to walk out the room. Spike looked up at him more annoyed then when he had come in. Not wanting to be left in this room again, the drake hurried after the stallion. Neon looked back at him and gestured to another room. “Don't worry though, we'll turn a musician out of you yet little dragon.”

“Whats that suppose to mean?” Spike asked. He walked to the next door and turned the handle, opening it completely.

“What I mean is, that you have potential. You really seem to excel in piano. I'm guessing you were trained in it?” Neon asked walking in to the room. He hit a light switch which revealed that this was his office. Spike scanned the room, noting the sofa had a blanket and pillow set in a way that somepony could easily sleep there if needed.

“Yeah, I learned how to play while I lived in Canterlot. And yeah, I know piano is all I'm good at,” he replied sitting down in the nearby chair. He took a couple looks around before hearing Neon tap his hoof against the desk, redirecting the dragon's gaze. “Do you know where Vinyl and Octavia are?” he asked.

“Probably listening to that track you made on repeat. They both were impressed,” Neon said. “Now, why did you three come here in the first place?” Neon asked. Spike scooted a little bit in his chair as he got a little more comfortable.

“It was Vinyl's idea. She, Octavia, and myself preformed at the the Ponyville lounge 2 nights ago. It was an impromptu kinda thing. Well it was good enough that Vinyl thought we should recorded. So we caught the soonest train and came here,” Spike summed up. Neon pressed his hooves together and glanced past them.

“So you just wanted to record your songs and leave it at that?” he asked. Spike shrugged his shoulders.

“I guess. Though, making music was fun...” Spike said with a soft smile on his face. “I don't get to do it too often,” he said raising his claw. He looked down at his claw and smiled at it. He opened and closed his fingers a few times. “The keys remind me that I have a special skill.” Neon smiled lightly at the response.

“Well, how would you like to make ponies happy with your special skill?” Neon asked. Spike's attention shifted back to the stallion. “Like I said earlier, you have potential for more then just the piano, considering you picked up on the drums rather quickly. I want to teach you more about making music, if you're up for it that is,” Neon said. Spike's eyes widened a bit. He thought about it for a few minutes.

“Umm if it's all the same to you, I have things in Ponyville I need to take care off. My sister is pretty much useless when it comes to feeding herself and getting her nose out of a book. So thank you, but I'd like to record my songs and then head back,” he said pretty solidly. Neon shook his head lightly.

“I see, and there is nothing I can do to change your mind?” he asked. Spike smirked and thought of a impossible condition.

“Yeah, you would have to move your entire operation out to Ponyville. If you do that, then I'll learn music from you,” he said crossing his arms. Neon raised an eyebrow and then chuckled to himself.

“Well, if that happens, then you will be the first one to know kid. Well, lets get the other two so you guys can record your songs,” Neon said getting up and trotting to the door again. Spike hopped of his chair and waddled his way over as well. They walked in relative silence towards the room that Neon had shared with the two mares before hoof.

“Say Neon, have Vinyl and Octavia recorded with you before?” Spike asked. Neon looked down at the dragon and nodded.

“Yeah, Vinyl records here every time she's in town. She loves it,” Neon said smiling. “Octavia on the other hoof, not so much. She prefers her performances to leave an impression rather then record them. So having her record is a special treat,” Neon said with a light grin. Spike tilted her head and thought about it.

“Huh, I guess Octavia's cool like that,” Spike said. Neon smirked.

“Cool is an understatement. Have you looked at her? She is beautiful, sweet, and kind. She has a wonderful singing voice. A total catch,” Neon said with a happy look on his face. Spike took notice of the look on the stallion's face. Spike then thought of Octavia. She really was beautiful. Her fur, a nice goldish gray that had a very nice luster to it and her mane and tail had a great dark gray sheen. Her eyes were captivating and a wonderful shade of mulberry purple. Spike felt his scales around his face worming up thinking about her beauty. Neon looked down at the dragon and slowly gained a slightly annoyed look. He didn't like the look on Spike's face. He cleared his throat, catching Spike's attention. “They should be in here,” Neon said opening a door. Spike peered in. there sat the mare in question. She sat there still perplexed by the music she was listening to. She had a rather pleasant smile on her muzzle, and a look in her eye of enjoyment. This same look was on the white unicorn who sat next to her. Spike's eyes lingered on Vinyl for a while. Her coat was just as pristine and white as Rarity's. Her two tone mane and tail were so bright and vibrantly colored cobalt and cyan. Her eyes, striking as well, were a delightful fuchsia color. To be honest, both mares at this moment, were the most beautiful creatures Spike had ever seen. His face warmed and threatened to over take him with flames.

“Hey girls, enjoying yourselves?” Neon said. They obviously couldn't hear him due to the music playing through the headphones. Neon and Spike waited patiently for the track to end and engage the girls once more. Vinyl was the first to notice the boys enter the room. Wrapping the headphones around her neck she gave a huge grin to the drake.

“Dude, you are killin' this music thing. This jazz is way too cool,” she said loudly. Spike smiled and scratched the back of his head. His eyes were drawn to Octavia, who was sitting in silence as she simply took in the song. As it ended, she closed her eyes gently and reopened them, having returned from where ever the music had taken her. She glanced over to the dragon and colt and smiled sweetly. Both males immediately felt their faces begin to warm up under such a gaze.

“Excellent work Spike. This was definitely a good piece,” she said. Spike smiled goofy and just scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

“Well, I must admit, I was surprised by how this guy can play. Now, about using the equipment,” Neon started. The three other musicians gave him their attention as he began. “You guys have 2 hours before the first group who booked the sound booth come in. So it'd be best if you guys could be wrapped up by then.”

“Got ya. We can do that...I think,” Spike said thinking. Vinyl looked at the drake. He was stroking his chin the same way he did just before he had started work on his newest piece. She smiled knowing full well that the little guy was cooking up something special.

“Bit for your thoughts Scale Head,” Vinyl asked trotting up to the thinking drake. Spike snapped out of his trance for a moment and looked up at her.

“Actually, think we can record another song as well as the first two? It's kinda for somepony who gave me some good advice,” he said thinking.

“Of Course, but do remember we only have a couple of hours at most,” Octavia chimed in. Spike nodded.

“I think that should be enough time,” he said with a smile. As the three walked out of the listening room, Spike got a confused look on his face. “Weren't there some guards that were suppose to meet us at the train station?” he asked himself. He recalled that the letter from his mother said she was going to send an escort to fetch him and the others. Shrugging it off he decided it wasn't important and walked into the recording room once more. He glanced over to Vinyl, who was busying herself looking through most of the prerecorded samples and mixes that Neon had at the moment. “Hey Vi, dose Neon have a thing for Octavia?” he asked quietly. Vinyl looked up from her work to the dragon. She smiled lightly.

“Oh yeah, he's been trying to get with that classy mare for a while now. He's a good guy, but Tavi isn't much for the party type.” Vinyl held a hoof to the side of her muzzle and whispered to spike Don't tell her I told you this, but she prefers guys who are way more level headed and actually have good personalities. You've got a shot actually,” she said winking. Spike's face lit up and he quickly turned his head away. Vinyl smirked at his quick reaction and display of embarrassment. “Hey Scale Head, let's get started. We don’t have much time.”

Spike nodded still looking away from Vinyl and hurried to the keys. “You girls ready?” he asked after clearing his throat a couple times. The girls nodded, and with that the recording session began.


Standing on the platform of the train station, Two royal guards stood waiting by the main gate. As ponies passed them, asking each other what they were doing, the guards remained steadfast and unmoving. They were both Stallions, one a unicorn and the other a earth pony. With a light groan, the earth stallion looked toward the other guard. His golden yellow eyes scanning the area before settling on his fellow guards pony.

“Hey, Iron Shield. When is Miss Sparkle going to show up?” the younger of the two asked. The unicorn guard cast his gaze to his junior, his red eyes closing for a moment and then opening once more as he let out a small sigh.

“I'm not sure. We have been standing here for a few hours now. She was suppose to be on the first train from Ponyville. And as you have seen, it has already come and gone. And until we get word from ether the captain or the princesses, we wait for her majesty's student and assistant,” he said in a gravelly voice. The younger guard sighed lightly.

“Can I ask you something?” the young guard asked.

“What is it, Steel Hoof,” Iron Shield.

“I saw a baby dragon earlier with a pair of mares. Was that Miss Sparkle's assistant?” he asked. Iron Shield opened his eyes wide in realization.

“Buck me. Come on, we gotta track down that baby dragon,” he groaned. Steel Hoof nodded quickly and followed after his senior. “Why didn't you say anything earlier?”

“Because we were looking for Miss Sparkle, not her assistant,” Steel Hoof said gesturing with his hoof. Iron Shield groaned loudly. The two began questioning any passerby to get any kind of information about the baby dragon.


“Hey you guys,” Neon started. The three musicians looked to the stallion as they sat on a break from their session. They had already completed the Luv Sic song, and were going to begin on the other when Neon came into view. “Sorry to cut you guys short, but I got a appointment comin' in and I'm gonna need the equipment,” he said with an apologetic smile.

“Aw man. We were just about to start the second song. Wait, Spike, what is the name of the second song?” Vinyl asked cocking her head to the side. Spike simply shrugged.

“Never named it. It was just a on the spot thing,” he admitted.

“It should be alright. How long is the next appointment going to go for Neon?” Octavia asked.

“All depends on the crew comin' in. they said they needed an all day session to work on their album. So I won't be able to give you guys time again till tomorrow,” the stallion said shrugging his shoulders. Spike's expression shifted to one of slight depression. He really didn't want to be away from the library for so long. Even though it was under Twilight's name, it thrived under his care. “I can get you guys a slot first thing in the morning. Around 9 good?” he asked.

“Yeah, that’s good,” Spike said with a nod. He shook off his sour face and smiled. “Thanks again for letting us do this neon,” he said. Spikes eyes widened for a second. “Hey, can I play something real quick and get it recorded? It's for somepony important,” he asked. Neon nodded his head at the dragon's request.

“You got 5 minutes,” Neon said heading into the control room. Spike smiled and sat at the keys once again.

“More then enough time,” the dragon said. Vinyl and Octavia watched as Spike waited to be signaled by Neon to start playing. Spike smiled and thought just as the light turned on for him to start. This one's for you Aunt Luna


After quite a bit of leg work, and some asking around. Steel Hoof and Iron Shield finally got a fix on the young dragon's location. He, as well as the two mares accompanying him, had been at Music Maker Studios for at least 2 hours. The two guards made it to their destination just as the “Recording in session” light flickered off.

“So, he's here sir?” Steel Hoof asked.

“According to what the ponies on the street have been saying, yes. This is where he is,” Iron Shield said. Sure enough, as the two guards entered the building they spotted a door open. Out walked not only the young drake, but 3 ponies as well.

“Jeez Spike, how long have you practiced that one without sheet music or anything?” Vinyl asked.

“Well I was classically trained, and that song really soothed my...caretaker's woes when they were sad. So I memorized it for her sake,” Spike said explaining.

“But to have memorized one of Behooven's works like that. It's no easy feat,” Octavia added. The dragon just smiled and laughed it off. His laughter was cut short by the sound of somepony clearing their throat. The musicians all looked to see the two royal guards standing at attention, looking directly at the dragon.

“Mister Spike Sparkle?” Iron Shield asked in a more commanding tone then needed.

“Yes?” Spike asked looking the guard up and down.

“We are to be your escorts to the castle. If you would please come with us,” Iron Shield said. The two guards turned and held the doors open.

“Guess that's a wrap for today huh?” Neon asked with a slight grin. “I'll clean up those tracks you laid down today. They should be ready by tomorrow morning,” he said offering Spike a hoof. The young dragon smiled and curled his claw into a fist and bumped the end of Neon's hoof.

“Thanks again Neon. This has been delightful,” Octavia said with a smile. Neon's face flushed and he simply smiled a goofy grin and nodded. As Spike and the girls began to leave, Neon felt himself call out. “Octavia...can you hang back for a second?” he asked. Turning around, Octavia cast a curious look at the stallion. She turned to Spike and Vinyl who were waiting for her.

“I'll catch up with you at the castle,” she said before turning around and walking over to Neon. Spike and Vinyl looked at each other and then to Octavia. Spike felt a small pang in his heart watching her walk away. He immediately brushed the feeling to the side, citing stupidity for getting it in the first place.

“Alright, we'll see ya later then,” Spike said giving her a smile. Vinyl looked down at the dragon, then to her best friend. She wasn't fully sure of what was going on, but decided to let it play out and then find out more later. With the musical duo in tow, the guards lead the way through Canterlot to the castle. The trip was silent for the most part, until Vinyl spoke to Spike.

“So are you ok with Tavi goin with Neon like that?” she asked. The question caught Spike off guard and he nearly tripped because of it. He shot Vinyl a dirty look before speaking.

“What do you mean? Octavia is a full grown mare. She can talk and do whatever she wants. I have no say over it,” he said returning his gaze to the road ahead of him.

“I don't know, Neon can be pretty smooth when he wants to be. I bet ya we won't be seeing her till a little after sunset,” Vinyl said closing her eyes and yawning.

Spike looked back at her and sighed. It's not like she's my mare friend or anything he thought to himself. His face seemed to tense at the thought now planted in his head of Octavia and Neon chatting it up happily. Though, the question that popped into his head now was, why do I feel this way? The walk continued quietly after that point. Spike remained in a haze of his own thoughts as they approached the castle. Once inside, they began their approach to the main throne room.

“Oh, it's you cousin,” a very shrewd voice called out, cutting through Spike's hazy thoughts. He looked to his left to see a perfectly manicured stallion. His blonde mane blown into a quaff, a suit jacket around his torso with a flower in the jacket pocket. His eyes looked at the dragon with mild annoyance and disgust having to use the term cousin. Spike narrowed his eyes into a glare and sneered.

“Good to see you too Blueblood,” Spike spat. A very confused Vinyl looked back and forth between the two. She started to question her hearing, thinking she hadn't heard what she thought she heard. She needed confirmation, now.

“Wait, back up Scale Head. Did he just call you-” she began. Her voice was soon cut off and her question was soundly confirmed once the door to the throne was open.

“Now announcing: Prince Spike Draco-Solaris!” a guard shouted. Vinyl's eyes widened and her mouth lazily hung open. She whipped her head to Spike, who also had that same wide eyed expression. He looked at the guard and shot him a scowl.

“DUDE!! What the buck!?!” he shouted. The guard looked down at the dragon, and simply waved off the remark.

“It is only the princess at the moment. She has since adjourn her day court for the day in preparation of your stay here sire,” the guard said.

“That's not the point!!” he shouted. He looked at Vinyl who was still staring at Spike stunned. She motioned with her hooves to the throne room. Pulling them to her chest and then extending them several times

“You're a prince!?!?” she shouted. Spike groaned loudly and slapped his face with his claw, rubbing his temples and trying not to get too worked up.

“Well, guess that cat's out of the bag,” he said groaning.

“Indeed he is,” a very motherly voice called out. Vinyl turned to see Princess Celestia slowly walking into view. “Welcome home Spike. Your arrival is much later then I anticipated,” she said with a smile. Spike let himself smile as he looked to his mother.

“Yeah, the guards came and got me at the music studio,” he said. He looked to Vinyl and tried to smile genuinely. “Mom, this is my friend Vinyl Scratch. Vinyl, this is my mom Princess Celestia,” he said introducing the two. Vinyl immediately bowed before the solar monarch. The regal ruler simply smiled at the D.J and giggled.

“Now now my little pony, there is no need for such a formality. A friend of Spike's is always welcome,” Celestia said laying a hoof on Vinyl's shoulder. Vinyl raised her head and then looked to Spike.

“You are so explaining all of this to me,” she said gesturing to everything with her hoof. Spike nodded, knowing that he would have to tell everything.


Back at the studio, Octavia and Neon were chatting rather pleasantly in his office. He had prepared some tea for himself and her as they talked music.

“It was really kind of you to allow us use of your studio while we recorded Spike's songs Neon,” Octavia said with a smile as she sipped her tea. Neon smiled and scratched the back of his neck.

“It's no big. Had a gap in the schedule anyway. There is something I wanted to talk to you about personally Octavia,” he said. His eyes moved out of her gaze as he started.

“Is there something wrong?” Octavia asked. Neon quickly waved his hooves in a quick manner.

“No no no, nothing is wrong. Its just umm...” he began to trail off. He looked back to her. Her eyes holding a gentle gaze that made his fur begin to warm up quickly. “I was wondering...if you would like to go out some time in the near future. You know, that's not work related.” Octavia felt her cheeks flush slightly at the stallion's request.

“You mean..like a date?” she asked. Neon nodded.

“For a while now, I’ve been watching you preform and just how you are. You're a very kind and caring mare. And you don't take any crap from anypony,” he began. “Plus you're a great musician with a great talent. It would be an honor to call you my special some pony,” he said with a smile. Octavia blushed hearing him speak. She shifted lightly in her hooves as she began to think of his offer. It was true she wasn't seeing anypony at the moment, and he did seem like a nice stallion, but the thought of a relationship sent a chill down her spine. Remembering a night of a broken relationship, and a soul filled song that still seemed to resonate in her heart. Holding her back from letting anypony in.

“Thank you Neon. It means a lot to hear somepony think so highly of me,” she began. This caught the stallion's attention. His gaze shot to her as he hung on every word she spoke. “But, for now, I'm not really looking for any kind of relationship. It's been a bit...trying the last time, and I think I need more time before I can feel that way towards somepony again,” she said. Her gaze drifted away from him. “I'm sure that wasn't the answer you were looking for, but it is all I can offer right now,” she finished. Neon had a slight look of dejection on his muzzle, but with a slight sigh his smile returned.

“Yeah, I can understand that. But that doesn’t stop us from going to get coffee maybe one time before you guys leave,” he said in a hoping kind of tone. Octavia saw the smile on his muzzle and couldn't help forming one of her own.

“Coffee would be fine,” she said softly. With that being said, a light went off at the top of the doorway to the office, signaling the arrival of somepony at the door. Neon looked to the light and then to Octavia.

“Well, business calls. I'll see you tomorrow?” he asked. Octavia smiled and nodded simply. Neon's face lighting up as he now had a confirmed coffee date. He walked Octavia to the door, the two simply enjoying the others company.

“See you tomorrow Neon. And thank you again for all your help today,” Octavia said as they parted ways. As she walked to streets of Canterlot on her way to the castle, the cellist began to think about her past relationship. It was with Vinyl, and what a relationship it was. The images of Vinyl dragging her to several of her shows, meeting Neon Lights and several others along the way. To say a classical musician like herself was out of her element around all the fun seeking night owls would be an understatement. The pleasant memories brought with them a wide smile that could not and would not be contained. But as was the nature of good, came the bad memories as well. She remembered the fights for equality she would have with the D.J. How though it seemed she had wanted to share everything, Vinyl had little time to get acquainted or even meet Octavia's fellow musicians that she played with. It all came to a head one week into the spring months just few years ago


Spring was in full bloom, and with it was a breath of renewed life and love through all of Equestria. While pushing her way through their shared cluttered home, Octavia managed to get to the front door and check the mailbox. Aside from two noise violations, which Vinyl used for kindling on cold nights, a letter for Octavia caught the young mare's eye. Though it was a simple white envelope, the seal on the back was nothing to sneeze at. Embedded in the deep crimson wax was an impression of several music notes and a miniature Pegasus wing. Octavia's eyes opened wide as she instantly recognized the seal of the composer from Neighpon, Yoko Brightwing. Hurrying inside, Octavia opened the letter slowly and withdrew it's contents. There was a letter, and a pair of gold colored tickets. Front row of the V.I.P section. Setting the tickets aside for a moment, she took the time to read the letter.

“Dear Miss Octavia Melody,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Yoko Brightwing. For the past few months, myself and my orchestra have been touring the better part of the Crystal Empire, Manehatten, Neighpon, and many other places. While in these fair cities, I like to extend friendly invitations to local musicians to come and play at our performances. I have heard from many in the capital city of Canterlot, that you, Miss Melody, are the best cellist and concert performer in Canterlot. So as is my personal tradition, I would like to extend this invitation to you. If you are interested, then please come the Canterlot concert hall tomorrow evening for a rehearsal, where you can get to know myself as well as the rest of our group. I hope to see you soon Miss Melody


Yoko Brightwing”

Octavia felt a great swelling and swirling in her heart and mind. This was a once in a life time chance. To be invited to play with someone who had been her idle for most of her professional carrier, it was just too amazing for words. With her excitement reaching a greater high, Octavia trotted to the kitchen, where Vinyl was doing dishes. Placing a hoof on her marefriend's shoulder, Octavia got Vinyl's attention before she turned on the heavy duty bass she used to clean.

“Vinyl, I have some rather wonderful news,” Octavia said. Vinyl could tell by the way her eyes sparkled that this was one of the few and far between times that Octavia was excited.

“Whats goin' on Tavi? Win the lottery?” Vinyl asked. Octavia smiled and blushed lightly.

“Well, it's something similar to it,” she produced the letter with her teeth. Vinyl raised an eyebrow in curiosity. Using her magic, she took the letter into her telekinetic grip and examined it.

“Miss Yoko Lightwing has formally invited me to preform with her traveling orchestra during their visit to Canterlot. I'm going to accept her invitation, and I was hoping that you would come and watch me preform,” Octavia said looking to the mare she loved. Vinyl smiled wide and gave her a solid nod.

“Hay yeah I’m gonna go. It it's that important to you, then its important to me Tavi. I'll be there,” Vinyl announced proudly. Octavia's face seemed to relax into a lovely smile. She wrapped her forelegs around Vinyl and pulled her into a loving embrace.

“Thank you Vinyl. Really, thank you,” She whispered. Vinyl smiled softly and hugged Octavia back gently. Stroking her mane as the two embraced for quite some time. After that, the day progressed with Octavia practicing and fine tuning her cello for the rehearsal and performance. Vinyl watched her silently and smiled. She hadn't seen Octavia this excited in quite some time. Drifting away from the eager cellist, Vinyl noted the mail pile. Tossing aside violation notices, she spotted something for her that wasn't a cease and diciest order. It was a letter from Neon Lights. Opening it up, she gave it a quick glance.

“Yo Vinyl,

Need your help on a project. My other D.J bailed out and to be honest, your mixing is leagues above this other guy. Show up at the studio 2 days from the day you get this letter.

Catch ya later,


Vinyl smirked. She loved getting the chance to lay down tracks with Neon. She looked at the concert ticket that sat on the table near the other envelopes.

“Yeah, I can do both,” she said confidently. With that said, she disappeared into her room and began collecting the needed records she needed to play with Neon. Time seemed to slip through the two lovers' hooves, for it wasn't too long until Octavia had to depart for Canterlot.

“Now your certain you can make it? It would mean so much to me if you could,” Octavia said standing on the train platform. Vinyl gave her a reassuring smile and nodded happily.

“Of course. I'm just gonna help Neon out of a pinch real quick, and then will be at the concert hall in no time,” Vinyl said. Octavia smiled softly as the two made their way onto the train. Luckily, they were taking the first train out, so they would arrive in Canterlot around dusk. Still exhausted from the night before, Octavia leaned against Vinyl and quickly drifted to sleep. 'This time is going to be different. I can feel it,' she thought to herself as she let sleep take a hold. Vinyl placed a light kiss on Octavia's forehead and stroked her mane gently before allowing herself to sleep as well. In the time between sleep and awake, they reached their destination. Upon exiting, they quickly gathered their items from the train car and headed to their hotel. The evening sky was a brilliant blood orange as the sun made its way to the horizon. They talked in great delight of their fast approaching appointments. Octavia's being upon her this very night. Parting ways with the blue maned D.J, the cellist made ventured down the familiar path to the concert hall. Within, her eyes grew wide and her smile refused to be hidden as she gazed upon all the ponies fine tuning their instruments and getting ready.

“Ah, Miss Octavia I presume?” a very sweet sounding voice called from behind her. She turned to see a older looking Pegasus mare. Her deep violet mane complemented her light blue coat. Here eyes a captivating brown gazed at the earth mare with a soft smile across her muzzle.

“Miss Lightwing,” Octavia breathed. She hadn't realized she had been holding her breath for so long until she spoke the composer's name.

“Please, don't stand on such formalities. We are collages in the musical arts. Yoko is fine,” the mare said. Octavia blushed and smiled nervously.

“Right then, Miss Yoko. I am truly honored to have gotten your invitation to play with your orchestra,” Octavia said softly.

“From what I have heard, you are one of the best around in your string line. It is an honor to conduct such talent,” Yoko said giving the cellist a modest bow. Blushing and looking slightly frantic, Octavia followed Yoko's lead and bowed before the conductor's head rose. “If you would please take your place, we shall begin,” Yoko said with a smile. She pointed her hoof to a group of cellists. Sitting in the middle was a empty chair with the word Octavia on it. Taking her place with a happy grin on her face, Octavia tuned her cello and got better aquainted with the rest of the cellists. The rehearsal was successful to say the least. Everypony played their part magnificently. Things were great

Now back at the hotel, Octavia recounted her experience with the orchestra to Vinyl. As the night drew on, the two snuggled in close on their bed and let sleep take them once more. Pleasant dreams played out in their subconscious minds as their bodies rested from the day's activities. Hours pass by like minutes in their bliss filed state as Celestia's golden sun breaks the horizon and once more begins a new day. Breakfast was somber and very relaxed, eating at Doughnut Joe's shop.

“I can't wait for you to hear it Vinyl. I promise you won't regret it,” Octavia beamed as she munched on a glazed doughnut with sprinkles. Vinyl grinned as she mashed her 3rd down her throat in a rather undignified manner.

“I bet. Neon wants me in the studio early, so after we finish I'm gonna go see him and get out an hour before your concert,” Vinyl said. Her horn illuminated and revealed her ticket. “Save me a good seat ok?” she asked.

“Of course I will,” Octavia said with a blissful sigh. They finished their meal and were soon to part ways when Vinyl stopped Octavia.

“Got ya somethin' to help keep in contact. Some of the eggheads in R&D here in Canterlot made it,” she said. Octavia held out her hoof. Placed in it by Vinyl's was a small device with a mouth piece and small speaker. “They call it a telephone. And its powered by a very low level unicorn spell. It's all charged up and ready to go. All you have to do is say my name, and it will call me, and vice verse,” Vinyl explained.

“How did you get this?” Octavia asked inspecting the item. Vinyl waved her hoof to brush off the question.

“A guy I know owed me a solid. He got me into the 'beta test' or whatever the hay he called it and hooked me up with a pair of personal ones,” she said with a smile. Octavia smiled looking down at the device and then to her mare.

“Thank you,” she said softly. The two embraced for a few more moments, and then separated. Arriving at her destination, Octavia let loose a held breath to relax her nerves. She knew she was ready for this, she could feel it in her core. Practice came and went, and with it so did time. The masses were starting to pile in, and it was curtain in 30. looking to the crowd, she glanced left and right, only to then focus on the empty chair in the front row labeled “Reserved for Vinyl Scratch”. Worry soon set in as she neared the 15 minute mark. She trotted to her prep-station and scooped the phone into her hooves.

“Vinyl Scratch,” she said into the mouth piece. The device lit up and started making a slight ringing sound in the speaker. After a few short rings, a click sounded.

“This is Vinyl,” a voice said from the other side.

“Hey Vinyl. I was just wondering if you where you were. It's almost time to begin,” Octavia said into the mouth piece.

“Oh no its starting right now? Oh jeez, me and Neon are still hammering out these tracks. I'm sorry but I don't think I can make it. It's really tied up here. You understand right?” Vinyl asked, trying to explain her situation. Octavia's look of worry soon grew more defined.

“You said you would be here, and this is really important to me,” Octavia countered.

“Yeah, I know. It's such a total mess down here I have my hooves tied. I'll make it to your next performance I promise,” Vinyl pleaded. Octavia couldn't believe she was hearing this once again. It happened every time, every single time. Her eyes grew dim as the feeling of her heart breaking started to over take her.

“I understand...it's ok,” Octavia said softly.

“Thank you Tavi, you have no idea how mu-”

“Actually, it's not ok,” Octavia said suddenly. “You've done this every time to me. Yet I seem to be able to make time for your performances It's not fair Vinyl,” she said slightly louder now. A few wandering eyes locked on the mare.

“Tavi, I'm sorry. I really wanted to come see you tonight,” Vinyl tried to defend.

“If you really wanted to, then you would have been here,” Octavia said coldly.

“Tavi...what are you saying?” Vinyl asked. Her voice had grown shaky, as if she could sense the words before Octavia said them.

“Consider this relationship, and this friendship over,” she said so coldly that even a Windigo would freeze to death.

“Tavi wa-” was all Vinyl could get out before the phone closed shut. A pained expression contorted the gray mare's face. Tears of anger and sadness damped her cheeks as she lowered her head and closed her eyes.

“5 minutes to curtain,” a stallion called from behind her. Raising her head to look at herself in the mirror, Octavia saw a pony stricken by grief and anger. And yet, even with this going through her mind, she still felt as if she could preform. Perhaps even better then she could have prior. She steeled herself and adjusted her bow tie. Exiting her area, Yoko stopped her with a gentle hoof.

“Gomenasai, Octavia-San,” Yoko said softly. She must have heard Octavia prior, because she pulled the mare into a tight warm hug. Feeling her resolve waver, she embraced the Pegasus gently. “If I can do anything for you, please do not hesitate to ask,” Yoko said looking at Octavia's reddened eyes. Octavia glanced to the crowd growing, and to the reserved sign once more.

“I want to make her understand. May I borrow your pianist?” she asked. With a simple nod, Yoko called the stallion on the keys over. After a few minutes of talking, they all took their positions. The curtain raised and Yoko approached the conductor's stand as the crowd stomped in applause

“Thank you very much for being with us this evening. Before our program begins, our special guest, Octavia Melody, would like to preform a special piece for you all,” the mare stated. Octavia ventured to a newly set up microphone next to the piano. Her eyes remained closed as she began to sing.

Things were difficult for a long time after that night. Octavia moved out of their home once they made it back to Ponyville, deciding to take up residence in Canterlot once more. Vinyl begged and pleaded for forgiveness time and time again, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears as Octavia refused to answer any of her letters. But as time passes, wounds heal. It took over half a year, but Octavia finally let Vinyl back into her life. The two became friends once more, but Octavia for her part, kept it at just that. Friends. And though their friendship had mended itself, the scars on Octavia's heart still held their grotesque shape. Preventing her from getting close to anypony for the foreseeable future


Sighing at the swell of memories that flooded her head, Octavia continued through the streets of Canterlot. The grand castle now insight, she thought of the promised coffee date with Neon, though his face was not the one she saw in her thoughts. Instead, it was somepony else. Somepony who had been scared himself. Who, like her, chose to forgive his unintentional tormentor. Somepony, or rather, some dragon

Author's Note:

sorry this took so long to get out. i was vying with how i wanted this chapter to go, and its a bit shorter then those that came before it. for that i do apologize. several things have happened within my family, as well as the process beginning of me leaving my old apartment and moving to a new one. thank you all for kind words and great feedback. i will be drawing up a cover art for this fic soon. so until the next chapter, i will see you all later. random side note, my editor has pretty much quit on me, so thats why it takes a bit more time to get these out. later everypony