• Published 13th Dec 2013
  • 7,078 Views, 48 Comments

My Little Spike - Blueninetails

After an incident with one of Twilight's spells, Spike finds himself in the body of a colt rather than a dragon.

  • ...

Chapter 1

It's a fairly normal day in Ponyville, as most of its residences goes through the day as any other. Applejack is in the townsquare selling apples, Derpy Hooves was up in the air finishing her rounds for the day, Spike was out running an errand for Twilight, and Twilight herself was at the library reading a book about transformative spells.

Sure, she had successfully transformed an apple into a carriage and, though temporary, a rock, branch, and a few leaves into a rather high-class outfit and cane; but, her attempt at changing four mice for the night of the Gala showed she still had much to learn. The book she was reading was one that specialized just for that. It was a book from the library at Canterlot, and was a book that Princess Celestia was a little more hesitant than usual to lend out to Twilight for her studies.

The book covered simple transformation spells that would be considerably simple for any unicorn, especially Twilight, but it also contained more complex maneuvers ones she felt that would be too advanced for Twilight to attempt. With a little convincing, and getting Luna to vouch in her favor, Twilight managed to convince Princess Celestia to lend it to her.

Now alone with the book, and a simple stone in front of her, Twilight was doing her best to memorize the concepts before attempting to change the stone in front of her.

"Alright, just take a deep breath and concentrate." she said to herself before focusing her magic.

The stone hovered for a moment before changing into a hat similar to ones worn by those in the Apple family.

Twilight looked at what happened and smiled proudly to herself, before she heard somepony yell out "Look out!" and in flew a familiar blue pegasus through the window and right into a bookcase, once again scattering the books it held all over the floor.

"Rainbow." Twilight simply stated in an upset tone as she approached her friend, who was laying half buried under some books.

"Hehehe. Sorry about that Twilight." Rainbow apologized as she got back onto her feet.

"Please, be more careful next time." she simply stated before going back to where she was

"So whatcha doing now, Twilight?" Rainbow asked as she followed Twilight

"Oh, I was just trying to perfect my transformation spells." she replied and pointed a hoof to the book and what use to be her practice stone, "See, I've already turned a stone I found this morning into a hat."

"Wow! That's so cool. It looks almost like Applejack's." Rainbow stated before picking it up and placing it onto her head, "I dunno what you're talking about Twilight, but it looks like you have this spell down."

"Well, not exactly. I may have gotten most forms down, but I'm still working on making it permanent."

"Permanent? You mean so it stays a hat forever?"

"Well...without magic to change it back, yes. You see, do you remember the carriage? The one we used for the Gala?"

"Who wouldn't."

"Like with Fluttershy's mice friends, the carriage eventually changed back to normal. And while that was okay, I've wanted to try changing objects that will retain what I changed it into." Twilight explained, "Not to mention I've just barely done transformations on other animals before."

"I'm not gonna vouch myself for that."

"Don't worry, Rainbow, I have no intention of asking you or anyone to be a test subject for my magic tricks. At least not this one."

"I don't mind being used as a test subject, but I think I'll wait till after you figure it out. That way I don't turn into something I don't want to be."

At that moment, Spike came walking back in.

"Alright, got those errands done, Twilight." Spike stated before noticing that Rainbow Dash was there, "Hey there Rainbow."

"Hey Spike."

"Uh...why are you wearing Applejack's hat?"

"It's not AJ's. It's a rock that Twilight changed into a hat."

"She's right. I changed a stone I found this morning into the hat that sits on Rainbow's head." Twilight added.

"Wow, cool Twilight. Can you change other things too?"

Twilight chuckled, "I'm still working on that."

"Say, Twilight, you said this thing would eventually change back. When is it going to-" Rainbow was cut off as the object on her head suddenly got heavier, before rolling off her head and onto the ground.

"Right about now. Sorry, if you wanted to wear it a little longer. When I changed it, I didn't put much into mind about making it last as long as the carriage. Since it was only for practice."

"That's okay." Rainbow stated as she rubbed her head with one of her fore-hooves, "Besides, I think Applejack would've wondered where I got a replica of her hat anyway if she saw me."

"Yes, I think I can agree with that." Twilight simply stated with a nod, and tried imagining in her head how that might've turned out.

Later that evening, Twilight was still buried deep in her studies. Applejack had stopped by for a moment to have a quick chat with Twilight though, when Twilight requested Applejack to come by with a bag of apples. Twilight wanted some of the apples for her practice. Mostly though she wanted to try a spell that would change them into gemstones for Spike to eat. While Spike didn't like the idea of a meal meant for him be a transformed copy of his favorite treat, it was still gemstones when he put it in his mouth. Besides, he's eaten apples before, so if they do change back, no need to worry about a stomachache.

"How long do you plan on working on this Twilight?" Spike asked before putting another gem in his mouth

"As long as it takes. I really want to try this spell, and this book from Princess Celestia only shows how little I truly understand it. There's at least another seven chapters, and all of them are advanced teachings."

"Are you at least gonna go to sleep tonight?"

"Don't worry about me, Spike, I know how to take care of myself. I'll make sure to get some sleep tonight."

Spike left it at that as he continued eating. After some time, and Spike was being egged on to getting to sleep, Twilight was taking a break to simply write a letter to Princess Celestia to thank her for the book and report in her current progress with transformation spells. She was planning to have Owlicious take the message to Celestia, rather than her usual through Spike.

After sending Owlicious off to deliver the message, Twilight went back to her studying.

"*Yawn* Just a few more tries, then I call it a night." she muttered to herself before looking back at the book for a brief moment to check if what she was going to do was right, then turned her attention to the apple that was placed on the ground.

Twilight closed her eyes and focused her energy into changing the apple. It took a moment for her magic to envelope the entire fruit before changing into a potted flower.

"Okay, two more." she stated before using the spell again on another apple, changing it into grapes, then to the third one.

After giving another yawn, she then re-focused her energy on the third apple, before suddenly hearing Spike next to her, "Twilight...?"

"Ah!" she screamed before looking at Spike, who she incidentally hit with her third spell, sending him right into a pile of books that Twilight hadn't put away, "Spike!" and ran over to him, "Spike, are you alright?"

He only gave a groan before replying with, "Yeah, I think so."

"Spike, I thought I already sent you to bed."

"I did, but I heard you casting your spells, so I came down to have a look. And after seeing you yawn, I thought I might as well convince you to get to bed too before you pass out here, again."

"I told you Spike, I know how to take care of myself. I just wanted three more tries at the spell that will help make what I change them into permanent." Twilight stated, "Anyway, right now, just tell me, do feel alright? I hit you with my spell."

"Uh...yeah, I feel pretty normal. I don't think you did anything to me." Spike replied as he looked at himself.

"You look pretty normal to me too. How about your fire breath?"

Spike tried exactly just that into the air, and it was working, "Nope, still works. Like any dragon should."

"I suppose it didn't affect you then, that's good. I wouldn't know what you would've changed into if it had. I wasn't focusing on what I changed the apples into."

"Let's just get to bed Twilight, you can try practicing tomorrow."

Twilight just gave a sigh, and looked at the potted plant and grapes that use to be apples. They were still the same, so no telling if they ended up staying that way until later anyway. "Alright, let's get some sleep." and followed Spike up the bedroom.

The following morning, Twilight was the first up and out of bed. She looked over at Spike, who had managed to curl himself into a ball in his blanket.

Twilight only gave a smile, then looked to see if Owlicious had returned, or if he couldn't get back in and had spent the night perched outside the window. Checking, Owlicious had been able to return inside, and was sitting where he usually would be, and was about to get some sleep for the day.

Before attempting to wake up Spike, Twilight went downstairs to see if the apples had retained their forms or had changed back. They changed back. She simply gave a sigh and went back up.

"Spike. Wake up, Spike. I need you to help me today." Twilight said as she nudged Spike in his bed.

Spike only gave a groan and shifted in his bed.

"Come on Spike, I want to practice with clothes again."

"Alright, alright..., I'm up." Spike replied and shifted around again, before throwing the blanket off and sitting up on his bed

Twilight could only go wide-eyed look in disbelief at what she saw.

Spike only looked up at her as he tried rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes, "What's wrong? Do I have something on my frill?"

Twilight shook her head, "No...It's not that."

"Then what is it?" Spike simply asked before noticing the hand he used to rub his eye didn't feel right and noticed his familiar hand to be a hoof.

"It's because you're not a dragon anymore." Twilight replied as her mind raced faster than Rainbow Dash in the air trying to find a explanation, finding last night's accident as the only possible explanation. The explanation of why she was looking at a young purple earth pony rather than a baby dragon.

Author's Note:

To kinda explain, cause somehow I feel it's best I do, I know that this chapter isn't exactly of very high quality. It was one of the very first stories I wrote when I joined the fandom, and it was well before my editor became a brony. The particular reason why this one and the next two chapters aren't in the best quality, is because I didn't want to give them to my editor after chapter 4 and 5 (which had already been checked by him, and published on DA) and risk giving him a headache of editing these without altering the already set flow of the story in the slightest bit. I felt since the proceeding chapters were already out it was no longer a viable option to do any major altering.

I promise though that chapter 4 and proceeding ones after that are of better quality, and if you stick with it, I'm sure you'll enjoy this story as much as my DA readers found it.