• Published 13th Dec 2013
  • 7,078 Views, 48 Comments

My Little Spike - Blueninetails

After an incident with one of Twilight's spells, Spike finds himself in the body of a colt rather than a dragon.

  • ...

Chapter 5

At noon, Twilight took some time away from her books to talk to Fluttershy. She had told Spike what she was planning to do today, which was to simply get some advice from Fluttershy, neglecting to mention what he did and said that morning. Spike was a little un-easy about it, but decided to just shrug it off. In the meantime, he was once again left at Sweet Apple Acres, this time with Applejack. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had met up earlier to walk to school today and talk. Applejack had a guess where they would be after school from what she managed to hear, but it won't be for a little while. In the meantime, he decided to try bucking some of the smaller trees and help with some of the harvest around the farm.

"Thank you so much for having me over, Fluttershy. I just hope I'm not any trouble." Twilight stated as Fluttershy poured her a cup of tea. Both were sitting at the table just outside of Fluttershy's home, having a quick lunch.

Fluttershy gave a quick smile before putting the teapot down on the table and taking her seat, "Of course not, Twilight. I love having friends over even if it's just to say 'Hello'."

"Anyway, if you don't mind, I'd like to just get to the point Fluttershy." Twilight stated with a semi-serious tone, "I came over to ask for your help."

"Oh...well, um....okay. What do you need my help with?" Fluttershy asked, "Is it to watch Spike again? Because, I can do that if you want."

"No, not this time. I just need some advice."

"About what exactly?"

"Well...." Twilight replied as she rubbed the back of her head, visibly nervous, "About...mothering."

Fluttershy was taken back as her eyes widened, she would've been completely silent if she hadn't caught Twilight's nervous look, telling her she was just as embarrassed to ask as she was surprised by the question, "Well...um...I'm not sure if I'm the right pony to ask Twilight...maybe you should ask another pony...I'm sorry."

"No, please, Fluttershy you're the only one I can talk to about this." TWilight stated, "I know it's an unusual request, but you've got to know. Haven't you ever acted motherly towards one of your pets or animal friends? Just one?"

Fluttershy thought about it, her mind going to Angel Bunny as she also looked in his direction. Angel wasn't paying attention, but he was napping in the shade of a tree.

"Please, it's about Spike." Twilight added

That seemed to get Fluttershy's attention, "Well...alright...I'll try. W-why don't you try explaining to me? If that's okay."

Twilight simply nodded and explained why her sudden interest on the topic. Fluttershy listened intently, her facial expressions being the only way Twilight knew her current thoughts at any given time. It wasn't particularly long, but Fluttershy noted that Twilight spoke rather frequently about her confusion and feelings since that morning, and judged for herself how serious Twilight was about the subject by her tone and how descriptive she was about these feelings.

After Twilight finished, Fluttershy gave a pause as she stared at her cup of tea, before getting up and saying, "Um...wait here for a moment, please." She silently walked into her home.

During her wait, Twilight became concerned if she had made the wrong decision and estranged one of her friends by asking on such an out-of-the-blue subject. She eventually calmed down when Fluttershy returned with a pink book.

Fluttershy placed the book on the table then pushed it toward Twilight with a hoof as she sat back onto her seat.

Twilight gave the book a quick look before levitating it closer to look at the title, "'Mothering 1-0-1: The Mother, and her young foal'" Twilight read out loud.

"There's not much I could say...I'm sorry." Fluttershy said quietly, but just loud enough for Twilight to hear, "Um...just let Spike know you care for him, and you'll keep him safe. I do that with all the animals, I try to make them feel safe whenever I interact with them, and that I care for what they have to tell me...if they allow me to."

"Well...seems pretty basic really, but I'm sure it will help." Twilight simply said as she flipped through a few pages of the book, "Thank you so much, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy just gave a smile and nodded.

"Do you mind if I ask where you got this?"

"Oh...um, somepony in Ponyville was selling some of her things a couple of years ago. I saw that nopony was interested in buying, so I felt bad for her and decided to buy the first thing I saw." Fluttershy explained, "It wasn't too bad...I only lost six bits..., and I figured I could probably find some use for it someday."

Twilight simply nodded in understanding before putting the book back down to take a sip of her tea.

After another moment or so to finish lunch and chat about other matters, Twilight was getting ready to leave as she put her bag on her back.

"Again, I apologize if I wasn't much help Twilight."

"It's okay, Fluttershy. I think this book you gave me will be more than enough. I'm sorry I had to confide this with you, I just hope I didn't cause you any trouble from asking this of you."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll be fine, and I promise I won't tell the others. At least until you want me to."

"Thanks again, Fluttershy." Twilight said one last time before she began walking back home, "And don't worry about your book, I promise to keep it safe."

In the meanwhile, Spike and Applejack were just finishing up with applebucking and was about to put the baskets of apples into her apple cellar.

Applejack gave a chuckle as she looked at Spike, who was very much tired, "How 'bout ya'll just sit here and take a rest lil' fella. Ah can take these apples to the cellar on mah own."

"Thanks...I really need it." he stated as he panted.

"Here." Applejack stated as she picked up a good sized red apple from one of the baskets by the stem and placed it in front of Spike, "Ya earned it, sugercube."

"Thank you." he said before chopping down on the fruit.

"Ah gotta say, y'all didn't do too bad for yer first time. Particularly for a fella yer size." she said as she prepared to pull the cart of apples, "Now y'all just stay here an' wait for me. Ah'll be right back, lickety-split."

It only took a moment, but by the time Applejack returned, the cart was empty, and Spike was well rested and back on his feet.

"Feelin' better sugarcube?"

"A little, but I think I'll be sore for a couple of hours at least." he replied, earning a chuckle from Applejack.

"Ah know how ya feel." she simply stated, "Some of the others think doin' this is all easy work, but in truth, it takes years of practice. Ah always felt tired doin' these chores, but ah knew ah wanted to do this, and Big Mac was always such good support in those days."

"So what did you do to ease the soreness?"

"A lil' bag of ice should do the trick, but otherwise ya'll just have ta grin and bear it. Yer body will adjust to it eventually."

"Applejack...can I ask you something about Applebloom?"

"Ah reckon ah could spare a moment or two." she replied as she sat down in front of Spike, "What's on yer mind?"

"I was just wondering...has Applebloom ever mentioned if she's taken interest in anypony?"

Applejack shot a curious look. "Ya'll mean like a school crush? Ah don't reckon she's ever mentioned anything like that. Why do ya ask?"

"No reason, I was just wondering."

She continued to give him a curious glance, hiding a stern feeling behind it.

"I'm sorry. Guess I've been just...thinking too much like how Twilight was back at the academy." he stated trying to make an alibi.

Applejack chuckled, "Well, lucky for Twi, ah don't quite care much for gossip. Not sure if that's yer interest, but ya'll don't have to tell me."

"It's not. I guess it's just a random question."

She just gave a nod and decided to just push the subject to the back of her mind, at least for now. "Well, Ah'm suppose ta be keepin' an eye on ya for a while. Mind helpin' me with some deliveries? I gotta make a few rounds today with some vegetable delievers around town." she explained as she got back onto her feet.

Spike just gave a shrug and started following Applejack.

As the time flew by, both managed to finish all of AJ's deliveries and had already left the cart back at Sweet Apple Acres. While in town, they eventually found Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. The three fillies were waiting near the spa with Rainbow and Twilight. Rainbow was looking at a clipboard, and she was also wearing her coaching attire. It was a clear giveaway about what the Crusaders were up to after school. While Twilight was just there, giving a disapproving look at Rainbow's list for the CMC.

"Howdy girls." Applejack greeted them

"Oh, hey Applejack." Rainbow greeted as Twilight just gave a smile.

"Hey, Spike." Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo greeted their honorary member simultaneously.

"Why weren't you at school today?" Scootaloo asked

"Uh...I've never needed to as a dragon." he simply replied

"Well, you're not one now."

"It's only temporary. Once Spike's back to normal, he'll be dragon again." Twilight explained.

"Anyway, what's going on?" Spike asked

"Rainbow Dash is helping us try finding our cutie marks." Scootaloo proudly stated, "She made a list of things we're gonna try before the day's over."

"Some of these I'm just wondering if they're...appropriate for fillies their age." Twilight stated

"They're just a few sports. I don't mean them any harm or anything." Rainbow stated defensively

"I'm not sure if 'mountain climbing' counts." Twilight stated bluntly, "I mean I'm sure it's fine for pegasi, but Scootaloo doesn't even know how to fly properly yet, and is it really safe for unicorns and earth ponies?"

"Come on Twilight. I know what I'm doing. I'll give you my word they won't leave my sight."

"Well ya'll just make sure ya keep a good eye on them then, Rainbow. Ah can guarentee that Rarity and myself are not gonna take it at all too kindly if y'all got them hurt."

"Come on, I know what I'm doing." she stated, her tone expressing how she's getting upset in her friends' apparent distrust of her abilities.

Applejack and Twilight were skeptical alright, but decided to humor the young fillies, but on the condition that they would also be joining just to help keep an eye on them. Rainbow had chosen the mountain that she and the others had to climb to convince a full-grown dragon to sleep elsewhere because Equestria would've been covered under a smoke cloud for a 100 years if it didn't.

Spike, unfortunately, had no choice but to follow along, but he didn't find it all that bad. If anything he was actually curious where the others had gone during that whole ordeal while he stayed behind watching Fluttershy's animal friends.

Since Rainbow was the coach, she was obligated to keep a close eye on the four younger ponies the entire time. Applejack and Twilight did also keep an eye on them, but only so much, both would travel further on to check the conditions to let the others know about any possible danger, like the landslide zone, or be support when Rainbow arrived with them at that position.

During the times Twilight was up ahead and waiting for the others, she'd practice the counter spell on various weed-like plants that grew on the mountain or the rocks themselves. If she wasn't doing that she was just reading the pink book she had gotten from Fluttershy, and was very careful not to let the other see it once they did come around.

"Ah think we 'otta consider turnin' back Rainbow." Applejack voiced in, "Not much daylight left."

"Not much? There's plenty enough daylight left." Rainbow stated, "We can go on another 200 yards."

"Well ah'm sure that's all fine and dandy for ya Rainbow, but don'tcha forget, the rest of us ain't pegasi. We have ta walk back ta town."

"I'm sure Twilight knows a teleportation spell."

"Well..., not exactly. I mean I do, but I'm not sure what would happen if I teleported all seven of us back." Twilight stated as she fastened the strap for her saddlebag.

"If you can do it, why not try?" Sweetie Belle asked

"Yeah, we know yer good with spells. You can do it, Twilight." Applebloom added.

"It's not my ability to teleport that I'm questioning." Twilight simply replied to all of them, "It's the experience. I'm well experienced in teleportation, and can easily travel certain distances, but that's usually with just myself. I've never tried teleporting more than one pony before. Last time I did, it was by accident, and it was with Spike. Both of us had to shake ash off our slightly burned fur and scales."

"I can vouch for that." Spike rang in, "Took me a while to wash off so I didn't smell like I rolled around in some firepit."

"Oh...alright." Rainbow admitted defeat, not finding the idea of getting her feathers burned off at all appealing.

"Aww..." the CMC just said simultaneously in disappointment as they started walking back to town.

As they walked back, they simply talked about how their day went. Twilight had offered Spike a chance to ride on her back, since he looked a bit tired, and figured he'd like it considering he'd usually do that; but, he declined and simply walked.

"Say, Twilight, how's that spell of your's coming along?" Rainbow asked as she just slowly hovered in the air to

keep up with the others, "It's been almost a week since you started. I'm sure you must have it down by now."

"Oh...I've nearly perfected it. I can now change objects into various forms, and I finally understand permanent transformation."

"So why isn't Spike a dragon again?"

Twilight would look at Spike then back at Rainbow, "Because...I've actually found no reference for 'baby dragon'. I've only seen one for 'adult dragons', and even then, that's not one of the forms I figured out."

"Twi informed me the day before she's workin' on a counter spell instead." Applejack rang in.

"Wouldn't that take longer?" Rainbow simply asked

"True, it's a new spell afterall, but one that if I can master it guarantees that Spike will be back to his normal self." Twilight was stated firmly.

It didn't take long for all seven to make it back into town. The whole time Applebloom stood near Spike, much to his discomfort since she was a bit too close into his personal space. He was still trying to process what she had told him the previous night, but decided not to complain about it; considering she didn't seem to be focused at the moment and was simply following the others. It was an action that got Applejack to raise a brow as she just barely looked over her shoulder at them.

Back in town, the group split for home. Spike and Twilight headed back to the Library, Applejack and Applebloom towards the orchard, and Rainbow bringing Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to their homes.

"So how was your day, Spike?" Twilight simply asked as she levitated him onto her back, noticing the foal's tiredness.

"Tiresome." he simply replied with a exasperated sigh, "First I was picking apples with Applejack, then I was hiking up a mountain. Why didn't we just go home?"

She gave a chuckle at the statement before saying, "Well you didn't exactly complain the entire trip, Spike."

"Yeah." Spike sighed as he closed his eyes for a moment. "So, where did that small pink book you were reading come from?"


"I saw you reading a book during the times you were waiting for us. I've never seen it before in the library."

"Oh, it's a book Fluttershy is letting me borrow from her. It's about that advice I told you about this morning."

"Oh...right. I remember now. Think it'll help?"

"It won't really help in turning you back. It's really just...something I wanted to look into personally." Twilight replied with a small smile, "But don't worry, I'm making good progress on that counter-spell, and with any luck I'll figure it out soon. I'd rather not rush it though with this one, since you're gonna be my test subject on this, I need to make sure I get it right the first time, otherwise you might turn into something else besides a pony."

Spike simply nodded in agreement.

Once back home, Spike simply wished to go to bed. Twilight attempted to make him eat something, in the end he settled for a half-eaten muffin that Twilight didn't finish, then proceeded to getting to bed. There were two boxes from Sugercube Corner there as well, but Spike decided he can find out in the morning. About half-way up the stairs, he was quickly picked up by Twilight as she carried him the rest of the way. Without saying as much as a word, she placed him in his bed, gave him a moment to find a comfortable position, and tucked him in with her magic as best she could.

"There. Comfortable?" she asked nicely.

"Yes. Thanks Twilight."

"Hey, you had a tough day. Besides it's not any different from any other time I brought you up here myself."

"Of course it was...you actually *yawns*...tucked me...*yawn*..." Spike promptly fell asleep.

Twilight laughed quietly to herself. Spike was right, she'd never tucked him in, not since they were younger and Celestia first instructed her to do so. These days Twilight seemed to be just comfortable throwing a blanket over him and making sure he looked comfortable for the night. "Well, it's hard to pretend taking on the role of a maternal figure if I didn't." she simply replied to him, again, a reply that fell on deaf ears, "Just sleep tight, okay?" and lightly nuzzled his face before turning around to go write a letter to Luna.

Twilight had wanted to report to Princess Luna of her progress on the counter spell, as slow as the progress was. By normal standards, Twilight took less time to learn a new spell, she'd been researching and practicing permanent transformation for a couple of days now. It wasn't exactly a simple spell to master for her amusement, like that one mustache spell she used on Spike once.

After sending Owlicious to deliver the message for her, Twilight went back to practicing the counterspell. She expected plenty of time before Owlicious returned. Unlike Princess Celestia, Princess Luna wasn't easy to locate during the evening and the night.

"Alright, once more." Twilight stated as she gave a sigh as she focused her spell again. In front of her sat two daffodil sandwiches, both on separate plates. As the spell wrapped around them, Twilight focused harder until both took on new forms: one a slice of pie, and other piece of cake. The items original forms. Both are food items, again, but this time Twilight had requested that Pinkie Pie choose the flavors of both and not tell her exactly each one was. In fact each was suppose to have a small surprise. She was hoping with the lack of knowledge on both, she'd be sure she mastered the counterspell rather than just a re-transformation of the items.

"Alright, let's see..." she'd say to herself as she walked over. Taking a bite of the cake showed how much Pinkie really worked hard on it to fit her request. It looked like a normal slice of chocolate cake with white chocolate flakes for decoration, but the flavor was anything but chocolate. It still had chocolate, but the taste was predominately like a bowl of apples and grapes, with a hint of coconut. Taking the time to eat a fresh slice from the cake itself, of which she never touched with her magic, confirmed it tasted the same.

The pie was next as Twilight took a small bite of the slice she was working with. Overall, the pie itself looked delicious, it looked to be cinnamon apple pie, a particular specialty that Applejack shared with the energetic earth pony, and that Pinkie had taken extra care to make it look just right. Unfortunately for Twilight, it wasn't what she thought it was. Her eyes shot wide open, and her face turned red. The pie really was cinnamon apple pie, but it also contained just the right amount of Pinkie's favorite hot sauce. Well, at least in Pinkie's opinion. Twilight rushed to find any source of water.

After drinking enough water to thoroughly cool the burning sensation in her mouth, Twilight returned to simply take the pie apart. She didn't want to sample the pie again, so Twilight simply just compared the slice and rest of the pie visually. She then gave a proud smile once she concluded that they were similar enough to be the same.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" she simply said happily as she hopped around the room happily. She only stopped when she heard Owlicious pecking at the window. She noticed he held a scroll in his talons. "You weren't able to find Princess Luna?" Twilight asked as she opened the window, letting the owl in.

Owlicious shook his head and placed the scroll on Twilight's study table before going over to his perch to rest.

Twilight gave the scroll a look over, before her eyes went wide. She didn't expect to see the all too familiar royal seal on the scroll. "Princess Celestia...!?" Twilight then quickly opened the letter to read it.

"My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle,
I apologize greatly for my sudden absence these last few days, a matter of great urgency caught my attention a few days ago, and I had to go and take care of it. My sister, Princess Luna, also has informed me of your troubles with transformation spells while I was absent, a problem that I think I can take some time to help remedy. I'll try to make a quick visit to Ponyville come first light. Until then, sleep well my student.
-Princess Celestia"

Twilight blinked a few times as she re-read the message. Sure, she was happy her mentor was back and she just learned a new spell, two if you count the fact she's mastered transformation. Yet, part of her felt like it sank deep inside her, and she understood why. It most certainly been less than 24 hours since Spike incidentally called her 'mommy', and part of Twilight really wanted to see how else she could play out the part, especially since she had gone through the trouble of asking one of her friends for advice. She grabbed a blank scroll to reply to her mentor.

"Dear Princess Celestia,
I'm glad to hear you have returned safely, and yes, I must admit, I do feel I've taken on more than I can chew with this spell. While I appreciate the kind offer, I must ask if I can decline. I have been working very hard to master the counter-spell for it, and I would like to take it on as a challenge. I've gotten close in my recent attempts, and I feel with more time I can learn to master it. Please, I just ask for 2-4 more days for practice.
-Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle"