• Published 13th Dec 2013
  • 7,071 Views, 48 Comments

My Little Spike - Blueninetails

After an incident with one of Twilight's spells, Spike finds himself in the body of a colt rather than a dragon.

  • ...

Chapter 7

The following morning, Spike woke up to find Twilight's bed was empty. He could only assume that Twilight had chosen to continue to annoyingly act as his mother as he stretched before walking down the stairs to the main library floor. He didn't get very far as he noticed that Twilight was actually out on the balcony, a stack of books next to her.

As soon as he walked onto the balcony, the clopping from his hooves hitting the wooden structure was loud and clear.

Twilight quickly heard the sound and turned to look at Spike, "Oh...good morning Spike." she said, her voice apparently showing it was forced out in a slightly cheerful tone.

"Morning Twilight." he stated with a curious look as he gave as he looked over her. If it wasn't the tone of her voice, it would be her appearance that got his attention. While it was clear that Twilight had managed to sleep well enough last night, considering she didn't look at all tired, it seems like she had forgotten to groom her mane and tail before coming out here to read as a few bits of hair hung out their usual place. "Uh...are you alright Twilight?"

"O-of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well...it kinda looks like you...left your mane in a mess."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I forgot to brush myself before I got the day started." she stated as she flashed an embarrassed grin, "Anyway, I made your breakfast for you. I left it on the table downstairs." She got up and walked back up to the bedroom to brush her mane and tail properly.

"Sure...thanks Twilight." was all Spike could say as he watched her curiously. "Since when has Twilight ever forgotten to do that?" he asked himself quietly, completely forgetting about the little ordeal from the previous night. Deciding to push it aside for now, he decided to go get something to eat and find out what Twilight prepared for him.

He was only able to find eight apple wedges sitting on a plate at the table. Guess that was what Twilight prepared for him. It was a smaller portion than what Twilight had been giving him the last few days, but at least that was fairly normal in a way and not an attempt to over-mother him by making him eat more than he could possibly eat. Owlicious was his only company that morning, as Twilight chose to go back out onto the balcony the moment she was done brushing her mane and tail.

Owlicious kept silent as he watched Spike, who thought it was kinda creepy of him to do, and occasionally opened a wing to peck at it and keep his feathers tidy. Owlicious was more than able to feel the slight change in the atmosphere that morning and mostly didn't do anything more than he was already doing.

As soon as Spike finished, he brought his plate into the kitchen then went upstairs and stood in front of the door that led onto the balcony, "Hey Twilight, I'm gonna go meet Applebloom at Sweet Apple Acres, okay?"

"Sure..., you go 'head and have fun Spike. I'll just be here catching up on my reading."

"Alright...See you later Twilight." he said as he turned to leave.

As he walked out, he stopped to look up at the balcony. He was honestly worried about Twilight, then again, she was probably still letting the fact sink in that he wouldn't allow her to identify herself as his mother, and that was for the best in his opinion. He pressed onwards.

Arriving at Sweet Apple Acres, he was quickly greeted by all three members of the CMC. Apparently Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were just quickly passing by to check if Applebloom was interested in adventuring today. After saying she was just gonna spend the day with Spike, they didn't think much of it and were about to leave.

"Just let us know when you guys are ready to do some exploring!" Scootaloo shouted as she and Sweetie left.

"We will." Applebloom shouted back as she waved them off, then turned to look at Spike, "Ah'm glad ya'll managed to come Spike."

"Well, I did say I would didn't I?"

Applebloom gave a smile and nodded, "So where to?"

"Uh...I dunno. How about Sugarcube Corner? It's a bit too early for lunch and I'm sure Pinkie Pie wouldn't mind if we stayed around for a while."

"Alright then." Applebloom said as the two started heading for the bakery. As they left, Applejack noticed the two, and shot yet another curious look before continuing her work.

Once at Sugarcube Corner, they were greeted by Pinkie Pie then were seated at a table indoors.

"Okie-dokie, two creme-filled cupcakes for my two favorite cupcake-making helpers!" Pinkie stated as she served them what they had ordered.

"Thanks Pinkie Pie." Spike said as he looked at cupcakes.

"Nonononono. Thank YOU!" she quickly stated as she pointed a hoof at them, "Because you two were so super-duper nice to help me, I was able to finish the order early enough to find out why they ordered so many muffins. Apparently they were having a party, and it was so super spectacular, and I was able to join because you two helped me."

Both gave a slight chuckle, before Applebloom stated, "We're glad ya'll had fun, but didn't we mess up?"

"Well, duh, of course you did, but that's okay. Everypony is allowed make mistakes once in a while. Even I still make some mistakes, and I'm the one that's been cooking for a long time." she stated as cheerfully as always.

"Pinkie, do you mind helping me with this?" they heard Mr. Cake say from the kitchen.

"Sure thing Mr. Cake!" and just like that, the pink pony was gone.

The two young ponies sat there for a moment in silence, till Spike spoke up.

"Well, I guess we start eating."

"Yeah, ah suppose we should." she stated with slight chuckle and took a bite from her cupcake.

"I'm actually not that hungry really." Spike stated before taking a bite himself, "Twilight made me some breakfast this morning." he added as he chewed, almost muffling each of his words.

"Oh...? Did she make ya'll a big breakfast?"

"Well, no, she just gave me an apple in the form of eight wedges." he replied. He had to remember to ask Pinkie how she managed to get some of the icing inside the cupcake. It was actually apple-flavored and essentially replaced the tiny wedge of green or red apple that usually sat on top of the icing.

"Well that sounds good. More than ah had this mornin'." she stated before taking another bite

"What did you eat?" genuinely curious as to what she could've possibly eaten that was less than an apple.

"Nothin' really." she simply replied, "Woke up late, and ah was just too excited to really eat."

"Glad I suggested coming here then. Not sure how well Applejack would've taken it if I just let you go hungry." he stated before taking another bite himself, this time getting a small chunk of the icing on his nose.

Applebloom couldn't help but laugh a bit before reaching over to wipe off the icing with one of her front hooves.

Spike blushed as he wiggled his nose slightly before saying, "Thanks Applebloom."

"Don't mention it." Applebloom simply said as she blushed as well.

"Oh my gosh! Are you two on a date?" Pinkie asked as she suddenly popped out of nowhere, or at least got there without Spike or Applebloom noticing, from the side of the table.

"Wait, how....when did you get here?" Spike asked as he looked back toward the door that lead into the kitchen, more than curious how they could possibly have missed seeing Pinkie re-enter the room.

"Well...uh...ah suppose ya'll could call it one." Applebloom replied with a blush.

"Yeah, I guess you could...call it a date Pinkie Pie." Spike agreed with a blush as well.

"You really outta told me! I could've easily made you something more than just these plain ol' boring cupcakes." she stated as she looked at both of them, "Hey! I know! You two should TOOOTALLY come back later this evening. I promise I'll have something super duper special to celebrate!"

"Actually Pinkie Pie, ah think we'll 'ave to turn ya down on that." Applebloom stated with a nervous chuckle, earning a nod of agreement from Spike.

"Aww....are you sure?" Pinkie asked, sounding a tad depressed but otherwise kept that usual smile on her face.

"Completely." Spike replied, "We were...just hoping on some time quiet time to talk things over. Maybe next time, alright?"

"Okie-dokie, next time it is then."

After finishing what was left of their morning treat, Pinkie bid them farewell for now as they walked through the door before skipping over to the table they were using and dusted off any crumbs on it with her tail as she hummed a cheerful tune to herself until Applejack walked in through the front door, carrying two baskets filled to the brim with freshly picked apples.

"Hey, Applejack!" she greeted her fellow earth pony friend.

"Howdy Pinkie Pie! Here's them apples you ordered."

"Ooo. Goodie! Now I can get started on that new order." she simply said as she looked at each basket, "Mr. and Mrs. Cake left your pay on the counter near the register." she explained.

"Pleasure doin' business with ya'll. I wish ah could stay and chat, but ah gotta finish mah rounds for the day." Applejack stated as she took the small bag of bits and tipped her hat to Pinkie

"That's okay, I understand, your family comes first. Just tell Applebloom and Spike, if you see them again today, that my offer still stands, alrighty?" she asked as she began pushing one of the baskets of apples into the kitchen.

"Wait, ya mean those two youngun' were here this mornin'?"

"Mm-Hm." Pinkie nodded, "You mean you didn't see them? They left just ten and a fraction of a second before you came in."

"Well, ah did think ah saw Applebloom's tail as ah turned the corner of Rose's flower shop, but ah didn't think it was actually her. What were those two doin' in here fer?"

"You mean you don't know the answer to that either?" she asked as she cocked her head to the side

"Why don't ya'll try explainin' it to me Pinkie Pie."

As Pinkie explained what happened to Applejack, occasionally wandering off slightly to talk about some of the new idea's she's tried to incorporate into her work, Applebloom and Spike found Scootaloo trying her luck at taming a wild beast not far from Fluttershy's home. It wasn't a wild beast though; it was Opal, who was entrusted to Fluttershy for a moment to take to her weekly scheduled grooming.

Scootaloo was holding onto a rather good sized stick in one hoof and wearing a makeshift pot helmet as Opal simply hissed and occasionally batted air with her paw as a warning to the young pegasus.

Fluttershy was already out with a first-aid kit. She had tried convincing Scootaloo to back down and not try doing anything more to "poor" Opal, but Scootaloo either didn't listen or didn't hear Fluttershy as she continued her attempts.

Applebloom and Spike just watched from the sidelines. Applebloom was, of course, cheering on her friend, while Spike just watched wondering if he should add 'challenging Opal to a fight' as either foalish or dangerous. As Opal made the first move, the two started fighting, producing the classical dust cloud, as Fluttershy hovered in the air nearby repeating the phrase "Ohmygoodness." several times.

As soon as the fight ended Opal kicked up some dirt at Scootaloo, who was at this point covered in scratch marks and slightly dazed, before walking off to the side to rest. Spike decided it was both foalish and dangerous.

While Fluttershy tended to Scootaloo's wounds, Applebloom and Spike decided to chat a bit as they waited to see if Scootaloo will be alright.

"So yeah...that's what I was doing the entire time at the Gala." Spike stated

"Aside from mah sis and everypony leavin' ya behind, sounds like ya'll had a lot of fun."

"Well, I'm sure the others had their reasons. The Gala is rather exclusive. I've heard only if you're one of Equestria's elite or if you had the Princess's favor, you'd get invited."

"Yeah..., definitely sounds like fun. Must be great getting invited." Applebloom stated out loud, "It's probably very boring though." she added with a small smile.

"Had to be if Princess Celestia herself said it was." Spike agreed before chuckling.

Both then looked up as Fluttershy and Scootaloo approached them, "Ya'll feelin' better Scootaloo?" Applebloom asked her friend.

"Better than earlier. I guess tiger taming isn't my special talent." she stated with a sigh, but still held her head up high otherwise.

"Um...she should be alright now." Fluttershy also voiced in then turned to look at Scootaloo, "You should be more careful though. Opal can be...um...a little rough sometimes."

"You managed to tame her didn't you?" Scootaloo stated with a grin.

"Well...yes, but remember...animals are my special talent...I'm use to being around them."

"Maybe you should teach me how to do that stare. Maybe that'll help me tame wild creatures."

"Oh...no...I can't. I'm sorry." Fluttershy stated quietly.

Scootaloo just barely heard what Fluttershy said, as she turned to look at Applebloom and Spike, "How about you two? Wanna learn 'the stare' from Fluttershy?"

"Ah think we'll pass on that." Applebloom stated with bit of a smile.

"Yeah, I think I'll be fine not trying to tame animals." Spike added, giving a slight grin as well.

"Ah, come on. It'll be fun." Scootaloo rebutted.

"Nah. Besides, Applebloom wanted me to hang out with her for the day, and I kinda already told her I'd help her pick up some flower seeds from the Rose and Daisy before the day was over."

"Another time then." Scootaloo sighed.

"Um...I'm sorry...if you don't mind me asking, where's Sweetie Belle? Is she with her sister today?" Fluttershy asked, genuinely curious where the young unicorn was.

"Yeah. Since we're not adventuring today for our cutie marks, she said she was gonna try helping Miss Rarity today." Scootaloo replied

"I hope she's not creating too much of a mess." Spike stated

"Spike! What a thing to say!" Applebloom stated.

"Oh, I'm sure it'll be alright." Fluttershy rang in, "I mean she did make a mess last time I was there, but I'm sure she's learning not to."

"I guess." Spike stated with a slight sigh.

"Hey, you guys wouldn't happen to know where Rainbow Dash is would you?" Scootaloo asked as she scratched a bit at her side, which had started to itch a little under the bandages.

"We haven't seen her since a few days ago." Applebloom replied as Spike shook his head.

"She's probably helping prepare the storm." Fluttershy stated, "I mean, I've heard from the other pegasus that there was some problems setting up a time for the storm this time. I know I'm one of them." she added, her tone switching to rather ashamed to admit it.

"Why? What's the problem with you?" Scootaloo asked.

"It's some of my animal friends. You see...some of animals in my care at the moment is a particular bird species I don't see here very often. They're lost, so I'm gonna help them, and I just can't let them get hurt from the storm."

"Just send them off now. I'm sure they'll get un-lost on their own."

"Oh...um...I dunno."

"What exactly is the bird species you're taking care of right now?" Spike asked.

As if that was it's cue, a large white bird landed on the ground next to Spike, followed by another of it's species. Both, in size, could've easily competed with Philomena, and probably in majesty if you disregard that Philomena is a phoenix that is.

"A few great albatrosses." Fluttershy simply replied with a smile as she pointed at the two birds.

After another moment or so, Scootaloo decided to go see if she could hang out with Sweetie Belle for a while. Spike and Applebloom agreed to follow the young pegasus for a bit before once again going their separate ways. As they were leaving Applebloom walked rather close to Spike again. Spike shot a look, but resigned to let Applebloom do as she wanted. She saw him give a warm smile and he couldn't help but smile back.

Scootaloo paid no attention to the action, and quickly made a few suggestions for things to try for their marks, one including requiring a lesson or two from Zecora first.

Fluttershy, on the otherhoof, noticed, and gave a rather quiet 'eep' as her mind came up with it's own conclusion. She gave a curious glance trying to better analyze the situation before her mind started trying to come up with any further conclusions. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to dwell on that for very long as Angel Bunny tapped at her side with his foot to remind her she still needed to feed most of the animals around her home.

Upon arriving at Carousel Boutique, they were greeted by Sweetie Belle at the door. Rarity wasn't home at the moment; apparently she had a special order to fill and needed to find more rubies to fulfill it. For a few minutes the four just chatted before Sweetie Belle decided to show them what she had been working on. She was trying to make an improved version of the capes for the Crusaders based on some design lessons Rarity taught her. Unfortunately they were still very much still a work in progress. Though she did find the time to make Spike a matching cape of their current design, this time using some spare gold silk that she had asked permission from her sister to use. She figured that Spike had been a member, even if it'll expire once he's back to normal, long enough to deserve a matching cape with the rest of them.

Rarity did eventually return, and was briefly included in their conversation. Rarity expressed her concerns about Twilight to Spike at one point during the conversation. She had stopped by to see how she was doing and had been greeted by the other unicorn from the balcony. Twilight claimed she had fallen asleep from a serious study session and said she was fine.

After spending another hour or so, long enough for Rarity to at least make sure the young ponies had some lunch, Spike and Applebloom were ready to continue with their day.

"Just remember, darlings, if you do pass by the library that you two check on Twilight." Rarity stated to the two young ponies.

"We'll remember Miss Rarity." Applebloom stated.

"I simply can't imagine what's wrong with her, but I suppose it's for the best I don't dwell on it. Everypony has her own problems they wish to take care of on their own. Whatever the case may be, I hope you two enjoy what's left of your day." she said with a kind smile.

"We will. See ya'll later Miss Rarity." Applebloom stated as she started walking

"See ya later Rarity." Spike said as well with a smile before following Applebloom

"Take care you two." she shouted out to them before walking back into the boutique, and hoping with any luck that Scootaloo's presence won't cause too much of an added ruckus to keep her from her work.

The two young earth ponies decided to quickly finish up Applebloom's extra errand and pick up the flower seeds Applejack wanted. Considering it was just a little bag of seeds, and both lacking a saddlebag, Spike decided to carry them until they finished their day together and he had to pass it back to Applebloom or they bumped into either Applejack or Big Mac to give it to.

They both passed by the library and, as asked, decided to check on Twilight. By now Twilight was looking over the counter spell book ensuring she figured every last detail, but feeling slightly down the dumps still had it's general affects on her magical abilities. At least she had regained herself enough to levitate things again from wherever in the library out to the balcony again.

"Sorry about the mess you two, I kind of had a hard time looking for a particular book." Twilight stated. At the moment all three were in the main room of the library.

"I-it's okay Twilight. It ain't as bad as when me, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were lookin' around for one." Applebloom stated

"I'll help clean up later tonight Twilight." Spike simply said as he looked around.

"Thanks for the offer Spike. So, what brings you two here?"

"Rarity asked us to check on ya. She said ya'll didn't seem alright." Applebloom replied.

"Yes..., I'm alright. Just...dealing with some stress right now." she replied as she tried faking a smile.

Spike just gave a loud sigh and looked off to the side.

Twilight gave a sad look before quickly adding, "You know...with changing Spike back o-of course. It hasn't been as easy as I hoped."

Applebloom looked at both, taking a mental note about the matter.

At that time, all three heard a knock at the door, before a familiar yellow pegasus walked in.

"Hey there, Fluttershy." Twilight greeted

"Hello, Twilight. Hello again Applebloom and Spike." she greeted.

Spike and Applebloom simply waved back at her.

"Is there anything I can help you with Fluttershy?"

"I...um...just wanted to talk to you for a little while about...something." she stated looking at the two young ponies there, "If that's okay that is..."

"Of course, no problem at all Fluttershy."

"Listen, um, Applebloom and I are gonna get going alright?" Spike stated as he picked up the bag of seeds and headed for the door.

"What's the bag for Spike?" Twilight asked him with a curious look.

"It was fer mah sister. She asked if we could get a bag of seeds ta 'er." Applebloom explained

"I could bring that to her, if you want. I mean, I have some time before I have to get back home." Fluttershy offered

"Ya'll sure ya want to? We wouldn't want ta impose."

"It's no problem, I don't mind helping out once in while." she simply replied with a bright smile before gently taking the seeds away from Spike.

"If yer sure, thanks Fluttershy!" then both she and Spike took their leave.

As the day wore on, Spike and Applebloom spent most of their time just talking and laughing about things, and occasionally finding time to just chase each other around the town for a little while. The whole time, Spike couldn't help but start smiling as he spent more and more time with the young farmer pony, before frowning a minute later as he looked in the direction of Carousel Boutique.

Later, as the sun was setting, Applebloom couldn't resist trying to drag Spike with her to a lone hill she and Scootaloo found one time when they were adventuring on their own. After showing it Sweetie Belle the next day, all three agreed they liked the spot and deemed it as their 'secret second fort', where they could hide from Applejack if they ever make her angry or just get away for a little while. The location was just outside the town limits and just shy of the border of Everfree forest.

"Just a little further now Spike." Applebloom stated, stopping to look behind herself, before pressing on

"You said that 10 minutes ago. How much further?" he complained as he panted a bit.

"We're here!" she replied happily, "Told ya it we were almost there."

Spike looked in awe as he looked over at the landscape in front of him. That spot really was worth the wasted energy to reach. Before him was a landscape that was just beginning to be painted orange from the setting sun, as well as a great view of Ponyville in all it's glory; looking a little further in the distance gave a scene of several rolling hills before ending at the horizon where both could vaguely see the city of Manehatten. While facing toward the town, Everfree forest was just behind them by a few yards, as it's trees still looked intimidating as ever.

"Wow! I've never seen Ponyville like this before." Spike exclaimed.

"Yup! Me and Scootaloo found this spot when she wanted ta see if lumberjacking was our special talent." she explained.

"How did that go?"

"Um...we kinda got chased by a swarm of bees. How were we suppose ta know that a beehive was on top." she said as she blushed in embarrassment.

Spike started laughing, "You know you are suppose to look up first, just to check if was tall enough to cut down. In your case though, to make sure you didn't anger any bees."

"We didn't know!" she chuckled as she poked Spike at his side.

Spike just scooted away and continued laughing.

After a moment, the two sat by each other as they looked over Ponyville. Spike was a tad hesitant to let Applebloom lean up against him when she did, but didn't protest as it started to feel a bit more welcoming than he was willing to admit to himself; Plus, looking at the young filly when she wasn't trying to drag him around on adventures or just running around seemed down-right calming to him.

They remained in silence together, until Applebloom decided to try asking about Twilight.

"Spike, if ya'll don't mind...may ah ask what's goin' on between ya and Twilight?" she asked as she looked at Spike

Spike just looked down at her from the corner of his eye.

"Ah mean, ya'll seemed down right upset, n'...she seemed sad about somthin' as well. What's goin' on?"

"I'd rather not talk about it Applebloom." Spike simply replied, a kind of tension clear in his voice.

"Please...ah just wanna help. It's really botherin' me as yer friend and fellow crusader seein' that."

Spike looked at her, and gave a sigh as he saw the concern she had in her eyes, "It's not exactly a fun story to hear."

"Just trah..."

With another sigh, he began recounting the events that had happened in the last 24 hours. From the facts of what happened, to how he felt about the matter when he found out, to his opinions about the matter in general, he told the young filly anything he could.

"Hm..., so what yer sayin' is, is that you and Twilight got in a fight last night 'cause of the fact she was pretendin' to be yer mom?"

"Yeah, I mean...sure, it's kinda flattering I guess, but she should be worried about other things than pretending a dragon is her son." Spike stated, a tad bit of anger hinted in his voice.

Applebloom gave a light sigh, "Ah dunno, ah think it's kinda...nice of 'er ta do that." she stated honestly.

"What?! Don't tell me you're taking her side!" he stated as he glared at Applebloom.

"N-no, no it's not that at t'all, it's just that...ah guess...ah'm just a tad jealous is all" the young filly stated.

Spike looked at her in surprise, letting his slight bit of anger extinguish itself completely, that was more than certainly the last reply he expected to hear, "Jealous...?" he repeated, "Jealous of what?"

"The fact ya have somepony so close to home who wants ta call herself yer mom." she stated almost dully before laying flatly on her stomach on the grass, "Ah haven't seen mah mom fer a long time." then started looking at the ground before her

Spike remained silent for a moment as he took the same position as Applebloom, "I...never actually heard you or Applejack talk about your parents. They're not...you know..."

"No! O' course not! They're just travelin' across Equestria." she replied, sounding slightly appalled that Spike would even think of something like that. "Mah ma n' pa wanted to be able to see the rest of the family, and ya'll must remember how big the family was after you and Twilight first came ta Ponyville."

"Yeah, I remember." he simply replied and nodded, "You mean your parents weren't there?"

"No..." she replied sadly as she shook her head, "Not all the family was able to make it. Mostly 'cause they lived too far away or were too busy with othah matters ta come."

"But how does that matter?" he asked, trying to change the subject slightly, "I mean, Twilight isn't even my real mom."

"Does it really matter?" Applebloom asked, genuinely curious, looking just enough to see the purple earth pony next to her. "Ya told me she was the one that hatched yer egg, fed ya, looked after ya, and...Twilight does care enough fer ya ta think of ya as her own."

Spiked took in what Applebloom had to say before staring blankly at the bit of ground in front of him. It was true in all regards, Twilight has treated him like a little servant on occasion, but she had also looked out for his well being as well. Made sure he was always well fed even before this whole incident started, that he slept comfortably at night, and for as long as he could remember, someone he could count on to listen when he had problems. Well, ones that he particularly cared to share with anyone else that is.

"Plus, ah'm sure she tries teachin' ya stuff to right?"


"Yeah, like, ya know..., morals and other life lessons that are important." Applebloom stated with a nod as she pulled her head back up, "Because Big Mac is the eldest, he remembers our mom and dad best. He told me ma use to tell him advice and teach him important lessons, not just how to help manage the farm, but lessons like...respecting other's opinions and...the importance of family."


"Ah'm not sayin' ya'll should just accept it, but ya outta at least give it a try. See if Twilight really isn't somepony ya wouldn't mind caring for ya like that, or if ya'll really are just her friend who helps her watch the library and...picks up after her whenever she makes a mess."

Spike looked back at Applebloom, who was smiling. "Ya know, that's...um...good advice coming from a filly your age, Applebloom."

She gave a nervous chuckle before saying, "Well, most of the things ah said were stuff ah've heard Applejack, Big Mac, and Granny Smith tell me before."

"Still, that's pretty impressive."

Applebloom gave a warm smile.

It was one that Spike couldn't resist smiling back at, but soon a thought crossed his mind as his smile disappeared again.

Applebloom noticed the smile disappear, and looked at him for a moment. She did have a guess at what's wrong and frowned herself as she asked, "Ya'll don't really like me..., do ya Spike?"

"Of course I like you Applebloom, why would-"

"Not the way ah do ta ya'll." she interrupted.

Spike just looked at her before looking away.

"Sweetie Belle told me. She said ya'll had a crush on her sister, Rarity." she explained, "Ah was hopin'...she was just guessin' about that, and...ya'll don't really like 'er that way."

Spike just looked back at her, seeing that Applebloom was nearly on the verge of tears.

"Ya do...right? Like Rarity in that way?"

"Well...um...I'd be lying to you if I said 'no'." he replied

Applebloom's posture just drooped as she seemingly tried flattening herself as much as possible onto the ground, now letting a couple of tears roll down her face.

"Please Applebloom, don't cry." he said as he tried using a hoof to wipe a few tears from one of her eyes; she let him with no resistance. "I do like you Applebloom, you've been the best friend I've had since this while incident started. I won't lie, I do love Rarity, I've had a crush on her since Twilight and I moved into Ponyville, but lately I've...I've just been kinda confused lately."

Applebloom simply looked at him, her demeanor not changing one bit, as Spike looked back over the town.

"I mean...I thought I figured it out, that my heart went to Rarity and I didn't quite care about what the others had to say, but...but ever since you told me, I've actually been thinking about it."

"Ya...ya mean...ya'll actually thought about 'ow ah felt about ya?"

"Kinda hard not to when you're the first I've heard ever say that to me. I guess I'm just getting good at hiding it." he stated with a slight grin, which Applebloom simply rolled her eyes at, "Like I said though...I'm not sure, I'm still attracted to Rarity because she's rather beautiful. N-not that I'm saying you're not, it's just that..." he trailed off

"Yeah, yeah, ah get it..." she stated as she turned her head away from him, a slight bit of an upset tone in her voice.

"It's not really like that Applebloom." Spike stated, fully turning his head toward the young filly, "I mean, yeah, Rarity is a beautiful mare, and I guess that's why I'm attracted to her, but I do kinda....feel for you too." his voice becoming a little more quiet, he gave a sigh and continued, "I think I do kinda feel attracted to you too, it just...feels different."

Applebloom then looked at him again, her head kinda dipped kinda low, so she wasn't really being eye-to-eye with Spike.

"It's been fun hanging out with you, you're fun, kind, brave, and like I said already, you've been a great friend to me since this whole 'I'm a pony now' thing started. I guess that's why I'm confused, part of me wants to continue going after Rarity, but because I've been rather happy being with you, I think part of me wants to give it up and go to you."

Applebloom gave a small smile and wiped one of her tears away.

"I'm not about to just toss your feelings aside, but...if it's alright, I'd rather try staying as your friend for now, just your friend. At least till I figure out what these feelings of mine are telling me." he stated with a sigh.

"Can ah...at least...um...still hang out with ya?" Applebloom said with a hint of hope in her voice.

Spike thought about it for a moment, before replying, "Sure, I don't mind, and I guess...I could let you cuddle up to me like you did yesterday once in a while, I mean you did kinda earn it at least in my opinion."

Applebloom just smiled at that prospect and didn't hesitate to do so as she scooted closer and pressed herself up against him, and once again placed her head just under Spike's.

Spike swallowed a lump in his throat, wondering if he's probably gonna regret allowing Applebloom these kinds of moments, but soon let his breathing become a little ragged as he gave a sigh, trying to refresh the air in his lungs and work it around that dull lump in his chest he now felt when Applebloom showed affection toward him.

The two remained quiet as they just sat there, Spike's field of vision going toward the town, occasionally looking at the familiar building of Carousel Boutique from the distance, while Applebloom once again nuzzled his fur around his front, making good use of the time Spike was willing to allow her to cuddle up to him. Spike decided to try sinking the tip of his nose into Applebloom mane, which wasn't hard when the young filly's mane was practically tickling his nose, before once again giving a smile.

"You're really not gonna make this easy for me are you Applebloom?" Spike thought to himself and gave another sigh, "Well I suppose I can't blame her."

As the two sat there in each others presence, they failed to notice a familiar yellow pegasus just a couple of yards behind them trying to hide behind a tree and a bush and failing horribly at it as her tail stuck and mane slightly stuck out of the shrub, not that the two were actually paying attention anyway. Fluttershy had actually found the two only a few moments ago, and was able to hear them from where she was, though it was just barely. The pegasus had a hoof on her mouth.

"Oh my gosh, so I wasn't seeing things. Oh, what should I do?" she asked herself out loud, though to be quite frank it was barely above a whisper, "Should I congratulate them? Maybe I should tell Twilight and Applejack? Oh, but what if they get mad. I don't want them to be mad at them...oh no, they're coming." and buried herself into the shrub to hide.

Applebloom and Spike walked by, none the wiser about Fluttershy being there, and slowly made their way back to the path that will take them back to town.

"Maybe I should just talk to Twilight, she'll know what to do, but if she get's mad and Spike...Maybe I should...I should just stay quiet. Yes, quiet. Nothing bad has ever happened because a pony stayed quiet." she stated to herself, then gulped and hoped she was right about that as she flew up into the air and back towards her cottage.

Once back in town, Spike escorted Applebloom up to the gate of the farm.

"Thanks again fer letting me hang out with ya Spike."

Spike forced a nervous chuckle and said, "Sure...no problem. I'll see you later then?"

Applebloom gave a smile and nodded

"Alright, good night Applebloom." and with that, Spike started toward the library.

Applebloom turned and started walking toward the Apple Family home, an extra trot in her step, before she stopped as she saw Applejack and Big Macintosh at the front door waiting for her.

"Applebloom, mind if we have a talk wit' ya'll?" her sister asked as both she and Big Macintosh looked at her with a serious look on their faces.

"S-s-sure Applejack." she replied nervously and forced a grin.

As soon as Spike got back to the library, it was already dark, but for the most part it wasn't late yet, so Twilight wouldn't be worried about him.

"Twilight, I'm back." he called out and closed the front door behind him

Hearing no answer, he looked around. He found the library in a bit of a mess, but otherwise fine, a simple sandwich was left on the table, presumably for him. He lightly groaned and tried looking for Twilight upstairs. He stopped in front of the door that led out to the balcony as soon as he noticed the color purple, and saw that she was still outside.

"Twilight, I'm back." he said to her as he walked up, before finding that she was fast asleep.

Twilight still looked like a mess. Bit's of her mane where out of place again, but better than it had that morning, and by the looks of it parts of the fur on her face were slightly matted from having tears dry up on them. Next to her were a few books, most of them generic reading material that Twilight had gotten interested in and a few others spell books. Among the pile was the now-familiar, pink mothering book and the counter spell book that Luna had given her.

Spike looked at her for a moment, and gave a sigh as he remembered what Applebloom had told him earlier then considered his past with Twilight. All the fun times, the sad times, and the time he's been happy to be able to call himself Twilight's assistant. He weighed his options before finally giving another sigh and tried waking the unicorn from her slumber. After all, he couldn't just let her sleep out there.

He poked her face, "Twilight, wake up. Wake up." he stated and poked her face again.

Twilight grumbled something in her sleep before unconsciously grabbing Spike and holding him close. Her head was on top of his torso, essentially using him as a pillow.

"Ugh! Twilight!" he stated loudly, "Twilight! Wake up!" He struggled and squirmed under her head.

"Huh...Wha...?" the unicorn responded as she woke up and looked down at her 'pillow', "Oh, Spike, I'm so sorry about that. I didn't mean to."

"Forget about it, just glad your awake Twilight." he just stated, "Come on, let's get to bed." He edged her on to start moving.

"Yes, yes...of course."

The two went up without much of a word to the other. Once upstairs, Spike once again gave Twilight a push, as if to help the still slightly drowsy unicorn onto her bed.

"Thank you Spike." she simply said as she laid down under the covers

"Hehe, don't mention it." he simply replied and jumped onto the bed himself, struggling a bit as he did so, and tried fluffing one of Twilight's pillows for her before squeezing himself under the covers and popping back up next to Twilight.

"Spike, what are you-?"

"Twilight, for once, just don't ask please." he stated and shifted himself into a more comfortable position and closed his eyes.

Twilight gave a curious look before finally smiling and wrapped Spike in her forehooves.

"Just do me a favor Twilight, and don't overdo it alright? Only once in a while, okay?"

"Okay." Twilight replied, "Thank you again, Spike.", her smile not once disappearing from her face.

"And please, don't drool."

"Not that I do anyway." Twilight thought to herself.

Author's Note:

About the Apple siblings' parents, as I stated earlier, this was before season 3, so this was before the whole Apple Family Reunion episode. While I don't question folks' approach to the idea that their parents are no longer of this world, I wasn't completely all too comfortable with the idea of that for my story, so you get that explanation rather than the usual. Hope that's not an issue.